Monotonic and bounded sequences

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  1. Overview:
  2. Monotonic Sequences
  3. Bounded Sequences
  1. Difference between monotonic and non-monotonic sequences

    Show that the following sequences is monotonic. Is it an increasing or decreasing sequence?
    1. {n2 n^2 }
    2. an=13na_n= \frac{1}{3^n}
    3. {nn+1}n=1 \{\frac{n}{n+1}\}_{n=1}^{\infty}
    4. {1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, ...}
  2. Difference between bounded, bounded above, and bounded below

    Determine whether the sequences are bounded below, bounded above, both, or neither
    1. an=n(1)na_n=n(-1)^n
    2. an=(1)nn2a_n=\frac{(-1)^n}{n^2}
    3. an=n3a_n=n^3
    4. an=n4 a_n=-n^4
  3. Convegence of sequences

    Are the following sequences convergent according to theorem 7?
    1. {3n3}n=1 \{\frac{3}{n^3}\}_{n=1}^{\infty}
    2. {(1)2n+12}n=1 \{\frac{(-1)^{2n+1}}{2}\}_{n=1}^{\infty}
    3. {n}n=4 \{\sqrt{n}\}_{n=4}^{\infty}
Topic Notes
In this section, we will be talking about monotonic and bounded sequences. We will learn that monotonic sequences are sequences which constantly increase or constantly decrease. We also learn that a sequence is bounded above if the sequence has a maximum value, and is bounded below if the sequence has a minimum value. Of course, sequences can be both bounded above and below. Lastly, we will take a look at applying theorem 7, which will help us determine if the sequence is convergent. One important to note from the theorem is that even if theorem 7 does not apply to the sequence, there is a possibility that the sequence is convergent. It's just that the theorem will not be able to show it.


Welcome to our exploration of monotonic and bounded sequences, fundamental concepts in mathematics that play a crucial role in various fields. Our journey begins with an informative introduction video, which serves as an essential starting point for understanding these important mathematical ideas. Monotonic sequences are those that consistently increase or decrease, never changing direction. On the other hand, bounded sequences have upper and lower limits, confined within a specific range. These concepts are vital in calculus, analysis, and numerous real-world applications. Throughout this article, we'll delve deeper into the definitions, properties, and examples of both monotonic and bounded sequences. We'll examine how to identify these sequences, their significance in mathematical proofs, and their practical applications. By the end of this exploration, you'll have a solid grasp of these fundamental concepts, enabling you to tackle more advanced topics in mathematics with confidence.

Understanding Monotonic Sequences

Monotonic sequences are an essential concept in mathematics, particularly in calculus and analysis. These sequences exhibit a consistent pattern of either increasing or decreasing values, making them crucial for understanding various mathematical principles and real-world applications. In this detailed exploration, we'll delve into the concept of monotonic sequences, define increasing and decreasing sequences with examples, and provide guidance on how to identify them.

What is a Monotonic Sequence?

A monotonic sequence is a sequence of numbers that consistently moves in one direction, either always increasing or always decreasing. The term "monotonic" comes from the Greek words "monos" (meaning "one") and "tonos" (meaning "direction"). In essence, a monotonic sequence maintains a consistent trend throughout its progression.

Increasing Sequences

An increasing sequence is a type of monotonic sequence where each term is greater than or equal to the previous term. Mathematically, for a sequence (an), it is increasing if an+1 an for all n. For example, the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is an increasing sequence. Another example could be 2, 2, 3, 5, 8, where each term is not strictly greater than the previous one, but it never decreases.

Decreasing Sequences

Conversely, a decreasing sequence is a monotonic sequence where each term is less than or equal to the previous term. Mathematically, for a sequence (an), it is decreasing if an+1 an for all n. An example of a decreasing sequence is 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Another example could be 5, 5, 4, 2, 1, where the sequence doesn't strictly decrease at every step but never increases.

Important Distinction

It's crucial to understand that a sequence cannot be both increasing and decreasing simultaneously. This property is fundamental to the definition of monotonic sequences. A sequence must consistently follow one direction either non-decreasing or non-increasing to be considered monotonic.

Examples from the Video

In the video, several examples were provided to illustrate these concepts:

  • The sequence 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 (squares of natural numbers) is an increasing sequence.
  • The sequence 100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25 (halving each term) is a decreasing sequence.
  • The sequence 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 is both increasing and decreasing (and thus monotonic) as each term is equal to the previous one.

