Drawing structures in organic chemistry

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  1. Communicating in organic chemistry.
  2. Why we use skeletal formula.
  3. How to draw skeletal formula.
  4. Limitations of skeletal formula.
  5. Abbreviations used in organic chemistry.
  6. Common compounds abbreviated in equations.
Topic Notes

Introduction to Drawing Structures in Organic Chemistry

Drawing structures is a fundamental skill in organic chemistry drawings, essential for understanding molecular composition and reactivity. This article introduces the importance of structural representation and provides a comprehensive guide for students. The accompanying introduction video serves as a visual aid, demonstrating basic techniques and conventions used in organic chemistry drawings. By mastering these skills, students can effectively communicate complex molecular information and predict chemical behavior. Topics covered include Lewis structures, skeletal formulas, and stereochemistry representations. We'll explore how different drawing methods convey specific details about bonding, geometry, and spatial arrangements of atoms. Understanding these representations is crucial for success in organic chemistry courses and research. The ability to accurately draw and interpret molecular structures forms the foundation for more advanced concepts in the field. This guide aims to equip students with the necessary tools to confidently approach structural drawing in organic chemistry.

Understanding Skeletal Formula

Skeletal formula is a fundamental concept in organic chemistry that provides a simplified yet powerful way to represent the structure of organic molecules. This representation method focuses on the carbon skeleton of a molecule, emphasizing the arrangement of carbon atoms and their bonds while omitting hydrogen atoms for clarity. The skeletal formula is widely used by chemists and students alike due to its efficiency in conveying essential structural information.

The primary purpose of skeletal formulas is to simplify complex molecular structures, allowing chemists to quickly identify and analyze important features such as carbon chains, functional groups, and bond types. By removing explicit hydrogen atoms and carbon symbols, skeletal formulas provide a cleaner, more streamlined view of a molecule's core structure. This simplification is particularly valuable when dealing with large, complex organic molecules where a full structural formula might be cumbersome and difficult to interpret.

In a skeletal formula, carbon atoms are represented by the vertices and endpoints of lines, while the lines themselves depict bonds between carbon atoms. Hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon are typically omitted, as they are implied based on carbon's tetravalent nature. This convention assumes that each carbon atom forms four bonds, and any "missing" bonds are understood to be connections to hydrogen atoms. This approach significantly reduces clutter in the structural representation, allowing chemists to focus on the molecule's carbon backbone and functional groups.

Converting a full structural formula to a skeletal formula involves several steps. First, remove all carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms directly bonded to carbon. Next, represent the carbon-carbon bonds as straight lines, with each vertex and endpoint implying a carbon atom. Finally, add any heteroatoms (non-carbon atoms) and their associated hydrogen atoms explicitly. For example, the full structural formula CH3-CH2-CH2-OH would be converted to a simple zigzag line with an OH group at one end in its skeletal representation.

Bond angles play a crucial role in skeletal formulas, as they provide information about the three-dimensional structure of the molecule. In skeletal representations, single bonds are typically drawn at 120° angles to each other, reflecting the ideal tetrahedral arrangement around sp3 hybridized carbon atoms. This convention helps chemists visualize the molecule's spatial orientation and potential steric interactions between different parts of the structure.

Multiple bonds are another essential feature accurately depicted in skeletal formulas. Double bonds are represented by two parallel lines, while triple bonds are shown as three parallel lines. These multiple bonds are crucial for understanding a molecule's reactivity, as they often serve as sites for chemical reactions. The clear representation of multiple bonds in skeletal formulas allows chemists to quickly identify potential reaction centers within a molecule.

Functional groups, which are specific arrangements of atoms within molecules that confer characteristic chemical properties, are prominently displayed in skeletal formulas. Common functional groups such as hydroxyl (-OH), carbonyl (C=O), and amino (-NH2) are explicitly shown, attached to the carbon skeleton. This emphasis on functional groups is particularly valuable in organic synthesis and reaction mechanism analysis, as it allows chemists to predict and understand a molecule's behavior in various chemical environments.

