Friction: Static and kinetic

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  1. Introduction to friction
    1. What causes friction?
    2. What is kinetic friction?
    3. What is static friction?
  1. Understanding kinetic vs. static friction

    Joe wants to pull his 136 kg fridge away from the wall to clean behind it. When he pulls on the fridge with a horizontal force of 155 N, it doesn't move.

    i. What is the force of friction that acts on the fridge? What type of friction is this?

    ii. If the coefficient of friction between the fridge and floor is 0.200, what is the maximum amount of static friction that can act on the fridge?

    iii. Joe gets Samantha to pull with an additional 155 N and the fridge begins to accelerate at 0.400 m/s2m/s^{2}. What is the coefficient of friction between the fridge and the ground? What type of friction is this?

    1. Solving friction problems
      1. A crate is pushed across the floor. The coefficient of friction between the crate and the floor is 0.240. If 167 N of applied force is required to keep the crate moving forwards at a constant velocity, find the mass of the crate.
      2. A physics student presses a 0.700 kg textbook against a wall with a force of 30.0 N perpendicular to the wall, and the book does not slide down the wall.

        i. What is the force of friction acting on the book? What kind of friction is this?

        ii. The student slowly reduces their push. If the book begins to slide when the student pushes with 20.0 N, what is the coefficient of friction?

    Topic Notes


    Friction is a fundamental force in physics that resists the relative motion of objects in contact. This article begins with an introductory video explaining the basics of friction, setting the stage for a deeper exploration. Understanding friction is crucial in physics, as it plays a vital role in everyday life and various scientific applications. There are two main types of friction: static friction and kinetic friction. Static friction prevents objects at rest from moving, while kinetic friction acts on objects already in motion. These concepts are essential for comprehending how objects interact in the physical world. From the tires gripping the road to the wear and tear on machinery, friction influences countless aspects of our lives. By grasping the principles of static and kinetic friction, students and enthusiasts can better analyze and predict the behavior of objects in various scenarios, making this knowledge invaluable in fields ranging from engineering to sports science.

    Understanding Kinetic Friction

    Kinetic friction is a fundamental concept in physics that plays a crucial role in our everyday lives. It is defined as the force of friction experienced by an object as it slides across a surface. This type of friction occurs when two surfaces are in relative motion to each other, and it acts to oppose that motion. Understanding kinetic friction is essential for engineers, physicists, and anyone interested in how objects interact in the physical world.

    The magnitude of kinetic friction depends on several factors, with the two most significant being the normal force and the nature of the surfaces in contact. The normal force is the force exerted by the surface perpendicular to the direction of motion. It is directly related to the weight of the object and any additional forces pressing the object against the surface. Surface roughness, on the other hand, refers to the microscopic irregularities present on the surfaces in contact. Rougher surfaces generally produce more friction than smoother ones.

    The relationship between kinetic friction and these factors is expressed through the equation: Fk = μk * Fn. In this equation, Fk represents the force of kinetic friction, μk is the coefficient of kinetic friction, and Fn is the normal force. The coefficient of kinetic friction (μk) is a dimensionless quantity that depends on the specific materials of the two surfaces in contact. It represents the ratio of the friction force to the normal force and is typically determined experimentally.

    To illustrate the concept of kinetic friction, consider the example of pushing a heavy box across different surfaces. When you push the box across a smooth, polished floor, you'll notice that it slides relatively easily. This is because the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the smooth floor is relatively low. However, if you try to push the same box across a rough, carpeted surface, you'll find that it requires much more effort. The increased difficulty is due to the higher coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the carpet fibers.

    The normal force also plays a crucial role in determining the magnitude of kinetic friction. If you were to push the same box up an inclined surface, you would experience less friction compared to pushing it on a flat surface. This is because the normal force decreases as the angle of inclination increases, resulting in a reduced friction force according to the equation Fk = μk * Fn.

