Volumes of solid of revolution - Shell method

  1. How to find the volume of solids of revolution using the Shell method.
  1. Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region bounded by the x-axis and y=3xx4y=3x-x^4 about the y-axis
    1. Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the positive region bounded by y=x3y=x^3, y=xy=x
      1. about the y-axis
      2. about x=2 x=2
      3. about x=2 x=-2
    2. Use the Shell Method to find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating about the x-axis the region under y=x3y=x^3 from x=0x=0 to x=2x=2
      Topic Notes

      Introduction: Understanding the Shell Method for Volumes of Revolution

      The shell method is a powerful technique for calculating volumes of solids of revolution in calculus. This method offers an alternative approach to the disk method, particularly useful when integrating with respect to y instead of x. Our introduction video provides a visual representation of the shell method, helping students grasp this abstract concept more easily. By watching the video, learners can better understand how cylindrical shells are used to approximate the volume of a solid. The shell method becomes essential when dealing with regions that are more easily described in terms of y, or when the axis of rotation is vertical. It complements the disk method, giving mathematicians and engineers a versatile toolkit for solving complex volume problems. Mastering the shell method enhances one's ability to tackle a wider range of calculus applications, making it a crucial skill for advanced mathematical analysis and problem-solving in various scientific fields.

      The Limitations of the Disk Method

      The disk method is a powerful tool for calculating volumes of solids of revolution, but it's crucial to understand its limitations. One scenario where the disk method can fail is when revolving a region about the y-axis, potentially leading to a zero result. Let's explore this limitation step-by-step, using a clear example to illustrate the problem.

      Imagine a curve described by the function y = f(x) in the first quadrant of the xy-plane. Typically, we'd use the disk method to find the volume when rotating this region around the x-axis. However, complications arise when we attempt to rotate it around the y-axis instead.

      Here's the issue: When rotating around the y-axis, the radius of each disk is determined by the x-coordinate. If we try to express x in terms of y (as x = f¹(y)), we might encounter a problem if the original function isn't one-to-one. This means we can't always find a unique inverse function.

      Visualize a U-shaped parabola, like y = x². When we rotate this around the y-axis, each horizontal line intersects the curve at two points, creating a "washer" shape rather than a solid disk. The disk method, in its basic form, fails to account for this hollow center.

      Let's break down why this leads to a zero result:

      1. The disk method formula for rotation around the y-axis is V = π x²dy.

      2. For our parabola y = x², we need to express x in terms of y: x = ±y.

      3. If we naively use x = y in our formula, we get V = π ydy.

      4. This only accounts for half of the solid, effectively ignoring the negative root.

      5. If we try to include both roots by subtracting, we get V = π ((y)² - (-y)²)dy = 0.

      This zero result clearly doesn't represent the actual volume of the solid created by rotation. The problem lies in the disk method's assumption of a single radius for each y-value, which doesn't hold for functions that aren't one-to-one.

      To overcome this limitation, we need to use the washer method or shell method instead. These techniques can handle regions where the disk method fails, ensuring accurate volume calculations for more complex shapes.

      Understanding this limitation is crucial for students and practitioners of calculus. It highlights the importance of choosing the appropriate method based on the specific characteristics of the function and the axis of rotation. By recognizing when the disk method might fail, we can avoid errors and select more suitable approaches for calculating volumes of solids of revolution.

      One of the key issues is dealing with inverse function problems, which can complicate the calculations significantly.

      Introduction to the Shell Method

      The shell method emerges as an elegant solution to the limitations encountered with the disk method in calculus, offering a powerful approach to calculating volumes of solids of revolution. While the disk method slices a solid perpendicular to its axis of rotation, the shell method takes a different perspective, utilizing cylindrical shells that run parallel to the axis.

      Imagine peeling an apple in one continuous spiral strip. This strip, when unrolled, resembles a rectangular sheet. Now, picture this strip as an incredibly thin layer of the apple's flesh. In essence, this is the concept behind cylindrical shells in the shell method. Each shell represents a thin layer of the solid, formed by revolving a vertical slice of the region around the axis of rotation.

      To visualize this further, consider a lampshade. The shell method essentially breaks down the lampshade into numerous concentric layers, each a paper-thin cylindrical shell. By calculating the volume of each of these shells and then summing them up, we can approximate the total volume of the lampshade with remarkable accuracy.

