Poisson distribution

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  1. What is the Poisson Distribution?
  1. Determining the Poisson Distribution
    The number of meteors that hit the earth in a given day is modelled by a Poisson Distribution with λ=4\lambda=4. What is the probability that 5 meteors hit the earth in a day?
    1. When making a video I typically make 1 error for every 20 minutes of video time. If I make 45 minutes of video what is the probability that I make 3 errors?
      1. In a particular community the average person survives to age 100 with probability 0.005 (which is equivalent to 0.5%). If this community has 2,000 people, then what is the probability that 15 people in this community survive to age 100 using;
        1. The Binomial Distribution
        2. The Poisson Distribution
        3. Compare your previous two answers
      2. Cumulative Poisson Distribution
        On U.S. route 66 (an American highway) every car that travels this whole route has a probability of p=0.0002p=0.0002 of getting into a car accident. A total of 10,000 cars drive this route every month. What is the probability that there are fewer than 3 car accidents in a month?
        1. Determining the Poisson Distribution using Calculator Commands
          A fair coin is flipped 10 times, what is the probability using the Poisson Distribution commands on your calculator find,
          1. The probability that heads comes up 5 times?
          2. The probability that heads comes up 5 or less times?
          3. The probability that heads come up more than 7 times?
        Topic Notes

        Introduction to Poisson Distribution

        The Poisson distribution is a fundamental concept in probability and statistics, named after French mathematician Siméon Denis Poisson. This discrete probability distribution models the number of events occurring within a fixed interval of time or space, given a known average rate. Our introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of the Poisson distribution, making it an essential resource for students and professionals alike. The video explains key concepts, such as the probability mass function and the relationship between lambda (λ) and the expected number of events. Understanding the Poisson distribution is crucial for various applications, including quality control, queueing theory, and risk assessment. It helps predict rare events and analyze count data in fields like finance, biology, and telecommunications. By mastering this distribution, learners gain valuable insights into probability theory and its real-world applications, enhancing their analytical skills and decision-making abilities in data-driven environments.

        Understanding the Poisson Distribution

        Definition and Origins

        The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space, assuming these events occur with a known constant mean rate and independently of the time since the last event. Named after French mathematician Siméon Denis Poisson, this distribution was introduced in 1838 in his work "Recherches sur la probabilité des jugements en matière criminelle et en matière civile" (Research on the Probability of Judgments in Criminal and Civil Matters).

        Relationship to the Binomial Distribution

        The Poisson distribution is closely related to the binomial distribution. In fact, the Poisson distribution can be derived as a limiting case of the binomial distribution under certain conditions. When the number of trials in a binomial experiment becomes very large and the probability of success in each trial is very small, the binomial distribution approaches the Poisson distribution. This relationship makes the Poisson distribution particularly useful in scenarios where we're dealing with rare events over large sample sizes.

        When to Use Poisson Distribution

        The Poisson distribution is particularly useful in various scenarios:

        • Modeling rare events: When events occur infrequently and independently.
        • Counting processes: For phenomena that involve counting the number of occurrences over time, space, or volume.
        • Quality control: In manufacturing, to model the number of defects or errors in a production process.
        • Traffic flow: To model the number of cars arriving at a particular intersection during a specific time interval.
        • Customer service: To predict the number of customers arriving at a service point in a given time period.

        Key Properties of the Poisson Distribution

        The Poisson distribution has several important properties:

        • It is characterized by a single parameter, λ (lambda), which represents both the mean and variance of the distribution.
        • The probability mass function is given by P(X = k) = (e^-λ * λ^k) / k!, where k is the number of occurrences.
        • As λ increases, the Poisson distribution becomes more symmetric and approaches a normal distribution.

        Poisson Distribution Examples

        Let's explore some simple examples to illustrate the application of the Poisson distribution:

        Example 1: Call Center

        A call center receives an average of 10 calls per hour. What is the probability of receiving exactly 15 calls in the next hour?

        Here, λ = 10 (average calls per hour), and we're looking for P(X = 15). Using the Poisson probability mass function, we can calculate this probability.

        Example 2: Radioactive Decay

        A radioactive sample emits an average of 5 particles per minute. What is the probability of detecting 3 particles in a one-minute interval?

        In this case, λ = 5, and we're calculating P(X = 3). Again, we can use the Poisson distribution to find this probability.

        Example 3: Website Traffic

        A website receives an average of 200 visitors per day. What is the probability of receiving 220 visitors on a given day?

