Refraction of light and Snell's Law

  1. Refraction of Light
  2. Introduction to refraction, key terms
  3. Laws of refraction
  4. Optically dense medium
  5. Steps to solve refraction problems
  1. A ray of light is traveling from water to diamond. The refractive index of water is 1.33 and that of diamond is 2.42.
    1. Which medium is optically denser medium?
    2. Compare the angle of incidence to the angle of refraction.
    3. What happens to the speed of light as it goes from water to diamond?
    1. A beam of light strikes a sheet of glass at an angle of 60°. Find the angle of refraction.
      1. A ray of light incident upon a piece of diamond and gets refracted with an angle of 22°. What is the angle of incidence?
        1. Find the speed of light in glass.
          Topic Notes

          Introduction to Refraction of Light and Snell's Law

          Welcome to our exploration of refraction and Snell's Law! Refraction is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when light passes from one medium to another, causing it to change direction. This bending of light is what makes objects in water appear closer than they really are. Snell's Law, named after the Dutch mathematician Willebrord Snellius, provides us with a mathematical way to describe this behavior. It relates the angles of incidence and refraction to the refractive indices of the two media. Our introduction video will visually demonstrate these concepts, making them easier to grasp. You'll see how light bends when it moves between air, water, and glass, and how we can predict this behavior using Snell's Law. Understanding refraction is crucial in many fields, from optics to fiber-optic communications. So, let's dive in and unravel the mysteries of light's journey through different materials!

          Key Terms in Refraction

          Refraction is a fascinating phenomenon in optics that occurs when light passes from one medium to another with different optical densities. To understand this concept better, let's explore the key terms used in refraction and how they relate to each other.

          Incident Ray

          The incident ray is the light beam that approaches the boundary between two different media. It's the initial path of light before it encounters a change in medium. For example, when light from the air hits the surface of water, the beam traveling through the air is the incident ray.

          Point of Incidence

          The point of incidence is the exact location where the incident ray meets the boundary between the two media. It's crucial in determining how the light will behave as it transitions from one medium to another. This point is where refraction begins to occur.

          Refracted Ray

          After light passes through the point of incidence and enters the new medium, its path changes. This new path is called the refracted ray. The refracted ray is the result of the light's speed changing as it moves from one medium to another with a different optical density. For instance, when light enters water from air, it slows down and bends, creating the refracted ray.


          The normal is an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence. It's essential for measuring the angles of incidence and refraction. The normal serves as a reference line for understanding how much the light bends when it passes from one medium to another.

          Angle of Incidence

          The angle of incidence is the angle formed between the incident ray and the normal. This angle is measured in the medium from which the light is coming. Understanding the angle of incidence is crucial because it directly affects how much the light will bend when it enters the new medium.

          Angle of Refraction

          The angle of refraction is the angle formed between the refracted ray and the normal in the second medium. This angle is always measured in the medium into which the light is entering. The relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction is described by Snell's Law, which states that the ratio of the sines of these angles is equivalent to the ratio of the refractive indices of the two media.

          To visualize these concepts, imagine a beam of light passing from air into water. The incident ray travels through the air until it reaches the water's surface (the point of incidence). At this point, the light bends because water has a higher refractive index than air. The angle at which the light enters the water (measured from the normal) is the angle of incidence, while the new angle formed as the light travels through the water is the angle of refraction.

          Understanding these key terms is essential for grasping the principles of refraction. This knowledge has practical applications in various fields, from designing optical instruments like lenses and prisms to explaining natural phenomena such as rainbows and mirages. By mastering these concepts, you'll have a solid foundation for exploring more complex topics in optics and light behavior.

          Remember, refraction is all around us, affecting how we perceive the world through light. The next time you see a straw appearing bent in a glass of water or marvel at the beauty of a rainbow, you'll know the key terms and principles behind these optical wonders. Keep exploring and observing the world through the lens of refraction you'll be amazed at how much there is to discover!

          Snell's Law and Its Applications

          Snell's Law is a fundamental principle in optics that describes how light behaves when it passes from one medium to another. Named after the Dutch mathematician Willebrord Snellius, this law quantifies the refraction of light and is essential for understanding various optical phenomena. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore Snell's Law, its mathematical formula, and its real-world applications.

          At its core, Snell's Law relates the angles of incidence and refraction to the refractive indices of the two media through which light travels. The law states that the ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction is equivalent to the ratio of phase velocities in the two media, or equivalently, to the reciprocal of the ratio of the indices of refraction.

