Surface area and volume of prisms

  1. Intro to Volume
    • What are prisms?
    • What are cubes?
  1. Find the surface area and the volume of the following prisms:
    1. Surface area and volume of cube
    2. Surface area and volume of rectangular prisms
    3. Surface area and volume of triangular prisms
    4. Surface area and volume of prisms
Topic Notes
So, we've learned the basics in the "Introduction to volume" lesson. Now, let's practice some harder questions on how to find out the surface area and volume of prisms and composite solids.


Welcome to our exploration of surface area and volume of prisms! These fundamental concepts are crucial in geometry and have practical applications in everyday life. Our introduction video serves as an excellent starting point, providing a clear and engaging overview of these important topics. As we delve into prisms, you'll discover how to calculate their surface area the total area of all faces and their volume, which represents the space they occupy. The video will guide you through step-by-step explanations, making these concepts easy to grasp. Understanding surface area and volume of prisms is essential for various fields, including architecture, engineering, and even packaging design. By mastering these concepts, you'll develop a stronger foundation in geometry and spatial reasoning. So, let's begin this exciting journey together, unraveling the mysteries of prisms and their measurements!

Understanding Volume

Volume is a fundamental concept in mathematics and physics that describes the amount of space an object occupies in three-dimensional space. It's an essential measurement for understanding the physical properties of objects and their interactions with the environment. To fully grasp the concept of volume, it's crucial to first understand linear units and how they relate to volume measurements.

Linear units are the basic building blocks of measurement. They represent length in one dimension, such as inches, centimeters, or meters. These units are the foundation for understanding more complex measurements like area and volume. When we talk about linear units, we're essentially describing distances along a straight line.

To transition from linear units to square units (area), we need to consider two dimensions. Imagine a rectangle: its area is calculated by multiplying its length by its width, both measured in linear units. The result is expressed in square units, such as square inches or square meters. This concept of area is crucial for understanding volume, as it forms the basis for three-dimensional measurements.

Volume takes us one step further by introducing a third dimension. It's measured in cubic units, which are derived from linear units. For example, if we have a box that's 3 inches long, 2 inches wide, and 4 inches tall, its volume would be 3 x 2 x 4 = 24 cubic inches. This calculation demonstrates how linear measurements combine to create a three-dimensional space.

To better visualize volume, it's helpful to think in terms of unit cubes. A unit cube is a cube with sides measuring one unit in length. For instance, a cubic inch is a cube that measures one inch on each side. When we talk about the volume of an object being 24 cubic inches, we can imagine filling that object with 24 individual one-inch cubes.

This concept of unit cubes is particularly useful for understanding irregular shapes. By mentally filling an object with these unit cubes, we can estimate its volume even if it doesn't have a simple geometric form. It's also a practical way to introduce the concept of volume to students, as it provides a tangible representation of an otherwise abstract idea.

In real-world applications, understanding volume is crucial for various fields. In cooking, recipes often specify ingredients by volume (cups, tablespoons). In construction, knowing the volume of materials needed is essential for project planning. In shipping and logistics, volume calculations are vital for efficient packing and transportation.

As we move from linear units to square units and finally to cubic units, we see a progression in complexity and dimensionality. Linear units give us length, square units provide area, and cubic units allow us to measure and describe volume. This progression is not just a mathematical concept but a fundamental way of understanding and interacting with the physical world around us.

In conclusion, volume is a critical measurement that builds upon our understanding of linear and square units. By grasping how these concepts interrelate, we can better comprehend the three-dimensional nature of objects and spaces. Whether you're a student learning basic geometry or a professional working in a field that requires precise measurements, understanding volume and its relationship to linear units is an invaluable skill.

Defining Prisms

A prism is a three-dimensional shape with two identical ends called bases, which are connected by flat sides. The key feature of a prism is that these bases are always parallel to each other. Imagine a sandwich where the two slices of bread are exactly the same shape and size, and they're held apart by the filling in between. That's similar to how a prism looks!

There are many different types of prisms, and they're named after the shape of their bases. Let's explore some common examples:

  • Rectangular Prism: This is probably the most familiar type of prism. It has rectangular bases and four rectangular sides. Think of a shoebox or a brick these are perfect examples of rectangular prisms.
  • Circular Prism: Also known as a cylinder, this prism has circular bases. A can of soup or a roll of paper towels are great real-life examples of circular prisms.
  • Triangular Prism: As you might guess, this prism has triangular bases. Imagine a tent or a Toblerone chocolate bar these are shaped like triangular prisms.

