Introduction to solution chemistry and solubility

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  1. Solution Chemistry: Introduction
  2. Key definitions in solution chemistry.
  3. Why are solutions important in chemistry?
  4. Solubility – Introduction.
  5. Saturated and unsaturated solutions.
  1. Recall the key definitions of solution chemistry.
    1. Label the diagram below with the terms solvent, solute, and solution.
      chem11-8-1 Ex1a solution, solvent, solute
    2. Label the diagrams below with the terms soluble and insoluble.
      chem11-8-1 Ex1b soluble, insoluble
  2. Recall how chemists measure solubility of chemical substances.
    What factors need to be mentioned when chemists quote or report a chemical's solubility?
    1. Recall the difference between a saturated and unsaturated solution.
      A student has two glasses of a salt solution, A and B, completely dissolved in water. One of them is saturated and the other is unsaturated.
      1. Using only solid salt, how could the student find out which (A or B) is the saturated solution?
      2. Draw a diagram to show a saturated solution when an excessive amount of solute has been added.
    Topic Notes

    Introduction to Solution Chemistry

    Welcome to the fascinating world of solution chemistry! Solutions play a crucial role in chemical reactions and are fundamental to understanding many processes in chemistry. In this article, we'll explore the basics of solution chemistry, including key concepts like solutes and solvents. Solutions are mixtures where one substance (the solute) is dissolved in another (the solvent). This process is essential in various chemical reactions, from simple everyday occurrences to complex industrial processes. To help you grasp these concepts, we've included an introductory video that explains the fundamental principles of solution chemistry. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refresh your knowledge, this overview will provide a solid foundation for understanding how solutions work in chemical reactions. Join us as we dive into the world of solution chemistry and discover its importance in the broader field of chemistry!

    Fundamentals of Solutions

    Solutions are fundamental to chemistry and play a crucial role in many aspects of our daily lives. Understanding the basic concepts of solutions is essential for anyone studying chemistry or related fields. In this section, we'll explore the key components of solutions, their characteristics, and their importance in chemical reactions in solution.

    A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. The term "homogeneous" means that the mixture is uniform throughout, with no visible boundaries between its components. Solutions are composed of two main parts: the solute and the solvent.

    The solute is the substance that is dissolved in the solution. It is typically present in a smaller amount compared to the solvent. In most cases, the solute is a solid, but it can also be a liquid or a gas. The solvent, on the other hand, is the substance that does the dissolving. It is usually present in a larger quantity and is often a liquid, although it can also be a solid or a gas in some cases.

    To illustrate these concepts, let's consider the common example of salt dissolving in water. In this scenario, salt (sodium chloride) is the solute, and water is the solvent. When salt is added to water, the salt crystals break apart and disperse evenly throughout the water, creating a homogeneous mixture. This process of dissolving is called solvation.

    One of the key characteristics of a solution is that it is evenly dispersed. This means that the solute particles are distributed uniformly throughout the solvent. In our salt water example, if you were to take a sample from any part of the solution, you would find the same concentration of salt. This even distribution is what makes solutions appear clear and transparent, as opposed to suspensions or colloids, which may appear cloudy or opaque.

    Another important feature of solutions is that they form a single phase mixture. This means that once the solute is dissolved, there are no visible boundaries between the solute and solvent. The resulting mixture behaves as a single, uniform substance. This property is what allows solutions to flow easily and why they don't separate over time under normal conditions.

    Solutions play a vital role in chemical reactions in solution. Many reactions occur in solution because the dissolved substances can interact more easily when they are evenly dispersed in a liquid medium. The solvent provides a medium for reactants to come into contact with each other, increasing the likelihood of collisions and subsequent reactions. Additionally, solutions allow for the precise control of concentrations, which is crucial in many chemical processes and applications.

    In the context of chemical reactions in solution, solutions offer several advantages. They facilitate the transfer of heat and allow for better temperature control during reactions. Solutions also enable the easy measurement and mixing of reactants, which is essential for maintaining stoichiometric ratios in chemical reactions. Furthermore, many catalysts work more effectively in solution, as they can more readily interact with the reactants.

    The concept of solutions extends beyond just liquids. Gas mixtures, such as air, can also be considered solutions, where different gases act as both solutes and solvents. Solid solutions, like alloys, are another important category where one solid is dissolved in another.

