Vertical asymptote

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  1. Introduction to Vertical Asymptotes

    • How to determine vertical asymptotes of a rational function?


    For the rational function: f(x)=(2x+9)(x8)(6x+11)(x)(2x+9)(x+5)(3x7)(6x+11)f(x) = \frac{(2x+9)(x-8)(6x+11)}{(x)(2x+9)(x+5)(3x-7)(6x+11)}

    i) Locate the points of discontinuity.

    ii) Find the vertical asymptotes.

  1. Graphing Rational Functions

    Sketch each rational function by determining:

    i) vertical asymptote.

    ii) horizontal asymptotes

    1. f(x)=52x+10f\left( x \right) = \frac{5}{{2x + 10}}
    2. g(x)=5x213x+62x2+3x+2g\left( x \right) = \frac{{5{x^2} - 13x + 6}}{{ - 2{x^2} + 3x + 2}}
    3. h(x)=x320x100h\left( x \right) = \frac{{{x^3}}}{{20x - 100}}
  2. Identifying Characteristics of Rational Functions

    Without sketching the graph, determine the following features for each rational function:

    i) point of discontinuity

    ii) vertical asymptote

    iii) horizontal asymptote

    iv) slant asymptote

    1. a(x)=x9x+9a(x) = \frac{x - 9}{x + 9}
    2. b(x)=x29x2+9b(x) = \frac{x^{2}-9}{x^{2}+9}
    3. c(x)=x2+9x29c(x) = \frac{x^{2}+9}{x^{2}-9}
    4. d(x)=x+9x29d(x) = \frac{x+9}{x^{2}-9}
    5. e(x)=x+3x29e(x) = \frac{x+3}{x^{2}-9}
    6. f(x)=x2+9x+9f(x) = \frac{x^{2}+9}{x+9}
    7. g(x)=x9x29g(x) = \frac{-x-9}{-x^{2}-9}
    8. h(x)=x29x2+9h(x) = \frac{-x^{2}-9}{-x^{2}+9}
    9. i(x)=x29x+3i(x) = \frac{x^{2}-9}{x+3}
    10. j(x)=x39x2x23xj(x) = \frac{x^{3}-9x^{2}}{x^{2}-3x}
Topic Notes


Vertical asymptotes are crucial concepts in understanding rational functions and their graphical representations. Our introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of this important mathematical topic, serving as an essential foundation for students and enthusiasts alike. In this article, we'll delve deeper into the world of vertical asymptotes, exploring their significance and how to identify them accurately. We'll guide you through the process of finding vertical asymptotes step-by-step, emphasizing their pivotal role in graphing rational functions. By mastering this concept, you'll gain valuable insights into function behavior and limits. Whether you're a student preparing for exams or simply curious about advanced mathematical concepts, understanding vertical asymptotes is key to unlocking the full potential of rational function analysis. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of vertical asymptotes and their applications in mathematical modeling and problem-solving.

Understanding Rational Functions

Rational functions are a fundamental concept in algebra, defined as the ratio of two polynomials. These functions play a crucial role in various mathematical applications and are essential for understanding more advanced topics in calculus and beyond. To grasp the concept of rational functions, let's delve into their structure and explore the importance of simplification.

A rational function is expressed as P(x) / Q(x), where P(x) and Q(x) are polynomials, and Q(x) is not equal to zero. The polynomial in the numerator is divided by the polynomial in the denominator, creating a fraction-like structure. Let's examine the example from the video: (x^3 + 2x^2 + 3x + 4) / (x^5 + 2x^4 + 3x^3 + 4x^2 + 5x + 6). In this case, the numerator is a third-degree polynomial, while the denominator is a fifth-degree polynomial.

The structure of a rational function is crucial to understand. The numerator and denominator can have different degrees, and their coefficients can vary. In our example, the numerator has terms up to x^3, while the denominator extends to x^5. Each term in both polynomials has its own coefficient, which affects the overall behavior of the function.

One of the most important aspects of working with rational functions is simplifying rational expressions. This process involves canceling common factors between the numerator and denominator, which can significantly reduce the complexity of the function and make it easier to analyze. Simplification is not just about making the expression look neater; it can reveal important properties of the function and simplify further calculations.

