State symbols and phase changes

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  1. Building on chemical equations
  2. Chemical and physical changes.
  3. Chemical phases and state symbols.
  4. Other key phase/state language.
  5. Phase changes.
  1. Recall the different states of matter from descriptions of chemicals.
    Write "solid", "liquid", "gas", or "aqueous", next to each term below to show which state it is describing.
    1. Powder
    2. Solution
    3. Vapour
    4. Crystals
    5. Gaseous
    6. Precipitate
  2. Write full chemical equations using information from descriptions of laboratory experiments.
    Read the following experiment notes and write a balanced chemical equation, with state symbols, to describe what is happening.
    1. Strips of magnesium were weighed out and placed in a beaker. Shortly afterwards, a solution of hydrochloric acid was added to the beaker to produce magnesium chloride (MgCl2_2) and gaseous hydrogen.
    2. In a reaction vessel, chlorine gas reacts with chunks of sodium metal to form sodium chloride in a reaction releasing a lot of heat energy.
    3. When hot steam is passed over iron filings, gaseous hydrogen and solid iron oxide is produced.
    4. Aqueous hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate (Na2_2CO3_3) powder react to form sodium chloride in solution, water and bubbles of carbon dioxide.
Topic Notes

Introduction: State Symbols and Phase Changes in Chemistry

State symbols and phase changes are fundamental concepts in chemistry that help us understand the behavior of matter. The introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of these topics, serving as a crucial foundation for further study. State symbols (s, l, g, aq) indicate the physical state of substances in chemical reactions, while phase changes describe the transitions between these states. Understanding these concepts is essential for distinguishing between chemical and physical changes, a key skill in chemistry. Chemical reactions involve the formation of new substances, whereas physical changes only alter the appearance or form of a substance. By mastering state symbols and phase changes, students can better interpret chemical equations, predict reaction outcomes, and analyze the energy involved in various processes. This knowledge forms the basis for more advanced topics in chemistry and is vital for anyone pursuing a deeper understanding of the subject.

Chemical vs. Physical Changes: Understanding the Difference

Understanding the distinction between chemical and physical changes is fundamental in chemistry. These two types of changes affect matter in different ways, and recognizing them is crucial for comprehending various processes in our environment. Let's explore this concept using the example of methane combustion, a common chemical reaction.

Chemical Changes: Rearranging Molecular Bonds

Chemical changes involve the transformation of substances at the molecular level, resulting in the formation of new substances with different properties. During a chemical change, bonds within molecules are broken and new bonds are formed, leading to a rearrangement of atoms. This process alters the chemical composition and identity of the original substances.

Methane combustion is an excellent example of a chemical change. When methane (CH) burns in the presence of oxygen (O), it undergoes a chemical reaction that can be represented by the following equation:

CH + 2O CO + 2HO + Energy

In this reaction, the bonds within the methane and oxygen molecules are broken, and new bonds are formed to create carbon dioxide (CO) and water (HO). This process releases energy in the form of heat and light. The original substances (methane and oxygen) are transformed into entirely new substances with different properties.

Physical Changes: Affecting Intermolecular Forces

In contrast, physical changes do not alter the chemical composition of substances. Instead, they affect the physical state, shape, or size of matter without changing its molecular structure. Physical changes involve modifications to the interactions between molecules, known as intermolecular forces, rather than changes to the bonds within molecules.

Common examples of physical changes include:

  • Melting ice (solid water to liquid water)
  • Boiling water (liquid water to water vapor)
  • Cutting paper
  • Dissolving sugar in water

In these cases, the molecular composition remains unchanged. For instance, when ice melts, the HO molecules remain intact, but their arrangement and the forces between them change as they transition from a solid to a liquid state.

Key Differences Between Chemical and Physical Changes

  1. Molecular Structure: Chemical changes alter the molecular structure of substances, while physical changes do not.
  2. Reversibility: Physical changes are generally easier to reverse than chemical changes. For example, melted ice can be refrozen, but it's much more challenging to reverse the combustion of methane.
  3. Energy Changes: Chemical changes often involve significant energy changes, such as the release of heat in methane combustion. Physical changes typically involve less dramatic energy transfers.
  4. New Substances: Chemical changes result in the formation of new substances with different properties, while physical changes do not create new substances.