    It's important to note that kinetic friction is generally less than static friction, which is the friction force that must be overcome to initiate motion from a stationary position. Once an object is in motion, kinetic friction takes over and typically requires less force to maintain that motion. This is why it's often easier to keep an object moving than to start it moving from rest.

    Understanding and manipulating kinetic friction is crucial in many practical applications. In automotive engineering, for instance, tire designers strive to optimize the coefficient of friction between tires and road surfaces to improve traction and safety. In manufacturing, controlling friction is essential for the efficient operation of machinery and the production of smooth, precisely machined parts. Even in sports, athletes and equipment designers consider friction to enhance performance, whether it's reducing friction in speed skating or increasing it for better grip in rock climbing shoes.

    The study of kinetic friction extends beyond simple sliding motion. In fluid dynamics, kinetic friction principles apply to the interaction between fluids and solid surfaces, influencing phenomena such as drag forces on vehicles and the flow of liquids through pipes. Scientists and engineers continue to research ways to manipulate friction at the nanoscale, potentially leading to new materials with extraordinary properties.

    In conclusion, kinetic friction is a complex but essential concept in physics that governs the interaction between moving objects and surfaces. By understanding the factors that influence kinetic friction, such as the normal force and surface roughness, and by applying the equation Fk = μk * Fn, we can predict and control friction in various scenarios. This knowledge is invaluable in countless applications, from everyday tasks to advanced technological innovations, making the study of kinetic friction a cornerstone of physics and engineering.

    The Coefficient of Kinetic Friction

    The coefficient of kinetic friction (μk) is a fundamental concept in physics and engineering that plays a crucial role in understanding the interaction between moving surfaces. This dimensionless quantity represents the degree of roughness or resistance between two surfaces in relative motion. As a key parameter in tribology, the study of friction, wear, and lubrication, μk is essential for various applications in mechanics, materials science, and everyday life.

    Typically, the coefficient of kinetic friction ranges between 0 and 1, though it can exceed 1 in some exceptional cases. A value closer to 0 indicates smoother surfaces with less friction, while higher values suggest rougher surfaces with greater resistance to motion. For instance, ice on ice has a very low μk of about 0.03, making it extremely slippery. In contrast, rubber on concrete can have a μk as high as 0.8, providing excellent traction for vehicle tires.

    Different material combinations exhibit varying coefficients of kinetic friction. Some common examples include:

    • Steel on steel (dry): μk 0.57
    • Wood on wood: μk 0.2-0.4
    • Teflon on Teflon: μk 0.04
    • Aluminum on steel: μk 0.61
    • Glass on glass: μk 0.4

    The experimental determination of the coefficient of kinetic friction involves carefully designed setups to measure the force required to maintain constant motion between two surfaces. One common method uses an inclined plane, where the angle at which an object begins to slide at a constant velocity is measured. Another approach employs a horizontal surface with a pulley system to apply a known force and measure the resulting motion.

    Understanding and accurately determining μk is crucial for numerous practical applications. In engineering, it's essential for designing efficient machinery, calculating energy losses in mechanical systems, and developing better lubricants. In transportation, knowledge of friction coefficients is vital for road safety, tire design, and brake system optimization. The coefficient also plays a significant role in sports, affecting the performance of athletes and equipment in activities like skiing, skating, and various ball games.

    In calculations, the coefficient of kinetic friction is used in conjunction with the normal force to determine the friction force acting on an object. The equation Ff = μk * N, where Ff is the friction force and N is the normal force, is fundamental in solving problems involving motion on surfaces. This relationship allows engineers and physicists to predict the behavior of objects in various scenarios, from simple sliding blocks to complex industrial processes.

    It's important to note that the coefficient of kinetic friction is distinct from the coefficient of static friction (μs), which applies to surfaces at rest relative to each other. Generally, μk is less than μs, explaining why it's often easier to keep an object in motion than to start it moving from rest. This difference has significant implications in many practical situations, such as the design of conveyor belts, the functioning of automobile clutches, and the behavior of geological formations during earthquakes.

