Chemical cells

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  1. What is an electrochemical cell?
  2. Electricity and chemistry
  3. Key features of a chemical cell.
  4. How does redox occur in a cell?
  1. Apply the idea of cell potential to predict the flow of electrons in chemical cells.
    1. Two solutions are connected to form an electrochemical cell:
      • Ag metal in AgNO3 solution
      • Sn metal in SnCl2 solution

        Draw a chemical cell showing the cathode, anode and the direction of electron flow in this electrochemical cell. Which metal is being oxidised and which is being reduced?
      • Two solutions are connected to form an electrochemical cell:
        • Ni metal in NiCl2 solution
        • Zn metal in Zn(NO3)2 solution

          Draw a chemical cell showing the cathode, anode and the direction of electron flow in this electrochemical cell.
Topic Notes

Introduction to Chemical Cells

Welcome to our exploration of chemical cells, a fascinating topic in electrochemistry. Our introduction video provides an engaging overview of this subject, setting the stage for a deeper understanding. Chemical cells, also known as electrochemical cells, are devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy or vice versa. This lesson will delve into the basic function and key features of these remarkable systems. We'll examine how different materials interact to produce electricity, the role of electrolytes, and the importance of electrodes. You'll discover how chemical cells power everything from your smartphone to electric vehicles. By understanding the principles behind chemical cells, you'll gain insight into a technology that's crucial to our modern world. Whether you're a student, hobbyist, or just curious about science, this introduction to chemical cells will provide a solid foundation for further learning.

Understanding Electrochemistry

Electricity and chemistry might seem like two distinct fields, but they share a fascinating relationship that forms the basis of electrochemistry. This branch of science explores the conversion of chemical potential energy into electrical energy, and vice versa. To understand this concept, let's dive into the world of electrochemistry and uncover its fundamental principles.

At its core, electrochemistry is all about the transfer of electrons between different substances. Imagine a bustling city where people (electrons) are constantly moving from one place to another. In this analogy, the movement of people represents the flow of electrons, which is essentially what we call electricity. Now, picture these people carrying valuable goods (energy) as they move. This transfer of both people and goods is similar to how electrochemistry works it's not just about electron movement, but also about energy transfer.

Central to electrochemistry are redox reactions, short for reduction-oxidation reactions. These chemical processes involve the transfer of electrons between species. To simplify this concept, think of a see-saw in a playground. When one side goes up (loses electrons), the other side must come down (gains electrons). In a redox reaction, one substance is oxidized (loses electrons) while another is reduced (gains electrons).

Let's use a common example to illustrate this: a battery. In a typical battery, chemical reactions occur that release electrons. These electrons then flow through an external circuit, powering our devices. The chemical potential energy stored in the battery's materials is converted into electrical energy that we can use. This process is reversible in rechargeable batteries, where electrical energy is used to restore the chemical potential energy.

To better grasp electron transfer, imagine a game of hot potato. The electrons are like the potato, being passed quickly from one player (atom or molecule) to another. Some players are eager to pass the potato (lose electrons), while others are keen to receive it (gain electrons). This constant exchange creates a flow of electrons, which we harness as electricity.

Electrochemistry has numerous practical applications in our daily lives. From the batteries in our smartphones to the electroplating process used in jewelry making, and even in large-scale industrial processes like the production of aluminum, electrochemistry plays a crucial role. It's also fundamental in developing new energy technologies, such as fuel cells and advanced battery systems for electric vehicles.

Understanding the relationship between electricity and chemistry opens up a world of possibilities. It allows us to store energy in chemical form and release it as electricity when needed. This principle is not only crucial for our current technology but also holds the key to future innovations in renewable energy and sustainable technologies.

In conclusion, electrochemistry bridges the gap between chemical potential energy and electrical energy through the fascinating process of electron transfer. By understanding redox reactions and the principles of electrochemistry, we can better appreciate the technology around us and work towards more efficient and sustainable energy solutions for the future.

