Separating mixtures by precipitation

  1. How can we separate mixtures of compounds?
  2. Using qualitative analysis.
  3. Using precipitation to identify unknown ions.
  1. Use tables of solubility to suggest ways to separate ions from aqueous mixtures.
    Below is a table of solubilities, showing which combinations of aqueous ions will result in a precipitate when mixed.

    A series of experiments were performed with solutions containing different unknown combinations of the four cations in the first column.






    Ba2+ (aq)






    Pb2+ (aq)






    Ag+ (aq)






    Ni2+ (aq)






    Sr2+ (aq)






    Mg2+ (aq)






    1. The anions (across the first row) are added in the form of soluble salts that dissolve to give the aqueous anion we need.
      Explain why sodium salts are a good source of the anions in this experiment.
    2. A solution contains Pb2+(aq), Sr2+(aq) and Ni2+ (aq). Which anions and in which order should be added to separate these cations?
  2. Use tables of solubility to predict precipitates formed from experiments.
    Below is a table of solubilities, showing which combinations of aqueous ions will result in a precipitate when mixed.

    A series of experiments were performed with solutions containing different unknown combinations of the four cations in the first column.






    Ba2+ (aq)






    Pb2+ (aq)






    Ag+ (aq)






    Ni2+ (aq)






    Sr2+ (aq)






    Mg2+ (aq)






    1. A solution with two of the above cations present was mixed with the following anions, with the results below:
          • Chloride (Cl-) ions were added. No precipitate was observed.
          • Sulfate ions (SO42-) were added. No precipitate was observed.

      Which two cations must be present in the solution?
    2. A solution with two of the above cations present was mixed with the following anions, with the results below:
          • Chloride (Cl-) ions were added. No precipitate was observed.
          • Sulfide (S2-) ions were added. A precipitate formed in this mixture and was filtered off.
          • Hydroxide (OH-) ions were added. No precipitate was observed.

      What is the precipitate formed with the sulfide ion?

      What is the identity of the remaining cation?
Notas del Tema

Introduction to Separating Mixtures by Precipitation

Separating mixtures by precipitation is a fundamental technique in chemistry, crucial for qualitative analysis. This method allows chemists to isolate specific components from a solution by forming insoluble precipitates. Our introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of this process, demonstrating key concepts and practical applications. By watching, you'll gain insights into how precipitation reactions occur and their significance in analytical chemistry. Qualitative analysis, which relies heavily on precipitation techniques, is essential for identifying unknown substances and understanding complex chemical compositions. This knowledge is invaluable across various scientific fields, from environmental studies to forensic science. The video explores different types of precipitates, factors affecting precipitation, and common laboratory procedures. By mastering these concepts, you'll be better equipped to tackle more advanced chemical separation techniques and enhance your overall understanding of chemical reactions. Whether you're a student or a professional, this introduction to separating mixtures by precipitation serves as a solid foundation for further exploration in chemistry.

Understanding Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative analysis in chemistry is a crucial method used to identify the presence of specific chemical components in a sample without determining their exact quantities. This approach contrasts sharply with quantitative analysis, which focuses on determining the precise amounts of substances present. While both methods are essential in chemical analysis, qualitative analysis serves as a foundational step in many analytical processes.

One of the primary techniques employed in qualitative analysis is the use of precipitation reactions. These reactions occur when two soluble compounds react to form an insoluble product, known as a precipitate. This process is particularly useful for identifying unknown ions in a solution. By understanding the solubility rules and observing the formation of precipitates, chemists can deduce the presence of specific ions.

To illustrate this concept, let's consider two compounds: sodium chloride (NaCl) and silver chloride (AgCl). Sodium chloride is highly soluble in water, dissolving readily to form Na+ and Cl- ions. In contrast, silver chloride is insoluble, forming a white precipitate when silver ions (Ag+) and chloride ions (Cl-) combine in solution. This difference in solubility is key to qualitative analysis.