    Understanding solutions is crucial in various fields beyond chemistry. In biology, many cellular processes occur in aqueous solutions. In environmental science, the study of solutions helps in understanding water pollution and purification. In the pharmaceutical industry, solutions are essential for drug formulation and delivery.

    In conclusion, solutions are homogeneous mixtures composed of solutes dissolved in solvents. They are characterized by being evenly dispersed and forming single phase mixtures. The example of salt dissolving in water illustrates these concepts clearly. Solutions are fundamental to chemical reactions in solution, providing a medium for substances to interact and react efficiently. Their importance extends across various scientific disciplines and industries, making them a crucial topic in the study of chemistry and related fields.

    Importance of Solutions in Chemical Reactions

    Solutions in chemical reactions play a crucial role in chemical reactions, serving as the medium that facilitates and accelerates countless processes in chemistry and biology. Understanding why solutions in chemical reactions are so important for chemical reactions requires delving into the fundamental principles of reaction kinetics and solution chemistry.

    At the heart of chemical reactions is the collision between particles. For a reaction to occur, reactant particles must come into contact with sufficient energy to break existing bonds and form new ones. Solutions provide an ideal environment for these collisions to take place efficiently. When substances are dissolved in a solvent, they are broken down into individual molecules or ions, which are then free to move throughout the solution.

    This increased mobility of particles in solution is a key factor in promoting chemical reactions. Compared to reactions between solids or gases, solutions offer several advantages:

    • Increased surface area: In a solution, reactant particles are dispersed throughout the liquid, maximizing the potential contact area between different species.
    • Enhanced mobility: Dissolved particles can move freely in the solvent, increasing the likelihood of collisions.
    • Uniform distribution: Solutions ensure that reactants are evenly distributed, leading to more consistent reaction rates throughout the mixture.

    To visualize this concept, imagine a beaker of water with salt and sugar dissolved in it. The water molecules surround the individual ions of salt (Na+ and Cl-) and the molecules of sugar, keeping them separated and allowing them to move freely. This arrangement significantly increases the chances of these particles colliding and potentially reacting with other substances added to the solution.

    In contrast, consider a reaction between two solid substances. The particles in solids are tightly packed and have limited mobility. Reactions can only occur at the interface where the two solids touch, severely limiting the reaction rate. Similarly, while gases have high particle mobility, their low density means fewer collisions compared to liquids.

    Solutions also play a critical role in enabling reactions that would otherwise be difficult or impossible. Many substances that do not react in their pure form can undergo reactions when dissolved in a suitable solvent. This is because the solvent can:

    • Break down ionic compounds into their constituent ions
    • Weaken or break intermolecular forces in molecules
    • Provide a medium for electron transfer in redox reactions
    • Stabilize reaction intermediates or transition states

    A prime example of the importance of solutions in chemical reactions is the field of electrochemistry. In a typical electrochemical cell, redox reactions occur between species in solution, facilitated by the movement of ions through the electrolyte solution. Without this aqueous medium, the flow of electrons and the overall reaction would not be possible.

    Furthermore, solutions are essential in biological systems. The cytoplasm of cells is essentially a complex aqueous solution where countless biochemical reactions take place. Enzymes, which are crucial for catalyzing biological reactions, often require an aqueous environment to function properly. The blood in our bodies is another example of a solution that enables the transport of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products throughout the organism.

    In industrial and laboratory settings, solutions are indispensable for controlling reaction rates and yields. By adjusting factors such as concentration, temperature, and pH of solutions, chemists can fine-tune reactions to achieve desired outcomes. This level of control is much harder to achieve with solid or gaseous reactants.

    The study of reaction kinetics in solutions has led to the development of important theories and models in chemistry. The collision theory and transition state theory, for instance, provide frameworks for understanding how reactions proceed at the molecular level in solution. These theories help explain phenomena such as activation energy, reaction rates, and the effect of catalysts.

    In conclusion, solutions are fundamental to chemical reactions, providing an environment that promotes particle collisions, increases reaction rates, and enables a wide range of chemical processes. From the simplest acid-base reactions to complex biochemical pathways, solutions serve as the stage upon which the drama of molecular interactions unfolds. As we continue to explore and manipulate chemical reactions in various fields, from materials science to pharmaceutical development, the increased surface area in solutions will remain a key factor in our understanding and application of chemistry.

