Consecutive integers

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  1. Introduction to Consecutive Integers
  1. The sum of two consecutive integers is 53. What are the integers?
    1. Four consecutive integers add to 42. What is the third of those numbers?
      1. Three consecutive odd integers total -21. What are the integers?
        1. The sum of three consecutive even integers is 96. What is the value of the largest integer?
          1. 5 more than the sum of two consecutive odd integers is -35. What is the larger integer?
            1. Two times the sum of two consecutive odd integers is 64. What are the integers?
              1. When the larger of two consecutive integers is added to 3 times the smaller, the result is 29. What is the smaller number?
                1. When the smaller of two consecutive even integers is subtracted from 3 times the larger, the result is -82. What are the integers?
                  1. Prove that the sum of five consecutive numbers are always a multiple of 5.
                    1. Prove that the sum of two consecutive square numbers is always an odd number.
                      Topic Notes