When an unknown solution containing various ions is analyzed, a series of precipitation reactions can be performed to identify the ions present. For example, if a solution is suspected to contain chloride ions, adding silver nitrate (AgNO3) would result in the formation of a white AgCl precipitate, confirming the presence of chloride. Similarly, the presence of sulfate ions (SO4^2-) can be detected by adding barium chloride (BaCl2), which forms an insoluble barium sulfate (BaSO4) precipitate.

The process of qualitative analysis often follows a systematic approach, where reagents are added in a specific order to separate and identify different groups of ions. This method, known as the systematic analysis of cations and anions, allows chemists to narrow down the possibilities and identify unknown ions step by step. For instance, the analysis of cations might begin with the precipitation of all Group I cations (silver, lead, and mercury(I)) using hydrochloric acid, followed by further tests to distinguish between these ions.

It's important to note that while precipitation reactions are a powerful tool in qualitative analysis, they are not the only method employed. Other techniques include flame tests, where certain metal ions produce characteristic colors when heated in a flame, and complex ion formation, where specific ions form colored complexes with certain reagents. These additional methods complement precipitation reactions, providing a comprehensive approach to qualitative analysis.

In contrast to the descriptive nature of qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis seeks to determine the exact amounts or concentrations of substances in a sample. This often involves techniques such as titration, spectroscopy, or chromatography. While qualitative analysis answers the question "What is present?", quantitative analysis answers "How much is present?". Both approaches are essential in chemistry, with qualitative analysis often serving as a precursor to more detailed quantitative studies.

The ability to identify unknown ions through qualitative analysis has numerous practical applications in fields such as environmental monitoring, forensic science, and quality control in manufacturing. For instance, in water quality testing, the presence of certain ions can indicate pollution or contamination. In forensic investigations, qualitative analysis can help identify unknown substances at crime scenes. In the pharmaceutical industry, it's used to verify the purity of drug compounds and detect impurities.

In conclusion, qualitative analysis, particularly through precipitation reactions, provides chemists with a powerful tool for identifying unknown substances. By understanding the principles of solubility and carefully observing chemical reactions, analysts can deduce the composition of complex mixtures. This foundational technique, combined with other analytical methods, forms the basis of much of modern chemical analysis, playing a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the chemical world around us.

Precipitation as a Separation Method

Precipitation is a powerful technique used in chemistry to separate mixtures of ionic compounds, particularly through the process of selective precipitation. This method exploits the differences in solubility between various ionic compounds to isolate specific ions from a solution. Understanding how precipitation works and how to use solubility tables is crucial for effectively separating ionic mixtures.

Selective precipitation is a process where specific ions are selectively removed from a solution by forming insoluble compounds. This technique is particularly useful when dealing with mixtures of ions that have different solubilities. By carefully controlling the conditions and adding appropriate reagents, chemists can precipitate one ion while leaving others in solution.

A classic example of selective precipitation is the separation of barium and lead ions from a mixed solution. Both barium and lead can form insoluble compounds with certain anions, but their solubilities differ. To separate these ions, a chemist might add a solution containing sulfate ions (SO4^2-) to the mixture. Barium sulfate (BaSO4) is extremely insoluble and will precipitate first, while lead sulfate (PbSO4) is slightly more soluble and remains in solution under these conditions.

To effectively use selective precipitation, it's essential to consult solubility tables. These tables provide crucial information about the solubility of various ionic compounds in water. They typically list the solubility product constants (Ksp) for different compounds, which indicate how readily a compound dissolves. Compounds with lower Ksp values are less soluble and more likely to precipitate.

When reading a solubility table, look for the ions of interest and their corresponding compounds. Compare the Ksp values to determine which compound is less soluble. In our barium and lead example, BaSO4 has a Ksp of 1.1 × 10^-10, while PbSO4 has a Ksp of 1.6 × 10^-8. The significantly lower Ksp of BaSO4 indicates that it will precipitate more readily than PbSO4.

