Introduction to vectors

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  1. What are vectors?
  1. Which of the following is/are a vector?
    5050 miles per hour north
    40km/s2\sqrt{40 } km/s^2
    43.1C -43.1^{\circ} C
    iv) 5641  ft35641\; ft^3
    3232 Newton at 9898^{\circ} west of north
    1. For the following vectors, express them in component form, matrix form, and rectangular form
      express vectors in component form, matrix form, and rectangular form

      1. p \vec{p}
      2. q \vec{q}
      3. v \vec{v}
      4. w \vec{w}
    2. For the following vectors, express them in component form, matrix form, and rectangular form
      vectors in various forms

      1. v \vec{v}
      2. w \vec{w}
      3. r \vec{r}
    Topic Notes
    The notion of vectors can be easily found in our daily surroundings – from airplane navigation to trajectories of balls during a sports game, to movements of a character you maneuver in your video games. In this section, we will learn about the graphical, and mathematical representation of a vector, as well as how to distinguish the differences between a scalar quantity and a vector quantity.

    Introduction to Vectors

    Vectors are fundamental mathematical concepts that play a crucial role in our daily lives, often without us realizing it. The introduction video provides an essential foundation for understanding these powerful tools. Vectors are quantities that possess both magnitude and direction, making them invaluable in various fields. In everyday scenarios, vectors are at work in airplane navigation, guiding pilots through complex flight paths. Video game developers use vectors to create realistic character movements, enhancing gameplay experiences. From physics to engineering, vectors help describe and analyze motion, forces, and spatial relationships. They enable us to represent and manipulate multidimensional data efficiently. As we delve deeper into the world of vectors, we'll discover their applications in GPS technology, weather forecasting, and even in the optimization of delivery routes. Understanding vectors opens up a new perspective on the world around us, revealing the underlying mathematical structure of many natural and technological phenomena.

    What are Vectors?

    Vectors are fascinating mathematical and physical concepts that play a crucial role in understanding the world around us. At their core, vectors are quantities that possess both magnitude and direction. This dual nature sets them apart from scalar quantities, which only have magnitude. Let's dive deeper into what vectors are and explore some real-world examples to help you grasp this concept better.

    Imagine you're driving a car. When you press the accelerator, your car doesn't just increase its speed; it moves in a specific direction. This is a perfect example of a vector quantity: acceleration. The magnitude of acceleration tells you how quickly your speed is changing, while the direction indicates which way you're heading. If you're driving north and accelerating at 5 meters per second squared, that's a vector!

    Another excellent example of a vector is the trajectory of an arrow shot from a bow. When an archer releases an arrow, it doesn't simply travel a certain distance; it follows a specific path through the air. The arrow's velocity is a vector quantity. Its magnitude represents how fast the arrow is moving, while its direction shows where it's headed. As the arrow flies, both its speed and direction can change due to factors like gravity and air resistance, making it a dynamic vector quantity.

    These examples beautifully demonstrate the two essential components of vectors: magnitude and direction. In the case of car acceleration, the magnitude might be measured in meters per second squared, while the direction could be expressed as north, south, east, or west. For the arrow's trajectory, the magnitude of its velocity could be measured in meters per second, with the direction described by angles relative to the ground or a coordinate system.

    Understanding vectors is crucial in many fields, from physics and engineering to computer graphics and navigation. They allow us to describe and analyze motion, forces, and other phenomena that involve both size and orientation. For instance, when meteorologists predict wind speed and direction simultaneously.

    It's important to note that vectors can be represented visually as arrows, where the length of the arrow indicates the magnitude, and the way it points shows the direction. This visual representation makes it easier to understand and work with vectors, especially when dealing with complex problems involving multiple vector quantities.

    In mathematics, vectors are often described using components, typically in the form of (x, y) for two-dimensional vectors or (x, y, z) for three-dimensional ones. These components allow for precise calculations and manipulations of vector quantities.

    As you continue to explore the world of vectors, you'll discover their applications in everyday life, from determining the most efficient route for a delivery truck to calculating the forces acting on a bridge. By mastering the concept of vectors, you'll gain a powerful tool for analyzing and describing the physical world around you.

    Remember, whenever you encounter a quantity that has both a size and a direction associated with it, you're likely dealing with a vector. Whether it's the velocity of a baseball, the force of a magnet, or the displacement of a hiker on a trail, vectors are there to help us understand and quantify these phenomena. So the next time you're watching a car accelerate or an arrow fly through the air, take a moment to appreciate the wind speed and direction vectors at work!