      The beauty of the shell method lies in its versatility. It excels in situations where the disk method might struggle, particularly when dealing with solids formed by rotating regions around vertical lines. Think of a vase with a complex curve - the shell method can handle such shapes with relative ease.

      Each cylindrical shell in this method is characterized by its radius (distance from the axis of rotation), height (which varies based on the function defining the region), and thickness (an infinitesimally small value in calculus terms). The volume of each shell is then calculated using these parameters, much like finding the area of a rectangle and wrapping it into a cylinder.

      As we stack these shells together, moving from the innermost to the outermost, we gradually build up the entire solid. It's akin to constructing a skyscraper floor by floor, where each floor represents a shell. The thinner we make these shells (or floors), the more accurate our volume approximation becomes.

      In mathematical terms, this stacking process translates to integration. We integrate the volumes of all these shells from the minimum to the maximum radius of the solid. This integration sums up the infinitesimal contributions of each shell, resulting in the total volume of the solid.

      The shell method's power lies in its ability to handle a wide range of shapes. From wine glasses to doughnut-shaped solids (toruses), from vases to complex architectural forms, this method provides a consistent and often simpler approach compared to the disk method.

      Understanding the shell method opens up new possibilities in volume calculation and provides a fresh perspective on solids of revolution. It demonstrates the beauty of calculus in breaking down complex shapes into manageable, integrable parts. As students and practitioners of mathematics, embracing this method enhances our toolkit for tackling diverse volume problems, offering both analytical power and a deeper intuitive grasp of three-dimensional shapes.

      Deriving the Shell Method Formula

      The shell method is a powerful technique in calculus used to calculate the volume of a solid of revolution. To understand the derivation of the shell method formula, we need to break down its components and see how they work together. Let's walk through the process step-by-step, focusing on the key elements: circumference, height, and radius.

      First, let's consider what a shell looks like. Imagine a thin cylindrical shell that forms part of our solid of revolution. This shell has three important characteristics:

      1. Circumference: The distance around the shell
      2. Height: The vertical length of the shell
      3. Thickness: The width of the shell (which approaches zero as we integrate)

      The shell method equation combines these elements to calculate the volume of the entire solid. Let's examine each component:

      1. Circumference: For a cylindrical shell rotating around the y-axis, the circumference is given by 2πx, where x is the distance from the axis of rotation. This forms the outer surface of our shell.

      2. Height: The height of the shell is determined by the function we're rotating. For a function f(x), the height at any point x is f(x) - g(x), where g(x) represents the lower bound of the region (if applicable).

      3. Radius: The radius doesn't appear explicitly in the final formula, but it's crucial to understand that x represents the radius of each shell when rotating around the y-axis.

      Now, let's see how these components come together to form the shell method formula:

      Volume = 2πx [f(x) - g(x)] dx

      This formula represents the sum of all infinitesimally thin shells that make up our solid. Here's how it works:

      • 2πx gives us the circumference of each shell
      • [f(x) - g(x)] represents the height of each shell
      • dx is the thickness of each shell, which approaches zero as we integrate

      The integration process is key to understanding why this method works. As we integrate, we're essentially adding up the volumes of all these thin shells, from the innermost to the outermost. The limits of integration define the range of x values (radii) we're considering.

      It's important to note that the orientation of the shells determines whether we integrate with respect to x or y:

      • When rotating around the y-axis, we integrate with respect to x (as shown above)
      • When rotating around the x-axis, we use y for the radius and integrate with respect to y

      For rotation around the x-axis, the formula becomes:

      Volume = 2πy [f(y) - g(y)] dy

      The choice between x and y depends on which orientation makes the problem easier to solve and visualize. Sometimes, rotating around the x-axis simplifies the integration, while other times, the y-axis is more convenient.

      To apply the shell method effectively, follow these steps:

      1. Identify the axis of rotation and determine whether to use x or y as the radius
      2. Express the height of each shell in terms of the chosen variable
      3. Set up the integral with the appropriate limits
      4. Integrate to find the total volume

      The shell method is particularly useful when dealing with solids that would be difficult to slice into disks or washers. It provides an elegant alternative to the washer method and can often simplify complex volume calculations.

      In conclusion, the shell method formula elegantly combines the circumference, height, and infinitesimal thickness of cylindrical shells to calculate the volume of a

      Vertical Shells: Integration with Respect to X

      When dealing with solids of revolution, the method of vertical shells provides a powerful approach for calculating volumes, particularly when integrating with respect to x. This technique is especially useful when the solid is formed by rotating a region around the y-axis or a vertical line rotation parallel to it. Understanding when and how to apply vertical shells can significantly simplify complex volume calculations.

