Introduction to spectroscopy and structure determination

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  1. How do we know about molecular structure?
  2. What is spectroscopy?
  3. Finding the degree of unsaturation (IHD)
  4. How different analysis methods work.
Topic Notes

Introduction to Spectroscopy and Structure Determination

Spectroscopy and structure determination are fundamental aspects of organic chemistry research, crucial for understanding molecular compositions and arrangements. The introduction video serves as a vital resource, offering a comprehensive overview of these complex concepts. Spectroscopy, a powerful analytical tool, allows chemists to probe the internal structure of molecules using various forms of electromagnetic radiation. Structure determination, on the other hand, involves the process of elucidating the spatial arrangement of atoms within a molecule. Both techniques are essential in modern organic chemistry research and applications. The scientific method plays a pivotal role in this field, emphasizing the importance of experimental evidence in confirming theoretical predictions about molecular structures. By combining spectroscopic data with other analytical techniques, chemists can confidently determine the structures of unknown compounds. This interdisciplinary approach highlights the dynamic nature of organic chemistry and its reliance on cutting-edge technology to unlock the secrets of molecular architecture.

Overview of Spectroscopic Methods

Spectroscopic methods are essential tools in chemistry for determining the structure and composition of molecules. Four main techniques discussed in the video are NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray crystallography. These methods are complementary and often used together to provide a comprehensive understanding of molecular structure.

NMR spectroscopy, or Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy, is a powerful technique that provides detailed information about the structure of molecules. It works by exploiting the magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei, particularly hydrogen and carbon. When placed in a strong magnetic field, these nuclei absorb and re-emit electromagnetic radiation at specific frequencies. The resulting spectrum provides information about the number and types of atoms in a molecule, their chemical environment, and how they are connected. NMR is particularly useful for determining the three-dimensional structure of organic compounds and biomolecules.

Mass spectrometry is a technique used to determine the mass and composition of molecules. It works by ionizing molecules and then separating these ions based on their mass-to-charge ratio. The resulting mass spectrum provides information about the molecular mass of the compound and its fragmentation pattern, which can be used to deduce structural information. Mass spectrometry is highly sensitive and can detect very small amounts of a substance, making it valuable in fields such as forensics and environmental analysis.

Infrared spectroscopy is based on the absorption of infrared radiation by molecules. Different chemical bonds absorb infrared radiation at characteristic frequencies, causing them to vibrate. The resulting infrared spectrum provides information about the types of bonds present in a molecule, which can be used to identify functional groups and determine molecular structure. This technique is particularly useful for identifying organic compounds and studying intermolecular interactions such as hydrogen bonding.

X-ray crystallography is a method used to determine the three-dimensional structure of crystalline solids at the atomic level. It works by directing a beam of X-rays at a crystal and analyzing the diffraction pattern produced when the X-rays interact with the electrons in the atoms. From this pattern, scientists can calculate the positions of atoms within the crystal lattice, providing detailed information about bond lengths, bond angles, and overall molecular geometry. X-ray crystallography is particularly valuable for determining the structure of complex molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids.

Each of these spectroscopic methods provides unique and complementary information about molecular structure. NMR spectroscopy excels at providing detailed information about the connectivity and spatial arrangement of atoms within molecules, especially in solution. Mass spectrometry is unparalleled in its ability to determine molecular mass and elemental composition. Infrared spectroscopy offers rapid identification of functional groups and is useful for studying molecular interactions. X-ray crystallography provides the most detailed three-dimensional structural information but requires crystalline samples.

In practice, these methods are often used in combination to build a comprehensive picture of molecular structure. For example, mass spectrometry might be used to determine the molecular formula of an unknown compound, infrared spectroscopy to identify key functional groups, NMR spectroscopy to elucidate the connectivity and spatial arrangement of atoms, and X-ray crystallography to confirm the three-dimensional structure if a crystal can be obtained. By combining data from multiple spectroscopic techniques, chemists can confidently determine the structures of complex molecules and gain insights into their properties and behavior.