Identifying Monotonic Sequences

To identify whether a sequence is monotonic, follow these steps:

  1. Examine the relationship between consecutive terms.
  2. Check if each term is greater than or equal to the previous term (for increasing sequences).
  3. Or, check if each term is less than or equal to the previous term (for decreasing sequences).
  4. Ensure this relationship holds for all terms in the sequence.
  5. If the condition is met consistently, the sequence is monotonic.

Applications in Calculus

Monotonic sequences play a significant role in calculus, particularly in the study of limits and convergence of series. They are often used to prove the convergence of series and in defining monotonic functions. Understanding monotonic sequences is crucial for grasping more advanced concepts in calculus and mathematical analysis.

Real-World Applications

Monotonic sequences are not just mathematical abstractions; they have practical applications in various fields:

Exploring Bounded Sequences

Bounded sequences are fundamental concepts in mathematics, particularly in calculus and analysis. A sequence is considered bounded if all its terms are confined within a specific range. Understanding bounded sequences is crucial for grasping limits, convergence, and other advanced mathematical concepts. Let's delve into the three types of bounded sequences and explore how to determine if a sequence is bounded.

Types of Bounded Sequences

1. Bounded Above

A sequence is bounded above if there exists an upper limit that no term in the sequence exceeds. Mathematically, we say a sequence {an} is bounded above if there exists a real number M such that an M for all n. For example, the sequence {1/n} is bounded above by 1, as no term in this sequence will ever be greater than 1.

2. Bounded Below

Conversely, a sequence is bounded below if there exists a lower limit that no term in the sequence falls below. We say a sequence {an} is bounded below if there exists a real number m such that m an for all n. The sequence {-1/n} is an example of a sequence bounded below by -1, as no term will ever be less than -1.

3. Bounded

A sequence is simply called bounded if it is both bounded above and bounded below. In other words, all terms of the sequence are contained within a finite interval [m, M]. The sequence {(-1)n/n} is an example of a bounded sequence, as all its terms lie between -1 and 1.

How to Determine if a Sequence is Bounded

Determining whether a sequence is bounded involves analyzing its behavior and identifying potential limits. Here are some steps to help you determine if a sequence is bounded:

  1. Examine the general term: Look at the formula for the nth term of the sequence. If it involves functions with known bounds (like sine or cosine), the sequence may be bounded.
  2. Consider limits: If the limit of the sequence exists as n approaches infinity, the sequence is likely bounded.
  3. Look for patterns: Observe if the terms seem to be approaching a specific value or oscillating between certain values.
  4. Use inequalities: Try to establish inequalities that all terms of the sequence satisfy.
  5. Consider special cases: Examine the first few terms and consider what happens as n gets very large.

For example, to show that {1/n} is bounded, we can observe that 0 < 1/n 1 for all positive integers n. This immediately tells us that the sequence is bounded below by 0 and above by 1.

Importance in Calculus

Understanding bounded sequences is crucial in calculus for several reasons:

  • Convergence: Bounded sequences are more likely to converge, which is a key concept in limits and series.
  • Monotone Convergence Theorem: This important theorem states that a bounded monotonic sequence always converges.
  • Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem: This theorem guarantees that every bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence, which is fundamental in analysis.
  • Numerical Methods: In numerical analysis, bounded sequences often represent iterative processes that approximate solutions.
  • Function Behavior: The boundedness of sequences can provide insights into the behavior of functions, especially when studying limits and continuity.

In conclusion, bounded sequences play a vital role in mathematics, particularly in calculus and analysis. Whether a sequence is bounded above, below, or both, understanding these concepts helps in analyzing the behavior of functions, series, and limits. By learning to identify and work with bounded sequences, students gain valuable tools for tackling more advanced mathematical problems and understanding the foundations of calc

The Relationship Between Monotonic and Bounded Sequences

In the realm of mathematical sequences, the concepts of monotonicity and boundedness play crucial roles in determining the behavior and convergence of sequences. Understanding the connection between monotonic and bounded sequences is essential for grasping the fundamental principles of sequence analysis and their applications in various mathematical fields.

A monotonic sequence is one that consistently increases or decreases. Specifically, a sequence is monotonically increasing if each term is greater than or equal to the previous term, and monotonically decreasing if each term is less than or equal to the previous term. On the other hand, a bounded sequence is one that has both an upper and lower limit, meaning all its terms fall within a specific range.