Identifying Chemical and Physical Changes

To distinguish between chemical and physical changes, look for these indicators:

  • Chemical changes: color change, gas production, precipitate formation, temperature change, light emission
  • Physical changes: state changes, shape or size alterations, reversible processes

In the case of methane combustion, we observe several signs of a chemical change: the production of heat and light, the formation of new substances (CO and HO), and the irreversible nature of the process.


Understanding the difference between chemical and physical changes is essential for interpreting the world around us. While chemical changes like methane combustion involve the rearrangement of molecular bonds and the creation of new substances, physical changes affect only the intermolecular forces and physical properties of matter. By recognizing these distinctions, we

State Symbols in Chemical Equations

In the world of chemistry, precise communication is crucial. When writing chemical equations, chemists use a set of standardized symbols to convey important information about the physical state of substances involved in reactions. These symbols, known as state symbols, play a vital role in providing a clear and concise representation of chemical processes. In this section, we'll explore the four main state symbols used in chemical equations: (s) for solid, (l) for liquid, (g) for gas, and (aq) for aqueous solutions.

Let's begin with the solid state symbol, (s). This symbol is used to indicate that a substance is in its solid form at room temperature and standard pressure. For example, in the equation NaCl(s) + H2O(l) NaCl(aq), the (s) next to NaCl indicates that sodium chloride is a solid before it dissolves in water.

Moving on to the liquid state symbol, (l). This symbol represents substances that are in a liquid state under normal conditions. A common example is water, often written as H2O(l) in chemical equations. For instance, in the reaction 2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(l), the (l) indicates that the product, water, is in its liquid form.

The gas state symbol, (g), is used to denote substances in their gaseous state. Gases are characterized by their ability to expand and fill their containers. In the equation CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(g), all reactants and products are in the gas phase, as indicated by the (g) symbol.

Lastly, we have the aqueous state symbol, (aq). This symbol is used to represent substances dissolved in water, forming a solution. It's important to note that (aq) doesn't just mean the substance is mixed with water; it specifically indicates that the substance has dissociated into ions within the water. For example, in the equation NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O(l), both sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid are in aqueous form, while the resulting water is in liquid form.

It's crucial to emphasize a common misconception regarding the use of state symbols, particularly with water. Water is never written as H2O(aq) in chemical equations. This is because the (aq) symbol is reserved for substances dissolved in water, not for water itself. Water, being the solvent in aqueous solutions, is always represented as H2O(l) when in its liquid state. This distinction is important because it helps differentiate between water as a solvent and substances dissolved in it.

The correct use of state symbols in chemical equations provides valuable information about the physical conditions of a reaction. For instance, in the equation CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g), we can immediately understand that calcium carbonate starts as a solid, decomposes into solid calcium oxide, and releases carbon dioxide gas. This level of detail is crucial for understanding reaction mechanisms, predicting outcomes, and designing experimental procedures.

State symbols also help in balancing chemical equations and understanding stoichiometry. They provide insight into the nature of the reaction, whether it's a precipitation reaction (where a solid forms from aqueous reactants), a gas evolution reaction, or a simple dissolution process. For example, in the reaction AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq) AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq), the state symbols clearly show that a solid (AgCl) precipitates out of the aqueous solution.

In conclusion, state symbols (s), (l), (g), and (aq) are indispensable tools in writing and interpreting chemical equations. They provide a wealth of information about the physical states of reactants and products, helping chemists and students alike to better understand and predict chemical processes. Remember, while these symbols might seem like small details, they play a significant role in the precise language of chemistry, ensuring clear communication and accurate representation of chemical reactions.

Terminology for Different Phases of Matter

Understanding the various terms used to describe different phases of matter is crucial in chemistry and everyday life. Let's explore some common terminology for solids, gases, and solutions, as well as the concept of volatility.

Solids come in various forms, each with its unique characteristics. Crystals are solid materials with a highly ordered internal structure, where atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in a repeating pattern. Examples include table salt (NaCl) and quartz. Powder refers to a dry, bulk solid composed of many fine particles. Common powders include flour, sugar, and talcum powder. A precipitate is a solid that forms and separates from a solution during a chemical reaction. This process is called precipitation and is often seen in laboratory experiments.

When it comes to gases, the term vapor is frequently used. Vapor refers to the gaseous state of a substance that is typically liquid or solid at room temperature. For instance, water vapor is the gaseous form of water. Understanding vapor is essential in meteorology and industrial processes.

