3-Dimensional planes

  1. 3-Dimensional Planes Overview:
  2. Equation of a Plane
    • How do we get the formula for the equation?
    • a(xx0)+b(yy0)+c(zz0)=0a(x-x_0) + b(y-y_0) + c(z-z_0) = 0
    • What we need for the formula
  3. Finding a Plane with a Parallel Plane & 1 point
    • Get the Normal Vector
    • Plug into the formula
  4. Finding the Equation of a Plane with 3 points
    • Creating 2 vectors
    • Using the Cross Product = Normal Vector
    • Plug into the formula
  1. Finding the Equation of a Plane
    Find the equation of the plane which contains the points (1,3,0)(1, 3, 0), (2,7,6)(-2, 7, 6) and (1,0,1)(1, 0, 1).
    1. Find the equation of the plane which contains the point (0,2,1)(0, -2, 1) and is orthogonal to the line <1+2t,t,0><1+2t, t, 0>.
      1. Are the Two Planes Parallel, Orthogonal or Neither?
        Determine whether the two planes 2x+4y+6z=82x+4y+6z=8 and x+2y+3z=1x+2y+3z=1 are parallel, orthogonal, or neither.
        1. Determine whether the two planes 3x+y+8z=4-3x+y+8z=4 and 2x+6y=12x+6y=1 are parallel, orthogonal, or neither.
          1. Intersection of a Plane and a Line
            Determine whether the plane 3x+5y+z=2-3x+5y+z=2 and line r(t)=<2+3t,5t,1t>r(t)=\lt2+3t, -5t, 1-t\gt intersect.
            Topic Notes

            Introduction to 3-Dimensional Planes

            3-dimensional planes are fundamental geometric concepts that extend our understanding of space beyond lines and points. Building upon our knowledge of 3-dimensional lines, these planes represent flat surfaces that stretch infinitely in all directions within a 3D coordinate system. The introduction video accompanying this topic serves as a crucial visual aid, helping students grasp the abstract nature of these mathematical constructs. It demonstrates how planes intersect with axes and other planes, forming complex spatial relationships. Understanding 3-dimensional planes is essential for various fields, including architecture, engineering, and computer graphics. The video illustrates key concepts such as normal vectors, plane equations, and how multiple planes can define 3D shapes. By mastering 3-dimensional planes, students gain a powerful tool for analyzing and describing spatial relationships in the world around them, paving the way for advanced topics in geometry and calculus.

            Understanding the Concept of Planes in 3D Space

            In the realm of three-dimensional geometry, planes play a fundamental role in defining spatial relationships. To grasp the concept of planes in 3D space, imagine a sheet of paper extending infinitely in all directions. This analogy provides a tangible representation of what a plane truly is a flat, two-dimensional surface that continues endlessly within a three-dimensional environment.

            Just as a sheet of paper can be positioned in various orientations, planes in 3D space can exist at any angle or position. They can be horizontal, like the surface of a calm lake, vertical like a wall, or tilted at any angle in between. The key characteristic of a plane is its flatness; it has no thickness and extends infinitely in all directions within its own two-dimensional realm.

            To describe planes mathematically, we use the general equation of a plane: Ax + By + Cz = D. This equation is a powerful tool in analytical geometry, allowing us to define and work with planes in a precise, numerical manner. Let's break down this equation:

            • A, B, and C are constants that determine the orientation of the plane
            • x, y, and z are variables representing coordinates in 3D space
            • D is a constant that determines the plane's position relative to the origin

            While this equation is essential for mathematical calculations and computer graphics, it has limitations in providing visual information about the plane. The equation alone doesn't give us an immediate picture of what the plane looks like or where it's positioned in space. It's a bit like having the DNA of an organism without being able to see the creature itself.

            To overcome this limitation, we often use additional tools and techniques to visualize planes:

            • Graphing software that can render 3D objects
            • Vector representations using normal vectors and points on the plane
            • Intersections with other geometric objects to define the plane's position

            Understanding planes in 3D space is crucial for various fields, including:

            • Computer graphics and animation
            • Engineering and architectural design
            • Physics simulations
            • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

            In these applications, planes are used to define surfaces, create boundaries, and establish reference points in virtual environments. They form the building blocks for more complex 3D structures and are essential in rendering realistic scenes and performing accurate spatial calculations.