The skeletal formula's importance extends beyond its simplification of complex structures. It serves as a universal language in organic chemistry, enabling clear communication of molecular structures across different contexts, from academic research to industrial applications. Its widespread use in scientific literature, textbooks, and chemical databases underscores its significance as a standardized method for representing organic compounds.

In conclusion, the skeletal formula is an indispensable tool in organic chemistry, offering a streamlined yet informative representation of molecular structures. By focusing on carbon chains, bond angles, multiple bonds, and functional groups, skeletal formulas provide chemists with a powerful means to analyze, communicate, and work with complex organic molecules efficiently. Mastering the interpretation and use of skeletal formulas is essential for anyone studying or working in the field of organic chemistry, as it forms the foundation for understanding more advanced concepts and reactions in this diverse and dynamic scientific discipline.

Limitations of Skeletal Formula and Additional Notations

Skeletal formula is a widely used method for representing organic molecules in chemistry. While it offers a simplified and efficient way to depict molecular structures, it has certain limitations when dealing with complex organic molecules. This article explores these limitations and introduces the concepts of abbreviations in organic chemistry and group notations as essential tools for overcoming these challenges.

The skeletal formula's primary advantage lies in its ability to quickly convey the carbon backbone and functional groups of organic molecules. However, as molecules become more complex, this representation method can fall short in several ways. Firstly, skeletal formulas may become cluttered and difficult to interpret when dealing with large molecules or those with numerous substituents. This can lead to confusion and misinterpretation, especially in academic or research settings where clarity is paramount.

Another limitation of skeletal formulas is their inability to effectively represent certain structural features, such as stereochemistry or complex ring systems. In molecules with multiple chiral centers or intricate three-dimensional arrangements, skeletal formulas may not provide sufficient information to accurately depict the spatial orientation of atoms and groups. This shortcoming can be particularly problematic when studying natural products, pharmaceuticals, or other biologically active compounds where stereochemistry plays a crucial role in their function.

Furthermore, skeletal formulas can become unwieldy when representing repeating units in polymers or large biomolecules like proteins and nucleic acids. In these cases, the sheer number of atoms and bonds can make the formula impractical and time-consuming to draw, as well as challenging to comprehend at a glance.

To address these limitations, chemists have developed additional notations and conventions to supplement skeletal formulas. One such approach is the use of abbreviations in organic chemistry and group notations. These shorthand representations allow for the condensation of complex structural elements into more manageable symbols, greatly simplifying the overall depiction of the molecule.

Abbreviations are commonly used to represent functional groups or recurring structural motifs. For example, "Me" is often used to denote a methyl group, "Et" for ethyl, and "Ph" for phenyl. These abbreviations not only save space but also enhance readability, especially in reaction schemes or when comparing multiple related compounds.

Group notations take this concept further by representing larger structural units with simplified symbols. For instance, amino acids in peptides are often denoted by three-letter codes (e.g., Ala for alanine, Lys for lysine), allowing for the concise representation of protein sequences. Similarly, in carbohydrate chemistry, sugar units may be depicted using standardized symbols, greatly simplifying the representation of complex oligosaccharides.

The necessity of these additional notations becomes particularly evident in reaction schemes, where multiple steps and intermediates need to be shown clearly and concisely. By using abbreviations and group notations, chemists can focus on the key transformations occurring at specific sites without the distraction of fully drawn-out structures. This approach is invaluable in organic synthesis planning, mechanistic studies, and the communication of complex chemical processes.

When dealing with large molecules such as natural products or pharmaceuticals, these notations become indispensable. They allow for the highlighting of important structural features or pharmacophores while simplifying less relevant portions of the molecule. This selective emphasis can be crucial in structure-activity relationship studies or when discussing the mode of action of drugs.