    In conclusion, the coefficient of kinetic friction is a critical parameter in physics and engineering, providing valuable insights into the behavior of materials in contact and motion. Its experimental determination and application in calculations are essential for a wide range of technological advancements and everyday phenomena. As research in materials science and nanotechnology progresses, our understanding of friction at various scales continues to evolve, promising new innovations in fields ranging from energy efficiency to advanced manufacturing processes.

    Understanding Static Friction

    Static friction is a fundamental force in physics that plays a crucial role in our everyday lives, often without us even realizing it. This force is responsible for preventing objects from starting to move when they are at rest on a surface. Unlike its counterpart, kinetic friction, which acts on objects already in motion, static friction comes into play before any movement occurs.

    To understand static friction better, it's essential to differentiate it from kinetic friction. While both types of friction resist motion, static friction specifically opposes the initiation of movement. Once an object starts moving, kinetic friction takes over. The key distinction lies in the fact that static friction can vary in magnitude, up to a maximum value, whereas kinetic friction remains relatively constant for a given pair of surfaces.

    The maximum static friction (Fs_max) is governed by the equation: Fs_max = μs * Fn, where μs represents the coefficient of static friction, and Fn is the normal force acting perpendicular to the surface. This equation gives us the largest possible static friction force that can exist between two surfaces before motion begins. The coefficient of static friction (μs) is a dimensionless quantity that depends on the nature of the two surfaces in contact.

    However, it's crucial to note that the actual static friction force (Fs) can be any value up to this maximum. This relationship is expressed by the inequality: Fs μs * Fn. This inequality highlights a key characteristic of static friction: it matches the applied force up to the maximum value. In other words, if you apply a small force to an object, the static friction will be equal and opposite to that force, preventing motion. As you increase the applied force, static friction increases correspondingly until it reaches its maximum value.

    Examples of static friction in everyday life are abundant. Consider a heavy box resting on a rough floor. The static friction between the box and the floor prevents it from sliding when subjected to small forces. This is why you might need to exert a significant initial push to get the box moving. Another common example is the friction between your shoes and the ground, which allows you to walk without slipping. Without static friction, simple tasks like picking up objects or climbing stairs would be impossible.

    The concept of static friction matching the applied force up to a maximum value is particularly interesting. Imagine trying to push that heavy box across the floor. As you start to push, the static friction force increases to match your applied force, keeping the box stationary. This continues until you reach the maximum static friction force. At this point, if you push even slightly harder, the box will suddenly start to move as static friction gives way to kinetic friction.

    Understanding static friction is crucial in various fields, from engineering to everyday problem-solving. For instance, when designing ramps or inclined surfaces, engineers must consider the coefficient of static friction to ensure objects don't slide unexpectedly. In automotive design, the concept of static friction is vital for tire performance, especially for maintaining grip on different road surfaces.

    The relationship between static friction and the applied force also explains why it's often easier to keep an object moving than to start it moving from rest. Once you overcome the maximum static friction and the object begins to move, the friction force typically decreases as it transitions to kinetic friction. This phenomenon is why it's advisable to maintain a steady push when moving heavy objects rather than using intermittent force.

    In conclusion, static friction is a fascinating and essential force that governs much of our interaction with the physical world. Its ability to match applied forces up to a maximum value, as described by the equation Fs_max = μs * Fn and the inequality Fs μs * Fn, makes it a unique and indispensable part of physics. From the simplest tasks like holding a pen to complex engineering challenges, static friction plays a vital role in our daily lives and technological advancements.

    Comparing Static and Kinetic Friction

    Static and kinetic friction are two fundamental concepts in physics that play crucial roles in our everyday lives. Understanding the difference between static vs kinetic friction is essential for engineers, physicists, and anyone interested in how objects interact when in contact with each other. This article will explore these two types of friction, their coefficients, and the implications of their differences.

    Static friction is the force that prevents an object at rest from starting to move. It acts between two surfaces that are not moving relative to each other. On the other hand, kinetic friction is the force that resists the motion of an object already in motion. It comes into play once an object starts sliding against another surface. The key distinction lies in the state of motion: static friction applies to stationary objects, while kinetic friction affects moving objects.