            As we delve deeper into the world of 3D geometry, we find that planes intersect to form lines, and three non-parallel planes intersect at a single point. These relationships form the basis of many geometric proofs and problem-solving techniques in spatial reasoning.

            While the concept of an infinite plane might seem abstract, it's important to remember that in practical applications, we often work with finite portions of planes. For instance, a computer screen represents a finite section of a plane, as does a tabletop or a floor. These real-world examples help us connect the mathematical concept of planes to our everyday experiences.

            In conclusion, planes in 3D space are fundamental geometric entities that extend the concept of flat surfaces into three dimensions. While their mathematical representation through the equation Ax + By + Cz = D is powerful, it requires additional context and visualization techniques to fully appreciate their spatial characteristics. Understanding planes is key to mastering 3D geometry and its wide-ranging applications in science, technology, and design.

            Vector Representation of Planes

            When it comes to understanding and working with planes in three-dimensional space, the vector representation offers a more informative and versatile approach compared to traditional algebraic methods. This representation provides a clear and intuitive way to describe a plane's position, orientation, and properties using vectors.

            At the heart of the vector representation are two key components: position vectors and the normal vector. Let's explore these elements in detail to gain a comprehensive understanding of how planes can be described using vectors.

            Position vectors, typically denoted as R and R0, play a crucial role in defining the location of points on the plane. The vector R represents any point on the plane, while R0 is a specific position vector that points to a known point on the plane. These vectors originate from the origin of the coordinate system and extend to their respective points on the plane.

            The normal vector, usually denoted as N, is perhaps the most important element in the vector representation of a plane. This vector is perpendicular (or normal) to the plane's surface and defines the plane's orientation in space. The direction of the normal vector indicates which side of the plane is considered "above" or "below."

            To visualize these concepts, imagine a flat surface floating in three-dimensional space. The normal vector would be like a stick poking straight out from the surface, while the position vectors would be arrows stretching from the origin to various points on the plane.

            The relationship between these vectors can be expressed mathematically as:

            (R - R0) · N = 0

            This equation encapsulates the fundamental principle of the vector equation of a plane. It states that the difference between any point on the plane (R) and the known point (R0), when dotted with the normal vector (N), equals zero. This condition ensures that all points satisfying this equation lie on the same plane.

            The vector equation of a plane offers several advantages in understanding and working with planes:

            1. Orientation: The normal vector provides immediate information about the plane's orientation in space.
            2. Point inclusion: It's easy to determine if a point lies on the plane using the vector equation.
            3. Intersections: Calculating intersections with other geometric objects becomes more straightforward.
            4. Transformations: Rotations and translations of the plane can be easily applied to the vectors.

            In practical applications, the vector representation of planes is invaluable in fields such as computer graphics, robotics, and physics simulations. For instance, in 3D modeling, planes are often defined using this method to create surfaces and boundaries. In collision detection algorithms, the vector representation allows for efficient calculations of intersections between objects.

            It's worth noting that the vector representation can be easily converted to and from other forms of plane equations, such as the general form (Ax + By + Cz + D = 0) or the intercept form. This flexibility makes it a powerful tool in various mathematical and engineering contexts.

            As you delve deeper into the study of planes and their properties, the vector representation will prove to be an indispensable tool. Its ability to concisely describe a plane's position and orientation, coupled with its mathematical elegance, makes it a preferred method in many advanced applications of geometry and linear algebra.

            In conclusion, the vector representation of planes, with its use of position vectors and the normal vector, provides a robust and intuitive framework for understanding and manipulating planes in three-dimensional space. By mastering this concept, you'll gain a powerful perspective on spatial geometry that will serve you well in various fields of study and practical applications.

