Force on electric charge moving in a magnetic field 

  1. The magnitude of the electromagnetic force
  2. The direction of the electromagnetic force
  3. The radius of the motion of moving charged particle in a magnetic field.
  1. The path of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field is circular when the initial velocity is perpendicular to the field.

    Force on Electric Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field

    Which of the following are a valid expression for the radius of this orbit in terms of the magnetic field strength, and the particle's momentum and charge?

    1. BqpBqp
    2. Bpq\frac{Bp}{q}
    3. Bqp\frac{Bq}{p}
    4. pBq\frac{p}{Bq}
    1. A beam made up of ions of various charges and masses enters a uniform magnetic field as shown.

      Force on Electric Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field

      One type of ion is observed to follow path 2. Which path describes the one taken by an oppositely charged ion with twice the mass and twice the charge? (Assume all ions have the same speed.)

      1. Path 1
      2. Path 3
      3. Path 4
      4. Path 5
      1. One method for determining masses of heavy ions involves timing their orbital period in a known magnetic field.
        What is the mass of a single ion that makes 7.0 revolutions in 1.3 × 10-3ss in a 4.5 × 10-2 TT filed?
        1. A positively charged object (qq =1.6 ×10-19 CC) is traveling at 1.9 × 104m/s perpendicular to a 1.0 × 10-3 TT magnetic field. If the radius of the resulting oath is 0.40m, what is the object's mass?

          1. 3.4 × 10-27 kg
          2. 3.1 × 10-19 kg
          3. 2.1 × 10-9 kg
          4. 0.77kg
          Topic Notes

          Introduction to Force on Moving Electric Charges in Magnetic Fields

          Welcome to our exploration of the fascinating world of electromagnetic forces! Today, we'll dive into the concept of force on electric charges moving through magnetic fields. This fundamental principle is crucial in understanding how electromagnetic forces shape our universe. Our introduction video provides a clear, visual explanation of this concept, making it easier to grasp. As we begin, imagine a charged particle zipping through space, suddenly encountering a magnetic field. What happens next? That's exactly what we'll uncover! This interaction between moving charges and magnetic fields is the basis for many technological applications, from electric motors to particle accelerators. By understanding this concept, you'll gain insight into how electromagnetic forces influence the behavior of charged particles in various contexts. So, let's embark on this exciting journey together and unravel the mysteries of electromagnetic forces!

          Understanding the force on electric charges is essential for comprehending the broader implications of electromagnetic theory. The interaction between moving charges and magnetic fields not only explains natural phenomena but also drives innovation in technology. From the development of new medical imaging techniques to advancements in communication systems, the principles we explore today have far-reaching impacts. Let's continue to delve deeper into this topic and discover how these forces operate in different scenarios.

          Understanding Electromagnetic Force

          Electromagnetic force is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the interaction between electrically charged particles and magnetic fields. This force plays a crucial role in many everyday phenomena and technological applications. One of the most important aspects of electromagnetic force is how it affects current-carrying wires and moving charged particles in magnetic fields.

          When a current-carrying wire is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a force. This force is the result of the interaction between the moving electrons in the wire and the magnetic field lines. The direction of this force can be determined using Fleming's Left-Hand Rule, which states that if you point your thumb in the direction of the current, your forefinger in the direction of the magnetic field lines, your middle finger will point in the direction of the force.

          To illustrate this concept, consider a simple experiment where a straight wire is placed between the poles of a magnet. When a current flows through the wire, it will move either up or down, depending on the direction of the current and the orientation of the magnetic field. This demonstration clearly shows the presence of an electromagnetic force acting on the wire.

          The magnitude of the force experienced by a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field depends on several factors. These include the strength of the magnetic field, the length of the wire exposed to the field, and the amount of current flowing through the wire. The relationship between these factors is expressed mathematically as F = BIL, where F is the force, B is the magnetic field strength, I is the current, and L is the length of the wire in the field.

          Moving charged particles, such as electrons or ions, also experience a force when they enter a magnetic field. This force causes the particles to follow a curved path, with the direction of curvature depending on the charge of the particle and the orientation of the magnetic field. This principle is utilized in many scientific instruments, such as mass spectrometers and particle accelerators.