To simplify a rational function, we need to factor both the numerator and denominator and then cancel any common factors. Let's apply this to our example: (x^3 + 2x^2 + 3x + 4) / (x^5 + 2x^4 + 3x^3 + 4x^2 + 5x + 6). First, we need to check if there are any common factors between the numerator and denominator. In this case, there are no common factors that can be canceled out immediately.

However, it's important to note that not all rational functions will have obvious common factors. In some cases, you may need to factor complex expressions or use techniques like polynomial long division to simplify the function further. The process of simplification can sometimes reveal hidden properties of the function, such as vertical asymptotes or holes in the graph.

Simplifying rational expressions by canceling common factors is a critical skill in algebra. It not only reduces the complexity of the expression but also helps in identifying key features of the function. For instance, canceling factors can eliminate potential discontinuities in the function or reveal its behavior as x approaches infinity.

In conclusion, understanding rational functions and the process of simplifying them is essential for anyone studying algebra or higher mathematics. These functions, defined as the ratio of polynomials, have a unique structure that can be analyzed and simplified through careful factoring and cancellation of common terms. By mastering these concepts, students can better understand the behavior of complex mathematical expressions and prepare themselves for more advanced topics in mathematics.

Identifying Points of Discontinuity

Canceling common factors in rational functions is a crucial step in identifying points of discontinuity and vertical asymptotes. This process can reveal critical information about a function's behavior and help us understand where the function is undefined. Let's explore how canceling factors leads to points of discontinuity and why this step is essential in mathematical analysis.

When we cancel common factors in the numerator and denominator of a rational function, we're essentially simplifying the expression. However, this simplification can sometimes eliminate potential points of discontinuity. These points are where the original function would be undefined, but after cancellation, they no longer appear in the simplified version.

Consider the example from the video, where we had a rational function with multiple factors in both the numerator and denominator. By canceling two pairs of common factors, we discovered two distinct points of discontinuity. Specifically, these points were x = -9/2 and x = -11/6. These values represent the zeros of the canceled factors, which were originally in the denominator of the function.

The importance of this step in finding vertical asymptotes cannot be overstated. Vertical asymptotes occur at x-values where the denominator of a rational function equals zero, but the numerator does not. By canceling common factors, we can identify which x-values truly lead to vertical asymptotes and which ones are removable discontinuities.

In our example, the cancellation process revealed that x = -9/2 and x = -11/6 are points of discontinuity, but they are not vertical asymptotes. This is because the factors containing these values were present in both the numerator and denominator, and canceling them out removed the potential for a vertical asymptote at these points. Instead, these become holes in the graph of the function.

Understanding this process is crucial for several reasons:

  1. It helps us accurately graph rational functions by identifying all points of discontinuity.
  2. It allows us to distinguish between vertical asymptotes and removable discontinuities.
  3. It provides insight into the function's behavior near these critical points.
  4. It simplifies the function, making further analysis more manageable.

In conclusion, canceling common factors is a vital step in analyzing rational functions. It not only simplifies the expression but also reveals important information about the function's discontinuities. By carefully examining the canceled factors and their corresponding x-values, we can gain a deeper understanding of the function's behavior and accurately identify its vertical asymptotes and points of discontinuity.

How to Find Vertical Asymptotes

Understanding how to find vertical asymptotes is a crucial skill in analyzing rational functions. This process becomes straightforward when working with a simplified rational expression. The key concept to remember is that vertical asymptotes occur at the zeros of the denominator. Let's delve into this process step-by-step, using the example from the video to illustrate the method.

To begin, recall that a rational expression is a fraction where both the numerator and denominator are polynomials. The simplified rational expression we'll be working with is:

[Equation representation of the simplified rational expression]

To find the vertical asymptotes, we focus exclusively on the denominator. The zeros of the denominator are the x-values that make the denominator equal to zero. These x-values are precisely where the vertical asymptotes occur.

In our example, the denominator contains three factors: x, (x + 5), and (3x - 7). Each of these factors, when set to zero, will give us a vertical asymptote. Let's solve for each:

  1. x = 0 (This is already in its simplest form)
  2. x + 5 = 0, solving for x gives us x = -5
  3. 3x - 7 = 0, solving for x gives us x = 7/3

Therefore, we have identified three vertical asymptotes: x = 0, x = -5, and x = 7/3. It's important to note that the number of factors in the denominator equals the number of vertical asymptotes. In this case, we have three factors, resulting in three vertical asymptotes.

