Adding and subtracting polynomials

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  1. How to find the degree of a polynomial?
  1. Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
    1. (42x+3x2)+(x4x2+7)\left( {4 - 2x + 3{x^2}} \right) + \left( { - x - 4{x^2} + 7} \right)
    2. (7a+1)+(43a)\left( {7a + 1} \right) + \left( { - 4 - 3a} \right)
    3. (n25)+(n2+6)\left( {{n^2} - 5} \right) + \left( {{n^2} + 6} \right)
    4. (x4xy2y)+(3xyy)+(6x5y)\left( x - 4xy - 2y \right) + \left( {3xy - y} \right) + \left( { - 6x - 5y} \right)
  2. Write the opposite of each expression.
    1. 2x3+5x4.6 - 2{x^3} + 5x - 4.6
    2. 7n37n - 3
    3. y28y+1{y^2} - 8y + 1
  3. Subtract the following polynomials.
    1. (2x26x+3)(3x2x8)\left( { - 2{x^2} - 6x + 3} \right) - \left( {3{x^2} - x - 8} \right)
    2. (x2+73x)(8x)\left( { - {x^2} + 7 - 3x} \right) - \left( {8 - x} \right)
    3. (5x23x)(2xx2)\left( {5{x^2} - 3x} \right) - \left( {2x - {x^2}} \right)
    4. (xy+3x3)(x5+6xy)\left( { - xy + 3x - 3} \right) - \left( { - x - 5 + 6xy} \right)
  4. Combine like terms.
    1. (a23a)+(2a24)(6a1)\left( {{a^2} - 3a} \right) + \left( {2{a^2} - 4} \right) - \left( {6a - 1} \right)
    2. (x+5)+(2x3)+(7x6)\left( {x + 5} \right) + \left( {2x - 3} \right) + \left( {7x - 6} \right)
    3. (4x3.1)(5.6x2)(1.1x0.6)\left( { - 4x - 3.1} \right) - \left( { - 5.6x - 2} \right) - \left( {1.1x - 0.6} \right)
    4. (3y2)+(y6)+(10y5)\left( {3y - 2} \right) + \left( {y - 6} \right) + \left( {10y - 5} \right)
Topic Notes
Adding polynomials is basically combining the like terms together. Like terms are the terms with the same variables and degree. Subtracting polynomials is very similar to that, but you will need to reverse the sign of each term to get rid of the like terms.


Adding and subtracting polynomials is a fundamental skill in algebra that builds upon basic arithmetic operations. Before delving into the main content, it's crucial to understand the concept of degree in polynomials. Our introduction video serves as an essential starting point, providing a clear and concise explanation of polynomial degrees. This video will help students grasp the fundamental ideas, setting a solid foundation for the more complex operations to follow. By watching the video, learners will gain insights into how the degree of a polynomial affects its behavior and properties. This understanding is vital for mastering the techniques of adding and subtracting polynomials effectively. The video also introduces key terminology and visual representations, making it easier for students to connect abstract concepts with practical applications. Armed with this knowledge, students will be better prepared to tackle the main content and solving polynomial problems with confidence.

Understanding Polynomial Degree

Polynomials are fundamental mathematical expressions that play a crucial role in algebra and higher mathematics. To fully grasp the concept of polynomials, it's essential to understand the notion of degree. The degree of a polynomial is a key characteristic that determines its behavior and properties.

A polynomial is an expression consisting of variables (usually represented by letters) and coefficients, combined using addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations. For example, 5x^4 - 3x^2 + 2x - 7 is a polynomial. Each term in a polynomial has a degree, which is determined by the exponent of the variable in that term.

The degree of a polynomial is defined as the highest exponent of the variable in the polynomial. In the case of a single-variable polynomial, identifying the degree is straightforward. Let's consider some examples:

  • For the polynomial 5x^4, the degree is 4.
  • In the case of -3a^2, the degree is 2.
  • For a more complex polynomial like 2x^3 + 4x^2 - x + 1, the degree is 3.