          The interaction between current-carrying wires and magnetic fields forms the basis for many practical applications. For example, electric motors rely on this principle to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. In a motor, current-carrying coils are placed in a magnetic field, and the resulting electromagnetic force causes the coils to rotate, driving the motor's shaft.

          Conversely, the movement of a conductor through a magnetic field can generate an electromotive force (EMF), which is the principle behind electrical generators. When a wire moves through a magnetic field, it cuts through the magnetic field lines, inducing a voltage in the wire. This induced voltage is what allows generators to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

          Understanding electromagnetic force is crucial in many fields of science and engineering. It explains the behavior of charged particles in magnetic fields, which is essential in plasma physics and the study of cosmic phenomena. In technology, this knowledge is applied in the design of electromagnetic devices, from simple electromagnets to complex particle accelerators.

          In conclusion, the electromagnetic force acting on current-carrying wires and moving charged particles in magnetic fields is a fundamental concept with wide-ranging implications. By understanding the factors that influence the direction and magnitude of this force, we can harness its power for various practical applications and gain deeper insights into the workings of the universe.

          Magnitude of Electromagnetic Force

          The electromagnetic force is a fundamental interaction in physics that plays a crucial role in many natural phenomena and technological applications. The magnitude of this force can be calculated using the formula F = QVB sin θ, which is known as the Lorentz force equation. This equation provides a precise way to determine the force experienced by a charged particle moving through a magnetic field.

          Let's break down each component of this formula to understand its significance:

          • F represents the force magnitude, measured in newtons (N).
          • Q is the charge quantity of the particle, measured in coulombs (C).
          • V denotes the velocity of the charged particle, measured in meters per second (m/s).
          • B represents the magnetic field strength, measured in teslas (T).
          • θ (theta) is the angle between the velocity vector and the magnetic field lines.

          The charge quantity (Q) is a fundamental property of the particle and determines the strength of its interaction with the magnetic field. A larger charge will result in a stronger force. The velocity (V) of the particle is crucial because a stationary charged particle experiences no magnetic force. The faster the particle moves, the greater the force it experiences.

          The magnetic field strength (B) directly influences the force magnitude. Stronger magnetic fields produce larger forces on moving charged particles. This relationship is linear, meaning that doubling the magnetic field strength will double the force, assuming all other factors remain constant.

          The angle between the velocity and the magnetic field plays a significant role in determining the force magnitude. This is where the sine function in the equation becomes important. The sine of the angle modulates the force, making it vary between zero and its maximum value.

          When the angle between the velocity and the magnetic field is 0° or 180°, sin θ equals 0, resulting in no magnetic force. This occurs when the particle's velocity is parallel or antiparallel to the magnetic field lines. In these cases, the particle continues to move in a straight line without deflection.

          The maximum force occurs when the angle θ is 90° or 270°, where sin θ equals 1. This happens when the particle's velocity is perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. In this scenario, the particle experiences the full strength of the magnetic force, causing it to move in a circular path if no other forces are present.

          For angles between 0° and 90° (or 180° and 270°), the force magnitude varies smoothly from zero to its maximum value. This relationship allows for precise control of charged particle motion in various applications, such as particle accelerators and mass spectrometers.

          Understanding the F = QVB sin θ formula is essential for analyzing and predicting the behavior of charged particles in magnetic fields. It explains phenomena like the auroras, where charged particles from the solar wind interact with Earth's magnetic field. In technology, this principle is applied in devices like cathode ray tubes, which were used in old television sets, and in modern particle detectors used in high-energy physics experiments.

          The formula also highlights the vector nature of the electromagnetic force. The force is always perpendicular to both the velocity of the particle and the magnetic field. This property leads to interesting trajectories of charged particles in magnetic fields, such as helical paths in magnetic fields.

          In practical applications, scientists and engineers often manipulate these variables to achieve desired outcomes. For instance, by adjusting the magnetic field strength or the angle of particle entry, they can control the paths of charged particles with great precision. This control is crucial in applications ranging from medical imaging technologies to the design of fusion reactors, where helical paths in magnetic fields are often observed.

          Direction of Electromagnetic Force

          The right-hand rule is a crucial tool in physics for determining the direction of electromagnetic force on a moving charge. This rule provides a simple yet effective method to visualize the complex interactions between magnetic fields and charged particles. Understanding and applying the right-hand rule is essential for students and professionals working with electromagnetism.