An important aspect of selective precipitation is the addition of reagents in excess. This ensures that the precipitation reaction goes to completion and maximizes the separation efficiency. In our example, adding an excess of sulfate ions ensures that all barium ions form the insoluble BaSO4 precipitate. However, care must be taken not to add so much excess that it causes the more soluble lead sulfate to precipitate as well.

The process of selective precipitation typically involves several steps: 1. Analyze the mixture and identify the ions present. 2. Consult solubility tables to determine appropriate precipitating agents. 3. Add the chosen reagent slowly and with stirring to form the desired precipitate. 4. Allow the precipitate to settle and separate it from the solution by filtration. 5. If necessary, repeat the process with different reagents to separate remaining ions.

Selective precipitation is not limited to separating just two ions. It can be used to separate complex mixtures of multiple ionic species by carefully selecting precipitating agents and controlling solution conditions such as pH and temperature. This technique is widely used in analytical chemistry, environmental remediation, and industrial processes where the separation and purification of ionic compounds are required.

In conclusion, precipitation, particularly selective precipitation, is a valuable method for separating mixtures of ionic compounds. By understanding solubility principles, using solubility tables effectively, and carefully controlling reaction conditions, chemists can achieve precise separations of ions with similar properties. This technique's versatility and efficiency make it an indispensable tool in various fields of chemistry and related sciences.

Stepwise Elimination in Qualitative Analysis

Stepwise elimination is a crucial technique in qualitative analysis, particularly when dealing with complex mixtures of ionic compounds. This method allows chemists to systematically identify and separate different ions present in a sample, even when direct identification is challenging or impossible. The process involves a series of chemical tests and separations, with each step designed to eliminate certain ions or groups of ions, narrowing down the possibilities until the target ion can be definitively identified.

To illustrate the stepwise elimination process, let's consider a mixture containing both barium and lead ions. These two ions share similar chemical properties, making direct identification difficult. However, by employing stepwise elimination, we can effectively separate and identify each ion.

The first step in this process involves adding dilute sulfuric acid to the sample solution. Both barium and lead ions react with sulfuric acid to form insoluble sulfates, creating a white precipitate. At this stage, we cannot distinguish between the two ions, but we have successfully separated them from other ions that do not form insoluble sulfates.

Next, we employ filtration, a critical technique in qualitative analysis. Filtration allows us to separate the solid precipitate from the liquid solution. The white precipitate containing both barium sulfate and lead sulfate is collected on filter paper, while the remaining solution passes through. This step is essential for isolating the ions of interest and removing any interfering substances.

After filtration, we focus on the precipitate to differentiate between barium and lead. Here's where the stepwise elimination truly comes into play. We add a solution of potassium chromate to the precipitate. Lead sulfate reacts with potassium chromate to form lead chromate, which is yellow and soluble in excess sodium hydroxide. Barium sulfate, however, does not react with potassium chromate.

By adding excess sodium hydroxide, we can dissolve the lead chromate, effectively separating it from the barium sulfate. Another filtration step allows us to collect the remaining barium sulfate precipitate while the lead-containing solution passes through. This process has successfully eliminated lead from the mixture, leaving us with isolated barium sulfate.

To confirm the presence of barium, we can perform a flame test on the remaining precipitate. Barium compounds produce a characteristic green flame, providing a definitive identification. Meanwhile, the lead in the filtrate can be confirmed by adding potassium iodide, which forms a yellow precipitate of lead iodide.

The importance of stepwise elimination in qualitative analysis cannot be overstated, especially when direct identification is not possible. This method allows chemists to: 1. Systematically narrow down possibilities 2. Separate ions with similar properties 3. Eliminate interfering substances 4. Increase the accuracy of identification 5. Handle complex mixtures of ionic compounds

Filtration plays a crucial role in this process by physically separating precipitates from solutions. It enables the isolation of specific ions or compounds, making subsequent tests more effective and reliable. Without filtration, many of the separation and identification steps in qualitative analysis would be impossible or significantly less accurate.

