Taxes, discounts, tips and more

  1. Introduction to taxes, discounts, tips and more
  2. Relating Percents to Taxes
  3. Relating Percents to Tips
  4. Relating Percents to Discounts
  1. Relating Percents to Taxes

    A pack of potato chips is priced at $5. If the sales tax in the province is 15%, how much should the potato chips be sold for?

    1. Billy picked a pair of headphones with a selling price of $250 at an electronic store. However, at the check-out counter, he was charged $280. What is the percentage of the sales tax?
      1. Relating Percents to Tips

        A family of three went to a five-star restaurant for dinner. The bill for the meal was $180. The family put down $300 and left without asking for changes. In other words, what is the percentage of tips they have paid?

        1. Relating Percents to Discounts

          A stationary store is having a garage sale. All the binders priced at $12 are now on sale for $9. What is the discount percentage?

          1. A suit was originally priced at $880, but it has been marked 25% off. What is the selling price now?
            Topic Notes

            Introduction to Taxes, Discounts, and Tips: Understanding Percentages

            Welcome to our lesson on taxes, discounts, and tips! These everyday concepts are all closely related to percentages, making them essential for practical math skills. Our introduction video will guide you through the basics, providing a solid foundation for understanding how percentages work in real-life situations. Taxes are additional charges added to purchases, usually calculated as a percentage of the original price. Discounts, on the other hand, reduce prices by a certain percentage, helping you save money. Tips are voluntary payments, often calculated as a percentage of a bill, to show appreciation for services. By mastering these concepts, you'll be better equipped to handle financial transactions, make informed purchasing decisions, and navigate various social situations. The video will demonstrate clear examples and practical applications, making these sometimes tricky concepts easy to grasp. Let's dive in and boost your percentage prowess!

            Understanding Sales Tax

            Sales tax is a crucial concept in our everyday financial transactions, yet it's often misunderstood or overlooked. Let's dive into what sales tax really is, how it works, and why it's different from income tax. We'll even use a tasty example of buying potato chips to illustrate how sales tax is calculated!

            Sales tax is a consumption tax imposed by the government on the sale of goods and services. Unlike income tax, which is based on your earnings, sales tax is applied to the purchase price of items you buy. It's a percentage of the sale price that's added to your total at the checkout. The key difference is that while income tax is paid by earners, sales tax is paid by consumers.

            Now, let's imagine you're craving some crispy, salty potato chips. You head to your local store and pick up a bag priced at $3.50. But wait! Before you hand over your cash, you need to consider the sales tax. Let's say your state has a sales tax rate of 6%. How do you calculate the final price?

            Here's a step-by-step guide to calculating sales tax:

            1. Convert the sales tax percentage to a decimal. To do this, divide the percentage by 100. In our example, 6% becomes 0.06 (6 ÷ 100 = 0.06).
            2. Multiply the original price by the decimal form of the tax rate. For our potato chips: $3.50 x 0.06 = $0.21. This is the amount of tax you'll pay.
            3. Add the tax amount to the original price to get the final price. $3.50 + $0.21 = $3.71.

            So, your bag of potato chips that was originally priced at $3.50 will actually cost you $3.71 after tax. This might seem like a small difference, but it can add up quickly on larger purchases!

            It's worth noting that sales tax rates can vary significantly depending on where you live. Some states have no sales tax at all, while others have rates that can exceed 9%. Additionally, some cities and counties may add their own sales tax on top of the state rate. This is why you might notice price differences when shopping in different areas.

            Understanding how to calculate sales tax is a valuable skill that can help you budget more accurately and avoid surprises at the checkout. It's especially useful when making large purchases, as the tax amount can be substantial. For example, if you're buying a $1,000 television in a state with a 7% sales tax, you'll need to factor in an additional $70 for tax.

            Here's a pro tip: Many smartphones have built-in calculators that can help you quickly compute sales tax. Simply enter the price, multiply by 1 plus the tax rate as a decimal (e.g., 1.06 for a 6% tax), and you'll get the final price. This can be incredibly handy when you're out shopping and want to know the true cost of an item before reaching the register.