    Solubility and Factors Affecting It

    Solubility is a fundamental concept in chemistry that refers to the ability of a substance (solute) to dissolve in another substance (solvent) to form a homogeneous solution. Understanding solubility is crucial in various fields, from pharmaceuticals to environmental science. One of the key principles governing solubility is the concept of "like dissolves like," which states that substances with similar chemical properties tend to dissolve in each other.

    The "like dissolves like" principle is based on the polarity of molecules. Polar substances, such as water, tend to dissolve other polar substances or ionic compounds. For example, table salt (sodium chloride) readily dissolves in water because both are polar. On the other hand, nonpolar substances, like oil, dissolve in nonpolar solvents such as gasoline or hexane. This principle explains why oil and water don't mix their polarities are too different.

    Several factors affect solubility, with temperature being one of the most significant. For most solid solutes, solubility increases with temperature. This is why hot tea can hold more dissolved sugar than iced tea. However, for gases, the opposite is true their solubility generally decreases as temperature rises. This is why carbonated drinks lose their fizz faster when warm.

    The type of solvent plays a crucial role in determining solubility. Water, often called the "universal solvent," can dissolve many substances due to its polar nature and ability to form hydrogen bonds. Other solvents, like ethanol or acetone, have different properties that affect their ability to dissolve various solutes. The chemical structure of both the solvent and solute determines their compatibility and, consequently, the solubility.

    The quantities of solute and solvent also impact solubility. There's a limit to how much solute can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a specific temperature. This limit is called the saturation point. Once this point is reached, adding more solute will not increase the concentration of the solution; instead, the excess solute will remain undissolved.

    Examples of soluble substances include common table salt (NaCl) in water, sugar in water, and ethanol in water. These substances readily dissolve to form homogeneous solutions. On the other hand, insoluble substances do not dissolve significantly in a given solvent. Examples include sand in water, oil in water, and chalk in water. These substances form heterogeneous mixtures rather than solutions.

    Interpreting solubility data is essential for practical applications. Solubility is often expressed in terms of grams of solute per liter of solvent at a specific temperature. For instance, the solubility of sodium chloride in water at 20°C is about 360 grams per liter. This means that at 20°C, one liter of water can dissolve up to 360 grams of salt before reaching saturation. Understanding these values helps in predicting the behavior of substances in various conditions and in designing processes that involve solutions.

    Solubility curves are graphical representations that show how the solubility of a substance changes with temperature. These curves are valuable tools for visualizing and predicting solubility under different conditions. They typically show temperature on the x-axis and solubility (often in grams per 100 mL of solvent) on the y-axis. The shape of the curve can vary significantly between different substances, reflecting their unique solubility characteristics.

    In practical applications, understanding solubility is crucial. In the pharmaceutical industry, it affects drug formulation and bioavailability. In environmental science, it's important for understanding the transport of pollutants in water systems. In everyday life, it explains phenomena like why certain stains are hard to remove with water alone or why certain cleaning products are more effective for specific types of dirt.

    The concept of solubility extends beyond simple solutions. In more complex systems, such as in biological environments, factors like pH, pressure, and the presence of other dissolved substances can significantly affect solubility. This complexity is why understanding solubility principles is so important in fields like biochemistry and materials science.

    Saturated and Unsaturated Solutions

    Understanding the concepts of saturated and unsaturated solutions is crucial in chemistry and everyday life. A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances, where one substance (the solute) is dissolved in another (the solvent). The concepts of saturation and unsaturation relate to the amount of solute that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent under specific conditions.

    A saturated solution is one that contains the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent at a particular temperature and pressure. At this point, the solution has reached its solubility limit, and any additional solute added will not dissolve but instead precipitate out or remain undissolved. On the other hand, an unsaturated solution is one that can still dissolve more solute, as it contains less than the maximum amount of solute that the solvent can hold under the given conditions.

    To determine if a solution is saturated, one can attempt to add more solute to the solution. If the additional solute dissolves, the original solution was unsaturated. However, if the added solute does not dissolve and instead settles at the bottom or floats on top, the solution is saturated. This simple test provides a practical way to assess the saturation status of a solution.

    The relationship between saturation and solubility is direct and fundamental. Solubility refers to the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a specific temperature and pressure. When a solution reaches this maximum concentration, it becomes saturated. The solubility of a substance can vary greatly depending on the nature of the solute and solvent, as well as external factors like temperature and pressure.