Structure of an Electrochemical Cell

An electrochemical cell is a fascinating device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. To understand its structure and function, let's explore the key components: the anode, cathode, salt bridge, and wire. These elements work together in harmony, much like a well-orchestrated rope and pulley system, to facilitate the flow of electrons and generate electricity.

The anode is the negative electrode of the electrochemical cell. It's where oxidation occurs, meaning it's the source of electrons. In our rope and pulley analogy, think of the anode as the starting point of our rope. Here, electrons are "released" into the system, ready to begin their journey. The anode is typically made of a metal that easily gives up electrons, such as zinc or copper, depending on the specific cell design.

On the opposite end, we have the cathode, which serves as the positive electrode. The cathode is where reduction takes place, accepting the electrons that have traveled through the system. In our analogy, the cathode is like the endpoint of our rope, where the "load" is lifted. Materials commonly used for cathodes include metals or metal compounds that readily accept electrons, such as copper or silver.

Connecting these two electrodes is the wire, which acts as the external circuit. This is the path through which electrons flow from the anode to the cathode. In our rope and pulley system, the wire is analogous to the pulley itself. It provides a controlled route for the electrons, directing their movement and allowing us to harness their energy. The wire is typically made of a highly conductive material like copper to minimize resistance and maximize electron flow.

However, for the electrochemical cell to function properly, we need one more crucial component: the salt bridge. This is where our analogy becomes even more interesting. The salt bridge is like the tension in our rope, maintaining balance in the system. It's a semi-permeable membrane or a U-shaped tube filled with an electrolyte solution. The salt bridge serves several vital functions:

1. It completes the circuit by allowing ions to flow between the two half-cells (the separate compartments containing the anode and cathode).

2. It maintains electrical neutrality in both half-cells by allowing specific ions to move in or out as needed.

3. It prevents the direct mixing of the solutions in the two half-cells, which would cause unwanted reactions.

Now, let's put it all together and see how these components work in unison, much like our rope and pulley system. When the cell is connected and operating, electrons are "released" at the anode through oxidation. These electrons then travel through the wire (our pulley) towards the cathode. As they move, they can power an external device, like a light bulb or motor, harnessing their electrical energy.

At the cathode, these electrons are "accepted" through reduction. Meanwhile, the salt bridge maintains the balance of charges in both half-cells, allowing ions to move and complete the circuit. This ion movement in the salt bridge is analogous to the tension in our rope, ensuring smooth and continuous operation of the system.

The beauty of this electrochemical cell structure lies in its efficiency and elegance. Each component plays a crucial role, and their interplay allows for the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy. The anode provides the electrons, the cathode receives them, the wire guides their flow, and the salt bridge maintains the balance necessary for continuous operation.

Understanding this structure is key to grasping the principles of electrochemistry and its numerous applications. From the batteries in our smartphones to large-scale industrial processes, electrochemical cells are at the heart of many technologies we rely on daily. By visualizing the cell as a rope and pulley system, we can better appreciate the flow of electrons and the intricate balance maintained within these remarkable devices.

Half Reactions in Electrochemical Cells

Half reactions are a fundamental concept in understanding electrochemical cells, providing a detailed view of the separate oxidation and reduction processes occurring at each electrode. These reactions are crucial for comprehending the flow of electrons and the overall chemical changes in a cell. By examining half reactions, we can better analyze the behavior of individual species and predict the outcomes of electrochemical processes.

In an electrochemical cell, two half reactions occur simultaneously: oxidation at the anode and reduction at the cathode. Each half reaction represents the loss or gain of electrons by a specific chemical species. To illustrate this concept, let's consider an example using nickel and lead.

For a cell containing nickel and lead electrodes, we can write the following half equations:

Oxidation half reaction (at the anode): Ni(s) Ni²(aq) + 2e

Reduction half reaction (at the cathode): Pb²(aq) + 2e Pb(s)

In the oxidation half reaction, nickel atoms lose two electrons, forming nickel ions. This process occurs at the anode, where oxidation takes place. The electrons released in this reaction flow through the external circuit to the cathode.

