Decimals on number lines

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  1. Introduction to Decimals on Number Lines:
    How to create decimal number lines for decimal tenths and decimal hundredths
  1. Reading decimals on number lines
    What is the decimal given by the point on the number line?

    1. Decimal number lines

    2. Decimal number lines

    3. Decimal number lines

    4. Decimal number lines
  2. Drawing decimals on number lines
    Draw the decimal as a point on the number line

    1. Decimal number lines

    2. Decimal number lines

    3. Decimal number lines

    4. Decimal number lines
  3. Zooming into number lines and dividing into ten segments
    Draw a point for the specified decimal. Label the number lines showing tenths and the zoomed in lines showing hundredths.

    1. Decimal number lines

    2. Decimal number lines

    3. Decimal number lines

    4. Decimal number lines

    5. Decimal number lines
Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • How to read number lines for decimals to the tenths or hundredths
  • How to draw a point to represent a decimal on a decimal number line


  • A number line is a picture of a straight line with vertical markings of equal spacing
    • Number lines increase from left to right (small \, \longrightarrow \, big)

Decimal on number lines

  • Decimals are numbers with place values even smaller than the ones place.
    • Number lines can be divided even further between each number
    • Splitting each division into 10 equal parts creates the next decimal place value
      • Dividing the space between 0 to 1 into 10 equal parts, each part is a tenth
      • Dividing the space between 0 to 0.1 into 10 equal parts, each part is a hundredth

Decimal on number lines

    • From 0 to 1, it is first split into 10 equal parts (tenths = 0.1)
    • Each of these tenths 0.1 will be split into 10 more equal parts (10 tenths each into 10 parts = 10 × 10 = 100 parts)
    • Ultimately, the space between 0 and 1 will be split into 100 equal parts
    • That's why each 0.01 is called a hundredth (one of the 100 parts)