    Temperature plays a significant role in affecting the saturation point of a solution, particularly for solid solutes in liquid solvents. In most cases, as temperature increases, the solubility of solid solutes in liquids also increases. This is because higher temperatures provide more energy to break the intermolecular bonds in the solute, allowing more particles to dissolve in the solvent. For example, sugar dissolves more readily in hot tea than in cold water. This principle is widely used in various applications, from making sweet iced tea to industrial crystallization processes.

    However, it's important to note that the effect of temperature on solubility is not universal for all substances. Gases, for instance, generally become less soluble in liquids as temperature increases. This is why carbonated beverages lose their fizz more quickly when warm, as the dissolved carbon dioxide escapes more readily at higher temperatures.

    A classic example of how temperature affects solubility is the dissolution of salt (sodium chloride) in water. At room temperature, about 36 grams of salt can dissolve in 100 mL of water. If we heat this saturated solution, more salt can dissolve, making it unsaturated again. Conversely, if we cool a saturated salt solution, some of the dissolved salt will crystallize out, as the solution becomes supersaturated at the lower temperature.

    Understanding these concepts has practical applications in various fields. In the pharmaceutical industry, knowledge of solubility and saturation is crucial for developing drug formulations and determining proper dosages. In environmental science, these principles help explain phenomena like the dissolved oxygen levels in water bodies, which are critical for aquatic life and are affected by temperature changes. In the food industry, controlling saturation and solubility is essential in processes like candy making, where sugar solutions are heated to specific temperatures to achieve desired textures and prevent crystallization.

    In conclusion, the concepts of saturated and unsaturated solutions, along with their relationship to solubility and temperature effects, are fundamental in understanding solution chemistry. These principles not only explain everyday phenomena but also have significant applications in various scientific and industrial processes. By grasping these concepts, one can better appreciate the complex interactions between substances in solution and how external factors like temperature can dramatically influence these interactions.

    Applications of Solution Chemistry

    Solution chemistry plays a crucial role in various fields, with its principles and concepts finding practical applications in pharmaceuticals, environmental science, and industrial processes. Understanding the behavior of solutions is essential for developing effective products, treating water, and managing chemical processes across different sectors.

    In the pharmaceutical industry, solution chemistry is fundamental to drug development and formulation. Researchers rely on solubility principles to create medications that can be easily absorbed by the body. For instance, designing oral medications requires a deep understanding of how drugs dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract. By manipulating factors like pH and using solubility enhancers, pharmaceutical scientists can improve drug bioavailability and efficacy. Additionally, solution chemistry is vital in developing liquid medications, such as syrups and injectable solutions, ensuring proper drug concentration and stability.

    Environmental science heavily relies on solution chemistry for water treatment and pollution control. Water purification processes, such as coagulation and flocculation, involve manipulating the solubility of contaminants to remove them from water sources. Understanding the solubility of various pollutants helps environmental scientists develop effective strategies for cleaning up contaminated sites. For example, in soil remediation, solution chemistry principles are applied to extract heavy metals or organic pollutants using appropriate solvents or chelating agents.

    In industrial processes, solution chemistry is indispensable for optimizing production and ensuring product quality. The petrochemical industry, for instance, uses solution chemistry concepts in the extraction and refining of oil. Solvent extraction techniques are employed to separate desired components from crude oil, while understanding the solubility of various hydrocarbons is crucial for producing high-quality fuels and lubricants. In the food and beverage industry, solution chemistry is essential for developing flavors, preservatives, and ensuring proper dissolution of ingredients in products like soft drinks and sauces.

    The mining industry also benefits significantly from solution chemistry applications. Hydrometallurgy, a process used to extract metals from ores, relies heavily on understanding the solubility of metal compounds in various solutions. Leaching processes, where metals are dissolved from ores using specific solvents, are designed based on solution chemistry principles to maximize extraction efficiency while minimizing environmental impact.

    In the field of materials science, solution chemistry is crucial for developing advanced materials like polymers and nanomaterials. The synthesis of these materials often involves precise control of solution conditions to achieve desired properties. For example, in the production of nanoparticles, understanding how different factors affect nucleation and growth in solution is essential for controlling particle size and shape.