      The vertical shell method is most appropriate in scenarios where:

      • The region is bounded by functions of x
      • The axis of rotation is vertical (parallel to the y-axis)
      • Integration with respect to y would be more complicated

      To set up the integral using vertical shells, we use the shell method formula for rotation around the y-axis:

      V = 2π x R(x) dx


      • V is the volume of the solid
      • x represents the radius of each shell
      • R(x) is the height of each shell
      • The integral is evaluated from the leftmost to the rightmost x-value of the region

      Step-by-step guide to identifying radius and height functions:

      1. Determine the axis of rotation (y-axis or line x = a)
      2. Identify the boundaries of the region in terms of x
      3. Express the radius function:
        • If rotating around y-axis: radius = x
        • If rotating around x = a: radius = |x - a|
      4. Determine the height function R(x):
        • Find the top and bottom curves bounding the region
        • Express R(x) as the difference between these curves
      5. Set up the integral with the appropriate limits

      Example: Consider a region bounded by y = x² and y = 4, rotated around the y-axis.

      1. Axis of rotation: y-axis
      2. Boundaries: x = 0 to x = 2 (solve x² = 4)
      3. Radius function: r = x (distance from y-axis)
      4. Height function: R(x) = 4 - x² (top curve minus bottom curve)
      5. Integral: V = 2π ² x(4 - x²) dx

      Another example: Region bounded by y = x and x = 4, rotated around vertical line rotation x = 5.

      1. Axis of rotation: x = 5
      2. Boundaries: x = 0 to x = 4
      3. Radius function: r = |x - 5| (distance from x = 5)
      4. Height function: R(x) = x
      5. Integral: V = 2π |x - 5|x dx

      By mastering the vertical shell method and understanding when to apply it, you can efficiently solve a wide range of volume problems involving solids of revolution. Practice identifying the appropriate scenarios and setting up the integrals to enhance your problem-solving skills in calculus and geometry.

      Horizontal Shells: Integration with Respect to Y

      When applying the shell method in calculus, we often encounter situations where horizontal shells are more appropriate than vertical ones. This approach involves integrating with respect to y, offering a different perspective on volume calculations. Understanding horizontal shells is crucial for tackling a wide range of problems in calculus and engineering.

      The key difference between horizontal and vertical shells lies in the orientation of the cylindrical shells used to approximate the volume. In horizontal shells, these cylinders are parallel to the x-axis, whereas vertical shells are parallel to the y-axis. This shift in perspective requires a different setup and interpretation of the shell method formula.

      For horizontal shells, the shell method formula becomes: V = 2π x(y) h(y) dy, where x(y) represents the radius function and h(y) is the height function, both in terms of y. This formula is analogous to the vertical shell method, but with x and y swapped in their roles.

      To set up a problem using horizontal shells, follow these steps:

      1. Identify the region being rotated and determine if it's more easily described as a function of y.
      2. Express the boundaries of the region in terms of y-coordinates.
      3. Determine the radius function x(y), which represents the distance from the y-axis to the curve.
      4. Find the height function h(y), which is typically the difference between the right and left boundaries of the region.
      5. Set up the integral using the formula V = 2π x(y) h(y) dy, with appropriate limits of integration.

      Horizontal shells are particularly useful in scenarios where:

      • The region is bounded by functions more easily expressed in terms of y.
      • The axis of rotation is horizontal (parallel to the x-axis).
      • The shape of the region makes y-integration more straightforward.

      For example, consider a region bounded by y = x² and y = 4, rotated around the y-axis. In this case, x = y describes the curve, making horizontal shells a natural choice. The radius function would be x(y) = y, and the height function h(y) would be constant at 2y (the width of the region at any y-value).

      Another scenario where horizontal shells excel is when dealing with regions bounded by hyperbolas or other curves that are more naturally expressed as functions of y. For instance, the region bounded by x = 1/y and x = 2, rotated around the y-axis, is ideally suited for horizontal shells.

      It's important to note that while the choice between horizontal and vertical shells often comes down to convenience, some problems may require one approach over the other. Developing the ability to recognize which method is more suitable is a valuable skill in calculus.

      In conclusion, mastering horizontal shells and integration with respect to y expands your toolkit for solving volume problems. By understanding when and how to apply this technique, you'll be better equipped to tackle a diverse range of calculus challenges efficiently and effectively.

