Unraveling the Twin Paradox and Time Dilation
Dive into the fascinating world of special relativity. Discover how time slows down at high speeds, explore the twin paradox, and grasp the mind-bending nature of space-time in our engaging video lesson.

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  1. Twin Paradox
    1. Calculate the mean lifetime of a moving muon, knowing that it travels at a speed of 0.80c with respect to the laboratory. Its mean life time is 4.4μ\mus when is at rest.

    2. Find the distance travelled by the muon before decaying
    Postulate of the special theory of relativity, time dilation and twin paradox

    In this lesson, we will learn:

    • Galilean-Newtonian relativity
    • Inertial frame of references Vs. Non-inertial frame of references
    • Relativity principles
    • Comparison between variables among different frame of references
    • The Michelson-Morley experiment
    • Postulates of the Special Theory of Relativity
    • Time Dilation and Twin Paradox.


    Galilean-Newtonian relativity

    This theory deals with observing objects and events from different frame of references.
    The special relativity deals with the “inertial frame of reference” in which the Newton’s first law of motion is valid. It is easier to measure and observe events using the inertial frame of reference.

    Inertial frame of references Vs. Non-inertial frame of references

    Although Earth is rotating, for most purposes we take the earth as inertial frame of reference
    A frame of reference moving at constant speed with respect to an inertial frame is also considered as an inertial frame of reference.
    Any rotating or accelerating frame is considered as a non-inertial frame of reference.

    Relativity principles

    The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frame of reference;
    Examples: while travelling in a train, which moves with constant velocity, bodies move just as just they do when you are at rest on the Earth.

    Relativity principles

    The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frame of reference;
    Examples: while travelling in a train, which moves with constant velocity, bodies move just as just they do when you are at rest on the Earth.

    Dropping a coin inside the car and taking two different frame of references;

    1. Frame of reference: car
      The coin falls straight downward and hit the floor directly below the point of release.

    2. Frame of reference: Earth
      From an observer point of view on the Erath, the coin covers a curved path.

    3. Conclusion;
      The actual path covered by the coin is different as viewed from different frames of references.
      This does not contradict the laws of physics, the same law of gravity and motion applies in both reference frames. (same acceleration in both frame of references)

      The only difference;
      In the first frame of reference the initial velocity of the coin is zero but in the second frame of reference the coin has same initial velocity as the car.

    In classical mechanics, space and time intervals are considered to be absolute;
    In any frame of reference, the TIME INTERVAL, LENGTH, is the same. Their measurement does not change form one reference frame to another.

    Mass of the object and all forces are assumed to be the same in all frame of references.

    Comparison between variables among different frame of references

    \, Variable \,








    Stays the same









    A person walks inside a train toward the front with a speed of 4m/s. but if the train moves 20m/s with respect to the Earth, then the person is moving with 24m/s with respect to the Earth. The acceleration, however, is the same for both frame of references.

    Frame of reference; train
    The person accelerates from 0 to 4m/s in 2 seconds

    α=v2v1t=402= \alpha = \frac{v_{2} - v_{1}} {t} = \frac{4 - 0} {2} = 2mm/s2

    Frame of reference; the Earth
    The person accelerates from 20 to 24 in 2 seconds

    α=v2v1t=24202= \alpha = \frac{v_{2} - v_{1}} {t} = \frac{24 - 20} {2} = 2mm/s2

    According to Newton’s second law;

    F=maF= ma
    Acceleration is constant
    Mass is constant

    Therefore, force does not change as the frame of reference changes.

    In general, we can say, all inertial frames are equivalent, laws of mechanics are the same in any initial frame of reference.

    The “ether”

    Waves can travel trough medium, such as; water, air, rope.
    The medium though which light waves can travel is called the “ether”.
    A transparent medium with zero density through which light can travel.
    Maxwell’s predicted that light is an electromagnetic wave, using his equation the velocity of light calculated to be 3.0×108m/s, but is equation has no provision for relative velocity. (no specific frame of reference is defined by Maxwell) Scientists assume that the Maxwell’s equitation must be with respect to the ether.

    The Michelson-Morley experiment

    The Michelson-Morley experiment was done to check the existence of the ether.
    The difference in the speed of light in different directions is measured.
    They were expecting to find different values for the speed of light as the orientation of the apparatus was changing. The existence of the ether should affect the velocity of the light in different directions.
    Null result: no difference was detected

    Postulate of Special Theory of Relativity Time Dilation and Twin Paradox

    Postulates of the Special Theory of Relativity

    The postulates proposed by Einstein is to come up with a solution to the “ether” existence.

