  1. Null Space Overview:
  2. Definition of the Null space
    N(A)=N(A) = null space
    • A set of all vectors which satisfy the solution Ax=0Ax=0
    Definition of the Null space
  3. A vector u in the null space
    • Multiply matrix AA and vector uu
    Au=0Au=0 means uu is in the null space
  4. Finding a basis for the null space
    • Solve for Ax=0Ax=0
    • Write the general solution in parametric vector form
    • The vectors you see in parametric vector form are the basis of N(A)N(A).
  1. Showing that the null space of AA is a subspace
    Show that N(A)N(A) (null space of AA) is a subspace by verifying the 3 properties:
    1) The zero vector is in N(A)N(A)
    2) For each uu and vv in the set N(A)N(A), the sum of u+vu+v is in N(A)N(A) (closed under addition)
    3) For each uu in the set N(A)N(A), the vector cucu is in N(A)N(A). (closed under scalar multiplication)
    1. Verifying a vector is in the null space
      Is the vector is this matrix in null space in the null space of the matrix
      null space of this matrix
      1. Is the vector Verifying a vector is in the null space in the null space of the matrix
        null space of this matrix
        1. Finding a basis for the null space
          Find a basis for the null space of AA if:
          Finding a basis for the null space
          1. Find a basis for the null space of AA if:
            Finding a basis for the null space
            Topic Notes

            Introduction to Null Space in Linear Algebra

            Null space is a fundamental concept in linear algebra that plays a crucial role in understanding linear transformations and systems of equations. Our introduction video provides a visual and intuitive explanation of null space, making it easier for students to grasp this abstract concept. In this article, we'll delve deeper into the world of null space, exploring its definition, key properties, and practical applications. We'll start by precisely defining what null space is and how it relates to linear transformations. Then, we'll examine the important properties of null space, including its relationship to the rank of a matrix and its role in solving homogeneous systems of equations. Finally, we'll discuss real-world applications of null space in fields such as computer graphics, signal processing, and data compression. By the end of this article, you'll have a solid understanding of null space and its significance in linear algebra.

            Definition and Basic Properties of Null Space

            The null space of a matrix is a fundamental concept in linear transformations, playing a crucial role in understanding the behavior of linear transformations and systems of equations. Formally, the null space of a matrix A is defined as the set of all vectors x that satisfy the equation Ax = 0, where 0 represents the zero vector. This definition can be expressed mathematically as:

            N(A) = {x | Ax = 0}

            Here, N(A) denotes the null space of matrix A, emphasizing that it is a set of vectors. This notation is commonly used in linear algebra to represent the null space.

            In practical terms, the equation Ax = 0 represents a homogeneous system of linear equations. Each vector x in the null space is a solution to this system. These solutions have the unique property that when multiplied by the matrix A, they result in the zero vector.

            The relationship between null space and homogeneous systems is intrinsic. Every homogeneous system of linear equations can be written in the form Ax = 0, where A is the coefficient matrix of the system. Consequently, finding the null space of A is equivalent to solving the corresponding homogeneous system.

            To illustrate this concept, let's consider a simple example. Suppose we have a 2x2 matrix A:

            A = [1 2; 2 4]

            The equation Ax = 0 expands to:

            1x + 2y = 0
            2x + 4y = 0

            Solving this system, we find that any vector of the form x = [-2t, t], where t is a real number, satisfies the equation. Therefore, the null space of A is the set of all such vectors, which forms a line through the origin in two-dimensional space.

            It's important to emphasize that the null space is always a subspace of the vector space in which x resides. This means it contains the zero vector and is closed under addition and scalar multiplication. In our example, the null space is a one-dimensional subspace of R^2.

            The dimension of the null space, known as the nullity of the matrix, provides valuable information about the matrix and the associated linear transformations. A non-zero null space indicates that the matrix is not invertible and that the corresponding linear transformations is not one-to-one.

            Understanding the null space is crucial in various applications of linear algebra. For instance, in signal processing, the null space can represent the set of signals that are completely attenuated by a system. In physics, it can describe the set of forces that produce no net effect on a system in equilibrium.