The term with the highest degree in a polynomial is called the leading term. In the last example, 2x^3 is the leading term. The coefficient of the leading term (in this case, 2) is known as the leading coefficient.

Understanding the degree of a polynomial is crucial because it affects the polynomial's behavior and properties. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. The degree determines the maximum number of roots (solutions) a polynomial equation can have. A polynomial of degree n can have at most n real roots.
  2. The degree influences the shape of the polynomial's graph. For instance, a linear polynomial (degree 1) will always be a straight line, while a quadratic polynomial (degree 2) forms a parabola.
  3. Higher-degree polynomials tend to grow or decrease more rapidly as the variable increases or decreases, compared to lower-degree polynomials.

The concept of degree is vital in various mathematical operations involving polynomials:

  • When adding or subtracting polynomials, the degree of the result is at most the maximum of the degrees of the polynomials being added or subtracted.
  • When multiplying polynomials, the degrees are added. For example, multiplying a degree-2 polynomial by a degree-3 polynomial results in a degree-5 polynomial.
  • In polynomial division, the degree of the quotient is the difference between the degrees of the dividend and divisor.

Recognizing the degree of a polynomial is also crucial in solving equations and inequalities. Different solution methods are often applied based on the degree of the polynomial involved. For instance, quadratic equations (degree 2) can be solved using the quadratic formula, while higher-degree polynomials may require more advanced techniques like factoring or using the rational root theorem.

In conclusion, the degree of a polynomial is a fundamental concept that provides valuable information about the polynomial's characteristics and behavior. By understanding and identifying the degree, mathematicians and students can approach polynomial problems more effectively and choose appropriate strategies for solving equations and analyzing functions. Whether you're working with simple expressions like 5x^4 or more complex polynomials, recognizing the degree is an essential skill in algebraic manipulation and analysis.

The coefficient of the leading term (in this case, 2) is known as the leading coefficient.

When multiplying polynomials, the degrees are added. For example, multiplying a degree-2 polynomial by a degree-3 polynomial results in a degree-5 polynomial.

In polynomial division, the degree of the quotient is the difference between the degrees of the dividend and divisor.

Degree in Multi-Variable Polynomials

When working with multi-variable polynomials, understanding the concept of degree becomes more complex and crucial. Unlike single-variable polynomials where the degree is simply the highest exponent, multi-variable polynomials require a different approach to determine their degree. The degree of a multi-variable polynomial is calculated by summing the exponents of all variables in each term and then identifying the highest sum among all terms.

Let's explore this concept with some examples. Consider the term 3a^2b^3. To find its degree, we add the exponents of all variables: 2 (for a) + 3 (for b) = 5. Therefore, the degree of this term is 5. Similarly, for the term 5xy^7, we sum the exponents: 1 (for x) + 7 (for y) = 8, making its degree 8.

It's important to note that when calculating the degree of a multi-variable polynomial, we must consider all variables present in each term. This includes variables with an implied exponent of 1, such as x in the term 5xy^7. Overlooking any variable can lead to an incorrect degree calculation.

The degree of the entire polynomial is determined by the term with the highest degree. For instance, in the polynomial 3a^2b^3 + 5xy^7 + 2x^3y^2, we calculate the degree of each term:

  • 3a^2b^3: 2 + 3 = 5
  • 5xy^7: 1 + 7 = 8
  • 2x^3y^2: 3 + 2 = 5

The highest degree among these terms is 8, so the degree of the entire polynomial is 8.

Understanding the degree of multi-variable polynomials is essential in various mathematical applications. It helps in determining the complexity of equations, predicting the behavior of functions, and is crucial in advanced topics like algebraic geometry and polynomial factorization.

When working with multi-variable polynomials, it's common to encounter terms with different combinations of variables. For example, a polynomial might include terms like x^2y, xy^3z, and z^4. The key is to always sum the exponents of all variables in each term, regardless of which variables are present.

