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  1. How can we be sure that our general set of solutions is indeed the general set of solutions? The Wronskian!
  1. Verifying Some of Our General Solutions
    In the section "Characteristic Equation with Repeated Roots" we had the following differential equation:

    It was found that the two solutions were:
    y1(x)=e3xy_1 (x)=e^{3x}
    y2(x)=xe3xy_2 (x)=xe^{3x}
    1. But one might have made the assumption that both solutions were of the form: y1(x)=y2(x)=e3xy_1 (x)=y_2 (x)=e^{3x}. Demonstrate that these solutions are not linearly independent
    2. Show that the two actual solutions actually form a fundamental set of solutions.
  2. In the section "Characteristic Equation with Real Distinct Roots" we had the following differential equation:
    We found two solutions:

    y1(x)=e23xy_1 (x)=e^{\frac{2}{3} x}
    y2(x)=e2xy_2 (x)=e^{-2x}

    Verify that these two solutions are indeed linearly independent
    1. A certain differential equation was found to have two solutions:
      y1(x)=3cos(2x)y_1(x)=3 \cos (2x)
      y2(x)=36sin2(x)y_2 (x)=3-6\sin^2 (x)
      Are these two solutions independent? Will they form a fundamental set of solutions?
      Topic Notes

      Introduction to the Wronskian

      Welcome to our exploration of the Wronskian, a powerful tool in the world of differential equations! The Wronskian, named after Polish mathematician Józef Hoene-Wroński, plays a crucial role in solving linear homogeneous second-order differential equations. It's a determinant in differential equations that helps us determine whether a set of solutions is linearly independent. This concept is fundamental for finding general solutions to differential equations. In our introduction video, we'll dive deeper into the Wronskian's definition and its practical applications. You'll see how this mathematical construct simplifies the process of solving complex differential equations. Understanding the Wronskian is like unlocking a secret code in mathematics it allows you to approach problems with greater confidence and efficiency. As we progress, you'll discover how this seemingly abstract concept becomes an indispensable tool in your mathematical toolkit. So, let's embark on this journey to master the Wronskian and elevate your skills in solving differential equations!

      Understanding Linear Independence in Differential Equations

      Linear independence is a fundamental concept in the study of differential equations, playing a crucial role in finding and understanding solutions. In the context of differential equations, linear independence refers to a set of solutions that cannot be expressed as linear combinations of one another. This concept is essential for constructing the general solution of a differential equation and understanding its behavior.

      To grasp the idea of linear independence, let's consider a simple example. Suppose we have two functions, y(x) = e^x and y(x) = e^(-x). These functions are linearly independent because no linear combination of them (other than the trivial case of both coefficients being zero) can result in the zero function. In other words, there are no constants c and c, not both zero, such that ce^x + ce^(-x) = 0 for all x.

      On the other hand, linearly dependent solutions are those that can be expressed as linear combinations of each other. For instance, if we have y(x) = sin(x) and y(x) = 2sin(x), these solutions are linearly dependent because y(x) is simply a scalar multiple of y(x).

      The importance of linear independence in differential equations cannot be overstated. When solving higher-order linear differential equations, we need to find a set of linearly independent solutions equal to the order of the equation. This set forms the fundamental set of solutions, which is used to construct the general solution of a differential equation. For example, in a second-order linear differential equation, we need two linearly independent solutions to form the general solution.

      Let's illustrate this with a concrete example. Consider the second-order differential equation y'' - y = 0. Two linearly independent solutions to this equation are y(x) = e^x and y(x) = e^(-x). The general solution can be expressed as y(x) = ce^x + ce^(-x), where c and c are arbitrary constants. This general solution encompasses all possible solutions to the differential equation.

      To further emphasize the difference between linearly dependent and independent solutions, consider the equation y'' - 2y' + y = 0. The functions y(x) = e^x and y(x) = xe^x are linearly independent solutions. However, if we had y(x) = e^x and y(x) = 2e^x, these would be linearly dependent and insufficient to form the general solution.

      The concept of linear independence is closely tied to the Wronskian, a determinant of a matrix formed by the functions and their derivatives. If the Wronskian of a set of solutions is non-zero at any point, the solutions are linearly independent. This provides a practical method for verifying linear independence in differential equations.

