Induced EMF in a moving conductor

  1. Introduction to induced EMF in a moving conductor.
  2. Magnitude of the electromotive force.
  3. Direction of the induced current and electromotive force.
  1. A 1.2m length of wire is pulled through a uniform 0.045 T magnetic field at 6.7m/s as shown. What emf is generated between the ends of the wire?

    Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor.
    1. 0V
    2. 0.090V
    3. 0.36V
    4. 0.45V
  2. A solid conductor travels at 150m/s across a uniform 0.045T magnetic field. Which side is positively charged and what is the emf across this block?

    Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor.
    1. The circular loop of wire shown below has an area of 0.40 m2m^{2} and is in a 0.60T magnetic field. This filed increased to 1.40 T in 0.25 ss.

      Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor.
      1. A 0.050m long conducting wire is moved through a 1.5 T magnetic field as shown below.

        Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor.

        What is the magnitude of the emf generated between its ends, and in what direction do the electrons in the conductor initially move?

        Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor.
        1. A circular loop of resistance 1.2 Ω \Omega is pulled a distance of 0.40m into a perpendicular magnetic field as shown below.

          Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor.

          an average current of 0.50A is produced in the coil during this event. Calculate the constant speed with which the coil was pulled.
          1. 0.10 m/s
          2. 0.75 m/s
          3. 1.9 m/s
          4. 2.4 m/s
        2. A 0.75 m conducting rod is moved at 8.0m/s across a 0.25 T magnetic field along rails. The electrical resistance of the system is 5.0 Ω \Omega . What are the magnitude and direction through point XX?

          Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor.

          Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor.
          1. A 200-turn coil has a 15.2 V potential difference induced in it when the magnetic field changes from 0.42 T to 0.22 T in the opposite direction in 3.2 ×10?2 ss. What is the radius of this coil?

            Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor.
            1. 3.5 × 10?2m
            2. 5.1 × 10?2m
            3. 5.9 × 10?2m
            4. 6.2 × 10?2m
          Topic Notes

          Introduction to Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor

          Induced EMF in a moving conductor is a fundamental concept in electromagnetic induction. This phenomenon occurs when a conductor moves through a magnetic field, resulting in the generation of an electromotive force (EMF). The introduction video provides a clear visualization of this process, making it easier for students to grasp the underlying principles. Understanding induced EMF is crucial for comprehending the broader topic of electromagnetic induction, which has numerous practical applications in modern technology. As a conductor moves through a magnetic field, it experiences a force on its free electrons, creating a potential difference across the conductor. This induced EMF is directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field, the length of the conductor, and its velocity. The direction of the induced current can be determined using Fleming's right-hand rule. Mastering this concept is essential for students pursuing studies in physics, electrical engineering, and related fields, as it forms the basis for understanding generators, transformers, and other electromagnetic devices.

          Understanding Induced EMF and Current

          When a conductor moves through a uniform magnetic field, it can generate an induced electromotive force (EMF) and current. This phenomenon is a fundamental principle in electromagnetic induction and has numerous practical applications in modern technology. To understand this concept, let's explore how the movement of a conductor in a magnetic field leads to these induced effects.

          In a uniform magnetic field, the magnetic field lines are parallel and equally spaced. When a conductor, such as a metal rod or wire, moves through this field, it experiences a change in magnetic flux. Magnetic flux is a measure of the total magnetic field passing through a given area. The key to inducing EMF and current is the perpendicular movement of the conductor relative to the magnetic field lines.

          As the conductor moves perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, it cuts through these lines, causing a change in the magnetic flux linked with the conductor. This change in flux is crucial because, according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, a changing magnetic flux induces an EMF in the conductor. The magnitude of this induced EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux.

          To visualize this concept, imagine a rectangular loop of wire moving through a uniform magnetic field, as often depicted in diagrams. When the loop moves perpendicular to the field lines, the area of the loop exposed to the field changes, resulting in a change in magnetic flux. This changing flux induces an EMF in the loop, which can drive a current if the loop is part of a closed circuit.

          The direction of the induced current can be determined using Lenz's law, which states that the induced current flows in a direction that opposes the change in magnetic flux that caused it. This opposition is nature's way of conserving energy and is a crucial aspect of electromagnetic induction.