In conclusion, while skeletal formulas remain a fundamental tool in organic chemistry, their limitations in representing complex molecules necessitate the use of additional notations. Abbreviations and group notations provide chemists with the means to efficiently and accurately depict intricate structures, facilitate the communication of complex chemical information, and enhance the overall clarity of molecular representations. As the field of organic chemistry continues to advance, these notational systems will undoubtedly evolve, further improving our ability to represent and understand the diverse world of organic molecules.

Common Abbreviations in Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry abbreviations rely heavily on abbreviations to simplify complex molecular structures and streamline communication. This comprehensive list covers common abbreviations used for alkyl chains and their isomers, essential for students and professionals in the field.

Alkyl Chain Abbreviations

  • Me (Methyl): Represents -CH3, the simplest alkyl group. Example: MeOH for methanol (CH3OH).
  • Et (Ethyl): Stands for -CH2CH3. Example: EtOH for ethanol (CH3CH2OH).
  • Pr (Propyl): Denotes -CH2CH2CH3. Example: PrCl for propyl chloride (CH3CH2CH2Cl).
  • Bu (Butyl): Represents -CH2CH2CH2CH3. Example: BuOH for butanol (CH3CH2CH2CH2OH).

Isomer Abbreviations

  • iso- (Isopropyl): Indicates a branched structure. Example: iso-PrOH for isopropanol ((CH3)2CHOH).
  • sec- (Secondary): Denotes attachment to a secondary carbon. Example: sec-BuOH for secondary butanol (CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3).
  • tert- (Tertiary): Signifies attachment to a tertiary carbon. Example: tert-BuOH for tertiary butanol ((CH3)3COH).

Additional Common Abbreviations

  • Ph (Phenyl): Represents the benzene ring (C6H5-). Example: PhCH3 for toluene.
  • Bn (Benzyl): Denotes the CH2Ph group. Example: BnCl for benzyl chloride (C6H5CH2Cl).
  • Ac (Acetyl): Represents the CH3CO- group. Example: AcOH for acetic acid (CH3COOH).

Usage in Chemical Equations

These organic chemistry abbreviations are invaluable in representing complex organic reactions concisely. For example:

  1. EtOH + CH3COOH CH3COOCH2CH3 + H2O (Esterification reaction)
  2. Me2CO + NaBH4 Me2CHOH (Reduction of acetone to isopropanol)
  3. Ph

Aromatic and Functional Group Abbreviations

In organic chemistry, abbreviations play a crucial role in simplifying complex molecular structures and streamlining communication among chemists. This is particularly true for aromatic rings and common functional groups, which are frequently encountered in various compounds. Understanding these abbreviations is essential for anyone working in the field of chemistry, especially when dealing with complex molecules like pharmaceuticals or natural products.

One of the most commonly used abbreviations is "Ph" for the phenyl group. The phenyl group is a six-membered aromatic ring derived from benzene, and its abbreviation significantly simplifies structural representations. For instance, instead of drawing out the full hexagonal structure, chemists can simply write "Ph" to denote this aromatic moiety. This becomes particularly useful in complex molecules where multiple phenyl groups are present.

Another important abbreviation is "Bn" for the benzyl group. The benzyl group consists of a phenyl ring attached to a methylene (CH2) group. This abbreviation is frequently used in organic synthesis and pharmaceutical chemistry, where benzyl groups are often employed as protecting groups or structural components of drug molecules.

The abbreviation "Py" represents the pyridyl group, which is a six-membered aromatic ring containing one nitrogen atom. Pyridyl groups are common in many natural products and synthetic compounds, particularly in pharmaceutical chemistry. The use of "Py" simplifies the representation of molecules containing this heterocyclic structure.

When it comes to functional groups, "Ac" is a widely used abbreviation for the acetyl group (CH3CO-). This group is prevalent in organic chemistry and biochemistry, often appearing in acetylated compounds. The use of "Ac" streamlines the representation of molecules containing this functional group, especially in complex structures where multiple acetyl groups may be present.

