Kinematic equations in one dimension

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  1. Introduction to kinematic equations
    1. Learn how to translate a question into kinematic terms: vi,vf,a,t,dv_{i}, v_{f}, a, t, d
    2. Learn how to select an applicable kinematic equation to solve for the unknown.
  1. Applying kinematics equations to horizontal motion
    1. A sprinter accelerates from rest to 12.4 m/s in 9.58 s. What is the average acceleration of this sprinter?
    2. A commercial airplane must reach a speed of 75.0 m/s for takeoff. How long of a runway is needed if the acceleration is 3.20 m/s2^{2}?
    3. A car traveling 15.0 m/s goes uphill with a uniform acceleration of -1.80 m/s2^{2}. How far has it traveled after 5.00 s?
    4. How long does it take a car to decelerate from 85.0 km/h to 50.0 km/h in 100 m?
  2. Applying kinematics equations to vertical motion
    1. How long does it take a ball to hit the ground if it is dropped from a height of 1.50 m:
      1. on Earth, where acceleration due to gravity is 9.80 m/s2^{2}?
      2. on the moon, where acceleration due to gravity is 1.62 m/s2^{2}?
    2. A rock is thrown straight up with a speed of 20.0 m/s. How high does it go?
    3. A rock is thrown straight up with a speed of 20.0 m/s. How long is it in the air?
    4. A rock is thrown straight up with a speed of 20.0 m/s. When does the rock have a height of 15.0 m?
    5. A rock is thrown straight up with a speed of 20.0 m/s, and is caught when it comes back down.
      1. What is the velocity of the rock when it is caught?
      2. What is the velocity of the rock when it is at a height of 15.0 m? Include both vv as it goes up and vv as it comes back down.
    6. A ball is tossed straight up into the air with a speed of 12.0 m/s from the edge of a 324 m tall building.
      1. What is the impact speed of the ball as it hits the ground?
      2. What total distance did the ball travel?
  3. Solving "two part" motion in one dimension
    1. A car travels at 23.5 m/s when the driver sees a deer on the road 55.0 m ahead of his car. It takes the driver 0.300 s of reaction time to hit the brakes, and the car starts decelerating at 6.40 m/s2^{2}. Will the car stop in time to avoid hitting the deer?
    2. A falling stone takes 0.330 s to travel past a window 2.20 m tall. From what height above the top of the window did the stone fall?
Topic Notes

Introduction to Kinematic Equations in One Dimension

Kinematic equations are fundamental tools in physics that describe the motion of objects in one dimension. These equations are essential for understanding and predicting the behavior of moving objects in a straight line. Our introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of one-dimensional kinematics equations, making it an invaluable resource for students and enthusiasts alike. The video breaks down complex concepts into easily digestible segments, covering topics such as displacement, velocity in one dimension, acceleration, and time. By watching this video, viewers will gain a solid foundation in the principles of kinematics and learn how to apply these equations to real-world scenarios. The page includes this video introduction, which serves as an excellent starting point for those new to the subject or as a refresher for more experienced learners. Understanding kinematic equations is crucial for advancing in physics and engineering, making this resource an important step in your educational journey.

The Four Kinematic Equations: Understanding the Basics

Welcome, aspiring physicists! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of kinematics, specifically focusing on the four kinematic equations. These equations are the backbone of understanding motion in physics, and mastering them will give you a solid foundation for more advanced concepts.

What are the Four Kinematic Equations?

The four kinematic equations are mathematical formulas that describe the motion of objects in one dimension. They relate five key variables: displacement (Δx), initial velocity (v), final velocity (v), acceleration (a), and time in motion equations. These equations are incredibly powerful tools that allow us to solve a wide range of motion problems.

Equation 1: Displacement

The first kinematic equation is: Δx = vt + ½at²

This equation calculates the displacement of an object given its initial velocity, time in motion equations, and acceleration. It's particularly useful when you know how long an object has been moving and want to find out how far it's traveled.