The complementary nature of these spectroscopic methods highlights the importance of a multi-faceted approach to structure determination in chemistry. Each technique has its strengths and limitations, and by using them in concert, scientists can overcome the limitations of any single method. This integrated approach has revolutionized our ability to understand molecular structure and has had far-reaching impacts in fields ranging from drug discovery to materials science. As these techniques continue to advance, they promise to unlock even deeper insights into the molecular world, driving innovation and discovery across the chemical sciences.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique that has revolutionized the field of organic chemistry. This non-destructive method provides invaluable information about the structure of molecules, making it an essential tool for chemists, biochemists, and researchers across various scientific disciplines. NMR spectroscopy is particularly crucial for determining the carbon and hydrogen skeleton of organic molecules, offering unparalleled insights into molecular composition and arrangement.

At its core, NMR spectroscopy works by exploiting the magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei. When placed in a strong magnetic field, these nuclei align themselves either with or against the field. By applying radio frequency pulses, the nuclei are excited, and as they return to their ground state, they emit signals that can be detected and analyzed. These signals provide a wealth of information about the chemical environment of the atoms within a molecule.

There are two primary types of NMR spectroscopy used in organic chemistry: proton NMR (1H NMR) and carbon-13 NMR (13C NMR). Proton NMR focuses on hydrogen atoms, while carbon-13 NMR examines carbon atoms. Both techniques offer complementary information, allowing chemists to build a comprehensive picture of molecular structure.

Proton NMR is particularly useful due to the abundance of hydrogen in organic compounds. It provides information about the number and types of hydrogen atoms in a molecule, their chemical environments, and their relative positions. The spectrum typically displays peaks at different chemical shifts, measured in parts per million (ppm). These shifts are influenced by the electronic environment of each hydrogen atom, with more electronegative neighboring atoms causing downfield shifts (higher ppm values).

Interpreting proton NMR spectra involves analyzing several key features. The chemical shift of each peak indicates the type of hydrogen (e.g., aromatic, alkene, alkyl). The integration of peaks reveals the relative number of hydrogen atoms contributing to each signal. Splitting patterns, or multiplicities, provide information about neighboring hydrogen atoms, following the n+1 rule, where n is the number of equivalent neighboring protons. Common multiplicities include singlets, doublets, triplets, and quartets.

Carbon-13 NMR complements proton NMR by focusing on carbon atoms. While less sensitive due to the lower natural abundance of 13C isotopes, it offers crucial information about the carbon skeleton of organic molecules. 13C NMR spectra typically show single peaks for each unique carbon environment, making them simpler to interpret in terms of the number of distinct carbon atoms. The chemical shifts in 13C NMR span a much wider range (0-220 ppm) compared to 1H NMR, providing better resolution between different types of carbon atoms.

One of the key advantages of 13C NMR is its ability to distinguish between primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary carbon atoms through techniques like DEPT (Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer). This information is invaluable for determining molecular structure, especially in complex organic compounds.

The interpretation of NMR spectra often involves comparing observed data with reference spectra or predicted values. Chemists use correlation tables and empirical rules to assign peaks to specific structural features. For example, in 1H NMR, a singlet around 7-8 ppm might indicate aromatic protons, while a multiplet between 3-4 ppm could suggest protons adjacent to an electronegative atom like oxygen.

NMR spectroscopy's importance in organic chemistry cannot be overstated. It allows for the determination of molecular structures without the need for crystallization or derivatization. This is particularly crucial for analyzing natural products, pharmaceuticals, and newly synthesized compounds. NMR can also provide information about molecular dynamics, conformational changes, and intermolecular interactions, making it an indispensable tool in fields ranging from drug discovery to materials science.

In practice, chemists often use a combination of 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and two-dimensional NMR techniques (such as COSY, HSQC, and HMBC) to fully elucidate molecular structures. These advanced techniques allow for the correlation of signals between different

Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Spectroscopy

Mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy are two powerful analytical techniques used in chemistry and biochemistry for structure determination and compound identification. These methods complement each other and, when used in conjunction with NMR spectroscopy, provide a comprehensive approach to elucidating molecular structures.