The shape of the base is what determines the type of prism. If you look at the base and see a square, you've got a square prism. If the base is a pentagon, you're looking at a pentagonal prism. No matter what shape the base is, remember that both bases will always be identical and parallel to each other.

To help visualize these shapes, imagine slicing through different objects. If you cut through a rectangular prism like a loaf of bread, each slice would be a rectangle. Cut through a cylinder (like a tree trunk), and you'll see circles. Slice a triangular prism, and you'll get triangles.

Prisms are all around us in everyday life. From the books on your shelf (rectangular prisms) to the pipes carrying water to your home (cylinders), these shapes play a crucial role in architecture, engineering, and design. Understanding prisms helps us make sense of the three-dimensional world we live in and is an important concept in geometry and mathematics.

Calculating Volume of Prisms

Understanding the volume formula for prisms is essential in geometry and real-world applications. The general formula for calculating the volume of a prism is remarkably simple yet powerful: Volume = Area of Base × Height. This formula works universally for all types of prisms, regardless of their shape or size, making it a fundamental concept in three-dimensional geometry.

Why does this formula work for all prisms? The key lies in understanding what a prism is. A prism is a three-dimensional figure with two identical ends (called bases) and flat sides. The bases can be any shape - triangles, rectangles, pentagons, or even irregular polygons. The height of the prism is the perpendicular distance between these bases. When we multiply the area of one base by the height, we're essentially stacking up layers of the base shape to fill the entire prism.

To illustrate this concept, let's walk through a step-by-step example of calculating the volume of a rectangular prism. We'll use the dimensions provided in the video: 8 units long, 2 units deep, and 5 units high.

Step 1: Identify the base shape and its dimensions. In this case, the base is a rectangle with length 8 units and width 2 units.

Step 2: Calculate the area of the base. For a rectangle, Area = Length × Width. So, Area of Base = 8 × 2 = 16 square units.

Step 3: Identify the height of the prism. Here, it's 5 units.

Step 4: Apply the volume formula. Volume = Area of Base × Height = 16 × 5 = 80 cubic units.

This example demonstrates how straightforward the calculation can be when you understand the underlying concept. The volume formula essentially multiplies the area of one layer (the base) by the number of layers (represented by the height) to get the total volume.

It's crucial to emphasize that understanding this concept is far more valuable than simply memorizing the formula. When you grasp why the formula works, you can apply it to any prism, not just rectangular ones. For instance, if you encounter a triangular prism, you'd calculate the area of the triangular base and multiply it by the height. The process remains the same, regardless of the base shape.

Moreover, this conceptual understanding helps in solving real-world problems. Whether you're calculating the volume of a storage container, estimating the amount of water in a tank, or determining the capacity of a building, the principle remains consistent. You're always finding the area of the base and multiplying it by the height.

In conclusion, the volume formula for prisms (Volume = Area of Base × Height) is a powerful tool in geometry. Its simplicity belies its universal applicability across all types of prisms. By focusing on understanding why this formula works rather than just memorizing it, you'll be better equipped to tackle a wide range of geometric problems and real-world applications involving volume calculations. Remember, in mathematics and especially in geometry, conceptual understanding is the key to mastering complex ideas and solving diverse problems efficiently.

Surface Area of Prisms

Surface area is a fundamental concept in geometry that plays a crucial role in understanding the properties of three-dimensional objects, particularly prisms. In essence, the surface area of a prism is the total area of all its external faces. This concept is essential for various real-world applications, from manufacturing to architecture.

To calculate the surface area of a prism, we need to find the area of each face and then add them together. This process involves identifying the shape of each face and applying the appropriate formula for its area. The faces of a prism typically consist of two identical bases and several rectangular lateral faces.

Let's consider a rectangular prism surface area formula as an example. It has six faces: two identical rectangular bases and four rectangular lateral faces. To find its surface area, we calculate the area of one base and multiply it by two (for both bases), then calculate the area of each lateral face and add them all together. The formula for a rectangular prism surface area formula is SA = 2(lw + lh + wh), where l is length, w is width, and h is height.