          The mathematical formula for Snell's Law is:

          n sin(θ) = n sin(θ)


          • n is the refractive index of the first medium
          • n is the refractive index of the second medium
          • θ is the angle of incidence
          • θ is the angle of refraction

          Let's break down this concept step-by-step:

          1. When light travels from one medium to another, it changes direction due to the difference in the speed of light in the two media.
          2. The angle at which light enters the new medium (angle of incidence) is different from the angle at which it travels in the new medium (angle of refraction).
          3. The refractive index of a medium is a measure of how much the speed of light is reduced in that medium compared to its speed in a vacuum.
          4. Snell's Law relates these angles and refractive indices, allowing us to predict how light will behave when it crosses boundaries between different materials.

          The significance of Snell's Law in optics cannot be overstated. It forms the basis for understanding and designing a wide range of optical devices and phenomena. Here are some real-world applications of Snell's Law:

          1. Lenses in Eyeglasses: Optometrists use Snell's Law to design corrective lenses that bend light to the proper focal point on the retina, compensating for vision problems.
          2. Fiber Optic Communications: The principle of total internal reflection, derived from Snell's Law, is crucial for transmitting data through fiber optic cables over long distances.
          3. Underwater Vision: Snell's Law explains why objects appear closer and larger when viewed underwater, due to the difference in refractive indices between air and water.
          4. Rainbows: The formation of rainbows can be explained using Snell's Law, as light refracts and reflects inside water droplets at specific angles.
          5. Camera Lenses: Photographers and lens designers use Snell's Law to create lenses that can focus light accurately onto camera sensors or film.

          To apply Snell's Law in practice, follow these steps:

          1. Identify the two media involved (e.g., air and water).
          2. Determine the refractive indices of both media.
          3. Measure or specify the angle of incidence.
          4. Use the Snell's Law equation to calculate the angle of refraction.

          For example, let's consider light passing from air (n = 1.00) into water (n = 1.33) at an angle of incidence of 45°. Using Snell's Law:

          1.00 * sin(45°) = 1.33 * sin(θ)

          Optically Dense Medium and Light Behavior

          Have you ever noticed how a straw in a glass of water appears bent, or how a pool seems shallower than it really is? These fascinating optical illusions are all thanks to the concept of optically dense media and how they affect light behavior. Let's dive into this intriguing world of light bending and explore how it works!

          First, let's understand what an optically dense medium is. In simple terms, it's a material through which light travels more slowly compared to its speed in a vacuum. The denser the medium, the more it slows down light. This property is measured by something called the refractive index. Air, for instance, has a lower refractive index than water, which in turn has a lower refractive index than glass.

          Now, here's where things get interesting. When light passes from one medium to another with a different optical density, it changes direction. This phenomenon is called refraction. But how exactly does this bending occur?

          Imagine you're walking on a beach, heading towards the water at an angle. As soon as your feet hit the water, you'd naturally slow down a bit, right? Light does something similar. When it enters a denser medium, it slows down and bends towards what we call the "normal" - an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface where the two media meet.

          Let's visualize this with a simple example. Picture a ray of light moving from air into water. As it hits the water's surface, it bends towards the normal. This is why objects in water appear closer to the surface than they really are. The light rays coming from the object bend as they exit the water, tricking our eyes into perceiving the object as being in a different position.

          But what happens when light moves from a denser medium to a less dense one? It's just the opposite! The light speeds up and bends away from the normal. This is why a fish looking up at the water's surface sees a distorted view of the world above.

          The amount of bending depends on the difference in optical density between the two media. The greater the difference, the more dramatic the bending. This is why a diamond, with its extremely high refractive index, sparkles so brilliantly - it bends light rays significantly, creating that dazzling effect we all admire.

          Understanding this concept helps explain many everyday phenomena. For instance, mirages in the desert occur because of the varying density of air layers above the hot sand. The light bends as it passes through these layers, creating the illusion of water on the horizon.

          In the world of technology, this principle is put to practical use in fiber optic cables. These cables use the concept of total internal reflection, where light is repeatedly reflected within the optically dense core, allowing it to travel long distances with minimal loss.

          So, the next time you see a rainbow, remember it's all about light bending as it passes through water droplets in the air. Or when you're enjoying a sunset, appreciate how the light bends more as it travels through more of the Earth's atmosphere, creating those beautiful red and orange hues.

          Understanding optically dense media and light behavior opens up a whole new way of seeing the world around us. It's not just about cool visual effects; it's the foundation for many technologies we use daily, from cameras to telecommunications. So keep your eyes open, and you'll start noticing the incredible ways light bends and behaves all around you!

