Implicit differentiation

  1. Explicit Functions VS. Implicit Functions
  1. The graph shows a circle centred at the origin with a radius of 5.

    Implicit differentiation

    a) Define the circle implicitly by a relation between x and y .
    b) Define the circle by expressing y explicitly in terms of x .
    c) Use the method of "explicit differentiation" to find the slope of the tangent line to the circle at the point (4, -3).
    d) Use the method of "implicit differentiation" to find the slope of the tangent line to the circle at the point (4, -3).
    1. 3y4+5x2y3x6=2x9y+13{y^4} + 5{x^2}{y^3} - {x^6} = 2x - 9y + 1
      Use implicit differentiation to find: dydx\frac{{{d}y}}{{{d}x}}
      Topic Notes
      So far, we have always tried to configure a relation to an explicit function in the form of y = f(x) before finding the derivative of the relation, but what if this is impossible to do so? In this section, we will first learn to identify the difference between explicit functions and implicit functions. Then we will learn how to differentiate a relation with a mix of variables x and y using the method called Implicit Differentiation.

      Introduction to Implicit Differentiation

      Implicit differentiation is a powerful technique in calculus that allows us to find derivatives of functions that are not easily expressed in explicit form. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding this concept, demonstrating its application in real-world scenarios. Unlike explicit functions, where y is directly expressed in terms of x, implicit functions define a relationship between variables without isolating one variable. This distinction is key to grasping the need for implicit differentiation. Explicit functions, such as y = x^2, clearly show y as a function of x. In contrast, implicit functions, like x^2 + y^2 = 1, express a relationship between variables without solving for y explicitly. Implicit differentiation becomes essential when dealing with these complex equations, enabling us to find derivatives and solve problems that would be challenging or impossible using traditional differentiation methods. This technique expands our ability to analyze and work with a wider range of mathematical relationships.

      Recap of Explicit Differentiation

      Explicit differentiation is a fundamental technique in calculus used to find the derivative of functions where y is explicitly defined in terms of x. This process is essential for understanding how various functions change and is widely applied in mathematics, physics, and engineering. Let's review the process of differentiating explicit functions, focusing on polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions.

      Polynomial functions are perhaps the simplest to differentiate. The general rule for differentiating x^n is nx^(n-1). For example, if we have y = 3x^4 + 2x^2 - 5x + 1, we can differentiate term by term:

      • d/dx(3x^4) = 12x^3
      • d/dx(2x^2) = 4x
      • d/dx(-5x) = -5
      • d/dx(1) = 0

      Therefore, dy/dx = 12x^3 + 4x - 5. This process demonstrates the power rule differentiation and constant rule of differentiation.

      Trigonometric functions have specific differentiation rules that must be memorized. For instance:

      • d/dx(sin x) = cos x
      • d/dx(cos x) = -sin x
      • d/dx(tan x) = sec^2 x

      Consider y = sin(2x) + cos(x). Applying the chain rule application for sin(2x) and the basic rule for cos(x), we get:

      dy/dx = 2cos(2x) - sin(x)

      Exponential function derivative, particularly those with base e, have a unique property where the derivative of e^x is itself. For a general exponential function a^x, the derivative is a^x ln(a). Let's differentiate y = 3e^(2x) + 5^x:

      Thus, dy/dx = 6e^(2x) + 5^x ln(5)

      Logarithmic functions require careful application of the logarithmic differentiation rule. The derivative of ln(x) is 1/x. For a general logarithmic function log_a(x), the derivative is 1/(x ln(a)). Let's differentiate y = ln(x^2 + 1) + log_3(x):

      • d/dx(ln(x^2 + 1)) = (1/(x^2 + 1)) * 2x = 2x/(x^2 + 1) (using the chain rule application)
      • d/dx(log_3(x)) = 1/(x ln(3))

      Therefore, dy/dx = 2x/(x^2 + 1) + 1/(x ln(3))

      It's crucial to remember that these rules apply to explicit functions where y is clearly defined in terms of x. The process of explicit differentiation relies on applying these rules systematically, often in combination with the chain rule application, product rule differentiation, or quotient rule for more complex functions. Practice with a variety of functions is key to mastering explicit differentiation and building a strong foundation for more advanced calculus concepts.