Equation 2: Final Velocity

The second equation is: v = v + at

This kinematic equation for velocity helps us determine the final velocity of an object when we know its initial velocity, acceleration, and the time it's been moving. It's perfect for problems where you need to find out how fast something is going after a certain period of acceleration.

Equation 3: Velocity-Time Relationship

The third equation is: Δx = ½(v + v)t

This equation relates displacement to the average velocity over a period of time. It's particularly handy when you don't know the acceleration but have information about initial and final velocities.

Equation 4: Velocity-Displacement Relationship

The fourth and final equation is: v² = v² + 2aΔx

This equation is unique among the kinematic equations as it doesn't involve time. It's incredibly useful when you need to find the final velocity but don't have information about the duration of motion.

The Significance of the Kinematic Equations

Now that we've introduced all kinematics equations, let's talk about why they're so important. These equations form the foundation of classical mechanics. They allow us to predict and describe the motion of objects in a wide range of scenarios, from a ball thrown in the air to a car accelerating on a highway.

The beauty of these equations lies in their versatility. By knowing three of the five variables (Δx, v, v, a, t), you can use the appropriate equation to solve for the fourth. This makes them incredibly powerful problem-solving tools in physics.

When to Use Each Equation

Choosing the right kinematic equation depends on the information you have and what you're trying to find:

  • Use Equation 1 when you know initial velocity, acceleration, and time, and need to find displacement.
  • Use Equation 2 when you're looking for final velocity and have initial velocity, acceleration, and time.
  • Use Equation 3 when you know initial and final velocities and time, but not acceleration.
  • Use Equation 4 when you don't have information about time but know displacement and velocities or acceleration.

Practical Applications

The four kinematic equations have numerous real-world applications. They're used in engineering to design safer vehicles, in sports to analyze and improve athlete performance, and even in video game design to create realistic physics simulations. Understanding these equations opens up a world of possibilities in various fields.

Tips for Mastering the Kinematic Equations

To become proficient with these equations:

Applying Kinematic Equations: Choosing the Right Equation

Hey there, physics enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the exciting world of kinematics and learning how to select the perfect equation for any given problem. It's like solving a puzzle, and I'm here to guide you through the process step by step.

First things first, let's recap the four main kinematic equations we'll be working with:

  1. v = v + at (kinematics equation 1)
  2. Δx = vt + ½at² (kinematics equation 2)
  3. v² = v² + 2aΔx
  4. Δx = ½(v + v)t

Now, the key to choosing the right equation lies in identifying the missing variables in your problem. Let's break it down:

Step 1: Identify Known and Unknown Variables

Start by listing all the variables you're given in the problem and what you need to find. The common variables in kinematics are:

  • v: final velocity
  • v: initial velocity
  • a: acceleration
  • t: time
  • Δx: displacement

Step 2: Match Variables to Equations

Look at the variables you have and need, then compare them to the equations. The perfect equation will contain all your known variables plus the one you're solving for, with only one unknown.

Step 3: Consider the Problem Type

Some problems might give you a hint about which equation to use. For instance, horizontal kinematic equations often involve constant acceleration and no vertical motion.

Examples to Illustrate the Process

Let's walk through a couple of examples to see this method in action:

Example 1: Horizontal Motion

Problem: A car accelerates from 10 m/s to 30 m/s over a distance of 100 m. What's its acceleration?

Known variables: v = 10 m/s, v = 30 m/s, Δx = 100 m

Unknown: a (acceleration)

Looking at our equations, we see that v² = v² + 2aΔx contains all our known variables and the unknown acceleration. This is our go-to equation!

Example 2: Vertical Motion

Problem: A ball is thrown straight up with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. How high does it go?

Known variables: v = 20 m/s, v (at highest point) = 0 m/s, a = -9.8 m/s² (gravity)

Unknown: Δx (maximum height)

The equation v² = v² + 2aΔx fits perfectly here too! Notice how we didn't need time, so we avoided equations with 't'.

Tips for Mastering Equation Selection

1. Practice, practice, practice! The more problems you solve, the better you'll get at quickly identifying the right equation.