            It's also important to be aware that not all items are subject to sales tax. In many states, essential items like groceries and prescription medications are exempt from sales tax. However, prepared foods (like those tempting potato chips we mentioned earlier) are often taxable. The rules can be complex and vary by location, so it's always a good idea to check local regulations if you're unsure.

            In conclusion, sales tax is a fundamental part of our consumer economy. By understanding how it works and how to calculate it, you can make more informed purchasing decisions and better manage your budget. Whether you're picking up a snack or making a major purchase, being sales tax savvy will ensure you're always prepared for the final price at checkout. Remember, a little math can go a long way in helping you become a more conscious and prepared consumer!

            Tips and Gratuities

            Tips and gratuities are additional payments made to service providers as a way of showing appreciation for their work. These voluntary contributions are typically given on top of the regular price for a service and are an important part of many service industry workers' income. While the terms "tip" and "gratuity" are often used interchangeably, they serve the same purpose: to reward good service and show gratitude.

            The primary purpose of tipping is to acknowledge and compensate service workers for their efforts, especially in industries where base wages may be lower due to the expectation of tips. This practice is particularly common in restaurants, hotels, salons, and transportation services. Unlike taxes, which are mandatory charges applied to products and services by the government, tips are discretionary and directly benefit the individual providing the service.

            It's important to distinguish between tips and taxes. Taxes are compulsory payments collected by businesses on behalf of the government, typically calculated as a percentage of the product or service cost. These funds are used for public services and infrastructure. In contrast, tips are voluntary payments made directly to service providers as a reward for their personal service and attention.

            Tipping is common in various situations. For example, in restaurants, it's customary to tip servers 15-20% of the total bill. Bartenders often receive $1-2 per drink. Hotel staff, such as bellhops or housekeeping, may receive a few dollars per service or per night stayed. Taxi or rideshare drivers typically receive 10-15% of the fare. Hair stylists and barbers usually receive 15-20% of the service cost.

            When calculating tips, it's helpful to know some basic percentages. A 15% tip is equivalent to $1.50 for every $10 spent, while 20% would be $2 for every $10. Many people find it easier to calculate 10% (move the decimal point one place to the left) and then adjust up from there. For example, on a $45 bill, 10% would be $4.50, so a 15% tip would be about $6.75, and 20% would be $9.

            It's worth noting that tipping practices can vary significantly between countries and cultures. In some places, tipping is not expected or may even be considered offensive. When traveling, it's advisable to research local customs to avoid cultural misunderstandings.

            While tipping is generally voluntary, in some cases, particularly for large groups or special events, a gratuity may be automatically added to the bill. This is often referred to as a "service charge" and is typically around 18-20% of the total bill. It's important to check your bill carefully to avoid double-tipping in these situations.

            Understanding tipping etiquette can help you navigate social situations more comfortably and ensure that service workers are fairly compensated for their efforts. Remember, while tipping is not mandatory, it is a significant part of many workers' income and is an important way to show appreciation for good service. By being aware of standard tipping practices and calculating appropriate amounts, you can confidently participate in this social custom and contribute positively to the service industry.

            Understanding Discounts

            Discounts are a common feature in the world of commerce, offering customers a reduction in the original price of a product or service. Unlike taxes, which are added to the price, or tips, which are optional extras, discounts are deductions that lower the amount a customer pays. Understanding how discounts work is essential for both consumers and businesses.

            At its core, a discount is a percentage or fixed amount subtracted from the original price. For example, a 20% discount on a $100 item means you'll pay less than the full price. This reduction makes purchases more attractive to customers and can help businesses increase sales volume.

            Calculating discounts involves a simple process:

            1. Start with the original price of the item.
            2. Determine the discount percentage or amount.
            3. Calculate the discount value.
            4. Subtract the discount from the original price to get the new price.

            Let's walk through an example to illustrate how to calculate a discount:

            1. Original price: $50
            2. Discount: 15%
            3. Calculate the discount amount: $50 × 15% = $7.50
            4. New price: $50 - $7.50 = $42.50

            In this case, the customer saves $7.50 and pays a final price of $42.50.