            To further illustrate, consider a 3x3 matrix B:

            B = [1 2 3; 2 4 6; 3 6 9]

            The null space of B consists of all vectors [x, y, z] satisfying:

            x + 2y + 3z = 0
            2x + 4y + 6z = 0
            3x + 6y + 9z = 0

            Solving this system reveals that the null space is spanned by the vector [-3, 1.5, 0]. This means any scalar multiple of this vector is in the null space of B.

            In conclusion, the null space, defined by the equation Ax = 0, is a fundamental concept in linear algebra. It represents the set of vectors that, when transformed by a matrix, result in the zero vector. This concept is intimately tied to homogeneous systems of linear equations and provides crucial insights into the properties of matrices and linear transformations. Understanding and being able to compute the null space is essential for a wide range of applications in mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer science.

            Determining if a Vector is in the Null Space

            Understanding whether a vector is in the null space of a matrix is a fundamental concept in linear algebra. The null space of a matrix A consists of all vectors x that satisfy the equation Ax = 0, where 0 is the zero vector. This process is crucial in various mathematical and practical applications, including solving homogeneous systems of linear equations and analyzing linear transformations.

            To determine if a vector is in the null space, follow these step-by-step instructions:

            1. Start with the given matrix A and the vector x you want to check.
            2. Perform matrix multiplication Ax.
            3. Check if the resulting vector is equal to the zero vector.
            4. If Ax = 0, then x is in the null space of A. If not, x is not in the null space.

            Let's walk through an example to illustrate this process:

            Consider the matrix A = [2 -1 3; 1 1 -1] and the vector x = [1; 2; -1].

            Step 1: We have A and x.

            Step 2: Perform matrix multiplication Ax:

            [2 -1 3; 1 1 -1] * [1; 2; -1] = [2(1) + (-1)(2) + 3(-1); 1(1) + 1(2) + (-1)(-1)]

            = [2 - 2 - 3; 1 + 2 + 1]

            = [-3; 4]

            Step 3: Check if the result is equal to the zero vector [0; 0].

            Step 4: Since [-3; 4] [0; 0], we conclude that x = [1; 2; -1] is not in the null space of A.

            It's important to note that the zero vector is always in the null space of any matrix. This is because A * [0; 0; ...; 0] = [0; 0; ...; 0] for any matrix A. The zero vector's presence in the null space is significant because it ensures that the null space is always a subspace of the vector space, containing at least one element.

            The process of determining whether a vector is in the null space has several practical applications:

            Understanding the null space is crucial in various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer science. For instance, in image processing, the null space can represent the set of all images that, when transformed by a certain operation, result in a blank image. In control theory, the null space can help identify inputs that don't affect the system's output.

            To further explore the concept of null space, consider these additional points:

            • The dimension of the null space is called the nullity of the matrix.
            • The rank-nullity theorem states that for a matrix A with m rows and n columns, rank(A) + nullity(A) = n.
            • A matrix with a non-trivial null space (containing vectors other than the zero vector) is not invertible.

            In conclusion, determining whether a vector is in the null space involves a straightforward process of matrix multiplication and comparison with the zero vector. This concept plays a vital role in understanding linear transformations and solving systems of linear equations. Remember that the zero vector is always in the null space, serving as a fundamental element in the study of vector spaces and linear algebra.

            Finding a Basis for the Null Space

            Finding a basis for the null space is a fundamental concept in linear algebra, crucial for understanding the structure of linear transformations. This process involves three main steps: solving the equation Ax = 0, expressing the general solution in parametric vector form, and identifying the basis vectors. Let's delve into each step and explore their significance.

            Step 1: Solving Ax = 0

            The first step in finding a basis for the null space is to solve the homogeneous equation Ax = 0, where A is the given matrix and x is the vector we're solving for. This involves using Gaussian elimination to reduce the matrix to row echelon form. The goal is to identify the free variables, which will be crucial in forming the basis.