          To apply the right-hand rule for a positive charge, follow these steps:

          1. Extend your right hand with your thumb, index finger, and middle finger perpendicular to each other, forming three axes.
          2. Point your index finger in the direction of the magnetic field (B).
          3. Point your middle finger in the direction of the charge's velocity (v).
          4. Your thumb will now point in the direction of the force (F) experienced by the positive charge.

          This configuration is often remembered as "FBI" - Field (index finger), velocity (middle finger), and Force (thumb). It's important to note that this rule assumes a right-handed coordinate system.

          For negative charges, the process is slightly different. You have two options:

          1. Use the left hand instead of the right hand, following the same finger assignments.
          2. Use the right hand as before, but reverse the direction indicated by your thumb.

          The second option is often preferred as it maintains consistency in using the right hand for all calculations.

          To visualize this process, imagine a positively charged particle moving through a magnetic field. If the particle is moving upward and the magnetic field is directed to the right, the force on the particle would be directed out of the plane (towards you). For a negatively charged particle in the same scenario, the force would be directed into the plane (away from you).

          It's crucial to practice this rule with various configurations of charge movement and magnetic field directions. Consider scenarios where the charge moves parallel, perpendicular, or at an angle to the magnetic field. Remember that when the velocity and magnetic field are parallel, there is no force on the charge.

          The right-hand rule is not limited to determining force direction. It can also be applied to find the direction of magnetic fields created by current-carrying wires (using the "grip rule") and to determine the direction of induced currents in electromagnetic induction.

          Understanding the right-hand rule is fundamental in many areas of physics and engineering, including the design of electric motors, particle accelerators, and the study of cosmic rays. It provides a quick and intuitive way to solve problems involving charged particles in magnetic fields without resorting to complex vector calculations.

          In conclusion, mastering the right-hand rule for determining the direction of electromagnetic force is an essential skill in electromagnetism. By consistently applying this rule and adapting it for different charge scenarios, you can quickly and accurately predict the behavior of charged particles in magnetic fields. This knowledge forms the foundation for understanding more complex electromagnetic phenomena and their applications in modern technology.

          Circular Motion of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields

          When a charged particle enters a uniform magnetic field, it experiences a fascinating phenomenon: circular motion. This behavior is a fundamental concept in electromagnetism and has significant applications in various scientific fields. To understand this process, we must explore the interplay between magnetic forces and centripetal forces, which ultimately results in the particle's circular path.

          In a uniform magnetic field, the magnetic force acting on a moving charged particle is always perpendicular to both the particle's velocity and the magnetic field lines. This perpendicular force causes the particle to deviate from its original path, resulting in a circular trajectory. The magnetic force acts as the centripetal force, constantly changing the direction of the particle's motion without altering its speed.

          The relationship between the magnetic force and centripetal force is crucial in maintaining the circular motion. The magnetic force (F) on a charged particle is given by the equation F = qvB, where q is the charge of the particle, v is its velocity, and B is the strength of the magnetic field. This force must be equal to the centripetal force required to keep the particle in circular motion, which is expressed as F = mv²/R, where m is the mass of the particle, v is its velocity, and R is the radius of the circular path.

          By equating these two forces, we can derive the formula for the radius of circular motion: R = (mv)/(qB). This equation is of paramount importance in understanding the behavior of charged particles in magnetic fields. Let's break down its significance:

          1. Mass (m): The radius of circular motion is directly proportional to the mass of the particle. Heavier particles will have a larger radius of curvature, meaning they are less affected by the magnetic field.

          2. Velocity (v): The radius increases with the particle's velocity. Faster-moving particles will have larger circular paths.

          3. Charge (q): The radius is inversely proportional to the charge. Particles with greater charge will have smaller radii, as they are more strongly influenced by the magnetic field.

          4. Magnetic field strength (B): The radius is also inversely proportional to the magnetic field strength. Stronger magnetic fields result in tighter circular paths.

          This equation reveals that the radius of the circular motion remains constant as long as the particle's velocity and the magnetic field strength remain unchanged. This constancy is a key feature of the particle's motion in a uniform magnetic field.