    Vectors vs. Scalars

    Understanding Vectors

    Vectors are fundamental quantities in physics and mathematics that possess both magnitude and direction. They are essential for describing various physical phenomena, such as force, velocity, and acceleration. Vectors are typically represented by arrows, where the length of the arrow indicates the vector magnitude and direction, and the direction the arrow points shows the vector's direction.

    Defining Scalars

    Scalars, on the other hand, are quantities that have only magnitude. Unlike vectors, scalars do not have an associated direction. This key difference sets scalars apart from vectors and makes them simpler to work with in many calculations. Scalars are represented by a single number, which indicates their magnitude.

    Examples of Scalars

    Several common physical quantities are scalars. Surface area, for instance, is a scalar quantity. When we measure the surface area of an object, we're only concerned with its magnitude, typically expressed in square units (e.g., square meters or square feet). The concept of direction doesn't apply to surface area.

    Temperature is another excellent example of a scalar quantity. When we measure temperature, we're only interested in how hot or cold something is, not in any particular direction. Whether it's 25°C or 77°F, these values represent the magnitude of temperature without any directional component.

    The Importance of Direction

    The absence of direction in scalar quantities is a crucial characteristic. This lack of directional information simplifies many calculations and makes scalars easier to work with in certain contexts. For example, when adding or subtracting scalar quantities, we only need to consider their magnitudes. This is in contrast to vectors, where both magnitude and direction must be taken into account during calculations.

    Comparing Vectors and Scalars

    While vectors provide more comprehensive information by including both magnitude and direction, scalars offer simplicity in representing quantities that don't require directional information. Understanding the distinction between vectors and scalars is crucial in physics and engineering, as it affects how we analyze and solve problems involving these quantities.

    Applications of Scalars

    Scalars find applications in various fields. In physics, quantities like mass, energy, and time are all scalar quantities. In everyday life, we encounter scalars in measurements of volume, density, and pressure. The simplicity of scalars makes them ideal for representing these types of quantities where direction is not relevant.


    In summary, the key difference between vectors and scalars lies in their components. Vectors have both magnitude and direction, making them suitable for describing quantities that require directional information. Scalars, with their single-value representation of magnitude, are ideal for quantities where direction is not applicable or necessary. Understanding this distinction is crucial for accurately representing and working with various physical quantities in science and engineering.

    Graphical Representation of Vectors

    Vectors are fundamental mathematical entities that possess both magnitude and direction, making them essential in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. The graphical representation of vectors provides a visual and intuitive way to understand and work with these quantities. In this section, we'll explore how vectors are depicted graphically and the importance of arrows in conveying their properties.

    At its core, a vector is represented graphically as an arrow. This arrow serves two crucial purposes: its length represents the vector's magnitude and direction, while its orientation indicates the vector's direction. This dual representation allows us to quickly grasp the essential characteristics of a vector at a glance.

    The starting point of the arrow is called the tail or initial point, while the endpoint is referred to as the head or terminal point. The arrow always points from the tail to the head, clearly showing the vector's direction. The length of the arrow, measured from tail to head, corresponds to the vector's magnitude and direction or strength.

    To illustrate this concept, let's consider the example of a car's acceleration. Imagine a vector diagram showing a car's acceleration on a straight road. The arrow's length would represent the magnitude of acceleration (how quickly the car is speeding up), while its direction would indicate whether the car is accelerating forward or slowing down (negative acceleration or deceleration).

    Another practical example is the trajectory of an arrow shot from a bow. In this case, the vector diagram would show the initial velocity of the arrow. The arrow's length would represent the speed at which it's fired, and its direction would show the angle at which it's launched.

    Drawing simple vector diagrams is a valuable skill for understanding and solving vector-related problems. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating basic vector diagrams:

    1. Choose an appropriate scale for your diagram. This will help you accurately represent the vector's magnitude.
    2. Select a starting point (tail) for your vector on the page or coordinate system.
    3. Draw a straight line from the starting point in the direction of the vector.
    4. Make the line length proportional to the vector's magnitude, using your chosen scale.
    5. Add an arrowhead at the end of the line (head) to clearly indicate the vector's direction.
    6. Label the vector with its name or symbol, typically using bold font or an arrow above the letter.