      In the context of finding the general solution, linear independence ensures that we have captured the full range of possible behaviors of the differential equation. Each linearly independent solution contributes a unique characteristic to the overall solution space. This is why it's crucial to have a complete set of linearly independent solutions when constructing the general solution.

      Understanding linear independence also helps in analyzing the behavior of physical systems and differential equations. In physical systems, linearly independent solutions often correspond to different modes of behavior or oscillation. By identifying these independent modes, we can better predict and control the system's response under various conditions.

      In conclusion, linear independence is a cornerstone concept in the study of differential equations. It provides the foundation for constructing general solutions, understanding solution spaces, and analyzing the behavior of systems described by these equations. By recognizing and working with linearly independent solutions, we can unlock the full potential of differential equations in modeling and solving real-world problems across various scientific and engineering disciplines.

      The Wronskian Method: Definition and Calculation

      The Wronskian is a powerful mathematical tool used in the study of differential equations and linear independence of functions. Named after the Polish mathematician Józef Hoene-Wroński, the Wronskian method provides a way to determine whether a set of functions is linearly independent. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the definition of the Wronskian, its formula, and how to calculate it step-by-step.

      Definition of the Wronskian

      The Wronskian is a determinant of a square matrix formed by a set of functions and their derivatives. For a set of n functions, the Wronskian is an n × n determinant. If the Wronskian is non-zero at any point in the domain of the functions, then those functions are linearly independent.

      The Wronskian Formula

      For a set of n functions f(x), f(x), ..., f(x), the Wronskian W(x) is defined as:

      W(x) = det[ f(x) f(x) ... f(x) f'(x) f'(x) ... f'(x) f''(x) f''(x) ... f''(x) ... ... ... ... f¹(x) f¹(x) ... f¹(x) ]


      • f(x), f(x), ..., f(x) are the original functions
      • f'(x), f''(x), etc., represent the first derivative, second derivative, and so on
      • det[] denotes the determinant of the matrix

      Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating the Wronskian

      1. Identify the set of functions for which you want to calculate the Wronskian.
      2. Determine the number of functions (n) in the set.
      3. Create an n × n matrix.
      4. Fill the first row with the original functions.
      5. Fill subsequent rows with successive derivatives of the functions.
      6. Calculate the determinant of the resulting matrix.

      Example: Calculating the Wronskian

      Let's calculate the Wronskian for the functions f(x) = sin(x) and f(x) = cos(x).

      1. We have two functions, so our Wronskian will be a 2 × 2 matrix.
      2. Set up the matrix: W(x) = | sin(x) cos(x) | | cos(x) -sin(x) |
      3. Calculate the determinant: W(x) = sin(x) * (-sin(x)) - cos(x) * cos(x) = -sin²(x) - cos²(x) = -(sin²(x) + cos²(x)) = -1

      Since the Wronskian is constant and non-zero (-1), we can conclude that sin(x) and cos(x) are linearly independent functions.

      Importance of the Wronskian Method

      The Wronskian calculation is crucial in various mathematical applications:

      Interpreting the Wronskian: What Does It Tell You?

      The Wronskian is a powerful tool in differential equations that provides crucial information about the linear independence of solutions. Understanding how to interpret the results of a Wronskian calculation is essential for solving complex differential equations and identifying fundamental sets of solutions. So, what does the Wronskian tell you?

      When the Wronskian is non-zero, it indicates that the set of solutions being examined is linearly independent. This means that no solution in the set can be expressed as a linear combination of the others. For example, consider the functions f(x) = sin(x) and g(x) = cos(x). The Wronskian of these functions is W(f,g) = sin²(x) + cos²(x) = 1, which is non-zero for all x. This tells us that sin(x) and cos(x) are linearly independent solutions to the differential equation y'' + y = 0.

      On the other hand, when the Wronskian is zero, it suggests that the solutions are linearly dependent. This means that at least one solution can be expressed as a linear combination of the others. For instance, if we calculate the Wronskian of f(x) = x, g(x) = x², and h(x) = 2x² - x, we find that W(f,g,h) = 0. This indicates that these functions are linearly dependent, which is true because h(x) can be expressed as a linear combination of f(x) and g(x).

