The multiplier definitions

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  1. The Multiplier Definitions
    • Change in equilibrium and autonomous expenditure
    • Multiplier is always greater than 1
    • Why Multiplier> 1?
  2. Relationship Between the Multiplier & Slope of AE Curve
    • Formula for Change in Real GDP
    • Formula for Slope of AEAE curve
    • Algebraic Manipulation
    • Multiplier=11Slope  of  AE  Curve Multiplier = \frac{1} {1- Slope\;of\;AE\;Curve}
  3. The Multiplier Applications
    • Import Taxes
    • Income Taxes
    • The Multiplier becomes smaller
Topic Notes
The Multiplier Definitions

The AEAE curve can be shifted up? How? By the increase of autonomous expenditure.

The Multiplier Definitions

If the AEAE curve shifts up, then the equilibrium expenditure changes. How can we find the new equilibrium?

We need to introduce a new concept.

Multiplier: shows the magnitude in how much equilibrium expenditure has changed in proportion with the change in autonomous expenditure.

In other words,

Multiplier=Δ  equilimrium  expenditureΔ  autonomous  expenditureMultiplier = \frac{\Delta \; equilimrium\;expenditure} {\Delta \; autonomous\;expenditure}

The multiplier is important because it helps us see the magnitude of the increase in the AEAE curve.

Note: The multiplier is always greater than 1. This is because the change in equilibrium expenditure is always bigger than the change in autonomous expenditure.

Suppose we have the following graph

The Multiplier Definitions

Notice that:
  1. Equilibrium expenditure is at point AA

  2. The change in autonomous expenditure shifts the AEAE curve up by 2 trillion

  3. The new equilibrium expenditure is at point BB

  4. The change in equilibrium expenditure is 4 trillion

  5. Multiplier=Δ  equilimrium  expenditureΔ  autonomous  expenditure=42=Multiplier = \frac{\Delta \; equilimrium\;expenditure} {\Delta \; autonomous\;expenditure} = \frac{4} {2} = 2, which is greater than 1

Relationship Between the Multiplier & Slope of AECurve

If we know the slope of the AEAE curve, then we can also find the multiplier. How?

Recall that the change in real GDP is due to the changes in both induced expenditure and autonomous expenditure. In other words,

ΔY=ΔN+ΔA \Delta Y = \Delta N + \Delta A

ΔY \Delta Y = change in real GDP
ΔN \Delta N = change in induced expenditure
ΔA \Delta A = autonomous expenditure

We also know the slope of the AEAE curve as

Slope of AEAE Curve = ΔNΔY \frac{\Delta N} {\Delta Y}
ΔY×\Delta Y \, \times Slope of AEAE Curve = ΔN \Delta N

Substituting this to the other equation gives

ΔY=ΔY×\Delta Y = \Delta Y \, \times Slope of AEAE Curve + ΔA \Delta A
ΔYΔY×\Delta Y - \Delta Y \, \times Slope of AEAE Curve = ΔA \Delta A
ΔY\Delta Y (1 - Slope of AEAE Curve) = ΔA\Delta A
ΔY=ΔA1Slope  of  AE  Curve\Delta Y = \frac{\Delta A} {1- Slope\;of\;AE\;Curve}

Now dividing both sides by ΔA \Delta A gives us

ΔYΔA=11Slope  of  AE  Curve=The  Multiplier\frac{\Delta Y} {\Delta A} = \frac{1} {1 - Slope\;of\;AE\;Curve} = The \;Multiplier

Example: If the slope of the AEAE curve is 0.5, what is the multiplier?

The  Multiplier=110.5=2The \;Multiplier = \frac{1} {1 - 0.5} = 2

Note: There are other versions of the formula for the multiplier.

Multiplier=11MPC,Multiplier=1MPSMultiplier = \frac{1} {1 - MPC}, Multiplier = \frac{1} {MPS}

The Multiplier Applications

Imports and income taxes impacts the size of the multiplier. In fact, they make the multiplier smaller. How?

Recall that the multiplier is:

Multiplier=11Slope  of  AE  Curve Multiplier = \frac{1} {1- Slope\;of\;AE\;Curve}

Notice that the smaller the slope of AE, the smaller the multiplier is. Using mathematical formulas, we can find that the slope of the AEAE curve is

Slope  of  AE  Curve=b(1t)mSlope\; of\; AE\; Curve = b(1-t)-m

Substituting this to our multiplier, we have

Multiplier=Multiplier = 11[b(1t)m] \large \frac{1} {1 - [b(1-t)-m]}

bb = marginal propensity to consume
tt = marginal tax rate
mm = marginal propensity to import

Therefore, the multiplier can be small if:
  1. bb is small
  2. tt (marginal tax rate) is large
  3. mm (marginal propensity to import) is large

Example: Find the multiplier if b=0.5b=0.5, t=0t=0, m=0m=0. Then find the multiplier when b=0.5b=0.5, t=0.1t=0.1, m=0.2m=0.2. What difference do you see?

Multiplier=Multiplier = 11[b(1t)m]=11[0.5(10)0]=10.5=2 \large \frac{1} {1 - [b(1-t)-m]} = \frac{1} {1 - [0.5 (1 - 0 ) -0 ] } =\frac{1} {0.5} = 2

Multiplier=Multiplier = 11[b(1t)m]=11[0.5(10)0]=10.75=1.33 \large \frac{1} {1 - [b(1-t)-m]} = \frac{1} {1 - [0.5 (1 - 0 ) -0 ] } =\frac{1} {0.75}= 1.\overline{33}

The multiplier is smaller when there is marginal tax rate and marginal propensity to import.

Note: The smaller the multiplier is from import and income taxes, the less steep the slope of the AE curve is. This reduces the value of the multiplier, which makes the equilibrium expenditure lower.

The Multiplier Definitions

The slope of the AEAE curve here is 12\frac{1}{2}, and the multiplier is 2.

The Multiplier Definitions

The slope of the AEAE curve here is 23\frac{2}{3}, and the multiplier is 3.