In conclusion, stepwise elimination, combined with techniques like filtration, forms the backbone of qualitative analysis in chemistry. It allows for the precise identification of ionic compounds in complex mixtures, even when direct methods fall short. By systematically eliminating possibilities and separating components, chemists can confidently identify and characterize unknown samples, making this approach invaluable in various fields, from environmental analysis to forensic science.

Practical Applications and Laboratory Techniques

Precipitation reactions play a crucial role in qualitative analysis, offering a wide range of practical applications in chemistry laboratories. These reactions are fundamental in identifying and separating specific ions or compounds in a solution, making them invaluable tools for chemists and researchers. The formation of a precipitate, which is an insoluble solid that forms and separates from the solution, is a key indicator in many analytical processes.

One of the primary applications of precipitation in qualitative analysis is the systematic identification of metal ions. This process, often referred to as qualitative inorganic analysis, involves a series of chemical tests that produce characteristic precipitates for different metal ions. For instance, the addition of chloride ions to a solution containing silver ions will result in the formation of a white, cheese-like precipitate of silver chloride. This distinctive precipitate is a clear indicator of the presence of silver ions in the original solution.

In the laboratory, observing and handling precipitates requires specific techniques and attention to detail. The first step in working with precipitates is recognizing their formation. A clear solution suddenly becoming cloudy or opaque is often the first sign of precipitate formation. This cloudiness can range from a slight haziness to a dense, milk-like appearance, depending on the concentration and nature of the reactants. In some cases, the precipitate may settle to the bottom of the container, while in others, it may remain suspended in the solution.

To effectively observe precipitate formation, chemists often use test tubes or small beakers, which allow for easy visualization of color changes and cloudiness. Proper lighting is essential; holding the container up to a light source or against a dark background can help in detecting even slight changes in the solution's clarity. In some instances, allowing the solution to stand for a few minutes can make the precipitate more visible as it settles.

Handling precipitates requires care and precision. Once formed, precipitates can be separated from the solution through filtration. This process typically involves using filter paper in a funnel to capture the solid particles while allowing the liquid to pass through. The choice of filter paper depends on the size of the precipitate particles and the nature of the analysis being performed. For very fine precipitates, specialized filters or centrifugation may be necessary.

Safety is paramount when working with chemical precipitates. Many precipitates can be harmful if inhaled or come into contact with skin or eyes. Therefore, personal protective equipment (PPE) such as lab coats, gloves, and safety goggles should always be worn. Working in a well-ventilated area or under a fume hood is often necessary, especially when dealing with precipitates that may release harmful gases or vapors.

Best practices for working with precipitates include proper labeling of all solutions and precipitates, careful disposal of waste according to laboratory guidelines, and thorough cleaning of all equipment after use. It's also important to be aware of the potential for supersaturation, where a solution contains more dissolved solute than is normally possible under given conditions. Such solutions can suddenly crystallize or form precipitates when disturbed, potentially leading to unexpected reactions or hazards.

In conclusion, precipitation reactions are invaluable tools in qualitative analysis, offering chemists a powerful means of identifying and separating compounds. The ability to recognize, handle, and analyze precipitates is a fundamental skill in chemistry laboratories. By following proper techniques and safety precautions, researchers can effectively utilize these reactions to gain valuable insights into the composition of unknown samples, furthering our understanding of chemical processes and materials.

Limitations and Considerations

Precipitation is a widely used method for separating mixtures in qualitative analysis, but it comes with several limitations that chemists must consider. One primary limitation is the potential for incomplete precipitation, which can lead to inaccurate results. Factors such as solubility, temperature, and the presence of competing ions can affect the completeness of precipitation reactions. Additionally, some precipitates may be colloidal or too fine to filter effectively, making separation challenging.