        Here, λ = 200, and we're interested in P(X = 220). The Poisson distribution can help us determine this probability.

        Limitations and Considerations

        While the Poisson distribution is a powerful tool, it's important to be aware of its limitations:

        • It assumes events occur independently and at a constant average rate.
        • It may not be suitable for modeling

        The Poisson Distribution Formula

        The Poisson distribution is a crucial probability distribution in statistics, particularly useful for modeling rare events. The formula for the Poisson distribution is as follows:

        P(X = k) = (e^(-λ) * λ^k) / k!

        Let's break down each component of this formula to understand it better:

        • P(X = k): This represents the probability of exactly k events occurring in a given interval.
        • e: This is the mathematical constant e, approximately equal to 2.71828. It's the base of natural logarithms.
        • λ (lambda): This is the average number of events in the given interval. It's a positive real number.
        • k: This is the number of occurrences we're calculating the probability for.
        • k!: This represents the factorial of k, which is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to k.

        The Poisson distribution notation is often written as X ~ Poisson(λ), where X is the random variable and λ is the parameter of the distribution.

        To use the Poisson distribution formula, follow these steps:

        1. Determine the value of λ (lambda) based on your data or problem context.
        2. Decide the number of occurrences (k) you want to calculate the probability for.
        3. Plug these values into the formula: P(X = k) = (e^(-λ) * λ^k) / k!
        4. Calculate each part of the formula separately:
          • Compute e^(-λ) using a calculator or programming function.
          • Calculate λ^k by raising λ to the power of k.
          • Determine k! by multiplying all positive integers from 1 to k.
        5. Multiply e^(-λ) and λ^k, then divide by k! to get the final probability.

        Let's consider a real-world example to illustrate the use of the Poisson distribution:

        Suppose a coffee shop serves an average of 3 customers per hour. What is the probability of exactly k events in a given hour?

        In this case:

        • λ (lambda) = 3 (average number of customers per hour)
        • k = 5 (we're calculating the probability of exactly 5 customers)

        Plugging these values into the formula:

        P(X = 5) = (e^(-3) * 3^5) / 5!

        Calculating step by step:

        1. e^(-3) 0.0498
        2. 3^5 = 243
        3. 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120
        4. (0.0498 * 243) / 120 0.1008

        Therefore, the probability of serving exactly 5 customers in an hour is approximately 0.1008 or 10.08%.

        The Poisson distribution differs from other distributions in several ways:

        • It is a discrete probability distribution, unlike continuous distributions like the normal distribution.
        • It is defined by a single parameter (λ), whereas many other distributions require multiple parameters.
        • It is particularly useful for rare events or counting processes, unlike distributions like the binomial which are used for fixed number of

        Poisson Distribution vs. Binomial Distribution

        The binomial distribution and Poisson distribution are two important probability distributions in statistics, each with unique characteristics and applications. Understanding their differences and when to use each is crucial for accurate data analysis and modeling.

        The binomial distribution is used for discrete events with a fixed number of independent trials, each with two possible outcomes (success or failure). It's characterized by parameters n (number of trials) and p (probability of success). For example, it can model the number of heads in 10 coin flips or the number of defective items in a batch of 100.

        In contrast, the Poisson distribution is used for counting the number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space, where events happen independently at a constant average rate. It's defined by a single parameter λ (lambda), which represents both the mean and variance of the distribution. The Poisson distribution is particularly useful for modeling rare events or those occurring continuously over time.

        Key differences between these distributions include:

        1. Number of trials: Binomial has a fixed number, while Poisson has no upper limit.
        2. Event occurrence: Binomial deals with success/failure outcomes, while Poisson counts occurrences.
        3. Parameters: Binomial uses n and p, Poisson uses λ.
        4. Applicability: Binomial for discrete trials, Poisson for continuous time or space.

        Examples illustrating these differences:

        • Binomial: Number of customers making a purchase out of 100 store visitors.
        • Poisson: Number of customers entering a store in a one-hour period.

        The Poisson distribution offers several advantages for certain types of problems:

        1. Simplicity: It requires only one parameter (λ), making it easier to work with.
        2. Continuous events: It's ideal for modeling events that can occur at any point in time or space.
        3. Rare events: It's well-suited for situations where individual event probabilities are small, but the number of opportunities is large.
        4. Time-dependent processes: It's excellent for modeling arrival times, queues, or other time-based phenomena.