          The constant velocity of the particle is another crucial aspect of this phenomenon. Unlike electric fields, which can change a particle's speed, magnetic fields only alter the direction of motion. The work done by the magnetic force is always zero because the force is perpendicular to the displacement. Consequently, the particle's kinetic energy and speed remain constant throughout its circular trajectory.

          This constant velocity has important implications. It means that the time taken for one complete revolution, known as the period of motion, is directly related to the radius of the circular path. The period (T) can be calculated using the formula T = 2πR/v, where R is the radius and v is the velocity.

          Understanding the circular motion of charged particles in magnetic fields is essential in various applications. For instance, it forms the basis for the operation of cyclotrons and mass spectrometers, which are used in particle physics research and chemical analysis. In cyclotrons, this principle is exploited to accelerate charged particles to high energies, while mass spectrometers use it to separate ions based on their mass-to-charge ratios.

          Moreover, this concept plays a crucial role in understanding natural phenomena such as the motion of charged particles in the Earth's magnetic field, leading to auroras. It also has implications in the design of particle detectors, plasma confinement in fusion reactors, and the development of advanced medical imaging techniques.

          In conclusion, the circular motion of charged particles in uniform magnetic fields is a fascinating phenomenon governed by the balance between magnetic and centripetal forces. The equation R = (mv)/(qB) encapsulates the key factors influencing this motion, providing insights into the behavior of charged particles under various conditions. This understanding not only deepens our grasp of fundamental physics but also enables numerous practical applications across scientific and technological domains.

          Applications and Examples

          The force exerted on electric charges moving in magnetic fields has numerous practical applications in modern technology and scientific research. Two prominent examples of this principle in action are particle accelerators and mass spectrometers. These devices showcase how the fundamental concepts of electromagnetism can be harnessed for groundbreaking discoveries and analytical purposes.

          Particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, utilize the force on moving charges in magnetic fields to propel subatomic particles to incredibly high speeds. In these machines, charged particles like protons or electrons are injected into a circular path and accelerated using electromagnetic fields. Strong magnets placed along the accelerator's circumference create powerful magnetic fields that guide the particles along their circular trajectory. As the particles gain speed, the magnetic force keeps them on their curved path, preventing them from flying off tangentially. This application of the magnetic force allows scientists to study fundamental particles and their interactions at extreme energies, leading to discoveries like the Higgs boson.

          Mass spectrometers, on the other hand, employ the force on moving charges in magnetic fields for analytical purposes. These instruments are crucial in fields such as chemistry, biology, and environmental science for identifying and measuring the mass-to-charge ratio of ions. In a typical mass spectrometer, ions are first accelerated by an electric field and then passed through a magnetic field perpendicular to their motion. The magnetic force causes the ions to follow circular paths, with the radius of curvature depending on their mass-to-charge ratio. Heavier ions or those with less charge will have a larger radius of curvature, while lighter ions or those with more charge will have a smaller radius. By measuring the deflection of these ions, scientists can determine their mass and identify unknown compounds in a sample.

          Another fascinating application of this principle is in the design of Hall effect sensors, which are used in various industries for position sensing, speed detection, and current measurement. These sensors exploit the Hall effect, where a voltage difference is created across an electrical conductor transverse to an electric current in the conductor and a magnetic field perpendicular to the current. This effect is a direct result of the force experienced by moving charges (electrons in this case) in a magnetic field. Hall effect sensors are commonly used in automotive applications for wheel speed sensing in anti-lock braking systems (ABS) and in electronic compasses for navigation.

          The force on moving charges in magnetic fields also plays a crucial role in the operation of cyclotrons, which are compact circular particle accelerators used in medical applications for cancer treatment and the production of medical isotopes. In a cyclotron, charged particles are injected into the center of two D-shaped electrodes and accelerated by an alternating electric field. A strong magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of motion causes the particles to follow a spiral path outward, gaining energy with each revolution. This application demonstrates how the principles of electromagnetic forces can be applied to develop life-saving medical technologies.

          In the realm of space technology, the concept of moving charges in magnetic fields is utilized in ion engines for spacecraft propulsion. These engines work by accelerating ions (typically xenon) using electric fields and then expelling them at high velocities to generate thrust. Magnetic fields are used to confine the plasma and guide the ion flow, improving the engine's efficiency. While the thrust produced is relatively small, ion engines can operate continuously for long periods, making them ideal for deep space missions where fuel efficiency is crucial.