Mass spectrometry is a technique that determines the molecular mass and formula of a compound by ionizing molecules and analyzing the mass-to-charge ratio of the resulting ions. The process begins with the sample being vaporized and ionized, typically through electron ionization or electrospray ionization. These ions are then accelerated through an electric or magnetic field, which separates them based on their mass-to-charge ratio. The separated ions are detected, and the resulting mass spectrum provides information about the molecular mass and fragmentation pattern of the compound.

One of the key strengths of mass spectrometry is its ability to determine the exact molecular mass of a compound with high precision. This information is crucial for identifying unknown compounds and confirming the purity of synthesized molecules. Additionally, the fragmentation pattern observed in the mass spectrum can provide valuable structural information, helping to elucidate the molecular formula and identify specific functional groups or structural features.

Mass spectrometry is particularly useful for analyzing complex mixtures, as it can separate and identify individual components based on their unique mass-to-charge ratios. This makes it an invaluable tool in fields such as proteomics, metabolomics, and environmental analysis. However, mass spectrometry has limitations, including the potential for fragmentation of labile molecules and difficulties in distinguishing between isomers with identical molecular masses.

Infrared spectroscopy, on the other hand, is a technique that identifies functional groups and acts as a molecular fingerprint by measuring the absorption of infrared radiation by a sample. When infrared radiation is passed through a sample, certain frequencies are absorbed by the molecular bonds, causing them to vibrate. The resulting spectrum shows absorption bands corresponding to specific functional groups, providing valuable information about the molecular structure.

One of the primary strengths of infrared spectroscopy is its ability to identify functional groups within a molecule. Each functional group has characteristic absorption bands in the infrared spectrum, allowing for rapid identification of structural features such as carbonyl groups, hydroxyl groups, and carbon-carbon double bonds. This makes infrared spectroscopy particularly useful for confirming the presence of specific functional groups in organic synthesis and quality control applications.

Furthermore, infrared spectroscopy provides a unique "fingerprint" region in the spectrum, which is highly specific to each molecule. This fingerprint region can be used to identify unknown compounds by comparing their spectra to reference databases. Infrared spectroscopy is non-destructive, requires minimal sample preparation, and can analyze samples in various physical states, including solids, liquids, and gases.

However, infrared spectroscopy has limitations in terms of sensitivity and specificity for complex mixtures. It may struggle to distinguish between closely related compounds or provide detailed structural information beyond functional group identification. Additionally, some samples, particularly aqueous solutions, can be challenging to analyze due to strong water absorption in the infrared region.

When used in combination with NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy form a powerful trio for structure determination. NMR provides detailed information about the connectivity and spatial arrangement of atoms within a molecule, while mass spectrometry offers precise molecular mass and formula data. Infrared spectroscopy complements these techniques by rapidly identifying functional groups and providing a unique spectral fingerprint.

The synergy between these methods allows for a comprehensive approach to structure elucidation. For example, mass spectrometry can determine the molecular formula, infrared spectroscopy can identify key functional groups, and NMR can reveal the connectivity and spatial arrangement of atoms. This multi-technique approach is particularly valuable when dealing with complex or novel compounds, where a single analytical method may not provide sufficient information for complete structural characterization.

In conclusion, mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy are essential tools in the analytical chemist's arsenal. Mass spectrometry excels in determining molecular mass and formula, while infrared spectroscopy shines in identifying functional groups and providing a molecular fingerprint. When combined with NMR spectroscopy,

X-ray Crystallography and Its Role in Structure Determination

X-ray crystallography is a powerful analytical technique used to determine the three-dimensional structure of crystalline materials at the atomic level. This method has revolutionized our understanding of molecular structures across various scientific disciplines, including chemistry, biology, and materials science. The principle behind X-ray crystallography lies in the interaction between X-rays and the electrons in atoms within a crystal lattice. When X-rays are directed at a crystal, they scatter in specific patterns based on the arrangement of atoms in the crystal structure. By analyzing these diffraction patterns, scientists can reconstruct the precise positions of atoms within the molecule, providing invaluable insights into its structure and properties.

