Adding and subtracting rational expressions

  1. review – adding/subtracting fractions
  1. Simplify:
    1. 313+813\frac{3}{{13}} + \frac{8}{{13}}
    2. 32+45\frac{3}{2} + \frac{4}{5}
  2. Simplify:
    1. x6+2x35x4\frac{x}{6} + \frac{{2x}}{3} - \frac{{5x}}{4}
    2. y33+2y+36\frac{{y - 3}}{3} + \frac{{2y + 3}}{6}
    3. 3a532a12\frac{{3a - 5}}{3} - \frac{{2a - 1}}{2}
  3. Simplify:
    1. 5x39+6x3x23\frac{{5x - 3}}{9} + 6x - \frac{{3x - 2}}{3}
    2. 3y1443y63 - \frac{{y - 1}}{4} - \frac{{4 - 3y}}{6}
  4. Adding and Subtracting with Common Denominators
    State any restrictions on the variables, then simplify:
    1. 3x+12x5x\frac{3}{x} + \frac{{12}}{x} - \frac{5}{x}
    2. 6a23a+10a+23a\frac{{6a - 2}}{{3a}} + \frac{{ - 10a + 2}}{{3a}}
    3. 6m6m556m5\frac{{6m}}{{6m - 5}} - \frac{5}{{6m - 5}}
    4. 9x12x38+3x2x3\frac{{9x - 1}}{{2x - 3}} - \frac{{8 + 3x}}{{2x - 3}}
  5. Adding and Subtracting with Different Monomial Denominators
    State any restrictions on the variables, then simplify:
    1. 34m+25m\frac{3}{{4m}} + \frac{2}{{5m}}
    2. 54x76\frac{5}{{4x}} - \frac{7}{6}
    3. 2x310x3x25x\frac{{2x - 3}}{{10x}} - \frac{{3x - 2}}{{5x}}
    4. y13y22y2\frac{{y - 1}}{{3y}} - \frac{2}{{2{y^2}}}
  6. Adding and Subtracting with Different Monomial/Binomial Denominators
    State any restrictions on the variables, then simplify:
    1. x43x+5xx2\frac{{x - 4}}{{3x}} + \frac{{5x}}{{x - 2}}
    2. 53m+214m7\frac{5}{{3m + 2}} - \frac{1}{{4m - 7}}
    3. 6x12x+31x4x+5 \frac{6x-1}{2x+3}-\frac{1-x}{4x+5}
  7. State any restrictions on the variables, then simplify: 1x+25x1+3x\frac{1}{{x + 2}} - \frac{5}{{x - 1}} + \frac{3}{x}
    1. Denominators with Factors in Common
      State any restrictions on the variables, then simplify:
      1. 54x512x\frac{5}{{4x}} - \frac{5}{{12x}}
      2. 43x+9+52x+6\frac{4}{{3x + 9}} + \frac{5}{{2x + 6}}
      3. 3x25x8x2\frac{3}{{{x^2} - 5x}} - \frac{8}{{{x^2}}}
    2. Denominators with Factors in Common
      State any restrictions on the variables, then simplify: 5(x1)(x+3)+4(x+2)(x1)\frac{5}{{\left( {x - 1} \right)\left( {x + 3} \right)}} + \frac{4}{{\left( {x + 2} \right)\left( {x - 1} \right)}}
      1. State any restrictions on the variables, then simplify: xx29+5x3\frac{x}{{{x^2} - 9}} + \frac{5}{{x - 3}}
        1. State any restrictions on the variables, then simplify:
          1. 4x35xx22x3\frac{4}{{x - 3}} - \frac{{5 - x}}{{{x^2} - 2x - 3}}
          2. 3a2a2+5a2+3a+2\frac{3}{{{a^2} - a - 2}} + \frac{5}{{{a^2} + 3a + 2}}
          3. 1x2+4x+44x2+5x+6\frac{1}{{{x^2} + 4x + 4}} - \frac{4}{{{x^2} + 5x + 6}}
        2. State any restrictions on the variables, then simplify: x25x+6x22x3x2+9x+20x2+7x+10\frac{{{x^2} - 5x + 6}}{{{x^2} - 2x - 3}} - \frac{{{x^2} + 9x + 20}}{{{x^2} + 7x + 10}}
          Topic Notes
          When adding and subtracting rational expressions, the denominators of the expressions will dictate how we solve the questions. Different denominators in the expressions, for example, common denominators, different monomial/binomial denominators, and denominators with factors in common, will require different treatments. In addition, we need to keep in mind the restrictions on variables.

