  1. Introduction to Ohm's Law:
  2. What have we learned about voltage, current and resistance?
  3. What does Ohm's Law tell us about circuits?
  1. Solving for Current with a Single Resistor in Series

    Ohm's Law
    1. Find the current flowing in the circuit.
    2. If the battery is connected to the circuit for 30 seconds, how much charge passes through the resistor?
      1. 4.0 C
      2. 120 C
      3. 500 C
      4. 3000 C
  2. Solving for Current and Voltage with Multiple Resistors in Series

    Ohm's Law
    1. Find the current coming out of the battery.
    2. Find the voltage used up by each resistor.
  3. Solving for Current, Resistance, and Voltage for Circuits with BOTH Series & Parallel Configurations

    Ohm's Law
    1. Find the current across each resistor.
    2. Find the value of resistor RE.
    3. Find the voltage of the battery.
Topic Notes

Introduction to Ohm's Law

Ohm's Law is a fundamental principle in electrical circuits that describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance. Named after German physicist Georg Ohm, this law is crucial for understanding how electricity flows through various components. Our introduction video provides a visual explanation of this concept. In electrical circuits, Ohm's Law helps engineers and technicians predict how changes in one variable will affect the others. This article will delve into the key components of Ohm's Law: voltage (the electrical pressure), current (the flow of electrons), and resistance (the opposition to current flow). We'll explore how these elements interact and influence each other in different circuit configurations. By mastering Ohm's Law, you'll gain a solid foundation for analyzing and designing electrical systems, from simple household wiring to complex electronic devices. Understanding this principle is essential for anyone working with or studying electrical circuits.

Understanding Voltage in Electrical Circuits

Voltage, also known as electrical potential difference, is a fundamental concept in electrical engineering and physics. It plays a crucial role in the operation of electrical circuits and is often described as the "electrical pressure" that drives current flow. To understand voltage better, let's delve into its definition, units of measurement, and significance in electrical systems.

At its core, voltage represents the difference in electric potential energy between two points in an electrical circuit. This potential difference creates an electric field that exerts a force on charged particles, causing them to move. Imagine voltage as the "push" that propels electrons through a conductor, much like water pressure drives water through pipes.

The unit of measurement for voltage is the volt (V), named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta. One volt is defined as the potential difference required to produce one ampere of current through a resistance of one ohm. Common voltage levels encountered in everyday life include 1.5V in AA batteries, 5V in USB ports, and 120V or 240V in household electrical outlets.

To better grasp the concept of voltage, consider this analogy: Picture a water tower connected to a network of pipes. The height of the water in the tower represents voltage, while the water flow through the pipes represents electric current. Just as the water pressure increases with the tower's height, higher voltage in an electrical circuit creates greater potential for current flow.

Voltage sources are essential components in electrical circuits, providing the necessary electrical pressure to drive current. Common examples include batteries, solar cells, generators, and power supplies. These sources maintain a consistent potential difference between their positive and negative terminals, enabling the flow of electrons in connected circuits.

In practical applications, voltage is measured using instruments called voltmeters or multimeters. These devices are connected in parallel with the component or section of the circuit where voltage measurement is desired. Digital multimeters are widely used for their accuracy and ease of use, displaying voltage readings directly on their screens.

Understanding voltage is crucial for various reasons. In electrical safety, knowing the voltage levels present in a system helps prevent electric shocks and ensures proper insulation. In electronic design, engineers must carefully consider voltage requirements to select appropriate components and power sources. Moreover, voltage plays a vital role in power transmission, where high voltages are used to minimize energy losses over long distances.

It's important to note that voltage alone doesn't determine the amount of electrical power in a circuit. Power is calculated by multiplying voltage by current, emphasizing the interplay between these two fundamental electrical quantities. This relationship is expressed in Ohm's Law, which states that voltage equals current multiplied by resistance (V = I × R).

