Method of undetermined coefficients

  1. What is the Method of Undetermined Coefficients?
  2. How to find sums of particular solutions
  1. Using the Method of Undetermined Coefficients
    Find the solution to the following differential equation:


    With initial values y(0)=12y(0)=-\frac{1}{2}, and y(0)=12y' (0)=-\frac{1}{2}
    1. Find the solution to the following differential equation:


      With initial values y(0)=1213y(0)=\frac{12}{13}, and y(0)=1013y' (0)=-\frac{10}{13}
      1. Find the solution to the following differential equation:


        With initial values y(0)=3y(0)=3 and y(0)=1y' (0)=-1
        1. Find the general solution to the following differential equation:
          Topic Notes

          Introduction to the Method of Undetermined Coefficients

          The method of undetermined coefficients is a powerful technique used to solve non-homogeneous constant coefficient second-order linear differential equations. This approach involves guessing the form of a particular solution based on the non-homogeneous term and then determining the unknown coefficients. Our introduction video provides a comprehensive explanation of this mathematical concept, making it easier for students to grasp its principles and applications. The video demonstrates how to identify the appropriate form of the particular solution and systematically solve for the coefficients. By mastering the method of undetermined coefficients, learners can tackle a wide range of differential equations encountered in various fields of science and engineering. This technique is particularly useful when dealing with equations that have specific types of non-homogeneous terms, such as polynomials, exponentials, sines, and cosines. Understanding this method is crucial for advancing one's skills in solving differential equations and applying them to real-world problems.

          Understanding Non-Homogeneous Differential Equations

          Non-homogeneous differential equations are a crucial concept in advanced mathematics, particularly in the study of differential equations. These equations differ from their homogeneous counterparts in a fundamental way, making them essential for modeling complex real-world phenomena. To fully grasp the concept of non-homogeneous differential equations, it's important to first understand homogeneous equations and then explore the key differences between the two.

          Homogeneous differential equations are characterized by having all terms containing the dependent variable or its derivatives. In other words, if all terms of the equation are set to zero, the equation remains valid. On the other hand, non-homogeneous differential equations include a term that is independent of the dependent variable or its derivatives. This additional term, often called the forcing function or the non-homogeneous term, makes the equation more complex but also more versatile in representing real-world scenarios.

          The general form of a non-homogeneous constant coefficient second-order linear differential equation can be expressed as:

          a(d²y/dx²) + b(dy/dx) + cy = f(x)

          Here, a, b, and c are constants, y is the dependent variable, x is the independent variable, and f(x) is the non-homogeneous term or forcing function. This structure allows for modeling a wide range of physical systems and phenomena.

          To illustrate this concept, let's consider the example provided in the video: y'' + 5y' - 6y = 3e^(2x). In this equation, y'' represents the second derivative of y with respect to x, y' is the first derivative, and y is the dependent variable itself. The term 3e^(2x) on the right-hand side is the non-homogeneous term, making this a non-homogeneous differential equation.

          Solving non-homogeneous differential equations requires a two-step approach: finding both the complementary solution and the particular solution. The complementary solution, also known as the homogeneous solution, is obtained by solving the associated homogeneous equation (setting the right-hand side to zero). In our example, this would mean solving y'' + 5y' - 6y = 0.

          The particular solution, on the other hand, is a specific solution that satisfies the full non-homogeneous equation. It accounts for the forcing function and is typically found using methods such as the method of undetermined coefficients or variation of parameters. In the case of our example, we would need to find a particular solution that satisfies y'' + 5y' - 6y = 3e^(2x).

          The importance of finding both complementary and particular solutions cannot be overstated. The complementary solution provides insight into the natural behavior of the system without external influences, while the particular solution accounts for the specific forcing function acting on the system. The general solution to a non-homogeneous differential equation is the sum of these two components: y = y_c + y_p, where y_c is the complementary solution and y_p is the particular solution.

          This approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the system's behavior under various conditions. The complementary solution reveals the inherent characteristics of the system, such as its natural frequencies or decay rates. The particular solution, meanwhile, shows how the system responds to specific external forces or inputs.

          Non-homogeneous differential equations find extensive applications in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields. They are used to model phenomena such as forced oscillations, electrical circuits with external voltage sources, and heat transfer problems with external heat sources. The ability to solve these equations enables scientists and engineers to predict and analyze complex systems more accurately.