    The textile industry also utilizes solution chemistry in dyeing processes. The effectiveness of dyes and their ability to bond with fabrics depend on factors like solubility and pH, which are fundamental concepts in solution chemistry. By manipulating these factors, textile manufacturers can achieve vibrant, long-lasting colors and improve the overall quality of their products.

    In agriculture, solution chemistry principles are applied in the development and application of fertilizers and pesticides. Understanding how these chemicals dissolve and interact with soil and plants is crucial for optimizing crop yields while minimizing environmental impact. Controlled-release fertilizers, for instance, are designed based on solubility principles to provide nutrients to plants over extended periods.

    The cosmetics industry relies heavily on solution chemistry for formulating products like shampoos, lotions, and makeup. Creating stable emulsions, suspensions, and solutions that maintain their properties over time requires a deep understanding of how different ingredients interact in solution. This knowledge is essential for developing products that are effective, safe, and have a long shelf life.

    In conclusion, the applications of solution chemistry are vast and diverse, touching nearly every aspect of modern life. From developing life-saving medications to cleaning our environment and producing everyday consumer goods, the principles of solution chemistry are at work. As we continue to face new challenges in healthcare, environmental protection, and industrial innovation, the importance of solution chemistry will only grow. By relating these practical applications back to the fundamental concepts of solubility, concentration, and solution behavior, we can appreciate the far-reaching impact of this field and its continued relevance in addressing global issues and advancing technology.


    In this article, we've explored the fascinating world of solution chemistry, delving into key concepts such as solubility, chemical reactions, and their real-world applications. Understanding these principles is crucial for anyone interested in chemistry or related fields. The introduction video provided a visual representation of these concepts, helping to solidify your understanding. Solution chemistry plays a vital role in various industries, from pharmaceuticals to environmental science. We've seen how factors like temperature and pressure affect solubility, and how chemical reactions in solutions drive many processes we encounter daily. As you continue your chemistry journey, we encourage you to explore these topics further. Try conducting simple experiments at home to observe solution chemistry in action, or research more advanced applications in fields that interest you. By mastering these fundamental concepts, you'll be well-equipped to tackle more complex chemical challenges in the future.

    Solution Chemistry: Introduction

    Solution Chemistry: Introduction Key definitions in solution chemistry.

    Step 1: Understanding the Importance of Solution Chemistry

    Solution chemistry is a fundamental aspect of chemistry that deals with the study of solutions and their properties. Solutions are homogeneous mixtures composed of two or more substances. The importance of solution chemistry lies in the fact that many chemical reactions occur in solutions. Understanding the behavior of solutes and solvents in a solution is crucial for predicting the outcomes of these reactions. This step involves recognizing the significance of solutions in chemical processes and why they are essential for various applications in chemistry.

    Step 2: Key Definitions in Solution Chemistry

    To grasp the concepts of solution chemistry, it is important to familiarize yourself with some key definitions:

    • Solution: A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. In a solution, the solute is uniformly distributed within the solvent.
    • Solute: The substance that is dissolved in a solvent to form a solution. The solute is present in a smaller quantity compared to the solvent.
    • Solvent: The substance in which the solute is dissolved. The solvent is present in a larger quantity and determines the phase of the solution.
    • Solubility: The ability of a solute to dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature and pressure. Solubility is influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure, and the nature of the solute and solvent.
    • Homogeneous Mixture: A mixture in which the components are evenly distributed throughout the solution, resulting in a single phase.

    Step 3: Example of a Solution

    To illustrate the concept of a solution, consider a simple example involving water and salt. When salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) is added to water, it dissolves and forms a homogeneous mixture. Initially, water and salt are two distinct substances with their own properties. However, when salt is dissolved in water, the salt particles disperse evenly throughout the water, creating a solution. This solution exhibits different properties compared to the individual components (water and salt) due to the interaction between the solute and solvent.

    Step 4: Properties of Solutions

    Solutions have unique properties that distinguish them from their individual components. Some key properties of solutions include:

    • Uniform Composition: Solutions have a uniform composition, meaning the solute is evenly distributed throughout the solvent.
    • Single Phase: Solutions exist in a single phase, either liquid, solid, or gas, depending on the solvent.
    • Variable Composition: The concentration of solute in a solution can vary, allowing for different strengths of solutions.
    • Colligative Properties: Solutions exhibit colligative properties, such as boiling point elevation and freezing point depression, which depend on the number of solute particles rather than their identity.