These abbreviations become particularly valuable when used in combination with other notations. For example, "PhCH2" represents a benzyl group without using the "Bn" abbreviation, combining the phenyl abbreviation with the methylene group. Similarly, "AcO" denotes an acetoxy group, combining the acetyl abbreviation with an oxygen atom.

In the realm of pharmaceuticals and natural products, these abbreviations prove invaluable. Consider the antibiotic ampicillin, which contains both a phenyl group and an acetyl group. Using abbreviations, its structure can be represented more concisely, making it easier for chemists to discuss and analyze. Similarly, in the natural product quinine, found in cinchona bark and used to treat malaria, the presence of a quinoline ring (related to pyridine) can be more easily represented using these shorthand notations.

Another example is the anticancer drug paclitaxel (Taxol), which contains multiple aromatic rings and functional groups. The use of abbreviations like "Ph" and "Ac" greatly simplifies its structural representation, allowing chemists to focus on key structural features and modifications without getting bogged down in drawing every atom.

These abbreviations also find extensive use in the field of organic synthesis. When describing reaction schemes or synthetic routes, chemists often employ these shorthand notations to clearly communicate transformations involving aromatic rings or specific functional groups. This is particularly useful in multi-step syntheses where clarity and brevity are essential.

In conclusion, abbreviations for aromatic rings (Ph, Bn, Py) and functional groups (Ac) are indispensable tools in organic chemistry. They simplify complex structures, facilitate communication among chemists, and prove especially useful when dealing with intricate molecules in pharmaceuticals and natural products. Mastering these abbreviations is crucial for anyone working in chemistry, as they provide a common language for discussing and representing molecular structures efficiently.

Practical Applications in Reaction Schemes

In the realm of organic chemistry, the combination of skeletal formulas and abbreviations plays a crucial role in representing complex reaction schemes. This approach simplifies the visualization and understanding of intricate chemical transformations, making it an indispensable tool in both academic research and industrial applications. Reaction schemes, which are visual representations of chemical reactions, benefit greatly from these notations, allowing chemists to communicate complex ideas efficiently.

Consider a typical organic synthesis reaction scheme. Instead of drawing out full structural formulas for each compound, chemists use skeletal formulas to represent the carbon backbone and functional groups. For example, in a Diels-Alder reaction, the diene and dienophile can be represented using simple line structures, with double bonds clearly visible. Abbreviations further streamline the process, with common reagents like LiAlH4 (lithium aluminum hydride) or DIBAL-H (diisobutylaluminum hydride) represented by their shortened forms.

In more complex multi-step syntheses, these notations become even more valuable. For instance, in the total synthesis of natural products, reaction schemes can involve dozens of steps. By using skeletal formulas and abbreviations, chemists can present these lengthy sequences in a concise and readable format. This is particularly important in academic publications, where space is often limited, and clarity is paramount.

Industrial applications of organic chemistry also heavily rely on these notations. In pharmaceutical development, for example, medicinal chemists use reaction schemes to plan and document the synthesis of potential drug candidates. The ability to quickly sketch out and modify reaction pathways using skeletal formulas and abbreviations allows for rapid iteration and optimization of synthetic routes. This efficiency is crucial in the fast-paced environment of drug discovery and development.

Moreover, in patent applications for new chemical entities or processes, reaction schemes using these notations are essential. They provide a clear and unambiguous description of the invention, which is critical for intellectual property protection. The standardized nature of skeletal formulas and chemical abbreviations ensures that these schemes can be universally understood by chemists around the world.

The importance of these notations extends to computational chemistry as well. Many software packages used for predicting reaction outcomes or designing synthetic routes utilize skeletal formulas as input. This allows for seamless integration between hand-drawn schemes and computer-aided synthesis planning.

In academic settings, the use of skeletal formulas and abbreviations in reaction schemes is fundamental to teaching and learning organic chemistry. Students learn to interpret and construct these schemes, developing a visual language that is essential for understanding complex organic transformations. This skill is then carried forward into advanced research and industrial careers.