          Introduction to Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

          Adding and subtracting rational expressions is a crucial skill in algebra that builds upon your understanding of fractions. The introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of this topic, laying the foundation for more complex mathematical concepts. When working with rational expressions, the denominators play a pivotal role in determining the approach to solving problems. Unlike simple fractions, rational expressions often involve variables, making the process more intricate. To add or subtract rational expressions, you must first find a common denominator, similar to working with regular fractions. This step is essential for creating equivalent expressions that can be combined. The video demonstrates various techniques for finding common denominators and simplifying rational expressions. By mastering these skills, you'll be better equipped to handle more advanced mathematical problems involving rational expressions. Remember, practice is key to becoming proficient in manipulating these expressions effectively.

          Review of Adding and Subtracting Fractions

          Adding and subtracting fractions with common denominators is a fundamental skill in mathematics that can be mastered with ease. This process is straightforward and follows a simple rule: when fractions share the same denominator, we only need to work with the numerators. Let's explore this concept using the example from the video: 3/7 + 8/7 - 1/7.

          To begin, it's crucial to understand that the denominator in a fraction represents the number of equal parts into which a whole is divided. The numerator, on the other hand, indicates how many of these parts we're considering. When fractions have common denominators, it means they're all working with the same-sized parts, making them easy to combine.

          In our example, 3/7, 8/7, and 1/7 all have 7 as their denominator. This common denominator allows us to focus solely on the numerators when performing addition and subtraction. Here's how the process works:

          1. Identify the common denominator: In this case, it's 7.

          2. Add or subtract the numerators as indicated:

          • 3 (from 3/7)
          • + 8 (from 8/7)
          • - 1 (from 1/7)

          3. Perform the arithmetic: 3 + 8 - 1 = 10

          4. Write the result over the common denominator: 10/7

          Thus, 3/7 + 8/7 - 1/7 = 10/7

          The beauty of working with common denominators lies in its simplicity. You don't need to change the fractions or find a least common denominator; you can directly operate on the numerators. This method works because all the fractions are already expressed in terms of the same-sized parts (sevenths in this example).

          It's important to note that after performing these operations, you may need to simplify the resulting fraction if possible. In our case, 10/7 cannot be simplified further, so it remains our final answer.

          This process can be extended to more complex problems involving multiple fractions, as long as they all share a common denominator. For instance, if we had 2/5 + 3/5 - 1/5 + 4/5, we would follow the same steps:

          1. Identify the common denominator: 5

          2. Work with the numerators: 2 + 3 - 1 + 4 = 8

          3. Write the result over the common denominator: 8/5

          The key takeaway is that when fractions have common denominators, adding and subtracting becomes as simple as working with whole numbers. The denominator remains unchanged throughout the process, serving as a constant base for our calculations.

          To reinforce this concept, try creating your own examples with common denominators. Start with simple fractions like halves, thirds, or quarters, and gradually move to more complex denominators. Practice will help solidify your understanding and improve your speed in performing these operations.

          Remember, the ability to quickly add and subtract fractions with common denominators is a valuable skill that forms the foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts. As you become more comfortable with this process, you'll find it easier to tackle more complex fraction problems and apply this knowledge to real-world situations involving fractions.

          Finding the Lowest Common Denominator (LCD)

          Finding the lowest common denominator (LCD) is a crucial skill in mathematics, particularly when dealing with rational expressions. The LCD is essential for adding and subtracting fractions or rational expressions with different denominators. One effective method to find the LCD is through prime factorization. Let's explore this process in detail using the example from the video: finding the LCD of 8, 12, and 3.

          Prime factorization is the process of breaking down a number into its prime factors. To find the LCD using this method, we follow these steps:

          1. Factor each number into its prime factors:
            • 8 = 2 × 2 × 2 (or 2³)
            • 12 = 2 × 2 × 3 (or 2² × 3)
            • 3 = 3
          2. Identify the highest power of each prime factor among all numbers:
            • For 2: The highest power is 3 (from 8)
            • For 3: The highest power is 1 (from 12 and 3)
          3. Multiply these highest powers together:
            • LCD = 2³ × 3 = 8 × 3 = 24

          Thus, the LCD of 8, 12, and 3 is 24. This method ensures we find the smallest number that is divisible by all the given numbers, which is the definition of the lowest common denominator.

          Understanding why finding the LCD is crucial for adding and subtracting rational expressions with different denominators is important. When we add or subtract fractions, we need a common denominator to perform the operation correctly. The LCD provides the smallest common denominator, which simplifies calculations and reduces the risk of errors.