2. Draw diagrams for each problem. Visualizing the motion can help you understand which variables are relevant.

3. Remember that the kinematic velocity equation (v = v + at) is great when you're dealing with time and don't need displacement.

4. For problems involving height or vertical motion, don't forget that acceleration is usually -9.8 m/s² due to gravity.

5. When solving kinematic problems, always double-check your units and make sure they are consistent.

Solving Problems with Kinematic Equations

Welcome, aspiring physicists! Today, we're going to walk through the exciting process of solving kinematic problems using kinematic equations. These powerful tools are essential for understanding motion in one dimension, and mastering them will open up a whole new world of problem-solving abilities. Let's dive in and explore how to use the four kinematics equations to tackle real-world scenarios.

First things first, let's familiarize ourselves with the all kinematic formulas we'll be working with:

  1. v = v + at
  2. Δx = ½(v + v)t
  3. Δx = vt + ½at²
  4. v² = v² + 2aΔx

These 1D kinematics equations are your toolkit for solving kinematic problems. Each equation relates different variables of motion in one dimension, such as velocity (v), initial velocity (v), acceleration (a), time (t), and displacement (Δx).

Now, let's walk through the step-by-step process of solving a kinematics problem:

  1. Read the problem carefully: Understand what's being asked and identify any given information.
  2. List known and unknown variables: This is crucial! Write down what you know and what you need to find out.
  3. Choose the appropriate equation: Based on the known and unknown variables, select the equation that best fits your scenario.
  4. Plug in the known values: Substitute the given information into your chosen equation.
  5. Solve for the unknown: Use algebra to rearrange the equation and solve for your target variable.
  6. Check your answer: Make sure your result makes sense and has the correct units.

Let's try an example problem together:

A car accelerates from rest to 20 m/s in 5 seconds. What is its acceleration?

Following our steps:

  1. We need to find the acceleration of the car.
  2. Known variables: v = 0 m/s (rest), v = 20 m/s, t = 5 s. Unknown: a
  3. We'll use the equation: v = v + at
  4. Plugging in values: 20 = 0 + a(5)
  5. Solving for a: a = 20 / 5 = 4 m/s²
  6. Our answer makes sense: positive acceleration over 5 seconds reaches 20 m/s.

Great job! You've just solved your first kinematics problem. Remember, practice makes perfect, so let's try another one:

A ball is thrown straight up with an initial velocity of 15 m/s. How high does it go?

Let's break it down:

  1. We need to find the maximum height of the ball.
  2. Known: v = 15 m/s (upward), v = 0 m/s (at highest point), a = -9.8 m/s² (gravity). Unknown: Δx
  3. We'll use: v² = v² + 2aΔx
  4. Plugging in: 0² = 15² + 2(-9.8)Δx
  5. Solving: 0 = 225 - 19.6Δx, so Δx = 225 / 19.6 11.48 m
  6. Our answer makes sense: the ball reaches a height of approximately 11.48 meters.

Common Misconceptions and Tips for Success

When working with kinematic equations, students often encounter challenges and misconceptions. Understanding these common pitfalls and learning effective strategies can significantly improve your ability to solve one-dimensional kinematics problems. Let's explore some frequent mistakes and provide helpful tips for mastering the four kinematic equations.

One common misconception is assuming that all kinematic equations can be used interchangeably in every situation. In reality, each of the four kinematic equations is designed for specific scenarios, depending on the known and unknown variables. For example, the equation v = v0 + at is ideal when you know the initial velocity, acceleration, and time, but not the displacement. Recognizing which equation to use based on the given information is crucial for success.

Another frequent error is forgetting to consider the direction of motion. In one-dimensional kinematics, positive and negative signs are essential for indicating direction. Misinterpreting these signs can lead to incorrect solutions. Always establish a clear coordinate system at the beginning of your problem-solving process, and consistently apply it throughout your calculations.

Students often struggle with the concept of acceleration, mistakenly equating it with speed or velocity. Remember that acceleration represents the rate of change in velocity over time. It's possible to have a constant velocity with zero acceleration, or to be slowing down with a positive acceleration if moving in the negative direction. Visualizing these scenarios can help clarify this concept.

