Similar polygons

  1. What is a scale factor?
  1. Is each pair of the polygons similar?

    1. Similar polygons with the same ratio to their corresponding sides

    2. determine whether the polygons are similar given side lengths
  2. Rectangle A and rectangle B are similar rectangles. Rectangle A is an enlargement of rectangle B with a scale factor of 3.2. Rectangle A has side lengths of 33.6 m and 7 m. One of the sides of rectangle B is 10.5 m. Calculate the missing side length of rectangle B.
    1. Find the perimeter of the smaller quadrilateral.
      Similar polygons
      Topic Notes
      In this lesson, we will learn how to determine whether a pair of polygons is similar to each other. Once we know that the polygons are similar, we can calculate unknowns such as, side lengths, scale factors, and surface areas.


      Similar polygons are a fundamental concept in geometry, characterized by having the same shape but potentially different sizes. Our introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding this concept, making it an essential starting point for students. This lesson delves into the intricacies of similar polygons, focusing on how to determine similarity between shapes and calculate various unknowns. We'll explore methods for finding side lengths, scale factors in polygons, and surface areas of similar polygons. By mastering these skills, students will gain a deeper appreciation for the relationships between geometric shapes and their properties. The definition of similar polygons emphasizes the preservation of angle measures and proportional side lengths, which forms the basis for many practical applications in fields like architecture, engineering, and computer graphics. Through this comprehensive exploration, students will develop the ability to recognize and analyze similar polygons in various contexts, enhancing their overall geometric reasoning skills. We'll also cover scale factors in polygons to understand how different sizes of similar shapes relate to each other.

      Understanding Scale Factors

      Scale factors are essential concepts in geometry that allow us to understand how similar shapes relate to one another. In essence, scale factors are numbers that enable us to enlarge or reduce similar shapes while maintaining their proportions. This concept is particularly useful when working with similar polygons examples, as it helps us comprehend the relationship between corresponding sides and overall shape dimensions.

      To illustrate the concept of scale factors, let's consider the example from the video featuring two similar triangles. Imagine we have a small triangle ABC and a larger triangle DEF that is similar to ABC. The scale factors in digital design is the number that, when multiplied by the dimensions of the smaller triangle, gives us the dimensions of the larger triangle.

      In our example, let's say the sides of triangle ABC measure 3 cm, 4 cm, and 5 cm. If the corresponding sides of triangle DEF measure 6 cm, 8 cm, and 10 cm, we can determine that the scale factors in digital design from ABC to DEF is 2. This is because each side of DEF is twice the length of its corresponding side in ABC.

      To calculate the scale factor, we can use the ratio of corresponding sides. For instance:

      • Side DE / Side AB = 6 cm / 3 cm = 2
      • Side EF / Side BC = 8 cm / 4 cm = 2
      • Side FD / Side CA = 10 cm / 5 cm = 2

      As we can see, the ratio of corresponding sides is consistent, which is a key characteristic of similar polygons. This consistency in ratios is what allows us to use scale factors to enlarge or reduce shapes while maintaining their proportions.

      It's important to note that scale factors can be greater than 1, resulting in an enlargement, or less than 1, resulting in a reduction. For example, if we wanted to create a smaller version of triangle DEF that is similar to ABC, we could use a scale factor of 0.5 (or 1/2). This would give us a triangle with sides measuring 3 cm, 4 cm, and 5 cm exactly the same as our original triangle ABC.

      Understanding scale factors is crucial in various real-world applications. Architects and engineers use scale factors when creating blueprints or models of buildings and structures. Cartographers employ scale factors when creating maps to represent large geographical areas on smaller, manageable surfaces. Even in digital design and photography, scale factors play a role in resizing images while maintaining their aspect ratios.

      When working with similar polygons examples, it's essential to remember that scale factors affect all dimensions of the shape equally. This means that not only do the side lengths change proportionally, but so do other measurements such as perimeter and area. However, it's worth noting that while the perimeter scales linearly with the scale factor, the area scales with the square of the scale factor.

      For instance, if we apply a scale factor of 2 to a polygon:

      • The side lengths will double
      • The perimeter will double
      • The area will quadruple (increase by a factor of 2²)

      This relationship between scale factors and area is particularly important in fields like biology, where surface area to volume ratios play a crucial role in understanding cellular processes and organism adaptations.