          In conclusion, non-homogeneous differential equations represent a significant advancement in mathematical modeling compared to their homogeneous counterparts. By incorporating forcing functions, they provide a more realistic representation of many physical systems. The process of solving these equations, involving both complementary and particular solutions, offers valuable insights into system behavior under various conditions. As such, mastering non-homogeneous differential equations is crucial for anyone seeking to understand and model complex real-world phenomena in mathematics, physics, and engineering.

          The Complementary Solution

          Finding the complementary solution is a crucial step in solving non-homogeneous differential equations. The complementary solution, also known as the general solution of the associated homogeneous equation, forms the foundation for solving more complex differential equations. To find the complementary solution, we employ the characteristic equation method, a powerful technique in differential equation analysis.

          The characteristic equation method involves transforming the differential equation into an algebraic equation. This transformation allows us to find the roots of the equation, which in turn help us construct the complementary solution. The process begins by assuming a solution of the form y = e^(rx), where r is an unknown constant. By substituting this assumed solution into the homogeneous form of the differential equation, we obtain the characteristic equation.

          Let's consider the example from the video to illustrate this process. Suppose we have the differential equation y'' + 4y' + 4y = 0. The characteristic equation for this would be r^2 + 4r + 4 = 0. Solving this quadratic equation gives us the roots of the characteristic equation. The nature of these roots determines the form of the complementary solution.

          There are three possible scenarios for the roots:

          1. Real distinct roots: If the roots are real and different, the complementary solution takes the form y = c1e^(r1x) + c2e^(r2x), where r1 and r2 are the roots.
          2. Complex conjugate roots: If the roots are complex conjugates (a ± bi), the solution is y = e^(ax)(c1cos(bx) + c2sin(bx)).
          3. Repeated roots: If there's a repeated root r, the solution becomes y = (c1 + c2x)e^(rx).

          In our example, the characteristic equation r^2 + 4r + 4 = 0 can be factored as (r + 2)^2 = 0. This gives us a repeated root of -2. Therefore, the complementary solution is y = (c1 + c2x)e^(-2x), where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants.

          It's crucial to understand that the complementary solution makes the left-hand side of the original differential equation equal to zero. This property is what defines it as the solution to the homogeneous equation. When we substitute the complementary solution back into the original homogeneous equation, it should satisfy the equation identically.

          The complementary solution forms the basis for finding the particular solution and, ultimately, the general solution of the non-homogeneous differential equations. By combining the complementary solution with the particular solution, we can describe all possible solutions to the original non-homogeneous equation.

          The Particular Solution and Undetermined Coefficients

          When solving non-homogeneous differential equations, finding the particular solution is a crucial step. One powerful method for determining this solution is the method of undetermined coefficients. This approach involves making an educated guess about the form of the particular solution based on the right-hand side of the equation, and then using algebraic techniques to determine the specific coefficients that make the solution work.

          The process begins by carefully examining the non-homogeneous term, also known as the forcing function or driving term, on the right-hand side of the equation. The form of this term provides valuable clues about the structure of the particular solution. For example, if the right-hand side contains exponential functions, polynomials, or trigonometric functions, the particular solution will likely involve similar terms.

          Once we've identified the general form, we introduce undetermined coefficients - constants that we'll solve for to make the solution fit the equation perfectly. These coefficients are typically represented by letters like A, B, or C, and they act as placeholders until we can determine their exact values.

          Let's illustrate this process with an example from the video, where the non-homogeneous term is d(x) = 3e^(2x). In this case, we would guess that the particular solution has the form y_p = Ae^(2x), where A is our undetermined coefficient. The key is to choose a form that, when differentiated and substituted into the left-hand side of the differential equation, will produce terms that match the right-hand side.

          To find the value of A, we substitute our guessed solution into the original differential equation. This usually involves taking derivatives of our proposed solution and plugging everything into the left-hand side of the equation. We then compare the result to the right-hand side, 3e^(2x) in this case.

          The process of determining the coefficients often involves solving algebraic equations. We match like terms on both sides of the equation and solve for the unknown coefficient(s). In our example, after substitution and simplification, we would end up with an equation that allows us to solve for A directly.

          The undetermined coefficient plays a crucial role in this method. It's the "magic number" that makes the left-hand side of the equation exactly equal to the right-hand side. Without this flexibility, we wouldn't be able to adjust our guessed solution to fit the equation perfectly.

          It's important to note that the method of undetermined coefficients works best for certain types of non-homogeneous terms, particularly those involving exponentials, polynomials, and sinusoidal functions. For more complex right-hand sides, other methods like variation of parameters might be more appropriate.

