Application of reflected and refracted light

  1. Application of Reflected and Refracted Light
  2. Introduction to total internal reflection
  3. The condition of total internal reflection, critical angle
  1. Total Internal Reflection
    Calculate the critical angle of the following materials
    1. Glass with refractive index of 1.54
    2. Ice with refractive index of 1.31
    1. A beam of light is refracted by a type of glass as shown below
      Angle of incidence: 30°
      Angle of refraction: 22°
      Application of Reflected and Refracted Light

      1. Calculate the refractive index of this type of glass.
      2. Calculate the critical angle of the glass.
      1. A ray of light enters a glass prism with a refractive index of 1.50, as shown below;
        Application of Reflected and Refracted Light
        1. Explain what happens as the ray enters the prism
        2. Find the value of angle X
        3. Explains what happens as the ray reaches point O
        Topic Notes

        Introduction to Total Internal Reflection

        Total internal reflection is a fascinating optical phenomenon that occurs when light travels from an optically dense medium to an optically less dense medium. Our introduction video provides a clear and engaging explanation of this concept, making it easier for students to grasp its fundamental principles. Total internal reflection happens when light strikes the boundary between two media at an angle greater than the critical angle, causing all the light to be reflected back into the denser medium. This phenomenon is of paramount importance in optics, as it forms the basis for various applications, including fiber optic communication, prisms, and even the sparkling appearance of diamonds. Understanding total internal reflection is crucial for comprehending how light behaves at interfaces between different materials and how we can manipulate it for practical purposes. The video demonstration effectively illustrates this concept, showcasing real-world examples and helping viewers visualize the process of total internal reflection in action.

        Understanding Reflection, Refraction, and Total Internal Reflection

        Light behaves in fascinating ways when it encounters different mediums, and understanding the concepts of reflection of light, refraction, and total internal reflection is crucial for grasping the fundamentals of optics. Let's explore these phenomena using three key diagrams that illustrate how light interacts with different surfaces and mediums.

        Reflection of light occurs when light bounces off a surface, changing its direction. In the first diagram, we see a smooth, reflective surface like a mirror. When an incident ray of light strikes this surface, it bounces off at the same angle it arrived, creating a reflected ray. This principle is known as the law of reflection, where the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.

        Refraction, on the other hand, happens when light passes from one medium to another with a different density, causing it to change direction. The second diagram illustrates this concept by showing light moving from a denser medium (water) to a less dense medium (air). As the incident ray hits the boundary between these two mediums, it bends away from the normal line (an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface). This bending occurs because light travels at different speeds in different mediums, slower in denser mediums and faster in less dense ones.

        The refracted ray in this case moves away from the normal line as it enters the air. The angle of refraction is larger than the angle of incidence, demonstrating how light spreads out when moving from a denser to a less dense medium. This phenomenon explains why objects appear closer to the surface when viewed from above water.

        Total internal reflection, depicted in the third diagram, is a special case of reflection that occurs when light attempts to move from a denser medium to a less dense one at a specific angle. When the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle (a specific angle determined by the refractive indices of the two mediums), the light is completely reflected back into the denser medium instead of refracting.

        In this scenario, we see light traveling within water (the denser medium) and encountering the water-air boundary at a steep angle. Instead of refracting into the air, the light is entirely reflected back into the water. This principle is utilized in fiber optic cables, where light signals can travel long distances without significant loss by bouncing within the cable.

        To further understand these concepts, let's focus on how light behaves when moving from a denser medium (water) to a less dense medium (air). The incident ray originates in the water and approaches the water-air boundary. Upon reaching this interface, part of the light is reflected back into the water, forming the reflected ray. The angle of this reflected ray mirrors the incident ray's angle.

        Simultaneously, a portion of the light passes through the boundary, creating the refracted ray in the air. This refracted ray bends away from the normal line due to the change in medium density. The angle of refraction is larger than the angle of incidence, causing the light to spread out as it enters the less dense air.

        It's important to note that the intensity of the reflected and refracted rays depends on the angle of incidence and the properties of the two mediums. As the angle of incidence increases, more light is reflected and less is refracted. This relationship culminates in total internal reflection when the critical angle is exceeded.

        Understanding these principles of light behavior is essential in various fields, from designing optical instruments to creating stunning visual effects in photography and cinematography. The interplay between reflection, refraction, and total internal reflection explains numerous natural phenomena, such as rainbows, mirages, and the sparkling appearance of diamonds.

