Drawing structures: Isomerism, stereochemistry and chirality

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  1. Drawing correct chemical structures.
  2. How do different chemicals have the same formula?
  3. Chain isomers.
  4. Positional isomers.
  5. Functional group isomerism.
  6. Geometric isomers.
  7. Chiral centers enantiomers.
  8. Stereochemistry in real life.
Topic Notes

Introduction to Isomerism and Stereochemistry

Isomerism and stereochemistry are fundamental concepts in organic chemistry that deal with the spatial arrangement of atoms in molecules. Isomers are compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements, while stereochemistry focuses on the three-dimensional orientation of atoms in space. Understanding these concepts is crucial for grasping the behavior and reactivity of organic structures. The ability to visualize and interpret 3D representations of molecules is essential for predicting their reactivity, physical properties of molecules, and biological activity. This article includes an introductory video that explains these concepts in detail, helping students and researchers alike to better comprehend the complexities of molecular structures. By mastering isomerism and stereochemistry, chemists can design more effective drugs, create novel materials, and unravel the mysteries of biochemical processes. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced chemist, this overview will enhance your understanding of these vital aspects of organic chemistry.

Understanding the reactivity of organic structures is essential for predicting their behavior in different chemical reactions. Additionally, knowing the physical properties of molecules helps in determining their suitability for various applications in pharmaceuticals, materials science, and biochemistry.

Types of Isomerism: Chain and Positional Isomers

Isomerism is a fascinating concept in organic chemistry that explains how compounds with the same molecular formula can have different structures and properties. Two important types of isomerism are chain isomerism and positional isomerism. Let's explore these concepts using examples of pentane and butanol to understand their significance in organic chemistry.

Chain isomerism occurs when compounds have the same molecular formula but differ in the arrangement of their carbon atoms. A prime example of this is pentane (C5H12). Pentane can exist in three different chain isomers: n-pentane, isopentane (2-methylbutane), and neopentane (2,2-dimethylpropane). In n-pentane, all five carbon atoms are arranged in a straight chain. Isopentane has a branched structure with four carbons in the main chain and one methyl group attached to the second carbon. Neopentane has an even more compact structure with a central carbon atom bonded to four methyl groups.

To draw these chain isomers, start with n-pentane by sketching a straight line of five carbon atoms, adding hydrogen atoms to complete each carbon's four bonds. For isopentane, draw a four-carbon chain and attach a methyl group (CH3) to the second carbon. For neopentane, draw a central carbon with four methyl groups radiating from it.

Positional isomerism, on the other hand, occurs when compounds have the same molecular formula and carbon skeleton but differ in the position of a functional group or a double bond. Butanol (C4H9OH) serves as an excellent example of positional isomerism. There are four positional isomers of butanol: 1-butanol, 2-butanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol (isobutanol), and 2-methyl-2-propanol (tert-butanol).

In 1-butanol, the hydroxyl group (-OH) is attached to the first carbon of the four-carbon chain. 2-butanol has the -OH group on the second carbon. 2-methyl-1-propanol has a branched structure with the -OH group on the first carbon of a three-carbon chain, with a methyl group on the second carbon. 2-methyl-2-propanol has a compact structure with the -OH group attached to the central carbon, which is also bonded to three methyl groups.

To draw these positional isomers, start with a four-carbon chain for 1-butanol and 2-butanol, placing the -OH group on the first and second carbon, respectively. For 2-methyl-1-propanol, draw a three-carbon chain with a methyl group on the second carbon and the -OH group on the first. For 2-methyl-2-propanol, draw a central carbon with three methyl groups and an -OH group attached.

Despite having the same molecular formula, these isomers exhibit different physical and chemical properties. For instance, the boiling points of pentane isomers vary: n-pentane boils at 36°C, isopentane at 28°C, and neopentane at 9.5°C. This variation is due to differences in intermolecular forces resulting from their unique structures. Similarly, butanol isomers have different boiling points and solubilities in water, which affect their behavior in chemical reactions and their uses in industry.