    The first postulate
    The laws of physics (not only the laws of mechanics) have the same form in all inertial reference frames.

    The second postulate
    Light propagates through empty space with a definite speed c independent of the speed of the source or observer.
    (The speed of light predicted by Maxwell’s equation, is the speed of light in vacuum in any frame of reference)

    Note: The special theory of relativity, deals only with inertial frames.

    Time Dilation and Twin Paradox

    To calculate the time Dilation, lets calculate the time taken for light to travel across a spaceship and back from two different observers;

    1. Observer on the spaceship

    2. Postulate of Special Theory of Relativity Time Dilation and Twin Paradox

      t0=2Dc \triangle t_{0} = \frac{2D} {c}

    3. Observer on the Earth

    4. Postulate of Special Theory of Relativity Time Dilation and Twin Paradox

      2L=v.tL=v.t/L = v. \triangle t \, \Rightarrow \, L \, = \, v. \triangle t/2

    vv is the speed of the spaceship

    the time interval, \trianglet, observed by the observer on the Earth can be calculated as follows;

    The light ravels the total distance on its diagonal path (Pythagoras theorem), therefore,
    distance travelled by light is d= \,d = \,2D2+L2\, \large \sqrt{D^{2} + L^{2}}
    distance travelled by light can be calculated using;

    d=cd = c. t\triangle t (distance travelled by light)

    but, d= \,d = \,2D2+L2\,\large \sqrt{D^{2} + L^{2}}

    \Rightarrow \enspace 2D2+L2=c.t\, \large \sqrt{D^{2} + L^{2}} = c.\triangle t \, where L=v.t/L = v.\triangle t/2 \, \Rightarrow \, 2D2+(v.t/2)2=c.t\, \large \sqrt{D^{2} + (v.\triangle t/2})^{2} = c.\triangle t

    We square both sides,

    4[D2+(v.t/2)2]=c2t24[D2+(v2.t2)/4]=c2t2 4[D^{2} + (v.\triangle t/2)^{2}] = c^{2}\triangle t^{2} \, \Rightarrow \, 4[D^{2} + (v^{2.}\triangle t^{2})/4] = c^{2}\triangle t^{2} \, \Rightarrow

    4D2+(v2.t2)=c2t24D2=c2t2(v2.t2)4D2=t2(c2v2) 4D^{2} + (v^{2.}\triangle t^{2}) = c^{2}\triangle t^{2} \, \Rightarrow \, 4D^{2} = c^{2}\triangle t^{2} - (v^{2.}\triangle t^{2}) \, \Rightarrow \, 4D^{2} = \triangle t^{2}(c^{2} - v^{2}) \ \Rightarrow

    t2=4D2/(c2v2)t=2D/c2v2 \triangle t^{2} = 4D^{2}/(c^{2} - v^{2}) \quad \Rightarrow \quad \triangle t = 2D / \sqrt{c^{2} - v^{2} } \, \Rightarrow

    t=2D/c2(1v2/c2)t=\triangle t = 2D / \sqrt{c^{2}(1 - v^{2} / c^{2}) } \quad \Rightarrow \quad \triangle t = 2Dc(1v2/c2)\large \frac{2D} {{^c}\sqrt{(1 - v^{2} / c^{2})}}

    In the reference frame of the spaceship, the time interval measured by observer on spaceship is calculated as t0=2Dc,2D=c.t0\triangle t_{0} = \frac{2D}{c} , 2D = c. \triangle t_{0}

    Substituting 2D in t\triangle t equation we can find t\triangle t in terms of cc and vv.

    Postulate of Special Theory of Relativity Time Dilation and Twin Paradox

    t\triangle t: the time interval observed by the observer on Earth
    t0t_{0}: the time interval observed by the observer on Earth
    vv: the speed of the spaceship
    vv: the speed of light

    Always (v2(v^{2} < c2)t0(1v2/c2) c^{2}) \, \Rightarrow \, \triangle t_{0} \, \sqrt{(1 - v^{2} / c^{2})} \, is always more than one t \, \Rightarrow \, \triangle t > t0 \, \triangle t_{0}

    Time Dilation equation can also be written as; t=γt0\triangle t = \gamma \triangle t_{0} \, where, γ=1/(1v2/c2) \gamma = 1/ \sqrt{(1 - v^{2} / c^{2})}

    The fact that two events simultaneous to one observer may not be simultaneous to a second observer, suggest that time is not absolute.