Volatility is a property of substances that relates to their tendency to vaporize or evaporate at normal temperatures and pressures. Highly volatile substances evaporate quickly, while less volatile ones remain in their liquid or solid state longer. Volatility is closely linked to smell, as volatile compounds easily enter the gas phase and can be detected by our olfactory senses. This is why we can smell perfumes, essential oils, and certain chemicals from a distance.

Solutions are homogeneous mixtures of two or more substances. In a solution, we distinguish between the solvent and the solute. The solvent is the substance present in the larger amount and is typically the liquid component that dissolves the other substance(s). Water is the most common solvent in everyday life and many chemical processes. The solute is the substance dissolved in the solvent, usually present in a smaller amount. For example, in a sugar-water solution, water is the solvent, and sugar is the solute.

Understanding these terms helps us describe and analyze various physical and chemical phenomena. Crystals play a significant role in materials science and gemology. Powders are essential in pharmaceuticals, food industry, and manufacturing. Precipitates in chemical reactions are crucial in analytical chemistry and water treatment processes. The concept of vapor is vital in understanding weather patterns, distillation processes, and the behavior of gases.

Volatility affects many aspects of our lives, from the persistence of fragrances to the storage of hazardous materials. It's also a critical factor in the petroleum industry and environmental science. Solutions are ubiquitous in nature and industry, forming the basis for many biological processes, chemical reactions, and industrial applications.

By familiarizing ourselves with these terms and concepts, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity and diversity of matter in its various forms. Whether we're dealing with the crystalline structure of metals, the fine powder of cosmetics, the precipitates in chemical reactions, or the vapor in the atmosphere, each phase and form of matter has its unique properties and applications. This knowledge not only enhances our understanding of the physical world but also enables us to manipulate and utilize matter more effectively in scientific research, industrial processes, and everyday life.

Phase Changes and Their Terminology

Phase changes are fundamental processes in nature where matter transitions between different states: solid, liquid, and gas. Understanding these transformations is crucial in various fields, from everyday life to advanced scientific applications. This article explores the various phase changes and their associated terms, providing clear examples and insights into these fascinating phenomena.

Melting is the process where a solid transforms into a liquid by absorbing heat. This occurs when the temperature of the solid reaches its melting point. A common example is ice melting into water at 0°C (32°F). The reverse process is called freezing, where a liquid turns into a solid by releasing heat. Water freezing into ice in your freezer exemplifies this change.

Boiling is the rapid vaporization of a liquid into a gas. This happens when the vapor pressure of the liquid equals the atmospheric pressure. For instance, water boils at 100°C (212°F) at sea level, turning into steam. The opposite process, where a gas turns back into a liquid, is called condensation. This is visible when water vapor in the air condenses on a cold glass, forming droplets.

Sublimation is a unique phase change where a solid directly transforms into a gas without passing through the liquid phase. A classic example is dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) sublimating at room temperature. The reverse process, where a gas directly becomes a solid, is known as deposition. This can be observed in the formation of frost on a cold surface on a humid day.

One particularly interesting example of sublimation is iodine. At room temperature, solid iodine slowly sublimes, releasing purple vapor. This property makes iodine useful in various applications, including forensics and chemistry demonstrations. The process is reversible, with iodine vapor depositing back into solid crystals on cooler surfaces.

Dissolution is another important concept related to phase changes. It occurs when a substance (solute) dissolves in another substance (solvent) to form a solution. This process can involve different phases becoming solutions. For example, when sugar (solid) dissolves in water (liquid), it forms a liquid solution. Gases can also dissolve in liquids, as seen in carbonated beverages where carbon dioxide is dissolved in water.

The process of dissolution is influenced by various factors, including temperature, pressure, and the nature of the solute and solvent. Generally, increasing temperature enhances the solubility of solids in liquids but decreases the solubility of gases in liquids. This is why warm soda loses its fizz faster than cold soda.

Understanding phase changes and dissolution is crucial in many areas. In meteorology, these concepts explain cloud formation and precipitation. In geology, they help explain mineral formation and erosion processes. The food industry relies on this knowledge for processes like freeze-drying and candy making. Even in our daily lives, we encounter these phenomena in cooking, refrigeration, and many other activities.

Each phase change involves energy transfer. Melting and boiling require energy input (endothermic processes), while freezing and condensation release energy (exothermic processes). This energy transfer is key to many natural and industrial processes, from the water cycle to the operation of refrigerators and air conditioners.