        By grasping these concepts and visualizing them through the three diagrams, we can better appreciate the complex ways in which light interacts with our environment. Whether it's the simple reflection in a mirror, the bending of light as it enters water, or the total internal reflection that makes fiber optic communication possible, these principles of optics shape our visual world in profound and beautiful ways.

        Critical Angle and Its Significance

        The critical angle is a fundamental concept in optics that plays a crucial role in understanding the phenomenon of total internal reflection. This angle is defined as the smallest angle of incidence at which light, traveling from a medium with a higher refractive index to one with a lower refractive index, is completely reflected back into the first medium. The importance of the critical angle lies in its ability to determine when total internal reflection occurs, a principle widely utilized in various optical devices and technologies.

        To comprehend the critical angle fully, it's essential to understand its relationship with the refractive indices of the two media involved. The refractive index of a medium is a measure of how much light slows down when it enters that medium. When light travels from a medium with a higher refractive index to one with a lower refractive index, it bends away from the normal line at the boundary. As the angle of incidence increases, the angle of refraction also increases until it reaches 90 degrees. At this point, the angle of incidence is equal to the critical angle.

        The mathematical relationship between the critical angle and the refractive indices of the two media is derived from Snell's law, which describes how light behaves when it passes from one medium to another. Snell's law states that the ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction is equivalent to the ratio of phase velocities in the two media, or equivalently, to the reciprocal of the ratio of the indices of refraction. Using this principle, we can derive the formula for calculating the critical angle.

        The formula for the critical angle (θc) is expressed as:

        θc = arcsin(n2 / n1)

        Where n1 is the refractive index of the medium from which the light is coming (the denser medium), and n2 is the refractive index of the medium into which the light is trying to enter (the less dense medium). This formula is derived from Snell's law by setting the angle of refraction to 90 degrees and solving for the angle of incidence.

        Understanding the critical angle is crucial in many practical applications. For instance, it is the principle behind the functioning of optical fibers, which use total internal reflection to transmit light signals over long distances with minimal loss. The critical angle also explains why a diamond sparkles more than other gemstones, as its high refractive index results in a smaller critical angle, leading to more internal reflections.

        In conclusion, the critical angle is a key concept in optics that determines when total internal reflection occurs. Its relationship with the refractive indices of media and its calculation using Snell's law provide valuable insights into light behavior at interfaces. This understanding is not only crucial for theoretical physics but also for practical applications in various fields, from telecommunications to jewelry design.

        Applications of Total Internal Reflection

        Total internal reflection (TIR) is a fascinating optical phenomenon that has numerous real-world applications. This principle occurs when light travels from a denser medium to a less dense medium at an angle greater than the critical angle, causing all light to be reflected back into the denser medium. Let's explore some of the most significant applications of TIR in various fields.

        One of the most revolutionary applications of total internal reflection is in fiber optics. Fiber optic cables, which form the backbone of modern telecommunications, rely on TIR to transmit data over long distances with minimal loss. These cables consist of a glass or plastic core surrounded by a cladding material with a lower refractive index. As light signals travel through the core, they undergo repeated total internal reflections at the core-cladding interface, allowing the signal to propagate over vast distances with minimal attenuation. This technology has revolutionized internet connectivity, cable television, and long-distance communication.

        Prisms are another common application of total internal reflection. These optical devices use TIR to reflect and redirect light, often changing its direction by 90 or 180 degrees. Periscopes, for instance, utilize a series of prisms to bend light and allow users to see around corners or over obstacles. Binoculars and telescopes also incorporate prisms to invert images and reduce the overall length of the optical system. In addition, prisms are used in spectroscopy to separate white light into its component colors, enabling scientific analysis of light spectra.

        The brilliance of diamonds is yet another stunning example of total internal reflection at work. The high refractive index of diamond, combined with its carefully cut facets, creates an environment where light entering the stone undergoes multiple internal reflections before exiting. This process, known as "light return," is responsible for the diamond's characteristic sparkle and fire. Gemologists and jewelers leverage this property to maximize a diamond's brilliance by optimizing the cut angles and proportions.

        Beyond these well-known applications, total internal reflection finds use in various other fields. In medicine, endoscopes utilize TIR to guide light through flexible tubes for internal examinations. Automobile rear-view mirrors often employ prisms to create a "day/night" mode that reduces glare from headlights. Even some types of solar concentrators use TIR to focus sunlight onto photovoltaic cells, improving energy efficiency. As our understanding of optics continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of total internal reflection in the future, further enhancing our technological capabilities and scientific understanding.