      Understanding Implicit Relations

      Implicit relations are mathematical expressions that define a relationship between variables without explicitly solving for one variable in terms of the others. Unlike explicit functions, which clearly express one variable (usually y) in terms of another (usually x), implicit relations describe a more complex interdependence between variables. This concept is crucial in advanced mathematics and has numerous applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer graphics.

      To better understand implicit relations, let's compare them to explicit functions. An explicit function might look like y = 2x + 3, where y is clearly defined in terms of x. On the other hand, an implicit relation could be something like x^2 + y^2 = 25, which is the circle equation. In this case, y is not directly expressed in terms of x, but rather, both variables are interrelated through the equation.

      The circle equation (x^2 + y^2 = r^2) is one of the most common examples of an implicit relation. It describes all points (x, y) that are at a distance r from the origin (0, 0). While it's possible to solve this equation for y, resulting in y = ±(r^2 - x^2), the implicit form is often more useful and easier to work with, especially when dealing with geometric properties or calculus applications.

      Another fascinating example of an implicit relation is the asteroid equation, given by x^(2/3) + y^(2/3) = a^(2/3), where a is a constant. This equation describes a curve that resembles a rounded square. The asteroid equation is particularly interesting because it cannot be easily expressed as an explicit function of y in terms of x or vice versa. This highlights one of the key advantages of implicit relations: they can represent curves and shapes that are difficult or impossible to describe using explicit functions.

      Complex equations in physics and engineering often take the form of implicit relations. For instance, the equation describing the motion of a pendulum or the shape of a catenary (the curve formed by a hanging chain) are typically expressed as implicit relations. These equations capture the intricate relationships between multiple variables that govern physical phenomena.

      It's important to note that it's not always possible or practical to solve implicit relations for y explicitly. There are several reasons for this:

      1. Mathematical complexity: Some equations involve operations or combinations of variables that make algebraic manipulation extremely difficult or impossible.
      2. Multiple solutions: Implicit relations can often represent curves or surfaces that have multiple y-values for a single x-value, which cannot be captured by a single explicit function.
      3. Symmetry: Many implicit relations have symmetrical properties that are lost when converted to explicit form.
      4. Computational efficiency: In some cases, working with the implicit form is more efficient for calculations or graphing.

      In calculus, implicit relations play a crucial role in implicit differentiation, where we can find the derivative of y with respect to x without explicitly solving for y. This technique is invaluable when dealing with complex equations or when maintaining the implicit form is advantageous for further analysis.

      Understanding implicit relations broadens our mathematical toolkit, allowing us to describe and analyze a wider range of phenomena and geometric shapes. From the simple elegance of the circle equation to the complexity of astronomical models, implicit relations provide a powerful means of expressing mathematical relationships that go beyond the limitations of explicit functions.

      Introduction to Implicit Differentiation

      Implicit differentiation is a powerful technique in calculus that allows us to find derivatives of functions that are not explicitly defined in terms of one variable. This method is particularly useful when dealing with implicit relations, where a function is defined by an equation involving both x and y, rather than y being explicitly expressed in terms of x.

      In many mathematical scenarios, we encounter equations where it's difficult or impossible to isolate one variable in terms of the other. For instance, consider the equation of a circle: x² + y² = r². Here, y is not explicitly defined as a function of x. In such cases, implicit differentiation comes to our rescue, enabling us to find the derivative dy/dx without having to solve for y explicitly.

      Implicit differentiation is, in essence, a special application of the chain rule. The chain rule is a fundamental concept in calculus that allows us to differentiate composite functions. When we apply implicit differentiation, we're essentially treating y as a function of x and applying the chain rule to both sides of the equation.

      To illustrate the process of implicit differentiation, let's consider a simple example. Suppose we have the equation x² + y² = 25, which represents a circle with radius 5. To find dy/dx, we follow these steps:

      1. Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x, treating y as a function of x:
      d/dx(x²) + d/dx(y²) = d/dx(25)

      2. Apply the chain rule to the y² term:
      2x + 2y · dy/dx = 0

      3. Solve for dy/dx:
      2y · dy/dx = -2x
      dy/dx = -x/y

      This result gives us the slope of the tangent line to the circle at any point (x, y) on the circle. Notice how we obtained the derivative without explicitly solving for y in terms of x, which would have been more complicated in this case.

      Implicit differentiation is particularly valuable when dealing with complex equations, such as those involving trigonometric, logarithmic, or exponential functions. It allows us to find derivatives in situations where explicit differentiation would be challenging or impossible.