The relationship between these two properties is encapsulated in the monotonic sequence theorem, a fundamental result in mathematical analysis. This theorem states that every monotonic sequence that is bounded must converge. In other words, if a sequence is both monotonic (either increasing or decreasing) and bounded, it is guaranteed to have a limit as the number of terms approaches infinity.

The implications of the monotonic sequence theorem are far-reaching. It provides a powerful tool for proving the convergence of sequences without explicitly calculating their limits. This is particularly useful in cases where direct computation of the limit might be challenging or impractical. The theorem also serves as a foundation for more advanced concepts in calculus and analysis, including the study of series and continuous functions.

It's important to note that while the combination of monotonicity and boundedness guarantees convergence, the absence of these properties doesn't necessarily imply divergence. A sequence can still converge even if it's not monotonic or not bounded. For instance, the sequence (-1)^n/n converges to 0 despite not being monotonic. Similarly, an unbounded sequence like n/(n+1) can still converge (in this case, to 1).

The concept of a convergent sequence is central to many areas of mathematics. A sequence is said to converge if it approaches a specific value, known as the limit, as the number of terms increases indefinitely. Convergent sequences exhibit stability and predictability, making them valuable in modeling real-world phenomena and solving complex mathematical problems.

In contrast, a divergent sequence is one that does not converge to any finite limit. This can occur in various ways: the sequence might oscillate without settling on a specific value, grow infinitely large, or behave in other unpredictable manners. While divergent sequences might seem less useful at first glance, they play important roles in certain mathematical contexts and can provide insights into the behavior of functions and series.

The interplay between monotonicity, boundedness, and convergence offers a rich area of study in mathematical analysis. By understanding these relationships, mathematicians and scientists can better analyze and predict the behavior of sequences in various applications, from numerical methods in computing to modeling physical phenomena in the natural sciences.

In conclusion, the connection between monotonic and bounded sequences, as exemplified by the monotonic sequence theorem, provides a powerful framework for understanding sequence behavior. While these properties together guarantee convergence, it's crucial to remember that convergence can occur even in their absence. This nuanced understanding of sequence properties is essential for anyone delving deeper into mathematical analysis and its applications across various scientific disciplines.

Proving a Sequence is Bounded

Understanding how to prove a sequence is bounded is a crucial skill in mathematical analysis. A sequence is considered bounded if it has both an upper and lower bound. Let's explore the step-by-step process of proving a sequence is bounded, along with examples and common techniques.

Steps to Prove a Sequence is Bounded

  1. Determine if the sequence is bounded above, below, or both.
  2. Identify a potential upper bound (M) and/or lower bound (m).
  3. Prove that for all terms in the sequence, an M (for upper bound) and/or an m (for lower bound).
  4. Use mathematical induction or direct proof methods to establish the bounds.

Examples of Bounded Sequence Proofs

1. Bounded Above Example

Consider the sequence an = 1 - 1/n for n 1.

To prove it's bounded above:

  • Propose an upper bound: M = 1
  • Show that an 1 for all n 1
  • 1 - 1/n 1 (always true for n 1)

2. Bounded Below Example

For the sequence an = -1/n for n 1:

  • Propose a lower bound: m = -1
  • Show that an -1 for all n 1
  • -1/n -1 (always true for n 1)

3. Fully Bounded Sequence Example

For the sequence an = (-1)n/n for n 1:

  • Upper bound: M = 1 (since |(-1)n/n| 1)
  • Lower bound: m = -1 (since |(-1)n/n| 1)
  • Prove: -1 (-1)n/n 1 for all n 1

Common Techniques for Proving Boundedness

  1. Direct comparison: Compare the sequence terms to known bounds.
  2. Induction: Prove the bound holds for the first term and then for n+1 if it holds for n.
  3. Limit analysis: If the limit exists, use it to deduce boundedness.
  4. Monotonicity: For monotonic sequences, check the first term and limit.

Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Assuming a sequence is bounded without proper proof.
  • Neglecting to consider both upper and lower bound for full boundedness.
  • Using circular reasoning in proofs.
  • Overgeneralizing from a finite number of terms.

When considering when a sequence is bounded, remember that it must have both an upper and lower bound. A sequence can be bounded above, bounded below, or both (fully bounded). Always approach the proof systematically, clearly stating your proposed bounds an

Applications of Monotonic and Bounded Sequences

Monotonic and bounded sequences are fundamental mathematical concepts that find extensive applications in various real-world scenarios. These sequences play crucial roles in modeling and problem-solving across diverse fields such as economics, physics, and computer science. Let's explore some practical applications of these concepts to understand their significance better.