A helpful tip for success is to always start by listing the known variables and identifying what you need to find. This organized approach will guide you in selecting the appropriate kinematic equation. For instance, if you know initial velocity (v0), final velocity (v), and displacement (Δx), but not time or acceleration, the equation v^2 = v0^2 + 2a(Δx) would be your best choice.

Practicing with real-world examples can make kinematic equations more relatable and easier to understand. Consider a car accelerating from a stop light: its initial velocity is zero, and you might know its acceleration and the time it takes to reach a certain speed. This scenario perfectly aligns with the equation v = v0 + at, where v0 = 0. Similarly, analyzing the motion of a falling object can help you internalize the equation Δx = v0t + (1/2)at^2, where a is the acceleration due to gravity.

When working with kinematic equations, it's crucial to pay attention to units. Mixing units (like using kilometers per hour for velocity but meters per second squared for acceleration) can lead to significant errors. Always convert units to a consistent system before applying the equations.

Another valuable strategy is to estimate your answer before calculating. This habit can help you catch obvious mistakes and develop a better intuition for kinematics problems. If your calculated result seems unreasonable compared to your estimate, it's a sign to review your work.

Remember that kinematic equations assume constant acceleration. In real-world situations, acceleration often varies, but these equations provide excellent approximations for many scenarios. Understanding this limitation helps in applying the equations appropriately and interpreting results in context.

Lastly, don't underestimate the power of visualization. Sketching motion diagrams or graphs can provide valuable insights and help you understand the problem better. For instance, a position-time graph can clearly show whether an object is speeding up, slowing down, or moving at constant velocity.

By addressing these common misconceptions and applying these tips, you'll be better equipped to tackle one-dimensional kinematics problems. Remember, mastering the four kinematic equations takes practice and patience. Each problem you solve strengthens your understanding and problem-solving skills. Approach each challenge with confidence, knowing that you have the tools to succeed. With consistent effort and application of these strategies, you'll find kinematic equations becoming an intuitive and powerful tool in your physics toolkit.

Advanced Applications of Kinematic Equations

Kinematic equations are powerful tools that extend far beyond simple textbook problems. In the realm of advanced physics and real-world applications, these equations become indispensable for solving complex scenarios. Let's dive deeper into how one-dimensional kinematics equations are applied in cutting-edge research and challenging situations.

In astrophysics, scientists use kinematic equations to study the motion of celestial bodies. For instance, when analyzing the trajectory of a comet, researchers employ these equations to predict its path and potential impact with other objects. The same principles apply to space exploration, where precise calculations are crucial for successful satellite launches and interplanetary missions.

Forensic scientists often rely on all kinematics equations to reconstruct accident scenes. By analyzing skid marks, vehicle damage, and final positions, they can determine initial velocities and reconstruct the sequence of events. This application demonstrates how kinematic equations bridge the gap between physics and real-world problem-solving.

In the field of biomechanics, kinematic equations help researchers study human and animal movement. From analyzing an athlete's performance to designing prosthetic limbs, these equations provide invaluable insights into motion patterns and efficiency. Imagine using these principles to optimize a sprinter's technique or develop more natural-feeling artificial joints!

For those seeking a challenge, consider this advanced problem: A particle moves along a straight line with an initial velocity of 5 m/s and an acceleration that varies with time according to the function a(t) = 2t - 3. Determine the particle's position after 4 seconds, given that it started at the origin. This problem requires integrating the acceleration function to find velocity and position, pushing your understanding of kinematics to new heights.

As you delve deeper into kinematic equations, you'll discover their relevance in fields like robotics, where precise motion control is essential, or in environmental science, where they help model the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. The versatility of these equations is truly remarkable, opening doors to countless applications across various scientific disciplines.

Remember, mastering kinematic equations is not just about solving problems on paper; it's about developing a intuitive understanding of motion that can be applied to real-world scenarios. As you continue to explore this fascinating topic, challenge yourself with increasingly complex problems and seek out real-world applications. The more you engage with these concepts, the more you'll appreciate their power and versatility in describing the world around us. Keep pushing the boundaries of your knowledge, and you'll find that the study of kinematics can lead to exciting discoveries and innovations!