          Problem-Solving Techniques

          When tackling problems involving forces on moving charges in magnetic fields, a systematic approach is crucial. Follow these steps to solve such problems effectively:

          1. Identify the given information: charge (q), velocity (v), magnetic field strength (B), and their directions.
          2. Determine the force direction using the right-hand rule.
          3. Apply the formula F = qvB sin θ, where θ is the angle between v and B.
          4. Calculate the magnitude of the force.
          5. Express the force vector in component form if necessary.

          Let's examine a sample problem to illustrate this process:

          Sample Problem:

          An electron (q = -1.6 × 10^-19 C) moves with a velocity of 2.0 × 10^6 m/s perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.5 T. Calculate the magnetic force on the electron.


          1. Given: q = -1.6 × 10^-19 C, v = 2.0 × 10^6 m/s, B = 0.5 T, θ = 90°
          2. The force is perpendicular to both v and B (right-hand rule).
          3. F = qvB sin θ = (-1.6 × 10^-19 C)(2.0 × 10^6 m/s)(0.5 T)(sin 90°)
          4. F = -1.6 × 10^-13 N
          5. The force vector points opposite to the direction determined by the right-hand rule due to the negative charge.

          Common pitfalls to avoid:

          • Forgetting to use the sine of the angle between v and B.
          • Neglecting the sign of the charge when determining force direction.
          • Mixing up units, especially when dealing with Tesla (T) for magnetic fields.

          To enhance your problem-solving skills:

          • Practice visualizing 3D scenarios and using the right-hand rule.
          • Always check your units and ensure dimensional consistency.
          • Draw clear diagrams showing vectors for charge motion, magnetic field, and resulting force.
          • When dealing with circular motion in magnetic fields, remember that the magnetic force provides the centripetal force.

          By following these steps and being mindful of common mistakes, you'll be well-equipped to solve a wide range of problems involving forces on moving charges in magnetic fields. Remember to apply these techniques consistently and practice with various scenarios to build your confidence and proficiency in this challenging area of physics.


          In summary, we've explored the fascinating interplay between electric charges and magnetic fields. Key concepts include the Lorentz force, which acts on moving charges in magnetic fields, and its applications in various technologies. Understanding these principles is crucial for grasping fundamental physics and engineering concepts. We've seen how this force influences particle accelerators, mass spectrometers, and even everyday devices like electric motors. The right-hand rule has been a valuable tool in determining force directions. We encourage you to delve deeper into this topic, exploring resources like university physics textbooks or online courses for a more comprehensive understanding. Remember, the introductory video provided a visual foundation for these concepts, making it easier to grasp the abstract ideas discussed. By mastering these principles, you'll gain valuable insights into the invisible forces shaping our technological world. Continue your journey of discovery in electromagnetism, and you'll unlock a deeper appreciation for the marvels of modern science and technology.

          One of the most intriguing aspects of electromagnetism is how moving charges in magnetic fields can generate forces that are both predictable and measurable. This understanding is not only theoretical but also has practical applications in designing and improving various technological devices. For instance, the principles of electromagnetism are applied in the development of MRI machines, which are crucial in the medical field for imaging the human body. By studying these interactions, scientists and engineers can innovate and create more efficient and powerful tools that benefit society in numerous ways.

          The Magnitude of the Electromagnetic Force

          Understanding the magnitude of the electromagnetic force on an electric charge moving in a magnetic field is crucial for various applications in physics and engineering. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process to calculate this force.

          Step 1: Understanding Electromagnetic Force

          Electromagnetic force is the force experienced by a current-carrying wire or any moving charged particles when placed in a magnetic field. This force can cause the wire or particles to move. The direction and magnitude of this force depend on several factors, including the amount of charge, the velocity of the moving charge, the strength of the magnetic field, and the angle between the velocity and the magnetic field lines.

          Step 2: Formula for Electromagnetic Force

          The magnitude of the electromagnetic force (F) can be calculated using the formula:
          F = Q * V * B * sin(θ)

          • Q is the quantity of charge.
          • V is the velocity of the moving charge.
          • B is the magnetic field strength.
          • θ is the angle between the velocity (V) and the magnetic field (B).