In conclusion, voltage is a critical concept in electrical systems, representing the driving force behind electron movement. By understanding voltage and its role in circuits, we can better appreciate the workings of the electrical devices that surround us in our daily lives. Whether you're a student of electrical engineering, a DIY enthusiast, or simply curious about how things work, grasping the concept of voltage is an essential step in comprehending the fascinating world of electricity and electronics.

Current: The Flow of Electricity

Electric current is a fundamental concept in the world of electricity and electronics. It refers to the flow of electric charge through a conductor, typically measured in amperes (A). This flow of charge is what powers our devices, lights our homes, and drives countless technological applications in modern society.

The properties of electric current are essential to understand. Firstly, current always flows from a point of higher potential to a point of lower potential. Secondly, it requires a complete circuit to flow continuously. Thirdly, current can be either direct (DC) or alternating (AC), with DC flowing in one direction and AC periodically reversing direction.

An interesting aspect of electric current is the distinction between conventional current and electron flow. Conventional current, established before the discovery of electrons, assumes that positive charges flow from positive to negative. In reality, electrons (negatively charged particles) flow from negative to positive. This discrepancy, while potentially confusing, doesn't affect most practical applications of electrical theory.

Examples of electric current in everyday life are abundant. When you turn on a light switch, current flows through the bulb's filament, causing it to glow. Your smartphone's battery supplies current to its various components. Even the human body uses tiny electrical currents for nerve signals and muscle contractions.

Measuring electric current is crucial in electrical work and is typically done using an ammeter. This device is connected in series with the circuit component being measured, allowing it to directly measure the flow of current. For safety and accuracy, ammeters are designed with very low resistance to avoid affecting the circuit they're measuring.

Understanding how current behaves in different circuit configurations is vital. In a series circuit, where components are connected end-to-end, the current is the same at all points. This means that if one component fails, the entire circuit is broken. In contrast, parallel circuits provide multiple paths for current flow. In this configuration, the total current is divided among the different paths, and if one component fails, the others can still function.

Series circuits are commonly used in string lights, where if one bulb burns out, the entire string goes dark. Parallel circuits, on the other hand, are used in household wiring, allowing multiple devices to operate independently. This is why one light can be turned off without affecting others in your home.

The behavior of current in these circuits follows Kirchhoff's Current Law, which states that the total current entering a junction equals the total current leaving it. This principle is crucial for analyzing complex circuits and designing efficient electrical systems.

In conclusion, electric current is a vital concept in our electrified world. Whether it's powering our homes, charging our devices, or enabling complex industrial processes, understanding current flow is essential. From the basic definition to the nuances of conventional current versus electron flow, and from everyday examples to circuit behaviors, electric current remains at the heart of our technological society. As we continue to innovate and develop new technologies, our understanding and application of electric current will undoubtedly evolve, driving progress in countless fields.

Resistance: Controlling the Flow of Electricity

Electrical resistance is a fundamental concept in the world of electronics, playing a crucial role in controlling the flow of electric current through various materials and components. At its core, resistance is the opposition that a material presents to the flow of electric current. This property is measured in ohms, named after the German physicist Georg Ohm, who discovered the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance.

Understanding resistance is essential for designing and analyzing electrical circuits. Materials with high resistance, known as insulators, impede the flow of electricity, while those with low resistance, called conductors, allow current to pass through easily. The resistance of a material depends on several factors, including its composition, length, cross-sectional area, and temperature. As the length of a conductor increases, so does its resistance, while an increase in cross-sectional area reduces resistance. Temperature also plays a role, with most materials exhibiting increased resistance as they heat up.

Resistors are electronic components specifically designed to provide a predetermined amount of resistance in a circuit. They come in various types, each suited for different applications. Fixed resistors maintain a constant resistance value and are commonly used in many electronic devices. Variable resistors, also known as potentiometers or rheostats, allow for adjustable resistance and are often found in volume controls or dimmer switches. Special-purpose resistors include thermistors, which change resistance with temperature, and photoresistors, which respond to light intensity.