Cylinders, another type of prism, require a slightly different approach. A cylinder has two circular bases and one curved lateral surface. The cylinder surface area formula is calculated by adding the areas of the two circular bases (πr², where r is the radius) to the area of the lateral surface (2πrh, where h is the height). The complete formula for a cylinder's surface area is SA = 2πr² + 2πrh.

Understanding surface area becomes even more important when we consider its relationship between surface area and volume. While surface area measures the outside of a prism, volume measures its internal capacity. Interestingly, two prisms can have the same volume but different surface areas, or vice versa. This relationship has significant implications in various fields.

In real-world applications, both surface area and volume are critical considerations. For instance, in packaging design, minimizing surface area while maintaining a specific volume can reduce material costs. In architecture, the surface area of a building affects heat transfer and energy efficiency. In biology, the surface area-to-volume ratio of cells influences their ability to absorb nutrients and expel waste.

Engineers often need to optimize surface area in heat exchanger designs to maximize heat transfer efficiency. In the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmaceutical surface area of medication particles can affect dissolution rates and drug absorption in the body. Even in everyday life, understanding surface area helps in tasks like painting a room or wrapping a gift, where you need to know how much material is required to cover an object.

As we delve deeper into the world of prisms and their properties, it becomes clear that surface area is not just a mathematical concept but a practical tool with wide-ranging applications. Whether you're a student learning geometry or a professional in fields like engineering, architecture, or manufacturing, a solid grasp of surface area calculations for various prisms is invaluable. By understanding how to compute surface area and its relationship between surface area and volume, we gain insights into the efficient design and use of three-dimensional objects in countless real-world scenarios.

Practice Problems and Applications

Let's dive into some engaging practice problems that will help you master the calculation of volume and surface area for various prisms. These real-world scenarios will not only sharpen your problem-solving skills but also demonstrate how these mathematical concepts apply to everyday situations.

Problem 1: The Aquarium Challenge

Imagine you're setting up a new rectangular aquarium. It measures 80 cm long, 40 cm wide, and 50 cm tall. How many liters of water will it hold when filled to the top?

Step-by-step solution:

  1. Identify the formula: Volume = length × width × height
  2. Convert measurements to meters: 0.8 m × 0.4 m × 0.5 m
  3. Calculate: 0.8 × 0.4 × 0.5 = 0.16 m³
  4. Convert cubic meters to liters: 0.16 m³ = 160 liters

Great job! Your aquarium will hold 160 liters of water. This calculation is crucial for determining the right amount of water and fish for your tank.

Problem 2: Gift Wrapping Dilemma

You're wrapping a rectangular gift box that's 30 cm long, 20 cm wide, and 15 cm tall. How much wrapping paper do you need to cover the entire surface area of the box?

Step-by-step solution:

  1. Identify the formula: Surface Area = 2(length × width + length × height + width × height)
  2. Plug in the values: 2(30 × 20 + 30 × 15 + 20 × 15)
  3. Calculate: 2(600 + 450 + 300)
  4. Simplify: 2(1350) = 2700 cm²

Excellent work! You'll need 2700 cm² of wrapping paper. It's always good to add a little extra for overlap, so round up to 2800 cm² to be safe.

Problem 3: The Cereal Box Mystery

A cereal manufacturer wants to redesign their box to hold the same volume but with a different shape. The current box is 30 cm tall, 20 cm wide, and 8 cm deep. If they want to make the new box 25 cm tall and 10 cm deep, what should the width be to maintain the same volume?

Step-by-step solution:

  1. Calculate the current volume: 30 × 20 × 8 = 4800 cm³
  2. Set up an equation: 25 × 10 × new width = 4800 cm³
  3. Solve for the new width: new width = 4800 ÷ (25 × 10) = 19.2 cm

Well done! The new box should be 19.2 cm wide to maintain the same volume. This problem showcases how manufacturers use these calculations to design packaging.

Problem 4: The Paint Can Predicament

You're painting the outside of a cylindrical water tank. The tank has a radius of 1.5 meters and a height of 4 meters. If one liter of paint covers 10 square meters, how many liters of paint do you need?

Step-by-step solution:

  1. Calculate the surface area: SA = 2πr² + 2πrh
  2. Plug in values

Great job! Your aquarium will hold 160 liters of water. This calculation is crucial for determining the right amount of water and fish for your tank.

Let's dive into some engaging practice problems that will help you master the calculation of volume and surface area for various prisms. These real-world scenarios will not only sharpen your problem-solving skills but also demonstrate how these mathematical concepts apply to everyday situations.