            Deriving the Vector Equation of a Plane

            The vector equation of a plane is a fundamental concept in three-dimensional geometry, providing a powerful tool for describing and analyzing planes in space. In this step-by-step derivation, we'll explore how to obtain this equation and understand its significance, particularly focusing on the role of the dot product and the normal vector.

            To begin, let's consider a plane in three-dimensional space. Every plane has a normal vector, which is perpendicular to all vectors lying within the plane. This normal vector is crucial in deriving the vector equation of a plane. We'll denote the normal vector as n = (a, b, c), where a, b, and c are constants.

            Step 1: Choose a point on the plane. Let's call this point P = (x, y, z). This point will serve as our reference point for the equation.

            Step 2: Consider an arbitrary point P = (x, y, z) on the plane. Our goal is to find a relationship between P and P that holds true for all points on the plane.

            Step 3: Form a vector from P to P. This vector, which we'll call r, lies entirely within the plane and can be expressed as r = P - P = (x - x, y - y, z - z).

            Step 4: Here's where the dot product comes into play. The dot product between the normal vector n and any vector r lying in the plane must be zero. This is because the normal vector is perpendicular to all vectors in the plane, and the dot product of perpendicular vectors is always zero.

            Step 5: Express this relationship mathematically: n · r = 0

            Step 6: Expand this dot product: a(x - x) + b(y - y) + c(z - z) = 0

            This equation is the vector equation of the plane in its expanded form. It shows that for any point (x, y, z) on the plane, this relationship with the normal vector and the reference point must hold true.

            Step 7: To express this more concisely in vector form, we can write: n · (r - r) = 0 Where r = (x, y, z) is the position vector of any point on the plane, and r = (x, y, z) is the position vector of our reference point.

            The significance of this equation lies in its elegance and versatility. It encapsulates the essential geometric relationship between all points on the plane and its normal vector. The dot product being zero mathematically expresses the perpendicularity between the normal vector and any vector in the plane.

            This vector equation is particularly useful because it allows us to: 1. Easily determine if a point lies on the plane 2. Find the distance from a point to the plane 3. Determine the intersection of a line with the plane 4. Calculate the angle between two planes

            It's worth noting the relationship between this vector equation and the general equation of a plane (ax + by + cz + d = 0). The vector equation is essentially a more geometric interpretation of the same concept. The components of the normal vector (a, b, c) in the vector equation correspond directly to the coefficients in the general equation of a plane.

            In conclusion, deriving the vector equation of a plane involves understanding the geometric relationship between the normal vector and vectors within the plane. The key insight is that the dot product of the normal vector with any vector in the plane must be zero. This principle, combined with a reference point on the plane, allows us to construct an equation that describes all points on the plane. This vector form provides a powerful and intuitive way to work with planes in three-dimensional space, bridging geometric intuition with algebraic representation.

            Comparing General and Vector Equations of Planes

            When studying planes in three-dimensional space, we encounter two primary equations: the general equation of a plane (Ax + By + Cz = D) and the vector equation of a plane. While both describe the same geometric object, the vector equation of a plane offers distinct advantages in terms of visualization and practical application. Let's delve into a comparison of these equations and explore the benefits of the vector approach.

            The general equation of a plane, Ax + By + Cz = D, provides a straightforward representation of a plane. It defines the plane as a set of points (x, y, z) that satisfy the linear equation. However, this form lacks immediate geometric insight. In contrast, the vector equation of a plane, typically expressed as r = r + sv + tw, where r is a point on the plane and v and w are vectors parallel to the plane, offers a more intuitive understanding.

            One of the primary advantages of the vector equation of a plane is its ability to provide explicit information about a point on the plane. The r term represents a specific point through which the plane passes, offering a concrete reference in 3D space. This feature is particularly useful when constructing or visualizing the plane, as it gives us an anchor point to work with.

            Moreover, the vector equation of a plane inherently contains information about the normal vector to the plane. The cross product of the vectors v and w yields a vector perpendicular to the plane, which is essential for understanding the plane's orientation in space. This normal vector is not immediately apparent in the general equation of a plane and requires additional calculation to obtain.