Understanding chain and positional isomerism is crucial in organic chemistry as it explains how subtle structural differences can lead to significant variations in properties and reactivity. This knowledge is essential for predicting and interpreting the behavior of organic compounds in various applications, from pharmaceuticals to materials science.

Functional Group Isomerism

Functional group isomerism is a fascinating concept in organic chemistry that describes compounds with the same molecular formula but different functional groups. This type of isomerism plays a crucial role in understanding the diverse properties and behaviors of organic molecules. In this section, we'll explore functional group isomerism through examples and discuss its significance in the field of organic chemistry.

One common example of functional group isomerism involves alcohols and ethers. For instance, ethanol (CH3CH2OH) and dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3) share the same molecular formula (C2H6O) but have distinct functional groups. Ethanol contains an -OH group, classifying it as an alcohol, while dimethyl ether features an oxygen atom bonded to two carbon atoms, making it an ether. These structural differences result in varying physical and chemical properties, such as boiling points and reactivity.

Another notable example of functional group isomerism occurs between aldehydes and ketones. Propanal (CH3CH2CHO) and acetone (CH3COCH3) both have the molecular formula C3H6O, yet they belong to different functional group classes. Propanal is an aldehyde with a -CHO group at the end of the carbon chain, while acetone is a ketone with a carbonyl group (C=O) between two carbon atoms. These isomers exhibit distinct chemical behaviors and are used in different applications due to their unique properties.

Recognizing functional group isomers is essential in organic chemistry for several reasons. Firstly, it helps chemists predict and understand the reactivity of compounds. Different functional groups undergo specific reactions, so identifying the correct isomer is crucial for planning synthetic routes and anticipating reaction outcomes. Secondly, functional group isomerism affects physical properties such as boiling points, solubility, and polarity. This knowledge is valuable in various fields, including pharmaceuticals, materials science, and environmental chemistry.

Furthermore, the ability to distinguish between functional group isomers is vital in analytical chemistry and structure determination. Techniques like spectroscopy and chromatography can be used to identify and differentiate these isomers, allowing chemists to accurately characterize and study organic compounds. In the pharmaceutical industry, understanding functional group isomerism is critical for drug design and development, as slight changes in molecular structure can significantly impact a compound's biological activity and efficacy.

In conclusion, functional group isomerism demonstrates the complexity and diversity of organic molecules. By recognizing and understanding these isomers, chemists can better predict, manipulate, and utilize the properties of organic compounds in various applications. This knowledge forms a fundamental basis for advanced studies in organic chemistry and contributes to innovations across multiple scientific disciplines.

Geometric Isomerism: Cis-Trans and E-Z Isomers

Geometric isomerism is a fascinating concept in organic chemistry that plays a crucial role in understanding molecular structures and their properties. This type of isomerism occurs when molecules have the same molecular formula and bonding sequence but differ in the spatial arrangement of their atoms. The two main types of geometric isomers are cis-trans isomers and E-Z isomers, both of which are essential to comprehend for a deeper understanding of molecular behavior.

Let's explore geometric isomerism using the example of bute-2-ene, as demonstrated in the video. Bute-2-ene has two forms: cis-bute-2-ene and trans-bute-2-ene. In the cis isomer, the methyl groups are on the same side of the double bond, while in the trans isomer, they are on opposite sides. This difference in spatial arrangement leads to distinct physical and chemical properties, despite both molecules having the same chemical formula (C4H8).

The key to understanding geometric isomerism lies in the restricted rotation around double bonds. Unlike single bonds, which allow free rotation, double bonds have a rigid structure due to the presence of both sigma and pi bonds. This rigidity prevents the molecule from rotating freely, leading to the formation of distinct geometric isomers. In the case of bute-2-ene, this restricted rotation locks the methyl groups in either a cis or trans configuration.