      In conclusion, scale factors are powerful tools that allow us to manipulate similar shapes while preserving their proportions. By understanding the relationship between corresponding sides and their ratios, we can easily enlarge or reduce polygons and other geometric figures. This concept not only helps us solve mathematical problems but also has numerous practical applications in various fields, from architecture and cartography to digital design and biology. Mastering the use of scale factors enhances our ability to work with similar polygons examples and deepens our understanding of geometric relationships in both theoretical and real-world contexts.

      Calculating and Interpreting Scale Factors

      Understanding scale factors is crucial when working with similar polygons, particularly triangles. Scale factors help us determine the relationship between corresponding sides of similar shapes, allowing us to calculate dimensions and understand transformations. In this section, we'll explore how to calculate scale factors using ratios of corresponding sides and differentiate between reduction and enlargement scenarios.

      To calculate the scale factor between two similar polygons, we compare the lengths of corresponding sides. The scale factor is the ratio of the length of a side in the new shape to the length of the corresponding side in the original shape. This can be expressed as:

      Scale Factor = Length of side in new shape / Length of corresponding side in original shape

      It's important to note that for similar polygons, this ratio will be consistent for all pairs of corresponding sides. Let's consider an example from the video to illustrate this concept.

      Suppose we have two similar triangles, ABC and DEF. If side AB measures 6 units and the corresponding side DE measures 9 units, we can calculate the scale factor as follows:

      Scale Factor = DE / AB = 9 / 6 = 1.5

      This scale factor of 1.5 indicates that triangle DEF is an enlargement of triangle ABC. Every side of DEF is 1.5 times longer than the corresponding side of ABC.

      Now, let's explore the difference between reduction and enlargement:

      1. Enlargement (Scale Factor > 1): When the scale factor is greater than 1, it means the new shape is larger than the original. In our example above, with a scale factor of 1.5, triangle DEF is an enlargement of triangle ABC. All sides of DEF are 1.5 times longer than the corresponding sides of ABC.

      2. Reduction (Scale Factor < 1): When the scale factor is less than 1, it indicates that the new shape is smaller than the original. For instance, if we reverse our example and consider ABC as the new shape and DEF as the original, the scale factor would be:

      Scale Factor = AB / DE = 6 / 9 = 2/3 0.67

      In this case, the scale factor of 0.67 shows that triangle ABC is a reduction of triangle DEF. Each side of ABC is approximately 67% of the length of the corresponding side in DEF.

      Let's consider another example from the video to reinforce these concepts. Imagine we have two similar triangles, PQR and XYZ. If side PQ is 4 units long and the corresponding side XY is 12 units long, we can calculate the scale factor:

      Scale Factor = XY / PQ = 12 / 4 = 3

      This scale factor of 3 indicates an enlargement. Triangle XYZ is three times larger than triangle PQR in all dimensions.

      Understanding scale factors is essential in various real-world applications, such as map reading, architectural drawings, and model making. For instance, when working with a map, a scale factor of 1:50,000 means that 1 unit on the map represents 50,000 units in real life. This is effectively a reduction with a scale factor of 1/50,000 or 0.00002.

      In conclusion, calculating scale factors using the ratios of corresponding sides allows us to quantify the relationship between similar polygons. By determining whether the scale factor is greater than or less than 1, we can easily identify if a transformation is an enlargement or a reduction. This knowledge is invaluable in geometry and has practical applications in numerous fields where accurate scaling is crucial.

      Applying Scale Factors to Similar Polygons

      Understanding how to use scale factors to transform similar polygons is a crucial skill in geometry. Similar polygons are shapes that have the same angles but different side lengths, maintaining the same overall proportions. By applying scale factors, we can enlarge or reduce these shapes while preserving their similarity.

      What are similar polygons? Similar polygons are figures that have congruent angles and proportional sides. For example, two triangles with angles of 30°, 60°, and 90° are similar, regardless of their size. Similar polygons examples include squares of different sizes, rectangles with the same length-to-width ratio, or pentagons with identical angle measures but varying side lengths.

      To transform similar polygons using scale factors, we multiply each side length of the original polygon by the scale factor. A scale factor greater than 1 enlarges the shape, while a scale factor between 0 and 1 reduces it. For instance, if we have a triangle with sides of 3, 4, and 5 units, and we apply a scale factor of 2, the new triangle will have sides of 6, 8, and 10 units.

      Applying scale factors is straightforward:

      1. Identify the scale factor (k)
      2. Multiply each side length of the original polygon by k
      3. Draw the new polygon using the calculated side lengths

      For enlargement, use a scale factor greater than 1. If k = 3, a side of 5 units becomes 15 units (5 × 3). For reduction, use a scale factor between 0 and 1. If k = 0.5, a side of 10 units becomes 5 units (10 × 0.5).