      When to Use the Shell Method

      Choosing between the shell method and the disk method in calculus is crucial for efficiently solving volume problems. The shell method is often preferred when dealing with solids formed by rotating a region around a vertical axis, especially when the region is defined in terms of y. Here are key scenarios where the shell method shines: 1. Rotation around the y-axis: When a region is rotated around the y-axis, the shell method is typically more straightforward. This is because the shells are formed parallel to the y-axis, making integration with respect to x more natural. 2. Region bounded by vertical lines: If the region is bounded by vertical lines (x = a and x = b), the shell method allows for easier integration limits. 3. Functions defined in terms of y: When the curve is given as x = f(y), the shell method is often more efficient as it avoids the need for inverse functions. 4. Complicated integrands: In some cases, the shell method leads to simpler integrands compared to the disk method, resulting in easier calculations. 5. Non-continuous regions: For regions with gaps or discontinuities along the x-axis, the shell method can be more adaptable. Examples where the shell method excels include: - Finding the volume of a torus (donut shape) - Calculating the volume of a hollow cylinder - Determining the volume of a vase-like shape with varying width To effectively choose between methods, visualize the solid: - Imagine slicing the solid parallel to the axis of rotation (shells) - Compare this to slicing perpendicular to the axis (disks or washers) - Consider which approach leads to simpler integration While the shell method is powerful, it's not always the best choice. The disk method may be preferable when: - Rotating around the x-axis - Dealing with functions easily expressed as y = f(x) - Working with regions bounded by horizontal lines Ultimately, mastering both methods and understanding their strengths allows for flexible problem-solving. Practice visualizing solids and experiment with both approaches to develop intuition. Remember, the goal is to simplify the problem and choose the method that leads to the most straightforward integration. By carefully analyzing the given information and considering the shape of the solid, you can confidently select the most efficient method for each unique volume problem.

      Conclusion: Mastering the Shell Method

      The shell method is a powerful tool for calculating volumes of revolution, especially when integrating with respect to y. Key points include setting up the integral, determining the radius function, and visualizing the cylindrical shells. Its versatility in solving complex volume problems makes it an essential technique in calculus. To achieve shell method mastery, consistent practice with diverse problems is crucial. Revisit the introduction video for visual reinforcement of the concepts. Challenge yourself with increasingly difficult exercises to solidify your understanding. Remember, proficiency in the shell method enhances your overall mathematical problem-solving skills. As you progress, explore real-world applications of this method in fields like engineering and physics. Don't hesitate to seek additional resources or guidance if needed. By dedicating time to practice and application, you'll develop confidence in tackling volume problems. Embrace the challenge and continue your journey towards becoming an expert in the shell method!


      Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the positive region bounded by y=x3y=x^3, y=xy=x about the y-axis.

      Step 1: Understanding the Problem

      We need to find the volume of the solid formed by rotating the region bounded by the curves y=x3y = x^3 and y=xy = x about the y-axis. This involves using the shell method, which is particularly useful when the axis of rotation is vertical (y-axis) and the functions are given in terms of x.

      Step 2: Setting Up the Shell Method

      To use the shell method, we need to integrate the volume of cylindrical shells. The formula for the volume of a solid of revolution using the shell method is:

      \[ V = 2\pi \int_{a}^{b} (radius)(height) \, dx \]

      Here, the radius is the distance from the y-axis to the shell, and the height is the difference between the two functions.

      Step 3: Determining the Bounds

      First, we need to find the points of intersection of the curves y=x3y = x^3 and y=xy = x. Setting the equations equal to each other:

      \[ x^3 = x \]

      Solving for x, we get:

      \[ x^3 - x = 0 \implies x(x^2 - 1) = 0 \implies x(x - 1)(x + 1) = 0 \]

      This gives us the solutions x=0x = 0, x=1x = 1, and x=1x = -1. Since we are only considering the positive region, our bounds are x=0x = 0 and x=1x = 1.

      Step 4: Finding the Radius and Height

      The radius of each shell is the horizontal distance from the y-axis, which is simply xx. The height of each shell is the difference between the two functions, which is xx3x - x^3.

