Magnets and magnetic fields 

  1. Magnets and Magnetic Fields
  2. Erath's Magnetic Filed
  3. The direction of the magnetic field at a given point
  4. Uniform Magnetic Field
  1. Draw magnetic field lines of a bar magnet and horseshoe magnet.
    1. A compass is positioned at each of the following locations near a bar magnet. In which location the compass would point to the right-hand side of the page?

      Magnets and Magnetic Fields
      1. Which of the following diagram best shows the magnetic field lines between the poles of two permanent magnets?

        Magnets and Magnetic Fields
        1. Identify the magnetic poles labeled L and R in the diagram shown.

          Magnets and Magnetic Fields
          1. Which of the following best represents the magnetic field between two magnets?

            Magnets and Magnetic Fields
            1. Two identical bar magnet are placed as shown.

              Magnets and Magnetic Fields

              What is the direction of the magnetic field at point "P"?
              Topic Notes

              Introduction to Magnets and Magnetic Fields

              Welcome to our exploration of magnets and magnetic fields! These fascinating phenomena are all around us, from the compass in your phone to the Earth's own magnetic field. In our introduction video, we'll dive into the basics of how magnets work and what magnetic fields are. This video is a crucial starting point, as it lays the foundation for understanding more complex concepts later on. You'll see how magnets interact with each other and with other materials, and we'll visualize magnetic fields using iron filings. We'll also touch on the difference between permanent magnets and electromagnets. By the end of this section, you'll have a solid grasp of these fundamental concepts. Remember, understanding magnets and magnetic fields is key to many areas of physics and technology. So, let's get started on this magnetic journey together!

              Fundamentals of Magnets

              Basic Properties of Magnets

              Magnets are fascinating objects that have captivated scientists and curious minds for centuries. Let's explore the basic properties that make magnets so unique and useful in our everyday lives.

              Magnetic Poles

              Every magnet has two poles: a north pole and a south pole. These poles are the areas where the magnetic force is strongest. It's important to note that magnetic poles always come in pairs - you can't have a magnet with only one pole!

              Magnetic Attraction

              One of the most well-known properties of magnets is their ability to attract certain materials. This attractive force is what allows magnets to stick to refrigerators or pick up small metal objects. The strength of this attraction depends on factors such as the size of the magnet and the distance between the magnet and the object.

              Magnetic Repulsion

              While magnets can attract certain materials, they can also repel each other under specific conditions. When two magnets are brought close together, their poles interact. If the poles are different (north and south), they will attract each other. However, if the poles are the same (north and north, or south and south), they will repel each other.

              Identifying North and South Poles

              Determining which end of a magnet is the north pole and which is the south pole is crucial for many applications. Here's how you can use a compass to identify the poles:

              1. Hold your magnet horizontally and place a compass near one end.
              2. Observe which end of the compass needle points towards the magnet.
              3. The north-seeking end of the compass needle will point towards the south pole of your magnet.
              4. Conversely, the south-seeking end of the compass needle will point towards the north pole of your magnet.

              Remember, the Earth itself acts like a giant magnet, with its magnetic north pole located near the geographic south pole, and vice versa. This is why we say the north end of a compass needle is actually seeking the Earth's magnetic south pole!

              Ferromagnetic Materials

              Not all materials interact with magnets in the same way. Ferromagnetic materials are those that can be strongly magnetized and attracted to magnets. Some common examples include:

              • Iron: The most well-known ferromagnetic material, used in many everyday objects.
              • Nickel: Often used in alloys and coatings for its magnetic properties.
              • Cobalt: Less common but still important in certain applications.
              • Steel: An alloy containing iron, making it ferromagnetic.
              • Neodymium: Used to create very strong permanent magnets.

              It's fascinating to note that these materials can become temporary magnets themselves when exposed to a magnetic field. This property is what allows us to create electromagnets, which are crucial in many modern technologies.

              Practical Applications of Magnets

              Understanding the basic properties of magnets opens up a world of practical applications. From simple refrigerator magnets to complex medical imaging devices like MRI machines, magnets play a crucial role in our daily lives. They're used in electric motors, generators, speakers, and even in data storage devices like hard drives.

              In the field of renewable energy, magnets are essential components in wind turbines and certain types of solar panel systems. They're also used in magnetic levitation (maglev) trains, which use powerful electromagnets to float above the tracks, reducing friction and allowing for incredibly high speeds.