The accuracy of qualitative analysis can be significantly impacted by various factors. pH plays a crucial role in many precipitation reactions, as it can affect the solubility of compounds and the formation of precipitates. Temperature is another critical factor, as it can influence reaction rates, solubility, and the stability of certain compounds. The presence of interfering ions is a major concern in qualitative analysis. These ions can form competing complexes, alter the solubility of target compounds, or produce similar precipitates, leading to misidentification or false results.

Interfering ions are particularly problematic in complex mixtures, where multiple species may interact unpredictably. For example, in the analysis of Group I cations (silver, lead, and mercury(I)), the presence of interfering anions like chloride or sulfate can complicate the identification process. Similarly, in the analysis of Group III cations (aluminum, chromium, and iron(III)), the presence of phosphate ions can interfere with the precipitation of hydroxides.

To address these limitations and improve the reliability of qualitative analysis, chemists often employ confirmatory tests. These additional tests are designed to verify the presence of specific ions or compounds and can help distinguish between similar species. Confirmatory tests are essential because they reduce the likelihood of false positives or false negatives. A false positive occurs when a test incorrectly indicates the presence of a substance that is not actually there, while a false negative fails to detect a substance that is present.

The importance of confirmatory tests cannot be overstated in qualitative analysis. They provide a second line of evidence and can help overcome the limitations of initial screening tests. For instance, the flame test is often used as a preliminary test for certain metal ions, but it can be affected by interfering ions or impurities. Confirmatory tests, such as specific precipitation reactions or spectroscopic methods, can provide more definitive results.

Despite the use of confirmatory tests, the potential for false positives or negatives remains a concern in qualitative analysis. False positives can occur due to unexpected reactions, contamination, or misinterpretation of results. False negatives may result from insufficient sensitivity, masking effects, or improper test conditions. To minimize these risks, analysts must carefully control experimental conditions, use high-purity reagents, and follow standardized procedures. Additionally, employing multiple analytical techniques and cross-referencing results can significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of qualitative analysis.


Separating mixtures by precipitation is a crucial technique in qualitative analysis. The introduction video provides essential insights into this process, highlighting key steps such as identifying soluble and insoluble compounds, selecting appropriate reagents, and understanding solubility rules. This method allows chemists to isolate specific components from complex mixtures, making it invaluable in various analytical applications. As you delve deeper into qualitative analysis techniques, remember that precipitation is just one of many tools at your disposal. Other methods like chromatography, distillation, and extraction complement precipitation in creating a comprehensive approach to mixture separation. To truly master these concepts, it's vital to practice them in laboratory settings. We encourage you to apply these principles in your upcoming lab work, experimenting with different mixtures and reagents. By doing so, you'll gain hands-on experience and develop a deeper understanding of how precipitation and other separation techniques function in real-world scenarios. Keep exploring and refining your skills in qualitative analysis to become a proficient chemist.

Separating Mixtures by Precipitation

How can we separate mixtures of compounds? Using qualitative analysis.

Step 1: Understanding Precipitation and Solubility

To begin with, it is essential to understand the concept of precipitation and solubility. Precipitation is a process where an insoluble solid forms from a solution. This solid is known as a precipitate. The solubility of ions in water varies; some ions are more soluble than others. For instance, sodium chloride (NaCl) is highly soluble in water, whereas silver chloride (AgCl) has low solubility. This difference in solubility is crucial for separating mixtures of compounds.

Step 2: Qualitative Analysis vs. Quantitative Analysis

Qualitative analysis involves identifying the presence or absence of a substance, whereas quantitative analysis measures the amount of a substance. In the context of separating mixtures, qualitative analysis is used to determine whether a specific ion is present in a solution by observing the formation of a precipitate. This method provides a binary result: either a precipitate forms (indicating the presence of the ion) or it does not (indicating the absence of the ion).