The significance of X-ray crystallography in structure determination cannot be overstated. It is considered the most definitive method when available due to its unparalleled accuracy and level of detail. This technique allows researchers to visualize the exact spatial arrangement of atoms, bond lengths, and angles within a molecule. Such information is crucial for understanding chemical reactivity, biological function, and material properties. In the field of drug discovery, for instance, X-ray crystallography has been instrumental in elucidating the structures of proteins and their interactions with potential drug molecules, facilitating the design of more effective pharmaceuticals.

Despite its power, X-ray crystallography does have limitations that researchers must consider. The most significant constraint is the need for high-quality crystals of the substance under investigation. Many compounds, particularly large biomolecules or flexible organic molecules, are challenging to crystallize, limiting the applicability of this method. Additionally, the process of growing suitable crystals can be time-consuming and sometimes impossible for certain substances. Another limitation is the requirement for specialist skills in data collection, processing, and interpretation. The complexity of X-ray diffraction patterns and the sophisticated software used for analysis necessitate extensive training and expertise.

In practical organic chemistry settings, X-ray crystallography is often complemented by other spectroscopic methods due to these limitations. Techniques such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry (MS), and Infrared (IR) spectroscopy are more routinely used for day-to-day structure determination tasks. These methods offer advantages in terms of speed, sample preparation, and the ability to analyze compounds in solution or gas phase. NMR, for example, provides detailed information about the connectivity of atoms and their chemical environment, while MS can quickly determine the molecular mass and fragmentation patterns of compounds. IR spectroscopy is valuable for identifying functional groups within molecules.

However, when comparing these spectroscopic methods to X-ray crystallography, it's important to note that they typically provide indirect evidence of molecular structure. X-ray crystallography, on the other hand, offers direct visualization of the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms. This makes it particularly valuable for confirming the structures of new compounds, resolving ambiguities in molecular geometry, or determining the absolute configuration of chiral molecules. In many cases, a combination of spectroscopic techniques and X-ray crystallography, when possible, provides the most comprehensive understanding of molecular structure.

In conclusion, X-ray crystallography remains a cornerstone technique in structure determination, offering unparalleled insights into the atomic-level details of crystalline materials. Its ability to provide definitive structural information makes it an invaluable tool across scientific disciplines. While limitations such as the need for crystals and specialized expertise present challenges, the integration of X-ray crystallography with other spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry allows researchers to leverage the strengths of each technique. This complementary approach ensures a thorough and accurate determination of molecular structures, driving advancements in fields ranging from drug discovery to materials science.

Practical Approach to Structure Determination

Structure determination is a crucial process in chemistry, employing various spectroscopic methods to identify unknown compounds or confirm reaction products. A practical approach involves using complementary techniques in a strategic sequence, allowing chemists to piece together molecular puzzles efficiently. This process typically begins with simple, rapid methods and progresses to more complex, time-consuming analyses as needed.

The journey often starts with mass spectrometry (MS), which provides the molecular mass and potential molecular formula. This initial step narrows down possibilities and guides subsequent analyses. Next, infrared (IR) spectroscopy identifies functional groups present in the molecule, offering insights into the compound's basic structure.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy follows, providing detailed information about the carbon skeleton and hydrogen environments. 1H NMR reveals the number and types of hydrogen atoms, while 13C NMR offers data on carbon atoms and their bonding states. Two-dimensional NMR techniques like COSY and HSQC can further elucidate structural connections.

UV-Visible spectroscopy may be employed to investigate conjugated systems or chromophores, particularly useful for organic compounds. X-ray crystallography, while not always applicable, provides definitive 3D structural information for crystalline samples.