        The Poisson distribution is particularly useful in scenarios involving:

        • Call center incoming calls per hour
        • Number of accidents at an intersection per month
        • Radioactive decay events in a given time interval
        • Number of typos per page in a book

        In these cases, events occur randomly but at a relatively constant average rate, making the Poisson distribution more appropriate than the binomial distribution.

        When deciding between Poisson and binomial distributions, consider:

        1. Is there a fixed number of trials? If yes, lean towards binomial.
        2. Are you counting occurrences over time or space? If yes, consider Poisson.
        3. Is the event rare relative to the opportunities for it to occur? Poisson may be more suitable.
        4. Do you know both the number of trials and probability of success? Use binomial if both are known.

        In some cases, the Poisson distribution can approximate the binomial distribution when n is large and p is small. This approximation is useful when dealing with rare events in large samples.

        Understanding the distinctions between Poisson and binomial distributions is crucial for selecting the appropriate model in statistical analysis. By correctly applying these distributions, researchers and analysts can more accurately model real-world phenomena, leading to better predictions and insights in fields ranging from quality control to epidemiology.

        Practical Applications of Poisson Distribution

        The Poisson distribution is a powerful statistical tool used to model and analyze the occurrence of rare events over a fixed interval of time or space. Its versatility makes it applicable across various fields, from finance to healthcare and customer service. Let's explore some real-world examples of Poisson distribution applications and how to set up and solve problems using this distribution.

        In finance, the Poisson distribution can be used to model the number of stock market crashes in a given year. For instance, if historical data shows that on average, there is one major market crash every five years, we can use the Poisson distribution to calculate the probability of experiencing two or more crashes in a single year. To set up this problem, we would use a lambda (λ) value of 0.2 (1/5) and calculate P(X 2) using the Poisson probability formula.

        Healthcare provides numerous examples of Poisson distribution applications. One common use is modeling the number of patients arriving at an emergency room within a specific time frame. If a hospital typically receives 10 emergency patients per hour, administrators can use the Poisson distribution to determine the probability of receiving 15 or more patients in a given hour. This information is crucial for staffing decisions and resource allocation. To solve this problem, we would use λ = 10 and calculate P(X 15).

        In the field of quality control, the Poisson distribution can model the number of defects in a manufactured product. For example, if a textile factory produces fabric rolls with an average of 2 defects per 100 meters, managers can use the Poisson distribution to calculate the probability of finding more than 5 defects in a 100-meter roll. This helps in setting quality standards and identifying potential issues in the manufacturing process. The problem would be set up with λ = 2, calculating P(X > 5).

        Customer service departments often use the Poisson distribution to model incoming calls or support tickets. If a call center receives an average of 20 calls per hour, managers can use this distribution to determine the likelihood of receiving 30 or more calls in a single hour, helping with staff scheduling and resource planning. The problem would use λ = 20 and calculate P(X 30).

        In ecology, the Poisson distribution can model the number of trees in a forest affected by a specific disease. If, on average, 5 trees per acre are infected, researchers can use this distribution to calculate the probability of finding 10 or more infected trees in a randomly selected acre. This information is valuable for forest management and conservation efforts. The problem would be set up with λ = 5, calculating P(X 10).

        Traffic management is another area where the Poisson distribution finds application. It can be used to model the number of cars passing through a particular intersection during a specific time interval. If an average of 15 cars pass through an intersection per minute during rush hour, traffic engineers can use the Poisson distribution to calculate the probability of 25 or more cars arriving in a given minute. This information is crucial for optimizing traffic light timings and improving overall traffic flow. The problem would use λ = 15 and calculate P(X 25).

        In the field of cybersecurity, the Poisson distribution can model the number of hacking attempts on a server within a given timeframe. If a company's server experiences an average of 3 hacking attempts per day, IT security professionals can use this distribution to determine the probability of facing 7 or more attempts in a single day. This helps in allocating resources for cybersecurity measures and setting up appropriate defense mechanisms. The problem would be set up with λ = 3, calculating P(X 7).

        To solve these Poisson distribution problems, one typically uses the probability mass function: P(X = k) = (e^-λ * λ^k) / k!, where λ is the average rate of occurrence and k is the number of events. For cumulative probabilities, such as P(X n), one would sum the individual probabilities for all values greater than or equal to n, or use the complement method: 1 - P(X < n).

        Calculating Poisson Probabilities: PDF and CDF

        Understanding the Probability Density Function (PDF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) is crucial when working with Poisson distributions. These functions help us calculate probabilities for discrete events occurring within a fixed interval of time or space. Let's explore how to use these functions with a calculator and examine the differences between PDF and CDF calculations.