      As you delve deeper into calculus, you'll find that implicit differentiation is an essential tool for solving a wide range of problems, including finding tangent lines to curves, determining rates of change in related quantities, and solving optimization problems in various fields of science and engineering.

      By mastering implicit differentiation, you'll expand your problem-solving toolkit and gain the ability to tackle more complex mathematical challenges. Remember, practice is key to becoming proficient in this technique, so don't hesitate to work through numerous examples to solidify your understanding.

      Steps for Implicit Differentiation

      Implicit differentiation is a powerful technique in calculus that allows us to find the derivative of a function that is not explicitly defined in terms of one variable. This process is particularly useful when dealing with equations where y is not isolated on one side. Let's outline the step-by-step process for performing implicit differentiation and explore some examples to better understand this concept.

      Step 1: Identify the Implicit Relation

      The first step in implicit differentiation is to recognize that you're dealing with an equation where y is not explicitly defined in terms of x. These equations often contain terms with both x and y variables intertwined.

      Step 2: Differentiate Both Sides of the Equation

      Treat y as a function of x and differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x. Remember to use the chain rule in implicit differentiation when differentiating terms containing y.

      Step 3: Apply the Chain Rule

      When differentiating terms containing y, multiply by dy/dx. This is a crucial step in implicit differentiation, as it accounts for the fact that y is a function of x.

      Step 4: Group Terms

      After differentiating, group all terms containing dy/dx on one side of the equation and all other terms on the other side.

      Step 5: Solve for dy/dx

      Factor out dy/dx and solve the equation to express dy/dx in terms of x and y.

      Example 1: Differentiating x² + y² = 25

      Let's apply these steps to the equation of a circle: x² + y² = 25

      1. Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x: 2x + 2y(dy/dx) = 0
      2. Group terms: 2y(dy/dx) = -2x
      3. Solve for dy/dx: dy/dx = -x/y

      Example 2: Differentiating xy + y³ = 7

      For a more complex example, let's differentiate complex equation xy + y³ = 7

      1. Differentiate both sides of the equation: y + x(dy/dx) + 3y²(dy/dx) = 0
      2. Group terms: x(dy/dx) + 3y²(dy/dx) = -y
      3. Factor out dy/dx: (x + 3y²)(dy/dx) = -y
      4. Solve for dy/dx: dy/dx = -y / (x + 3y²)

      Handling Terms with Both x and y Variables

      When dealing with terms containing both x and y, it's crucial to apply the product rule or chain rule in implicit differentiation as necessary. For instance, when differentiating xy, we get y + x(dy/dx). The first term, y, comes from treating y as a constant and differentiating with respect to x. The second term, x(dy/dx), arises from treating x as a constant and differentiating y with respect to x, then multiplying by x.

      Common Pitfalls to Avoid

      One common mistake in implicit differentiation is forgetting to apply the chain rule to terms containing y. Always remember that y is a function of x, so terms like y² should be differentiated as 2y(dy/dx), not simply 2y. Another pitfall is neglecting to group all dy/dx terms together before solving the final equation.

      Applications of Implicit Differentiation

      Implicit differentiation is particularly useful in various mathematical and real-world scenarios. It allows us to find tangent lines to curves that are not functions, such as circles or ellipses. It's also invaluable in physics

      Applications of Implicit Differentiation

      Implicit differentiation is a powerful mathematical technique that finds extensive applications in various real-world scenarios, particularly in physics and engineering. This method allows us to calculate rates of change for variables that are not explicitly defined in terms of one another, making it invaluable in complex systems and natural phenomena.

      In physics, implicit differentiation is crucial for analyzing motion in constrained systems. For instance, consider a bead sliding on a curved wire. The bead's position is implicitly defined by the wire's shape, and implicit differentiation helps determine its velocity and acceleration at any point. This application extends to more complex scenarios like planetary orbits, where the relationship between position variables is often implicit.

      Engineering fields heavily rely on implicit differentiation for optimizing designs and analyzing systems. In fluid dynamics, the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature in gases is often expressed implicitly through equations of state. Engineers use implicit differentiation to understand how these variables change concerning one another, crucial for designing efficient engines and turbines.

      Another significant application is in thermodynamics. The Maxwell relations, fundamental to understanding heat and energy transfer, are derived using implicit differentiation. These relations help engineers design more efficient heat engines and refrigeration systems by providing insights into how different thermodynamic variables interrelate.