In practice, a chemist might encounter an unknown white crystalline solid. They would begin with mass spectrometry to determine its molecular mass, say 122 g/mol, suggesting a formula of C7H6O2. IR spectroscopy might reveal a strong peak at 1700 cm-1, indicating a carbonyl group. 1H NMR could show signals for five aromatic protons and a singlet integrating to one proton, while 13C NMR might display seven carbon signals, including one at 170 ppm typical of a carboxylic acid.

Combining these data, the chemist would deduce the compound is likely benzoic acid. To confirm, they might compare the melting point and spectral data with literature values or a known sample. If uncertainty remains, X-ray crystallography could provide conclusive evidence.

This systematic approach demonstrates how chemists integrate data from multiple spectroscopic methods to solve structural puzzles. Each technique contributes unique pieces of information, and their combined interpretation leads to a comprehensive understanding of molecular structure. By following this practical strategy, chemists can efficiently identify unknown compounds and verify synthetic products, showcasing the power of modern analytical chemistry in structure determination.


Spectroscopy and structure determination are fundamental techniques in organic chemistry, essential for unraveling the mysteries of molecular structure. These methods provide invaluable insights into the composition and arrangement of atoms within organic compounds. Understanding spectroscopy is crucial for chemists, as it allows for the identification and characterization of unknown substances. From NMR to IR and mass spectrometry, each technique offers unique perspectives on molecular structure. By mastering these methods, chemists can confidently analyze and interpret spectral data, leading to accurate structure elucidation. We encourage you to revisit the introduction video for a comprehensive overview of these techniques. As you progress through subsequent lessons, you'll delve deeper into each spectroscopic method, honing your skills in structure determination. Remember, proficiency in spectroscopy is key to success in organic chemistry, enabling you to unlock the secrets of molecular structures and pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries in the field.

Introduction to Spectroscopy and Structure Determination

How do we know about molecular structure? What is spectroscopy?

Step 1: Introduction to Spectroscopy and Structure Determination

This lesson serves as an introduction to spectroscopy and the various methods used to determine organic structures. It provides an overview of these methods and their functions. Subsequent lessons will delve into the specifics of each method, including how to measure spectra and the practical workings of each technique. For now, the focus is on understanding how we identify structures in organic chemistry.

Step 2: Objectives of Structure Determination

The objectives include recalling the major types of structure determination methods, understanding how chemists practically determine structures, and recognizing the sequence from an unknown to a known structure. This involves identifying all atoms and bonds within a molecule. Additionally, the practical issues surrounding these methods are discussed, emphasizing that these methods are complementary and often need to be used together to conclusively determine a structure.

Step 3: The Scientific Method in Structure Determination

A real scientific method begins with experimentation. Evidence must be collected through observation and measurement. With these observations, a theory is created and then tested with further experiments. This process avoids confirmation bias, where one only sees evidence that supports their pre-existing beliefs. Experimentation must come first to ensure accurate and unbiased results.

Step 4: Methods of Structure Determination

Several methods are used to determine molecular structures, many of which rely on how matter interacts with radiation (light). This interaction involves fundamental particles called photons. Spectroscopy is the study of how energy interacts with molecules, focusing on the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation (light) and the frequencies involved.

Step 5: Interaction of Molecules with Radiation

When radiation is applied to molecules, various interactions can occur. For example, if radiation is fired at a sample and the molecules absorb it, the response could involve heating up, bond vibrations, or energy release. Alternatively, the molecules might scatter the radiation, which can be measured by the angle of scattering. Some molecules might not interact with the radiation at all, remaining spectroscopically silent. Understanding these interactions helps in determining the molecular structure.

Step 6: Summary of Spectroscopy Methods

Spectroscopy involves various methods to answer questions about the relationship between matter (protons, neutrons, electrons) and light. These methods help in understanding how molecules interact with radiation, providing insights into their structure. The summary of these methods will be explored in detail in subsequent lessons.