              Magnets are truly remarkable objects with properties that continue to amaze and inspire. By understanding their basic characteristics - poles, attraction, and repulsion - we can better appreciate their role in the world around us. Whether you're a student studying physics or simply curious about how things work

              Magnetic Fields and Their Representation

              Magnetic fields are invisible regions of influence surrounding magnetic materials or electric currents. These fields exert forces on other magnetic materials and moving charged particles. To visualize and understand these invisible fields, scientists use the concept of magnetic field lines.

              Magnetic field lines are imaginary lines used to represent the direction and strength of a magnetic field in space. These lines follow a specific pattern: they always form closed loops, starting from the north pole of a magnet and ending at the south pole. The density and spacing of these lines provide crucial information about the field's characteristics.

              To illustrate this concept, picture a bar magnet. The magnetic field lines emerge from the north pole, curve through space, and re-enter the magnet at the south pole. These lines continue through the magnet's interior, creating a continuous loop. This pattern demonstrates the three-dimensional nature of magnetic fields.

              Magnetic field lines around a bar magnet

              The relationship between field line density and field strength is fundamental to understanding magnetic fields. Where the field lines are closer together, the magnetic field is stronger. Conversely, areas with more widely spaced field lines indicate a weaker magnetic field. This correlation allows us to quickly assess the relative strength of a magnetic field in different regions by observing the density of the field lines.

              For instance, near the poles of a magnet, the field lines are typically more concentrated, indicating a stronger magnetic field in these areas. As you move farther from the poles, the field lines spread out, signifying a decrease in field strength.

              One practical method to determine the direction of magnetic fields is by using a plotting compass. A plotting compass is a small, freely rotating magnetic needle that aligns itself with the local magnetic field. When placed near a magnet or current-carrying wire, the compass needle orients itself tangent to the magnetic field line at that point.

              To map out magnetic field lines using a plotting compass:

              1. Place the compass near the magnet or current-carrying wire.
              2. Mark the position of both ends of the compass needle.
              3. Move the compass a small distance along the direction indicated by the needle.
              4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you reach the other pole or complete a closed loop.
              5. Connect the marks to form a continuous line, representing one magnetic field line.

              By repeating this process at various starting points, you can build a comprehensive map of the magnetic field lines surrounding the object.

              Using a plotting compass to map magnetic field lines

              Another popular method for visualizing magnetic fields involves using iron filings. When sprinkled on a surface near a magnet, these tiny iron particles align themselves along the magnetic field lines, creating a visible pattern that represents the field's structure. This technique provides a quick and intuitive way to observe the overall shape and distribution of magnetic fields.

              Understanding magnetic fields and their representation is crucial in various scientific and technological applications. From designing electric motors and generators to studying Earth's magnetic field and its effects on navigation, the concept of magnetic field lines plays a vital role. By visualizing these invisible forces through field lines, we can better comprehend and harness the power of magnetism in our everyday lives and advanced technologies.

              In conclusion, magnetic fields are complex three-dimensional phenomena that can be effectively represented using field lines. The density of these lines indicates field strength, with closer lines signifying stronger fields. Tools like plotting compasses and iron filings allow us to map and visualize these fields, providing valuable insights into the behavior of magnetic forces. As we continue to explore and utilize magnetic fields in various applications, our ability to represent and understand them remains a cornerstone of scientific and technological progress.

              Earth's Magnetic Field

              Have you ever wondered how a compass always points north, no matter where you are on Earth? The answer lies in our planet's fascinating magnetic field. Earth's magnetic field is like an invisible force that surrounds our planet, extending from the Earth's interior out into space. It's not just a cool scientific concept; this magnetic field plays a crucial role in protecting life on Earth and helps us navigate the world around us.

              Let's start by understanding the difference between geographic poles and magnetic poles. The geographic poles are the points where Earth's axis of rotation intersects with its surface. The North Geographic Pole is the northernmost point on Earth, while the South Geographic Pole is the southernmost point. These are the poles you see on a globe or map.

              Now, here's where it gets interesting: Earth's magnetic poles don't align perfectly with its geographic poles. The magnetic poles are the points where Earth's magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the surface. The magnetic North Pole is actually in the Arctic region of Canada, while the magnetic South Pole is off the coast of Antarctica. This misalignment between geographic and magnetic poles is called magnetic declination.