          Solving Refraction Problems: Step-by-Step Guide

          Mastering solving refraction problems is crucial for students studying optics and physics. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of solving refraction problems, focusing on drawing accurate diagrams, marking angles correctly, and applying Snell's Law effectively. By following these steps and practicing regularly, you'll improve your problem-solving skills and tackle refraction challenges with confidence.

          Step 1: Understand the problem statement
          Begin by carefully reading the problem, identifying key information such as the incident angle, refractive indices of the media involved, and any given wavelengths or frequencies.

          Step 2: Draw a clear diagram
          Sketch a diagram showing the interface between the two media. Draw the incident ray approaching the interface and the refracted ray emerging from it. Ensure your diagram is large and clear, as it will be the foundation for your solution.

          Step 3: Mark the normal line
          Draw a dashed line perpendicular to the interface at the point where the incident ray meets it. This line is called the normal and is crucial for measuring angles.

          Step 4: Label angles
          Mark the angle of incidence (θ1) between the incident ray and the normal. Then, mark the angle of refraction (θ2) between the refracted ray and the normal. Always measure these angles from the normal, not the interface.

          Step 5: Apply Snell's Law
          Write out Snell's Law equation: n1 sin(θ1) = n2 sin(θ2), where n1 and n2 are the refractive indices of the first and second media, respectively.

          Step 6: Plug in known values
          Insert the values you know into the equation. This typically includes the refractive indices and one of the angles.

          Step 7: Solve for the unknown
          Rearrange the equation to solve for the unknown variable, usually the angle of refraction or a refractive index.

          Step 8: Calculate and check units
          Perform the calculation, ensuring you're working in the correct units (usually degrees for angles). Double-check your work for any arithmetic errors.

          Step 9: Interpret the result
          Analyze your answer to ensure it makes physical sense. For example, the angle of refraction should be smaller than the angle of incidence when light moves into a denser medium.

          Tips to avoid common mistakes:
          - Always measure angles from the normal, not the interface.
          - Be consistent with units, especially when converting between degrees and radians.
          - Remember that Snell's Law uses sines of angles, not the angles themselves.
          - Pay attention to significant figures in your final answer.
          - Practice with various scenarios, including total internal reflection problems.

          By consistently applying this step-by-step approach and practicing regularly, you'll develop a strong foundation for solving refraction problems. Remember, the key to mastery is repetition and careful attention to detail. Keep refining your skills, and soon you'll be tackling even the most complex refraction challenges with ease.

          Real-World Applications of Refraction

          Refraction, the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another, plays a crucial role in numerous real-world applications and natural phenomena. One of the most significant technological advancements utilizing refraction is optical fibers. These thin, flexible strands of glass or plastic transmit data over long distances using the principle of total internal reflection, a consequence of refraction. Optical fibers form the backbone of modern telecommunications, enabling high-speed internet and clear long-distance phone calls.

          Lenses, another prime example of refraction in action, are ubiquitous in our daily lives. From the glasses we wear to correct vision to the cameras in our smartphones, lenses manipulate light paths to focus or disperse images. In more advanced applications, lenses are crucial components in microscopes, telescopes, and other optical instruments that have revolutionized scientific research and our understanding of the universe.

          Nature also showcases refraction in spectacular ways, with rainbows being the most captivating example. As sunlight enters and exits water droplets in the atmosphere, it undergoes refraction and dispersion, splitting into its component colors to create the familiar arc of vibrant hues we associate with rainbows. This natural phenomenon not only delights observers but also serves as a practical tool for meteorologists in predicting weather patterns.

          Understanding refraction has led to groundbreaking advancements in various fields. In medicine, for instance, endoscopes utilize fiber optics to provide clear internal views of the human body, enabling minimally invasive diagnoses and surgeries. The development of corrective eye surgeries like LASIK also relies heavily on our knowledge of how light refracts through different parts of the eye.

          In the realm of renewable energy, refraction principles are applied in the design of solar panels to maximize light capture and energy conversion. Similarly, in architecture, understanding refraction helps in creating energy-efficient buildings by optimizing natural light distribution through strategically placed windows and skylights.

          The practical importance of refraction extends to everyday objects as well. Swimming pools appear shallower than they actually are due to refraction, a fact that lifeguards and swimmers must be aware of for safety. Even the simple act of using a straw in a glass of water demonstrates refraction, as the straw appears to bend at the water's surface.

          As technology continues to advance, our understanding and application of refraction principles evolve. From augmented reality displays to advanced laser technologies, refraction remains at the forefront of innovation. By harnessing the power of this fundamental optical phenomenon, we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in science, technology, and our everyday experiences.

