Introduction to absolute value

  1. Introduction to Introduction to Absolute Value
  2. What is an absolute value?
  3. Absolute value of an expression
  1. Evaluate the Absolute Value of a Number

    Evaluate the following absolute values:

    i. Using a number line

    ii. algebraically

    1. |8|
    2. |-8|
    3. |0|
    4. -|5|
    5. -|-5|
  2. Evaluate the Absolute Value of an Expression

    Evaluate the absolute values of each of the following expressions:

    1. |10-2|
    2. |2-10|
    3. -|3-5|
  3. Comparing Numbers Using Inequality Symbols

    Fill in the blanks using one of the inequality symbols >, < or = .

    1. 4___|-4|
    2. -6___|-6|
    3. -9___-|-9|
Topic Notes
In this lesson, we will learn:
  • Evaluate the Absolute Value of a Number
  • Evaluate the Absolute Value of an Expression
  • Comparing Numbers Using Inequality Symbols

  • Absolute value:
    • The distance of a number from zero
    • Is always non-negative (either zero or positive)
    • Absolute value of a number xx is expressed as x|x| or abs(x)abs(x)
  • Absolute value makes a negative number positive. Positive numbers and 0 remain unchanged.