This relationship between the factors in the denominator and the number of vertical asymptotes is a valuable insight. It allows you to quickly gauge how many vertical asymptotes to expect before even solving the equations. Always remember that each unique factor in the denominator corresponds to a potential vertical asymptote.

When graphing the function, these vertical lines on the coordinate plane will appear as vertical lines on the coordinate plane. The function will approach infinity or negative infinity as it gets closer to these x-values from either side, creating the characteristic asymptotic behavior.

To further solidify your understanding, practice finding vertical asymptotes with various rational expressions. Start with simpler expressions having one or two factors in the denominator, then progress to more complex ones. Remember, the process remains the same: identify the factors in the denominator, set each factor to zero, and solve for x.

In summary, finding vertical asymptotes using a simplified rational expression involves these key steps:

  1. Identify the denominator of the rational expression.
  2. Factor the denominator completely.
  3. Set each factor equal to zero and solve for x.
  4. Each solution represents a vertical asymptote.

By mastering this process, you'll be well-equipped to analyze rational functions and their behavior, which is essential in various fields of mathematics and its applications. Remember, the zeros of the denominator are the key to unlocking the vertical asymptotes of any rational function.

Graphing Vertical Asymptotes

Graphing vertical asymptotes is a crucial skill in understanding the behavior of rational functions. In this section, we'll explore how to graph vertical asymptotes using the example from the video, providing a step-by-step guide to help you master this important concept.

Vertical asymptotes occur where the denominator of a rational function equals zero, causing the function to approach infinity or negative infinity. In our example, we have three vertical asymptotes: x = -2, x = 0, and x = 3. Each asymptote has a significant meaning in the context of the graph.

The asymptote at x = 0 is particularly noteworthy as it corresponds to the y-axis. This means that the function approaches infinity or negative infinity as it gets infinitely close to the y-axis from either side. The other two asymptotes, x = -2 and x = 3, indicate where the function's behavior becomes undefined and approaches infinity or negative infinity.

To sketch the graph with these three vertical asymptotes, follow these steps:

  1. Draw the coordinate plane with clearly labeled x and y axes.
  2. Mark the locations of the vertical asymptotes on the x-axis: x = -2, x = 0, and x = 3.
  3. Draw dashed vertical lines at each of these x-values to represent the asymptotes.
  4. Determine the behavior of the function near each asymptote by evaluating the function for values slightly less than and greater than the asymptote.
  5. Sketch the curve of the function, ensuring it approaches but never touches the asymptotes.
  6. Pay attention to any horizontal asymptotes or x-intercepts to complete the graph accurately.

Vertical asymptotes significantly affect the overall shape of the graph. They create distinct regions where the function's behavior changes dramatically. As the function approaches a vertical asymptote, it tends towards positive or negative infinity, creating a sharp, vertical-like appearance in the graph.

The presence of multiple vertical asymptotes, as in our example, divides the graph into separate sections. Each section between two asymptotes can be thought of as a distinct part of the function, potentially with different behaviors. This segmentation is crucial for understanding the function's complete behavior across its domain.

When graphing, it's important to note that the function never actually reaches or crosses a vertical asymptote. Instead, it gets infinitely close on either side. This creates a characteristic "gap" in the graph at each asymptote location.

The y-axis asymptote (x = 0) in our example is particularly interesting as it divides the graph into two main sections: the negative x-axis side and the positive x-axis side. This asymptote often indicates a fundamental change in the function's behavior as it transitions from negative to positive x-values.

Understanding and accurately graphing vertical asymptotes is essential for analyzing rational functions in various fields, including mathematics, physics, and engineering. It allows us to visualize complex behaviors and predict function values in regions where direct calculation might be challenging or impossible.

As you practice graphing vertical asymptotes, remember to always identify all asymptotes before beginning your sketch. This preliminary step will guide your entire graphing process and ensure accuracy in representing the function's behavior. With practice, you'll develop an intuitive understanding of how these asymptotes shape the overall graph and what they reveal about the function's properties.

Common Mistakes and Tips for Finding Vertical Asymptotes

When learning how to solve for vertical asymptotes, students often encounter several common errors. Understanding these pitfalls and learning effective strategies can significantly improve your ability in identifying vertical asymptotes accurately. Let's explore these issues and provide valuable tips to enhance your skills.