At the cathode, the reduction half reaction occurs. Lead ions in solution gain two electrons, forming solid lead. This process represents the reduction half of the cell, where electrons are accepted.

Interpreting these half equations provides valuable insights into the electrochemical process. The arrow direction indicates whether the reaction is proceeding forward (towards products) or backward (towards reactants). The number of electrons involved in each half reaction is crucial for balancing the overall cell reaction and determining the stoichiometry of the process.

It's important to note that half reactions are always written as reductions, even when they represent oxidation processes. This convention allows for easy comparison and combination of half reactions to form complete cell reactions. When using a half reaction to represent an oxidation process, simply reverse the direction of the arrow and change the sign of the standard reduction potential.

Considering the two halves of the cell separately is essential for several reasons:

1. Electrode identification: By examining the half reactions, we can determine which electrode serves as the anode (where oxidation occurs) and which serves as the cathode (where reduction occurs).

2. Electron flow: Understanding the separate half reactions helps visualize the direction of electron flow in the cell, from the anode to the cathode through the external circuit.

3. Cell potential calculation: The standard cell potential can be calculated by combining the standard reduction potentials of the two half reactions, considering their relative positions in the electrochemical series.

4. Predicting spontaneity: By analyzing the half reactions and their associated potentials, we can predict whether a given electrochemical reaction will occur spontaneously or require an external energy input.

5. Balancing complex reactions: For more complex electrochemical systems, breaking down the overall reaction into half reactions simplifies the process of balancing equations and determining stoichiometric relationships.

6. Understanding concentration effects: Half reactions allow us to apply the Nernst equation to each electrode separately, providing insights into how concentration changes affect the cell potential.

In conclusion, half reactions are a powerful tool for understanding and analyzing electrochemical cells. By breaking down complex processes into simpler oxidation and reduction steps, we gain valuable insights into electron transfer, electrode behavior, and overall cell performance. The example of nickel and lead demonstrates how half equations can be written and interpreted, highlighting the importance of considering each electrode's reaction independently. This approach enables scientists and engineers to design more efficient batteries, develop improved electrolysis processes, and advance our understanding of electrochemical phenomena in various applications.

Standard Reduction Potentials

The standard reduction potentials table, also known as the electrochemical series, is a fundamental tool in chemistry that plays a crucial role in predicting the direction of redox reactions. This table provides a systematic arrangement of chemical species based on their tendency to be reduced, offering invaluable insights into the behavior of elements and compounds in electrochemical processes.

At its core, the standard reduction potentials table lists half-reactions and their corresponding standard reduction potentials (E°) measured in volts. These potentials are determined under standard conditions: 25°C, 1 atm pressure, and 1 M concentration for aqueous solutions. The table is typically arranged in descending order of reduction potential, with more positive values at the top and more negative values at the bottom.

The significance of this table lies in its ability to predict the spontaneity and direction of redox reactions. By comparing the relative positions of different species in the table, chemists can determine which substance will act as an oxidizing agent (be reduced) and which will act as a reducing agent (be oxidized) in a given electrochemical cell.

To use the standard reduction potentials table effectively, one must focus on the relative positions of the half-reactions rather than their absolute values. The key principle is that a species higher in the table (more positive E°) will oxidize species below it (more negative E°). Conversely, a species lower in the table will reduce species above it.

For example, when determining which substance will be reduced or oxidized in an electrochemical cell, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the half-reactions for both species in the table.
  2. Compare their positions relative to each other.
  3. The species with the more positive E° (higher in the table) will be reduced, while the species with the more negative E° (lower in the table) will be oxidized.

It's important to note that the standard reduction potentials table does not provide absolute values for the reducing or oxidizing power of a species. Instead, it offers a comparative framework. The relative positions in the table are what matter most when predicting redox behavior.