          In practice, applying this method requires a combination of pattern recognition, algebraic manipulation, and sometimes a bit of trial and error. As you gain experience, you'll develop an intuition for guessing the correct form of the particular solution more quickly.

          Remember that the particular solution is just one part of the complete solution to a non-homogeneous differential equation. The general solution will also include the complementary function, which is the solution to the associated homogeneous equation. The sum of these two components gives us the complete solution, allowing us to describe the behavior of the system under the influence of both its natural tendencies and external forces.

          Mastering the method of undetermined coefficients opens up a powerful toolbox for solving a wide range of differential equations encountered in physics, engineering, and applied mathematics. By systematically guessing and refining the form of the particular solution, we can tackle complex problems with confidence and precision.

          Combining Complementary and Particular Solutions

          The process of solving non-homogeneous differential equations involves combining two crucial components: the complementary solution and the particular solution. This method, rooted in the principle of superposition for linear differential equations, yields the general solution that fully satisfies the original equation. Let's explore how these elements work together to provide a complete solution.

          The complementary solution, often denoted as yc, is obtained by solving the homogeneous version of the differential equation. This solution represents the natural response of the system without any external forcing function. On the other hand, the particular solution, yp, is a specific solution that satisfies the non-homogeneous differential equations with the given forcing function.

          The principle of superposition states that for linear differential equations, the sum of any two solutions is also a solution. This fundamental concept allows us to combine the complementary and particular solutions to form the general solution, y = yc + yp. This combined solution not only satisfies the homogeneous equation but also accounts for the non-homogeneous term, thus providing a complete description of the system's behavior.

          To demonstrate this process, let's consider an example from the video. Suppose we have a non-homogeneous differential equation of the form y'' + 4y = 2x. The complementary solution, found by solving y'' + 4y = 0, might be yc = C1cos(2x) + C2sin(2x), where C1 and C2 are arbitrary constants. The particular solution, determined using methods like undetermined coefficients or variation of parameters, could be yp = x/2.

          Combining these solutions, we obtain the general solution: y = C1cos(2x) + C2sin(2x) + x/2. To verify that this combined solution satisfies the original equation, we can substitute it back into y'' + 4y = 2x. The complementary part will yield zero when operated on by the left-hand side of the equation, while the particular solution will produce the required 2x term on the right-hand side.

          This method of combining solutions is powerful because it provides a complete solution to the non-homogeneous equation. The complementary solution captures all possible homogeneous behaviors, while the particular solution accounts for the specific forcing function. Together, they describe the full range of possible solutions, with the arbitrary constants C1 and C2 allowing for adjustment to meet initial or boundary conditions.

          It's important to note that while the particular solution is fixed for a given forcing function, the complementary solution introduces flexibility through its arbitrary constants. This flexibility is crucial for tailoring the solution to specific scenarios or constraints in real-world applications of differential equations.

          In summary, the process of combining complementary and particular solutions leverages the superposition principle to create a general solution that fully satisfies non-homogeneous differential equations. This approach not only solves the mathematical problem at hand but also provides insight into the underlying physical or engineering systems these equations often represent. By mastering this technique, one gains a powerful tool for analyzing and solving a wide range of linear differential equations encountered in various fields of science and engineering.

          Solving Equations with Multiple Non-Homogeneous Terms

          When dealing with differential equations that have multiple non-homogeneous terms on the right-hand side, it's essential to understand a systematic approach to find solutions. This method involves breaking down the complex equation into simpler parts, solving each separately, and then combining the results. This technique not only simplifies the process but also makes handling complex non-homogeneous equations more manageable.

          Let's consider a differential equation with multiple non-homogeneous terms on the right-hand side. The general form might look like this:

          y'' + ay' + by = f(x) + g(x) + h(x)

          Where f(x), g(x), and h(x) are different functions of x. The key to solving such equations lies in the principle of superposition, which states that the particular solution of the entire equation is the sum of the particular solutions for each individual term on the right-hand side.

          Here's a step-by-step process to handle these equations:

          1. Identify each non-homogeneous term on the right-hand side.
          2. Solve for the particular solution of each term separately, treating the others as if they were zero.
          3. Add all the particular solutions together to get the complete particular solution.
          4. Find the general solution of the homogeneous equation.
          5. Combine the particular solution with the general solution of the homogeneous equation to get the complete solution.

          Let's illustrate this concept using the example from the video: y'' + y = cos(3x) + 4x² + 3x

          In this case, we have three non-homogeneous terms: cos(3x), 4x², and 3x. We'll find particular solutions for each:

          1. For cos(3x), we use the method of undetermined coefficients. The particular solution will have the form y = A cos(3x) + B sin(3x).
          2. For 4x², we assume a particular solution of the form y = Cx² + Dx + E.
          3. For 3x, we assume a particular solution of the form y = Fx + G.