          The magnitude of the induced EMF depends on several factors: 1. The strength of the magnetic field 2. The length of the conductor in the field 3. The velocity of the conductor's movement 4. The angle between the conductor's motion and the magnetic field lines

          The induced EMF is maximized when the conductor moves perpendicular to the field lines, as this produces the greatest rate of change in magnetic flux. If the conductor moves parallel to the field lines, there is no change in flux and thus no induced EMF.

          This principle of induced EMF and current has numerous practical applications. For example, it is the basis for the operation of electrical generators, where mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy. In a generator, a coil of wire is rotated in a magnetic field, continuously changing the magnetic flux and inducing an alternating current.

          Understanding induced EMF and current is also crucial in the design of transformers, electric motors, and many other electromagnetic devices. It explains how energy can be transferred between electrical and magnetic fields, a concept that underpins much of our modern electrical infrastructure.

          In conclusion, the movement of a conductor through a uniform magnetic field, particularly when perpendicular to the field lines, results in a change in magnetic flux. This changing flux induces an EMF in the conductor, which can drive a current in a closed circuit. This fundamental principle of electromagnetic induction is a cornerstone of electrical engineering and continues to play a vital role in the development of new technologies.

          Calculating the Magnitude of Induced EMF

          Understanding the process of calculating the magnitude of induced electromotive force (EMF) is crucial in electromagnetic theory. This calculation is fundamentally based on Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, which describes how a changing magnetic field induces an electric field. To comprehend this process fully, we need to break it down step by step, starting with Faraday's law and its application to specific situations.

          Faraday's law states that the induced EMF in a closed loop is equal to the negative rate of change of flux through the loop. Mathematically, this is expressed as:

          EMF = -dΦ/dt

          Where Φ (phi) represents the magnetic flux and t is time. The negative sign indicates that the induced EMF opposes the change in flux, a principle known as Lenz's law.

          In many practical situations, particularly those involving straight conductors in magnetic fields, we can apply a simplified form of Faraday's law known as the BLV formula. This formula is especially useful when dealing with straight conductors moving through uniform magnetic fields. The BLV formula states:

          EMF = BLV


          B is the magnetic field strength (in teslas, T)
          L is the length of the conductor (in meters, m)
          V is the velocity of the conductor perpendicular to the magnetic field (in meters per second, m/s)

          To understand how this relates to the change in flux, we need to consider the area swept by the conductor as it moves. The change in flux is directly related to the change in area exposed to the magnetic field. As the conductor moves, it sweeps out an area, and this changing area leads to a change in flux.

          The area swept per unit time is given by LV, where L is the length of the conductor and V is its velocity. Therefore, the rate of change of flux can be expressed as:

          dΦ/dt = d(BA)/dt = B * dA/dt = B * LV

          This is where we see the direct connection between the change in area and the induced EMF. The changing area (dA/dt = LV) is key to understanding why motion in a magnetic field induces an EMF.

          Now, let's break down each component of the BLV formula:

          1. B (Magnetic Field Strength): This represents the intensity of the magnetic field. A stronger magnetic field will result in a larger induced EMF.

          2. L (Length of Conductor): The longer the conductor, the more electrons it contains that can be influenced by the magnetic field, resulting in a greater EMF.

          3. V (Velocity): The speed at which the conductor moves through the magnetic field affects the rate of change of flux. Faster movement leads to a greater rate of change and thus a larger EMF.

          It's important to note that the velocity V must be perpendicular to both the magnetic field B and the length L of the conductor for maximum effect. If the motion is not perpendicular, only the component of velocity perpendicular to B and L contributes to the induced EMF.

          The final formula for the magnitude of induced EMF is simply:

          |EMF| = BLV

          This equation gives the absolute value of the EMF, as the magnitude is always positive. The direction of the induced current can be determined using Lenz's law, which states that it will be in such a direction as to oppose the change causing it.

          In practical applications, this formula is invaluable for calculating induced EMFs in various scenarios, such as in electric generators, where conductors rotate in magnetic fields, or in electromagnetic braking systems, where the induced EMF is used to slow down moving objects.

          Understanding the process of calculating the magnitude of induced EMF through Faraday's law and the BLV formula is essential for engineers and physicists working with electromagnetic systems. It provides a clear link between the fundamental principles of electromagnetic induction and their applications, particularly in systems involving straight conductors in magnetic fields.