This method of degree calculation extends to polynomials with any number of variables. Whether you're dealing with two, three, or more variables, the principle remains the same: sum the exponents and find the highest total.

In conclusion, mastering the concept of degree in multi-variable polynomials is fundamental for advancing in algebra and higher mathematics. By carefully considering all variables and their exponents, you can accurately determine the degree of complex polynomials, paving the way for more advanced mathematical analysis and problem-solving.

Standard Form and Organizing Polynomials

The standard form of polynomials is a crucial concept in algebra that provides a structured way to represent and work with polynomial expressions. In this form, terms are arranged in descending order of degree, which means the term with the highest exponent comes first, followed by terms with progressively lower exponents. This organization is not just a matter of convention; it serves several important purposes in mathematical operations and analysis.

To arrange terms in descending order of degree, we start by identifying the term with the highest exponent and placing it at the beginning of the expression. Then, we continue with the next highest exponent, and so on, until we reach the constant term (if present). Let's consider the example from the video: 5x^7 + 3x^2 - 2x. In this polynomial, the terms are already in standard form of polynomials. The highest degree term, 5x^7, is first, followed by 3x^2, and then -2x. If these terms were in a different order, we would rearrange them to match this descending pattern.

The concept of leading terms is closely tied to the standard form of polynomials. The leading term is the term with the highest degree in the polynomial expressions. In our example, 5x^7 is the leading term. This term holds significant importance in polynomial analysis for several reasons. Firstly, it determines the degree of the entire polynomial, which is crucial for understanding the polynomial's behavior, especially as x approaches infinity. Secondly, the leading term plays a vital role in polynomial division and factoring processes.

Understanding and utilizing the standard form of polynomials is essential for various mathematical operations. It simplifies the process of adding or subtracting polynomials, as like terms are easily identifiable when aligned. Moreover, the standard form aids in quickly determining the degree and leading coefficient of a polynomial, which are fundamental characteristics used in advanced algebraic concepts and calculus. By consistently using this form, mathematicians and students can more efficiently analyze, compare, and manipulate polynomial expressions, making it an indispensable tool in algebra and higher mathematics.

Adding Polynomials

Adding polynomials is a fundamental skill in algebra that involves combining like terms to simplify expressions. This process is essential for solving more complex mathematical problems and equations. To add polynomials effectively, one must understand the concept of like terms and how to manipulate coefficients.

Like terms are terms in a polynomial that have the same variables raised to the same powers. For example, 3x² and 5x² are like terms, while 3x² and 3x are not. When adding polynomials, we can only combine like terms, which is the key to simplifying the expression.

To begin the process of adding polynomials, follow these steps:

  1. Identify like terms in the polynomials being added.
  2. Grouping like terms together.
  3. Add the coefficients of like terms while keeping the variable part unchanged.
  4. Write the resulting terms in descending order of degree.

Let's consider an example to illustrate this process. Suppose we want to add the polynomials (2x² + 3x - 1) and (4x² - 2x + 5). First, we identify the like terms: 2x² and 4x² are like terms, 3x and -2x are like terms, and -1 and 5 are constant terms that can be combined.

Grouping like terms, we have:

(2x² + 4x²) + (3x - 2x) + (-1 + 5)

Now, we add the coefficients of like terms:

6x² + x + 4

This final expression is the sum of the two polynomials, simplified to its most compact form.

It's crucial to maintain the correct degree for each term during addition. The degree of a term is the sum of the exponents of its variables. When adding like terms, the degree remains unchanged because we're only modifying the coefficient.

When adding polynomials of different degrees, the process remains the same, but you may end up with terms that don't have like terms to combine with. For example, adding (x³ + 2x² + 3x + 1) and (4x² + 2x - 5) would result in:

x³ + (2x² + 4x²) + (3x + 2x) + (1 - 5)

Simplifying further:

x³ + 6x² + 5x - 4

Notice that the x³ term remains unchanged as there was no like term to combine it with in the second polynomial.