      It's important to note that while side lengths change, angles remain the same in similar polygons. This property is what maintains the shape's proportions and overall similarity.

      To practice applying these concepts, try the following problems:

      1. A square has side lengths of 4 cm. Apply a scale factor of 2.5 to create a similar, larger square. What are the new side lengths?
      2. A triangle has sides of 6, 8, and 10 cm. Reduce it using a scale factor of 0.75. Calculate the new side lengths.
      3. A rectangle measures 3 cm by 5 cm. Enlarge it with a scale factor of 1.5. What are the dimensions of the new rectangle?
      4. A regular pentagon has sides of 4 cm. Apply a scale factor of 0.6 to create a smaller similar pentagon. What is the length of each side in the new pentagon?
      5. A trapezoid has parallel sides of 8 cm and 12 cm, with non-parallel sides of 5 cm each. Enlarge it using a scale factor of 1.25. Calculate all side lengths of the new trapezoid.


      1. New square side length: 4 × 2.5 = 10 cm
      2. New triangle sides: 6 × 0.75 = 4.5 cm, 8 × 0.75 = 6 cm, 10 × 0.75 = 7.5 cm
      3. New rectangle: 3 × 1.5 = 4.5 cm by 5 × 1.5 = 7.5 cm
      4. New pentagon side length: 4 × 0.6 = 2.4 cm
      5. New trapezoid: parallel sides 8 × 1.25 = 10 cm and 12 × 1.25 = 15 cm, non-parallel sides 5 × 1.25 = 6.25 cm

      Determining Similarity in Polygons

      Understanding the criteria for determining if polygons are similar is a fundamental concept in geometry. Similar polygons share specific characteristics that allow us to identify and prove their similarity. The two main criteria for determining similarity in polygons are equal angles and proportional sides. Let's delve into these criteria and explore their importance in proving polygon similarity.

      The first criterion for similar polygons is that they must have equal corresponding angles. This means that each angle in one polygon must have an equal counterpart in the other polygon. For example, if we have two triangles, and the angles of the first triangle measure 30°, 60°, and 90°, the second triangle must also have angles measuring 30°, 60°, and 90° to be considered similar. This angle equality is crucial because it ensures that the overall shape of the polygons remains consistent, regardless of their size.

      The second criterion for similarity is that the corresponding sides of the polygons must be proportional. This means that the ratio of the lengths of corresponding sides in both polygons must be constant. For instance, if one side of a polygon is twice as long as the corresponding side in another polygon, all other sides must also be twice as long to maintain proportionality. This proportional relationship is essential because it allows the polygons to maintain their shape while differing in size.

      To illustrate these criteria, let's consider an example of two rectangles. Rectangle A has dimensions of 3 units by 4 units, while Rectangle B has dimensions of 6 units by 8 units. To determine if these rectangles are similar, we first check if their corresponding angles are equal. In this case, all angles in both rectangles are 90°, satisfying the first criterion. Next, we examine the proportionality of their sides. We can see that the ratio of the corresponding sides is 1:2 (3:6 and 4:8), which is consistent for all sides. Therefore, these rectangles are indeed similar.

      Proving similarity using these criteria can be done through various methods. One common approach is the Side-Angle-Side (SAS) Similarity Theorem for triangles. This theorem states that if two triangles have two pairs of corresponding angles that are equal and the included sides are proportional, then the triangles are similar. For example, if we have Triangle ABC and Triangle DEF, where angle A equals angle D, angle B equals angle E, and the ratio of AB to DE is the same as the ratio of BC to EF, we can conclude that these triangles are similar.

      Another method to prove similarity is the Angle-Angle (AA) Similarity Theorem, which applies specifically to triangles. This theorem states that if two triangles have two pairs of corresponding angles that are equal, then the triangles are similar. This is because the third pair of angles will automatically be equal (since the sum of angles in a triangle is always 180°), and the sides will be proportional.

      For polygons with more than three sides, we can use a combination of these methods to prove similarity. We need to show that all corresponding angles are equal and that the ratios of all corresponding sides are constant. This can be done by breaking down the polygons into triangles and applying the similarity theorems to each pair of corresponding triangles.

      Understanding and applying these criteria for determining similarity in polygons is crucial in various fields, including architecture, engineering, and computer graphics. In architecture, for instance, similar polygons are used to create scaled models of buildings or to design structures that maintain proportionality. In computer graphics, similarity principles are applied to resize and transform shapes while preserving their original proportions.