            The vector form also facilitates easier visualization of the plane. By thinking of the plane as a point (r) with two direction vectors (v and w), we can mentally construct the surface more readily. This representation aligns well with how we naturally conceptualize planes in three dimensions, making it easier to grasp the plane's position and orientation.

            Furthermore, the vector equation of a plane proves advantageous when working with intersections and projections. Calculating the intersection of a line with a plane or finding the projection of a point onto a plane often becomes more straightforward when using the vector form. This is because vector operations naturally lend themselves to these geometric problems.

            In practical applications, such as computer graphics or physics simulations, the vector equation's parameterization (using s and t) allows for efficient generation of points on the plane. This is particularly useful in rendering and computational tasks where rapid point generation is necessary.

            While the general equation of a plane remains valuable, especially in algebraic manipulations, the vector equation of a plane's ability to provide geometric insight, facilitate visualization, and simplify certain calculations makes it an indispensable tool in 3D geometry. By understanding and utilizing both forms, we gain a more comprehensive grasp of planes in three-dimensional space, enhancing our ability to solve complex spatial problems and create accurate visual representations.

            Finding Planes with Parallel Planes and Points

            Understanding how to find the equation of a plane parallel to a given plane and containing a specific point is a crucial skill in 3D geometry. Let's explore this concept through an example problem, highlighting the use of normal vectors and plane equations.

            Example Problem: Find the equation of a plane that is parallel to the plane 2x - 3y + 4z = 10 and passes through the point P(1, 2, -1).

            Step 1: Identify the normal vector of the given plane
            The normal vector of the given plane 2x - 3y + 4z = 10 is n = <2, -3, 4>. This vector is perpendicular to the plane and determines its orientation in 3D space.

            Step 2: Recognize that parallel planes share the same normal vector
            Since we're looking for a parallel plane, it will have the same normal vector as the given plane. This is a key principle in solving such problems.

            Step 3: Use the general equation of a plane
            The general equation of a plane is Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, where <A, B, C> is the normal vector and D is a constant we need to determine.

            Step 4: Substitute the normal vector components
            Using our normal vector <2, -3, 4>, we can write the equation of our parallel plane as: 2x - 3y + 4z + D = 0

            Step 5: Use the given point to find D
            We know the plane passes through P(1, 2, -1). Substitute these coordinates into our equation: 2(1) - 3(2) + 4(-1) + D = 0 2 - 6 - 4 + D = 0 -8 + D = 0 D = 8

            Step 6: Write the final equation of the parallel plane
            Substituting D = 8 into our equation from Step 4, we get: 2x - 3y + 4z + 8 = 0

            This is the equation of the plane parallel to 2x - 3y + 4z = 10 and passing through the point (1, 2, -1).

            Key Takeaways: 1. Parallel planes have the same normal vector. 2. The normal vector determines the coefficients of x, y, and z in the plane equation. 3. The constant D is found by using a point known to lie on the plane. 4. This method works for any given plane and point combination.

            Practice Problems: 1. Find a plane parallel to 3x + y - 2z = 5 passing through (0, 1, 2). 2. Determine the equation of a plane parallel to x + y + z = 3 containing the point (-1, 2, 3). 3. Given the plane 2x - y + 3z = 4, find a parallel plane that passes through the origin.

            Understanding this process is crucial for solving more complex problems in 3D geometry, such as finding distances between parallel planes or determining the intersection of a line with a plane. It's also a fundamental concept in fields like computer graphics, where representing 3D objects often involves working with multiple parallel planes.

            Remember, the key to mastering this type of problem is to recognize that the normal vector remains constant for parallel planes, and the only difference lies in the constant term D. By following these steps and practicing with various examples, you'll develop a strong intuition for working with planes in 3D space.

            Finding Planes Using Three Points

            Finding a plane's equation when given three points is a fundamental skill in 3D geometry and linear algebra. This process involves using vector cross products to determine the normal vector of the plane, which is essential for deriving the plane equation. Let's break down this process step-by-step and provide a detailed example to illustrate the concept.