Step 3: Using Solubility Information

The solubility information of different compounds is valuable for chemists. For example, knowing that silver chloride is insoluble in water can help identify the presence of silver ions in a solution. If a solution contains unknown ions, adding a compound that reacts with silver ions to form silver chloride will result in a precipitate if silver ions are present. This reaction can be used to confirm the presence of silver ions in the solution.

Step 4: Identifying Unknown Compounds

To identify unknown compounds in a solution, chemists can use known reactions that produce precipitates. For instance, if a solution is suspected to contain silver ions, adding a chloride source (such as potassium chloride) will result in the formation of silver chloride precipitate if silver ions are present. This method can also be used to rule out the presence of certain ions. If no precipitate forms, it indicates that the suspected ion is not present in the solution.

Step 5: Practical Laboratory Methods

In a laboratory setting, practical methods such as precipitation and filtration are used to separate mixtures of compounds. By adding specific reagents to a solution, chemists can induce the formation of a precipitate, which can then be separated from the solution through filtration. This process allows for the isolation and identification of specific ions in a mixture.

Step 6: Applying Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative analysis is applied by observing the formation of a precipitate in response to the addition of a reagent. This observation provides a yes or no answer regarding the presence of a specific ion. For example, if a precipitate forms when a chloride source is added to a solution, it indicates the presence of silver ions. Conversely, if no precipitate forms, it indicates the absence of silver ions. This binary result is the essence of qualitative analysis.

Step 7: Conclusion

In conclusion, separating mixtures of compounds using qualitative analysis involves understanding the solubility of different ions, using known reactions to identify the presence of specific ions, and applying practical laboratory methods such as precipitation and filtration. By observing the formation of precipitates, chemists can determine the presence or absence of specific ions in a solution, allowing for the separation and identification of compounds in a mixture.


  1. What is the main principle behind separating mixtures by precipitation?

    The main principle behind separating mixtures by precipitation is the difference in solubility of various compounds. When a reagent is added to a solution containing multiple ions, it selectively forms an insoluble compound (precipitate) with one or more of the ions, allowing for their separation from the rest of the solution. This technique exploits the unique solubility properties of different ionic compounds to isolate specific components from a mixture.

  2. How does qualitative analysis differ from quantitative analysis?

    Qualitative analysis focuses on identifying the presence of specific chemical components in a sample without determining their exact quantities. It answers the question "What is present?" Quantitative analysis, on the other hand, aims to determine the precise amounts or concentrations of substances in a sample, answering "How much is present?" Qualitative analysis often serves as a precursor to quantitative studies and is crucial for initial identification of unknown substances.

  3. What role do solubility tables play in precipitation reactions?

    Solubility tables are essential tools in precipitation reactions as they provide information about the solubility of various ionic compounds in water. These tables typically list solubility product constants (Ksp) for different compounds, indicating how readily they dissolve. By consulting solubility tables, chemists can predict which compounds will form precipitates under specific conditions, allowing for more effective separation and identification of ions in a mixture.

  4. What are some common limitations of using precipitation for mixture separation?

    Common limitations include incomplete precipitation, which can lead to inaccurate results, and the formation of colloidal precipitates that are difficult to filter. The presence of interfering ions can complicate analysis by forming competing complexes or similar precipitates. Additionally, factors such as pH, temperature, and the presence of other ions can affect the solubility and formation of precipitates, potentially leading to false positives or negatives in qualitative analysis.

  5. Why are confirmatory tests important in qualitative analysis?

    Confirmatory tests are crucial in qualitative analysis because they provide additional evidence to verify the presence of specific ions or compounds. These tests help distinguish between similar species and reduce the likelihood of false positives or negatives. By employing multiple analytical techniques and cross-referencing results, chemists can significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of their analyses, overcoming some of the limitations associated with initial screening tests.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the fundamental concepts that lay the groundwork for more advanced topics is crucial in chemistry. When it comes to separating mixtures by precipitation, one of the most important prerequisite topics to grasp is the solubility constant, also known as the solubility product. This concept is essential because it directly relates to the principles behind precipitation reactions and their applications in separating mixtures.