For more complex molecules, chemists use the E-Z system to name geometric isomers. The E-Z system is based on the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CIP) rules, which assign priorities to substituents. 'E' stands for entgegen (opposite), while 'Z' stands for zusammen (together). This system provides a more precise way to describe the spatial arrangement of atoms, especially in molecules with more than two substituents around the double bond.

The importance of geometric isomerism extends far beyond theoretical chemistry, with significant implications in various fields, particularly medicine. A prime example of this is the contrast between cisplatin and transplatin. Cisplatin, a widely used chemotherapy drug, has a square planar structure with two chlorine atoms on the same side (cis configuration). This geometric arrangement is crucial for its anti-cancer properties, as it allows the molecule to bind to DNA and interfere with cell division.

On the other hand, transplatin, the trans isomer of cisplatin, has the chlorine atoms on opposite sides of the molecule. Despite having the same chemical formula as cisplatin, transplatin is therapeutically inactive. This stark difference in biological activity between two geometric isomers highlights the profound impact that spatial arrangement can have on a molecule's function. It underscores why understanding geometric isomerism is not just an academic exercise but a critical aspect of drug design and development in the pharmaceutical industry.

In conclusion, geometric isomerism, encompassing cis-trans and E-Z isomers, is a fundamental concept in organic chemistry with far-reaching implications. From the simple example of bute-2-ene to the life-saving applications of cisplatin, this phenomenon demonstrates how the spatial arrangement of atoms can dramatically influence a molecule's properties and functions. As we continue to explore and understand geometric isomerism, we unlock new possibilities in fields ranging from materials science to medicine, showcasing the power of molecular geometry in shaping our world.

Optical Isomerism: Enantiomers and Chirality

Optical isomerism is a fascinating concept in chemistry that deals with molecules that have the same molecular formula and bonding sequence but differ in their three-dimensional arrangement. This phenomenon is closely related to the concepts of enantiomers and chirality, which are crucial in understanding the behavior of certain molecules, especially in biological systems and drug development.

Enantiomers are pairs of molecules that are mirror images of each other but cannot be superimposed. This non-superimposable property is what defines chirality. A chiral molecule is one that is not identical to its mirror image, much like how your left hand is a mirror image of your right hand, but they cannot be superimposed perfectly.

The concept of chirality is often illustrated using the hand analogy. Hold up your hands in front of a mirror. The reflection of your right hand looks like your left hand, and vice versa. However, no matter how you rotate your hands, you can't make them match exactly. This is precisely how chiral molecules behave they are mirror images that cannot be superimposed.

Central to understanding optical isomerism is the concept of a chiral center. A chiral center, also known as a stereocenter, is typically a carbon atom bonded to four different groups. The presence of a chiral center is what gives a molecule its chiral property. To identify a chiral center, look for a carbon atom that has four distinct substituents attached to it. If you can find such a carbon atom, the molecule is likely to be chiral and exhibit optical isomerism.

When learning how to draw enantiomers, it's essential to understand that they are mirror images of each other. Start by drawing one version of the molecule, then imagine its reflection in a mirror. The reflected image will be the enantiomer. Remember, the bonds that point towards you in one enantiomer will point away in the other, and vice versa.

The importance of understanding optical isomerism becomes evident when we consider its implications in drug development and pharmacology. A prime example of this is the thalidomide tragedy of the 1950s and 1960s. Thalidomide was prescribed as a sedative and to treat morning sickness in pregnant women. However, it was later discovered that while one enantiomer of thalidomide had the desired therapeutic effects, its mirror image caused severe birth defects.

Thalidomide contains a chiral center, resulting in two enantiomers. The (R)-enantiomer had the intended sedative effect, but the (S)-enantiomer was teratogenic, causing developmental issues in fetuses. At the time, the drug was administered as a racemic mixture (containing both enantiomers), leading to devastating consequences. This case underscores the critical importance of understanding optical isomerism in pharmaceutical research and development.