This concept is particularly useful in various applications, such as:

  • Designing and optimizing batteries and fuel cells
  • Predicting corrosion processes in materials science
  • Understanding biological electron transport chains
  • Developing electroplating techniques in industry

By mastering the use of the standard reduction potentials table, chemists and engineers can make informed decisions about material selection, process design, and reaction conditions in a wide range of electrochemical applications. The table serves as a powerful predictive tool, enabling the calculation of cell potentials, determination of reaction spontaneity, and estimation of the extent of redox reactions.

In conclusion, the standard reduction potentials table is an indispensable resource in the field of electrochemistry. Its ability to predict the direction of redox reactions based on the relative positions of species makes it a cornerstone of understanding and manipulating electron transfer processes. By focusing on the comparative nature of the table rather than absolute values, scientists can unlock a wealth of information about the behavior of elements and compounds in electrochemical systems, paving the way for innovations in energy storage, materials science, and beyond.

Applying Electrochemical Principles

Electrochemistry is a fascinating field that combines the principles of chemistry and electricity to explain and predict the behavior of electrochemical cells. By understanding these principles, we can determine which electrode acts as the anode and which as the cathode, as well as predict the direction of electron flow and chemical reactions within the cell. Let's explore these concepts using the nickel-lead example and see how Le Chatelier's principle applies to electrochemical systems.

To begin, let's consider an electrochemical cell consisting of nickel and lead electrodes. The first step in analyzing this cell is to determine which electrode will serve as the anode and which as the cathode. This determination is crucial as it dictates the direction of electron flow and the overall cell reaction. To make this assessment, we need to compare the standard reduction potentials of nickel and lead.

The standard reduction potential for nickel (Ni² + 2e Ni) is -0.25 V, while for lead (Pb² + 2e Pb) it is -0.13 V. The more positive reduction potential indicates a greater tendency to be reduced, meaning it will act as the cathode. In this case, lead has the more positive reduction potential, so it will be the cathode, and nickel will be the anode.

Once we've identified the anode and cathode, we can predict the direction of electron flow. Electrons always flow from the anode to the cathode in an electrochemical cell. In our nickel-lead example, electrons will flow from the nickel electrode (anode) to the lead electrode (cathode) through the external circuit.

The overall cell reaction can be determined by combining the half-reactions for each electrode. At the nickel anode, oxidation occurs: Ni Ni² + 2e. At the lead cathode, reduction takes place: Pb² + 2e Pb. The overall cell reaction is therefore: Ni + Pb² Ni² + Pb.

Now, let's consider how Le Chatelier's principle applies to electrochemical cells. This principle states that when a system at equilibrium is disturbed, it will shift to counteract the disturbance and establish a new equilibrium. In the context of electrochemical cells, this principle helps us understand how changes in concentration effects on cell potential, temperature, or pressure can affect the cell's behavior.

For example, if we increase the concentration of Pb² ions in our nickel-lead cell, Le Chatelier's principle predicts that the system will shift to consume these excess ions. This means the reduction of Pb² at the cathode will be favored, driving the overall cell reaction forward and increasing the cell potential.

Conversely, if we increase the concentration of Ni² ions, the system will shift to oppose this change. The oxidation of nickel at the anode will be less favored, potentially decreasing the cell potential. These concentration effects on cell potential demonstrate how Le Chatelier's principle can be applied to predict and explain changes in electrochemical cell behavior.

Temperature changes also impact electrochemical cells. Generally, increasing temperature enhances the rate of both the forward and reverse reactions. However, the effect on cell potential depends on the entropy change of the reaction. If the reaction is endothermic (positive entropy change), increasing temperature will increase the cell potential. For exothermic reactions (negative entropy change), the opposite is true.

Pressure effects are typically only significant for reactions involving gases. In such cases, increasing pressure will favor the reaction that produces fewer gas molecules, again following Le Chatelier's principle.

Understanding these electrochemical principles allows us to predict and explain various phenomena in electrochemical cells. For instance, we can anticipate how the cell potential will change as the reaction progresses and ion concentrations shift. We can also design more efficient batteries and fuel cells by optimizing conditions based on these principles.