        Experimental Demonstrations of Total Internal Reflection

        Total internal reflection is a fascinating optical phenomenon that can be easily demonstrated through simple experiments. These hands-on demonstrations not only illustrate the concept but also provide valuable insights into its practical applications. Here are two engaging experiments to showcase total internal reflection:

        1. The Disappearing Coin Trick

        Materials needed: A clear glass, water, and a coin.

        Step 1: Place the coin on a table and position the empty glass over it.

        Step 2: Look down into the glass. You should be able to see the coin clearly.

        Step 3: Slowly pour water into the glass while maintaining your viewing angle.

        Step 4: Observe as the coin seemingly disappears when the water level rises.

        Explanation: As light travels from water (denser medium) to air (less dense medium), it bends away from the normal. At a certain angle, known as the critical angle, the light is totally reflected within the water, preventing it from reaching your eyes and making the coin invisible.

        2. Fiber Optic Demonstration

        Materials needed: A clear plastic or glass rod, a laser pointer, and water.

        Step 1: In a darkened room, shine the laser pointer through one end of the dry rod.

        Step 2: Observe how the light exits from the other end of the rod.

        Step 3: Now, bend the rod slightly and notice how the light still emerges from the other end.

        Step 4: Pour water over the rod and repeat the experiment.

        Step 5: Compare the intensity of the emerging light in both dry and wet conditions.

        Explanation: The rod acts like a fiber optic cable. When dry, some light escapes through the sides. When wet, the difference in refractive indices causes more total internal reflection, guiding more light through the rod.

        These experiments vividly demonstrate how total internal reflection works in everyday scenarios. The disappearing coin trick showcases how light behaves at the interface between two media with different refractive indices. The fiber optic demonstration illustrates the principle behind modern communication technologies, where data is transmitted as light pulses through optical fibers.

        By conducting these experiments, observers can gain a deeper understanding of total internal reflection and its significance in various applications, from telecommunications to medical imaging. These hands-on demonstrations not only make the concept more tangible but also inspire curiosity about the behavior of light and its practical uses in our technologically advanced world.

        Problem-Solving Techniques for Total Internal Reflection

        Total internal reflection (TIR) is a fascinating optical phenomenon that occurs when light travels from a denser medium to a less dense medium at an angle greater than the critical angle. To master this concept, it's essential to practice problem-solving techniques and perform calculations using the critical angle formula and Snell's law. Let's explore some examples to enhance your understanding.

        Example 1: Finding the Critical Angle

        Problem: Calculate the critical angle for light traveling from water (n = 1.33) to air (n = 1.00).


        1. Use the critical angle formula: θc = arcsin(n / n)
        2. Substitute the values: θc = arcsin(1.00 / 1.33)
        3. Calculate: θc 48.75°

        Therefore, the critical angle for light traveling from water to air is approximately 48.75°.

        Example 2: Determining Total Internal Reflection

        Problem: Light travels from diamond (n = 2.42) to water (n = 1.33) at an angle of incidence of 40°. Will total internal reflection occur?


        1. Calculate the critical angle using the formula from Example 1: θc = arcsin(1.33 / 2.42) 33.3°
        2. Compare the angle of incidence (40°) to the critical angle (33.3°)
        3. Since 40° > 33.3°, total internal reflection will occur

        Example 3: Applying Snell's Law

        Problem: Light travels from glass (n = 1.50) to air (n = 1.00) at an angle of incidence of 35°. Calculate the angle of refraction.


        1. Use Snell's law: n sin(θ) = n sin(θ)
        2. Rearrange the equation to solve for θ: θ = arcsin((n sin(θ)) / n)
        3. Substitute the values: θ = arcsin((1.50 sin(35°)) / 1.00)
        4. Calculate: θ 58.7°

        The angle of refraction is approximately 58.7°.

        Example 4: Fiber Optic Cable

        Problem: A fiber optic cable has a core with a refractive index of 1.48 and a cladding with a refractive index of 1.46. What is the maximum angle at which light can enter the fiber and still undergo total internal reflection?


        1. Calculate the critical angle at the core-cladding interface: θc = arcsin(1.46 / 1.48) 80.6°
        2. Use Snell's law to find the maximum angle of entry from air (n = 1.00): n sin(θ) = n sin(90° - θc)
        3. Rearrange and solve: θ = arcsin((1.48 sin(9.4°)) / 1.00) 14.0°

        The maximum angle of entry is approximately 14.0°.