The impact of resistance on circuit behavior is significant. According to Ohm's Law, the current flowing through a resistor is directly proportional to the voltage across it and inversely proportional to its resistance. This relationship is expressed as I = V/R, where I is current, V is voltage, and R is resistance. In practical terms, this means that increasing resistance in a circuit will reduce the current flow for a given voltage. Conversely, decreasing resistance will allow more current to flow.

Resistors are used in circuits for various purposes. They can limit current flow to protect sensitive components, divide voltage in potential divider circuits, and provide biasing for transistors and other active devices. In more complex applications, resistors are used in filter circuits to shape frequency responses, in feedback networks to control amplifier gain, and in timing circuits to set specific time constants.

The voltage drop across a resistor is another important concept. As current flows through a resistor, it creates a potential difference across its terminals. This voltage drop is proportional to both the current flowing through the resistor and its resistance value, as described by Ohm's Law. In series circuits, the total voltage is distributed across multiple resistors, with higher resistance components experiencing larger voltage drops. In parallel circuits, the voltage remains constant across all resistors, but the current divides according to the individual resistance values.

Understanding and manipulating resistance is crucial for engineers and hobbyists alike. It allows for the precise control of current and voltage in circuits, enabling the creation of everything from simple LED indicators to complex electronic systems. By carefully selecting resistor values, designers can ensure that components operate within their specified voltage and current ranges, preventing damage and ensuring optimal performance.

In conclusion, electrical resistance is a fundamental property that governs the behavior of electric circuits. From the basic principles of conductors and insulators to the practical applications of various resistor types, understanding resistance is key to mastering electrical engineering. Whether you're designing a simple voltage divider or a sophisticated control system, the concept of resistance remains at the heart of electrical theory and practice.

The Mathematical Relationship of Ohm's Law

Ohm's Law is a fundamental principle in electrical engineering and circuit analysis, expressed by the simple yet powerful formula: V = IR. This equation forms the cornerstone of understanding electrical circuits and is essential for anyone working with electronics or studying electrical systems.

Let's break down the components of the Ohm's Law formula:

  • V represents voltage, measured in volts (V)
  • I represents current, measured in amperes (A)
  • R represents resistance, measured in ohms (Ω)

The beauty of Ohm's Law lies in its simplicity and versatility. By knowing any two of these values, you can easily calculate the third. This makes it an invaluable tool for circuit analysis and design.

Calculating Voltage, Current, and Resistance

Let's explore how to use the Ohm's Law formula to calculate each component:

1. Calculating Voltage (V)

If you know the current (I) and resistance (R), you can calculate the voltage using: V = I × R

Example: If a circuit has a current of 2 amperes and a resistance of 5 ohms, the voltage would be:

V = 2A × 5Ω = 10V

2. Calculating Current (I)

To find the current when you know the voltage (V) and resistance (R), use: I = V ÷ R

Example: In a circuit with a voltage of 12 volts and a resistance of 4 ohms, the current would be:

I = 12V ÷ 4Ω = 3A

3. Calculating Resistance (R)

If you have the voltage (V) and current (I), you can determine the resistance using: R = V ÷ I

Example: For a circuit with a voltage of 9 volts and a current of 1.5 amperes, the resistance would be:

R = 9V ÷ 1.5A = 6Ω

Limitations and Applicability of Ohm's Law

While Ohm's Law is incredibly useful, it's important to understand its limitations and when it applies:

  1. Linear Relationship: Ohm's Law assumes a linear relationship between voltage and current. This holds true for many materials, particularly metals, but not for all components.
  2. Constant Temperature: The law assumes constant temperature, as resistance can change with temperature in some materials.
  3. DC Circuits: Ohm's Law is most directly applicable to DC (Direct Current) circuits. For AC (Alternating Current) circuits, more complex calculations involving impedance are often necessary.
  4. Ideal Conditions: The law assumes ideal conditions and doesn't account for factors like wire resistance or contact resistance in real-world applications.
  5. Non-ohmic Devices: Some electronic components, like diodes and transistors, do not follow Ohm's Law. These are called non-ohmic devices.