In conclusion, applying electrochemical principles to predict and explain the behavior of electrochemical cells involves determining the anode and cathode based on reduction potentials, understanding


In this lesson, we explored the fundamental principles of electrochemical cells, providing a solid foundation for understanding their structure and function. We delved into the concept of half reactions, which are crucial for comprehending the electron transfer processes occurring within chemical cells. The introduction of standard reduction potentials allowed us to predict and analyze the behavior of various electrochemical systems. The introductory video played a vital role in offering a visual representation of these abstract concepts, enhancing our understanding of electrochemical principles. As we conclude, it's essential to recognize the importance of applying these concepts to real-world scenarios. By mastering the basics of chemical cells, half reactions, and standard reduction potentials, you're now equipped to analyze and predict the behavior of diverse electrochemical cells. This knowledge forms the cornerstone for further exploration in the field of electrochemistry and its numerous applications in technology and industry.

What is an electrochemical cell?

Electricity and chemistry

Step 1: Introduction to Electrochemical Cells

Welcome to the lesson on electrochemical cells. In this section, we will explore the fundamental concept of an electrochemical cell. An electrochemical cell is a device that converts chemical potential energy into electrical energy through a redox reaction. This process involves the movement of electrons from one chemical substance to another, resulting in the generation of electricity.

Step 2: Understanding the Relationship Between Electricity and Chemistry

To understand electrochemical cells, it is essential to grasp the relationship between electricity and chemistry. Electrochemistry is the study of how chemical potential energy can be transformed into electrical energy. Chemical potential energy is the energy stored within chemicals that has not yet been released. When a chemical reaction occurs, this potential energy is converted into electrical energy through the movement of electrons.

Step 3: Breaking Down the Term "Electrochemical"

The term "electrochemical" can be broken down into two parts: "electro" and "chemical." "Electro" refers to electricity, while "chemical" pertains to the substances involved in the reaction. By understanding these components, we can better comprehend the function of an electrochemical cell, which involves the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy.

Step 4: Key Features of an Electrochemical Cell

Electrochemical cells have several key features that facilitate the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy. These features include:

  • Electrodes: These are conductive materials that allow electrons to enter or exit the cell. There are typically two electrodes: the anode (where oxidation occurs) and the cathode (where reduction occurs).
  • Electrolyte: This is a solution that contains ions and facilitates the movement of electrons between the electrodes.
  • External Circuit: This is a pathway that allows electrons to flow from the anode to the cathode, generating an electric current.

Step 5: The Redox Process

The redox process is central to the operation of an electrochemical cell. Redox stands for reduction-oxidation, which are two complementary chemical reactions. In oxidation, a substance loses electrons, while in reduction, a substance gains electrons. These reactions occur simultaneously in an electrochemical cell, allowing for the transfer of electrons and the generation of electricity.

Step 6: Converting Chemical Potential Energy

In an electrochemical cell, chemical potential energy is converted into electrical energy through the redox process. When the reactants in the cell undergo a chemical reaction, bonds are broken, and new bonds are formed. This process releases energy, which is then harnessed as electrical energy. The movement of electrons from one reactant to another is what generates the electric current.

Step 7: The Role of the Battery

In a chemical cell, the battery serves as the source of energy. The battery supplies the initial energy required to break the bonds of the reactants. Once the bonds are broken, new bonds are formed, releasing energy that is converted into electrical energy. The battery in a chemical cell is essentially the chemical bonds of the reactants, which store potential energy until the reaction occurs.

Step 8: Comparing Chemical Cells to Electrical Circuits

Electrochemical cells can be compared to electrical circuits in physics. Both systems involve the movement of electrons to generate electricity. In an electrical circuit, wires carry the electrons, while in a chemical cell, solutions containing ions facilitate the movement of electrons. The key difference is that chemical cells use chemical reactions to generate the electric current, whereas electrical circuits rely on an external power source.

Step 9: Summary and Key Takeaways

In summary, an electrochemical cell is a device that converts chemical potential energy into electrical energy through a redox reaction. The key features of an electrochemical cell include electrodes, an electrolyte, and an external circuit. The redox process involves the transfer of electrons from one reactant to another, generating an electric current. The battery in a chemical cell is the chemical bonds of the reactants, which store potential energy until the reaction occurs. By understanding these concepts, we can better appreciate the relationship between electricity and chemistry in electrochemical cells.