      In electrical engineering, implicit differentiation is used to analyze circuits with non-linear components. For example, in a circuit with a varistor (a voltage-dependent resistor), the current-voltage relationship is often implicit. Engineers use this technique to understand how current changes with voltage, essential for designing surge protectors and other protective devices.

      The field of economics also benefits from implicit differentiation. In microeconomics, utility functions often involve multiple variables implicitly related. Economists use this technique to analyze consumer behavior and market equilibrium, helping to predict economic trends and formulate policies.

      In computer graphics and animation, implicit differentiation plays a role in creating realistic simulations. For instance, when modeling the deformation of soft bodies or cloth, the relationships between different points on the surface are often implicit. This technique helps calculate how forces propagate through the material, resulting in more lifelike animations.

      Environmental science utilizes implicit differentiation in modeling complex ecosystems. The relationships between different species populations or between environmental factors are often implicitly defined. Scientists use this method to understand how changes in one variable affect others, crucial for predicting the impact of environmental changes or human interventions.

      In medical imaging, implicit differentiation is used in algorithms for image reconstruction and enhancement. For example, in computed tomography (CT) scans, the relationship between the measured X-ray intensities and the density of tissues is implicit. This technique helps in improving image quality and extracting more detailed information from scans.

      The field of robotics also employs implicit differentiation, particularly in inverse kinematics problems. When determining the joint angles needed to achieve a specific end-effector position, the relationships are often implicit. This application is crucial for designing robotic arms and planning their movements efficiently.

      In conclusion, implicit differentiation is a versatile tool with wide-ranging applications across various fields. Its ability to handle complex, implicitly defined relationships makes it indispensable in modern science and engineering. From analyzing physical systems to optimizing designs and simulating natural phenomena, this mathematical technique continues to play a crucial role in advancing our understanding and capabilities in numerous disciplines.

      Common Mistakes and Tips for Implicit Differentiation

      Implicit differentiation is a powerful technique in calculus, but students often encounter challenges when applying it. Understanding common mistakes and learning effective strategies can significantly improve your proficiency. Let's explore some frequent errors and provide tips to avoid them, along with practice problems to reinforce your understanding.

      Common Mistakes in Implicit Differentiation

      • Forgetting to use the chain rule when differentiating y terms
      • Incorrectly applying the product rule or quotient rule
      • Neglecting to differentiate both sides of the equation
      • Mishandling constants or variables that are not y
      • Failing to isolate dy/dx at the end of the process

      Tips for Successful Implicit Differentiation

      1. Always treat y as a function of x, applying dy/dx to each y term
      2. Use the chain rule in implicit differentiation consistently for y terms: d/dx(y^n) = n * y^(n-1) * dy/dx
      3. Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x
      4. Group dy/dx terms on one side of the equation
      5. Factor out dy/dx and solve for it algebraically

      Practice Problems with Solutions

      1. Find dy/dx for x^2 + y^2 = 25

      Solution: Differentiate both sides: 2x + 2y(dy/dx) = 0
      Solve for dy/dx: dy/dx = -x/y

      2. Find dy/dx for xy + y^3 = 4

      Solution: Differentiate: y + x(dy/dx) + 3y^2(dy/dx) = 0
      Solve: dy/dx = -y / (x + 3y^2)

      3. Find dy/dx for sin(xy) = x + y

      Solution: Differentiate: cos(xy)(y + x(dy/dx)) = 1 + dy/dx
      Solve: dy/dx = (1 - y*cos(xy)) / (cos(xy)*x - 1)

      By practicing these problems and applying the tips provided, you can improve your implicit differentiation skills. Remember to approach each problem systematically, paying close attention to the application of differentiation rules and the proper handling of y terms. With consistent practice, you'll find that implicit differentiation becomes more intuitive and manageable.


      Implicit differentiation is a powerful technique for finding derivatives of functions that are not easily expressed in explicit form. Key points to remember include: it allows us to differentiate equations where y is not isolated, it relies on the chain rule, and it often involves treating y as a function of x. The introduction video is crucial in grasping these concepts, providing visual explanations and step-by-step examples. To solidify your understanding, further practice is essential. Try solving various implicit differentiation problems, gradually increasing in complexity. Explore related topics like implicit functions and their applications in physics and engineering. Remember, mastering implicit differentiation opens doors to solving more advanced calculus problems and understanding complex relationships between variables. Don't hesitate to revisit the video and seek additional resources to reinforce your knowledge. With consistent practice and exploration, you'll become proficient in this important calculus technique.