              So, how do compasses work with Earth's magnetic field? A compass contains a magnetized needle that aligns itself with Earth's magnetic field lines. When you hold a compass, the needle will always point towards the magnetic North Pole, not the geographic North Pole. This is why compasses have been invaluable tools for navigation throughout history, helping explorers, sailors, and hikers find their way.

              But there's more to Earth's magnetic field than just helping us navigate. It serves as a protective shield for our planet. The magnetic field deflects harmful charged particles from the Sun, known as solar wind, preventing them from stripping away our atmosphere. Without this magnetic shield, Earth might look more like Mars a planet that lost most of its atmosphere due to the lack of a strong magnetic field.

              The importance of Earth's magnetic field extends to modern technology too. Satellites, power grids, and communication systems can all be affected by changes in the magnetic field. Solar storms, which are intense bursts of solar wind, can cause disruptions to these systems. By studying and monitoring Earth's magnetic field, scientists can better predict and prepare for these events.

              Interestingly, Earth's magnetic field isn't static. It's constantly changing and has even reversed polarity multiple times throughout Earth's history. These reversals, where the North and South magnetic poles switch places, occur roughly every 200,000 to 300,000 years. The last reversal happened about 780,000 years ago, which means we might be due for another one soon (in geological terms, that is).

              Understanding Earth's magnetic field helps us appreciate the complex and dynamic nature of our planet. From the simple act of using a compass for navigation to protecting life from harmful solar radiation, the magnetic field plays a vital role in our daily lives. As we continue to explore and study this phenomenon, we gain deeper insights into the workings of our planet and our place in the solar system.

              So, the next time you use a compass or hear about a spectacular aurora (which is caused by the interaction of solar particles with Earth's magnetic field), take a moment to marvel at the invisible force that surrounds and protects our blue planet. Earth's magnetic field is truly one of nature's most remarkable and essential features, silently working to keep our world safe and navigable.

              Uniform Magnetic Fields

              A uniform magnetic field is a region in space where the magnetic field strength and direction remain constant at every point. This concept is crucial in understanding magnetism and its applications. In a uniform magnetic field, the field lines are parallel, evenly spaced, and have the same magnitude throughout the region. This uniformity makes these fields particularly useful in various scientific and technological applications.

              The key properties of a uniform magnetic field include:

              • Constant field magnitude: The strength of the magnetic field is the same at every point.
              • Consistent field direction: The direction of the magnetic field lines remains unchanged throughout the region.
              • Parallel field lines: The magnetic field lines are straight and parallel to each other.

              Uniform magnetic fields can be found in several natural and artificial settings. In nature, the Earth's magnetic field is approximately uniform over small regions, though it varies on a global scale. Artificially, uniform magnetic fields can be created using devices such as Helmholtz coils or long solenoids.

              It's important to distinguish between uniform and non-uniform magnetic fields. Non-uniform magnetic fields have varying strengths and directions at different points in space. For example, the magnetic field around a bar magnet is non-uniform, with field lines curving from the north pole to the south pole and varying in strength.

              Uniform magnetic fields have numerous practical applications across various fields:

              • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRI machines use strong, uniform magnetic fields to align hydrogen atoms in the body, enabling detailed medical imaging.
              • Particle accelerators: Uniform magnetic fields are used to guide and focus charged particle beams in accelerators used for scientific research and medical treatments.
              • Electric motors: Many electric motors rely on the interaction between uniform magnetic fields and current-carrying conductors to generate rotational motion.
              • Magnetic levitation: Maglev trains use uniform magnetic fields to achieve frictionless levitation and propulsion.

              Understanding uniform magnetic fields is essential for students in physics and engineering. They provide a simplified model for studying magnetic phenomena and serve as a foundation for more complex magnetic field concepts. By grasping the properties and applications of uniform magnetic fields, students can better comprehend the principles of electromagnetism and their real-world implications.

              Magnetic Field Interactions and Applications

              Magnetic fields are fascinating phenomena that play a crucial role in our everyday lives, often without us even realizing it. These invisible forces interact with each other and with electric currents in ways that have revolutionized technology and continue to shape our modern world. Let's dive into the captivating world of magnetic field interactions and explore how they impact our daily lives!