  1. What is a chemical cell or galvanic cell?

    A chemical cell, also known as a galvanic cell, is an electrochemical device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. It consists of two half-cells, each containing an electrode and an electrolyte, connected by a salt bridge or porous barrier. The spontaneous redox reaction between the two half-cells generates an electric current.

  2. What are the two types of chemical cells?

    The two main types of chemical cells are:

    • Galvanic (or Voltaic) cells: These spontaneously produce electricity from chemical reactions.
    • Electrolytic cells: These use electrical energy to drive non-spontaneous chemical reactions.
  3. What is the difference between electrolysis and chemical cells?

    Electrolysis uses electrical energy to drive non-spontaneous chemical reactions, while chemical cells (specifically galvanic cells) spontaneously produce electrical energy from chemical reactions. Electrolysis is a process that occurs in electrolytic cells, whereas chemical cells typically refer to galvanic cells that generate electricity.

  4. What is the principle of a chemical cell?

    The principle of a chemical cell is based on the separation of oxidation and reduction half-reactions. This separation allows electrons to flow through an external circuit, generating an electric current. The cell utilizes the difference in reduction potentials between two half-cells to produce electrical energy from chemical reactions.

  5. How do standard reduction potentials help in predicting cell behavior?

    Standard reduction potentials help predict cell behavior by indicating the relative tendency of species to be reduced. In a chemical cell, the half-reaction with the more positive reduction potential will be the cathode (reduction), while the one with the more negative potential will be the anode (oxidation). This information allows us to determine the direction of electron flow and calculate the overall cell potential.

Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Chemical Cells

When delving into the fascinating world of chemical cells, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. These fundamental concepts not only enhance your understanding but also provide the necessary context for grasping the intricacies of chemical cells. Two key areas that are particularly relevant are electric potential and electric potential energy and calculating cell potential in voltaic cells.

Understanding electric potential and electric potential energy is fundamental to comprehending how chemical cells function. This concept is closely related to chemical potential energy, which plays a vital role in the operation of chemical cells. In a chemical cell, the difference in electric potential between two electrodes drives the flow of electrons, generating an electric current. By grasping the principles of electric potential, you'll be better equipped to analyze the energy transformations occurring within chemical cells.

Moreover, the ability to calculate cell potential in voltaic cells is an essential skill when studying chemical cells. This knowledge allows you to predict the direction of electron flow and the spontaneity of redox reactions. Understanding how concentration affects cell potential is particularly important, as it directly influences the efficiency and performance of chemical cells. By mastering this prerequisite topic, you'll be able to analyze and optimize various types of chemical cells, including batteries and fuel cells.

The interplay between these prerequisite topics and chemical cells is profound. For instance, the concept of electric potential energy helps explain why certain chemical reactions occur spontaneously in cells, while others require an external energy input. Similarly, understanding cell potential calculations enables you to predict the voltage output of different cell configurations, which is crucial for designing and improving energy storage devices.

By thoroughly grasping these prerequisite topics, you'll develop a more intuitive understanding of chemical cells. You'll be able to explain phenomena such as why certain materials are chosen for electrodes, how concentration gradients affect cell performance, and why some chemical cells are more efficient than others. This knowledge is not only academically valuable but also has practical applications in fields like renewable energy, materials science, and electrochemistry.

In conclusion, investing time in mastering these prerequisite topics will significantly enhance your comprehension of chemical cells. The concepts of electric potential and electric potential energy, along with the ability to calculate and analyze cell potentials, form the bedrock upon which a deeper understanding of chemical cells is built. By establishing this strong foundation, you'll be well-prepared to explore the complexities of chemical cells and their wide-ranging applications in modern technology and scientific research.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To recall the basic function of an electrochemical cell.
  • To explain the role of the key features in an electrochemical cell in redox processes.