          Determining the Direction of Induced Current

          Understanding the direction of induced current is crucial in electromagnetic induction. The key principle to remember is that the induced current always opposes the change in magnetic flux that causes it. This phenomenon is known as Lenz's Law, and it's fundamental to predicting the behavior of induced currents in various scenarios.

          To determine the direction of induced current, we can use the right-hand rule, a handy tool in electromagnetism. Here's how to apply it:

          1. Point your thumb in the direction of the magnetic field.
          2. Curl your fingers in the direction of the current.
          3. Your palm will face the direction of the magnetic force.

          Let's consider an example to illustrate this concept. Imagine a loop of wire moving into a uniform magnetic field. As the loop enters the field, the magnetic flux through the loop increases. According to Lenz's Law, the induced current will flow in a direction that creates a magnetic field opposing this increase in flux.

          In this case, the current will flow in a clockwise direction when viewed from above. Here's why:

          • The clockwise current creates a magnetic field pointing out of the loop (use the right-hand rule).
          • This induced magnetic field opposes the external field, thus resisting the increase in flux.
          • The opposing motion is a direct result of the induced current's direction.

          Another example to consider is a bar magnet moving towards a stationary loop of wire. As the magnet approaches, the magnetic flux through the loop increases. The induced current in the loop will create a magnetic field that repels the approaching magnet, again opposing the change in flux.

          It's important to note that the direction of induced current can change depending on the situation. For instance, if the loop were moving out of the magnetic field instead of into it, the current would flow counterclockwise to oppose the decrease in flux.

          The right-hand rule is particularly useful when dealing with more complex scenarios. For example, in a solenoid (a coil of wire), you can use your right hand to determine the direction of the magnetic field inside the coil based on the current flow, or vice versa.

          Understanding the direction of induced current is not just theoretical; it has practical applications in various technologies:

          • Electric generators: The principle of opposing motion is used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
          • Transformers: Induced currents in secondary coils allow for voltage step-up or step-down.
          • Induction cooktops: Rapidly changing magnetic fields induce currents in cookware, generating heat.

          To further solidify your understanding, try this exercise: Imagine a circular loop of wire in a magnetic field that's increasing in strength. Can you predict the direction of the induced current? Remember, it should oppose the change in flux.

          In conclusion, determining the direction of induced current involves understanding Lenz's Law, applying the right-hand rule, and considering how the current will oppose the change in magnetic flux. By mastering this concept, you'll be better equipped to analyze and predict electromagnetic phenomena in various real-world applications.

          Applications and Real-World Examples

          The principle of induced EMF in moving conductors has numerous practical applications in our daily lives and various industries. This section explores some of the most common and innovative uses of this electromagnetic phenomenon, demonstrating how the concepts we've discussed in previous sections translate into real-world technologies.

          One of the most significant applications of induced EMF is in electrical generators. These devices convert mechanical energy into electrical energy by moving a conductor through a magnetic field. In large-scale power plants, turbines driven by steam, water, or wind rotate coils of wire within strong magnetic fields. As the coils cut through the magnetic field lines, an EMF is induced, generating electricity. This process directly applies Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, where the rate of change of magnetic flux through a conductor induces a voltage.

          Electromagnetic braking systems provide another practical application of induced EMF. These systems are commonly used in trains, roller coasters, and some automobiles. When a moving conductive object (like a train's wheels) passes through a magnetic field, eddy currents are induced in the conductor. These currents create their own magnetic field that opposes the motion of the conductor, resulting in a braking effect. This application demonstrates Lenz's law in action, where the induced current produces a magnetic field that opposes the change that caused it.

          Induction cooktops represent a more recent and increasingly popular application of induced EMF in our homes. These cooking surfaces use electromagnetic induction to heat ferromagnetic cooking vessels directly. A high-frequency alternating current is passed through a coil beneath the cooking surface, creating a rapidly changing magnetic field. This field induces eddy currents in the base of the cooking vessel, which then heat up due to electrical resistance. This efficient heating method illustrates how induced EMF can be harnessed for energy transfer without direct electrical contact.

          Other applications of induced EMF include electromagnetic flow meters for measuring the flow of conductive liquids, induction motors used in various industrial and household appliances, and wireless charging systems for electronic devices. Each of these applications relies on the fundamental principles of electromagnetic induction we've explored.