    One of the most intriguing aspects of friction is that the coefficient of static friction is generally larger than the coefficient of kinetic friction. This difference has significant implications for how objects behave in the real world. The friction coefficients are dimensionless values that represent the ratio of the frictional force to the normal force between two surfaces. For example, if we have a wooden block on a wooden table, the static friction coefficient might be 0.5, while the kinetic friction coefficient could be 0.3.

    The higher static friction coefficient explains why it's typically harder to start moving an object than to keep it moving. This phenomenon is known as the force threshold for motion initiation. When you try to push a heavy box across the floor, you need to overcome the static friction force to get it moving. Once the box is in motion, the kinetic friction takes over, which is usually less than the static friction, making it easier to maintain the movement.

    To illustrate this transition from static to kinetic friction, let's consider a numerical example. Imagine a 50 kg crate resting on a concrete floor. The static friction coefficient between the crate and the floor is 0.8, while the kinetic friction coefficient is 0.6. To calculate the maximum static friction force, we multiply the normal force (weight of the crate) by the static friction coefficient: 50 kg × 9.8 m/s² × 0.8 = 392 N. This means you need to apply a force greater than 392 N to start moving the crate.

    Once the crate starts moving, the kinetic friction force becomes 50 kg × 9.8 m/s² × 0.6 = 294 N. This lower force is what you need to overcome to keep the crate moving at a constant speed. The difference between 392 N and 294 N demonstrates why it feels easier to keep an object in motion than to start it moving initially.

    The implications of this difference between static and kinetic friction are far-reaching. In automotive design, for instance, engineers must consider these friction forces when developing braking systems and tires. The higher static friction coefficient helps vehicles remain stationary on inclines, while the lower kinetic friction coefficient affects the stopping distance once the vehicle is in motion.

    In industrial applications, understanding these friction concepts is crucial for designing conveyor belts, manufacturing processes, and material handling systems. The transition from static to kinetic friction can impact the energy required to operate machinery and the wear and tear on moving parts.

    Moreover, this friction difference explains many everyday phenomena. It's why we often need a little extra push to start a heavy shopping cart moving but can then push it more easily once it's rolling. It's also why athletes in track and field events like long jump or sprinting focus on explosive starts to overcome that initial static friction.

    In conclusion, the comparison between static and kinetic friction reveals a fascinating aspect of physics that affects countless aspects of our lives. The higher coefficient of static friction serves as a natural "brake" for objects at rest, while the lower kinetic friction coefficient allows for more efficient motion once an object is moving. Understanding these principles enables us to design better machines, improve safety features, and optimize energy use in various applications. Whether you're a student studying physics or an engineer working on cutting-edge technology, grasping the nuances of static vs kinetic friction is essential for solving real-world problems and advancing our understanding of the physical world.

    Applications and Real-World Examples of Friction

    Friction plays a crucial role in our daily lives, manifesting in both static and kinetic forms. Static friction occurs when objects are at rest relative to each other, while kinetic friction acts between surfaces in relative motion. Understanding these concepts is essential as we explore their various applications and real-world examples.

    One of the most common examples of beneficial friction is walking. Static friction between our shoes and the ground allows us to push off and move forward without slipping. This same principle applies to animals, enabling them to navigate various terrains. In driving, friction between tires and the road surface is vital for acceleration, turning, and stopping. Without adequate friction, vehicles would slide uncontrollably, making transportation dangerous and impractical.

    Braking systems in vehicles rely heavily on friction to function effectively. When brake pads press against rotors or drums, the resulting friction converts kinetic energy into heat, slowing the vehicle. This principle extends to other forms of transportation, such as trains and airplanes, where friction-based braking is crucial for safety.

    In sports, friction is both a friend and foe. Athletes rely on friction between their shoes and playing surfaces for traction in activities like basketball, soccer, and tennis. Conversely, sports like skiing and ice skating aim to minimize friction for speed and smooth gliding. Equipment design in these sports often focuses on optimizing friction levels for peak performance.