The efficiency gained by using these notations cannot be overstated. In a research laboratory, the ability to quickly sketch out reaction ideas using skeletal formulas allows for rapid brainstorming and problem-solving. Similarly, in industrial settings, these notations facilitate clear communication between different teams involved in chemical production, from research and development to process engineering.

In conclusion, the combination of skeletal formulas and abbreviations in reaction schemes is a cornerstone of modern organic chemistry. It provides a universal language for representing complex chemical transformations, essential for advancing research, streamlining industrial processes, and fostering clear communication within the scientific community. As organic chemistry continues to evolve, these notations remain an indispensable tool for chemists in all sectors, from academia to industry, enabling the efficient development of new materials, pharmaceuticals, and chemical processes.


Mastering structural representation techniques is crucial for success in organic chemistry. This article has covered essential concepts such as Lewis structures, condensed formulas, and skeletal structures, providing a solid foundation for understanding molecular representations. The introduction video offers valuable visual insights, reinforcing these key points and enhancing comprehension. To excel in organic chemistry, it's vital to practice drawing structures regularly and become proficient in using abbreviations. These skills not only improve your ability to communicate chemical information effectively but also deepen your understanding of molecular properties and reactions. By dedicating time to honing these representation techniques, you'll develop a stronger grasp of organic chemistry principles and be better equipped to tackle complex problems in the field. Remember, consistent practice and application of these methods will significantly enhance your organic chemistry skills, leading to improved performance in both academic and professional settings.

Communicating in Organic Chemistry: Why We Use Skeletal Formula

Understanding the importance and application of skeletal formulas in organic chemistry is crucial for effective communication and representation of molecular structures. This guide will walk you through the reasons and methods for using skeletal formulas, based on the provided content.

Step 1: Introduction to Drawing Structures in Organic Chemistry

In organic chemistry, drawing the structures of molecules is fundamental. This process helps in visualizing and understanding the chemical compounds and their interactions. The introduction to this topic sets the stage for learning how to represent these structures accurately and efficiently.

Step 2: Objectives of Using Skeletal Formula

The primary objective of using skeletal formulas is to simplify the representation of organic molecules. This method focuses on the most important aspects of the molecule, such as the functional groups, while minimizing the repetitive depiction of carbon and hydrogen atoms. This approach helps in communicating the structure quickly and clearly without losing essential information.

Step 3: Understanding the Basics of Organic Compounds

Organic compounds are characterized by the presence of carbon atoms. These compounds can have long carbon chains or simple structures like a methyl group. The commonality of carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds in organic chemistry means that these bonds are often not the focus of chemical reactions or properties. Instead, the functional groups attached to the carbon chains play a more significant role.

Step 4: Importance of Functional Groups

Functional groups are the reactive parts of organic molecules that dictate their chemical properties and reactions. While carbon and hydrogen atoms form the backbone of organic molecules, the functional groups are what chemists are most interested in. Therefore, skeletal formulas emphasize these groups, making it easier to understand and predict the behavior of the molecule.

Step 5: Simplifying the Representation

Drawing every single carbon and hydrogen atom in a molecule can be time-consuming and redundant. Skeletal formulas simplify this by representing carbon chains as lines and omitting hydrogen atoms bonded to carbons. This method allows chemists to focus on the functional groups and other significant parts of the molecule without getting bogged down by the repetitive elements.

Step 6: Practical Application of Skeletal Formulas

In practice, skeletal formulas are used to quickly and efficiently communicate the structure of organic molecules. By reducing the complexity of the drawing, chemists can convey the necessary information without unnecessary details. This method is particularly useful in educational settings, research, and professional communication within the field of organic chemistry.

Step 7: Recognizing and Drawing Skeletal Formulas

To effectively use skeletal formulas, one must learn to recognize and draw them. This involves understanding the conventions used, such as representing carbon atoms at the ends and intersections of lines and omitting hydrogen atoms bonded to carbons. With practice, this method becomes a powerful tool for visualizing and communicating organic structures.