The study of phase changes also extends to more complex systems. For instance, liquid crystals exhibit properties of both liquids and solids and are used in electronic displays. Supercritical fluids, which occur at high temperatures and pressures, blur the distinction between liquid and gas phases and have applications in extraction and cleaning processes.

In conclusion, phase changes and dissolution are fundamental concepts in understanding the behavior of matter. From the ice in our drinks to the clouds in the sky, these processes shape our world in countless ways. By grasping these principles, we gain deeper insights into natural phenomena and can apply this knowledge to develop new technologies and solve complex problems in various fields of science and industry.

Applications of State Symbols and Phase Changes in Chemistry

Understanding state symbols and phase changes in chemistry is crucial for various practical applications in both industrial processes and everyday life. This knowledge allows scientists and engineers to manipulate substances effectively and optimize chemical reactions. One notable example is the production of hydrochloric acid from hydrogen chloride gas, which demonstrates the importance of phase changes in chemical processes.

Hydrochloric acid, a widely used industrial chemical, is produced by dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in water. This process involves a phase change from gas to aqueous solution, represented by the equation: HCl(g) + H2O(l) HCl(aq). The state symbols (g), (l), and (aq) indicate the physical states of the substances involved, helping chemists understand and control the reaction conditions.

In industrial settings, knowledge of phase changes is essential for designing efficient production methods. For instance, in the petroleum industry, understanding the boiling points and condensation temperatures of various hydrocarbons allows for effective fractional distillation of crude oil. This process separates different components based on their boiling points, enabling the production of gasoline, diesel fuel, and other valuable products.

Phase changes also play a crucial role in everyday phenomena. For example, the formation of dew on grass in the morning involves the condensation of water vapor in the air. Understanding this process helps meteorologists predict weather patterns and farmers optimize irrigation strategies. Similarly, the principle of evaporative cooling, which relies on the phase change from liquid to gas, is utilized in various applications, from sweat-based body temperature regulation to industrial cooling systems.

In the food industry, knowledge of phase changes is vital for processes such as freeze-drying, where water is removed from food products through sublimation (solid to gas transition). This technique preserves the food's structure and nutrients while extending its shelf life. Additionally, understanding the freezing and melting points of different substances is crucial in the development of ice cream, ensuring the right texture and consistency.

Chemical engineers apply their understanding of phase changes in the design of distillation columns, heat exchangers, and other industrial equipment. This knowledge allows for the efficient separation of mixtures, purification of substances, and optimization of heat transfer processes. In the pharmaceutical industry, understanding phase changes is essential for drug formulation and delivery systems, ensuring that medications remain stable and effective under various conditions.

In conclusion, the practical applications of understanding state symbols and phase changes in chemistry are vast and diverse. From the production of hydrochloric acid to the optimization of industrial processes and the explanation of everyday phenomena, this knowledge forms the foundation of numerous scientific and technological advancements. By mastering these concepts, chemists and engineers can continue to innovate and improve processes across various fields, contributing to advancements in industry, medicine, and environmental science.

Conclusion: Mastering State Symbols and Phase Changes

In this article, we've explored the crucial concepts of state symbols and phase changes in chemistry. Understanding these elements is fundamental to grasping chemical reactions and processes. We've learned how state symbols (s), (l), (g), and (aq) represent different physical states of matter, and how phase changes occur when substances transition between these states. The importance of this knowledge in chemistry education cannot be overstated, as it forms the basis for more advanced concepts. By mastering state symbols and phase changes, students can better interpret chemical equations and predict reaction outcomes. The introductory video provided a valuable visual aid in comprehending these concepts, making them more accessible and relatable. As you continue your chemistry studies, remember to apply this knowledge to various chemical reactions and processes. This understanding will serve as a solid foundation for your future explorations in the fascinating world of chemistry, enhancing your ability to analyze and solve complex chemical equations.


Building on chemical equations Chemical and physical changes.

Step 1: Understanding State Symbols and Phases in Chemical Equations

In this step, we will explore the use of state symbols in chemical equations and how they help describe different phases of matter. State symbols are essential in conveying the physical state of each substance involved in a chemical reaction. The common state symbols are:

  • (s) for solid
  • (l) for liquid
  • (g) for gas
  • (aq) for aqueous solution, which means the substance is dissolved in water
Understanding these symbols is crucial for accurately representing chemical reactions and the phases of the substances involved.