        The Poisson PDF, denoted as P(X = k), gives the probability of exactly k events occurring in a given interval. It is calculated using the formula:

        P(X = k) = (e^(-λ) * λ^k) / k!


        • e is Euler's number (approximately 2.71828)
        • λ (lambda) is the average number of events per interval
        • k is the number of events we're calculating the probability for
        • k! represents the factorial of k

        To calculate the Poisson PDF using a calculator:

        1. Enter the value of λ (lambda)
        2. Press the exponential function key (usually "e^x" or "exp")
        3. Multiply by λ raised to the power of k
        4. Divide by k factorial

        For example, if λ = 3 and we want to find P(X = 2), we would calculate:

        (2.71828^(-3) * 3^2) / 2! 0.2240

        The Poisson CDF, on the other hand, gives the probability of k or fewer events occurring. It is denoted as P(X k) and is calculated by summing the PDF values from 0 to k:

        P(X k) = Σ(i=0 to k) P(X = i)

        To calculate the Poisson CDF using a calculator:

        1. Calculate the PDF for each value from 0 to k
        2. Sum these probabilities

        Alternatively, many scientific calculators have built-in CDF functions. Look for "poissoncdf" or a similar function in your calculator's statistical menu.

        Let's compare PDF and CDF calculations with an example. Suppose λ = 4 and we want to find:

        1. P(X = 3) (PDF)
        2. P(X 3) (CDF)

        For the PDF calculation:

        P(X = 3) = (e^(-4) * 4^3) / 3! 0.1954

        For the CDF calculation, we need to sum P(X = 0), P(X = 1), P(X = 2), and P(X = 3):

        P(X 3) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) + P(X = 3) 0.0183 + 0.0733 + 0.1465 + 0.1954 0.4335

        The key difference between PDF and CDF is that PDF gives the probability of exactly k events, while CDF gives the probability of k or fewer events. This makes CDF particularly useful for calculating probabilities over ranges or up to certain thresholds.

        In practice, Poisson PDF is often used to model rare events, such as the number of customers arriving at a store in a given hour or the number of defects in a manufacturing process. Poisson CDF is valuable for determining the


        The Poisson distribution is a crucial concept in probability and statistics, used to model rare events occurring in a fixed interval. We've explored its key characteristics, including its discrete nature and the equality of mean and variance. The introduction video provided a solid foundation for understanding this distribution, highlighting its applications in various fields such as finance, healthcare, and customer service. To truly grasp the Poisson distribution, it's essential to practice using the formula and explore its real-world applications. By doing so, you'll enhance your ability to analyze and predict rare events in different contexts. Remember that the Poisson distribution is particularly useful when dealing with count data and events with low probabilities. As you continue your journey in statistics, keep in mind the versatility and importance of the Poisson distribution in modeling and decision-making processes across diverse industries.


        In a particular community, the average person survives to age 100 with a probability of 0.005 (which is equivalent to 0.5%). If this community has 2,000 people, then what is the probability that 15 people in this community survive to age 100 using the Binomial Distribution?

        Step 1: Understanding the Binomial Distribution

        The Binomial Distribution is used to model the number of successes in a fixed number of trials, where each trial has the same probability of success. In this context, a "success" is defined as a person surviving to age 100.

        To use the Binomial Distribution, we need to identify three key parameters:

        • n: The total number of trials (in this case, the number of people in the community).
        • p: The probability of success on each trial (the probability of a person surviving to age 100).
        • x: The number of successes we are interested in (the number of people we want to survive to age 100).

        Step 2: Identifying the Parameters

        Based on the problem statement, we can identify the parameters as follows:

        • n = 2,000 (the total number of people in the community)
        • p = 0.005 (the probability of a person surviving to age 100)
        • x = 15 (the number of people we want to survive to age 100)

        Step 3: Binomial Distribution Formula

        The formula for the Binomial Distribution is given by:

        P(X = x) = (n choose x) * p^x * (1 - p)^(n - x)


        • (n choose x) is the binomial coefficient, calculated as n! / (x! * (n - x)!).
        • p^x is the probability of success raised to the power of the number of successes.
        • (1 - p)^(n - x) is the probability of failure raised to the power of the number of failures.

        Step 4: Plugging in the Values

        Now, we need to plug in the values of n, p, and x into the formula:

        P(X = 15) = (2000 choose 15) * (0.005)^15 * (0.995)^(2000 - 15)

        Breaking it down:

        • (2000 choose 15) is the binomial coefficient, which can be calculated using a calculator or a mathematical software.
        • (0.005)^15 is the probability of 15 people surviving to age 100.
        • (0.995)^(2000 - 15) is the probability of the remaining 1,985 people not surviving to age 100.