            Step 2: Writing the General Solution in Parametric Vector Form

            Once we've solved Ax = 0, we express the general solution in parametric vector form. This means writing each variable in terms of the free variables, which we typically denote with parameters like s, t, or r. The parametric vector form gives us a clear picture of how the solutions are structured and how they depend on the free variables.

            Step 3: Identifying the Basis Vectors

            The final step is to identify the basis vectors for the null space. These vectors are obtained by setting each free variable to 1 while keeping the others at 0. The number of basis vectors will equal the number of free variables, which in turn equals the nullity of the matrix.

            Let's illustrate this process with a specific example. Consider the matrix:

            A = [1 2 3 | 2 4 6 | 3 6 9]

            Step 1: Solving Ax = 0

            Reducing this matrix to row echelon form, we get:

            [1 2 3 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0]

            This shows that x + 2y + 3z = 0 is our only equation.

            Step 2: Writing the General Solution

            We can express x in terms of y and z: x = -2y - 3z

            Our general solution in parametric vector form is:

            [x, y, z] = [-2y - 3z, y, z] = y[-2, 1, 0] + z[-3, 0, 1]

            Step 3: Identifying Basis Vectors

            From this, we can identify two basis vectors for the null space:

            v1 = [-2, 1, 0] (when y = 1, z = 0)

            v2 = [-3, 0, 1] (when y = 0, z = 1)

            These two vectors form a basis for the null space of matrix A.

            The relationship between the dimension of the null space and the rank of the matrix is crucial to understand. This relationship is encapsulated in the Rank-Nullity Theorem, which states that for a matrix A with n columns:

            rank(A) + nullity(A) = n

            Where nullity(A) is the dimension of the null space, also known as the kernel of A. In our example, the matrix has 3 columns (n = 3), and we found 2 basis vectors for the null space, so the nullity is 2. This means the rank of the matrix must be 1 (3 - 2 = 1).

            This theorem highlights the inverse relationship between the rank and the nullity. As the rank increases, indicating more linearly independent columns, the nullity decreases, meaning fewer solutions to Ax = 0. Conversely, a lower rank implies a higher nullity, indicating more free variables and a larger null space.

            Understanding how to find the null space and its basis is essential for deeper insights into linear algebra and its applications. Techniques like Gaussian elimination and understanding row echelon form are fundamental tools in this process.

            Applications and Importance of Null Space

            Null space, a fundamental concept in linear algebra, plays a crucial role in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. Its practical applications extend far beyond theoretical mathematics, offering valuable insights and solutions to real-world problems. In this section, we'll explore the diverse applications of null space and its significance in solving complex challenges across different disciplines.

            One of the primary applications of null space is in solving systems of linear equations. When dealing with underdetermined systems, where there are more unknowns than equations, the null space provides information about the possible solutions. Engineers and scientists often encounter such scenarios in optimization problems, where they need to find the best solution among multiple possibilities. By understanding the null space of the system, they can identify the set of all possible solutions and make informed decisions based on additional constraints or objectives.

            In physics, null space plays a vital role in understanding conservation laws and symmetries. For instance, in quantum mechanics, the null space of certain operators corresponds to physical states with specific properties. This concept is essential in particle physics, where researchers use null space analysis to study the behavior of fundamental particles and their interactions. Additionally, in electromagnetic theory, the null space of curl operators helps in analyzing electromagnetic fields and designing antennas with specific radiation patterns.

            The concept of null space is particularly important in understanding linear transformations, which are fundamental to many areas of mathematics and its applications. In computer graphics and image processing, linear transformations are used to manipulate and analyze images. The null space of these transformations provides information about the invariant features of the images, which is crucial for tasks such as image compression, feature extraction, and pattern recognition. By leveraging null space analysis, researchers and developers can design more efficient algorithms for image processing and computer vision applications.

            In the field of control systems engineering, null space analysis is essential for designing robust and efficient control systems. Engineers use the null space of the system matrix to identify uncontrollable modes and develop appropriate control strategies. This application is particularly important in aerospace engineering, where precise control of aircraft and spacecraft is critical for mission success. By understanding the null space of the system, engineers can design control algorithms that ensure stability and performance under various operating conditions.