      The concept of a fundamental set of solutions is closely tied to the Wronskian. A fundamental set of solutions for an nth-order linear differential equation is a set of n linearly independent solutions. The Wronskian helps identify such sets by confirming their linear independence. If the Wronskian of n solutions to an nth-order equation is non-zero, then those solutions form a fundamental set.

      For example, consider the second-order differential equation y'' - y = 0. The functions e^x and e^-x are solutions to this equation. Calculating their Wronskian yields W(e^x, e^-x) = -2, which is non-zero. Therefore, {e^x, e^-x} forms a fundamental set of solutions for this equation.

      It's important to note that while a non-zero Wronskian guarantees linear independence, a zero Wronskian doesn't always imply linear dependence. In some cases, the Wronskian can be zero at isolated points without affecting the overall linear independence of the solutions. This is why it's crucial to examine the Wronskian over the entire domain of interest.

      The Wronskian also plays a role in determining the general solution to a differential equation. Once a fundamental set of solutions is identified, the general solution can be expressed as a linear combination of these solutions. For instance, if y(x) and y(x) form a fundamental set for a second-order equation, the general solution is y(x) = cy(x) + cy(x), where c and c are arbitrary constants.

      In practical applications, the Wronskian helps in solving initial value problems and boundary value problems. By using the fundamental set of solutions identified through the Wronskian, one can apply initial or boundary conditions to determine the specific solution that satisfies the given constraints.

      To further illustrate, consider the differential equation y'' + 4y = 0. The functions cos(2x) and sin(2x) are both solutions. Calculating their Wronskian gives W(cos(2x), sin(2x)) = 2, which is non-zero. This confirms that {cos(2x), sin(2x)} is a fundamental set of solutions, and the general solution can be written as y(x) = ccos(2x) + csin(2x).

      In conclusion, the Wronskian is a valuable tool for interpreting the nature of solutions to differential equations. It helps identify linear independence, construct fundamental sets of solutions, and pave the way for finding general solutions. By understanding what the Wronskian tells you, you

      Applications of the Wronskian in Differential Equations

      The Wronskian is a powerful tool in the field of differential equations, offering practical applications that significantly enhance problem-solving capabilities. Named after the Polish mathematician Józef Hoene-Wroński, this determinant plays a crucial role in verifying the linear independence of solutions and finding additional solutions when needed. Understanding its applications is essential for students and professionals working with differential equations.

      One of the primary applications of the Wronskian is in verifying the linear independence of solutions to differential equations. This is particularly useful when dealing with homogeneous linear differential equations. The process involves calculating the Wronskian of the suspected linearly independent solutions. If the Wronskian is non-zero for any value in the domain, it confirms that the solutions are indeed linearly independent. This verification is crucial because linearly independent solutions form a fundamental set of solutions, which can be used to construct the general solution to the differential equation.

      For example, consider a second-order linear differential equation with two proposed solutions, y(x) and y(x). The Wronskian W(x) is calculated as:

      W(x) = y(x)y'(x) - y'(x)y(x)

      If W(x) 0 for any x in the domain, y(x) and y(x) are linearly independent solutions.

      Another significant application of the Wronskian is in finding additional solutions to differential equations. When given n-1 solutions to an nth-order linear differential equation, the Wronskian can help in determining the nth solution. This method, known as reduction of order method, utilizes the Wronskian to construct a new linearly independent solution, completing the fundamental set of solutions.

      The problem-solving approach using the Wronskian typically follows these steps:

      1. Identify the order of the differential equation and the number of known solutions.
      2. Calculate the Wronskian of the known solutions.
      3. If the Wronskian is non-zero, confirm linear independence.
      4. If additional solutions are needed, use the reduction of order method with the Wronskian.
      5. Construct the general solution using the complete set of linearly independent solutions.

      The Wronskian also finds applications in determining the nature of singular points in differential equations. At regular singular points, the Wronskian either vanishes identically or is never zero. This property helps in classifying singular points and choosing appropriate solution methods.

      In systems of differential equations, the Wronskian extends its utility to verifying the linear independence of vector solutions. For a system of n first-order equations, the Wronskian becomes an n × n determinant of the solution vectors. A non-zero determinant at any point confirms the linear independence of the vector solutions.

      Practical applications of the Wronskian extend beyond pure mathematics into various fields of science and engineering. In physics, it's used in quantum mechanics to analyze wave functions and in classical mechanics for studying oscillatory systems. In control theory, the Wronskian helps in analyzing the controllability of linear systems.