Conclusion: Mastering Kinematic Equations

In this article, we've explored the fundamental concepts of kinematic equations, focusing on one-dimensional kinematics. We've covered the four kinematic equations that form the backbone of motion analysis in physics. The introduction video provided a crucial foundation for understanding these equations and their applications. Remember, mastering kinematic equations requires practice and persistence. We encourage you to solve various problems using these equations to reinforce your understanding. Explore additional resources, such as physics textbooks and online tutorials, to deepen your knowledge. As you progress, you'll find that these equations are essential in more complex physics scenarios. Don't hesitate to revisit the concepts and examples presented here. Keep challenging yourself with new problems and applications of kinematic equations. By doing so, you'll develop a strong intuition for motion analysis and be well-prepared for advanced physics topics. Continue your learning journey and embrace the fascinating world of kinematics!

Applying Kinematics Equations to Horizontal Motion

Question: A sprinter accelerates from rest to 12.4 m/s in 9.58 s. What is the average acceleration of this sprinter?

Step 1: Identify the Known Variables

First, we need to identify all the known variables from the problem statement. The sprinter starts from rest, which means the initial velocity (vi) is 0 m/s. The final velocity (vf) is given as 12.4 m/s, and the time (t) taken to reach this velocity is 9.58 seconds.

  • Initial velocity, vi = 0 m/s
  • Final velocity, vf = 12.4 m/s
  • Time, t = 9.58 s

Step 2: Determine the Unknown Variable

The problem asks for the average acceleration (a) of the sprinter. This is the unknown variable we need to solve for.

Step 3: Choose the Appropriate Kinematic Equation

We need to select a kinematic equation that includes the known variables (vi, vf, and t) and the unknown variable (a). The kinematic equation that fits this requirement is:

vf = vi + at

Step 4: Rearrange the Equation to Solve for Acceleration

To solve for acceleration (a), we need to rearrange the equation:

a = (vf - vi) / t

Step 5: Substitute the Known Values into the Equation

Next, we substitute the known values into the rearranged equation:

a = (12.4 m/s - 0 m/s) / 9.58 s

Step 6: Perform the Calculation

Now, we perform the calculation to find the average acceleration:

a = 12.4 m/s / 9.58 s

Using a calculator, we find that:

a 1.29 m/s²

Step 7: Include Units and Direction

Finally, we need to include the units for acceleration, which are meters per second squared (m/s²). Since the problem does not specify a direction, we assume the sprinter is moving forward. Therefore, the average acceleration is:

a 1.29 m/s² forward


By following these steps, we have determined the average acceleration of the sprinter. The key steps involved identifying the known variables, selecting the appropriate kinematic equation, rearranging the equation to solve for the unknown variable, substituting the known values, performing the calculation, and including the correct units and direction.


Here are some frequently asked questions about kinematic equations in one dimension:

Q1: What are the four kinematic equations?

A1: The four kinematic equations are: 1. v = v + at 2. Δx = ½(v + v)t 3. Δx = vt + ½at² 4. v² = v² + 2aΔx These equations relate displacement (Δx), initial velocity (v), final velocity (v), acceleration (a), and time (t) in one-dimensional motion.

Q2: When should I use each kinematic equation?

A2: Choose the equation based on the known and unknown variables: - Use v = v + at when you know initial velocity, acceleration, and time. - Use Δx = ½(v + v)t when you know initial and final velocities and time. - Use Δx = vt + ½at² when you know initial velocity, acceleration, and time. - Use v² = v² + 2aΔx when you don't know time but know displacement and velocities or acceleration.

Q3: What are the basic quantities in kinematics?

A3: The basic quantities in kinematics are: 1. Displacement (Δx): Change in position 2. Velocity (v): Rate of change of displacement 3. Acceleration (a): Rate of change of velocity 4. Time (t): Duration of motion These quantities are related through the kinematic equations.