The solubility product constant, often denoted as Ksp, is a fundamental concept in chemistry that quantifies the solubility of a substance in a solution. It plays a crucial role in understanding how and why certain compounds precipitate out of solution, which is the core principle behind separating mixtures by precipitation. By mastering the solubility product, students can predict whether a precipitation reaction will occur and under what conditions, making it an invaluable tool in mixture separation techniques.

When separating mixtures by precipitation, chemists rely heavily on their knowledge of solubility product constants. These constants help determine the concentration of ions necessary to initiate precipitation, allowing for precise control over the separation process. Understanding how temperature, pH, and the presence of common ions affect solubility is also crucial, and these concepts are all rooted in the principles of the solubility product.

Moreover, the solubility product is essential for calculating the solubility of sparingly soluble salts, which is often a key step in designing effective separation procedures. By manipulating conditions based on solubility product principles, chemists can selectively precipitate specific compounds from a mixture, leaving others in solution. This selective precipitation is the cornerstone of many purification and separation techniques in both laboratory and industrial settings.

Students who have a solid grasp of the solubility product will find it much easier to understand and apply the concepts of separating mixtures by precipitation. They will be better equipped to predict reaction outcomes, troubleshoot separation processes, and design efficient purification methods. Furthermore, this knowledge extends beyond just precipitation reactions, forming a foundation for understanding complex equilibria, which is crucial in advanced chemistry courses and real-world applications.

In conclusion, the importance of mastering prerequisite topics like the solubility product cannot be overstated when studying separation of mixtures by precipitation. It provides the theoretical framework necessary to understand why and how precipitation occurs, enabling students to approach more complex separation problems with confidence and insight. By investing time in thoroughly understanding this fundamental concept, students set themselves up for success in more advanced chemistry topics and practical applications in the field.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To use ion solubility and precipitation as a form of qualitative analysis.
  • Using precipitation to identify unknown ions.


  • The fact that one compound might be soluble (for example NaCl), while a similar compound with the same anion but different cation (for example AgCl) might have low solubility is very useful to chemists.
    • When trying to identify an unknown compound, reacting it with a known compound and observing a precipitate forming could tell us if a particular ion is present or not, because the ion we are looking for may be known to be insoluble.
      • For example, if we suspect silver ions are present, reacting the sample with a soluble halide (Cl-, Br- or I-) compound could be useful because the product would be a silver halide – AgCl, AgBr and AgI are all insoluble.
    • The same method could be used to rule out possible compounds, observing no precipitate will rule out a lot of possible identities of the compound.
    • Analyzing chemicals in this way is known as qualitative analysis – the results of your investigation produce a binary, yes/no result (is the ion present or not?).
  • Identifying some ions will require multiple precipitation reactions to be done:
    • For example, in an experiment where we need to precipitate Ba2+ ions, using a solubility table we can see that barium sulfate, BaSO4, is insoluble and will form a precipitate but this will also precipitate other ions, for example lead ions, Pb2+:


















      The problem is that there is no anion test to make a barium precipitate exclusively. If SO42- ions alone were added, both ions will form precipitates and there will be no certainty which ion specifically caused it.
    • One way to separate and identify is to add another anion (a slight excess) which causes only one species to precipitate. Do this to successively eliminate possible candidates. Taking our example of possible Ba2+ or Pb2+:
      • If halide (Cl-, Br-, I-) or sulfide (S2-) ions were added to the mixture, the result would be Pb2+ ions precipitating, while the Ba2+ would remain in solution. Filter this precipitate off and discard it.
      • The resultant solution should have no Pb2+ remaining. Now, the addition of SO42- ions will still produce BaSO4 precipitate, however with the Pb2+ already removed we can be certain that it is Ba2+present in the solution.