      In conclusion, the criteria for determining if polygons are similar revolve around the concepts of equal angles and proportional sides. These two fundamental principles work together to ensure that polygons maintain their shape regardless of their size. By understanding and applying these criteria, we can confidently identify and prove similarity in polygons, opening up a world of possibilities in geometry and its practical applications.

      Solving Problems with Similar Polygons

      Similar polygons are a fascinating aspect of geometry that offers numerous practical applications in problem-solving. These shapes maintain the same proportions and angles, differing only in size. Let's explore various scenarios involving similar polygons and learn how to tackle problems related to unknown side lengths, surface areas, and scale factors.

      Finding Unknown Side Lengths

      One common problem-solving scenario involves determining unknown side lengths in similar polygons. Consider two similar triangles, ABC and DEF, where triangle DEF is a scaled-up version of ABC. If we know that AB = 3 cm, BC = 4 cm, and DE = 6 cm, how can we find EF?

      To solve this, we use the principle of proportionality:

      • AB : DE = BC : EF
      • 3 : 6 = 4 : EF
      • Cross multiply: 3 * EF = 6 * 4
      • 3 * EF = 24
      • EF = 24 / 3 = 8 cm

      This method can be applied to any pair of corresponding sides in similar polygons, allowing us to find unknown lengths when given sufficient information.

      Calculating Surface Areas

      Another intriguing problem involves comparing the surface areas of similar polygons. Let's examine two similar hexagons, where the second hexagon has sides twice as long as the first. How do their surface areas compare?

      To solve this:

      1. Recall that the ratio of surface areas of similar polygons is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding sides.
      2. In this case, the ratio of sides is 2:1.
      3. Therefore, the ratio of surface areas is 2² : 1² = 4:1.

      This means the larger hexagon has a surface area four times that of the smaller one. This principle applies to all similar polygons, making it a powerful tool for comparing areas without needing to calculate the actual measurements.

      Determining Scale Factors

      Scale factors play a crucial role in problems involving similar polygons. Imagine two similar pentagons, where the perimeter of the larger pentagon is 45 cm and the perimeter of the smaller one is 30 cm. What is the scale factor from the smaller to the larger pentagon?

      To find the scale factor:

      • Divide the perimeter of the larger pentagon by the perimeter of the smaller one.
      • Scale factor = 45 cm ÷ 30 cm = 1.5

      This scale factor of 1.5 means that each side of the larger pentagon is 1.5 times the length of the corresponding side in the smaller pentagon. This information can be used to find individual side lengths or to solve more complex problems involving these polygons.

      Real-World Applications

      Understanding similar polygons has practical applications in various fields:

      • Architecture: Scaling building plans while maintaining proportions.
      • Cartography: Creating accurate maps at different scales.
      • Engineering: Designing scaled models of structures or machines.
      • Art: Proportionally enlarging or reducing designs.

      For instance, an architect might use similar polygons to scale up a house design from a small model. If a model room measures 2 cm by 3 cm and the scale is 1:50, the actual room dimensions would be 100 cm by 150 cm (1 m by 1.5 m).

      Advanced Problem-Solving Techniques

      As you become more comfortable with basic similar polygon problems, you


      In this lesson, we explored the fascinating world of similar polygons and scale factors. We learned that similar polygons have the same shape but may differ in size, maintaining proportional side lengths and equal corresponding angles. The scale factor, a crucial concept, determines the relationship between these polygons' dimensions. We discovered how to calculate and apply scale factors in various real-world scenarios, from map reading to architectural design. The introductory video played a vital role in visualizing these concepts, making them more accessible and relatable. As we conclude, it's important to remember that mastering similar polygons and scale factors opens doors to numerous practical applications in fields like engineering, art, and urban planning. To solidify your understanding, we encourage you to practice with additional problems and explore further resources on this topic. By doing so, you'll enhance your spatial reasoning skills and gain a deeper appreciation for the geometric principles that shape our world.


      Is each pair of the polygons similar?
      Similar polygons with the same ratio to their corresponding sides

      Step 1: Introduction to Similar Polygons

      Hi, welcome to this question right here. We are given two polygons, which can be any figures, not necessarily triangles. The task is to determine whether these polygons are similar. Similar polygons have corresponding angles that are equal and corresponding sides that are proportional. In this case, we will focus on the side lengths to determine similarity.