Advanced Concepts: Composite Solids

Composite solids are three-dimensional objects formed by combining two or more basic geometric shapes. These complex shapes are commonly encountered in real-world applications, from architecture to engineering. Understanding how to calculate the volume of composite solids is crucial for developing advanced problem-solving skills in geometry.

When approaching composite solids, the key strategy is to break them down into simpler components. This method, often called the "divide and conquer" approach, allows us to apply our knowledge of basic geometric shapes to solve more complex problems. Let's explore this concept further and see how it applies to both volume and surface area calculations.

Calculating Volume of Composite Solids

To find the volume of a composite solid, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the basic shapes that make up the composite solid.
  2. Calculate the volume of each individual component.
  3. Add or subtract these volumes as necessary to get the final result.

For example, consider a shape formed by a cylinder with a hemisphere on top. To find its volume, we would:

  1. Calculate the volume of the cylinder: Vcylinder = πr²h
  2. Calculate the volume of the hemisphere: Vhemisphere = (2/3)πr³
  3. Add these volumes together: Vtotal = Vcylinder + Vhemisphere

Determining Surface Area of Composite Solids

The process for finding the surface area of composite solids is similar but requires careful consideration of which surfaces are exposed:

  1. Identify the basic shapes and their exposed surfaces.
  2. Calculate the area of each exposed surface.
  3. Sum up all the exposed surface areas.

Using our cylinder-hemisphere example, we would:

  1. Calculate the lateral surface area of the cylinder: 2πrh
  2. Calculate the surface area of the hemisphere: 2πr²
  3. Calculate the area of the cylinder's base: πr²
  4. Add these areas: SAtotal = 2πrh + 2πr² + πr²

Practice Problem

Let's apply these concepts to a more complex shape. Consider a rectangular prism with dimensions 5cm x 4cm x 3cm, with a cylindrical hole drilled through its center (radius 1cm, height 3cm).

To find the volume:

  1. Calculate the volume of the rectangular prism: Vprism = 5 * 4 * 3 = 60cm³
  2. Calculate the volume of the cylindrical hole: Vcylinder = π * 1² * 3 9.42cm³
  3. Subtract: Vtotal = 60 - 9.42 50.58cm³

For the surface area:

  1. Calculate the surface area of the rectangular prism: SAprism = 2(5*4 + 5*3 + 4*3) = 94cm²
  2. Add the surface area of the cylindrical hole: SAhole = 2π * 1 * 3 18.85cm²
  3. Total: SAtotal = 94 + 18.85 112.


In this article, we've explored the fundamental concepts of volume and prisms. We defined volume as the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object and discussed various types of prisms, including rectangular prisms, triangular, and hexagonal prisms. We covered methods for calculating both volume and surface area of these shapes, emphasizing the importance of understanding three-dimensional shapes and their applications. The introduction video provided a visual aid to reinforce these concepts, making them more accessible and easier to grasp. Remember, mastering these skills requires practice and patience. We encourage you to apply what you've learned by solving problems and exploring real-world examples of prisms in your surroundings. By doing so, you'll develop a deeper understanding of geometry and its practical applications. Continue to challenge yourself with more complex shapes and calculations to further enhance your mathematical abilities.


Find the surface area and the volume of the following prisms: Surface area and volume of cube

Step 1: Understanding the Shape

First, identify the shape of the prism. In this case, the prism is a cube. A cube has six identical square faces. This identification is crucial because it simplifies the calculations for both surface area and volume.

Step 2: Finding the Surface Area

To find the surface area of a cube, you need to calculate the area of one of its square faces and then multiply that by the total number of faces (which is six for a cube).

1. Calculate the area of one face: Since each face is a square, the area of one face is given by the formula side × side (or side2).

2. Multiply by the number of faces: Since a cube has six faces, the total surface area is 6 × (side2).

For example, if the side length of the cube is 5 cm, the area of one face is 5 cm × 5 cm = 25 cm2. Therefore, the total surface area is 6 × 25 cm2 = 150 cm2.

Step 3: Finding the Volume

To find the volume of a cube, you use the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism, which is length × width × height. However, since all sides of a cube are equal, this simplifies to side × side × side (or side3).

1. Calculate the volume: Simply cube the length of one side of the cube.

For example, if the side length of the cube is 5 cm, the volume is 5 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm = 125 cm3.