        In summary, this article has explored the fascinating phenomenon of total internal reflection in optics. We've covered key points including the critical angle, Snell's law, and the conditions necessary for total internal reflection to occur. Understanding these concepts is crucial for anyone studying optics or working with optical devices. The importance of total internal reflection cannot be overstated, as it forms the basis for numerous practical applications in our daily lives. From fiber optic communications to medical endoscopes and even the sparkle of diamonds, this optical principle plays a vital role. We've also touched on its applications in prisms, light pipes, and reflective road signs. To further enhance your understanding of these concepts, we strongly encourage you to watch the introductory video provided. This visual explanation will help solidify the ideas discussed and give you a clearer picture of how total internal reflection works in practice.

        Application of Reflected and Refracted Light: Introduction to Total Internal Reflection

        In this guide, we will explore the concept of total internal reflection, its conditions, and its relationship with reflection and refraction. This phenomenon is crucial in various applications, including fiber optics and certain optical instruments.

        Step 1: Understanding Total Internal Reflection

        Total internal reflection occurs when a ray of light is completely reflected within an optically dense medium, such as water or glass, rather than passing into a less dense medium like air. This happens under specific conditions where the light cannot refract out of the denser medium and is instead reflected back entirely.

        Step 2: Conditions for Total Internal Reflection

        For total internal reflection to occur, the following conditions must be met:

        • The light must travel from an optically dense medium to an optically less dense medium. For example, from water (denser) to air (less dense).
        • The angle of incidence must be greater than the critical angle for the pair of media. The critical angle is the angle of incidence at which the refracted ray grazes the surface, making an angle of 90 degrees with the normal.

        Step 3: Diagram and Explanation

        Consider a boundary between two media, such as water and air. When light travels from water to air, it moves from a denser to a less dense medium. Here are the scenarios:

        • Case 1: When the light ray hits the boundary at a small angle of incidence, it refracts and bends away from the normal because it travels faster in air.
        • Case 2: If the angle of incidence is increased such that the refracted ray grazes the surface (making a 90-degree angle with the normal), this is the critical angle. At this point, you still have both reflection and refraction.
        • Case 3: When the angle of incidence is increased beyond the critical angle, the light no longer refracts into the air but is entirely reflected back into the water. This is total internal reflection.

        Step 4: Relationship with Reflection and Refraction

        In normal conditions, when light passes from one medium to another, both reflection and refraction occur. However, at the critical angle, the refracted ray travels along the boundary, and beyond this angle, refraction ceases, and only reflection occurs. This is the essence of total internal reflection.

        Step 5: Practical Applications

        Total internal reflection has several practical applications:

        • Fiber Optics: Used in telecommunications, fiber optics rely on total internal reflection to transmit light signals over long distances with minimal loss.
        • Optical Instruments: Devices like periscopes and binoculars use prisms that exploit total internal reflection to direct light paths efficiently.
        • Medical Devices: Endoscopes use total internal reflection to provide clear images from inside the body.

        Step 6: Conclusion

        Total internal reflection is a fascinating optical phenomenon with significant implications in technology and science. Understanding the conditions and behavior of light during this process is essential for leveraging its applications in various fields.


        1. What is total internal reflection?

          Total internal reflection (TIR) is an optical phenomenon that occurs when light travels from a denser medium to a less dense medium at an angle greater than the critical angle. In this case, all the light is reflected back into the denser medium, with no refraction occurring.

        2. What is the critical angle and how is it calculated?

          The critical angle is the smallest angle of incidence at which total internal reflection occurs. It can be calculated using the formula: θc = arcsin(n2 / n1), where n1 is the refractive index of the denser medium and n2 is the refractive index of the less dense medium.

        3. How does total internal reflection apply to fiber optics?

          In fiber optic cables, total internal reflection is used to transmit light signals over long distances with minimal loss. The light travels through the core of the fiber, which has a higher refractive index than the surrounding cladding, causing the light to repeatedly reflect off the core-cladding interface and propagate along the fiber.

        4. Why do diamonds sparkle more than other gemstones?

          Diamonds sparkle more due to their high refractive index, which results in a smaller critical angle. This leads to more internal reflections within the diamond, causing light to bounce around multiple times before exiting. This phenomenon, combined with proper cutting techniques, enhances the diamond's brilliance and fire.