        Step 5: Calculating the Binomial Coefficient

        To calculate the binomial coefficient (2000 choose 15), you can use a calculator or a mathematical software. The binomial coefficient is calculated as:

        (2000 choose 15) = 2000! / (15! * (2000 - 15)!)

        Where "!" denotes factorial, which is the product of all positive integers up to that number.

        Step 6: Final Calculation

        Once you have the binomial coefficient, you can multiply it by the probabilities calculated in Step 4:

        P(X = 15) = (2000 choose 15) * (0.005)^15 * (0.995)^1985

        Use a calculator to compute the final value. This will give you the probability that exactly 15 people in the community survive to age 100.

        Step 7: Interpreting the Result

        The final result will be a probability value. For example, if the result is 0.0346, it means there is a 3.46% chance that exactly 15 people in the community will survive to age 100.

        It's important to note that this is a specific probability for exactly 15 people. There are also probabilities for other numbers of people surviving to age 100, which can be calculated similarly.


        Here are some frequently asked questions about the Poisson distribution:

        1. What is an example of using Poisson distribution?

        A common example is modeling the number of customers arriving at a store in a given hour. If on average 10 customers arrive per hour, you can use the Poisson distribution to calculate the probability of exactly 15 customers arriving in the next hour.

        2. What are the three conditions for a Poisson distribution?

        The three conditions are: (1) events occur independently, (2) events occur at a constant average rate, and (3) events can be counted in whole numbers.

        3. What is Poisson distribution and when is it used?

        The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space. It's used when dealing with rare events that happen at a known average rate and independently of each other.

        4. How is Poisson distribution written?

        The Poisson distribution is typically written as X ~ Poisson(λ), where X is the random variable and λ (lambda) is the average rate of occurrence.

        5. What does λ mean in Poisson distribution?

        In the Poisson distribution, λ (lambda) represents the average number of events in the given interval. It's both the mean and variance of the distribution.

        Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Poisson Distribution

        To fully grasp the concept of Poisson distribution, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several key areas of mathematics and statistics. One of the most fundamental prerequisites is understanding the probability of independent events. This concept forms the backbone of many probability distributions, including the Poisson distribution.

        The Poisson distribution is often used to model the number of events occurring within a fixed interval of time or space, assuming these events happen independently of each other. This is where the importance of understanding independent events comes into play. By mastering the principles of independent event probability, students can more easily comprehend how the Poisson distribution calculates the likelihood of a specific number of events occurring in a given time frame.

        Another crucial prerequisite topic is the binomial distribution. The Poisson distribution is actually a limiting case of the binomial distribution under certain conditions. When dealing with rare events and large sample sizes, the binomial distribution approximates the Poisson distribution. Understanding this relationship helps students appreciate the versatility and applicability of the Poisson distribution in various real-world scenarios.

        Moreover, the Poisson distribution is closely related to exponential functions. Finding an exponential function given its graph is a valuable skill that aids in visualizing and interpreting Poisson distribution curves. The probability mass function of the Poisson distribution involves an exponential term, making it essential for students to be comfortable with exponential functions and their properties.

        By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of the Poisson distribution. The probability of independent events provides the foundational understanding of how events can occur randomly and independently. The binomial distribution offers insight into the origins and applications of the Poisson distribution. Lastly, proficiency with exponential functions enables students to work confidently with the mathematical formulas and graphical representations associated with the Poisson distribution.

        In conclusion, a thorough understanding of these prerequisite topics not only facilitates learning about the Poisson distribution but also enhances overall statistical literacy. Students who invest time in mastering these fundamental concepts will find themselves better prepared to explore more advanced statistical theories and applications, ultimately leading to a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of probability and statistics as a whole.

        The Poisson Distribution is an approximation to the Binomial Distribution.

        P(x)=nCx  px(1p)nxP(x)= {_n}C_{x}\;p^x(1-p)^{n-x}
        nn: number of trials
        xx: number of success in n trials
        pp: probability of success in each trial
        P(x)P(x): probability of getting x successes (out of n trials)

        Poisson Distribution:
        P(x)=eλP(x)=e^{-\lambda} λxx!\frac{\lambda^x}{x!}
        • poissonpdf (λ,x)(\lambda,x)
        • poissoncdf (λ,x)(\lambda,x)