  1. What are the main spectroscopic methods used in structure determination?

    The main spectroscopic methods used in structure determination are Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry (MS), Infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and X-ray crystallography. Each method provides unique information about molecular structure: NMR reveals atomic connectivity and spatial arrangements, MS determines molecular mass and formula, IR identifies functional groups, and X-ray crystallography provides detailed 3D structural information for crystalline samples.

  2. How does NMR spectroscopy work in structure determination?

    NMR spectroscopy works by exploiting the magnetic properties of certain atomic nuclei, particularly hydrogen (1H) and carbon (13C). When placed in a strong magnetic field, these nuclei absorb and re-emit electromagnetic radiation at specific frequencies. The resulting spectrum provides information about the number and types of atoms, their chemical environment, and how they are connected. This allows chemists to determine the structure of organic molecules, including the carbon skeleton and hydrogen arrangement.

  3. What is the role of Mass Spectrometry in structure determination?

    Mass Spectrometry plays a crucial role in structure determination by providing the molecular mass and potential molecular formula of a compound. It works by ionizing molecules and separating these ions based on their mass-to-charge ratio. The resulting mass spectrum offers information about the molecular mass, isotopic composition, and fragmentation pattern of the compound. This data is often used as a starting point in structure determination, narrowing down possibilities and guiding subsequent analyses.

  4. How does X-ray crystallography differ from other spectroscopic methods?

    X-ray crystallography differs from other spectroscopic methods in that it provides direct visualization of the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms within a crystal structure. While techniques like NMR and IR spectroscopy offer indirect evidence of molecular structure, X-ray crystallography allows for precise determination of bond lengths, bond angles, and overall molecular geometry. However, it requires high-quality crystals of the substance, which can be a limitation for some compounds.

  5. What is the practical approach to structure determination in organic chemistry?

    The practical approach to structure determination in organic chemistry typically involves a strategic sequence of complementary techniques. It often begins with Mass Spectrometry to determine molecular mass and formula, followed by IR spectroscopy to identify functional groups. NMR spectroscopy (both 1H and 13C) is then used to elucidate the carbon skeleton and hydrogen environments. Additional techniques like UV-Visible spectroscopy or X-ray crystallography may be employed if needed. This systematic approach allows chemists to piece together molecular structures efficiently, combining data from multiple methods for comprehensive analysis.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the foundation of organic chemistry and analytical techniques is crucial when delving into the world of spectroscopy and structure determination. Two key prerequisite topics that play a vital role in this field are arrow pushing (curly arrows) in organic chemistry and mass spectrometry.

Arrow pushing, a fundamental concept in organic chemistry, is essential for understanding the flow of electrons in chemical reactions. This skill is particularly relevant to spectroscopy and structure determination because it helps students visualize how molecules interact with electromagnetic radiation. When analyzing spectral data, the ability to predict electron movement allows for more accurate interpretation of chemical shifts and coupling patterns in techniques like NMR spectroscopy.

Moreover, arrow pushing is invaluable when proposing reaction mechanisms based on spectroscopic evidence. Students proficient in this skill can more easily deduce structural changes that occur during chemical processes, which is a critical aspect of structure determination. The connection between arrow pushing in organic chemistry and spectroscopic analysis becomes evident when elucidating the structures of complex organic molecules.

Equally important is a solid understanding of mass spectrometry, a powerful analytical technique used extensively in structure determination. Mass spectrometry provides crucial information about the molecular mass and fragmentation patterns of compounds, which is indispensable for identifying unknown substances. Students who grasp the principles of mass spectrometry can more effectively interpret mass spectra, identify molecular ions, and recognize characteristic fragmentation patterns.

The synergy between mass spectrometry and other spectroscopic techniques, such as NMR and IR spectroscopy, forms the cornerstone of modern structure determination methods. By combining data from multiple spectroscopic sources, chemists can piece together the structural puzzle of complex molecules. A strong foundation in mass spectrometry enables students to correlate spectral data with molecular structures, enhancing their ability to solve real-world analytical problems.