      Implicit differentiation is a powerful technique for finding derivatives of functions that are not easily expressed in explicit form. Key points to remember include: it allows us to differentiate equations where y is not isolated, it relies on the chain rule, and it often involves treating y as a function of x. The introduction video is crucial in grasping these concepts, providing visual explanations and step-by-step examples. To solidify your understanding, further practice is essential. Try solving various implicit differentiation problems, gradually increasing in complexity. Explore related topics like implicit functions and their applications in physics and engineering. Remember, mastering implicit differentiation opens doors to solving more advanced calculus problems and understanding complex relationships between variables. Don't hesitate to revisit the video and seek additional resources to reinforce your knowledge. With consistent practice and exploration, you'll become proficient in this important calculus technique.


      Q1: What is implicit differentiation and why is it important?
      A1: Implicit differentiation is a technique used to find derivatives of functions that are not explicitly defined in terms of one variable. It's important because it allows us to handle complex equations where y cannot be easily isolated, such as conic sections or equations involving trigonometric, logarithmic, or exponential functions. This method expands our ability to analyze a wider range of mathematical relationships and solve problems in various fields like physics and engineering.

      Q2: How does implicit differentiation differ from explicit differentiation?
      A2: Explicit differentiation involves finding the derivative of a function where y is clearly expressed in terms of x (e.g., y = x^2). Implicit differentiation, on the other hand, is used when the relationship between x and y is given by an equation where y is not isolated (e.g., x^2 + y^2 = 25). In implicit differentiation, we treat y as a function of x and apply the chain rule, differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to x.

      Q3: What are the key steps in performing implicit differentiation?
      A3: The key steps are: 1) Identify the implicit relation. 2) Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x, treating y as a function of x. 3) Apply the chain rule to terms containing y, multiplying by dy/dx. 4) Group terms containing dy/dx on one side of the equation. 5) Solve for dy/dx, expressing it in terms of x and y.

      Q4: What are some common mistakes to avoid in implicit differentiation?
      A4: Common mistakes include forgetting to use the chain rule when differentiating y terms, incorrectly applying the product or quotient rule, neglecting to differentiate both sides of the equation, mishandling constants, and failing to isolate dy/dx at the end of the process. It's crucial to treat y as a function of x throughout the differentiation process and consistently apply dy/dx to each y term.

      Q5: Where is implicit differentiation applied in real-world scenarios?
      A5: Implicit differentiation has numerous real-world applications. In physics, it's used to analyze motion in constrained systems and planetary orbits. Engineers use it in thermodynamics for understanding heat transfer and in electrical engineering for analyzing non-linear circuits. It's also applied in economics for analyzing utility functions, in computer graphics for creating realistic simulations, and in medical imaging for improving image reconstruction algorithms.

      Prerequisite Topics for Implicit Differentiation

      Understanding implicit differentiation requires a solid foundation in several key mathematical concepts. One of the most fundamental is the relationship between two variables. This concept is crucial because implicit differentiation often deals with equations where variables are not explicitly solved for one another.

      Building on this, students should be comfortable with solving linear equations with variables on both sides. This skill is essential when rearranging complex equations during the implicit differentiation process. Additionally, familiarity with composite functions is vital, as many implicit functions involve nested relationships between variables.

      As we delve deeper into calculus, the power rule becomes indispensable. This rule forms the basis for differentiating many functions and is frequently applied in implicit differentiation. Closely related is the chain rule, which is crucial when dealing with composite functions in implicit form.

      Understanding the derivative of exponential functions is another key prerequisite. Many implicit equations contain exponential terms, and knowing how to differentiate these is essential. Similarly, the power of a product rule and the power of a quotient rule are important algebraic concepts that translate directly to their calculus counterparts in differentiation.

      Finally, grasping the concept of the slope and equation of tangent line is crucial. Implicit differentiation often involves finding the slope of a curve at a specific point, which is fundamentally what a derivative represents.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-prepared to tackle the challenges of implicit differentiation. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a strong foundation for understanding this advanced calculus technique. Remember, implicit differentiation is not just about applying a set of rules, but about understanding how these underlying principles work together to solve complex mathematical problems.