Step 8: Limitations of Skeletal Formulas

While skeletal formulas are highly efficient, they do have limitations. They may not always convey the full three-dimensional structure of a molecule or the exact positioning of atoms. In some cases, additional representations or notations may be necessary to provide a complete understanding of the molecule's structure and behavior.

Step 9: Combining Skeletal Formulas with Other Notations

To overcome the limitations of skeletal formulas, chemists often use them in combination with other notations, such as group abbreviations or detailed structural formulas. This approach ensures that all relevant information is communicated effectively, providing a comprehensive understanding of the molecule.

Step 10: Conclusion

In summary, skeletal formulas are a vital tool in organic chemistry for simplifying and communicating the structures of molecules. By focusing on the functional groups and minimizing the depiction of carbon and hydrogen atoms, this method allows for quick and clear representation of organic compounds. Understanding and using skeletal formulas is essential for anyone studying or working in the field of organic chemistry.


  1. What is the importance of skeletal formulas in organic chemistry?

    Skeletal formulas are crucial in organic chemistry as they provide a simplified yet informative representation of molecular structures. They focus on the carbon skeleton, emphasizing carbon-carbon bonds and functional groups while omitting hydrogen atoms for clarity. This method allows chemists to quickly identify and analyze important structural features, especially in complex molecules. Skeletal formulas are particularly useful in reaction schemes, structural analysis, and communication of molecular information in both academic and industrial settings.

  2. How do abbreviations enhance the representation of organic molecules?

    Abbreviations in organic chemistry significantly enhance molecular representation by condensing complex structural elements into manageable symbols. Common abbreviations like "Me" for methyl, "Et" for ethyl, and "Ph" for phenyl groups save space and improve readability, especially in reaction schemes or when comparing multiple compounds. They are particularly valuable when dealing with large molecules, natural products, or pharmaceuticals, allowing chemists to highlight important structural features while simplifying less relevant portions of the molecule.

  3. What are some limitations of skeletal formulas?

    While skeletal formulas are widely used, they have limitations, especially when dealing with complex molecules. They can become cluttered and difficult to interpret for large molecules or those with numerous substituents. Skeletal formulas may not effectively represent certain structural features like stereochemistry or complex ring systems. Additionally, they can be unwieldy when representing repeating units in polymers or large biomolecules. To overcome these limitations, chemists often use additional notations and conventions to supplement skeletal formulas.

  4. How are skeletal formulas and abbreviations used in reaction schemes?

    In reaction schemes, skeletal formulas and abbreviations are combined to represent complex chemical transformations concisely. This approach allows chemists to clearly communicate reaction pathways, especially in multi-step syntheses. For example, in a Diels-Alder reaction, the diene and dienophile can be represented using simple line structures, with double bonds clearly visible. Common reagents are often abbreviated (e.g., LiAlH4 for lithium aluminum hydride). This notation system is particularly valuable in academic publications, patent applications, and industrial process development, where clarity and efficiency in communication are crucial.

  5. Why is mastering structural representation techniques important for students of organic chemistry?

    Mastering structural representation techniques is essential for success in organic chemistry because it forms the foundation for understanding molecular composition, reactivity, and properties. Proficiency in drawing and interpreting structures like Lewis structures, skeletal formulas, and using abbreviations enables students to effectively communicate complex chemical information, predict chemical behavior, and solve problems in organic synthesis. These skills are crucial for advanced coursework, research, and future careers in chemistry-related fields. Regular practice in drawing structures and using abbreviations enhances overall comprehension of organic chemistry principles and improves performance in both academic and professional settings.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the fundamental concepts that lay the groundwork for drawing structures in organic chemistry is crucial for students aiming to master this essential skill. Two key prerequisite topics that significantly contribute to this understanding are Lewis structures and arrow pushing (curly arrows) in organic chemistry.