In conclusion, mastering these prerequisite topics is essential for anyone looking to excel in spectroscopy and structure determination. The skills acquired through studying arrow pushing in organic chemistry and mass spectrometry provide a solid foundation for understanding more advanced concepts in this field. By investing time in these fundamental areas, students will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of molecular analysis and structure elucidation, paving the way for success in their chemical studies and future research endeavors.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To understand how chemists determine the structure of organic molecules.
  • To recall the major types of structure determination.
  • To understand the practical issues surrounding the methods of structure determination.

  • Now we understand what organic compound structures look like and how to communicate them, we can think about how we know the structures.
    There are many ways we can find the structure of a molecule but most rely on studying how a molecule interacts with energy (radiation). This is called spectroscopy.
    If we apply a magnetic field or fire some radiation at a molecular sample and put a detector behind it, what happens?
      • If the molecules absorb the radiation, do they respond by moving in some way: vibrating or bending?
      • If they scatter the radiation, did it scatter in some places but not in others?
      • If they dont absorb the radiation or scatter it in any way, why not?

    Spectroscopy answers these questions and builds understanding of molecules and functional groups so we can predict the results for new, unstudied compounds.

  • An equation sometimes used on organic molecules to find rings and double bonds is the degree of unsaturation, or the index of hydrogen deficiency (IHD).
    This doesnt involve any analytical instruments, but the molecular formula needs to be known:

  • IHD = (C + 1) - H  +  X    N2\large \frac{H\;+\;X\;-\;N}{2}

    • CC is the number of carbon atoms;
    • XX is the number of halogens;
    • NN is the number of nitrogen atoms.

    The IHD value will return the number of rings and pi bonds combined. It does this because a cyclic ring (like cyclohexane) lacks two hydrogens compared to the chain version (e.g. hexane) in the same way as a pi bond leads to two less hydrogens on a molecule.
    Using benzene (C6H6) as an example:

    IHD (benzene C6H6) = (6 + 1) - 6  +  0    02\large \frac{6\;+\;0\;-\;0}{2} = 4

    This 4 includes the three pi bonds that make the aromatic system, and the cyclic hexane ring.

    Another example, 4-chloro-1-pentene (C5H9Cl):

    IHD (benzene C5H9Cl) = (5 + 1) - 9  +  1    02\large \frac{9\;+\;1\;-\;0}{2} = 1

    This value of 1 is for the C=C double (pi) bond that makes pentene an alkene.

  • The most important types of spectroscopy to organic chemists are:
    • NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy:
      • NMR applies a magnetic field that flips an atom's 'spinning' nucleus. After applying some radiation (radio waves) the nucleus drops back to its ordinary 'spin state' and emits energy that we can measure.
      • We use the precise frequency of this energy to determine how atoms containing a spinning nucleus are connected in the larger chemical compound. NMR can be run on any nuclei that has non-zero spin and these include hydrogen and carbon atoms.
    • Mass spectrometry:
      • This works by ionizing and fragmenting molecular samples and then effectively recording the mass of the fragments.
      • In this way, mass spectrometry is used to determine the molecular mass of the sample being analyzed. It can also identify specific elements due to the mass of protons in the nucleus.
    • Infrared (IR) spectroscopy:
      • This works by firing infrared radiation at a molecule. This radiation is absorbed at certain frequencies by particular bonds.
      • In this way, IR spectroscopy is used to identify bonds and functional groups in an organic structure being analyzed,
    • X-ray crystallography:
      • X-ray crystallography fires X-ray radiation into a crystallized organic sample. The X-rays are scattered by atoms and the pattern of X-ray scattering is measured. The position of atoms in the crystal structure, and bond angles, is gathered from this.