            Machine learning and data analysis have also benefited significantly from the application of null space concepts. In dimensionality reduction techniques, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the null space of the covariance matrix provides information about the less significant features in the dataset. This allows data scientists to focus on the most important aspects of the data, reducing computational complexity and improving the performance of machine learning models. Additionally, null space analysis is used in feature selection algorithms to identify redundant or irrelevant features, leading to more efficient and accurate models.

            In network analysis and graph theory, null space concepts are applied to study the connectivity and structure of complex networks. The null space of the graph Laplacian matrix provides information about the number of connected components in the network, which is crucial for understanding the overall topology and identifying critical nodes or edges. This application is particularly relevant in analyzing social networks, transportation systems, and biological networks, where understanding the underlying structure is essential for making informed decisions and predictions.

            The importance of null space extends to signal processing and communication systems as well. In noise cancellation applications, engineers use null space techniques to design filters that can effectively remove unwanted signals while preserving the desired information. This is particularly useful in audio processing, where null space analysis helps in separating different sound sources and improving the quality of recordings. In wireless communications, null space beamforming techniques are employed to minimize interference and enhance signal quality in multi-antenna systems.

            In conclusion, the applications of null space span a wide range of fields, demonstrating its fundamental importance in solving real-world problems. From physics and engineering to computer science and data analysis, null space concepts provide valuable insights and tools for tackling complex challenges. By understanding and leveraging null space analysis, researchers and practitioners can develop more efficient algorithms, design better systems, and gain deeper insights into the underlying structures of various phenomena. As technology continues to advance, the importance of null space in solving practical problems is likely to grow, making it an essential concept for students, researchers, and professionals across multiple disciplines.

            Relationship Between Null Space and Other Linear Algebra Concepts

            The null space of a matrix is a fundamental concept in linear algebra that is intricately connected to other important ideas such as column space, row space, and the fundamental theorem of linear algebra. Understanding these relationships is crucial for developing a deeper comprehension of vector spaces and linear transformations.

            To begin, let's explore the connection between null space and column space. The null space of a matrix A consists of all vectors x that satisfy the equation Ax = 0, while the column space is the span of the columns of A. These two concepts are complementary in the sense that their dimensions are related through the rank-nullity theorem. This theorem states that the sum of the dimension of the null space (nullity) and the dimension of the column space (rank) is equal to the number of columns in the matrix.

            The relationship between null space and row space is equally important. The row space of a matrix is the span of its row vectors, and it is closely related to the null space of the matrix's transpose. In fact, the null space of A is orthogonal to the row space of A. This orthogonality relationship is a key aspect of the fundamental theorem of linear algebra, which provides a comprehensive view of the four fundamental subspaces associated with a matrix: the column space, row space, null space, and left null space.

            The fundamental theorem of linear algebra ties these concepts together by establishing relationships between their dimensions and orthogonality. It states that the column space is orthogonal to the null space of the transpose (left null space), while the row space is orthogonal to the null space. This theorem provides a powerful framework for understanding the structure of linear transformations and their associated vector spaces.

            Understanding null space is essential for grasping the concept of vector spaces and linear transformations. The null space represents the set of vectors that are mapped to zero by a linear transformation, which is crucial for analyzing the behavior of the transformation. It helps in determining whether a linear transformation is one-to-one (injective) or onto (surjective), properties that are fundamental in characterizing linear maps.

            The relationship between null space and eigenvalues/eigenvectors is particularly interesting. An eigenvector of a square matrix A is a non-zero vector v such that Av = λv, where λ is the corresponding eigenvalue. The set of all eigenvectors corresponding to a particular eigenvalue, along with the zero vector, forms a subspace called the eigenspace. When the eigenvalue is zero, this eigenspace is precisely the null space of the matrix. This connection highlights the importance of null space in spectral theory and matrix diagonalization.