          In generators, the key factor is the relative motion between the conductor and the magnetic field, with the induced EMF being proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux. Electromagnetic braking systems demonstrate how induced currents can create opposing forces, a principle that's crucial in understanding the behavior of inductors and transformers. Induction cooktops showcase how alternating magnetic fields can induce currents in nearby conductors, a concept that's fundamental to the operation of transformers and many other electromagnetic devices.

          These practical applications highlight the versatility and importance of induced EMF in modern technology. From power generation to cooking and transportation, the principles of electromagnetic induction play a crucial role in shaping our technological landscape. As we continue to innovate, new applications of these fundamental electromagnetic concepts are likely to emerge, further revolutionizing how we interact with and harness electrical energy in our daily lives.

          Common Misconceptions and FAQs

          Induced electromotive force (EMF) in moving conductors is a fascinating yet often misunderstood concept in electromagnetism. This section aims to address common misconceptions and answer frequently asked questions about induced EMF, providing clarity on this important topic.

          Misconception 1: All induced EMF is the same

          One of the most prevalent misconceptions is that all induced EMF is created in the same way. In reality, there are two main types of induced EMF: motional EMF and transformer EMF. Motional EMF occurs when a conductor moves through a stationary magnetic field, while transformer EMF is generated when a stationary conductor is exposed to a changing magnetic field. Understanding this distinction is crucial for grasping the broader concept of electromagnetic induction.

          FAQ: What's the difference between motional EMF and transformer EMF?

          Motional EMF is produced when a conductor moves through a static magnetic field, causing charge carriers to experience a force and creating a potential difference. Transformer EMF, on the other hand, is generated when a stationary conductor is subjected to a changing magnetic field, inducing a current in the conductor. While both result in induced EMF, the underlying mechanisms are different.

          Misconception 2: Conductor length doesn't matter

          Another common misconception is that the length of the conductor doesn't affect the induced EMF. In fact, the length of the conductor plays a significant role in determining the magnitude of the induced EMF, especially in cases of motional EMF. The longer the conductor, the greater the potential difference generated across its ends when moving through a magnetic field.

          FAQ: How does conductor length affect induced EMF?

          In motional EMF, the induced voltage is directly proportional to the length of the conductor. This relationship is expressed in the equation E = Blv, where E is the induced EMF, B is the magnetic field strength, l is the length of the conductor, and v is the velocity of the conductor relative to the magnetic field. A longer conductor will result in a larger induced EMF, assuming all other factors remain constant.

          Misconception 3: Magnetic field strength is irrelevant

          Some mistakenly believe that the strength of the magnetic field doesn't affect the induced EMF. In reality, the magnetic field strength is a crucial factor in determining the magnitude of the induced EMF in both motional and transformer EMF scenarios.

          FAQ: How does changing magnetic field strength affect induced EMF?

          The strength of the magnetic field directly influences the magnitude of the induced EMF. In motional EMF, a stronger magnetic field will result in a larger force on the charge carriers in the moving conductor, leading to a greater induced voltage. For transformer EMF, the rate of change of the magnetic field flux determines the induced EMF, as described by Faraday's law of induction. A more rapidly changing or stronger magnetic field will induce a larger EMF in the conductor.

          Misconception 4: Induced EMF always produces current

          It's a common misconception that induced EMF always results in a current flow. While induced EMF does create the potential for current flow, actual current will only flow if there is a complete circuit. An open circuit can still have an induced EMF, but no current will flow through it.

          FAQ: Is induced current the same as induced EMF?

          No, induced EMF and induced current are related but distinct concepts. Induced EMF is the potential difference created by electromagnetic induction, while induced current is the flow of charge that may result from this EMF if a complete circuit is present. The magnitude of the induced current depends on both the induced EMF and the resistance of the circuit.


          Understanding induced EMF in moving conductors requires clarity on several key points. By addressing these common misconceptions and frequently asked questions, we hope to have provided a clearer picture of how motional and transformer EMF work, the importance of conductor length and magnetic field strength, and the relationship between induced EMF and current. Grasping these


          In summary, this article explored the fundamental principles of electromagnetic induction in moving conductors. We discussed key points such as Faraday's law, Lenz's law, and the factors affecting induced EMF. Understanding these concepts is crucial for various applications in physics and engineering, including electric generators, transformers, and electromagnetic braking systems. The introduction video provides a visual representation of these principles, helping to solidify your understanding. We encourage you to review this video and reflect on the concepts presented. To further your knowledge in electromagnetic induction, consider exploring related topics such as eddy currents, induction motors, and magnetic flux. Engaging with these subjects will deepen your understanding of electromagnetism and its practical applications. Whether you're a student, engineer, or simply curious about physics, mastering induced EMF in moving conductors opens doors to exciting technological advancements and innovations in the field of electromagnetism.