In economics, monotonic sequences are often used to model economic growth trends. For instance, a country's GDP over time can be represented as a monotonic increasing sequence, assuming consistent growth. This allows economists to analyze long-term economic patterns and make predictions. Similarly, bounded sequences are applied in financial modeling, particularly in risk assessment. The concept of Value at Risk (VaR) uses bounded sequences to estimate the maximum potential loss an investment portfolio might face within a specific time frame and confidence level.

The field of physics heavily relies on monotonic and bounded sequences for various applications. In thermodynamics, the concept of entropy is often described using monotonic increasing sequences, as the entropy of an isolated system never decreases over time. Bounded sequences are crucial in quantum mechanics, where they represent the discrete energy levels of atoms. These sequences help physicists understand and predict the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions.

Computer science is another domain where these sequences find extensive use. In algorithm design, monotonic sequences are employed to optimize search algorithms. For example, binary search algorithms exploit the properties of monotonic sequences to efficiently locate elements in sorted arrays. Bounded sequences are fundamental in computer graphics, particularly in rendering and animation. They help define the limits of color values, pixel coordinates, and other parameters essential for creating visual effects and realistic simulations.

In the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, monotonic sequences play a vital role in gradient descent algorithms used for training neural networks. The loss function in these algorithms typically follows a monotonic decreasing sequence as the model improves its performance over iterations. Bounded sequences are crucial in reinforcement learning, where they help define the range of possible rewards an agent can receive, ensuring the learning process remains stable and convergent.

Environmental science utilizes both monotonic and bounded sequences for modeling and analysis. Climate change studies often employ monotonic sequences to represent the increasing global average temperatures over time. Bounded sequences are used in ecological modeling to represent population dynamics within an ecosystem, where the population size is naturally bounded by available resources and carrying capacity.

In the realm of signal processing and control systems, monotonic sequences are used to analyze system stability and convergence. For instance, in feedback control systems, the error signal often follows a monotonic decreasing sequence as the system approaches its desired state. Bounded sequences are crucial in digital signal processing, where they represent the range of possible values for discrete signals, ensuring that the processing algorithms remain stable and accurate.

The field of operations research extensively uses these concepts for optimization problems. In supply chain management, monotonic sequences can model the cumulative production or inventory levels over time. Bounded sequences are applied in resource allocation problems, where they represent the constraints on available resources, helping managers make optimal decisions within given limitations.

In conclusion, monotonic and bounded sequences are not just abstract mathematical concepts but powerful tools with wide-ranging real-world applications. From economic forecasting and physics simulations to computer algorithms and environmental modeling, these sequences provide a framework for understanding and solving complex problems across various disciplines. Their ability to represent trends, limits, and constraints makes them indispensable in modern scientific and technological advancements.


In this article, we've explored the fundamental concepts of monotonic and bounded sequences, crucial elements in mathematical analysis. The introduction video provided a solid foundation for understanding these concepts, highlighting their definitions and key properties. We delved into the characteristics of monotonic sequences, including increasing and decreasing sequences, and examined the importance of boundedness in mathematical analysis. The interplay between monotonicity and boundedness was also discussed, showcasing how sequences can possess both properties simultaneously. By grasping these concepts, readers can better approach more advanced topics in calculus and real analysis. To reinforce your understanding, we encourage you to explore additional resources and tackle practice problems for sequences. These exercises will help solidify your knowledge and improve your problem-solving skills in dealing with sequences. Remember, mastering these concepts opens doors to more complex mathematical ideas and applications in various fields.


Monotonic Sequences

Step 1: Introduction to Monotonic Sequences

Monotonic sequences are sequences that are either entirely non-increasing or non-decreasing. This means that the sequence consistently moves in one direction, either upwards or downwards, without changing direction. Understanding monotonic sequences is crucial in various fields of mathematics and applied sciences.

Step 2: Increasing Sequences

A sequence is considered increasing if each term is less than or equal to the term that follows it. Formally, a sequence {an} is increasing if for every n 1, an an+1. For example, the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 is increasing because each term is greater than the one before it. This pattern continues indefinitely, making it an increasing sequence.

Step 3: Decreasing Sequences

Conversely, a sequence is considered decreasing if each term is greater than or equal to the term that follows it. Formally, a sequence {an} is decreasing if for every n 1, an an+1. For example, the sequence 3, 2, 1, 0, -1 is decreasing because each term is smaller than the one before it. This pattern continues indefinitely, making it a decreasing sequence.