      The Wronskian's ability to provide insights into the structure of solution spaces makes it an invaluable tool in the study of differential equations. Its applications in verifying linear independence and finding additional solutions streamline the process of solving complex differential equations, making it an essential concept for anyone working in fields that involve mathematical modeling of dynamic systems.

      In conclusion, the Wronskian's practical applications in solving differential equations are diverse and powerful. From verifying linear independence to constructing complete solution sets, this mathematical tool continues to be a cornerstone in the analysis and solution of differential equations across various disciplines. Mastering its use enhances one's ability to tackle complex problems in mathematics, physics, engineering, and beyond, making it an indispensable skill for professionals and students alike in these fields.

      Common Mistakes and Misconceptions about the Wronskian

      When working with the Wronskian, students often encounter several common errors and misunderstandings. Understanding these pitfalls and learning how to avoid them is crucial for mastering this important mathematical concept. One frequent Wronskian mistake is forgetting that a zero Wronskian doesn't always imply linear independence. While a non-zero Wronskian guarantees linear independence, a zero Wronskian can occur for both linearly dependent and independent functions, depending on the interval.

      Another common misconception is assuming that the Wronskian must be calculated at a specific point. In reality, the Wronskian is a function and can be evaluated at any point in the domain of the given functions. Students should remember to keep the Wronskian in its functional form unless specifically asked to evaluate it at a particular point.

      Many students also struggle with the proper setup of the Wronskian determinant. A typical Wronskian mistake is incorrectly ordering the functions and their derivatives in the matrix. To avoid this, always place the original functions in the first row, their first derivatives in the second row, and so on. For example, for functions f(x) and g(x), the correct Wronskian setup is:

      W(f,g) = | f(x) g(x) |
      | f'(x) g'(x) |

      An incorrect setup, such as mixing derivatives or functions in the wrong order, can lead to erroneous conclusions about linear independence.

      Another Wronskian misconception is believing that it always needs to be a 2x2 determinant. In reality, the Wronskian can be extended to any number of functions, resulting in larger determinants. For three functions f(x), g(x), and h(x), the Wronskian would be a 3x3 determinant:

      W(f,g,h) = | f(x) g(x) h(x) |
      | f'(x) g'(x) h'(x) |
      | f''(x) g''(x) h''(x) |

      To avoid Wronskian mistakes, always double-check your calculations, especially when computing derivatives. A small error in differentiation can propagate through the entire determinant, leading to incorrect conclusions about linear independence. Additionally, be cautious when simplifying the Wronskian expression; premature simplification can sometimes obscure important information about the functions' relationships.

      Finally, a critical Wronskian misconception is assuming it always provides a definitive answer about linear independence. In some cases, such as when dealing with functions defined on different intervals or at singular points, the Wronskian may not be sufficient to determine linear independence. In these situations, additional analysis or alternative methods may be necessary.

      By being aware of these common Wronskian mistakes and misconceptions, students can approach problems more confidently and accurately. Remember to always consider the context of the problem, verify your calculations, and interpret the results carefully to avoid falling into these common traps when working with the Wronskian method.

      Conclusion: Mastering the Wronskian

      The Wronskian is a powerful tool in the realm of differential equations, serving as a litmus test for linear independence among functions. As we've explored in the introduction video, this determinant plays a crucial role in determining whether a set of solutions forms a fundamental set. Understanding the Wronskian is key to Wronskian mastery and success in differential equations practice. Remember, a non-zero Wronskian indicates linear independence, while a zero Wronskian suggests potential dependence. This concept is fundamental in solving higher-order differential equations and analyzing systems of linear ODEs. The video has laid a solid foundation, but true proficiency comes with practice. We encourage you to explore more examples, tackle challenging problems, and apply the Wronskian in various contexts. As you progress, you'll find this tool indispensable in your mathematical toolkit. Now, it's time to put your knowledge into action. Take on some differential equations, calculate Wronskians, and deepen your understanding of this essential concept. Your journey to mastering differential equations starts here!