Common Errors in Finding Vertical Asymptotes

One of the most frequent mistakes students make is failing to simplify the rational expression before determining asymptotes. This oversight can lead to incorrect conclusions about the function's behavior. Always remember to factor both the numerator and denominator completely before proceeding with your analysis.

Another common error is confusing holes in the graph with vertical asymptotes. While both represent discontinuities, they behave differently. A hole occurs when a factor cancels out between the numerator and denominator, whereas a vertical asymptote occurs when the denominator equals zero and the numerator doesn't.

Students also sometimes forget to check for extraneous solutions when solving equations to find vertical asymptotes. Always verify your solutions by plugging them back into the original function to ensure accuracy.

The Importance of Simplification

Simplifying the rational expression is crucial in identifying vertical asymptotes correctly. By factoring both the numerator and denominator, you can: 1. Identify common factors that may cancel out 2. Clearly see the values that make the denominator zero 3. Distinguish between vertical asymptotes and holes in the graph

Remember, vertical asymptotes occur at x-values that make the denominator zero but not the numerator. Simplification helps you identify these critical points more easily and accurately.

Tips for Quickly Identifying Vertical Asymptotes

To streamline the process of identifying vertical asymptotes in various types of rational functions, consider these tips: 1. Always factor the denominator first. The roots of the denominator are potential vertical asymptotes. 2. Check if any factors in the denominator are also present in the numerator. If they are, these factors will not produce vertical asymptotes but may create holes. 3. For polynomial rational functions, the degree of the numerator compared to the denominator can give you a quick insight into the function's behavior at infinity. 4. In trigonometric rational functions, pay attention to the values that make trigonometric terms in the denominator equal to zero. 5. For exponential and logarithmic functions, consider the domain restrictions of these functions when identifying potential asymptotes.

Practice Problems

To apply your understanding, try solving these practice problems for vertical asymptotes: 1. Find the vertical asymptotes of f(x) = (x^2 - 4) / (x^2 - x - 6) 2. Identify the vertical asymptotes of g(x) = (x^3 - 8) / (x^2 - 4) 3. Determine the vertical asymptotes of h(x) = tan(x) / (sin(x) - 1) 4. Find the vertical asymptotes of k(x) = (e^x - 1) / (ln(x) - 2) Remember to simplify each expression, factor the denominator, and check for any common factors between the numerator and denominator. Verify your solutions by graphing the functions or using a calculator to check the behavior near the identified asymptotes.

By practicing regularly and applying these tips, you'll become more proficient in identifying vertical asymptotes across various types of rational functions. This skill is crucial for understanding function behavior and is widely applicable in calculus and advanced mathematics. Keep refining your technique, and don't hesitate to seek clarification on challenging problems. With persistence and practice, mastering the art of finding vertical asymptotes will become second nature.

Vertical Asymptotes in Real-World Applications

Vertical asymptotes play a crucial role in various fields, including physics, engineering, and economics. These mathematical concepts are not just theoretical constructs but have significant practical applications in modeling and problem-solving across different disciplines. Understanding vertical asymptotes is essential for accurately representing and analyzing real-world phenomena.

In physics, vertical asymptotes are often encountered when studying the behavior of particles or systems near critical points. For instance, in the analysis of gravitational fields, the gravitational force between two objects approaches infinity as the distance between them approaches zero. This is represented by a vertical asymptote in the force-distance graph. Similarly, in electromagnetism, the electric field strength near a point charge exhibits a vertical asymptote as one gets infinitely close to the charge, illustrating the concept of singularities in physical systems.

Engineering applications of vertical asymptotes are numerous and diverse. In structural engineering, the concept is crucial when analyzing the stability of structures under varying loads. For example, when modeling the deflection of a beam, a vertical asymptote may represent the point at which the beam would theoretically fail or experience infinite deflection. In electrical engineering, vertical asymptotes are essential in understanding the behavior of circuits, particularly in resonance phenomena where the impedance of a circuit can approach infinity at specific frequencies.

The field of economics heavily relies on vertical asymptotes for modeling various economic phenomena. In supply and demand curves, vertical asymptotes can represent situations where demand becomes infinitely high as price approaches zero, or supply becomes zero as price increases beyond a certain point. These models help economists understand market behaviors and predict economic trends. In financial modeling, vertical asymptotes are used to represent critical thresholds in investment strategies or risk assessment models.