    Everyday objects also depend on friction. Writing instruments like pencils and pens work because of friction between the writing material and paper. Matches ignite due to the friction created when struck against a rough surface. Even the simple act of holding objects relies on friction between our skin and the item's surface.

    While friction is often beneficial, there are situations where it's undesirable. In machinery and engines, excessive friction can lead to wear, energy loss, and heat generation. To combat this, engineers employ various methods to reduce friction, such as using lubricants like oils and greases. These substances create a thin film between moving parts, minimizing direct contact and reducing wear.

    In some cases, increasing friction is necessary. Road designers use rough textures or add grooving to pavement to improve traction, especially in areas prone to wet or icy conditions. Similarly, manufacturers add treads to shoes and tires to enhance grip. In industrial settings, conveyor belts often have high-friction surfaces to prevent items from slipping during transport.

    The choice of materials can significantly impact friction levels. For instance, Teflon-coated cookware reduces friction to prevent food from sticking. In contrast, rubber-soled shoes increase friction for better traction. Engineers carefully select materials based on the desired friction properties for specific applications.

    Nanotechnology has opened new avenues for friction control. Scientists are developing super-hydrophobic surfaces that repel water and reduce friction in applications like ship hulls, potentially improving fuel efficiency. On the other hand, nano-textured surfaces can increase friction where needed, such as in robotic grippers for better object manipulation.

    Understanding and manipulating friction is crucial in energy conservation efforts. By reducing friction in mechanical systems, we can improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption. This principle is applied in the design of everything from wind turbines to household appliances, contributing to overall sustainability goals.

    In conclusion, friction is an omnipresent force that significantly impacts our daily lives and technological advancements. From the simple act of walking to complex industrial processes, understanding and controlling friction is essential. As we continue to innovate, the ability to manipulate friction will remain a key factor in developing more efficient, safe, and sustainable technologies across various fields.


    In summary, static and kinetic friction are fundamental physics concepts with significant real-world implications. Static friction prevents objects from moving when at rest, while kinetic friction opposes motion between surfaces in contact. Understanding these principles is crucial in physics and everyday life, influencing everything from vehicle design to walking. Recall the introductory video that demonstrated these concepts visually. Now, armed with this knowledge, observe friction at work in your surroundings from a book on a table to a car braking on the road. These observations will reinforce your understanding and highlight the ubiquity of friction. To deepen your physics knowledge, consider exploring related topics such as Newton's laws of motion, energy conservation, or fluid dynamics. Remember, friction is just one piece of the fascinating puzzle that is physics, and there's always more to discover in this field that shapes our understanding of the world.

    Solving Friction Problems

    Question: A crate is pushed across the floor. The coefficient of friction between the crate and the floor is 0.240. If 167 N of applied force is required to keep the crate moving forwards at a constant velocity, find the mass of the crate.

    Step 1: Understand the Problem

    In this problem, we are given a crate being pushed across a floor with a coefficient of friction of 0.240. The applied force required to keep the crate moving at a constant velocity is 167 N. Our goal is to find the mass of the crate. Since the crate is moving at a constant velocity, we know that the net force acting on it is zero, meaning the applied force is balanced by the frictional force.

    Step 2: Draw a Free Body Diagram

    Start by drawing a free body diagram of the crate. This diagram should include all the forces acting on the crate:

    • An applied force of 167 N to the right.
    • A frictional force acting to the left, opposing the motion.
    • The gravitational force acting downwards, which is the weight of the crate.
    • The normal force acting upwards, which is the reaction force from the floor.

    Step 3: Identify the Type of Friction

    Since the crate is moving at a constant velocity, the type of friction involved is kinetic friction. The kinetic friction force (Fk) can be calculated using the formula:

    Fk = μk * N

    where μk is the coefficient of kinetic friction (0.240) and N is the normal force.

