13 responses to “Amy Van Bergen – Meeting Outcomes”

  1. I was one of those kids if I was allowed to do what I felt how I learned in school.school would have
    been awesome. I agree with every word you penned. Well done Amy.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your essay, Amy! I cannot imagine learning grade 12 chemistry in three months. Thanks goodness for all the tools that are handy for you to study. So different from the days when I went to school. Our classes were 32 to 36 students per class…this was just after WW2 and there were LOTS of kids! We even had staggered hours in grade 5 until a new school was built. I am cheering for you all the way! GOOOOOO AMY! Can you hear me? GOOOOOO AMY! I will share and vote.

  3. Both my parents were also teachers, and I know they would have been very interested in your subject. You have presented your thoughts and ideas about the future very clearly. I will indeed think about what I have read and carefully consider it.

  4. Ironically my own Mother , who was born in 1921, received her education in a one room school house in Saskatchewan. In nearly every year she was the only child in her grade. She recalled a world where radio was a relatively new medium and then only used as entertainment in the evening. All school education was learned through books and delivered by a teacher who was simultaneously delivering education to many grades. Mother, separated in her learning, but given the classics to read, developed a life-long passion for reading, words, education and although often was unable to pronounce words correctly ( having only read and never heard them), became a Teacher and after raising 5 children to also love these things, ( I’ve had my nose in a book since I was 4 years old), started University classes at age 70. Her solitary reading could, I suppose be equated with the child who learns only from internet usage, and separated from others either personally or in forums. Her “discussion groups” tended to be with her Dad in evening hours when he had time. He was a Farmer, originally a Teacher, and there were 9 children in the family.
    I would be interested to hear what this student would do with a comparison study even tho’ the medium and range of the internet is now so vast.

  5. A well written essay which I found fascinating. Especially because I am from the generation before we even had Television. There has been many changes in technology and the education system. I find Amy discussed the changes very well and showed how learning on line worked so well for her.
    Amy is one of the most personable and smart young person I have met and I feel very deserving to win. goooooo Amy!

  6. Well written Amy. There is no greater learning happening than someone with the desire to do so. We need to keep expanding the possibilities to increase the desire

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