Despite these limitations, Ohm's Law remains a crucial tool in electrical engineering. It provides a solid foundation for understanding more complex electrical concepts and is invaluable for basic circuit analysis and design.

In practical applications, engineers and technicians use Ohm's Law to:

  • Design and analyze electrical circuits
  • Troubleshoot electrical problems
  • Select appropriate components for a circuit
  • Calculate power consumption in electrical systems

Understanding and applying Ohm's Law is essential for anyone working with electrical

Applications of Ohm's Law in Real-World Circuits

Ohm's Law applications, a fundamental principle in electrical engineering, plays a crucial role in the design, analysis, and troubleshooting of everyday electronics and electrical systems. This simple yet powerful relationship between voltage, current, and resistance forms the backbone of circuit design and is an essential tool for engineers and technicians worldwide.

In practical Ohm's Law applications, Ohm's Law is indispensable for calculating the appropriate components needed in circuit design. For instance, when designing LED lighting systems, engineers use Ohm's Law to determine the correct resistor value to limit current flow and protect the LEDs from damage. Similarly, in audio equipment, Ohm's Law helps in selecting the right speakers to match amplifier output, ensuring optimal sound quality and preventing system overload.

Troubleshooting electrical issues often relies heavily on Ohm's Law. When a device malfunctions, technicians can use this principle to measure voltage, current, and resistance at various points in the circuit. By comparing these measurements to expected values, they can quickly identify faulty components or wiring issues. For example, in automotive electrical systems, mechanics use Ohm's Law to diagnose problems with alternators, starters, and other electrical components.

Power supply design is another area where Ohm's Law is critical. Engineers must carefully balance voltage and current requirements to meet the needs of various electronic devices while ensuring efficiency and preventing overheating. In renewable energy systems, such as solar panel installations, Ohm's Law helps in calculating the appropriate wire gauge to minimize power loss over long distances.

In the realm of consumer electronics, Ohm's Law guides the design of charging systems for smartphones, laptops, and other portable devices. It ensures that the correct voltage and current are supplied to charge batteries safely and efficiently. Additionally, in home wiring, electricians use Ohm's Law to determine the appropriate wire size for different circuits, preventing overheating and potential fire hazards.

Safety considerations are paramount when working with electrical circuits, and Ohm's Law plays a vital role in this aspect as well. By understanding the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance, technicians can predict potential hazards and take appropriate precautions. For instance, when working on high-voltage systems, they can calculate safe current limits and select proper insulation materials to prevent electric shock.

In industrial settings, Ohm's Law is essential for designing and maintaining motor control systems. Engineers use it to calculate the appropriate fuse ratings and circuit breaker specifications to protect expensive equipment from overcurrent situations. It also helps in sizing conductors and selecting appropriate insulation for various environmental conditions.

The advent of smart home technology has brought Ohm's Law into our daily lives in new ways. From intelligent lighting systems to energy monitoring devices, these smart appliances rely on precise current and voltage measurements to operate efficiently and safely. Engineers apply Ohm's Law principles to design sensors and control systems that can detect abnormal power consumption patterns, potentially preventing electrical fires or identifying faulty appliances.

In the field of medical electronics, Ohm's Law is crucial for designing safe and accurate diagnostic equipment. From EKG machines to blood pressure monitors, these devices must precisely measure tiny electrical signals in the body. Engineers use Ohm's Law to design sensitive amplifiers and filters that can detect these signals while filtering out electrical noise.

As we continue to advance in the realm of electric vehicles, Ohm's Law remains at the forefront of battery management system design. It guides engineers in creating efficient charging systems, optimizing power distribution, and ensuring the safe operation of high-capacity batteries. This application of Ohm's Law is critical for extending the range of electric vehicles and improving their overall performance.

In conclusion, Ohm's Law's practical applications span a wide range of fields, from everyday consumer electronics to complex industrial systems. Its simplicity belies its power in circuit design, troubleshooting, and ensuring electrical safety. As technology continues to evolve, this fundamental principle will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of electrical engineering, guiding innovations and safeguarding our increasingly electrified world.