          Here's why using the LCD is beneficial:

          1. Simplification: The LCD ensures that we're working with the simplest possible common denominator, making calculations more manageable.
          2. Accuracy: Using the LCD reduces the chance of computational errors that can occur when working with larger numbers.
          3. Efficiency: Finding the LCD once at the beginning of a problem can save time and effort in subsequent steps.
          4. Preparation for advanced math: Understanding LCD is fundamental for more complex mathematical operations involving rational expressions.

          To illustrate the importance of LCD in adding fractions, consider this example:

          1/8 + 1/12 + 1/3

          Without a common denominator, we can't directly add these fractions. However, using our LCD of 24, we can rewrite the expression as:

          3/24 + 2/24 + 8/24 = 13/24

          This demonstrates how finding the LCD allows us to perform the addition smoothly and accurately.

          In conclusion, mastering the technique of finding the lowest common denominator through prime factorization is a valuable skill in mathematics. It not only simplifies the process of adding and subtracting fractions and rational expressions but also provides a solid foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts. By understanding and applying this method, students can approach a wide range of mathematical problems with greater confidence and precision.

          Converting Fractions to a Common Denominator

          Converting fractions to a common denominator is a crucial skill in mathematics, especially when performing operations like adding and subtracting fractions. This process allows us to work with fractions that have different denominators by finding a common denominator that all the fractions can share. Let's explore this concept using the example from the video: 5/8 - 13/12 + 1/3.

          To begin, we need to identify the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators. In this case, the denominators are 8, 12, and 3. The LCM of these numbers is 24. This means that 24 will be our common denominator for all three fractions.

          Now, we'll convert each fraction to an equivalent fraction with the denominator of 24. The key principle to remember is that we must multiply both the numerator and denominator by the same factor to maintain equality. This is crucial because it ensures that the value of the fraction remains unchanged.

          Let's start with 5/8:

          • We need to multiply the denominator by 3 to get 24 (8 × 3 = 24)
          • Therefore, we also multiply the numerator by 3: 5 × 3 = 15
          • The new fraction is 15/24

          Next, let's convert 13/12:

          • We multiply the denominator by 2 to get 24 (12 × 2 = 24)
          • We also multiply the numerator by 2: 13 × 2 = 26
          • The new fraction is 26/24

          Finally, let's convert 1/3:

          • We multiply the denominator by 8 to get 24 (3 × 8 = 24)
          • We also multiply the numerator by 8: 1 × 8 = 8
          • The new fraction is 8/24

          Now that all fractions have been converted to a common denominator of 24, our original expression becomes:

          15/24 - 26/24 + 8/24

          The importance of multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the same factor cannot be overstated. This process, known as "multiplying fractions," ensures that we create equivalent fractions. An equivalent fraction represents the same value as the original fraction, just expressed with different numbers. By maintaining this equality, we can perform operations on fractions without changing their inherent values.

          Converting fractions to a common denominator is particularly useful in several scenarios:

          1. Adding or subtracting fractions: As in our example, having a common denominator allows us to easily combine the numerators while keeping the denominator constant.
          2. Comparing fractions: When fractions have the same denominator, it's simple to compare their sizes by looking at the numerators.
          3. Simplifying complex fraction operations: In more advanced mathematics, having a common denominator can simplify complex fraction manipulations.

          It's worth noting that while we always aim for the least common multiple as our common denominator, any common multiple will work mathematically. However, using the LCM typically results in simpler calculations and easier-to-manage numbers.

          In conclusion, converting fractions to a common denominator is a fundamental skill in fraction arithmetic. By understanding and applying this process, we can confidently work with fractions in various mathematical contexts. Remember, the key is to always multiply both the numerator and denominator by the same factor, ensuring that we maintain the equality of each fraction throughout the conversion process.

          Combining Rational Expressions

          Combining rational expressions is a crucial skill in algebra that builds upon the fundamental concept of combining fractions. Once you've successfully converted rational expressions to a common denominator, the process of combining them becomes straightforward. This technique is essential for simplifying complex algebraic expressions and solving equations involving rational terms.