          Conclusion: Mastering Refraction and Snell's Law

          In this article, we've explored the fascinating world of refraction and Snell's Law, fundamental concepts in optics. The introduction video provided a visual foundation, making these complex ideas more accessible. We've learned how light bends when passing between different media and how Snell's Law quantifies this phenomenon. Understanding refraction is crucial for various applications, from designing lenses to explaining natural optical phenomena. By grasping these principles, you're better equipped to solve real-world problems in fields like optometry, photography, and engineering. We encourage you to apply this knowledge practically and continue exploring the vast realm of optics. There's always more to discover! Why not try some hands-on experiments or delve deeper into advanced optical concepts? Your journey in understanding light and its behavior is just beginning. Share your insights, ask questions, and keep learning about the wonders of optics!

          Refraction of Light: Introduction to Refraction, Key Terms

          Refraction of light is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the change in direction of a light wave as it passes from one medium to another. This phenomenon is governed by Snell's Law, which relates the angles of incidence and refraction to the refractive indices of the two media. Understanding the key terms and principles involved in refraction is essential for solving related problems and comprehending the behavior of light in different contexts.

          Step 1: Understanding the Incident Ray

          The incident ray is the incoming ray of light that approaches the boundary between two different media. For example, if light travels from air into water, the ray of light in the air before it hits the water surface is called the incident ray. This term is crucial because it sets the stage for understanding how light interacts with different materials.

          Step 2: Defining the Interface Between Two Media

          The interface is the boundary between two different media, such as air and water. When discussing refraction, it is essential to visualize this boundary because it is where the change in direction of the light ray occurs. In our example, the interface would be the surface of the water where it meets the air.

          Step 3: Drawing the Normal Line

          The normal line is an imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the interface at the point where the incident ray meets the boundary. This line is crucial for measuring angles of incidence and refraction. It serves as a reference point for determining how much the light ray bends as it passes from one medium to another.

          Step 4: Identifying the Point of Incidence

          The point of incidence is the exact point where the incident ray intersects the boundary between the two media. This point is significant because it is where the light ray begins to change direction. Understanding this point helps in accurately measuring the angles involved in refraction.

          Step 5: Understanding the Refracted Ray

          The refracted ray is the ray of light that has been transmitted into the second medium and has changed direction as a result. In our example, this would be the ray of light that enters the water from the air and bends at the interface. The refracted ray's direction depends on the refractive indices of the two media and the angle of incidence.

          Step 6: Measuring Angles Relative to the Normal

          Angles in refraction are always measured relative to the normal line. This includes both the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction. The angle of incidence is the angle between the incident ray and the normal, while the angle of refraction is the angle between the refracted ray and the normal. These angles are crucial for applying Snell's Law to determine the relationship between the incident and refracted rays.

          Step 7: Defining the Angle of Incidence

          The angle of incidence, denoted as θi, is the angle between the incident ray and the normal line. This angle is a key factor in determining how much the light ray will bend when it enters the second medium. It is measured from the incident ray to the normal at the point of incidence.

          Step 8: Defining the Angle of Refraction

          The angle of refraction, denoted as θr, is the angle between the refracted ray and the normal line. This angle indicates the new direction of the light ray as it travels through the second medium. It is measured from the refracted ray to the normal at the point of incidence.

          Step 9: Applying Snell's Law

          Snell's Law provides the mathematical relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction and the refractive indices of the two media. It is expressed as n1 * sin(θi) = n2 * sin(θr), where n1 and n2 are the refractive indices of the first and second media, respectively. This law helps in calculating the angle of refraction if the angle of incidence and the refractive indices are known.

          Step 10: Practical Applications

          Understanding refraction and its key terms is essential for various practical applications, such as designing lenses, understanding optical illusions, and studying the behavior of light in different environments. Mastery of these concepts allows for accurate predictions and manipulations of light behavior in scientific and engineering contexts.


          1. What is the difference between reflection and refraction?

            Reflection occurs when light bounces off a surface, maintaining the same medium. Refraction, on the other hand, happens when light passes from one medium to another with different optical densities, causing it to change direction. While reflection involves a change in direction at the same angle, refraction involves a change in both direction and speed of light.

          2. How does Snell's Law relate to the refractive index?

            Snell's Law directly incorporates the refractive indices of the two media involved in refraction. The formula n sin(θ) = n sin(θ) uses n and n, which are the refractive indices of the first and second media respectively. These indices determine how much the light will bend when passing between the media.

          3. Can refraction occur between two media with the same refractive index?

            No, refraction does not occur when light passes between two media with identical refractive indices. In this case, light continues in a straight line without changing direction. Refraction only occurs when there's a difference in the optical densities of the media, which is reflected in their different refractive indices.