Advanced Topics: Power and Energy in Circuits

Electrical power and energy are fundamental concepts in circuit analysis, closely related to Ohm's Law. Understanding these principles is crucial for designing efficient electrical systems and managing energy consumption. Electrical power is the rate at which energy is transferred or converted in a circuit, measured in watts (W). The basic formula for power is P = VI, where P is power, V is voltage, and I is current.

This power equation directly connects to Ohm's Law, which states that V = IR, where R is resistance. By substituting Ohm's Law into the power equation, we can derive additional formulas: P = I²R and P = V²/R. These variations allow engineers to calculate power using different known variables in a circuit.

Energy consumption in electrical circuits is the product of power and time, typically measured in watt-hours (Wh) or kilowatt-hours (kWh). To calculate energy, we use the formula E = P × t, where E is energy, P is power, and t is time. This relationship is crucial for understanding the practical implications of power usage in various applications.

Efficiency is a key consideration in power calculations and energy consumption. It represents the ratio of useful output power to input power, often expressed as a percentage. High efficiency is desirable in electrical systems to minimize energy waste and reduce operational costs. Factors affecting efficiency include resistance in conductors, heat dissipation, and the quality of components used in the circuit.

In practical applications, power and energy concepts are essential for:

  • Designing electrical systems to meet specific power requirements
  • Calculating energy costs for household and industrial applications
  • Optimizing battery life in portable devices
  • Implementing energy-saving strategies in buildings and infrastructure
  • Developing renewable energy systems and improving their efficiency

Engineers and technicians use these principles to make informed decisions about component selection, circuit design, and system optimization. By understanding the relationships between voltage, current, resistance, power, and energy, professionals can create more efficient and sustainable electrical solutions across various industries.

Conclusion: Mastering Ohm's Law

In this article, we've explored the fundamental principles of Ohm's Law, a cornerstone of electrical engineering. We've learned how voltage, current, and resistance are interconnected, and how this relationship governs the behavior of electrical circuits. Understanding Ohm's Law is crucial for anyone working with electronics, from hobbyists to professional engineers. The introduction video provides a visual representation of these concepts, making them easier to grasp. We encourage you to review it for a comprehensive understanding. To further your knowledge, consider applying Ohm's Law in practical projects or experiments. This hands-on approach will solidify your understanding and demonstrate its real-world applications. Remember, mastering Ohm's Law opens doors to more advanced electrical concepts and circuit design. Whether you're troubleshooting a simple circuit or designing complex systems, this fundamental law will be your constant companion. Continue exploring, experimenting, and expanding your electrical engineering skills with Ohm's Law as your foundation.

Introduction to Ohm's Law: What have we learned about voltage, current and resistance?

Step 1: Understanding Voltage

Voltage, also known as electric potential difference, is the force that pushes electric charges through a conductor. It is measured in volts (V). In a circuit, voltage is the energy per unit charge provided by the power source, such as a battery or generator. The voltage across a component in a circuit is the difference in electric potential between its two terminals. This potential difference drives the current through the circuit, overcoming the resistance of the components.

Step 2: Understanding Current

Current is the flow of electric charge through a conductor, measured in amperes (A). It represents the rate at which charge is flowing. In a circuit, current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the power source. The amount of current in a circuit depends on the voltage and the resistance. Higher voltage or lower resistance results in a higher current. Current can be compared to the flow of water in a pipe, where the voltage is the pressure pushing the water, and the resistance is the size of the pipe.

Step 3: Understanding Resistance

Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electric current, measured in ohms (Ω). It is determined by the material, length, and cross-sectional area of the conductor. Resistance converts electrical energy into heat, which is why resistors are used to control the current in a circuit. The total resistance in a circuit affects the amount of current that can flow. In series circuits, resistances add up, while in parallel circuits, the total resistance is reduced.