            To begin, let's consider three non-collinear points in 3D space: P1(x1, y1, z1), P2(x2, y2, z2), and P3(x3, y3, z3). These points define a unique plane, and our goal is to find its equation.

            Step 1: Create two vectors on the plane
            First, we need to create two vectors that lie on the plane. We can do this by subtracting the coordinates of one point from another:
            Vector v = P2 - P1 = (x2-x1, y2-y1, z2-z1)
            Vector w = P3 - P1 = (x3-x1, y3-y1, z3-z1)

            Step 2: Calculate the cross product
            The cross product of these two vectors will give us a vector perpendicular to both, which is the normal vector of the plane. We use the formula:
            n = v × w = (v2w3 - v3w2, v3w1 - v1w3, v1w2 - v2w1)
            Where v = (v1, v2, v3) and w = (w1, w2, w3)

            Step 3: Derive the general form of a plane equation
            Once we have the normal vector n = (a, b, c), we can use the general form of a plane equation:
            ax + by + cz + d = 0
            To find d, we can substitute the coordinates of any of the given points into this equation.

            Let's work through an example to solidify this process. Suppose we're given three points:
            P1(1, 2, 3), P2(4, 5, 6), and P3(7, 8, 9)

            Step 1: Create vectors
            v = P2 - P1 = (4-1, 5-2, 6-3) = (3, 3, 3)
            w = P3 - P1 = (7-1, 8-2, 9-3) = (6, 6, 6)

            Step 2: Calculate cross product
            n = v × w = ((3)(6) - (3)(6), (3)(6) - (3)(6), (3)(6) - (3)(6))
            n = (0, 0, 0)

            In this case, we get a zero vector, which means our three points are collinear and don't define a unique plane. Let's modify P3 to (7, 8, 10) and recalculate:

            w = P3 - P1 = (7-1, 8-2, 10-3) = (6, 6, 7)
            n = v × w = ((3)(7) - (3)(6), (3)(6) - (3)(7), (3)(6) - (3)(6))
            n = (3, -3, 0)

            Step 3: Derive plane equation example
            Using n = (3, -3, 0), our plane equation is:
            3x - 3y + 0z + d = 0

            To find d, let's use P1(1, 2, 3):
            3(1) - 3(2) + 0(3) + d = 0
            3 - 6

            Finding a plane's equation when given three points is a fundamental skill in 3D geometry and linear algebra application. This process involves using vector cross products to determine the normal vector of the plane, which is essential for deriving the plane equation. Let's break down this process step-by-step and provide a detailed example to illustrate the concept.

            Step 3: Derive the general form of a plane equation
            Once we have the normal vector n = (a, b, c), we can use the general form of a plane equation:
            ax + by + cz + d = 0
            To find d, we can substitute the coordinates of any of the given points into this equation.

            Step 3: Derive plane equation example
            Using n = (3, -3, 0), our plane equation is:
            3x - 3y + 0z + d = 0

            Conclusion and Further Practice

            In this lesson, we explored the fascinating world of 3-dimensional planes, uncovering their key properties and equations. We delved into both the general equations of planes and vector equations of planes, understanding their significance in describing 3D surfaces. These equations are crucial tools for analyzing spatial relationships and solving real-world problems. To solidify your understanding, it's essential to practice solving various problems involving planes in 3D space. This practice will enhance your spatial reasoning and mathematical skills. As you progress, consider exploring more complex applications of 3-dimensional planes in fields such as computer graphics, engineering, and physics. These concepts form the foundation for advanced topics in multivariable calculus and linear algebra. Remember, mastering 3D planes opens doors to a wide range of exciting applications in science and technology. Keep challenging yourself with increasingly complex problems to deepen your understanding and broaden your perspective on this fundamental mathematical concept.

            Understanding the general equations of planes and vector equations of planes is essential for anyone looking to excel in fields that require spatial analysis. By consistently practicing and applying these concepts, you will be better equipped to tackle a variety of challenges. Whether you are interested in solving real-world problems or pursuing advanced studies, a strong grasp of 3-dimensional planes will serve as a valuable asset.