        5. Can total internal reflection occur between any two media?

          Total internal reflection can only occur when light is traveling from a medium with a higher refractive index to one with a lower refractive index. Additionally, the angle of incidence must be greater than the critical angle for that specific pair of media. If these conditions are not met, some light will be refracted into the second medium.

        Prerequisite Topics

        Understanding the fundamental concepts that lay the groundwork for more advanced topics is crucial in any field of study, especially in physics. When it comes to the application of reflected and refracted light, having a solid grasp of the reflection of light is essential. This prerequisite topic serves as a cornerstone for comprehending the more complex phenomena and applications of light behavior.

        The reflection of light is a fundamental principle that governs how light interacts with surfaces. It forms the basis for understanding various optical phenomena and technologies that we encounter in our daily lives. By mastering this concept, students can more easily grasp the intricacies of how light behaves when it encounters different materials and interfaces.

        When studying the application of reflected and refracted light, students will find that their knowledge of reflection of light plays a crucial role. This prerequisite topic helps explain how light bounces off surfaces, which is essential for understanding applications such as mirrors, telescopes, and even fiber optic communications. The laws of reflection, including the principle that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection, form the foundation for analyzing more complex optical systems.

        Moreover, the concept of reflection is closely tied to refraction, as both phenomena often occur simultaneously when light interacts with different media. Understanding how light reflects helps in comprehending how it also bends or refracts when passing through different substances. This interplay between reflection and refraction is key to explaining various natural phenomena, like the formation of rainbows or the apparent bending of objects partially submerged in water.

        In practical applications, such as the design of optical instruments or the development of advanced imaging technologies, a thorough understanding of light reflection is indispensable. It allows engineers and scientists to manipulate light paths, create focused beams, and develop innovative solutions in fields ranging from photography to solar energy harvesting.

        Students who have a solid grasp of the reflection of light will find themselves better equipped to tackle more advanced topics in optics and photonics. They will be able to make connections between theoretical concepts and real-world applications more easily, enhancing their problem-solving skills and overall comprehension of light-based phenomena.

        In conclusion, the reflection of light serves as a critical prerequisite for understanding the application of reflected and refracted light. It provides the necessary foundation for exploring more complex optical systems and phenomena. By investing time in mastering this fundamental concept, students set themselves up for success in their study of optics and related fields, opening doors to a wide range of exciting applications and technologies that rely on the behavior of light.

        In this lesson, we will learn:

        • The total internal reflection conditions
        • Solving problems on total internal reflation
        • Formation of Mirage
        • Dispersion of light
        • The use of optical fibers


        • Total Internal Reflection:

          Complete reflection, there is NO refraction
          It occurs under the following circumstances:

          1. The ray of light travels from a more optically dense medium to a less optically dense medium.
          2. The angle of incidence is greater than a certain limiting angle (the critical angle).

        • Critical Angle

          The incident angle that causes the refracted ray to lie right along the boundary of the substance, angle θc\theta _{c}, is it unique to the substance.

          In other words;
          The measure of angle of incidence when angle refraction is 90°
          The measure of angle of incidence when the refracted ray grazes the boundary.

          < rr = 90° \Rightarrow <ii = < θc\theta _{c} \qquad Reflection and Refraction 

        Application of Reflected and Refracted Light

        • The angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle; the ray of light is totally reflected, No refraction

        Application of Reflected and Refracted Light

        • The angle of incidence is smaller than the critical angle; the ray of light gets both reflected and refracted.

        Application of Reflected and Refracted Light

        • Effect of refraction and reflection: Mirage, Dispersion of light, and Optical fiber

        • Mirage:
          An optical effect that is seen above the hot road, the road looks like a pool or mirror due to the total internal reflection of light.
          The layers of air above the ground are colder and less dense
          Layers at the surface of the ground are hotter and denser
          As light travels from less dense to denser layer with an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle, it gets totally reflected, no refraction

        Application of Reflected and Refracted Light

        Dispersion of light: White light directed thorough a prism is dispersed into bands of different colors.
        Example: Rainbow, it is the dispersion of sun light through water droplets.
        Application of Reflected and Refracted Light

        • Optical Fiber: It is a long thin flexible sample of a transparent medium. Any light ray entering the optical fiber will remain trapped inside, even if the fiber is bent.
          The total internal reflection occurs.
          Light energy stays the same throughout the fibers.
        • Use of optical fibers
          1. Surgical tools to treat illness, without deterioration of image quality
          2. Telecommunication, to transfer video and audio information with no loss of signals.
        Application of Reflected and Refracted Light