The thalidomide example highlights why chemists and pharmacologists must carefully consider the three-dimensional structure of molecules. In many cases, different enantiomers of the same compound can have drastically different biological effects. Some may be beneficial, while others could be harmful or inactive. This realization has led to significant changes in drug development processes, with a focus on developing and testing single-enantiomer drugs rather than racemic mixtures.

In conclusion, optical isomerism, enantiomers, and chirality are fundamental concepts in chemistry with far-reaching implications. Understanding these principles is crucial not only for chemists but also for professionals in fields such as pharmacology, biochemistry, and materials science. The ability to identify chiral centers, draw enantiomers, and appreciate the potential differences in their biological activities is essential for developing safe and effective drugs, as well as for understanding many natural processes at the molecular level.

Drawing Techniques for Representing 3D Structures

Representing 3D structures on a 2D surface is a crucial skill in organic chemistry. Two primary techniques used for this purpose are wedge-and-dash notation and Fischer projections. These methods allow chemists to accurately depict the spatial arrangement of atoms in molecules, particularly when dealing with stereochemistry.

Wedge-and-dash notation is a widely used method for representing 3D structures. In this technique, solid wedges indicate bonds coming out of the plane towards the viewer, while dashed lines represent bonds going behind the plane. Regular lines are used for bonds in the plane of the paper. This notation is particularly useful for showing the three-dimensional arrangement of substituents around a central atom, such as in tetrahedral carbon compounds.

To draw using wedge-and-dash notation:

  1. Start by drawing the central atom and its main substituents using regular lines.
  2. Choose one bond to represent as coming out of the plane (solid wedge).
  3. Select another bond to depict as going behind the plane (dashed line).
  4. Leave the remaining bonds as regular lines to indicate they lie in the plane of the paper.

Fischer projections offer another way to represent 3D structures, especially useful for depicting sugars and amino acids. In a Fischer projection:

  1. The carbon chain is drawn vertically with the most oxidized carbon at the top.
  2. Horizontal lines represent bonds coming out of the plane towards the viewer.
  3. Vertical lines represent bonds going behind the plane.

When drawing enantiomers, which are mirror images of each other, follow these steps:

  1. Draw the first structure using either wedge-and-dash notation or Fischer projection.
  2. Identify the chiral center(s) in the molecule.
  3. To create the enantiomer, switch the positions of any two substituents around each chiral center.
  4. Alternatively, you can draw the mirror image of the entire structure and then rotate it 180 degrees.

Tips for accurately representing stereochemistry in organic molecules:

  • Always clearly indicate the type of bond (wedge, dash, or regular line) to avoid ambiguity.
  • When using Fischer projections, remember that horizontal lines represent bonds coming out of the plane, while vertical lines go behind.
  • Practice converting between different representations (e.g., wedge-and-dash to Fischer) to improve your spatial visualization skills.
  • Pay close attention to the arrangement of substituents around chiral centers when drawing enantiomers.
  • Use consistent bond lengths and angles to maintain clarity in your drawings.
  • When dealing with complex molecules, focus on accurately representing the stereochemistry of the key functional groups or chiral centers.

Mastering these techniques for drawing 3D structures on a 2D surface is essential for accurately communicating molecular structures and understanding stereochemistry. Regular practice with various types of molecules will help improve your skills in representing and interpreting these important chemical concepts. Remember that clear and accurate representations are crucial for effective communication in organic chemistry, whether in academic settings or professional environments.

Importance of Stereochemistry in Biochemistry and Medicine

Stereochemistry plays a crucial role in biological systems and drug development, significantly impacting the field of pharmaceutical research. This branch of chemistry deals with the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in molecules, which can have profound effects on how substances interact with living organisms. The importance of stereochemistry in biochemistry cannot be overstated, as it influences everything from enzyme function to drug efficacy.

In the realm of drug development, understanding stereochemistry is paramount. Many drugs are chiral molecules, meaning they can exist in two mirror-image forms called enantiomers. These enantiomers, despite having the same chemical formula, can exhibit drastically different biological activities. This phenomenon is exemplified by two notable cases: cisplatin and thalidomide.