To add polynomials of different degrees, follow these steps:

  1. Align the polynomials vertically, grouping like terms in columns.
  2. Add the coefficients in each column, keeping the variable part unchanged.
  3. Include any terms that don't have like terms in the final expression.
  4. Arrange the resulting terms in descending order of degree.

Mastering the skill of adding polynomials is essential for advancing in algebra. It forms the basis for more complex operations such as multiplication and division of polynomials, solving equations, and working with algebraic fractions. By consistently practicing the identification of like terms and the addition of coefficients, students can develop a strong foundation in polynomial manipulation, which is crucial for success in higher-level mathematics.

Subtracting Polynomials

Subtracting polynomials is a fundamental algebraic operation that builds upon the concept of polynomial addition. While the process is similar to addition, it involves a crucial step of changing signs. Understanding how to subtract polynomials correctly is essential for solving complex mathematical problems and equations.

To subtract polynomials, we follow a simple yet effective approach. The key is to recognize that subtracting a polynomial is equivalent to adding its opposite. This means we need to change the signs of all terms in the polynomial being subtracted before proceeding with addition. Let's break down the process step by step:

1. Write the first polynomial as it is.

2. Change the signs of all terms in the second polynomial (the one being subtracted).

3. Rewrite the problem as an addition of the first polynomial and the modified second polynomial.

4. Combine like terms, just as you would in polynomial addition.

For example, let's subtract (3x² - 2x + 5) from (4x² + x - 3):

(4x² + x - 3) - (3x² - 2x + 5)

Changing the signs of the second polynomial, we get:

(4x² + x - 3) + (-3x² + 2x - 5)

Now, we can combine like terms:

4x² + (-3x²) = x²

x + 2x = 3x

-3 + (-5) = -8

The final result is x² + 3x - 8.

When subtracting polynomials with different degrees or variables, the process remains the same. Always align like terms and remember that terms with different variables or exponents cannot be combined. For instance, subtracting (2y³ - 3y + 1) from (5y³ + 2y² - 4):

(5y³ + 2y² - 4) - (2y³ - 3y + 1)


(5y³ + 2y² - 4) + (-2y³ + 3y - 1)

Resulting in:

3y³ + 2y² + 3y - 5

Common mistakes students make when subtracting polynomials include:

1. Forgetting to change the signs of all terms in the polynomial being subtracted.

2. Incorrectly identifying like terms, especially when dealing with different variables or exponents.

3. Making errors in arithmetic when combining terms.

4. Overlooking negative signs when rewriting the problem as addition.

To avoid these mistakes, students should:

- Always double-check that they've changed all signs in the subtracted polynomial.

- Carefully align like terms before combining them.

- Use parentheses to group terms and maintain clarity throughout the process.

- Practice polynomial subtraction with various examples to build confidence and accuracy.

By mastering the art of subtracting polynomials, students lay a strong foundation for more advanced algebraic concepts. Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the relationship between subtraction and addition of opposites, and in meticulous attention to sign changes and like terms.

Practice Problems and Applications

Mastering the addition and subtraction of polynomials is crucial for success in advanced mathematics and various real-world applications. Let's explore a range of practice problems and discuss the practical importance of these skills.

Simple Practice Problems:

  1. Add: (3x + 2) + (5x - 1)
  2. Subtract: (7y - 4) - (2y + 3)
  3. Add: (x² + 3x - 2) + (2x² - x + 5)
  4. Subtract: (4a³ - 2a² + a) - (a³ + 3a² - 2a)

Intermediate Practice Problems:

  1. Add: (2x³ - 5x² + 3x - 1) + (4x³ + 2x² - 7x + 6)
  2. Subtract: (6y - 3y³ + 2y² - y + 5) - (2y + y³ - 4y² + 3y - 2)
  3. Add and subtract: (3z² + 2z - 1) + (5z² - 3z + 4) - (2z² + z - 2)
  4. Combine: (2x²y - 3xy² + 4y) + (5x²y + 2xy² - y) - (x²y - xy² + 3y)