            Discounts can come in various forms, such as:

            • Percentage off the original price
            • Fixed dollar amount reduction
            • Buy one, get one free (BOGO) offers
            • Loyalty program discounts
            • Seasonal or clearance sales

            When shopping, it's crucial to pay attention to the type of discount offered and how it applies to your purchase. Some discounts may have conditions or exclusions, so always read the fine print.

            For businesses, offering discounts can be a powerful marketing tool. They can attract new customers, clear out inventory, or reward loyal patrons. However, it's important to balance discounts with profitability to ensure the business remains sustainable.

            To make the most of discounts as a consumer:

            • Compare the discounted price with regular prices at other stores
            • Consider whether you truly need the item, regardless of the discount
            • Look for additional savings through coupons or cashback offers
            • Be aware of the original price to understand the true value of the discount

            Remember, a good deal is only valuable if it aligns with your needs and budget. By understanding how discounts work and how to calculate them, you can make informed decisions about your purchases and potentially save money in the long run.

            Whether you're a savvy shopper or a business owner looking to boost sales, mastering the concept of discounts is a valuable skill. It allows you to navigate the world of retail more effectively, ensuring you get the best value for your money or offer competitive prices to your customers. Always approach discounts with a critical eye, and you'll be well-equipped to make smart financial choices in any shopping scenario.

            Comparing Taxes, Tips, and Discounts

            When it comes to purchasing goods or services, understanding the impact of taxes, tips, and discounts on the original price is crucial. Let's explore how these factors affect the final amount you pay and how they differ from one another.

            Taxes and tips are similar in that they both increase the final price, while discounts work in the opposite direction by reducing the amount you pay. Let's break this down further:

            Taxes: These are mandatory charges imposed by the government. Sales tax, for example, is added to the original price of most goods and services. If you buy a shirt for $50 and the sales tax rate is 8%, you'll pay an additional $4, making the final price $54.

            Tips: Unlike taxes, tips are usually voluntary (though sometimes expected) additional payments, typically given for services. They also increase the final amount paid. For instance, if your restaurant bill is $100 and you decide to leave a 15% tip, you'll pay an extra $15, bringing your total to $115.

            Discounts: In contrast to taxes and tips, discounts reduce the original price. A discount might be a percentage off or a fixed amount. For example, if a $200 jacket is on sale with a 20% discount, you'll save $40, making the new price $160.

            Let's consider a practical example to illustrate these differences:

            Imagine you're buying a meal that originally costs $50:

            • With an 8% tax, the price increases to $54.
            • If you add a 15% tip, that's an additional $7.50.
            • Your total payment would be $61.50 ($50 + $4 tax + $7.50 tip).

            Now, let's say the restaurant offers a 10% discount on the original price:

            • The discount reduces the price by $5, making it $45.
            • Adding 8% tax brings it to $48.60.
            • With a 15% tip on the discounted price, you'd add $6.75.
            • Your new total would be $55.35 ($45 - $5 discount + $3.60 tax + $6.75 tip).

            As you can see, taxes and tips increase your final payment, while discounts provide savings. It's important to consider all these factors when budgeting for purchases or services. Remember, while taxes are usually non-negotiable, you often have control over tips and can seek out discounts to manage your expenses effectively.

            Practical Applications and Problem Solving

            Welcome to the exciting world of real-life math applications! Let's dive into some practical scenarios involving taxes, tips, and discounts. We'll walk through these problems step-by-step, helping you master the art of problem solving with percentages.

            Scenario 1: Restaurant Tipping

            Imagine you've just enjoyed a delicious meal at your favorite restaurant. The bill comes to $45, and you want to leave a 15% tip. How much should you tip, and what's the total amount you'll pay?

            Step 1: Calculate the tip amount
            Tip = Bill × Tip Percentage
            Tip = $45 × 0.15 = $6.75

            Step 2: Calculate the total bill
            Total = Bill + Tip
            Total = $45 + $6.75 = $51.75

            Great job! You'll leave a $6.75 tip and pay a total of $51.75.

            Scenario 2: Sales Tax Calculation

            You're shopping for a new laptop priced at $800. The sales tax in your area is 8.5%. What's the final price you'll pay?

            Step 1: Calculate the tax amount
            Tax = Price × Tax Rate
            Tax = $800 × 0.085 = $68

            Step 2: Calculate the total price
            Total Price = Original Price + Tax
            Total Price = $800 + $68 = $868

            Excellent! The final price of your new laptop will be $868.

