3-Dimensional lines

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  1. 3-Dimensional Lines Overview:
  2. Vector Equation 3D lines
    • Need a vector equation to express 3D lines
    • Diagram for the vector equation
    • r(t)=<x0,y0,z0>+  t<a,b,c>\vec{r(t)} = \lt x_0 , y_0, z_0 \gt +\; t \lt a,b,c \gt
  3. Parametric Equations
    • Another way to express 3D lines
    • How to get Parametric Equations
    • An example
  4. Symmetric Equations
    • Another way to express 3D lines
    • How to get Symmetric Equations?
    • An example
  1. Question with Two Points
    If the line passes through the points (2,1,0)(2, 1, 0) and (1,4,5)(1, 4, 5), find the equation of the line in vector form.
    1. If the line passes through the points (2,3,5)(-2, 3, 5) and (1,0,3)(-1, 0, -3), find the equation of the line in symmetric form.
      1. Question with a Point and a Line
        If the line passes through the point (0,1,3)(0, 1, 3) and is parallel to the line <12t,5+t,t><1-2t, 5+t, -t> , find the vector equation of the line.
        1. Intersection of a Line and a Plane
          Determine whether the line given by <5t,5,1+2t><5-t, -5, 1+2t> and the xyxy-plane will intersect. If so, find the intersection point.
          1. Determine whether the line given by <5t,5,1+2t><5-t, -5, 1+2t> and the xzxz-plane will intersect. If so, find the intersection point.
            Topic Notes

            Vector Equation for 3-Dimensional Lines
            Unlike 2D lines which have the equation y=mx+by=mx+b, 3-Dimensional lines can be expressed as vector functions in the form

            r(t)=r0+tv=<x0,y0,z0>+  t<a,b,c>\vec{r(t)} = \vec{r_0} + \vec{tv} = \lt x_0, y_0, z_0 \gt + \; t \lt a,b,c \gt

            where t is a variable. Here is the visual representation of the vector r(t)\vec{r(t)} .
            expressing 3d line
            There are 2 other alternate ways to express a 3-Dimensional line.

            Parametric Equation
            From the equation above, we can rearrange the vector equation so that:

            r(t)=<x0,y0,z0>+  t<a,b,c>\vec{r(t)} = \lt x_0,y_0,z_0 \gt + \;t\lt a,b,c \gt
            <x,y,z>=<x0,y0,z0>+<ta,tb,tc>\lt x,y,z \gt = \lt x_0, y_0, z_0 \gt + \lt ta,tb,tc \gt
            =<x0+ta,y0+tb,z0+tc>= \lt x_0 + ta, y_0 + tb , z_0 + tc \gt

            Then we can see that:

            x=x0+tax = x_0 + ta
            y=y0+tby = y_0 + tb
            z=z0+tcz = z_0 + tc

            Hence these set of equations of the Parametric Equation of the equation of the 3D line.

            Symmetric Equations Assume that a,b,ca,b,c are non-zero. Then rearranging the set of equations from above gives us:

            x=x0+taxx0=taxx0a=t x = x_0 + ta \to x - x_0 = ta \to \frac{x-x_0}{a} = t
            y=y0+tbyy0=tbyy0b=ty = y_0 + tb \to y - y_0 = tb \to \to \frac{y-y_0}{b} = t
            z=z0+tczz0=tczz0c=tz = z_0 + tc \to z - z_0 = tc \to \frac{z-z_0}{c} = t

            Hence we have our symmetric equation of the equation of the 3D line:

            xx0a=yy0b=zz0c\frac{x-x_0}{a} = \frac{y-y_0}{b} = \frac{z-z_0}{c}