Arrays and factors

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  1. Products and Arrays
    Write a product for each array

    1. Arrays and Factors

    2. Arrays and Factors

    3. Arrays and Factors

    4. Arrays and Factors
  2. Find Factors using Arrays
    Draw an array to find the factors of
    1. 12
    2. 6
    3. 7
  3. Arrays and the Distributive Property
    1. Write a product for the entire diagram, the unshaded squares and the shaded squares
    2. Write an equation for the entire diagram (using the distributive property)

    1. Arrays and Factors

    2. Arrays and Factors
  4. Rewriting products in expanded form
    Rewrite each product in expanded form (rewrite as a sum)
    1. 6 x 12
    2. 3 x 128
    3. 7 x 408
  5. Distributive Property of Multiplication (multiplying by 1-digit)
    Use the distributive property to find the product:
    1. 4 x 36
    2. 3 x 825
    3. 401 x 9
  6. Distributive Property of Multiplication (2-digit x 2-digit)
    Use the distributive property to find the product:
    1. 14 x 12
    2. 65 x 34
Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • Factors, Products, Multiplication Statements
  • Writing a product for a given array
  • Drawing arrays to find factors
  • Using an array to describe the distributive property of multiplication


  • Numbers we can multiply to get another number
  • Numbers we can multiply to get another number
  • two numbers that we multiply together to get a certain product

Ex. 3 x 4 = 12 

3 and 4 are both factors of 12 and 3 and 4 are a factor pair

\quad 2 x 6 = 12 

2 and 6 are also factors of 12, 2 and 6 are a factor pair

BUT be careful! 2 and 4 are not a factor pair of 12 even though they are both factors of 12 because:


Tips for finding factors
  • Every number has 1 as a factor
  • Every number has itself as a factor 

  • The term product in this section is used for both an expression involving multiplication and the evaluation of that expression 

\qquad \qquad Ex. The product of 2 and 5 is: 2 x 5 and 10

  • An array is a diagram which represents a product 
  • You can draw an array with dots or with squares 

Representing Numbers: Tally Marks

Writing a product for a given array
The product is created by writing the number of rows times the number of columns
The product for the above array would be 2 x 3 or 6