Step 4: Summary

In summary, to find the surface area and volume of a cube:

  • Surface Area: Calculate the area of one face (side2) and multiply by 6.
  • Volume: Cube the length of one side (side3).

Using these steps, you can easily determine the surface area and volume of any cube given the length of its sides.


  1. What is the difference between surface area and volume of a prism?

    Surface area is the total area of all external faces of a prism, while volume is the amount of space it occupies. For example, in a rectangular prism, surface area includes all six faces, whereas volume is the space inside the prism. Surface area is measured in square units (e.g., cm²), while volume is measured in cubic units (e.g., cm³).

  2. How do you calculate the volume of a prism?

    The volume of a prism is calculated using the formula: Volume = Area of Base × Height. This formula works for all types of prisms. For a rectangular prism, it would be length × width × height. For a triangular prism, it would be (1/2 × base × height of triangle) × length of prism.

  3. What are some real-world applications of understanding prism surface area and volume?

    Understanding prism surface area and volume is crucial in various fields. In architecture, it helps in designing buildings and calculating material needs. In engineering, it's used for creating efficient packaging solutions. In manufacturing, it aids in determining material requirements and product capacities. Even in everyday life, it's useful for tasks like calculating paint needed for a room or the capacity of storage containers.

  4. How does the shape of a prism affect its surface area to volume ratio?

    The shape of a prism significantly affects its surface area to volume ratio. Generally, prisms with more sides (like hexagonal prisms) have a lower surface area to volume ratio compared to prisms with fewer sides (like triangular prisms) of the same volume. This ratio is important in fields like biology, where cell shapes affect nutrient absorption, and in engineering, where it influences heat transfer and material efficiency.

  5. Can two prisms have the same volume but different surface areas?

    Yes, two prisms can have the same volume but different surface areas. For instance, a tall, thin rectangular prism and a short, wide rectangular prism might have the same volume, but the taller one will have a larger surface area. This concept is important in design and engineering, where optimizing shape can lead to material savings or improved functionality while maintaining the same volume.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the surface area and volume of prisms is a crucial concept in geometry that builds upon several fundamental mathematical principles. While there are no specific prerequisite topics provided for this subject, it's important to recognize that a strong foundation in basic geometry and algebra is essential for mastering this topic.

To fully grasp the concepts of surface area and volume of prisms, students should be comfortable with basic geometric shapes, particularly rectangles and triangles. These shapes form the bases and faces of various prisms, and understanding their properties is crucial. Additionally, familiarity with area calculations for 2D shapes is vital, as these skills directly translate to calculating the surface area of prisms.

A solid understanding of basic algebraic concepts is also beneficial when working with surface area and volume formulas. Students should be comfortable manipulating equations and solving for variables, as these skills are often required when applying formulas to real-world problems involving prisms.

Measurement and unit conversion are other important areas that contribute to success in this topic. When calculating surface area and volume, students often need to work with different units of measurement and convert between them accurately.

Spatial reasoning and visualization skills play a significant role in understanding prisms and their properties. The ability to mentally manipulate 3D objects and understand how they relate to 2D representations is crucial for solving problems related to surface area and volume.

While not always explicitly stated as prerequisites, a basic understanding of nets (2D representations of 3D shapes) can greatly enhance a student's ability to conceptualize prisms and calculate their surface areas. Similarly, knowledge of cross-sections can aid in understanding how prisms are formed and how their volumes are calculated.

It's also worth noting that familiarity with different types of prisms, such as rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, and other polygonal prisms, can provide a broader context for applying surface area and volume concepts. This knowledge allows students to recognize and analyze various prism shapes in real-world scenarios.

Lastly, a general understanding of mathematical problem-solving strategies is invaluable when tackling complex surface area and volume problems. This includes skills such as breaking down problems into smaller steps, identifying relevant information, and applying appropriate formulas.

By ensuring a strong foundation in these underlying concepts, students will be better equipped to tackle the challenges presented by surface area and volume of prisms. This topic serves as a stepping stone to more advanced geometric concepts and has practical applications in fields such as architecture, engineering, and design. Therefore, mastering these prerequisites not only aids in understanding prisms but also prepares students for future mathematical endeavors.

equations of perimeter and area of rectangles, triangles, and circles
equations of surface area and volume of prisms