    When working with multiple vectors, it's important to maintain consistent scaling and positioning. This allows for accurate visual comparisons and operations, such as vector addition or subtraction. Vector addition, for instance, can be graphically represented by placing the tail of one vector at the head of another, forming a path that represents the resultant vector.

    In more complex scenarios, vectors can be broken down into components along different axes. This is particularly useful in two-dimensional or three-dimensional problems. For example, a velocity vector can be decomposed into horizontal and vertical components, each represented by its own arrow along the respective axis.

    The graphical representation of vectors extends beyond simple arrows on a page. In computer graphics and simulations, vectors are used to model various phenomena, from force fields to fluid dynamics. These visual representations help scientists and engineers analyze complex systems and communicate their findings effectively.

    In conclusion, the graphical representation of vectors using arrows is a powerful tool for understanding and working with directional quantities. By combining length to show magnitude and orientation to indicate direction, vector diagrams provide an intuitive way to visualize and solve problems in physics, engineering, and many other fields. Mastering the art of drawing and interpreting vector diagrams is an essential skill for anyone working with vector quantities, enabling clearer understanding and more effective problem-solving in a wide range of applications.

    Mathematical Representation of Vectors

    Welcome to the fascinating world of vectors! Let's dive into how we represent these mathematical marvels on paper and in calculations. Vectors are essential tools in mathematics, physics, and engineering, helping us describe quantities that have both magnitude and direction.

    First, let's talk about how we write vectors. There are two common ways to denote a vector:

    1. Bold letters: We often write vectors using bold lowercase letters, like v or a.
    2. Arrows above letters: Another popular method is to place an arrow above a letter, like v or a.

    Both notations are widely used, so don't be surprised if you see either in your studies!

    Now, let's explore the components of vectors. In 2D space (like on a flat surface), a vector has two components:

    • x-component: represents the horizontal direction
    • y-component: represents the vertical direction

    We write a 2D vector like this: v = (x, y) or v = (x, y)

    For example, a vector (3, 4) means 3 units to the right and 4 units up.

    In 3D space, we add a third component:

    • x-component: represents the left-right direction
    • y-component: represents the forward-backward direction
    • z-component: represents the up-down direction

    A 3D vector is written as: v = (x, y, z) or v = (x, y, z)

    For instance, (2, -1, 5) means 2 units right, 1 unit backward, and 5 units up.

    Now, let's look at some simple vector operations:

    Vector Addition: To add vectors, we simply add their corresponding components. For example:

    (3, 2) + (1, 4) = (3+1, 2+4) = (4, 6)

    Imagine walking 3 steps right and 2 steps forward, then 1 step right and 4 steps forward. You'd end up 4 steps right and 6 steps forward from where you started!

    Vector Subtraction: Similarly, we subtract corresponding components:

    (5, 7) - (2, 3) = (5-2, 7-3) = (3, 4)

    Think of this as finding the difference between two positions.

    Remember, these operations work the same way in 3D, just with an extra component:

    (1, 2, 3) + (4, 5, 6) = (1+4, 2+5, 3+6) = (5, 7, 9)

    As you practice, you'll find that working with vectors becomes second nature. They're powerful tools that help us describe movement, forces, and many other physical phenomena. Keep exploring, and don't hesitate to visualize vectors as arrows it often helps to make their meaning clearer!

    Real-World Applications of Vectors

    Vectors are not just abstract mathematical concepts confined to textbooks; they have numerous real-world applications that impact our daily lives in ways we might not even realize. From helping airplanes navigate the skies to enhancing the realism of video games, vectors play a crucial role in various fields. Let's explore some fascinating applications of vectors in airplane navigation, sports, and video game physics.

    Airplane Navigation

    In the world of aviation, vectors are indispensable for safe and efficient flight. Pilots and air traffic controllers rely heavily on vector calculations to determine an aircraft's position, speed, and direction. When plotting a course, pilots use vectors to account for factors such as wind speed and direction. For example, if an airplane needs to fly east at 500 mph, but there's a strong northerly wind of 100 mph, vectors help calculate the necessary adjustments to maintain the intended course. This process, known as vector addition, ensures that the plane reaches its destination accurately and on time.

    Sports and Ball Trajectories

    Sports enthusiasts and athletes alike benefit from the application of vectors in understanding and improving performance. In sports like baseball, golf, and soccer, vectors are crucial for analyzing ball trajectories. When a baseball player hits a home run, the ball's path can be described using a vector that combines horizontal and vertical components. Coaches and players use this information to optimize batting techniques and fielding positions. In golf, understanding the vector components in golf helps players control the direction and distance of their shots. Even in soccer, goalkeepers use vector principles to predict the path of an incoming ball and position themselves for a save.