            3-Dimensional Planes Overview:

            Equation of a Plane

            • How do we get the formula for the equation?
            • a(xx0)+b(yy0)+c(zz0)=0a(x-x_0) + b(y-y_0) + c(z-z_0) = 0
            • What we need for the formula

            Step 1: Understanding the Concept of a Plane

            A plane in three-dimensional space can be visualized as an infinitely large, flat sheet of paper. It extends infinitely in all directions within its two-dimensional surface. To understand the equation of a plane, we first need to grasp this concept. A plane is defined by a point on the plane and a normal vector that is perpendicular to the plane.

            Step 2: The Standard Equation of a Plane

            The standard form of the equation of a plane is given by Ax+By+Cz=DAx + By + Cz = D. However, this form does not provide much information about the plane itself, such as how to draw it or what vectors are involved. Therefore, we need a more informative way to express the equation of a plane.

            Step 3: Points and Vectors on the Plane

            Consider two points on the plane: P0P_0 and PP. Let P0P_0 be a specific point on the plane with coordinates (x0,y0,z0)(x_0, y_0, z_0), and let PP be any point on the plane with coordinates (x,y,z)(x, y, z). We can create vectors from these points: R0R_0 associated with P0P_0 and RR associated with PP. These vectors are R0=(x0,y0,z0)R_0 = (x_0, y_0, z_0) and R=(x,y,z)R = (x, y, z).

            Step 4: The Normal Vector

            The normal vector NN is a vector that is perpendicular to the plane. This vector is crucial because it helps define the orientation of the plane. If NN is perpendicular to the plane, then any vector on the plane will be orthogonal to NN.

            Step 5: Creating a Vector on the Plane

            To find a vector on the plane, we can subtract R0R_0 from RR, resulting in the vector RR0R - R_0. This vector lies on the plane. Since NN is perpendicular to the plane, it is also perpendicular to RR0R - R_0.

            Step 6: Dot Product and Perpendicular Vectors

            If two vectors are perpendicular, their dot product is zero. Therefore, the dot product of NN and RR0R - R_0 must be zero. Mathematically, this is expressed as (RR0)N=0(R - R_0) \cdot N = 0.

            Step 7: Expanding the Dot Product

            Expanding the dot product, we get: \[ (x - x_0, y - y_0, z - z_0) \cdot (a, b, c) = 0 \] This simplifies to: \[ a(x - x_0) + b(y - y_0) + c(z - z_0) = 0 \] This is the equation of the plane in a more informative form.

            Step 8: Understanding the Equation

            The equation a(xx0)+b(yy0)+c(zz0)=0a(x - x_0) + b(y - y_0) + c(z - z_0) = 0 provides more information than the standard form. It tells us the normal vector (a,b,c)(a, b, c) and a specific point (x0,y0,z0)(x_0, y_0, z_0) on the plane. This makes it easier to understand and visualize the plane.

            Step 9: Using the Equation to Find Planes

            When solving problems involving planes, look for two key pieces of information: the normal vector and a point on the plane. Once you have these, you can plug them into the equation a(xx0)+b(yy0)+c(zz0)=0a(x - x_0) + b(y - y_0) + c(z - z_0) = 0 to find the equation of the plane.


            1. What is the difference between a 3D plane and a 2D plane?

              A 3D plane extends infinitely in three-dimensional space, while a 2D plane is confined to two dimensions. In 3D space, a plane has a normal vector perpendicular to its surface, which is not present in 2D planes. 3D planes are described by equations involving x, y, and z coordinates, whereas 2D planes use only x and y.

            2. How do you find the normal vector of a plane?

              The normal vector of a plane can be found by taking the cross product of two non-parallel vectors lying on the plane. Alternatively, if the plane equation is given in the form Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, the normal vector is <A, B, C>.

            3. What is the significance of the D term in the general equation of a plane?

              In the general equation of a plane Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, the D term represents the plane's distance from the origin multiplied by the magnitude of the normal vector. It determines the plane's position in 3D space relative to the origin.