    Step 5: Factors Affecting Solubility

    Several factors influence the solubility of a solute in a solvent:

    • Temperature: Generally, the solubility of solids in liquids increases with temperature, while the solubility of gases in liquids decreases with temperature.
    • Pressure: The solubility of gases in liquids is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas above the liquid (Henry's Law).
    • Nature of Solute and Solvent: The chemical nature of the solute and solvent, including their polarity and intermolecular forces, affects solubility. Like dissolves like, meaning polar solutes dissolve in polar solvents, and nonpolar solutes dissolve in nonpolar solvents.

    Step 6: Conclusion

    Understanding the key definitions and concepts in solution chemistry is essential for comprehending how solutions behave and interact in various chemical processes. Solutions play a crucial role in many chemical reactions, and their properties and behavior are influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure, and the nature of the solute and solvent. By mastering these fundamental concepts, you can better predict and control the outcomes of chemical reactions involving solutions.


    1. What is a solution in simple words?

      A solution is a homogeneous mixture where one substance (the solute) is dissolved in another substance (the solvent). For example, when sugar dissolves in water, it forms a solution. The sugar is the solute, and water is the solvent.

    2. What is a solution example?

      Common examples of solutions include salt water, coffee, and air. In salt water, salt (solute) is dissolved in water (solvent). Coffee is a solution of various compounds extracted from coffee beans dissolved in water. Air is a solution of different gases like nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.

    3. What best describes a solution in chemistry?

      In chemistry, a solution is best described as a homogeneous mixture at the molecular level, where the solute is uniformly distributed throughout the solvent. It forms a single phase and its composition can be varied within certain limits.

    4. What is solution and mixture?

      A solution is a type of mixture, but not all mixtures are solutions. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically bonded. A solution is a specific type of mixture where one substance (solute) is completely dissolved in another (solvent), forming a homogeneous mixture.

    5. How does temperature affect solubility?

      Temperature generally affects solubility in two ways: For most solid solutes, increasing temperature increases solubility. This is why sugar dissolves more easily in hot tea. For gases, however, increasing temperature typically decreases solubility. This is why carbonated drinks lose their fizz faster when warm.

    Prerequisite Topics

    Before delving into the fascinating world of solution chemistry and solubility, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. One of the most important areas to understand is the Introduction to kinetics. This fundamental concept plays a significant role in comprehending the behavior of substances in solutions and their solubility characteristics.

    Understanding reaction kinetics in solutions is essential when studying solution chemistry and solubility. The rate at which chemical reactions occur in solutions directly impacts the dissolution process and the formation of precipitates. By grasping the principles of kinetics, students can better predict and explain the behavior of various substances when they are introduced into solvents.

    The Introduction to kinetics provides valuable insights into factors that influence reaction rates, such as concentration, temperature, and the presence of catalysts. These factors are equally important in solution chemistry, as they affect the speed at which solutes dissolve and the maximum amount of substance that can be dissolved in a given solvent.

    Moreover, kinetics concepts help explain the dynamic equilibrium that exists in saturated solutions. Understanding how forward and reverse reactions reach a balance is crucial for grasping the principles of solubility equilibrium and the factors that can shift this equilibrium. This knowledge is particularly useful when dealing with topics like solubility product constants and precipitation reactions.

    The study of reaction kinetics also introduces students to important mathematical models and equations that are applicable to solution chemistry. These tools are invaluable for quantifying and predicting solubility behavior, making calculations related to concentration changes over time, and analyzing the effects of various factors on dissolution rates.

    Furthermore, the Introduction to kinetics lays the groundwork for understanding more advanced topics in solution chemistry, such as the kinetics of complex ion formation and the rates of precipitation reactions. These concepts are crucial for students pursuing further studies in analytical chemistry, environmental science, and chemical engineering.

    By mastering the principles of kinetics, students will be better equipped to tackle the challenges presented in solution chemistry and solubility. They will have the tools to analyze and predict the behavior of substances in various solvents, understand the factors that influence solubility, and apply this knowledge to real-world scenarios in both academic and industrial settings.

    In conclusion, a strong grasp of reaction kinetics is indispensable for anyone looking to excel in the study of solution chemistry and solubility. It provides the necessary framework for understanding the dynamic processes that occur in solutions and sets the stage for exploring more complex phenomena in this fascinating field of chemistry.