Q4: How do I solve problems using kinematic equations?

A4: To solve problems using kinematic equations: 1. Identify known variables and the unknown you're solving for. 2. Choose the appropriate equation based on known and unknown variables. 3. Substitute known values into the equation. 4. Solve algebraically for the unknown variable. 5. Check your answer for reasonableness and correct units.

Q5: What is the difference between distance and displacement in kinematics?

A5: Distance is the total length of the path traveled by an object, regardless of direction. It's always positive and scalar. Displacement is the shortest straight-line distance between the initial and final positions, including direction. It's a vector quantity and can be positive, negative, or zero. In one-dimensional motion, displacement is used in kinematic equations.

Prerequisite Topics for Kinematic Equations in One Dimension

Understanding kinematic equations in one dimension is a crucial step in mastering physics, particularly in the realm of motion analysis. However, to fully grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. Two key areas that significantly contribute to your understanding of kinematic equations are distance and time related questions in linear equations and conversions involving squares and cubic.

Let's start with the importance of understanding time in motion problems. This prerequisite is fundamental because kinematic equations are essentially sophisticated representations of the relationships between distance, time, velocity, and acceleration. By mastering linear equations involving distance and time, you develop the ability to interpret and manipulate these variables, which is crucial when working with more complex kinematic equations.

For instance, when you're solving problems about an object moving in one dimension, you'll often need to calculate how far it travels in a given time or determine when it reaches a specific point. These scenarios directly build upon the skills you've developed in solving distance and time related questions. The linear relationships you've explored serve as a stepping stone to understanding the more intricate quadratic nature of kinematic equations.

Equally important is the ability to handle units conversion in physics. Kinematic equations often involve squared or cubed terms, particularly when dealing with acceleration or analyzing motion graphs. Your proficiency in converting between different units, especially those involving squares and cubes, becomes invaluable in this context.

For example, when working with acceleration, which is typically measured in meters per second squared (m/s²), you need to be comfortable manipulating squared units. Similarly, when integrating velocity to find displacement, you'll encounter cubic terms. Your ability to seamlessly convert between these units ensures that you can accurately interpret and solve kinematic problems.

Moreover, the skill of unit conversion extends beyond just calculation. It enhances your physical intuition, allowing you to estimate magnitudes and check the reasonableness of your answers. This is particularly crucial in kinematic problems where a small error in units can lead to significantly incorrect results.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, you're not just memorizing formulas or techniques. You're building a conceptual framework that will allow you to approach kinematic equations with confidence and understanding. The ability to visualize motion problems, manipulate equations involving time and distance, and work comfortably with various units will prove invaluable as you delve deeper into the world of kinematics.

Remember, physics is a subject that builds upon itself. Each new concept you learn is intricately connected to what you've studied before. By ensuring a strong grasp of these prerequisites, you're setting yourself up for success not just in understanding kinematic equations in one dimension, but in your entire physics journey.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • The four kinematic equations
  • How to choose which kinematic equation to use
  • Problem solving with the kinematic equations


The four kinematic equations describe the relationship of the initial velocity (viv_{i}), final velocity (vfv_{f}), acceleration (aa), displacement (dd), and time (tt) for an object moving in one dimension. Each of the equations is made up of four of the five of these variables. If we know three of these variables, we can use the kinematic equations to solve for the two remaining unknown variables.

Kinematic Equations
  1. vf=vi+atv_{f}=v_{i}+at(No dd)
  2. vf2=vi2+2adv_{f}^{2}=v_{i}^{2}+2ad(No tt)
  3. d=vit+12at2d=v_{i}t+\frac{1}{2}at^{2}(No vfv_{f})
  4. d=(vi+vf2)td=(\frac{v_{i}+v_{f}}{2})t(No aa)

viv_{i}: initial velocity, in meters per second (m/s)

vfv_{f}: final velocity, in meters per second (m/s)

aa: acceleration, in meters per second squared (m/s2)(m/s^{2})

t:t: time, in seconds (s)

d:d: displacement, in meters (m)