          Step 3: Understanding the Variables

          To effectively use the formula, it's important to understand each variable:

          • Q (Quantity of Charge): This is the amount of electric charge in coulombs (C).
          • V (Velocity): This is the speed at which the charge is moving, measured in meters per second (m/s).
          • B (Magnetic Field): This is the magnetic field strength, measured in teslas (T).
          • θ (Angle): This is the angle between the direction of the velocity of the charge and the direction of the magnetic field lines.

          Step 4: Calculating the Force for Different Angles

          The angle θ plays a significant role in determining the magnitude of the force:

          • When θ = 90°: The sine of 90° is 1, which means the force will be at its maximum value. This is because the velocity of the charge is perpendicular to the magnetic field lines.
          • When θ = 0°: The sine of 0° is 0, which means there will be no force. This is because the velocity of the charge is parallel to the magnetic field lines.
          Therefore, the force is maximized when the charge moves perpendicular to the magnetic field and minimized (zero) when it moves parallel to the field.

          Step 5: Practical Example

          Let's consider a practical example to illustrate the calculation:
          Suppose we have a charge of 2 coulombs (Q = 2 C) moving with a velocity of 3 meters per second (V = 3 m/s) in a magnetic field of 0.5 teslas (B = 0.5 T). The angle between the velocity and the magnetic field is 90°.
          Using the formula:
          F = Q * V * B * sin(θ)
          F = 2 * 3 * 0.5 * sin(90°)
          Since sin(90°) = 1:
          F = 2 * 3 * 0.5 * 1
          F = 3 N
          Therefore, the magnitude of the electromagnetic force is 3 newtons.

          Step 6: Conclusion

          By understanding the variables and the formula, you can calculate the magnitude of the electromagnetic force on a moving charge in a magnetic field. Remember that the angle between the velocity and the magnetic field lines significantly affects the force's magnitude. This knowledge is essential for applications in electromagnetism, electrical engineering, and various technological advancements.


          1. What is the Lorentz force?

            The Lorentz force is the force experienced by a charged particle moving in a magnetic field. It is given by the equation F = qvB sin θ, where F is the force, q is the charge of the particle, v is its velocity, B is the magnetic field strength, and θ is the angle between the velocity and magnetic field vectors. This force is responsible for the curved path of charged particles in magnetic fields.

          2. How does the right-hand rule work for determining the direction of force on a moving charge?

            The right-hand rule is a method to determine the direction of the force on a positively charged particle moving in a magnetic field. Point your thumb in the direction of the particle's velocity, your index finger in the direction of the magnetic field, and your middle finger (perpendicular to both) will then point in the direction of the force. For negatively charged particles, the force direction is opposite to what the right-hand rule indicates.

          3. Why do charged particles move in circular paths in uniform magnetic fields?

            Charged particles move in circular paths in uniform magnetic fields because the magnetic force acts perpendicular to both the particle's velocity and the magnetic field lines. This perpendicular force causes continuous change in the direction of motion without changing the speed, resulting in a circular path. The radius of this path depends on the particle's mass, charge, velocity, and the magnetic field strength.

          4. What are some practical applications of the force on moving charges in magnetic fields?

            This principle has numerous applications, including: 1) Particle accelerators for scientific research, 2) Mass spectrometers for chemical analysis, 3) Hall effect sensors for position and speed detection in various devices, 4) Cyclotrons for medical treatments and isotope production, and 5) Ion engines for spacecraft propulsion. These applications demonstrate the wide-ranging impact of this fundamental electromagnetic principle.

          5. How does the strength of the magnetic field affect the force on a moving charge?

            The strength of the magnetic field directly affects the force on a moving charge. According to the equation F = qvB sin θ, the force is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength (B). This means that doubling the magnetic field strength will double the force on the charged particle, assuming all other factors remain constant. This relationship is crucial in designing and controlling devices that utilize electromagnetic forces.

          Prerequisite Topics

          Understanding the force on an electric charge moving in a magnetic field is a crucial concept in physics, particularly in electromagnetism. While there are no specific prerequisite topics provided for this subject, it's important to recognize that a strong foundation in basic physics and mathematics is essential for grasping this complex phenomenon.