              When two magnetic fields come into proximity, they interact in intriguing ways. Like poles repel each other, while opposite poles attract. This fundamental principle is the basis for countless applications, from simple refrigerator magnets to complex industrial machinery. Imagine the possibilities if we could harness this force on a larger scale! In fact, scientists and engineers are doing just that, developing technologies like maglev trains that use powerful magnets to levitate and propel vehicles at incredible speeds.

              But the real magic happens when magnetic fields interact with electric currents. This interaction is the foundation of electromagnetic induction, a phenomenon discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831. Electromagnetic induction occurs when a changing magnetic field induces an electric current in a nearby conductor. This principle is the cornerstone of countless technologies we rely on every day.

              Think about the last time you charged your smartphone wirelessly. That convenient charging pad uses electromagnetic induction to transfer energy from the charger to your device without any physical connection. It's like magic, but it's pure science! This same principle powers electric toothbrushes, induction cooktops, and even some public transportation systems that charge electric buses as they drive along their routes.

              The applications of electromagnetic induction extend far beyond consumer electronics. Power plants harness this phenomenon to generate electricity on a massive scale. As turbines spin, they rotate large magnets inside coils of wire, inducing electric currents that power our homes, schools, and businesses. It's mind-boggling to think that the lights illuminating your room right now are the result of magnetic fields interacting with electric currents!

              But wait, there's more! Magnetic fields are also instrumental in medical imaging technologies like MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines. These powerful devices use strong magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the human body, allowing doctors to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions without invasive procedures. The next time you see an MRI machine, remember that you're looking at the cutting edge of magnetic field technology in action!

              In the realm of data storage, magnetic fields play a crucial role. Hard disk drives, still widely used in computers and data centers, rely on magnetic fields to read and write data. Each tiny bit of information is stored as a magnetic orientation on a disk, which can be changed and read using electromagnetic principles. While solid-state drives are becoming more common, the impact of magnetic storage on the digital revolution cannot be overstated.

              Looking to the future, researchers are exploring new frontiers in magnetic field applications. From developing more efficient electric motors to advancing quantum computing, the potential seems limitless. Scientists are even investigating how magnetic fields could be used to protect astronauts from harmful radiation during long-distance space travel. The next big breakthrough in magnetic field technology could be just around the corner!

              As we've seen, magnetic fields and their interactions with electric currents are not just abstract concepts confined to physics textbooks. They are dynamic forces that shape our world in countless ways. From the generators that power our cities to the devices that entertain and inform us, electromagnetic induction is at work all around us. The next time you use your smartphone, ride in an electric vehicle, or undergo an MRI scan, take a moment to appreciate the invisible magnetic forces making it all possible.

              So, the next time you're studying magnetic fields and electromagnetic induction, remember that you're not just learning about theoretical concepts. You're gaining insight into the fundamental principles that drive much of our modern technology. Who knows? Your understanding of these concepts could lead to the next groundbreaking invention or scientific discovery. The field of electromagnetics is wide open, and the future is full of exciting possibilities. What role will you play in shaping that future?


              In this introduction to magnets and magnetic fields, we've explored fundamental concepts that shape our understanding of magnetism. The video provided a crucial visual foundation, illustrating how magnetic forces interact and influence objects around them. Key takeaways include the nature of magnetic poles, the invisible yet powerful magnetic fields, and the fascinating applications of magnetism in everyday life. To deepen your knowledge, consider conducting simple experiments at home, such as mapping magnetic fields with iron filings or exploring the strength of different magnets. For those eager to learn more, numerous online resources and books offer in-depth explanations of magnetic phenomena. Remember, magnetism is a cornerstone of modern technology, from computers to medical devices. Your journey into the world of magnetism has just begun, and there's so much more to discover. Stay curious and keep exploring this captivating field of science!

              Magnets and Magnetic Fields

              Understanding magnets and magnetic fields is fundamental to grasping various physical phenomena and applications in technology. This guide will walk you through the essential concepts and principles related to magnets and magnetic fields.

              Step 1: Introduction to Magnets and Magnetic Fields

              Magnets are objects that can attract materials like iron, nickel, and cobalt. This attraction is due to the magnetic field that surrounds the magnet. A magnetic field is an invisible area around a magnet where magnetic forces are exerted. The Earth itself has a magnetic field, which is why compasses work, pointing towards the geographic north.