Step 4: Monotonic Sequences

If a sequence is either increasing or decreasing, it is called monotonic. Monotonic sequences are important because they have properties that make them easier to analyze and work with in mathematical contexts. For instance, they can be used to determine convergence and limits.

Step 5: Non-Monotonic Sequences

It is important to note that a sequence cannot be both increasing and decreasing at the same time. If a sequence changes direction, it is neither increasing nor decreasing and thus not monotonic. For example, a sequence that increases for a few terms and then decreases is not monotonic. This distinction is crucial for correctly identifying and working with monotonic sequences.

Step 6: Conclusion

In summary, monotonic sequences are sequences that consistently move in one direction, either increasing or decreasing. Understanding the properties of these sequences is essential for various mathematical applications. By recognizing whether a sequence is monotonic, one can make informed decisions about its behavior and potential limits.


Here are some frequently asked questions about monotonic and bounded sequences:

1. What does monotonic mean in calculus?

In calculus, a monotonic sequence is one that consistently increases or decreases. A sequence is monotonically increasing if each term is greater than or equal to the previous term, and monotonically decreasing if each term is less than or equal to the previous term.

2. What is monotonic and bounded?

A sequence is monotonic and bounded if it consistently increases or decreases (monotonic) and all its terms are confined within a specific range (bounded). For example, the sequence 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ... is both monotonically decreasing and bounded between 0 and 1.

3. Is every monotonic sequence convergent?

Not every monotonic sequence is convergent. However, every bounded monotonic sequence is convergent. This is known as the Monotone Convergence Theorem. Unbounded monotonic sequences, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., are divergent.

4. How do you determine if a sequence is bounded?

To determine if a sequence is bounded, you need to find an upper bound M and a lower bound m such that m an M for all terms an in the sequence. This can often be done by analyzing the general term of the sequence or by using mathematical induction.

5. What is an example of an unbounded sequence?

An example of an unbounded sequence is the natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... This sequence is monotonically increasing but has no upper bound. Another example is the sequence n2: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ..., which grows without limit.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding monotonic and bounded sequences is a crucial concept in advanced mathematics, particularly in calculus and analysis. However, to fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite areas. Two key concepts that play a significant role in comprehending monotonic and bounded sequences are upper and lower bounds and the convergence and divergence of geometric series.

Let's start with the concept of upper and lower bounds. This fundamental idea is crucial for understanding bounded sequences. When we talk about a bounded sequence, we're referring to a sequence that has both an upper and lower limit. The upper bound represents the maximum value that the sequence can approach, while the lower bound represents the minimum value. Grasping these upper and lower limits is essential for identifying whether a sequence is bounded and for determining its behavior over time.

Moving on to the convergence and divergence of geometric series, this concept is particularly relevant when dealing with monotonic sequences. A monotonic sequence is one that is either consistently increasing or consistently decreasing. Understanding the convergence of series helps in determining whether a monotonic sequence approaches a specific value (converges) or grows without bound (diverges). This knowledge is crucial for analyzing the long-term behavior of monotonic sequences and their limits.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can more easily grasp the intricacies of monotonic and bounded sequences. The concept of upper and lower bounds provides the framework for understanding the constraints on sequence values, while the study of convergence and divergence offers insights into the sequence's behavior as it progresses.

In conclusion, a strong foundation in these prerequisite topics is invaluable for students approaching the study of monotonic and bounded sequences. By understanding upper and lower bounds and the convergence of series, students will be better equipped to analyze, interpret, and work with these more advanced sequence concepts. This knowledge not only aids in comprehending monotonic and bounded sequences but also serves as a stepping stone for more complex mathematical ideas in calculus and analysis.


1. A sequence is increasing if ana_n < an+1a_{n+1} for every n1n \geq 1.
2. A sequence is decreasing if ana_n > an+1a_{n+1} for every n1n \geq 1.
3. If a sequence is increasing or decreasing, then we call it monotonic.
4. A sequence is bounded above if there exists a number N such that anNa_n \leq N for every n1n \geq 1.
5. A sequence is bounded below if there exists a number M such that anMa_n \geq M for every n1n \geq 1.
6. A sequence is bounded if it is both bounded above and bounded below.
7. If the sequence is both monotonic and bounded, then it is always convergent.
Basic Concepts