Cisplatin, a widely used anticancer drug, illustrates the significance of geometric isomerism in pharmaceutical compounds. The cis-isomer of this platinum-based drug is highly effective in treating various types of cancer, particularly testicular and ovarian cancers. In contrast, the trans-isomer is virtually inactive as an anticancer agent. This stark difference in biological activity stems solely from the spatial arrangement of ligands around the central platinum atom, highlighting the critical role of stereochemistry in drug efficacy.

The thalidomide tragedy of the 1950s and 1960s serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of stereochemistry in drug safety. Thalidomide was initially marketed as a sedative and anti-nausea medication for pregnant women. However, it was later discovered that while one enantiomer of thalidomide had the desired therapeutic effects, the other enantiomer caused severe birth defects. This catastrophe underscored the need for a deeper understanding of stereochemistry in pharmaceutical research and led to more stringent drug development and testing protocols.

These examples bring us to the concept of racemic mixtures, which are crucial in pharmaceutical research. A racemic mixture contains equal amounts of left and right-handed enantiomers of a chiral molecule. In the case of thalidomide, the drug was administered as a racemic mixture, containing both the beneficial and harmful enantiomers. This tragedy highlighted the importance of separating and testing individual enantiomers in drug development.

The implications of racemic mixtures in pharmaceutical research are far-reaching. Researchers must now consider the biological activity of each enantiomer separately, as well as their potential for interconversion in the body. This has led to the development of enantiopure drugs, which contain only one specific enantiomer, potentially reducing side effects and improving efficacy.

Stereochemistry also plays a vital role in how drugs interact with their target molecules in the body. Enzymes and receptors often have specific three-dimensional structures that allow them to bind only to molecules with complementary shapes. This lock-and-key model of molecular recognition means that even slight changes in the spatial arrangement of atoms can dramatically alter a drug's ability to bind to its target, affecting its therapeutic action.

In conclusion, the significance of stereochemistry in biological systems and drug development cannot be overstated. From the cisplatin example demonstrating the importance of geometric isomerism to the thalidomide tragedy highlighting the critical nature of enantiomeric purity, stereochemistry has proven to be a fundamental consideration in pharmaceutical research. Understanding racemic mixtures and their implications has revolutionized drug development processes, leading to safer and more effective medications. As our knowledge of stereochemistry in biochemistry continues to grow, it will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of medicine and drug discovery.


Isomerism and stereochemistry are fundamental concepts in organic chemistry that deal with the spatial arrangement of atoms in molecules. Isomers are compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures, while stereoisomers have identical connectivity but differ in their three-dimensional orientation. Key types of isomerism include structural isomers, geometric isomers, and optical isomers. Stereochemistry focuses on the study of these three-dimensional arrangements, particularly in chiral molecules. Chirality occurs when a molecule has a non-superimposable mirror image, often due to the presence of a stereocenter. Understanding these concepts is crucial for predicting and explaining molecular properties, reactivity, and biological activity. Stereochemistry plays a vital role in pharmaceuticals, where different stereoisomers can have vastly different effects on the body. Mastering isomerism and stereochemistry is essential for chemists, biochemists, and pharmaceutical researchers to design and synthesize effective compounds and understand complex molecular interactions in biological systems.


Drawing correct chemical structures. How do different chemicals have the same formula?

Step 1: Introduction to Isomerism and Stereochemistry

This lesson introduces the concepts of isomerism and stereochemistry. These are crucial topics in organic chemistry that help us understand how different chemicals can have the same molecular formula but different structures and properties. When we draw organic structures, we need to think beyond the 2D representation on paper or a screen and consider the 3D nature of these molecules in the real world.

Step 2: Understanding the Objectives

The objectives of this lesson include recalling the types of isomerism, learning their definitions, and identifying and drawing organic molecules in a way that distinguishes them. This is important to avoid confusion, especially when dealing with asymmetrical molecules that can be easily mistaken for different compounds if not drawn correctly.