    Twin paradox

    According to the twin paradox, if a pair of 20-year-old twins are separated, one takes off to the space with a spaceship travelling at very high speed, and the other one stays on the Earth. The astronaut tween will age lese. Whereas 20 years might pass for the Earth twin, the astronaut, perhaps only one year would pass for the traveler. When the traveler returns, the earthbound twin would be 40 years old whereas the traveling twin would be only 21.

    As the speed of a moving object gets closer to the speed of the light, the slower the time travels.


    The twin paradox, a fascinating concept in the special theory of relativity, illustrates the mind-bending effects of time dilation. This thought experiment involves one twin embarking on a high-speed space journey while the other remains on Earth. Upon the traveler's return, they find their Earth-bound sibling has aged more, demonstrating how time can flow differently for objects moving at different speeds. Time dilation, a key principle in Einstein's theory, explains how time slows down for fast-moving objects relative to stationary ones. Our introduction video delves into these complex ideas, offering a clear and engaging explanation of the twin paradox and time dilation. By visualizing these concepts, viewers gain a deeper understanding of how space and time are interwoven in the fabric of our universe. The video serves as an excellent starting point for those curious about the counterintuitive nature of relativistic physics and its profound implications for our perception of time and space.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about time dilation and the twin paradox:

    1. What is time dilation?

      Time dilation is a phenomenon predicted by Einstein's theory of special relativity where time passes at different rates for objects moving at different speeds or in different gravitational fields. As an object's speed approaches the speed of light, time slows down for that object relative to a stationary observer.

    2. How does the twin paradox work?

      The twin paradox is a thought experiment where one twin stays on Earth while the other travels at high speed through space. Due to time dilation, the traveling twin ages more slowly. Upon return, the space-traveling twin is younger than the Earth-bound twin, despite both having experienced the same duration from their own perspectives.

    3. Has time dilation been proven experimentally?

      Yes, time dilation has been confirmed through various experiments. The Hafele-Keating experiment in 1971 used atomic clocks on airplanes to measure time differences. More recently, ultra-precise atomic clocks have demonstrated time dilation effects even at much smaller speed differences and altitude changes on Earth.

    4. How does time dilation affect GPS systems?

      GPS satellites experience time dilation due to their high orbital speeds and position in Earth's gravitational field. Without accounting for these effects, GPS systems would accumulate errors of up to 10 kilometers per day. Engineers program the satellites to adjust their clocks to compensate for these relativistic effects, ensuring accurate positioning.

    5. Can time dilation lead to time travel?

      While time dilation doesn't allow for traditional "time travel" as depicted in science fiction, it does result in different rates of time passage. An object moving at very high speeds or in strong gravitational fields will experience less time passage than a stationary object. This effect is more like time slowing down rather than traveling backwards or forwards in time.


    Understanding the postulate of the special theory of relativity, time dilation, and the twin paradox requires a solid foundation in various physics and mathematics concepts. While there are no specific prerequisite topics provided for this subject, it's crucial to recognize that a strong background in classical physics, basic relativity, and mathematical principles is essential for grasping these advanced concepts.

    To fully comprehend the postulate of the special theory of relativity, students should be familiar with Newtonian mechanics and the principles of classical physics. This foundation helps in understanding how Einstein's theory revolutionized our perception of space and time. Additionally, a good grasp of vector algebra and basic calculus is crucial for working with the mathematical formulations of special relativity.

    Time dilation, a key concept in special relativity, builds upon the understanding of reference frames and relative motion. Students should be comfortable with these ideas to appreciate how time can appear to pass differently for observers in different reference frames. Furthermore, knowledge of light propagation and the speed of light as a universal constant is fundamental to grasping the core principles of special relativity.

    The twin paradox, an intriguing thought experiment in special relativity, requires a solid understanding of time dilation and length contraction. Students should be familiar with these effects to follow the logical progression of the paradox and its resolution. Additionally, concepts from general relativity, such as the equivalence principle, can provide a deeper insight into the twin paradox scenario.

    While not explicitly listed as prerequisites, topics like Lorentz transformations and spacetime diagrams are invaluable tools for visualizing and calculating relativistic effects. Familiarity with these concepts can significantly enhance a student's ability to tackle problems related to special relativity and the twin paradox.

    In conclusion, although specific prerequisites are not provided, a strong foundation in classical physics, mathematics, and basic concepts of relativity is crucial for mastering the postulate of special relativity, time dilation, and the twin paradox. Students are encouraged to review these fundamental topics to ensure a comprehensive understanding of these advanced concepts in modern physics.