Lewis structures serve as the foundation for visualizing molecular geometry and understanding bonding in organic compounds. These diagrams represent the distribution of valence electrons around atoms, showing how they form covalent bonds. Mastering Lewis structures is essential because they provide insights into the arrangement of atoms within molecules, which directly translates to drawing more complex organic structures.

When students become proficient in creating Lewis structures, they develop a intuitive understanding of how atoms connect and share electrons. This knowledge is invaluable when progressing to drawing structures in organic chemistry, as it allows for a more natural comprehension of molecular shapes, bond types, and electron distribution. The ability to quickly sketch Lewis structures also aids in predicting reactivity and understanding reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry.

Building upon the foundation of Lewis structures, arrow pushing (curly arrows) in organic chemistry is another critical prerequisite topic. This concept involves using curved arrows to illustrate the movement of electron pairs during chemical reactions. Understanding arrow pushing is vital for drawing structures in organic chemistry because it allows students to visualize and predict how molecules transform during reactions.

Arrow pushing techniques enable students to track the flow of electrons, helping them understand how bonds break and form. This skill is particularly important when drawing reaction mechanisms, where multiple steps may be involved in transforming one organic structure into another. By mastering arrow pushing, students can more easily draw and interpret complex organic structures, including those involved in multi-step syntheses and reaction pathways.

The synergy between Lewis structures and arrow pushing creates a powerful toolkit for drawing structures in organic chemistry. Students who have a solid grasp of these prerequisite topics will find themselves better equipped to tackle more advanced concepts in organic chemistry. They will be able to draw structures with greater accuracy, predict reaction outcomes more reliably, and understand the underlying principles of organic transformations more deeply.

In conclusion, the importance of mastering these prerequisite topics cannot be overstated. A strong foundation in Lewis structures and arrow pushing will significantly enhance a student's ability to draw and interpret organic structures, setting the stage for success in more advanced organic chemistry courses and research.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To understand and apply skeletal formula in communicating structures in organic chemistry.
  • To understand the limitations of using skeletal formula alone.
  • To recognize and draw organic structures using skeletal formula and group abbreviations.