          Introduction to Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor

          In this section, we are going to learn about induced EMF and induced current. When a conductor moves through a uniform magnetic field, it results in an induced current and induced EMF. This guide will walk you through the steps to understand the concept of induced EMF in a moving conductor.

          Step 1: Understanding the Basics

          The first step is to understand the basic concept of induced EMF. When a conductor moves through a uniform magnetic field, an electromotive force (EMF) is induced in the conductor. This induced EMF results in an induced current. The magnitude of the induced EMF depends on the speed of the conductor, the strength of the magnetic field, and the length of the conductor within the magnetic field.

          Step 2: Analyzing the Diagram

          To better understand the concept, let's analyze a diagram. Imagine a conductor moving through a uniform magnetic field. The conductor moves a distance of delta x over a time interval delta t, with a velocity v. As the conductor moves, there is a change in magnetic flux through the area it covers. This change in magnetic flux induces an EMF in the conductor.

          Step 3: Calculating the Induced EMF

          The next step is to calculate the magnitude of the induced EMF. The induced EMF (ε) can be calculated using Faraday's Law of Induction, which states that the induced EMF is equal to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the conductor. Mathematically, this is expressed as:
          ε = -dΦ/dt
          where Φ is the magnetic flux. The negative sign indicates the direction of the induced EMF, as given by Lenz's Law.

          Step 4: Determining the Direction of Induced Current

          Once we have the magnitude of the induced EMF, the next step is to determine the direction of the induced current. According to Lenz's Law, the direction of the induced current is such that it opposes the change in magnetic flux that produced it. This means that if the magnetic flux is increasing, the induced current will flow in a direction that creates a magnetic field opposing the increase. Conversely, if the magnetic flux is decreasing, the induced current will flow in a direction that creates a magnetic field opposing the decrease.

          Step 5: Understanding the Role of Magnetic Flux

          The concept of magnetic flux is crucial in understanding induced EMF. Magnetic flux (Φ) is defined as the product of the magnetic field (B) and the area (A) through which the field lines pass, and it is given by:
          Φ = B * A * cos(θ)
          where θ is the angle between the magnetic field lines and the normal to the surface. As the conductor moves through the magnetic field, the area exposed to the magnetic field changes, resulting in a change in magnetic flux and thus inducing an EMF.

          Step 6: Practical Applications

          Understanding induced EMF in a moving conductor has several practical applications. For example, it is the principle behind the operation of electric generators, where mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy by moving a conductor through a magnetic field. It is also used in electromagnetic braking systems, where the motion of a conductor through a magnetic field generates an opposing force that slows down the motion.

          Step 7: Summary

          In summary, induced EMF in a moving conductor is a fundamental concept in electromagnetism. It occurs when a conductor moves through a uniform magnetic field, resulting in a change in magnetic flux and inducing an EMF. The magnitude of the induced EMF can be calculated using Faraday's Law, and the direction of the induced current is determined by Lenz's Law. Understanding this concept is essential for various practical applications, including electric generators and electromagnetic braking systems.


          1. What happens when a conductor is placed in a magnetic field?

            When a conductor is placed in a magnetic field, no immediate effect occurs if the conductor is stationary. However, if the conductor moves through the magnetic field or if the magnetic field changes, an electromotive force (EMF) is induced in the conductor. This EMF can drive an electric current if the conductor is part of a closed circuit.

          2. What is induced by a changing magnetic field?

            A changing magnetic field induces an electromotive force (EMF) in a conductor within that field. This EMF can generate an electric current in a closed circuit. The induced EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the conductor, as described by Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.

          3. What is a magnetic field induced in the conductor carrying the current?

            When a current flows through a conductor, it creates its own magnetic field around the conductor. This induced magnetic field follows the right-hand rule: if you point your thumb in the direction of the current, your curled fingers indicate the direction of the magnetic field lines around the conductor.