          After finding the coefficients A, B, C, D, E, F, and G by substituting these forms into the original equation and equating coefficients, we combine these particular solutions:

          yp = y + y + y

          This combined particular solution is then added to the general solution of the homogeneous equation (yh = c cos(x) + c sin(x)) to get the complete solution:

          y = yh + yp

          This method of handling multiple non-homogeneous terms simplifies the process of solving complex equations by breaking them down into manageable parts. It allows us to tackle each term individually, which is often easier than trying to solve for all terms simultaneously. This approach is particularly useful when dealing with equations that have a combination of trigonometric, polynomial, and exponential terms on the right-hand side.

          By mastering this technique, you'll be better equipped to handle a wide range of differential equations encountered in various fields of science and engineering. Remember, the key is to approach these complex equations systematically, solving for each non-homogeneous term separately before combining the results. This method not only makes the process more straightforward but also reduces the likelihood of errors in your calculations.

          Conclusion and Practical Applications

          The method of undetermined coefficients is a powerful technique for solving non-homogeneous differential equations. As demonstrated in the introduction video, this approach involves guessing the form of the particular solution based on the non-homogeneous term. Key points include identifying the appropriate form, substituting it into the original equation, and solving for the unknown coefficients. This method finds extensive applications in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields, particularly in modeling systems with external forces or inputs. For instance, it's crucial in analyzing electrical circuits, mechanical vibrations, and heat transfer problems. To master this technique, viewers are encouraged to practice solving various problems and explore additional resources on differential equations. Remember, proficiency in the method of undetermined coefficients enhances your ability to tackle complex real-world problems, making it an invaluable tool in your mathematical toolkit.

          What is the Method of Undetermined Coefficients?

          Step 1: Introduction to the Method of Undetermined Coefficients

          The method of undetermined coefficients is a technique used to solve non-homogeneous constant coefficient second-order linear differential equations. This method involves assuming a particular form for the solution and then determining the coefficients that make the assumed solution satisfy the differential equation.

          Step 2: Understanding Non-Homogeneous Differential Equations

          Non-homogeneous differential equations are those where the right-hand side of the equation is not equal to zero. These equations take the form:
          ay+by+cy=g(x) a y'' + b y' + c y = g(x)
          Here, g(x) g(x) is a function of x x that makes the equation non-homogeneous. The goal is to find a solution that satisfies this equation.

          Step 3: Complementary Solution

          The first step in solving a non-homogeneous differential equation is to find the complementary solution, yc y_c . This is the solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation:
          ay+by+cy=0 a y'' + b y' + c y = 0
          The complementary solution can be found using the characteristic equation:
          ar2+br+c=0 a r^2 + b r + c = 0
          Solving this characteristic equation gives us the roots, which can be real and distinct, real and repeated, or complex. The general form of the complementary solution depends on the nature of these roots.

          Step 4: Particular Solution

          Once the complementary solution is found, the next step is to find the particular solution, yp y_p . The particular solution is a specific solution to the non-homogeneous equation. The form of yp y_p is assumed based on the form of g(x) g(x) . Common forms for yp y_p include polynomials, exponentials, sines, and cosines.

          Step 5: Formulating the General Solution

          The general solution to the non-homogeneous differential equation is the sum of the complementary solution and the particular solution:
          y=yc+yp y = y_c + y_p
          This general solution satisfies the original non-homogeneous differential equation.

          Step 6: Example Problem

          Consider the differential equation:
          y+5y6y=3x y'' + 5y' - 6y = 3x
          First, solve the corresponding homogeneous equation:
          y+5y6y=0 y'' + 5y' - 6y = 0
          The characteristic equation is:
          r2+5r6=0 r^2 + 5r - 6 = 0
          Solving this gives the roots r=1 r = 1 and r=6 r = -6 . Therefore, the complementary solution is:
          yc=C1ex+C2e6x y_c = C_1 e^{x} + C_2 e^{-6x}
          Next, assume a particular solution of the form yp=Ax+B y_p = Ax + B because the right-hand side is a polynomial. Substitute yp y_p into the original differential equation and solve for A A and B B .