One real-world example where understanding vertical asymptotes is crucial is in population dynamics. When modeling population growth using logistic functions, vertical asymptotes can represent the carrying capacity of an environment. As the population approaches this limit, growth rates change dramatically, which is essential for ecological management and conservation efforts.

In chemical engineering, vertical asymptotes are encountered in reaction kinetics. The rate of certain chemical reactions can approach infinity under specific conditions, represented by vertical asymptotes in reaction rate graphs. This understanding is vital for designing and optimizing chemical processes in industrial settings.

The concept of vertical asymptotes is also significant in computer science and data analysis. When dealing with algorithms that involve division or logarithmic functions, understanding vertical asymptotes helps in identifying potential computational errors or limitations. This is particularly important in machine learning models where certain parameter values might lead to undefined or infinite results.

In conclusion, vertical asymptotes are not merely mathematical curiosities but powerful tools for modeling and understanding complex real-world phenomena. Their applications span across various disciplines, from the microscopic world of particle physics to the macroscopic realm of economic systems. By recognizing and correctly interpreting vertical asymptotes, professionals in these fields can make more accurate predictions, design more efficient systems, and develop more robust models. As our understanding of complex systems continues to evolve, the importance of concepts like vertical asymptotes in practical applications is likely to grow, making them an essential component of advanced problem-solving and analytical techniques across multiple disciplines.


Vertical asymptotes are crucial elements in understanding rational functions. They occur where the denominator of a rational function equals zero, creating a line that the graph approaches but never crosses. To find vertical asymptotes, set the denominator to zero and solve for x. These asymptotes are essential for accurately graphing rational functions, as they indicate where the function is undefined and help visualize its behavior. The introduction video provides a clear explanation of these concepts, making it easier to grasp the fundamentals. By understanding vertical asymptotes, you'll be better equipped to analyze and graph rational functions. Practice finding vertical asymptotes in various rational functions to reinforce your skills. Remember, mastering this concept is key to success in advanced mathematics and calculus. Don't hesitate to revisit the video and work through additional examples to solidify your understanding of vertical asymptotes and their significance in rational functions.

Graphing Rational Functions

Graphing Rational Functions

Sketch each rational function by determining:

i) vertical asymptote.

ii) horizontal asymptotes

f(x)=52x+10f\left( x \right) = \frac{5}{{2x + 10}}

Step 1: Determine the Vertical Asymptote

To find the vertical asymptote of the rational function, we need to set the denominator equal to zero and solve for xx. The denominator of our function is 2x+102x + 10. Setting it to zero, we get:

2x+10=02x + 10 = 0

Solving for xx, we subtract 10 from both sides:

2x=102x = -10

Then, divide both sides by 2:

x=5x = -5

Thus, the vertical asymptote is at x=5x = -5. This means the graph will approach this line but never touch or cross it.

Step 2: Determine the Horizontal Asymptote

To find the horizontal asymptote, we need to compare the degrees of the numerator and the denominator. The numerator of our function is 5, which can be written as 5x05x^0 (degree 0). The denominator is 2x+102x + 10, which is a polynomial of degree 1.

Since the degree of the numerator (0) is less than the degree of the denominator (1), we use the rule that states: if the degree of the numerator is less than the degree of the denominator, the horizontal asymptote is y=0y = 0.

Therefore, the horizontal asymptote is at y=0y = 0, which is the x-axis.

Step 3: Find the Y-Intercept

To find the y-intercept, we set x=0x = 0 and solve for yy. Substituting x=0x = 0 into the function f(x)f(x), we get:

f(0)=52(0)+10=510=0.5f(0) = \frac{5}{2(0) + 10} = \frac{5}{10} = 0.5

So, the y-intercept is at y=0.5y = 0.5.

Step 4: Sketch the Graph

With the vertical asymptote at x=5x = -5 and the horizontal asymptote at y=0y = 0, we can start sketching the graph. The y-intercept at y=0.5y = 0.5 tells us that the graph will pass through the point (0, 0.5).

To get a more accurate graph, we can plot additional points. For example, if we plug in x=3x = -3, we get:

f(3)=52(3)+10=56+10=54=1.25f(-3) = \frac{5}{2(-3) + 10} = \frac{5}{-6 + 10} = \frac{5}{4} = 1.25

This gives us another point, (3,1.25)(-3, 1.25), to plot on the graph.

By plotting these points and considering the asymptotes, we can sketch the graph of the rational function. The graph will approach the vertical asymptote x=5x = -5 and the horizontal asymptote y=0y = 0 but will not touch or cross them.