Advanced Practice Problems:

  1. Add: (2x³y² - 3x²y + 4xy² - 5y) + (3x³y² + 2x²y - xy² + 2y)
  2. Subtract: (5a³b² - 2a²b³ + 3ab - 1) - (2a³b² + a²b³ - 4ab + 2)
  3. Combine: (3m²n - 2mn² + 4n) + (2m²n + 3mn² - n) - (m²n - mn² + 2n)
  4. Add and subtract: (2p³q² - 3p²q + pq² - 4) + (3p³q² + p²q - 2pq² + 1) - (p³q² - 2p²q + 3pq² - 2)

Real-World Applications:

The ability to add and subtract polynomials has numerous practical applications across various fields:

  • Physics: In kinematics, polynomial expressions represent position, velocity, and acceleration. Adding or subtracting these polynomials helps scientists analyze complex motion and predict object trajectories.
  • Engineering: Electrical engineers use polynomial addition and subtraction to model circuit behavior, combining transfer functions of different components to analyze overall system performance.
  • Economics: Economists employ polynomial operations to model supply and demand curves, combining multiple factors that influence market behavior.
  • Computer Graphics: Polynomial addition and subtraction are essential in creating and manipulating curves and surfaces in 3D modeling and animation.
  • Signal Processing: Audio and image processing algorithms often involve adding or subtracting polynomial representations of signals to filter noise or enhance quality.
  • Chemistry: Balancing chemical equations can be viewed as a form of polynomial addition, ensuring that the number of atoms on both sides of the equation is equal.
  • Meteorology: Weather prediction models use polynomial operations to combine various atmospheric factors and forecast future conditions.

By practicing these problems and understanding their real-world applications, students can gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of Mastering the addition and subtraction of polynomials in both academic and professional settings. Engaging with a variety of practice problems will help solidify these concepts and improve problem-solving skills.


In summary, this article has explored the fundamental concepts of polynomial degree and operations, providing a solid foundation for understanding these crucial mathematical principles. We've covered key points including the definition of polynomials, determining their degree, and performing basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The introductory video serves as an invaluable resource for visualizing these concepts and reinforcing your understanding. To truly master polynomials, it's essential to practice regularly and apply these concepts to various problems. We encourage you to explore further by working through additional exercises and seeking out more advanced topics in polynomial algebra. For continued learning, consider consulting textbooks, online courses, or mathematics forums to deepen your knowledge and skills. Remember, a strong grasp of dividing polynomials is crucial for success in higher-level mathematics and many scientific fields, making this topic well worth your time and effort to master.

Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

Given the polynomials: (42x+3x2)+(x4x2+7)\left( {4 - 2x + 3{x^2}} \right) + \left( { - x - 4{x^2} + 7} \right)

Step 1: Understand the Problem

In this problem, we are asked to add two polynomials. The first polynomial is 42x+3x24 - 2x + 3x^2 and the second polynomial is x4x2+7-x - 4x^2 + 7. Our goal is to combine these polynomials into a single polynomial by adding the like terms.

Step 2: Check for Simplification Inside the Brackets

First, we need to check if there are any like terms within each polynomial that can be simplified. In this case, the terms within each polynomial are already simplified, as there are no like terms to combine within the brackets. Therefore, we can proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Remove the Brackets

Since we are adding the polynomials, we can remove the brackets without changing the signs of the terms. This is because adding a polynomial is equivalent to multiplying each term inside the bracket by +1. Thus, we can rewrite the expression as:

42x+3x2+(x)+(4x2)+74 - 2x + 3x^2 + (-x) + (-4x^2) + 7

Step 4: Combine Like Terms

Next, we need to combine the like terms. Like terms are terms that have the same variable raised to the same power. In this expression, the like terms are:

  • Constant terms: 44 and 77
  • Linear terms: 2x-2x and x-x
  • Quadratic terms: 3x23x^2 and 4x2-4x^2