          To combine rational expressions with a common denominator, follow these steps:

          1. Ensure all expressions have the same denominator
          2. Add or subtract the numerators as indicated
          3. Keep the common denominator
          4. Simplify the resulting expression if possible

          Let's illustrate this process using the example from the video:

          Suppose we have the following rational expressions already converted to a common denominator:

          (3x + 2) / (x² - 1) + (x - 4) / (x² - 1)

          To combine these expressions:

          1. Add the numerators: (3x + 2) + (x - 4)
          2. Keep the common denominator: (x² - 1)
          3. Write the result as a single fraction: (3x + 2 + x - 4) / (x² - 1)

          Simplifying the numerator, we get:

          (4x - 2) / (x² - 1)

          This step completes the combination of the rational expressions. However, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of simplifying the final answer if possible. Simplification can make the expression easier to work with and can reveal important characteristics of the function.

          In this case, the fraction (4x - 2) / (x² - 1) cannot be simplified further, as there are no common factors between the numerator and denominator. However, in many cases, further simplification is possible and should always be attempted.

          Simplifying the final answer serves several purposes:

          • It reduces the complexity of the expression
          • It can reveal domain restrictions or undefined points
          • It makes subsequent calculations or analysis easier
          • It helps in identifying the behavior of the function

          When simplifying, look for common factors in the numerator and denominator, and cancel them out. Also, check if the numerator can be factored or if the denominator can be rationalized in the case of square roots.

          Remember, the process of combining fractions and simplifying the final answer is not just about following steps mechanically. It's about developing a deeper understanding of algebraic structures and relationships. This skill is fundamental in more advanced mathematical concepts and real-world applications, from engineering to data analysis.

          Practice is key to mastering the art of combining fractions and simplifying the final answer. Start with simple examples and gradually work your way up to more complex problems. Pay attention to the nuances of each problem, as they often require slightly different approaches or reveal interesting mathematical properties.

          By honing your skills in combining fractions and simplifying the final answer, you'll be better equipped to tackle a wide range of mathematical challenges and develop a more intuitive understanding of algebraic expressions.

          Alternative Method for Presentation

          In the realm of data presentation, there's always room for improvement and refinement. The video introduces an alternative method for a cleaner presentation, which offers a more streamlined approach compared to the previously discussed technique. This new method utilizes bracket notation, a powerful tool that can significantly enhance the clarity and readability of your data output.

          The primary difference between this alternative method and the previous one lies in its syntax and structure. While the earlier approach might have relied on concatenation or multiple print statements, the bracket notation method allows for a more concise and elegant solution. This method is often preferred by developers and data analysts for its simplicity and the clean, professional look it lends to the final output.

          Let's revisit our previous example to demonstrate how this alternative method works in practice. Suppose we have a dictionary containing information about a person:

          person = { "name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "city": "New York" }

          Using the bracket notation method, we can present this information in a much cleaner format:

          print(f"Name: {person['name']}") print(f"Age: {person['age']}") print(f"City: {person['city']}")

          This approach offers several advantages. Firstly, it eliminates the need for multiple concatenation operations, which can become cumbersome and error-prone, especially when dealing with larger datasets. Secondly, it improves code readability, making it easier for other developers (or yourself in the future) to understand and maintain the code.

          The bracket notation method also allows for easy formatting and alignment of output. For instance, if you wanted to align the labels and values, you could modify the code slightly:

          print(f"Name: {person['name']:15}") print(f"Age: {person['age']:15}") print(f"City: {person['city']:15}")

          This would produce a neatly aligned output, further enhancing the presentation of your data.

          Another benefit of this method is its flexibility. You can easily incorporate additional formatting or conditional logic within the brackets. For example:

          print(f"Name: {person['name'].upper()}") print(f"Age: {'Senior' if person['age'] > 65 else 'Adult'}") print(f"City: {person['city'].replace('New', 'Old')}")

          This demonstrates how you can manipulate the data on-the-fly within the presentation itself, offering a powerful tool for dynamic data display.

          The bracket notation method is not only cleaner but also more pythonic, aligning well with Python's philosophy of readability and simplicity. It's a presentation technique that scales well, whether you're working with simple key-value pairs or complex nested structures.

          In conclusion, while both methods can achieve the same end result, the alternative method using bracket notation offers a cleaner, more efficient, and more flexible approach to data presentation. By adopting this technique, you can significantly improve the quality and professionalism of your data output, making your code more maintainable and your results more impactful.


          Mastering the addition and subtraction of rational expressions is crucial for advancing in algebra. Key points to remember include finding a common denominator, using the LCD method, and simplifying rational expressions. The introduction video provides a solid foundation for understanding these concepts, demonstrating step-by-step processes and common pitfalls to avoid. It's essential to practice these methods regularly to build confidence and proficiency. Remember that rational expressions follow similar rules to fractions, but with variables involved. If you encounter difficulties, don't hesitate to seek further resources or ask for help. Online tutorials, textbooks, and math forums can offer additional explanations and practice problems. By consistently applying these techniques and seeking clarification when needed, you'll develop a strong grasp of simplifying rational expressions, preparing you for more advanced mathematical concepts. Keep practicing and exploring these fundamental algebraic operations to enhance your problem-solving skills.