            Scenario 3: Discount Shopping

            You've found a stylish jacket with an original price of $120. It's on sale with a 30% discount. What's the sale price?

            Step 1: Calculate the discount amount
            Discount = Original Price × Discount Percentage
            Discount = $120 × 0.30 = $36

            Step 2: Calculate the sale price
            Sale Price = Original Price - Discount
            Sale Price = $120 - $36 = $84

            Well done! You'll pay $84 for the jacket after the discount.

            Scenario 4: Finding the Original Price

            You bought a pair of shoes on sale for $63. The discount was 25%. What was the original price?

            Step 1: Determine the percentage of the original price you paid
            Percentage Paid = 100% - Discount Percentage
            Percentage Paid = 100% - 25% = 75% or 0.75

            Step 2: Calculate the original price
            Original Price = Sale Price ÷ Percentage Paid
            Original Price = $63 ÷ 0.75 = $84

            Fantastic! The original price of the shoes was $84.

            Scenario 5: Calculating Tip Percentage

            You received excellent service at a café and decided to leave an $8 tip on a $40 bill. What percentage tip did you leave?

            Step 1: Calculate the tip percentage
            Tip Percentage = (Tip Amount ÷ Bill) × 100
            Tip Percentage = ($8 ÷ $40) × 100 = 0.2 × 100 = 20%

            Wonderful! You left a 20% tip for the great service.

            Scenario 6: Combined Discount and Tax

            You're buying a television


            In summary, understanding taxes, discounts, and tips is crucial for everyday financial literacy. These key points can significantly impact your budget and decision-making. Taxes add to the cost of purchases, while discounts reduce prices, offering savings opportunities. Tips, though optional, are an important consideration in service industries. By mastering these concepts, you'll make more informed financial choices and manage your money more effectively. We encourage you to practice with the examples provided in this video to reinforce your understanding. Remember, real-world scenarios often combine these elements, so apply your knowledge creatively. If you need additional support, don't hesitate to seek out more resources or ask questions. Financial literacy is a journey, and every step you take improves your skills. Keep practicing, stay curious, and watch your financial confidence grow. With these tools, you're well-equipped to navigate various financial situations in your daily life.


            Introduction to taxes, discounts, tips and more Relating Percents to Taxes

            Step 1: Understanding the Basic Concepts

            Today we're going to be looking at taxes, discounts, and tips, and we want to see how they're related to the topic we're looking at, which is percents. Whenever we're looking at a question that incorporates taxes, discounts, or tips, there are three important pieces of information that we need to know: the original price, the tax, tips, or discounts themselves, and the new price. The original price must be in dollars since we're dealing with prices. After taking the tax, tips, or discounts into account, which can be expressed in dollars, percent, or decimal, we will generate a new price, also expressed in dollars.

            Step 2: Identifying Given Information

            In any kind of question, it doesn't matter what questions you see, out of all these three pieces of information, you're always given two of them, and you want to find the last piece of information. The possibilities include being given the first two and finding the last, being given the first and the last and finding the middle one, or being given the last two and finding the original price. There are three different scenarios to consider.

            Step 3: Introduction to Sales Tax

            To start off, let's take a look at taxes. There are many types of taxes, such as income tax, which is a portion of your income paid to the government. However, today we are focusing on sales tax. Sales tax is a tax on sales or on the receipts from sales. Whenever you're buying a product, you have to pay a premium to the government, which is the sales tax. This means that the new price after tax will always be more than the original price.

            Step 4: Calculating Sales Tax

            Let's jump into a question to see how we can do the math part. For example, a pack of potato chips is priced at $5. If the sales tax in the city is 15%, how much should the potato chips be sold for? We know that the sales tax is 15%, so we are looking at 15% of the price of the potato chips, which is 15% of $5. The sales tax amount is found by multiplying the original price by the tax percent. In this case, the original price is $5, and the tax percent is 15%, which can be converted into a decimal as 0.15. Therefore, the sales tax amount is $5 times 0.15, which equals $0.75.