Step 4: Relationship Between Voltage, Current, and Resistance

Ohm's Law defines the relationship between voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R) in a circuit: V = I * R. This means that the voltage across a component is equal to the current flowing through it multiplied by its resistance. This relationship helps us understand how changing one of these variables affects the others. For example, increasing the resistance in a circuit will decrease the current if the voltage remains constant.

Step 5: Practical Application of Ohm's Law

In practical terms, Ohm's Law is used to design and analyze electrical circuits. By knowing any two of the three variables (voltage, current, resistance), we can calculate the third. This is essential for determining the correct values of components in a circuit to ensure it functions as intended. For instance, if we need a specific current to flow through a circuit, we can choose a resistor with the appropriate resistance value based on the available voltage.

Step 6: Series and Parallel Circuits

In series circuits, components are connected end-to-end, so the same current flows through each component. The total resistance is the sum of the individual resistances. In parallel circuits, components are connected across the same two points, so the voltage across each component is the same. The total resistance in a parallel circuit is less than the smallest individual resistance. Understanding these configurations is crucial for designing circuits with the desired electrical properties.

Step 7: Calculating Total Resistance

To calculate the total resistance in a series circuit, simply add the resistances of all components: R_total = R1 + R2 + R3 + ... In a parallel circuit, the total resistance is found using the formula: 1/R_total = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + ... This calculation ensures that we can accurately determine the overall resistance and, consequently, the current and voltage distribution in the circuit.

Step 8: Real-World Examples

Ohm's Law is applied in various real-world scenarios, such as designing electrical systems in homes, creating electronic devices, and troubleshooting electrical problems. For example, electricians use Ohm's Law to determine the appropriate wire gauge for electrical installations to ensure safety and efficiency. Engineers use it to design circuits in electronic devices, ensuring they operate within safe and functional parameters.

Step 9: Conclusion

Understanding Ohm's Law and the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance is fundamental to working with electrical circuits. It provides a clear framework for analyzing and designing circuits, ensuring they function correctly and safely. By mastering these concepts, we can effectively troubleshoot and optimize electrical systems in various applications.


  1. What is Ohm's Law and why is it important?

    Ohm's Law is a fundamental principle in electrical engineering that describes the relationship between voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R) in an electrical circuit. It states that V = I × R. This law is crucial because it allows engineers and technicians to predict how changes in one variable will affect the others, enabling the design and analysis of electrical circuits.

  2. How can I apply Ohm's Law in practical situations?

    Ohm's Law can be applied in various practical situations, such as calculating the correct resistor value for an LED circuit, determining the current draw of a device, or sizing wires for electrical installations. For example, if you know the voltage of a power source and the desired current for a device, you can use Ohm's Law to calculate the required resistance: R = V / I.

  3. What are the limitations of Ohm's Law?

    While Ohm's Law is widely applicable, it has some limitations. It assumes a linear relationship between voltage and current, which doesn't hold true for all materials or components. It also assumes constant temperature, as resistance can change with temperature in some materials. Additionally, Ohm's Law is most directly applicable to DC circuits and may require modifications for AC circuits.

  4. How does Ohm's Law relate to power in electrical circuits?

    Ohm's Law is closely related to electrical power calculations. The power equation P = VI can be combined with Ohm's Law to derive additional formulas: P = I²R and P = V²/R. These relationships allow for the calculation of power consumption in circuits, which is crucial for designing efficient electrical systems and managing energy use.

  5. Can Ohm's Law be used in complex circuits with multiple components?

    Yes, Ohm's Law can be applied to complex circuits with multiple components. In series circuits, the total resistance is the sum of individual resistances, and the current is constant throughout. In parallel circuits, the voltage is constant across components, and the inverse of the total resistance is the sum of the inverses of individual resistances. By using these principles along with Ohm's Law, you can analyze and solve for unknown values in complex circuits.

Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Ohm's Law

Before delving into the intricacies of Ohm's Law, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in certain fundamental concepts of electricity and physics. Two key prerequisite topics that are essential for a comprehensive understanding of Ohm's Law are electric potential and electric potential energy and the electric field.