Step 3: Types of Isomerism

Isomerism refers to compounds that have the same chemical formula but different arrangements of atoms in 3D space. There are several types of isomerism, including structural isomerism and stereoisomerism. Structural isomers have the same molecular formula but different bonding arrangements among atoms. Stereoisomers have the same bonding arrangements but differ in the spatial orientation of atoms.

Step 4: Drawing Organic Molecules

When drawing organic molecules, it is essential to represent them in a way that clearly shows their 3D structure. This helps in distinguishing between different isomers. For example, using skeletal formulas can simplify the representation of carbon chains, focusing on the functional groups that interact with the outside world.

Step 5: The Concept of Asymmetry

Asymmetry in organic molecules means that the molecule lacks symmetry, which can lead to different properties and behaviors. Drawing these molecules correctly is crucial to avoid confusing one molecule for another. This is especially important in stereochemistry, where the 3D arrangement of atoms can significantly impact the molecule's properties.

Step 6: Functional Groups and Their Importance

In a chemical compound, the carbon chain provides stability, but it is the functional groups that determine the molecule's reactivity and interactions. Drawing structures correctly, including the functional groups, helps prevent confusion with isomers. Functional groups are the parts of the molecule that participate in chemical reactions, and their arrangement can lead to different isomers with distinct properties.

Step 7: Analogies to Understand Isomerism

To understand isomerism, consider an analogy of a stick figure. If you rearrange the parts of the stick figure without adding or removing any components, you get a different arrangement that represents an isomer. Similarly, in chemistry, isomers have the same core components but are arranged differently in 3D space, leading to different properties.

Step 8: Stereochemistry and 3D Arrangement

Stereochemistry focuses on the 3D arrangement of atoms in a molecule. Different arrangements can result in different properties, even if the molecular formula remains the same. Understanding and drawing the stereochemistry of molecules is essential for accurately representing their structure and predicting their behavior.

Step 9: Practical Examples of Isomerism

To solidify your understanding, look at practical examples of isomerism in simple hydrocarbons and more complex organic molecules. Practice drawing these molecules to show their 3D nature and distinguish between different isomers. This will help you develop a strong foundation in organic chemistry and avoid confusion when dealing with more complex compounds.


Here are some frequently asked questions about drawing enantiomers:

1. What is the method of drawing enantiomers?

To draw enantiomers, start by drawing the original molecule using wedge-and-dash notation or Fischer projection. Then, create the mirror image by switching the positions of any two substituents around each chiral center. Alternatively, draw the mirror image of the entire structure and rotate it 180 degrees.

2. Does it matter how you draw enantiomers?

Yes, it matters. The spatial arrangement of atoms in enantiomers is crucial. Ensure you accurately represent the 3D structure using proper notation (e.g., wedges and dashes) and maintain the correct stereochemistry at all chiral centers.

3. How to figure out enantiomers?

Identify chiral centers in the molecule (usually carbon atoms with four different substituents). Draw the mirror image of the molecule, then check if the mirror image is superimposable on the original. If not superimposable, they are enantiomers.

4. How to draw enantiomers of cyclic compounds?

For cyclic compounds, focus on the chiral centers. Draw the ring structure, then create the enantiomer by changing the orientation of substituents at the chiral centers. Remember to maintain the ring's shape and connectivity while altering the stereochemistry.

5. How do you draw S and R enantiomers?

To draw S and R enantiomers, first assign priorities to substituents using CIP rules. For the S enantiomer, arrange substituents so that priority decreases clockwise when viewed with the lowest priority group in the back. For the R enantiomer, arrange them counterclockwise. Use wedge-and-dash notation to clearly show the 3D arrangement.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the fundamental concepts of organic chemistry is crucial before delving into the complex world of "Drawing structures: Isomerism, stereochemistry and chirality." While there are no specific prerequisite topics listed for this subject, it's important to recognize that a strong foundation in basic chemistry principles is essential for grasping these advanced concepts.