  • These techniques have varying usefulness and practical considerations:
    • NMR spectroscopy is probably the most useful of these techniques:
      • If you are running a reaction using a reactant you know the structure of, you expect hydrogen and/or carbon environments to change as your reactant becomes a chemically different 'unknown' product.
        Comparing a reactant's NMR spectrum to this unknown product that has been made will show which environments have changed (signals present in reactants but not products) and which new environments have been created (signals present in products but not reactants).
      • If starting from a totally unknown structure, NMR can give you the background hydrocarbon skeleton 'parts'.
        From here, using infrared spectroscopy to find the functional groups will tell you the particular bonds that connect the skeleton up!
    • IR spectroscopy gives important information but it needs supporting evidence:
      • In large, complicated molecules there will often be more than one of a particular bond or functional group.
      • Detecting individual bonds does not relay much about the molecule's larger structure or where they are attached in a molecule. You'll need NMR for that!
      • For simple molecules with few functional groups, a lab spot test could be more appropriate to 'test' for functional groups.
    • Mass spectrometry gives chemists a 'ball-park' figure for how large an unknown molecule is by giving the molecular mass, so it usually only plays an early or supporting role in identifying a structure.
      • The other methods (NMR, IR) can come in to give you a hydrocarbon skeleton and the functional groups that connect the skeleton. You use these to suggest a structure with the molecular mass you already know.
    • X-ray crystallography is not always available because it requires a crystalline solid sample, and structures are often hard and time-consuming to resolve. When it is done successfully though, it is normally considered a final, decisive piece of evidence – a 'slam dunk' - to show a molecular structure.

    A typical process of identifying an unknown molecule might go like this:
    An unknown organic compound is found as a side product of a reaction and isolated.
    • The first stage in structure determination would usually be to collect a mass spectrum of the molecule.
      • For example, the mass spectrum shows a molecular ion peak of 138. This means the structure has a molecular mass of 138 g mol-1. It also reveals the formula to be C7H6O3.
      With this alone, if we had absolutely no idea of the structure, we can only speculate:
      C7H6 is a nearly 1:1 carbon:hydrogen ratio, which strongly suggests there is a phenyl (-C6H5) ring of some sort in the structure. This leaves the remaining formula with one carbon and three oxygen atoms.
      Any ring attachment would replace a hydrogen, so other parts of the structure could be a functional group made of one carbon atom, three oxygen atoms and possibly one to three hydrogens, depending on how many functional groups are attached to the "phenyl ring".

      Summary: We have a few ideas of what the core skeleton is, but the mass spectrum alone doesnt confirm anything. The larger the molecular mass and formula gets, the less certainty we have. We need to go at least one method further.
    • Using 13C and 1H NMR spectroscopy, we can more or less confirm the hydrocarbon skeleton using the process of elimination through the molecular formula.
      • 13C NMR shows six carbon atoms in an aromatic ring, and another signal that is consistent with a carbon in an ester or carboxylic acid group It would also reveal a carbon singly bonded to an oxygen atom, such as in an alkoxy or hydroxyl group.
      • 1H NMR shows four aromatic protons and a –COOH proton in a carboxylic acid.
      -NMR spectra is a huge step here to confirm what this structure is – an aromatic ring with two attachments! It will also reveal the relative positions of these two attachments on the aromatic ring (we'll learn this later).
      - From our formula C7H6O3, the carbon NMR spectra shows six carbons in an aromatic ring, and the hydrogen NMR spectra shows four aromatic hydrogens. Four aromatic signals means two have been replaced – there are two attachments on this ring.
      - Subtracting the aromatic carbon and hydrogen atoms, we're left with CH2O3. We have NMR that suggests a carboxylic acid, and this signal is very distinct in NMR spectra. This must be one of the two attachments to the ring.
      - Subtract the carboxylic acid (-COOH) from this and we are left with HO, or -OH, a hydroxyl group.
      Summary: We have conclusive evidence for the majority of the structure, but arrived at the OH attachment partly by the process of elimination, and NMR for –OH groups is sometimes inconclusive. If we look at IR spectra, we should be able to confirm functional groups.
    • IR spectra here would be used to confirm the functional groups we believe we have. O-H bond stretches are quite distinct, in both alcohols and carboxylic acids.