      Step 5: Setting Up the Integral

      Now, we can set up our integral using the shell method formula:

      \[ V = 2\pi \int_{0}^{1} x (x - x^3) \, dx \]

      Expanding the integrand, we get:

      \[ V = 2\pi \int_{0}^{1} (x^2 - x^4) \, dx \]

      Step 6: Evaluating the Integral

      We now integrate term by term:

      \[ \int_{0}^{1} x^2 \, dx = \left[ \frac{x^3}{3} \right]_{0}^{1} = \frac{1}{3} \]

      \[ \int_{0}^{1} x^4 \, dx = \left[ \frac{x^5}{5} \right]_{0}^{1} = \frac{1}{5} \]

      Substituting these results back into the integral, we get:

      \[ V = 2\pi \left( \frac{1}{3} - \frac{1}{5} \right) = 2\pi \left( \frac{5 - 3}{15} \right) = 2\pi \left( \frac{2}{15} \right) = \frac{4\pi}{15} \]

      Step 7: Conclusion

      The volume of the solid obtained by rotating the positive region bounded by y=x3y = x^3 and y=xy = x about the y-axis is 4π15\frac{4\pi}{15}.


      Q1: What is the shell method of integrals?
      A1: The shell method is a technique used in calculus to calculate the volume of a solid of revolution. It involves integrating the volume of thin cylindrical shells that make up the solid. This method is particularly useful when rotating a region around a vertical axis, especially the y-axis.

      Q2: Why does the shell method use 2π?
      A2: The shell method uses 2π because it calculates the circumference of each cylindrical shell. The formula for the circumference of a circle is 2πr, where r is the radius. In the shell method, this radius is typically represented by x (when rotating around the y-axis) or y (when rotating around the x-axis).

      Q3: What is the formula for the shell method?
      A3: The general formula for the shell method is V = 2π r h dr, where V is the volume, r is the radius of each shell, and h is the height of each shell. When rotating around the y-axis, this becomes V = 2π x f(x) dx, where f(x) represents the function being rotated.

      Q4: How do you know when to use the shell or washer method?
      A4: Use the shell method when rotating around a vertical axis (usually the y-axis) and the region is more easily described in terms of x. Use the washer method when rotating around a horizontal axis (usually the x-axis) and the region is more easily described in terms of y. The shell method is often simpler when dealing with vertical lines or functions defined in terms of y.

      Q5: What is the difference between the disk and shell methods?
      A5: The disk method slices the solid perpendicular to the axis of rotation, creating circular disks. The shell method uses cylindrical shells parallel to the axis of rotation. The disk method is typically easier for rotation around the x-axis, while the shell method is often preferred for rotation around the y-axis. The choice depends on the specific problem and which approach leads to simpler integration.

      Prerequisite Topics

      When delving into the fascinating world of "Volumes of solid of revolution - Shell method," it's crucial to have a solid foundation in certain mathematical concepts. One of the key prerequisite topics that plays a significant role in understanding this advanced calculus technique is finding inverse reciprocal trigonometric function from its graph.

      The shell method, a powerful tool for calculating volumes of solids formed by rotating a region around an axis, relies heavily on our ability to interpret and manipulate functions. This is where the concept of inverse functions becomes particularly relevant. Understanding how to work with inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs provides us with the necessary skills to visualize and analyze the curves that, when rotated, form the solids we're studying.

      When applying the shell method, we often encounter situations where we need to express certain relationships in terms of trigonometric functions or their inverses. The ability to recognize and manipulate these functions, especially when presented graphically, is invaluable. It allows us to set up the correct integrals and determine the appropriate limits of integration, which are crucial steps in the shell method process.

      Moreover, the concept of reciprocal trigonometric functions, which is closely related to inverse trigonometric functions, helps us understand the behavior of certain curves when rotated. This knowledge is particularly useful when dealing with more complex solids of revolution, where the rotating region might be bounded by reciprocal trigonometric functions.

      By mastering the skill of finding inverse reciprocal trigonometric function from its graph, students develop a keen sense of function behavior and transformation. This intuition is invaluable when visualizing the three-dimensional solids formed by rotation, a critical aspect of successfully applying the shell method.

      In conclusion, while the shell method itself may seem complex, having a strong grasp of prerequisite topics like inverse and reciprocal trigonometric functions significantly eases the learning process. It provides the necessary tools to approach problems with confidence, allowing students to focus on the mechanics of the shell method rather than struggling with the underlying mathematical concepts. As you embark on your journey to master the volumes of solids of revolution using the shell method, remember that revisiting and strengthening your understanding of these fundamental topics will pay dividends in your comprehension and application of this advanced calculus technique.

      using shell method to find volumes of solids of revolution