    In this lesson, we will learn:
    • What a solution is and the definitions around it.
    • Why most chemical reactions are done in solutions and why they are useful.
    • The definitions of solubility and factors that affect it.

    • Solutions are important in chemistry because most chemical reactions and processes are done with the reactants dissolved in solutions. There are good reasons for this that will be revealed throughout this chapter.

    • A solution is a single-phase homogenous (evenly spread) mixture of two components called the solvent and the solute:
      • The solvent is the chemical in larger amount – its greater number of molecules surround the dispersed, outnumbered solute. Chemists say that a solvent dissolves a solute.
      • The solute is the chemical in smaller amount – its smaller quantity means individual molecules of solute are dispersed throughout the solvent molecules and surrounded by them. Chemists say a solute is dissolved by a solvent.

    • The diagram below illustrates the definitions above. Remember a few key points below:
      • The solvent is also made of molecules, only in much greater numbers than the solute, easily in 1:1000 ratio of solute to solvent, and normally larger than this!
      • Solute particles are far too small to be visible when dissolved. Diagrams showing them visible are just for illustration!
      solution, solvent, solute

    • In a solution, the solute (e.g. chemical A) molecules are so outnumbered by the solvent (chemical B) molecules, that we can think of each individual chemical A molecule as fully exposed to the chemical B molecules and anything else that might be dissolved in chemical B as well – all particles are colliding with energy into one another.
      • This is extremely useful for chemicals that are solids at room temperature! By dissolving them, we can get them to 'behave' like liquids without melting them, which might have needed very high temperatures. Then, reactions can be done with them.

    • The solution 'state' allows atoms and molecules to collide with each other freely at mild conditions as if they were liquids. This is extremely useful in chemistry! Think about chemical A and chemical B reacting in the following situations:
      • Chemicals A and B are both solids: Particles in solids are very close together and tightly packed. Very few particles of A and B will be making contact with each other at any one time and so the reaction is extremely slow.
      • Chemicals A and B are both gases: Gas particles are very high in energy and will spread through space very quickly. The reactants will not collide with each other much and will escape the reaction vessel unless it is air tight.
      • Chemicals A and B are both liquids: This is an advantage, but the two chemicals might not be able to mix together – they may be immiscible. If they are then the chemicals form two separate layers where A and B particles are generally not colliding with each other.

    • Solubility is the amount of a substance that can dissolve in a specific amount of another substance at a specific temperature. Whether a chemical can dissolve in another chemical and make a solution is largely to do with intermolecular forces acting between the molecules. A well-known phrase to explain solubility is "like dissolves like."
    • This means a chemical that is polar – one that has hydrogen bonding – will dissolve other polar molecules and other polar molecules will dissolve it.
      In the same way, less polar chemicals – those displaying just van der Waals intermolecular forces – will dissolve other non-polar chemicals and vice versa.
      There are a number of factors that affect solubility and when you report solubility they must all be mentioned!
      • The solute used, and the quantity of solute
      • The solvent used, and the quantity of solvent
      • The temperature the solution is made at.
      A typical solubility measurement might read "250g / 1L H2O, 25°C" – this means that for every liter of water solvent, 250g of the solute will dissolve at 25°C. Changing any of those factors will change solubility of your solution.

    • As stated above, like dissolves like:
      • If a compound doesn't dissolve in a solvent we say it is insoluble. For example, when a non-polar compound and a polar compound are mixed together, they will not dissolve the other because of the different intermolecular forces between their molecules.
      • If a compound does dissolve in a solvent we say it is soluble in the solvent. For example, if two polar or two non-polar compounds were mixed together, their similar intermolecular forces would enable a solution to form.

    • A solution is made in a way that the amount of solvent is much greater than the solute it is dissolving – if there is too much solute added or not enough solvent it becomes a saturated solution. Saturation, then, is when a solution has dissolved the maximum amount of solute possible.
      • An unsaturated solution is a solution that is able to dissolve more solute – it is not saturated.
      • A saturated solution is a solution that cannot dissolve any more solute if it was added – like a sponge saturated with water, it is saturated with solute! If your solution is saturated, you need to add more solvent before you can add any more solute.
    • When chemicals are dissolved they often show different properties to their undissolved state. This is particularly true of ionic compounds which can conduct electricity only in solution!