          4. What happens when a conductor is placed into a changing magnetic field?

            When a conductor is placed in a changing magnetic field, an EMF is induced in the conductor due to the changing magnetic flux. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetic induction. The induced EMF can drive a current in the conductor if it's part of a closed circuit. The direction of this induced current will be such that it opposes the change in the magnetic field, as described by Lenz's law.

          5. How does the speed of a conductor's movement affect the induced EMF?

            The speed of a conductor's movement through a magnetic field directly affects the magnitude of the induced EMF. A faster-moving conductor will experience a greater rate of change in magnetic flux, resulting in a larger induced EMF. This relationship is described by the equation E = Blv, where E is the induced EMF, B is the magnetic field strength, l is the length of the conductor in the field, and v is the velocity of the conductor perpendicular to the magnetic field lines.

          Prerequisite Topics

          Understanding the concept of Induced EMF in a moving conductor is crucial in the field of electromagnetism. However, to fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite subjects. Two key areas that play a significant role in comprehending induced EMF are the rate of change and electric generators & counter EMF (Back EMF).

          The concept of rate of change is fundamental when studying induced EMF in a moving conductor. This mathematical principle helps us understand how quickly the magnetic flux through a conductor changes over time. In the context of induced EMF, the rate of change of magnetic flux is directly proportional to the magnitude of the induced electromotive force. Students who are well-versed in calculating and interpreting rates of change will find it much easier to analyze the behavior of moving conductors in magnetic fields.

          Furthermore, the rate of change concept is crucial when dealing with Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, which forms the basis for understanding induced EMF. By mastering the rate of change, students can more effectively predict and calculate the induced EMF in various scenarios involving moving conductors.

          Equally important is the understanding of electric generators and counter EMF (also known as back EMF). Electric generators are practical applications of induced EMF in moving conductors. By studying how generators work, students can see the real-world implications of the theoretical concepts they learn about induced EMF. The principles behind electric generators directly relate to the phenomenon of induced EMF in moving conductors, as both involve the interaction between magnetic fields and moving conductive materials.

          Counter EMF, or back EMF, is another critical concept that builds upon the understanding of induced EMF. It occurs in motors and generators and opposes the applied voltage. Grasping this concept helps students comprehend the complexities of electromagnetic systems and how induced EMF can affect the operation of electrical machines.

          By thoroughly understanding these prerequisite topics, students will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of induced EMF in moving conductors. The rate of change provides the mathematical foundation for analyzing the phenomenon, while knowledge of electric generators offers practical context and applications. Together, these prerequisites create a robust framework for exploring the fascinating world of electromagnetic induction and its various manifestations in moving conductors.

          In conclusion, mastering these prerequisite topics is not just about fulfilling academic requirements; it's about building a comprehensive understanding that will enable students to approach the subject of induced EMF in moving conductors with confidence and insight. This foundational knowledge will prove invaluable as they progress to more advanced concepts in electromagnetism and electrical engineering.

          In this lesson, we will learn:

          • Moving a conductor in a uniform magnetic field results in an induced emf across the conductor.
          • How to find the magnitude of the electromotive force?
          • How to find the direction of the electromotive force?


          • Moving a conductor in a uniform magnetic field results in an induced emf across the conductor.
          • As the conductor moves, there is a change in magnetic flux, due to the change in area of the conductor that is exposed to the magnetic field lines.

          • Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor.

          • Change in flux results in electromotive force induction and induced emf in the loop.

          • Magnitude of the Electromotive Force

          • According to Faraday’s law:

          ϵ=ΔϕΔt \large \epsilon = \frac{\Delta \phi} {\Delta t}

          ll = length of the rod
          BB = magnetic field
          vv = speed of the rod
          AA = area of the loop

          If the rod moves at speed of vv , it travels a distance of Δx\Delta x , in a time Δt\Delta t ;

          Δx=vΔt \Delta x = v \Delta t

          Therefore, the area of the loop changes by an amount of ΔA\Delta A = lΔxl \Delta x

          ϵ=ϕΔt=BΔAΔt=BlvΔtΔt=Blv\large \epsilon = \frac{\phi} {\Delta t} = \frac{B \Delta A} {\Delta t} = \frac{Blv \, \Delta t} {\Delta t} = Blv

          Direction of the Induced Current and Electromotive Force

          • The direction of the induced current is in a way to oppose the change in flux.

          • Induced EMF in a Moving Conductor.