    Video Game Physics

    The world of video games relies heavily on vectors to create realistic and immersive environments. Game developers use vector mathematics to simulate physics in virtual worlds, making objects move and interact in ways that mimic real-life behavior. For instance, in a racing game, vectors are used to calculate a car's velocity, acceleration, and the forces acting upon it during turns or collisions. In first-person shooter games, vectors determine the trajectory of bullets, taking into account factors like gravity and wind resistance. Even character movements in platformer games are often based on vector calculations, ensuring smooth and natural-looking actions.

    Other Applications

    Beyond these examples, vectors find applications in numerous other fields. In robotics, vectors guide the movement and orientation of robotic arms and autonomous vehicles. Meteorologists use vector fields to visualize and predict wind patterns and storm movements. In computer graphics, vectors are essential for creating 3D models and animations, defining the position and movement of objects in virtual space.

    Why Vectors Matter

    The importance of vectors in these applications cannot be overstated. They provide a precise and efficient way to represent and manipulate quantities that have both magnitude and direction. This dual nature of vectors makes them uniquely suited for describing physical phenomena and solving complex problems in motion, force, and spatial relationships. By breaking down complex movements and forces into component vectors, scientists, engineers, and programmers can analyze and simulate real-world scenarios with remarkable accuracy.


    As we've seen, vectors are far more than just arrows on a coordinate plane. They are powerful tools that help us understand and interact with the world around us. From ensuring safe air travel to enhancing our entertainment experiences, vectors play a vital role in countless aspects of modern life. By appreciating the practical applications of vectors, students can gain a deeper understanding of their importance and relevance in various fields, making the study of this mathematical concept both engaging and rewarding.


    Vectors are fundamental mathematical entities defined by both magnitude and direction, distinguishing them from scalars which only have magnitude. This introduction video has provided a crucial foundation for understanding vectors and their significance across various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer graphics. Vectors play a pivotal role in describing motion, forces, and spatial relationships, making them indispensable in scientific and technological applications. As you continue your journey in mathematics and related disciplines, mastering vector concepts will prove invaluable. The ability to manipulate and analyze vectors opens doors to advanced problem-solving in areas like 3D modeling, game development, and data analysis. To solidify your understanding, it's essential to practice working with vectors regularly. Try solving vector addition and subtraction problems, calculating dot products, and exploring real-world applications. Remember, proficiency in vector mathematics is a powerful tool that will enhance your analytical skills and broaden your career prospects in STEM fields.

    Understanding vectors in magnitude and direction form is crucial for solving complex problems in various scientific and engineering disciplines. By mastering these concepts, you will be better equipped to tackle challenges in fields such as physics, where vectors are used to represent quantities like velocity and acceleration. Additionally, in computer graphics, vectors are essential for rendering images and animations accurately. Therefore, a strong grasp of vector operations will not only aid in academic success but also provide practical skills applicable in many professional contexts.

    Introduction to Vectors

    For the following vectors, express them in component form, matrix form, and rectangular form
    express vectors in component form, matrix form, and rectangular form

    p \vec{p}

    Step 1: Understanding Vector Notation

    Vectors are denoted using a letter with an arrow on top, such as p \vec{p} . Other notations include a bolded letter or an underlined letter. For consistency, we will use the arrow notation p \vec{p} .

    Step 2: Graphical Representation of Vectors

    Vectors can be graphically represented using arrows. The length of the arrow indicates the magnitude of the vector. In this example, vector p \vec{p} is represented by a green arrow.

    Step 3: Component Form of Vector p \vec{p}

    To express vector p \vec{p} in component form, we need to determine its x-component and y-component. The x-component is the change in the x-coordinate, and the y-component is the change in the y-coordinate.