            Moreover, the dimension of the null space (nullity) is related to the algebraic and geometric multiplicities of the eigenvalue zero. If a matrix has a non-trivial null space, it means that zero is an eigenvalue of the matrix. The dimension of the null space corresponds to the geometric multiplicity of this zero eigenvalue.

            In practical applications, understanding these relationships is crucial. For instance, in solving systems of linear equations, the null space helps identify all possible solutions when the system is underdetermined. In data analysis and machine learning, techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) rely on understanding the relationships between these subspaces to reduce dimensionality and extract meaningful features from data.

            In conclusion, the null space serves as a critical link in the interconnected web of linear algebra concepts. Its relationships with column space, row space, and the fundamental theorem of linear algebra provide a comprehensive framework for understanding vector spaces and linear transformations. The connection to eigenvalues and eigenvectors further extends its significance in advanced topics of linear algebra. By mastering these relationships, one gains a powerful toolkit for analyzing and solving complex problems in various fields of mathematics, science, and engineering.


            In this article, we've explored the fundamental concept of null space in linear algebra. We've covered its definition, properties, and significance in solving systems of linear equations. The introduction video provided a visual and intuitive understanding of null space, making it easier to grasp this abstract concept. We discussed how to find the null space of a matrix and its relationship to the column space and rank. Understanding null space is crucial for various applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. To solidify your understanding, we encourage you to explore further resources and practice problems related to null space. Delve deeper into linear algebra concepts by studying related topics such as vector spaces, linear transformations, and eigenvalues. Remember, mastering null space is a stepping stone to comprehending more advanced linear algebra concepts. Keep practicing and exploring to enhance your mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities in this essential field.

            By understanding the solving systems of linear equations, you can better appreciate the role of null space in these systems. Additionally, the column space and rank of a matrix provide insight into the solutions of these equations. Exploring linear transformations further enhances your grasp of how matrices operate in different vector spaces.

            Null Space Overview:

            Null Space Overview:
            Definition of the Null space
            N(A)=N(A) = null space
            • A set of all vectors which satisfy the solution Ax=0Ax=0
            Definition of the Null space

            Step 1: Introduction to Null Space

            In this section, we will discuss the concept of the null space. The null space of a matrix AA is a fundamental concept in linear algebra. It is defined as the set of all vectors xx that satisfy the equation Ax=0Ax = 0. This means that when the matrix AA is multiplied by the vector xx, the result is the zero vector.

            Step 2: Formal Definition

            Formally, let AA be a matrix. The null space of AA, denoted as N(A)N(A), is the set of all vectors xx such that Ax=0Ax = 0. This can be written as:
            N(A)={xAx=0}N(A) = \{ x \mid Ax = 0 \}
            This definition implies that the null space is a set of vectors. Specifically, it is a set in which the elements are vectors that satisfy the given equation.

            Step 3: Understanding the Equation Ax=0Ax = 0

            The equation Ax=0Ax = 0 is a homogeneous system of linear equations. This means that the right-hand side of the equation is the zero vector. The solution to this system is the set of all vectors xx that, when multiplied by the matrix AA, result in the zero vector.

            Step 4: Interpreting the Null Space

            To understand the null space better, consider the term "set of vectors." This means that the null space is a collection of vectors. If a vector is in the null space, it satisfies the equation Ax=0Ax = 0. In other words, if you take any vector from the null space and multiply it by the matrix AA, you will get the zero vector.

            Step 5: Example of a Vector in the Null Space

            Let's consider an example. Suppose we have a vector xx that is the zero vector. We want to determine if this vector is in the null space of AA. To do this, we plug the zero vector into the equation Ax=0Ax = 0 and check if the left-hand side equals the right-hand side.
            If A0=0A \cdot 0 = 0, then the zero vector is in the null space of AA. This is consistent with the properties of zero matrices, where multiplying a zero matrix by any matrix results in a zero matrix.

            Step 6: Properties of the Null Space

            The null space N(A)N(A) is a subspace of RnR^n. This means that it satisfies the three properties of subspaces:

            • It contains the zero vector.
            • It is closed under vector addition.
            • It is closed under scalar multiplication.
            These properties ensure that the null space is a valid subspace within the vector space RnR^n.