  • Skeletal formula is the major tool chemists use to communicate the structure of a compound in organic chemistry. There are a few reasons why this became convention:
    • All organic compounds contain a carbon 'backbone' of some sort, so carbon-carbon bonds are extremely common.
    • Carbon-hydrogen bonds are also extremely common in organic molecules, and most of them do very little reacting in organic reactions!
    • Most of the properties and reactions of a chemical compound are predicted by its functional groups, not the carbon chain length! Chemists are normally only interested a few atoms in what could be a very large molecule.
  • This means chemists needed a way of communicating chemicals quickly without wasting time on basics that were not of interest. Skeletal formula represents carbon and hydrogen atoms as the background 'skeleton' of organic molecules:
    • Carbon atoms are drawn as a joint in a zig-zag chain. The zig-zag is the carbon chain backbone of the organic compound being shown. The 'ends' of the zig zag chains count as carbon atoms as well. Zig-zags are a reasonable compromise for the bond angles around a tetrahedral carbon atom.
    • Hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon are 'implicit' meaning they are present but not shown in the zig zag structure. This means that wherever a zig-zag joint (a carbon atom) is found, if the number of bonds to it does not add up to four (carbon's valence) then it is implied that the carbon atom is bonded to as many hydrogen atoms to add up to four bonds in total.
    • Multiple bonds are simply shown with the appropriate number of lines between 'joints' in the zig zag. For example a double line shows a C=C bond, a triple line shows a C\equivC bond. The zig-zag chain is straight at the atoms with multiple bonds – double and triple bonded carbon have different bond angles to an all single bonded carbon!
  • These are the fundamentals of skeletal formula. In short, skeletal formula allows chemists to be:
    • Practical - we don't waste time measuring and drawing the precise bond angles between atoms on our drawings. The zig-zag chains show approximate angles of a 3d molecule on a 2d surface (e.g. the paper you draw the structure on).
    • Clear – it is easy to see what is important as the unimportant features (e.g. parts that are not reacting) are not given unnecessary attention.
    • Concise – only the most important parts of a chemical structure, the atoms and functional groups where reactions take place, are shown prominently.
    You can think of skeletal formula as a sketch in chemistry, instead of a full portrait painting!
  • There are however, times when skeletal formula is still not enough. Let's recap earlier points - how useful is skeletal formula alone?
    • There are millions of unique organic compounds which have a carbon 'backbone' of some sort.
    • It is the functional groups, not carbon chain length that dictates a substance's chemical properties. In most cases, chain length does not have a lot of impact on chemical properties.
    Add to this some other points:
    • Some organic compounds are very complex but differ from other very different compounds by only one or two atoms/bonds.
    • When writing a complete equation, you normally include the solvent and all other reagents like any bases, acids or catalysts you used. It is very time consuming to draw skeletal formula for all the compounds present in a full experimental method.
  • With that said, skeletal formula can still leave chemists with too many bonds to draw or a lot of pointless communicating to do, especially when describing complex molecules!
    Chemists have abbreviations for alkyl chains and functional groups to simplify a structure, so only the bonding of the important (read: reacting) groups are displayed:
    • Terminal alkyl chains are by far the most 'abbreviated' groups in complex organic structures because when part of complex molecules, alkyl chains are normally not changing. The abbreviations are:
      • Methyl chain (-CH3): -Me
      • Ethyl chain (-CH2CH3): -Et
      • Propyl chain (-CH2CH2CH3): -Pr
      • Butyl chain (-CH2CH2CH2CH3): -Bu
    • With some alkyl chains, there may be specific chain isomers named. This is common with butyl and propyl chains where the isomers are sometimes used (e.g. in organometallics). The most common of these are:
      • Isopropyl, (-CH(CH3)CH3): -iPr
      • N-butyl (-CH2CH2CH2CH3): -nBu
      • Sec-butyl (-CH(CH3)CH2CH2): -sBu
      • Isobutyl (-CH2CH(CH3)2): -iBu
      • Tert-butyl (-C(CH3)3): -tBu
      • Neopentyl (-CH2C(CH3)3): -Np
    • Common cyclic and aromatic rings are also abbreviated a lot in complex molecules:
      • Phenyl (-C6H5): -Ph
      • Benzyl (-CH2C6H5): -Bn
      • Pyridyl (-C5H5N): Py
      • Aryl, a generic word for any substituted aromatic ring: -Ar
    • Many functional groups and compounds that are generally used or otherwise important in chemical reactions (e.g. solvents, bases and leaving groups) will be abbreviated in equations:
      • Ethanoyl groups (-C(O)CH3) are nearly always called acetyl: -Ac
      • Tosyl (-SO2C6H4(CH3)), a common leaving group used in organic synthesis: -Ts
    The abbreviations are used on terminal parts of a molecule only! It is incorrect to use abbreviations in between skeletal formula – the abbreviations are for ends of the molecule that are not playing a part in the chemistry being investigated at that moment. Abbreviations and acronyms combined with skeletal formula allow chemists to communicate only the most important aspects of a reaction or chemical structure conveniently without leaving any information out.
  • The abbreviations are often seen with otherwise simple compounds in chemical equations:
    • Alcohols will be abbreviated in equations such as EtOH for ethanol or MeOH for methanol, especially if they are not a reacting species (e.g. if they are the solvent).
    • The Ac (acetyl/ethanoyl) abbreviation is very common in carbonyl chemistry such as for AcOH (acetic acid AKA ethanoic acid) and EtOAc (the ester ethyl acetate AKA ethyl ethanoate).
    • Reagents or ligands with straightforward but large structures are abbreviated, such as triphenylphosphine which is written PPh3. This can be bound to some metals numerous times, such as [Pd(PPh3)4)] – understandably chemists prefer to abbreviate this compound instead of drawing twelve aromatic rings!