We combine these like terms by adding their coefficients:

  • Constant terms: 4+74 + 7
  • Linear terms: 2x+(x)-2x + (-x)
  • Quadratic terms: 3x2+(4x2)3x^2 + (-4x^2)

Step 5: Simplify the Expression

Now, we simplify each group of like terms:

  • Constant terms: 4+7=114 + 7 = 11
  • Linear terms: 2xx=3x-2x - x = -3x
  • Quadratic terms: 3x24x2=x23x^2 - 4x^2 = -x^2

Combining these simplified terms, we get the final polynomial:

113xx211 - 3x - x^2


By following these steps, we have successfully added the given polynomials and simplified the expression to 113xx211 - 3x - x^2. This process involves understanding the problem, checking for simplification within the brackets, removing the brackets, combining like terms, and simplifying the expression.


Here are some frequently asked questions about subtracting polynomials:

1. How do you subtract polynomials?

To subtract polynomials, follow these steps:

  1. Change the sign of each term in the polynomial being subtracted.
  2. Rewrite the problem as addition.
  3. Combine like terms.
  4. Simplify the result.

2. Does the order of subtracting polynomials matter?

Yes, the order matters in polynomial subtraction. (A - B) is not the same as (B - A). Always subtract the second polynomial from the first as written in the problem.

3. How do you subtract trinomials?

Subtracting trinomials follows the same process as subtracting any polynomials:

  1. Change the signs of all terms in the trinomial being subtracted.
  2. Add the resulting polynomial to the first trinomial.
  3. Combine like terms.

4. Do you subtract when dividing polynomials?

Subtraction is used in polynomial division, but it's not the main operation. In long division of polynomials, you subtract the product of the divisor and each term of the quotient from the dividend.

5. What's the difference between adding and subtracting polynomials?

The main difference is the sign change. In addition, you combine like terms directly. In subtraction, you first change the signs of all terms in the polynomial being subtracted, then proceed as if adding.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the fundamentals of polynomials is crucial when learning about adding and subtracting polynomials. To master this topic, it's essential to have a solid grasp of several prerequisite concepts. One of the most important skills is identifying like terms in polynomials. This ability allows you to recognize which terms can be combined during addition or subtraction operations.

Another key concept is combining like terms, which builds upon the skill of identifying them. This process is fundamental to simplifying polynomial expressions and is directly applied when adding or subtracting polynomials. Additionally, understanding the standard form of polynomials is crucial, as it provides a consistent structure for organizing terms, making operations more straightforward.

While not directly related to addition and subtraction, polynomial multiplication is an important concept to grasp. It helps in understanding the structure of polynomials and how terms interact, which can be beneficial when dealing with more complex addition and subtraction problems. Similarly, polynomial division, although not directly used in addition and subtraction, provides a deeper understanding of polynomial manipulation and can be helpful in more advanced topics.

These prerequisite topics form the foundation for successfully adding and subtracting polynomials. By mastering the identification and combination of like terms, you'll be able to efficiently simplify polynomial expressions. Understanding standard form ensures that you can properly arrange terms before and after operations. Knowledge of multiplication and division of polynomials, while not directly applied in addition and subtraction, enhances your overall comprehension of polynomial behavior and manipulation.

Moreover, these skills are not isolated; they interconnect and build upon each other. For instance, the ability to identify like terms is crucial for both combining terms and understanding standard form. Similarly, the concepts involved in polynomial multiplication can help reinforce your understanding of how terms are structured and combined.

By solidifying your knowledge of these prerequisite topics, you'll be well-prepared to tackle the challenges of adding and subtracting polynomials. You'll find that operations become more intuitive, and you'll be able to approach problems with greater confidence. Remember, mathematics is a cumulative subject, and each new concept you learn builds upon previous knowledge. Taking the time to master these fundamental skills will not only help you with adding and subtracting polynomials but will also provide a strong foundation for more advanced algebraic concepts in the future.