              Step 2: Types of Magnets

              Magnets come in various shapes and sizes, such as bar magnets and horseshoe magnets. Regardless of their shape, all magnets have two ends called poles: the north pole and the south pole. The magnetic field is strongest at these poles. When you bring a magnet close to a ferromagnetic material like a paper clip or nail, the material is attracted to the magnet.

              Step 3: Identifying Magnetic Poles

              To determine which end of a magnet is the north pole and which is the south pole, you can use a compass. A compass needle itself is a small magnet that rotates freely to align with the Earth's magnetic field. The end of the compass needle that points towards the geographic north is the north pole of the magnet, and the opposite end is the south pole.

              Step 4: Magnetic Interactions

              Magnets interact with each other in specific ways. Similar poles (north-north or south-south) repel each other, while opposite poles (north-south) attract each other. This principle is fundamental in understanding how magnets behave in various applications, from simple toys to complex machinery.

              Step 5: Splitting Magnets

              If you split a magnet into smaller pieces, each piece will still have a north and a south pole. For example, if you cut a bar magnet in half, you will not get a separate north pole and south pole; instead, you will get two smaller magnets, each with its own north and south poles. This property is due to the alignment of magnetic domains within the material.

              Step 6: Ferromagnetic Materials

              Ferromagnetic materials are substances that exhibit strong magnetic properties. Examples include iron, cobalt, nickel, gadolinium, and some of their alloys and oxides. These materials can be magnetized, meaning they can become magnets themselves when exposed to a magnetic field.

              Step 7: Understanding Magnetic Fields

              A magnetic field is the region around a magnet where magnetic forces are exerted. It is represented by magnetic field lines, which show the direction and strength of the field. The direction of the magnetic field at any point is tangent to the field line at that point. The density of the field lines indicates the strength of the magnetic field; closer lines mean a stronger field.

              Step 8: Visualizing Magnetic Fields

              You can visualize magnetic fields using iron filings. When you place a magnet under a piece of paper and sprinkle iron filings on top, the filings align along the magnetic field lines, forming a pattern that shows the shape of the field. The filings are densest near the poles, indicating the strongest magnetic field.

              Step 9: Determining Magnetic Field Direction

              To find the direction of a magnetic field, you can use a plotting compass. Place the compass near the magnet, and the needle will align with the magnetic field lines, pointing away from the north pole and towards the south pole. This method helps you understand the orientation of the magnetic field around the magnet.


              1. What is the difference between a permanent magnet and an electromagnet?

                A permanent magnet is made of ferromagnetic materials that retain their magnetic properties indefinitely, such as iron, nickel, or rare earth elements. An electromagnet, on the other hand, is created by running an electric current through a coil of wire, often wrapped around an iron core. The magnetic field of an electromagnet can be turned on and off by controlling the electric current.

              2. How does Earth's magnetic field protect us?

                Earth's magnetic field acts as a shield against harmful charged particles from the Sun, known as solar wind. It deflects these particles, preventing them from stripping away our atmosphere. This protection is crucial for maintaining life on Earth, as it helps preserve our atmosphere and shields us from harmful radiation.

              3. Can magnetic fields be visualized?

                Yes, magnetic fields can be visualized using several methods. The most common techniques include using iron filings, which align themselves along magnetic field lines when sprinkled near a magnet, and plotting compasses, which orient themselves to show the direction of the field at various points. These methods help us understand the shape and strength of magnetic fields around different objects.

              4. What are some everyday applications of magnets and magnetic fields?

                Magnets and magnetic fields have numerous applications in our daily lives. They are used in electric motors, generators, speakers, hard drives, MRI machines, and credit card strips. Magnetic levitation (maglev) trains use powerful magnets for propulsion. Even simple refrigerator magnets and compasses rely on magnetic properties. The applications of magnetism in technology are vast and continually expanding.

              5. How do MRI machines use magnetic fields?

                MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines use strong magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the body's internal structures. The machine's powerful magnet aligns the hydrogen atoms in the body. Radio waves are then used to excite these atoms, and as they return to their normal state, they emit signals that are captured and processed into images. This non-invasive technique allows doctors to diagnose various medical conditions without using harmful radiation.

