Induced EMF and Lenz’s law

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  1. Induced emf
  2. The relative motion between the magnet and coil induces current (Lenz's law).
  1. A bar magnet is moving toward a solenoid.

    Induced emf and Lenz's law

    What is the direction of the current through the galvanometer and what is the the direction of the magnetic field produced by thus current at location P inside the solenoid?

    Induced emf and Lenz's law
    1. A magnet is moving toward an aluminum ring.

      Induced emf and Lenz's law

      In which way will the current flow in the labelled portion of the ring as the magnet moves towards the ring?

      1. Towards 1
      2. Towards 2
      3. Towards 3
      4. Towards 4
      1. A coil moves at a constant velocity across a region of magnetic field as shown.
        Induced emf and Lenz's law

        Which of the following best shows the emf vs. time graph for the emf induced in the coil as it moves from 1 to 2?

        Induced emf and Lenz's law
        1. A conductor is moved to the right through four magnetic field as shown below. In which case will the largest emf be generated?
          Induced emf and Lenz's law
          1. A bar magnet is moved away from a coil as shown. What is the direction of the current through the resistor and polarity of the left end of the coil?
            Induced emf and Lenz's law
            1. In which of the following situation would the greatest emf be induced in the coil? All changes occur in the same time interval.
              Induced emf and Lenz's law
              Topic Notes

              In this lesson, we will learn:

              • A changing magnetic field induces current
              • Direction of the induced current depends on the direction of the motion of the magnet with respect to the coil.
              • No current is induced if the magnet does not move relative to the coil.
              • It is the relative motion between the magnet and coil that counts.
              • Lenz’s law


              Induced EMF
              • The purpose of this concept is to produce an electric current from a magnetic field.
              • A coil of wire, XX, is connected to a battery. A magnetic field is produced by the current that flows through the coiled wire XX and is intensified by the iron core.
              • The current in the second coiled wire, YY, is the result of change in magnetic field. The current is detected by the galvanometer only when switch is closed or opened.
              • Constant current in XX produced constant magnetic field, which produces NO current, but changing the magnetic filed can produce an electric current in coil YY.
              • Such current is called the induced current. Changing magnetic field through coil YY, produces an electric current in the coil.

              • a changing magnetic field NOT the magnetic field itself, induces an emf”

              Induced emf and Lenz's law

              The relative motion between magnet and coil induces the current

              Lenz’s law;
              A current produced by an induced emf moves in a direction so that its magnetic field opposes the original change in flux.

              • Magnet is pushed into the coil

              • Induced emf and Lenz's law

              • Magnet is pulled out of the coil

              • Induced emf and Lenz's law

              • Stationary magnet

              • Induced emf and Lenz's law