          4. What is total internal reflection and how is it related to refraction?

            Total internal reflection is a phenomenon that occurs when light traveling in a denser medium hits the boundary with a less dense medium at an angle greater than the critical angle. Instead of refracting, the light is completely reflected back into the denser medium. This principle is crucial for the functioning of fiber optic cables and is a direct consequence of Snell's Law when applied to specific angle conditions.

          5. How does refraction affect the apparent depth of objects in water?

            Refraction causes objects in water to appear closer to the surface than they actually are. When light rays from an underwater object travel from water (a denser medium) to air (a less dense medium), they bend away from the normal. This bending makes the object appear to be at a different position, typically about 3/4 of its actual depth. This optical illusion is why pools and bodies of water often seem shallower than their true depth.

          Prerequisite Topics

          Understanding the fundamental concepts that lay the groundwork for more advanced topics is crucial in the study of physics, particularly when delving into the fascinating world of optics and light behavior. While there are no specific prerequisite topics listed for "Refraction of light and Snell's Law," it's important to recognize that a strong foundation in basic physics principles is essential for grasping these concepts fully.

          To truly appreciate the intricacies of light refraction and Snell's Law, students should have a solid understanding of basic wave properties. This includes knowledge of wavelength, frequency, and amplitude, which are fundamental to comprehending how light behaves as it travels through different media. Additionally, familiarity with the nature of light as both a particle and a wave is crucial for grasping the complexities of its behavior during refraction.

          A good grasp of basic geometry and trigonometry is also invaluable when studying refraction and Snell's Law. These mathematical tools are essential for understanding the angles involved in light refraction and for performing calculations using Snell's equation. Moreover, knowledge of vector mathematics can be beneficial when dealing with more complex scenarios involving light propagation and refraction in multiple dimensions.

          Students should also be comfortable with the concept of medium density and its effects on wave propagation. This understanding is crucial for comprehending why light behaves differently when passing from one medium to another, which is at the heart of refraction phenomena. Familiarity with the speed of light in different media is also important, as it directly relates to the refractive index, a key component in Snell's Law.

          While not always explicitly stated, having a background in the history of optics can provide valuable context for understanding the development of theories related to light refraction. This historical perspective can help students appreciate the significance of Snell's Law and its applications in various fields of science and technology.

          By building a strong foundation in these related areas, students will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of light refraction and Snell's Law. This comprehensive understanding will not only aid in grasping the immediate topic but will also serve as a springboard for exploring more advanced concepts in optics and electromagnetic theory. Remember, in physics, each new concept builds upon previous knowledge, creating a rich tapestry of interconnected ideas that explain the natural world around us.

          In this lesson, we will learn:

          • Key terms in refraction
          • Ray diagrams in refraction
          • Solving Snell’s law problems


          Refraction of light: Bending of light as it strikes the surface of separation of two media.  

          Waves in two dimensions

          Key terms

          • Incident ray: The incoming ray of light
          • Refracted ray: The transmitted ray of light into another medium
          • Medium of incidence: The medium in which light travels before it strikes the boundary.
          • Medium of refraction: The medium through which refracted ray travels.
          • Point of incidence: The intersection of the incident ray and the boundary.
          • Normal: An imaginary line is drawn perpendicular to the boundary at the point of incidence.
          • Angle of incidence (< ii ): The angle between the NORMAL and the incident ray.
          • Angle of refraction (< rr): The angle between the NORMAL and the refracted ray.
          • If the incident ray is perpendicular to the boundary the angle of incidence is ZERO, and the angle of refraction will also be ZERO.
          • Snell’s law: The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is a constant, “n”

          • n=sinθisinθr, \large n = \frac{sin \, \theta _{i} }{sin \, \theta _{r}},

            n” is called the index of refraction

            In the more general cases the Snell’s law can be written as :

          nisinθi=nrsinθr n _{i} \, sin \, \theta _{i} = n _{r} sin \, \theta _{r}

          ni n _{i} = medium of inidence refractive index

          nr n _{r} = medium of refraction refractive index

          • Index of refraction: Physical characteristics of matter which determines the extent to which light gets refracted.
          • Optically dense medium: The medium in which the angle between the ray and normal is smaller is called the optically denser medium.
          • The denser the medium the smaller the speed of light in that medium
          • The denser the medium the bigger the value of “nn”.
          • The refracted ray bends TOWARDS the normal in optically denser medium

          nn (index of refraction) =C(speedoflightinair)V(speedoflightinmedium) = \frac{C (speed \,of\, light \,in \,air)} {V(speed \, of \, light \, in \, medium)} , n=CV \quad n = \frac{C}{V}