              Prerequisite Topics

              Understanding magnets and magnetic fields is a fascinating journey into one of the fundamental forces of nature. While this topic doesn't have specific prerequisites listed, it's important to recognize that a solid foundation in basic physics and mathematics can greatly enhance your comprehension of magnetic phenomena. Concepts from general physics, such as forces and energy, provide a crucial backdrop for exploring the behavior of magnets and their fields.

              When delving into the world of magnets and magnetic fields, students often find that their prior knowledge of electricity proves invaluable. The intricate relationship between electricity and magnetism, known as electromagnetism, forms a cornerstone of modern physics. This connection highlights why a grasp of electrical concepts can significantly boost your understanding of magnetic phenomena.

              Vector mathematics is another area that, while not explicitly listed as a prerequisite, plays a crucial role in describing and analyzing magnetic fields. The ability to work with vectors allows students to visualize and calculate the direction and strength of magnetic fields in three-dimensional space. This mathematical tool becomes increasingly important as you progress to more advanced topics in electromagnetism.

              Additionally, a basic understanding of atomic structure can provide valuable insights into the origins of magnetism at the microscopic level. The behavior of electrons in atoms and the alignment of magnetic domains in materials are key to explaining why some substances exhibit strong magnetic properties while others do not.

              While not strictly necessary, familiarity with the historical development of our understanding of magnetism can offer a rich context for learning. From the ancient observations of lodestone to the groundbreaking experiments of scientists like Oersted and Faraday, the story of magnetism is intertwined with the broader history of scientific discovery.

              As you embark on your study of magnets and magnetic fields, remember that these foundational concepts from physics, mathematics, and chemistry will serve as building blocks. They will help you construct a robust understanding of how magnetic fields interact with matter, the principles behind electromagnetic induction, and the myriad applications of magnetism in modern technology.

              Even though specific prerequisites are not listed for this topic, approaching the subject with a curious mind and a willingness to connect ideas from various scientific disciplines will greatly enhance your learning experience. The study of magnets and magnetic fields opens doors to understanding phenomena ranging from the Earth's magnetic field to the intricate workings of electric motors and generators.

              As you progress, you'll find that your knowledge of magnets and magnetic fields will, in turn, become a prerequisite for more advanced topics in physics and engineering. This interconnectedness of scientific concepts underscores the importance of building a strong foundation and appreciating the relevance of each new piece of knowledge you acquire.

              In this lesson, we will learn:

              • Magnets and Magnetic Fields
              • Erath’s Magnetic Filed
              • Uniform Magnetic Field


              • Magnets attract objects made of iron such as paper clips and nails
              • Any magnet (bar magnet or horseshoe magnet) has two ends or faces, called “poles”, the strongest magnetic effect.
              • Compass is used for navigation; the needle of the compass is simply a bar magnet which is supported at its center of gravity to rotate freely.
              • The pole that points the geographic north is called the "north pole" and another pole which points towards the geographic south is called the "south pole".
              • Similar poles attract, opposite poles repel.

              • Magnets and Magnetic Fields

              • If you split a magnet, you will not get isolated north and south poles; instead, two new magnets are produced, each with a north and a south pole.
              • Ferromagnetic Materials: a type of material that shows strong magnetic effect such as, cobalt, nickel, gadolinium, and some of their oxides and alloys.
              • Magnetic Filed: the region around the magnets and it represented by magnetic field lines such as;
                1. the direction of the magnetic field is tangent to a field line at any point
                2. the number of lines per unit area is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field.
              • The direction of the magnetic field at a given point: it is defined as the direction that the north pole of a compass needle would point if placed at that point. The N pole of a nearby compass needle points away from the north pole of the magnet and points towards the south pole of the magnet.

              • Magnets and Magnetic Fields

              • Magnetic field lines form closed loops, unlike electric field lines.

                Erath’s Magnetic Filed
              • The Earth acts like a huge magnet; but its magnetic poles are not at the geographic poles, which are on the Earth rotational axis.
              • Since the north pole (N) of the compass needle points north, the Earth's magnetic pole which is in the geographic north is magnetically a south pole.

              • Magnets and Magnetic Fields

              Uniform Magnetic Field
              • The simplest magnetic field is one that is uniform, it does not change in magnitude or direction.
              • The magnetic field between two poles of a magnet is nearly uniform, except at the edges.

              • Magnets and Magnetic Fields