      Verifying Some of Our General Solutions

      Verifying Some of Our General Solutions
      In the section "Characteristic Equation with Repeated Roots" we had the following differential equation:


      It was found that the two solutions were:
      y1(x)=e3xy_1 (x)=e^{3x}
      y2(x)=xe3xy_2 (x)=xe^{3x}
      But one might have made the assumption that both solutions were of the form: y1(x)=y2(x)=e3xy_1 (x)=y_2 (x)=e^{3x}. Demonstrate that these solutions are not linearly independent.

      Step 1: Understanding the Characteristic Equation

      To solve the differential equation y6y+9y=0y''-6y'+9y=0, we first need to find the characteristic equation. The characteristic equation is derived from the differential equation by assuming a solution of the form y=erxy = e^{rx}. Substituting this into the differential equation, we get:

      r2erx6rerx+9erx=0r^2 e^{rx} - 6r e^{rx} + 9 e^{rx} = 0
      Dividing through by erxe^{rx} (which is never zero), we obtain the characteristic equation:
      r26r+9=0r^2 - 6r + 9 = 0

      Step 2: Solving the Characteristic Equation

      Next, we solve the characteristic equation r26r+9=0r^2 - 6r + 9 = 0. This can be factored as:

      (r3)2=0(r - 3)^2 = 0
      Therefore, we have a repeated root r=3r = 3. This means that the general solution to the differential equation will involve terms that account for this repeated root.

      Step 3: Finding the General Solution

      For a repeated root r=3r = 3, the general solution to the differential equation is given by:

      y(x)=(C1+C2x)e3xy(x) = (C_1 + C_2 x)e^{3x}
      Here, C1C_1 and C2C_2 are constants. This form ensures that we have two linearly independent solutions: y1(x)=e3xy_1(x) = e^{3x} and y2(x)=xe3xy_2(x) = x e^{3x}.

      Step 4: Verifying Linear Independence

      To verify that y1(x)=e3xy_1(x) = e^{3x} and y2(x)=xe3xy_2(x) = x e^{3x} are linearly independent, we use the Wronskian. The Wronskian W(y1,y2)W(y_1, y_2) is defined as:

      W(y1,y2)=y1y2y2y1W(y_1, y_2) = y_1 y_2' - y_2 y_1'
      Substituting y1(x)=e3xy_1(x) = e^{3x} and y2(x)=xe3xy_2(x) = x e^{3x}, we get:
      y1=3e3xy_1' = 3e^{3x}
      y2=e3x+3xe3xy_2' = e^{3x} + 3x e^{3x}

      Step 5: Calculating the Wronskian

      Now, we calculate the Wronskian:

      W(y1,y2)=e3x(e3x+3xe3x)(xe3x)(3e3x)W(y_1, y_2) = e^{3x} (e^{3x} + 3x e^{3x}) - (x e^{3x}) (3e^{3x})
      Simplifying this, we get:
      W(y1,y2)=e3xe3x+3xe6x3xe6xW(y_1, y_2) = e^{3x} e^{3x} + 3x e^{6x} - 3x e^{6x}
      W(y1,y2)=e6xW(y_1, y_2) = e^{6x}
      Since e6x0e^{6x} \neq 0 for all xx, the Wronskian is non-zero, indicating that y1(x)=e3xy_1(x) = e^{3x} and y2(x)=xe3xy_2(x) = x e^{3x} are linearly independent.

      Step 6: Addressing the Assumption

      One might assume that both solutions are of the form y1(x)=y2(x)=e3xy_1(x) = y_2(x) = e^{3x}. However, if we assume this, we would have:

      y1(x)=e3xy_1(x) = e^{3x}
      y2(x)=e3xy_2(x) = e^{3x}
      In this case, the Wronskian would be:
      W(y1,y2)=e3x(3e3x)e3x(3e3x)=0W(y_1, y_2) = e^{3x} (3e^{3x}) - e^{3x} (3e^{3x}) = 0
      A Wronskian of zero indicates that the solutions are not linearly independent. Therefore, the assumption that both solutions are of the form e3xe^{3x} is incorrect.


      In conclusion, the solutions y1(x)=e3xy_1(x) = e^{3x} and y2(x)=xe3xy_2(x) = x e^{3x} are linearly independent, as verified by the non-zero Wronskian. Assuming both solutions are of the form e3xe^{3x} leads to linear dependence, which is not suitable for forming a fundamental set of solutions for the differential equation y6y+9y=0y''-6y'+9y=0.