Understanding electric potential difference is paramount when studying Ohm's Law. This concept forms the basis for comprehending voltage, which is a key component in the Ohm's Law equation. Electric potential difference, often simply referred to as voltage, represents the energy per unit charge available to move electrons in a circuit. It's the driving force behind the flow of electric current, which is central to Ohm's Law.

The concept of electric field is equally important in grasping Ohm's Law. An electric field is the region around a charged particle or object where its influence can be felt by other charged particles. This fundamental idea helps in visualizing how electric charges interact and move within a conductor, which is essential for understanding the flow of current in relation to Ohm's Law.

When you have a solid grasp of these prerequisite topics, you'll find that Ohm's Law becomes much more intuitive. For instance, knowing about electric potential difference allows you to better understand why increasing voltage leads to an increase in current, assuming resistance remains constant. Similarly, your knowledge of electric fields will help you visualize how charges move through a conductor and how this movement is affected by the material's resistance.

Moreover, these concepts provide a broader context for Ohm's Law. While Ohm's Law itself is a relatively simple equation (V = IR), its applications and implications become much clearer when you understand the underlying physics. For example, the relationship between electric field strength and current density in a conductor is directly related to Ohm's Law, but this connection is only apparent when you have a good foundation in both electric fields and Ohm's Law.

In conclusion, taking the time to thoroughly understand electric potential and electric potential energy as well as the electric field will greatly enhance your ability to work with Ohm's Law. These prerequisite topics provide the necessary context and foundational knowledge, allowing you to not just memorize the law, but truly comprehend its significance and applications in electrical systems and circuits.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • A review on the electric circuit and the main components: battery (voltage), closed wire path (current), and devices/resistors that use up electricity (resistance).
  • Also, a review on the main rules/methods we used to solve for each concept individually (voltage and Kirchhoffs Loop Rule; current and Kirchhoffs Junction Rule; resistance summation formulas)
  • What is the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance?
  • How to solve circuit problems for voltage, current, and resistance using Ohms Law which states that:
    • V=IR V=IR
    • And also, how to rearrange Ohms Law: V=IR V=IR ; I=VR I= \frac{V} {R} ; R=VI R= \frac{V} {I}


  • Recall that: a circuit is a closed loop that charge flows within; the three main components of a circuit are voltage (provided by a battery source), current (the rate of flow of charge within the circuit wires), and resistance (a property of the electronic devices using up energy).
    • Voltage is measured in the unit volts (V) which is equal to Joules/Coulomb
    • Current is measured in the unit ampere (A) which is equal to Coulombs/Second
    • Resistance is measured in the unit ohm (Ω \Omega ) which is equal to Volts/Ampere

  • Ohms Law states that the voltage is equal to the current multiplied by resistance:
    • V=IR V=IR
    • For metals, resistance is constant and independent of voltage
    • Voltage is directly proportional to current (VI V \propto I)

  • The Ohms Law equation can be rearranged to solve for any of the three main concepts (voltage, current, resistance).
    • V=IR V=IR ; I=VR I= \frac{V} {R} ; R=VI R= \frac{V} {I}
    • The current coming out of a battery is dependent on the resistance of the circuit its connected to

  • Solving questions using Ohms Law requires a strong understanding of solving for the three main concepts individually
    • Voltage: Kirchhoffs 2nd Rule: Loop Rule (sum of all voltages around the loop equal zero); all parallel branches are equal to the same voltage drop
    • Current: Kirchhoffs 1st Rule: Junction Rule (sum of all currents into a junction equal to sum of all currents out of the junction) >
    • Resistance: total equivalent resistance in series ( Req(series)=k=1nRk R_{eq(series)} = \sum_{k=1}^{n} R_{k} ) and in parallel (Req(parallel)=1k=1n1Rk R_{eq(parallel)} =\frac{1} { \sum_{k=1}^{n} \frac{1}{R_{k}} } )