          Step 7: Solving for Undetermined Coefficients

          Substitute yp=Ax+B y_p = Ax + B into the differential equation:
          (Ax+B)+5(Ax+B)6(Ax+B)=3x (Ax + B)'' + 5(Ax + B)' - 6(Ax + B) = 3x
          Simplify and solve for A A and B B to find the particular solution. Combine this with the complementary solution to get the general solution.

          Step 8: Final General Solution

          The final general solution is the sum of the complementary and particular solutions:
          y=yc+yp y = y_c + y_p
          This solution satisfies the original non-homogeneous differential equation.


          1. What is the method of undetermined coefficients?

            The method of undetermined coefficients is a technique used to solve non-homogeneous constant coefficient second-order linear differential equations. It involves guessing the form of a particular solution based on the non-homogeneous term and then determining the unknown coefficients by substituting the guessed solution into the original equation.

          2. When can the method of undetermined coefficients be applied?

            This method is most effective for differential equations with specific types of non-homogeneous terms, such as polynomials, exponentials, sines, and cosines. It works well when the right-hand side of the equation consists of these functions or their combinations.

          3. How does the method of undetermined coefficients differ from other solution methods?

            Unlike methods such as variation of parameters, the method of undetermined coefficients requires guessing the form of the solution. It's often simpler to apply for certain types of equations but may not be suitable for all non-homogeneous differential equations. It's particularly efficient when the non-homogeneous term has a relatively simple form.

          4. What are the steps involved in applying the method of undetermined coefficients?

            The steps include: 1) Identify the form of the non-homogeneous term, 2) Guess the form of the particular solution, 3) Substitute the guessed solution into the original equation, 4) Equate coefficients to solve for the undetermined constants, and 5) Combine the particular solution with the complementary solution to obtain the general solution.

          5. What are some practical applications of the method of undetermined coefficients?

            This method is widely used in physics and engineering. It's applied in analyzing electrical circuits with constant voltage sources, mechanical systems with constant or sinusoidal forcing functions, and heat transfer problems with constant or periodic heat sources. It's also useful in control systems theory and vibration analysis.

          Prerequisite Topics for Method of Undetermined Coefficients

          Understanding the method of undetermined coefficients is crucial in solving differential equations, but it's essential to have a strong foundation in several prerequisite topics. One of the most fundamental concepts to grasp is homogeneous linear second-order differential equations. This topic provides the basis for understanding more complex differential equations and is vital for mastering the method of undetermined coefficients.

          Another critical skill is solving polynomials with unknown coefficients. This algebraic technique is directly applicable when using the method of undetermined coefficients, as it involves working with equations containing unknown parameters.

          To fully appreciate the versatility of the method, it's beneficial to explore solving differential equations with step functions. This knowledge expands your ability to handle more diverse types of equations and real-world applications.

          Speaking of applications, understanding modeling with differential equations provides context for why the method of undetermined coefficients is so valuable in various fields of science and engineering.

          The method often involves working with characteristic equations. Familiarity with characteristic equations with real distinct roots, complex roots, and repeated roots is essential for successfully applying the method of undetermined coefficients in various scenarios.

          Additionally, a solid understanding of the derivative of exponential functions is crucial, as these functions often appear in the solutions to differential equations solved using this method.

          Lastly, while it might seem basic, proficiency in graphing from slope-intercept form can be surprisingly helpful. It aids in visualizing and interpreting the solutions obtained through the method of undetermined coefficients.

          By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll build a strong foundation that will make learning and applying the method of undetermined coefficients much more manageable and intuitive. Each of these topics contributes to your overall understanding, helping you to approach complex differential equations with confidence and skill.

          A non-homogeneous constant coefficient second order linear differential equation is of the form:

          The complementary solution to Ay+By+Cy=0Ay''+By'+Cy=0 is yc(x)=c1f(x)+c2g(x)y_c (x)=c_1 f(x)+c_2 g(x)

          And the particular solution to Ay+By+Cy=d(x)Ay''+By'+Cy=d(x) is yp(x)y_p (x)

          So the full general solution to

          Will be y(x)=yc+ypy(x)=y_c+y_p

          If yp1(x)y_p1 (x) is a particular solution for
          Ay+By+Cy=d1(x)Ay''+By'+Cy=d_1 (x)

          And yp2(x)y_p2 (x) is a particular solution for
          Ay+By+Cy=d2(x)Ay''+By'+Cy=d_2 (x)

          Then yp1(x)+yp2(x)y_p1 (x)+y_p2 (x) is a solution to
          Ay+By+Cy=d1(x)+d2(x)Ay''+By'+Cy=d_1 (x)+d_2 (x)

          table of particular solutions of different d(x)