Here are some frequently asked questions about vertical asymptotes:

1. How do you find a vertical asymptote?

To find a vertical asymptote, follow these steps: 1. Simplify the rational function if possible. 2. Set the denominator equal to zero. 3. Solve for x. 4. The x-values that make the denominator zero are the vertical asymptotes.

2. What is the rule for vertical asymptotes?

The rule for vertical asymptotes is that they occur at x-values where the denominator of a rational function equals zero, but the numerator does not. These x-values represent points where the function is undefined and approaches infinity or negative infinity.

3. How to find VA and HA?

To find vertical asymptotes (VA) and horizontal asymptotes (HA): - For VA: Set the denominator to zero and solve for x. - For HA: Compare the degrees of the numerator and denominator: - If degree of numerator < degree of denominator: HA is y = 0 - If degrees are equal: HA is y = leading coefficient of numerator / leading coefficient of denominator - If degree of numerator > degree of denominator: No HA exists

4. How do you find the asymptotes of a horizontal asymptote?

To find horizontal asymptotes: 1. Compare the degrees of the numerator and denominator polynomials. 2. If the numerator's degree is less than the denominator's, the HA is y = 0. 3. If the degrees are equal, divide the leading coefficients of the numerator by the denominator. 4. If the numerator's degree is greater, there is no horizontal asymptote (the function has a slant asymptote instead).

5. How to find vertical asymptotes of exponential functions?

For exponential functions: 1. Look for expressions in the denominator that could equal zero. 2. Solve the equation formed by setting that expression to zero. 3. The solution(s) will be the vertical asymptote(s). For example, in f(x) = 1 / (e^x - 1), the vertical asymptote occurs when e^x - 1 = 0, which gives x = 0.

Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Vertical Asymptotes

To fully grasp the concept of vertical asymptotes, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. One of the most fundamental is infinite limits - vertical asymptotes, which directly relates to our main topic. This concept helps us understand how functions behave as they approach certain x-values, leading to the formation of vertical asymptotes.

Another essential prerequisite is graphing reciprocals of quadratic functions. This topic provides valuable insights into how rational functions behave and how their graphs relate to vertical asymptotes. Understanding the characteristics of quadratic functions is also crucial, as it forms the basis for more complex rational functions that exhibit vertical asymptotes.

When dealing with rational functions, the ability to simplify rational expressions and identify restrictions is paramount. This skill helps in determining the x-values that could potentially lead to vertical asymptotes. Additionally, understanding common factors of polynomials is vital, as it allows us to simplify rational expressions and identify potential asymptotes more easily.

For more advanced applications, knowledge of polynomial long division becomes relevant. This technique is often used to simplify complex rational functions, which can reveal hidden vertical asymptotes. Furthermore, familiarity with integration of rational functions by partial fractions is beneficial for those studying calculus, as it often involves analyzing functions with vertical asymptotes.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can develop a comprehensive understanding of vertical asymptotes. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a strong foundation for analyzing and graphing functions with vertical asymptotes. For instance, the ability to simplify rational expressions helps in identifying potential asymptotes, while understanding infinite limits allows for a deeper analysis of function behavior near these asymptotes.

Moreover, the skills gained from studying reciprocals of quadratic functions and characteristics of quadratic functions directly translate to more complex rational functions. This knowledge enables students to predict and visualize the behavior of functions around vertical asymptotes more accurately.

In conclusion, a thorough grasp of these prerequisite topics is essential for anyone looking to master the concept of vertical asymptotes. Each topic contributes uniquely to the overall understanding, from basic algebraic manipulations to more advanced calculus concepts. By building this strong foundation, students will be well-equipped to tackle more complex problems involving vertical asymptotes in their mathematical journey.

For a rational function: f(x)=numeratordenominatorf(x) = \frac{numerator}{denominator}

Provided that the numerator and denominator have no factors in common (if there are, we have "points of discontinuity" as discussed in the previous section), vertical asymptotes can be determined as follows:

\bullet equations of vertical asymptotes: x = zeros of the denominator

i.e.f(x)=numeratorx(x+5)(3x7)i.e. f(x) = \frac{numerator}{x(x+5)(3x-7)}; vertical asymptotes: x=0,x=5,x=75x = 0, x = -5, x = \frac{7}{5}