Step 2: Distinguishing Between Chemical and Physical Changes

It is important to differentiate between chemical and physical changes. A chemical change involves the breaking and forming of bonds between atoms, resulting in the creation of new substances with different properties. For example, when methane (CH4) reacts with oxygen (O2), it forms carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). This reaction can be represented as:

CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + 2H2O
In this reaction, the bonds between carbon and hydrogen in methane and the bonds between oxygen atoms in O2 are broken and new bonds are formed to create CO2 and H2O. This is a chemical change because new substances with different properties are formed.

Step 3: Identifying Physical Changes

Physical changes, on the other hand, do not involve changes in the chemical composition of a substance. Instead, they involve changes in the physical state or appearance of a substance. For example, the transition of carbon dioxide from a solid (dry ice) to a gas is a physical change. The chemical structure of CO2 remains the same, but its physical state changes. Physical changes can be induced by changes in temperature or pressure and involve the breaking or forming of intermolecular forces rather than chemical bonds.

Step 4: Applying State Symbols in Chemical Equations

When writing chemical equations, it is important to include state symbols to indicate the physical state of each reactant and product. For example, the combustion of methane can be written as:

CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)
In this equation, the state symbols (g) indicate that methane, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water are all in the gaseous state. Including state symbols provides a clearer picture of the reaction and helps in understanding the conditions under which the reaction occurs.

Step 5: Understanding Phase Changes and Their Terminology

Phase changes refer to the transitions between different states of matter, such as solid, liquid, and gas. Common phase changes include:

  • Melting: Solid to liquid
  • Boiling: Liquid to gas
  • Condensation: Gas to liquid
  • Freezing: Liquid to solid
  • Sublimation: Solid to gas
  • Deposition: Gas to solid
Understanding these terms is important for describing the physical changes that substances undergo. For example, when dry ice (solid CO2) sublimates, it changes directly from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid phase.

Step 6: Conveying Accurate Information in Chemical Equations

To accurately convey information in chemical equations, it is essential to include both the chemical formulas and the state symbols of the reactants and products. This ensures that the equation provides a complete picture of the reaction, including the physical states of the substances involved. For example, the complete combustion of methane can be written as:

CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)
This equation indicates that all substances are in the gaseous state, providing a clear and accurate representation of the reaction.


  1. What are the four state symbols used in chemical equations?

    The four state symbols used in chemical equations are:

    • (s) for solid
    • (l) for liquid
    • (g) for gas
    • (aq) for aqueous solution (dissolved in water)

    These symbols are placed after the chemical formula to indicate the physical state of each substance in the reaction.

  2. What does the symbol 'aq' represent in a chemical equation?

    The symbol 'aq' in a chemical equation represents an aqueous solution. It indicates that the substance is dissolved in water. For example, NaCl(aq) means sodium chloride dissolved in water, forming a solution.

  3. How do you determine the state of matter of a substance in a chemical reaction?

    To determine the state of matter in a chemical reaction:

    • Check the substance's physical properties at room temperature
    • Consider the reaction conditions (temperature, pressure)
    • Look for clues in the equation (e.g., precipitation reactions often produce solids)
    • Refer to solubility rules for ionic compounds in water
  4. What is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change?

    A physical change alters a substance's appearance or form without changing its chemical composition. Examples include melting ice or cutting paper. A chemical change, on the other hand, involves the formation of new substances with different chemical properties. Examples include rusting iron or burning wood.

  5. What is a phase change in chemistry?

    A phase change is the transition of a substance from one state of matter to another. Common phase changes include:

    • Melting: solid to liquid
    • Freezing: liquid to solid
    • Vaporization: liquid to gas
    • Condensation: gas to liquid
    • Sublimation: solid to gas
    • Deposition: gas to solid

    These changes occur without altering the chemical composition of the substance.

Prerequisite Topics for Understanding State Symbols and Phase Changes

To fully grasp the concept of state symbols and phase changes in chemistry, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental concepts provide the necessary context and understanding to explore the more complex aspects of matter's behavior.

One of the key prerequisites is an introduction to chemical reactions. This foundational knowledge helps students understand how substances interact and transform, which is essential when considering phase changes. Chemical reactions often involve changes in state, and understanding the basics of these interactions is crucial for interpreting state symbols in chemical equations.