          To fully comprehend the force on an electric charge moving in a magnetic field, students should have a solid understanding of fundamental physics concepts such as vectors, forces, and motion. These basic principles form the backbone of more advanced topics in electromagnetism.

          Additionally, a good grasp of electric charges and electric fields is crucial. Understanding how charged particles behave and interact with their surroundings lays the groundwork for exploring their behavior in magnetic fields. Students should be familiar with concepts like Coulomb's law and the properties of electric fields before delving into magnetic interactions.

          Knowledge of magnetism and magnetic fields is equally important. Students should be comfortable with the idea of magnetic field lines, the concept of magnetic flux, and how magnetic fields are generated by moving charges or current-carrying conductors.

          A solid foundation in vector calculus is also beneficial, as it allows for a more rigorous mathematical treatment of the forces involved. Concepts such as cross products and vector operations are frequently used in describing the force on a moving charge in a magnetic field.

          Furthermore, familiarity with electromagnetic induction and Faraday's law can provide valuable context for understanding the interplay between electric and magnetic fields. These concepts help explain how changing magnetic fields can induce electric fields and vice versa.

          While not directly related, a basic understanding of special relativity can offer interesting insights into the relationship between electricity and magnetism. It helps explain how magnetic forces can be viewed as relativistic effects of electric forces.

          By building a strong foundation in these prerequisite areas, students will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of forces on moving charges in magnetic fields. This knowledge will enable them to understand phenomena such as the Lorentz force, cyclotron motion, and the Hall effect, which have numerous practical applications in modern technology.

          In conclusion, while there are no specific prerequisites listed for this topic, a comprehensive understanding of basic physics, electromagnetism, and related mathematical concepts is crucial for mastering the subject of force on electric charges moving in magnetic fields. This foundational knowledge will not only aid in understanding the topic at hand but also pave the way for exploring more advanced concepts in electromagnetism and physics as a whole.

          In this lesson, we will learn:

          • Magnitude and direction of an electromagnetic force exerted on moving charge in a magnetic field.
          • The radius of the circular motion of a moving charged particle.


          • A current-carrying wire experience a force when is placed in a magnetic field, similarly, freely moving charged particles would also experience a force when passing through a magnetic field.
          • The magnitude of the electromagnetic force exerted on moving charge in a magnetic field is calculated using the following equation:

            F=qvBsinθF = qvB \sin \theta

          qq = quantity of charge 
          vv = velocity of moving charge 
          BB = magnetic field 
          θ\theta = the angle between B \overrightarrow{B} and v \overrightarrow{v}

          • The force is greatest when the angle between B \overrightarrow{B} and v \overrightarrow{v} is 90°, Fmax=qvB \qquad F_{max} = qvB
          • The force is zero if the particle moves parallel to the field lines and the angle between B \overrightarrow{B} and v \overrightarrow{v} is 0°

          • The direction of the force is perpendicular to the magnetic field B \overrightarrow{B} and to the velocity v \overrightarrow{v} of the particle. 
          • The direction of the force is found using the right-hand rule, fingers point along the direction of the particle’s velocity and bend your fingers towards the of B \overrightarrow{B} . Then your thumb will point in the direction of the force. This is true only for positively charged particles, for negatively charged particles, the force is in exactly the opposite direction.

          Force on Electric Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field

          • The force exerted by a uniform magnetic field on a moving charged particle, produces a circular path.

          “The diagram below represents the direction of the force exerted on an electron”

          Force on Electric Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field

          • The particle would move in a circular path with constant centripetal acceleration if the force is always perpendicular to its velocity, a=v2ra = \frac{v^{2}}{r}
          • The force is greatest when the angle between B \overrightarrow{B} and v \overrightarrow{v} is 90°, Fmax=qvB \qquad F_{max} = qvB

          • F=ma \sum F = ma

            qvB=mv2rqvB = m \frac{v^{2}}{r}

            r=mvqB r = \frac{mv} {qB}

            Since F \overrightarrow{F} is perpendicular to v \overrightarrow{v} , the magnitude of v \overrightarrow{v} does not change. From this equation, we see that if B \overrightarrow{B} = constant, then rr = constant, and the curve must be a circle.