            Step 5: Finding the New Price

            Now that we have the sales tax amount, we need to find the new price. The new price is the original price plus the tax amount. In this case, the original price is $5, and the tax amount is $0.75. Therefore, the new price is $5 plus $0.75, which equals $5.75. So, the new price for the potato chips should be $5.75.

            Step 6: Generalizing the Formula

            Let's take a look at the equation we came up with. The amount of sales tax is the original price times the tax percent, which gives us the tax amount. To find the new price, we add the original price to the tax amount. This can be generalized as follows: the new price equals the original price plus the original price times the tax percent. This formula can be used to find the new price after tax for any given original price and tax percent.


            1. What is the difference between sales tax and income tax?

              Sales tax is a consumption tax applied to the purchase of goods and services, paid by consumers at the point of sale. Income tax, on the other hand, is levied on an individual's or entity's earnings and is typically paid annually or through regular withholdings from paychecks.

            2. How do I calculate a 15% tip on a restaurant bill?

              To calculate a 15% tip, multiply the total bill by 0.15. For example, if your bill is $50, the tip would be $50 × 0.15 = $7.50. Alternatively, you can calculate 10% (move the decimal point one place left) and add half of that amount.

            3. Are discounts always beneficial for consumers?

              While discounts generally offer savings, they're not always beneficial. It's important to consider if you truly need the item and compare the discounted price with regular prices elsewhere. Sometimes, discounts can encourage unnecessary spending or may be applied to inflated original prices.

            4. How does sales tax affect the final price of an item?

              Sales tax increases the final price of an item. To calculate the total cost, multiply the item's price by (1 + tax rate). For instance, if an item costs $100 and the sales tax rate is 8%, the final price would be $100 × 1.08 = $108.

            5. What should I do if a gratuity is automatically added to my bill?

              If a gratuity (usually around 18-20%) is automatically added to your bill, typically for large groups or special events, you're not obligated to add an additional tip. However, you can still add more if you feel the service warrants it. Always check your bill carefully to avoid double-tipping in these situations.

            Prerequisite Topics

            Understanding the fundamentals of mathematics is crucial when delving into the world of "Taxes, discounts, tips and more." While there are no specific prerequisite topics listed for this subject, it's important to recognize that a strong foundation in basic arithmetic and percentages forms the backbone of these practical financial concepts.

            When dealing with taxes, discounts, tips, and related financial calculations, a solid grasp of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is essential. These fundamental operations are the building blocks for more complex financial computations. For instance, calculating a tip requires multiplying the bill total by a percentage, while determining a discounted price involves subtracting a percentage from the original cost.

            Percentages play a pivotal role in this topic. Understanding how to work with percentages is crucial for accurately calculating tax rates, discount amounts, and tip percentages. Being able to convert between decimals, fractions, and percentages is a skill that will prove invaluable when tackling real-world financial scenarios.

            Moreover, familiarity with basic algebra can be beneficial when solving more complex problems related to taxes and discounts. The ability to set up and solve simple equations will help in situations where you need to work backwards, such as finding the original price of an item after a discount has been applied.

            While not explicitly listed as prerequisites, concepts like rounding and estimating are also important. In many real-life situations, you'll need to round figures to the nearest cent or dollar, and being able to quickly estimate amounts can be useful for double-checking calculations or making quick decisions.

            Understanding the concept of proportions can also be helpful, especially when dealing with tips and comparing different discount offers. This skill allows you to scale amounts up or down and make informed decisions about value for money.

            Lastly, having a basic understanding of financial literacy concepts, such as budgeting and the time value of money, can provide valuable context for why taxes, discounts, and tips are important in everyday life and financial planning.

            By ensuring a strong foundation in these fundamental mathematical concepts, you'll be well-prepared to tackle the practical applications of taxes, discounts, tips, and other related financial calculations. This knowledge not only helps in academic settings but also equips you with essential life skills for managing personal finances and making informed financial decisions in various real-world scenarios.

            (Original price) + [(Original price) ×\times (tax/tip in percent)] = (New price)

            (Original price) ×\times [1+ (tax/tip percent in decimal)] = (New price)

            (Original price) - [(Original price) ×\times (discount in percent)] = (New price)

            (Original price) ×\times (1 - discount percent in decimal) = (New price)