Closely related to this is the skill of writing chemical equations. While this may seem more algebraic in nature, it's an essential skill for accurately representing chemical processes, including those involving state changes. Proper equation writing ensures that students can effectively communicate and analyze the transformations occurring during phase changes.

Perhaps one of the most directly relevant prerequisites is balancing chemical equations. This skill is crucial when dealing with state symbols and phase changes, as it ensures that mass is conserved during transitions between states. Balanced equations provide a clear picture of how matter behaves during phase changes, making it easier to understand and predict outcomes.

Lastly, a thorough understanding of intermolecular forces is vital for comprehending state symbols and phase changes. These forces play a significant role in determining the physical state of a substance and how it transitions between states. Knowledge of intermolecular forces helps explain why certain substances change phases at specific temperatures and pressures.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students build a strong foundation for understanding state symbols and phase changes. This knowledge allows for a deeper appreciation of how matter behaves under various conditions and enables more accurate predictions and analyses in chemistry. Each of these topics contributes uniquely to the overall understanding of state changes, from the basic principles of chemical reactions to the specific forces that govern molecular behavior.

As students progress in their study of chemistry, they'll find that this foundational knowledge continually supports their learning, especially when dealing with more advanced concepts related to states of matter and phase transitions. The interconnected nature of these topics highlights the importance of building a comprehensive understanding of chemistry from the ground up.

In this lesson, we will learn:
  • The difference between chemical and physical changes as it affects chemical reactions.
  • The different phases of matter, the state symbols and the different terms for them.
  • The terms used to describe phase changes.

  • In a chemical reaction, the bonds between atoms and molecules get re-arranged, breaking some and creating other new ones. Chemical substances are defined by the bonds between the atoms they’re made of, so changing the bonding arrangement changes the substance and its properties.
    • An example would be carbon dioxide, where the bonding arrangement is a carbon atom making a double bond to two different oxygen atoms (hence the formula CO2). If you change this bonding at all by breaking one of the C=O bonds, you will not have carbon dioxide anymore; it is now a different substance.

    But it’s important to know that chemical changes have nothing to do with the phase of the substance – whether it is solid, liquid, gas or aqueous. The phase can affect how reactive a substance is, but changing phase (a physical change) is not the same as changing the substance (a chemical change).

  • A fully detailed chemical equation will show the state (or phase) of matter that the atoms or molecules are in.
  • These states are:
    • Solid, given the symbol (s)
    • Liquid, given the symbol (l)
    • Gas, given the symbol (g)
    • Aqueous, meaning dissolved in water, and given the symbol (aq)
    Remember that water can’t be ‘dissolved in water’ so as a liquid it is always H2O (l), never H2O (aq). ‘Aqueous water’ is just water!

    Phase is a bulk property, which means it describes how the atoms/molecules behave as a large group, not as individual particles.
    • For example, solid CO2 is when CO2 molecules are densely packed with little movement of particles, and in gaseous CO2 the particles are energetic and are very spread out. Both are CO2, both have exactly the same bonding arrangement within the CO2 molecule.

  • The phase is important for chemists when planning an experiment. Knowing the phase of the product helps plan how you can collect it after the reaction. For example, an aqueous product would need to be evaporated, and a solid product would need to be filtered to help isolate it from the rest of the reaction mixture.

  • There are different ‘forms’ of some chemical phases and descriptive terms used:
    • Crystals, powder and precipitate are all solids.
    • Vapour is particles of a substance becoming a gas.
    • A solution of a substance is describing the substance being dissolved in a solvent. For example, “a solution of NaOH” means the NaOH is dissolved, probably in water. In this case, it would be shown in a reaction as NaOH (aq).

  • There are specific terms used for phase changes. Although these are not chemical reactions, we will look at these terms here:
    • Freezing is the change from liquid to solid; melting is from solid to liquid. The temperature this happens at is called the melting or freezing point. They are the same temperature, their use depends on which direction the change is going in.
    • Boiling is the phase change from liquid to gas; condensation is gas to liquid.
    • Sublimation is the change from solid to gas. This is quite rare in nature but when pressure is changed many substances can sublime. Deposition is the change from gas to solid.
    • Any phase becoming a solution is just called dissolving. All three phases can become a solution: solids and liquids can be mixed in and gases can be bubbled into the solvent.