    For vector p \vec{p} , the initial point is (4, -1) and the terminal point is (0, -3). The x-component is calculated as follows:

    \[ ChangeinxChange in x = 0 - 4 = -4 \]

    The y-component is calculated as follows:

    \[ ChangeinyChange in y = -3 - (-1) = -3 + 1 = -2 \]

    Therefore, the component form of vector p \vec{p} is:

    \[ \vec{p} = \langle -4, -2 \rangle \]

    Step 4: Matrix Form of Vector p \vec{p}

    To express vector p \vec{p} in matrix form, we use a column matrix with the x-component as the first entry and the y-component as the second entry. The matrix form of vector p \vec{p} is:

    \[ \vec{p} = \begin{bmatrix} -4 <br/><br/> -2 \end{bmatrix} \]

    Step 5: Rectangular Form of Vector p \vec{p}

    To express vector p \vec{p} in rectangular form, we use unit vectors i^ \hat{i} and j^ \hat{j} . The x-component is multiplied by i^ \hat{i} and the y-component is multiplied by j^ \hat{j} . The rectangular form of vector p \vec{p} is:

    \[ \vec{p} = -4\hat{i} - 2\hat{j} \]

    Note that the negative signs indicate the direction of the components.


    1. What is the difference between a vector and a scalar?

      A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction, while a scalar only has magnitude. For example, velocity is a vector because it includes speed (magnitude) and direction, whereas temperature is a scalar because it only has a numerical value without direction.

    2. How are vectors represented graphically?

      Vectors are typically represented graphically as arrows. The length of the arrow indicates the magnitude of the vector, while the direction the arrow points shows the vector's direction. This visual representation makes it easier to understand and work with vectors in various applications.

    3. What are some real-world applications of vectors?

      Vectors have numerous real-world applications, including:

      • Airplane navigation: Calculating flight paths and adjusting for wind
      • Sports: Analyzing ball trajectories in games like baseball and golf
      • Video game physics: Simulating realistic movement and interactions
      • Robotics: Guiding the movement of robotic arms and autonomous vehicles
      • Meteorology: Predicting wind patterns and storm movements

    4. How do you add two vectors?

      To add two vectors, you add their corresponding components. For example, if you have vector A (3, 2) and vector B (1, 4), the sum would be (3+1, 2+4) = (4, 6). Graphically, this can be represented by placing the tail of one vector at the head of the other and drawing a new vector from the tail of the first to the head of the second.

    5. Why is understanding vectors important in STEM fields?

      Understanding vectors is crucial in STEM fields because they provide a powerful tool for describing and analyzing phenomena that involve both magnitude and direction. Vectors are essential in physics for representing forces and motion, in engineering for structural analysis and design, and in computer science for graphics and simulations. Mastering vector concepts enhances problem-solving skills and opens up opportunities in various scientific and technological careers.

    Prerequisite Topics for Introduction to Vectors

    Understanding the fundamentals of vectors is crucial for success in various fields of mathematics and physics. Before diving into an introduction to vectors, it's essential to grasp several key prerequisite topics that form the foundation for vector concepts.

    One of the most important prerequisites is understanding operations on vectors in magnitude and direction form. This knowledge allows students to manipulate vectors effectively, which is a core skill in vector mathematics. Familiarity with magnitude and direction helps in visualizing and calculating vector properties in various contexts.

    Another critical prerequisite is the ability to perform vector addition and subtraction. These operations are fundamental to vector algebra and are often applied in physics problems involving forces or velocities. Understanding how to solve linear equations using addition and subtraction provides a solid basis for these vector operations.

    Knowledge of vector components is also essential. This concept helps in breaking down complex vectors into simpler, manageable parts, making it easier to perform calculations and analyze vector behavior in different dimensions. Mastering vector components is crucial for advanced vector operations and applications in physics and engineering.

    Lastly, comprehending the magnitude of a vector is fundamental to vector analysis. The magnitude represents the "size" or "length" of a vector, which is a key characteristic in many vector-related problems. Understanding how to calculate and interpret vector magnitudes is vital for solving a wide range of vector problems in mathematics and physics.

    These prerequisite topics collectively provide a strong foundation for studying vectors. They enable students to grasp the concept of vectors as quantities with both magnitude and direction, understand how vectors interact and combine, and apply vector principles to solve real-world problems. By mastering these prerequisites, students will be well-prepared to tackle more advanced vector concepts and applications in their studies and future careers in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics.

    As students progress in their understanding of vectors, they'll find that these prerequisite topics are not just isolated concepts but interconnected ideas that continually resurface and build upon each other. This interconnectedness highlights the importance of thoroughly understanding each prerequisite before moving on to more complex vector topics. With a solid grasp of these fundamentals, students will be well-equipped to explore the fascinating world of vectors and their wide-ranging applications in science and technology.

    Vector Quantity: a quantity having (positive) magnitude and (one) direction
    Scalar Quantity: a quantity having only magnitude but not direction
    Two – Dimensional Vectors:

    Introduction to vectors