  • We learned in Introduction to electrochemistry that electrochemistry is about chemical potential energy (the energy ‘locked in’ the bonds of all chemical substances) being converted into electrical energy (energy from the movement of electrons).

  • Converting chemical potential to electrical energy requires electrons to move FROM one reactant TO the other reactant – which is where we get the processes of reduction and oxidation from, and the ‘redox’ phrase so common in electrochemistry. Redox processes that produce electricity occur in electrochemical cells, or chemical cells, which work just like electrical circuits (like in physics) but they also use ions in solution to carry charge, not just electrical wiring.
    The ‘battery’ of an electrochemical cell is the energy in the bonds of the reactants that are getting broken up!

  • The two most important features of a chemical cell are the two electrodes where redox happens:
    • The anode is the positively charged electrode where oxidation happens.
      • It attracts the negatively charged ions in the cell.
      • The negatively charged ions lose electrons (they are oxidized) at the anode, and the electrons flow through to the cathode.
    • The cathode is the negatively charged electrode where reduction happens.
      • It attracts the positively charged ions in the cell.
      • The positively charged ions gain electrons (they are reduced) at the anode by the electrons that have been flowing to the anode from the cathode.
    • Chemical cells work by electrons flowing from the anode to the cathode.
    • Electrode is just a general term for either cathode or anode, a conducting material where the redox processes happen. They must conduct electricity to work, so if the reactants are not in the solid state (see electrolysis in a later lesson) they would be made of a metal like platinum, or graphite.

  • Other features in a chemical cell, or redox cell, are:
    • The salt bridge, which is used to connect the two half-cells. It contains a solution of highly soluble spectator ions (e.g. KNO3 or NaNO3) to carry current without taking part in the reaction.
    • Wire will connect the two electrodes and allow electrons to flow from the anode to the cathode. This completes the ‘circuit’ (just like a circuit in physics!) for a one-way flow of electrons.
    • A voltmeter can be added to measure a flow of electrons.

  • The real working of a redox cell can be split into the two ‘half-reactions’, the two separate redox processes of reduction and oxidation.
    For example with Ni metal (in NiCl2 solution) reacting with Pb metal (in Pb(NO3)2 solution), the two half-reactions for the metal atoms are:
    • Ni2+ + 2e- \rightleftharpoons Ni
    • Pb2+ + 2e- \rightleftharpoons Pb
    Redox works by one substance being oxidized, losing an electron(s), and one substance being reduced, gaining an electron(s) – the electron(s) that was lost by what got oxidized! So which substance will do which process?
    Together, chemists have studied many redox experiments and with their combined results, a table of ‘standard reduction potentials’ (how easily can this substance be reduced?) was formed – all good chemistry textbooks will have this table in the back. For our example, Pb is more likely to be reduced than Ni,1 so lead will be reduced and nickel will be oxidized in this cell.
    • Because lead has a greater tendency to be reduced, when the half-cells are connected via wiring and a salt bridge, electrons will flow toward the lead electrode. This upsets the equilibrium between lead metal and Pb2+ ions:

      Pb2+ + 2e-\enspace \rightleftharpoons \enspace Pb

      The increase in electrons available will shift the equilibrium to the right to counter the imbalance, which produces lead metal in a reduction reaction. This makes the lead electrode the cathode of this cell.
    • Nickel has a smaller tendency to reduce than lead does, so it will do the oxidation when these two half-cells are connected up. When connected, electrons will flow away from the nickel electrode and toward the lead electrode through the wire. This disturbs the nickel equilibrium we wrote:

      Ni2+ + 2e-\enspace \rightleftharpoons \enspace Ni

      The decreasing amount of electrons will shift the equilibrium to the left to counter to produce more electrons. In doing this, it converts nickel metal into Ni2+ ions and e- in an oxidation reaction. This makes the nickel electrode the anode of this cell.

      1 Source for data: ATKINS, P. W., & DE PAULA, J. (2006). Atkins' Physical chemistry. Oxford, Oxford University Press.