To fully comprehend isomerism, stereochemistry, and chirality, students should have a solid understanding of atomic structure, chemical bonding, and molecular geometry. These foundational topics provide the necessary framework for visualizing and interpreting the three-dimensional arrangements of atoms in molecules.

Additionally, familiarity with organic compounds and their nomenclature is vital. This knowledge allows students to recognize different functional groups and understand how they contribute to the overall structure and properties of molecules. Being able to identify and name organic compounds is a stepping stone to exploring their isomeric relationships and stereochemical characteristics.

Basic principles of chemical reactions and mechanisms are also relevant, as they help explain how different isomers can form and interconvert. Understanding reaction kinetics and thermodynamics can provide insights into the stability and reactivity of various stereoisomers.

Moreover, a grasp of basic mathematical concepts, particularly geometry and spatial reasoning, is beneficial when studying stereochemistry and chirality. These skills aid in visualizing and manipulating molecular structures in three-dimensional space.

While not explicitly listed as prerequisites, topics such as Lewis structures, VSEPR theory, and hybridization are closely related to drawing structures and understanding molecular geometry. These concepts serve as a bridge between basic atomic theory and the more advanced ideas of isomerism and stereochemistry.

By building a strong foundation in these underlying principles, students will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of isomerism, stereochemistry, and chirality. They will be able to draw and interpret structural diagrams more effectively, recognize different types of isomers, and understand the significance of chirality in chemical and biological systems.

As students progress in their study of "Drawing structures: Isomerism, stereochemistry and chirality," they will find that these fundamental concepts continually resurface, reinforcing their importance. The ability to draw accurate structural representations, identify isomeric relationships, and understand the three-dimensional nature of molecules is crucial in many areas of chemistry, including organic synthesis, drug design, and biochemistry.

In conclusion, while there may not be a specific list of prerequisite topics, a comprehensive understanding of basic chemistry principles is essential for success in this advanced area of study. Students are encouraged to review and strengthen their knowledge of these foundational concepts to ensure a smooth transition into the fascinating world of isomerism, stereochemistry, and chirality.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To recall the different types of isomerism that exist in organic chemistry.
  • How to identify and draw organic molecules in a way that distinguishes possible isomers.
  • How to identify asymmetric organic molecules and draw them in a way that identifies stereocenters.


  • In the lesson CO.1.2: Drawing organic structures we learned how to draw structures and simplify the common and usually not important carbon chains. Drawing structures correctly helps to avoid confusion with possible isomers.
    • Isomers are compounds with the same chemical formula as each other but a different arrangement of their atoms in 3d space.
    There are many different types of isomerism because there are many different ways atoms can arrange in a molecule! Some pairs of isomers are similar in properties and reactivity, whilst others are the difference between a toxic substance and an effective medicine. It's important that when studying and drawing chemical structures using a 2d surface (be it a piece of paper, tablet or computer screen) we understand what it means and will look like in our real-life 3d world. We need to be able to draw molecules in a way that communicates their stereochemistry – their 3d nature.
  • The first type of isomers you are likely to see in organic chemistry are chain isomers. Chain isomers are compounds with the same chemical formula but different branching of the main carbon chain.
    • Examples of chain isomerism hydrocarbons would be with compounds with the chemical formula C5H12. There is more than one way you can draw C5H12 as a molecule:
      These are all different chemical compounds with some different properties.
  • Another common type of isomer is positional isomerism. Positional isomers have the same chemical formula but a different carbon chain numbering of their functional groups.
    • For example, the formula C4H9OH could be butanol. If we assume it is a straight 4-carbon chain with the alcohol group (-OH), it could be drawn and named in the following two ways:
    Butan-1-ol is a primary alcohol (the –OH group is attached to a terminal carbon atom) and butan-2-ol is a secondary alcohol (the –OH group is attached to a carbon bonded to two other carbons), which affects their reactivity.
  • In the previous example we showed butanol as C4H9OH – it's common to write the formula of alcohols like this to show the OH group that makes it an alcohol. It could have (also correctly) be written as C4H10O, which is less clear! Can C4H10O be something other than an alcohol?
    • If we look at the formula C4H8O, we could draw a few different molecules with this formula:
    All of these molecules have the formula C4H8O but the atoms arrange to form different functional groups. This is called functional group isomerism. Because they have different functional groups these compounds all have different chemical properties to each other. We'll look at the actual functional groups and their properties later.
  • When carbon atoms double bond to each other to create an alkene group (C=C), the two carbon atoms experience restricted rotation – their attachments are fixed in position relative to one another! This leads to geometric isomerism, which is a different arrangement of groups or atoms in a molecule around a bond of restricted rotation (such as a double bond). Geometric isomerism leads to compounds with different properties:

    The two isomers that a double bond can create are called the cis ('same side') and trans ('across') isomers, that's why geometric isomerism is sometimes called cis/trans isomerism. When getting into more complicated molecules, the signs E (for cis- positions) and Z (for trans- positions) are used. With cis/trans isomerism, you need restricted rotation (e.g. from a double bond) for the cis/trans positions to be fixed, because a single bond can freely rotate).
  • When carbon has four single bonded attachments it makes a tetrahedral (four faces) shape, with equal bond angles of 109.5° (See our lesson on C11.4.5: Molecular Geometry for more on this).
    This is usually drawn as shown below.
    • Two attachments will face left/right in the plane of the paper pointing down, usually the rest of the molecule's carbon chain.
    • The other two are facing toward/away from the viewer pointing up; imagine those two are in their own separate zig-zagging carbon chain going straight through the paper.
    • Atoms pointing towards us are drawn with wedges for their bond and atoms facing away from us are drawn with dashed lines.
    If all four attachments on a carbon atom are different then the carbon atom is chiral. This chiral center makes an asymmetric molecule; if you made a mirror image of it, one mirror image would never be able to rotate into exactly the same 3d arrangement as its partner.
    • Your hands are equivalent but non-identical mirror image objects! You can rotate your hands to arrange your thumbs in the same direction, but your palms will never face the same way when your thumbs are. They are non-superimposable mirror images.
    In chemistry, non-identical mirror image molecules are called enantiomers. Enantiomers are unique chemical compounds with different properties and when drawing compounds that have chiral centers it is important to draw the wedges and dashed lines in the correct way to represent the molecule. Getting them the wrong way around is drawing the wrong chemical!
    Enantiomers are of interest to chemists because the human body (and nature in general) is full of chiral compounds (like enzymes) which will interact with two different enantiomers in two different ways.
  • The different properties of different isomers will be looked at later on, but the stereochemistry of some compounds has had major real world consequences. Below are a few examples of isomers and the differences between them:
    • Cis-platin, [Pt(NH3)2Cl2] is a compound used in many anti-cancer treatments. You should be able to see from the name that cis-platin has a type of geometric isomerism. Here the bonding of platinum makes a flat square planar (see C11.4.5: Molecular geometry) molecule where the two NH3 and Cl attachments don't rotate (just like if there was a double bond) and the two Cl atoms sit next to each other. In contrast, cisplatin's geometric isomer transplatin does not have the anticancer properties that cisplatin does.
    • Thalidomide was a sedative medicine, also used to treat morning sickness during pregnancy in the mid-1950s. Thalidomide's structure has a chiral carbon atom, so the molecule has two enantiomers. It was supplied as a racemic mixture (an equal amount of both enantiomers), but while one enantiomer was the effective medicine, the other caused defects in unborn children that led to thousands of deaths.
      Even if only the effective, medicinal enantiomer was supplied, the enantiomers can convert from one to the other in the body, so the harmful enantiomer would have still become present in the body and caused the disaster.