          Simplify: 313+813\frac{3}{{13}} + \frac{8}{{13}}

          Step 1: Identify the Denominators

          First, observe the given rational expressions. In this case, we have two fractions: 313\frac{3}{13} and 813\frac{8}{13}. Notice that both fractions have the same denominator, which is 13. This is crucial because having a common denominator allows us to directly add the numerators.

          Step 2: Add the Numerators

          Since the denominators are the same, we can add the numerators directly. The numerators in this case are 3 and 8. So, we perform the addition of the numerators: 3+83 + 8.

          Step 3: Simplify the Numerator

          Next, we simplify the addition of the numerators. Adding 3 and 8 gives us 11. Therefore, the new numerator is 11.

          Step 4: Write the Resulting Fraction

          Now that we have the new numerator, we can write the resulting fraction. The denominator remains the same, which is 13. So, the simplified form of the given expression is 1113\frac{11}{13}.

          Step 5: Verify the Simplification

          Finally, it is always a good practice to verify the simplification. In this case, since 11 and 13 are both prime numbers and do not have any common factors other than 1, the fraction 1113\frac{11}{13} is already in its simplest form.


          Here are some frequently asked questions about adding and subtracting rational expressions:

          1. What is the first step in adding or subtracting rational expressions?

          The first step is to find a common denominator for all the rational expressions. This is typically done by finding the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators.

          2. How do you find the Lowest Common Denominator (LCD) for rational expressions?

          To find the LCD, use prime factorization on each denominator. Then, take each prime factor to the highest power it occurs in any of the denominators and multiply these together.

          3. Why is it important to simplify the final answer when combining rational expressions?

          Simplifying the final answer reduces complexity, reveals domain restrictions, makes further calculations easier, and helps in understanding the behavior of the function.

          4. Can you add or subtract rational expressions with different variables in the denominators?

          Yes, you can add or subtract rational expressions with different variables in the denominators. The process is the same: find a common denominator, convert each expression to this denominator, then add or subtract the numerators.

          5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when working with rational expressions?

          Common mistakes include forgetting to find a common denominator, incorrectly simplifying expressions, neglecting to check for domain restrictions, and failing to factor completely when simplifying. Always double-check your work and ensure you've considered all aspects of the problem.

          Prerequisite Topics for Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

          Understanding the fundamentals of adding and subtracting rational expressions is crucial for advancing in algebra. To master this topic, it's essential to have a solid grasp of several prerequisite concepts. One of the most important skills is adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. This forms the foundation for working with more complex rational expressions.

          Before diving into rational expressions, students should be comfortable with prime factorization. This method is invaluable when simplifying expressions and finding common denominators. Closely related to this is the concept of greatest common factors (GCF), which is essential for simplifying fractions and rational expressions.

          Another critical skill is finding the least common multiple (LCM) of denominators. This is particularly important when adding or subtracting rational expressions with different denominators. Understanding how to find the LCM efficiently can significantly streamline the process of working with rational expressions.

          Simplifying complex fractions is another prerequisite that directly applies to rational expressions. This skill helps in breaking down more complicated expressions into simpler forms. Similarly, simplifying rational expressions and understanding their restrictions is crucial for manipulating and solving problems involving these types of expressions.

          While it might seem less directly related, comparing and ordering fractions is also an important prerequisite. This skill helps in understanding the relative sizes of rational expressions and can be useful in checking the reasonableness of answers when adding or subtracting them.

          By mastering these prerequisite topics, students build a strong foundation for working with rational expressions. Each concept contributes to the overall understanding and ability to manipulate these more complex algebraic structures. For instance, the skills used in adding fractions with unlike denominators directly translate to adding rational expressions, while simplifying complex fractions prepares students for the more intricate simplifications often required in rational expression problems.

          Moreover, a solid grasp of these prerequisites not only makes learning about rational expressions easier but also enhances problem-solving skills and mathematical reasoning. As students progress to more advanced topics in algebra and calculus, the fundamental understanding gained from these prerequisites will continue to prove invaluable. Therefore, taking the time to thoroughly understand and practice these concepts will pay dividends throughout a student's mathematical journey.