      1. What does the Wronskian tell you?
      The Wronskian is a determinant that provides information about the linear independence of a set of functions. If the Wronskian is non-zero at any point in the domain of the functions, it indicates that the functions are linearly independent. This is crucial for determining fundamental sets of solutions in differential equations.

      2. What does it mean if the Wronskian is zero?
      If the Wronskian is zero, it suggests that the functions may be linearly dependent. However, it's important to note that a zero Wronskian doesn't always guarantee linear dependence. In some cases, the Wronskian can be zero at isolated points without affecting the overall linear independence of the functions.

      3. What is the formula of Wronskian?
      For a set of n functions f(x), f(x), ..., f(x), the Wronskian W(x) is defined as the determinant of an n × n matrix: W(x) = det[f(x), f(x), ..., f(x); f'(x), f'(x), ..., f'(x); ...; f¹(x), f¹(x), ..., f¹(x)] where each row represents the functions and their successive derivatives.

      4. How do you use Wronskian to determine linear independence?
      To use the Wronskian for determining linear independence: 1. Calculate the Wronskian for the given set of functions. 2. If the Wronskian is non-zero for any value in the domain, the functions are linearly independent. 3. If the Wronskian is identically zero, further investigation may be needed as the functions could be either dependent or independent.

      5. What is the Wronskian test?
      The Wronskian test is a method used to check the linear independence of solutions to a differential equation. It involves calculating the Wronskian of the suspected linearly independent solutions. If the Wronskian is non-zero at any point in the domain, it confirms that the solutions form a fundamental set. This test is particularly useful in verifying if a set of solutions is sufficient to construct the general solution of a differential equation.

      Prerequisite Topics for Understanding the Wronskian

      The Wronskian, a powerful tool in differential equations, relies on a solid foundation of mathematical concepts. To fully grasp its significance and applications, it's crucial to understand several prerequisite topics. One of the most fundamental is order and solutions to differential equations, which forms the basis for more complex analyses.

      Building on this, knowledge of homogeneous linear second order differential equations is essential. The Wronskian plays a pivotal role in determining the linear independence of solutions to these equations, making it an indispensable tool for solving higher-order linear differential equations.

      Understanding modeling with differential equations provides context for the Wronskian's practical applications. This concept helps in recognizing how the determinant in differential equations, specifically the Wronskian, can be used to solve real-world problems.

      Proficiency in solving differential equations with step functions enhances one's ability to handle more complex scenarios where the Wronskian is applied. This skill is particularly useful when dealing with systems that involve discontinuities or sudden changes.

      The reduction of order method is another crucial prerequisite. This technique often involves the use of the Wronskian and is particularly useful when one solution to a second-order linear differential equation is known.

      While it might seem unrelated at first, understanding distance and time related questions in linear equations can provide intuition for solving boundary value problems, where the Wronskian often comes into play.

      Lastly, familiarity with solving linear systems using 2 x 2 inverse matrices is beneficial. This skill directly relates to handling systems of linear ODEs, where the Wronskian is frequently employed to determine the nature of solutions.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can develop a comprehensive understanding of the Wronskian and its applications in differential equations. This foundational knowledge not only facilitates learning about the Wronskian itself but also enhances overall problem-solving skills in advanced mathematics. Remember, each of these topics builds upon the others, creating a robust framework for tackling complex mathematical challenges involving the Wronskian.

      A linear homogeneous second order differential equation is of the form:
      a(x)y+b(x)y+c(x)y=0a(x) y''+b(x) y'+c(x)y=0

      Let's assume that we've found two solutions to the above differential equation, y1(x)=f(x)y_1 (x)=f(x) and y2(x)=g(x)y_2 (x)=g(x).

      And the general solution will be of the form:
      y(x)=c1f(x)+c2g(x)y(x)=c_1 f(x)+c_2 g(x)

      We can us the Wronskian to see whether f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x) are linearly independent

      The Wronskian is defined as:


      If we have two solution, f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x), and W(f,g)0W(f,g)\neq0, then we say that f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x) form a fundamental set of solutions, and the general solution will indeed be of the form:

      y(x)=c1f(x)+c2g(x)y(x)=c_1 f(x)+c_2 g(x)