      Step 2: Checking Corresponding Side Ratios

      To determine if the polygons are similar, we need to check if the ratios of the corresponding sides are equal. We start by comparing the sides A to B and E to F. The ratio is calculated as follows:

      • Ratio of A to B: 2
      • Ratio of E to F: 0.4

      We divide the length of A to B by the length of E to F:

      2 / 0.4 = 5

      This gives us a ratio of 5. This means that the side A to B is 5 times the length of the side E to F.

      Step 3: Verifying the Scale Factor

      For the polygons to be similar, all corresponding sides must have the same ratio. We have determined that the scale factor for A to B and E to F is 5. Next, we need to check another pair of corresponding sides to ensure the ratio is consistent.

      Step 4: Comparing Another Pair of Corresponding Sides

      We now compare the sides B to D and F to H. The ratio is calculated as follows:

      • Ratio of B to D: 2.5
      • Ratio of F to H: 0.5

      We divide the length of B to D by the length of F to H:

      2.5 / 0.5 = 5

      This also gives us a ratio of 5. This confirms that the side B to D is 5 times the length of the side F to H.

      Step 5: Conclusion on Similarity

      Since both pairs of corresponding sides have the same ratio of 5, we can conclude that all corresponding sides of the polygons have the same ratio. Therefore, the polygons are similar. The consistent ratio across all corresponding sides confirms their similarity.

      Step 6: Final Verification

      To ensure completeness, we can check the remaining pairs of corresponding sides. However, since we have already established that two pairs of corresponding sides have the same ratio, it is highly likely that the remaining sides will also have the same ratio. Thus, we can confidently state that the polygons are similar.

      Step 7: Summary

      In summary, by comparing the ratios of corresponding sides and finding them to be equal, we have determined that the given polygons are similar. The consistent scale factor of 5 across all corresponding sides confirms their similarity.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about similar polygons and scale factors:

      1. What are similar polygons?

      Similar polygons are shapes that have the same angles and proportional side lengths. They maintain the same shape but may differ in size. For example, two squares of different sizes are similar polygons.

      2. How do you determine if two polygons are similar?

      Two polygons are similar if they meet two conditions: (1) their corresponding angles are equal, and (2) the ratios of their corresponding side lengths are constant. This constant ratio is known as the scale factor.

      3. What is a scale factor in similar polygons?

      A scale factor is the ratio of the length of any side in one polygon to the length of the corresponding side in a similar polygon. It represents how much larger or smaller one polygon is compared to the other.

      4. Are all regular polygons similar to each other?

      Yes, all regular polygons with the same number of sides are similar. For instance, all equilateral triangles are similar, as are all regular pentagons, regardless of their size.

      5. How does the area of similar polygons relate to their scale factor?

      The ratio of the areas of similar polygons is equal to the square of their scale factor. For example, if the scale factor between two similar triangles is 2, the area of the larger triangle will be 4 times (2²) the area of the smaller triangle.

      Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Similar Polygons

      When delving into the concept of similar polygons, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several related mathematical areas. Understanding these prerequisite topics not only enhances your grasp of similar polygons but also provides a broader context for geometric principles.

      One of the fundamental concepts you should be familiar with is the ratio of corresponding sides. This principle is essential in recognizing and working with similar polygons, as it forms the basis for comparing proportional relationships between shapes. Mastering this concept allows you to identify similarities between polygons of different sizes but identical shapes.

      Another critical area to explore is enlargements and reductions of geometric figures. This topic directly relates to similar polygons, as it involves understanding how shapes can be scaled up or down while maintaining their proportions. Grasping this concept helps you visualize how similar polygons are created and how they relate to one another in terms of size and scale.

      While it might not seem immediately obvious, knowledge of surface area to volume ratios can also be beneficial when studying similar polygons. This concept helps in understanding how changes in size affect different aspects of a shape, which is particularly useful when dealing with three-dimensional similar figures or when considering real-world applications of similar polygons.

      Lastly, a strong foundation in trigonometric ratios is invaluable when working with similar polygons. These ratios are often used to calculate unknown sides or angles in similar triangles, which are the simplest form of similar polygons. Understanding how to apply these ratios can greatly enhance your problem-solving skills in more complex similar polygon scenarios.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the intricacies of similar polygons. You'll find that concepts like proportionality, scaling, and angular relationships become more intuitive, allowing you to approach problems involving similar polygons with greater confidence and accuracy. Remember, mathematics is an interconnected subject, and each of these prerequisite topics contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of geometric principles, ultimately leading to a deeper appreciation of similar polygons and their applications in both academic and real-world contexts.