            Step 7: Conclusion

            In summary, the null space of a matrix AA is the set of all vectors that satisfy the equation Ax=0Ax = 0. It is a subspace of RnR^n and has important properties that make it a fundamental concept in linear algebra. Understanding the null space helps in solving homogeneous systems of linear equations and analyzing the properties of matrices.


            Here are some frequently asked questions about null space in linear algebra:

            1. What is the null space in linear algebra?

            The null space of a matrix A is the set of all vectors x that satisfy the equation Ax = 0, where 0 is the zero vector. It represents the set of solutions to the homogeneous system of linear equations represented by the matrix.

            2. What does the nullspace tell us?

            The null space provides information about the solutions of a homogeneous system of linear equations. It tells us about the linear dependence of the columns of a matrix and helps determine if a linear transformation is one-to-one (injective).

            3. What is the difference between column space and null space?

            The column space of a matrix A is the span of its columns, while the null space is the set of vectors that, when multiplied by A, result in the zero vector. The column space represents the range of the linear transformation, while the null space represents its kernel.

            4. How do you find the null space of a matrix?

            To find the null space of a matrix A, solve the equation Ax = 0 using Gaussian elimination. Reduce the matrix to row echelon form, express the general solution in parametric vector form, and identify the basis vectors for the null space.

            5. What is the relationship between null space and matrix rank?

            The rank-nullity theorem states that for a matrix A with n columns, rank(A) + nullity(A) = n, where nullity(A) is the dimension of the null space. This theorem establishes an inverse relationship between the rank of a matrix and the dimension of its null space.

            Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Null Space

            To fully grasp the concept of null space in linear algebra, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. Understanding these fundamental concepts will greatly enhance your ability to comprehend and work with null spaces effectively.

            One of the key prerequisites is the image and range of linear transformations. This topic is closely related to null space, as both concepts deal with the properties of linear transformations. The image and range help us understand how vectors are mapped by a transformation, while the null space focuses on vectors that are mapped to zero.

            Another important concept is solving systems of linear equations by substitution. This skill is essential when working with null spaces, as finding the null space often involves solving homogeneous systems of equations. Being proficient in substitution methods will make it easier to find the vectors that belong to the null space.

            The properties of matrix multiplication are also crucial for understanding null spaces. These properties help us manipulate matrices and understand how linear transformations work, which is fundamental to grasping the concept of null space.

            Solving linear systems using Gaussian elimination is another vital skill. This method is often used to find the basis of a null space, making it an indispensable tool in your linear algebra toolkit.

            Closely related to Gaussian elimination is the concept of row reduction and echelon forms. Understanding how to reduce matrices to row echelon form is crucial for finding null spaces efficiently.

            Solving linear systems using inverse matrices is another important prerequisite. While this method is not always the most efficient for finding null spaces, understanding it helps build a comprehensive view of linear systems and their solutions.

            The concept of column space is closely related to null space. Understanding the relationship between column space, rank, and null space is crucial for a deeper comprehension of linear transformations.

            Lastly, familiarity with eigenvalues and eigenvectors can provide valuable insights into null spaces, especially when dealing with more advanced topics in linear algebra.

            By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the concept of null space and its applications in linear algebra. Each of these topics contributes to building a strong foundation, allowing you to approach null spaces with confidence and a deeper understanding of their significance in the broader context of linear algebra.

            The null space of a matrix AA is the set N(A)N(A) of all solutions of the homogeneous equation Ax=0Ax=0

            The null space of a matrix AA is a subspace of Rn\Bbb{R}^n. The first question shows the proof of this.

            To see if a vector uu is in N(A)N(A) (nullspace of AA), we simply compute:

            Au=0 Au=0

            If the product of AA and uu gives the zero vector, then it is in the null space of AA.

            To find a basis for the null space of A, we have to:
            1) Solve for Ax=0Ax=0.
            2) Write the general solution in parametric vector form.
            3) The vectors you see is a basis for N(A)N(A).

            Note that the vectors in the basis are linearly independent.