            4. How can you determine if two planes are parallel?

              Two planes are parallel if their normal vectors are scalar multiples of each other. In other words, if the planes have equations Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 and Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, they are parallel if A/A = B/B = C/C.

            5. What is the relationship between a plane's normal vector and its equation?

              The normal vector of a plane is directly related to the coefficients of x, y, and z in the plane's equation. For a plane Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, the normal vector is <A, B, C>. This relationship allows for easy conversion between vector and general forms of plane equations.

            Prerequisite Topics for Understanding 3-Dimensional Planes

            When delving into the world of 3-dimensional planes, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in certain mathematical concepts. Two key prerequisite topics that play a significant role in comprehending 3-dimensional planes are Conics - Circle and Graphing from slope-intercept form y=mx+b.

            Understanding Conics - Circle is essential when working with 3-dimensional planes, particularly when dealing with the vector equation of a plane. Circles, as a type of conic section, provide a foundation for grasping the concept of curved surfaces in three-dimensional space. The principles learned in studying circles can be extended to comprehend how planes intersect with spheres or other curved surfaces in 3D.

            Moreover, the knowledge of Graphing from slope-intercept form y=mx+b is invaluable when working with the general form of a plane equation. This prerequisite topic helps students understand how to represent linear relationships graphically, which is a crucial skill when visualizing and analyzing planes in three dimensions. The slope-intercept form serves as a stepping stone to more complex equations used in 3D geometry.

            By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can more easily grasp the concepts of 3-dimensional planes. The Conics - Circle topic provides insights into curved surfaces and their interactions with planes, while Graphing from slope-intercept form builds the foundation for understanding linear relationships in higher dimensions.

            When studying 3-dimensional planes, students will encounter various equations and representations. The vector equation of a plane, which is related to the concepts learned in Conics - Circle, describes the plane using a point and a normal vector. This representation is particularly useful when working with intersections and angles between planes.

            On the other hand, the general form of a plane equation, which builds upon the principles of Graphing from slope-intercept form, allows for a more algebraic approach to describing planes. This form is essential for solving systems of equations involving multiple planes and determining their intersections.

            By thoroughly understanding these prerequisite topics, students can develop a strong intuition for 3-dimensional geometry. The skills acquired from studying Conics - Circle and Graphing from slope-intercept form serve as building blocks for more advanced concepts in 3D space, such as finding distances between points and planes, determining angles between planes, and analyzing the intersections of multiple planes.

            In conclusion, a solid grasp of these prerequisite topics is crucial for success in understanding and working with 3-dimensional planes. By investing time in mastering Conics - Circle and Graphing from slope-intercept form, students will be well-prepared to tackle the challenges and complexities of 3D geometry with confidence and competence.


            Equation of a Plane
            Couple sections ago, we saw that the equation of plane can be expressed as ax+by+cz=dax+by+cz=d. However, this equation does not give much information. So suppose we have the following graph:
            plane graph
            Where r\vec{r} and r0\vec{r_0} are position vectors for points PP and P0P_0 respectively, and n\vec{n} is a normal vector that is orthogonal (perpendicular) to the plane.
            Since rr0\vec{r} - \vec{r_0} is on the plane, then n\vec{n} is orthogonal to rr0\vec{r} - \vec{r_0}. In other words, their dot products should give 0.

            (rr0)n=0(<x,y,z><x0,y0,z0>)<a,b,c>=0(\vec{r} - \vec{r_0}) \cdot \vec{n} = 0 \to (\lt x,y,z\gt - \lt x_0,y_0, z_0\gt) \cdot \lt a,b,c\gt = 0
            <xx0,yy0,zz0><a,b,c>=0\to \lt x-x_0 , y-y_0, z-z_0\gt \cdot \lt a,b,c\gt = 0
            a(xx0)+b(yy0)+c(zz0)=0\to a(x-x_0) + b(y-y_0) + c(z-z_0) = 0

            Which is formula for the equation of a plane.

            The key to finding the equation of a plane is finding two things:
            1. The normal vector (orthogonal to the plane)
            2. A point on the plane.
            Then you can just plug those into the formula to get the equation!