Solving literal equations

  1. How to Solve Literal Equations?
  1. Solving One-step Literal Equations
    Solve each of the formulas for the indicated variable.
    i) a=bca=bc
    for cc.
    ii) xy=z\frac{x}{y}=z
    for xx.
  2. Solving Two-step Literal Equations
    Solve each of the formulas for the indicated variable.
    i) p=3q+3rp=3q+3r
    for rr.
    ii) r=2x+3xyr=2x+3xy
    for xx.
    iii) 4=bc24=\frac{b-c}{2}
    for bb.
  3. Solving Multi-step Literal Equations
    Solve each of the formulas for the indicated variable.
    i) 3(4xy)=63(4x-y)=6
    for xx.
    ii) x=3yz4x=\frac{3y-z}{4}
    for zz.