    Step 4: Apply Newton's Second Law

    According to Newton's second law, the net force acting on the crate is zero because it is moving at a constant velocity. This means the applied force is equal to the frictional force:

    Fapplied = Fk

    Given that Fapplied is 167 N, we can set up the equation:

    167 N = μk * N

    Step 5: Calculate the Normal Force

    Rearrange the equation to solve for the normal force (N):

    N = Fapplied / μk

    Substitute the given values:

    N = 167 N / 0.240

    Calculate the normal force.

    Step 6: Relate Normal Force to Weight

    The normal force (N) is equal to the weight of the crate (W), which is the mass (m) of the crate times the acceleration due to gravity (g):

    N = m * g

    We know that g is approximately 9.81 m/s². So, we can set up the equation:

    m * 9.81 m/s² = N

    Step 7: Solve for the Mass

    Rearrange the equation to solve for the mass (m):

    m = N / 9.81 m/s²

    Substitute the value of the normal force calculated in Step 5 into this equation to find the mass of the crate.


    By following these steps, you can determine the mass of the crate based on the given coefficient of friction and the applied force required to keep it moving at a constant velocity. This method involves understanding the forces at play, applying Newton's second law, and using the relationship between normal force and weight to find the mass.


    1. What is the difference between static and kinetic friction?

      Static friction prevents objects at rest from starting to move, while kinetic friction opposes the motion of objects already moving. Static friction is typically greater than kinetic friction, which is why it's often harder to start moving an object than to keep it in motion.

    2. How is the coefficient of friction calculated?

      The coefficient of friction (μ) is calculated by dividing the friction force (F) by the normal force (N): μ = F / N. For static friction, we use μs, and for kinetic friction, we use μk. These coefficients are typically determined experimentally and are specific to the materials in contact.

    3. Can friction ever be beneficial?

      Yes, friction is often beneficial. It allows us to walk without slipping, enables vehicles to accelerate and brake, and is essential for writing with pens and pencils. In many mechanical systems, a certain amount of friction is necessary for proper functioning.

    4. How do lubricants reduce friction?

      Lubricants reduce friction by creating a thin film between moving surfaces, minimizing direct contact. This film allows the surfaces to slide past each other more easily, reducing wear and heat generation. Common lubricants include oils, greases, and synthetic materials designed for specific applications.

    5. What role does friction play in sports?

      Friction plays a crucial role in many sports. In activities like basketball or soccer, high friction between shoes and the playing surface provides traction for quick movements and changes in direction. Conversely, sports like skiing or ice skating rely on low friction for smooth gliding. Equipment design often focuses on optimizing friction levels for peak performance in each sport.

    Prerequisite Topics

    Understanding the concept of friction, particularly static and kinetic friction, is crucial in physics and everyday life. While there are no specific prerequisite topics listed for this subject, it's important to recognize that a solid foundation in basic physics principles can greatly enhance your comprehension of friction. Concepts such as force, motion, and Newton's laws of motion are inherently related to the study of friction and can provide valuable context.

    Friction is a force that resists the relative motion of objects in contact. To fully grasp the nuances of static and kinetic friction, students should be comfortable with the idea of forces acting on objects. This understanding helps in visualizing how friction operates in various scenarios, from a book resting on a table to a car accelerating on a road.

    The distinction between static and kinetic friction is a key aspect of this topic. Static friction comes into play when objects are at rest relative to each other, while kinetic friction occurs when objects are in motion. This differentiation is essential for solving problems involving friction and predicting object behavior in different situations.

    Although not explicitly listed as prerequisites, familiarity with concepts like normal force and the coefficient of friction can significantly aid in understanding friction. The normal force, which is perpendicular to the surface of contact, plays a crucial role in determining the magnitude of friction. Meanwhile, the coefficient of friction, a property of the materials in contact, helps quantify the strength of frictional forces.

    Vector analysis and basic trigonometry can also be beneficial when studying friction, especially when dealing with inclined planes or complex force diagrams. These mathematical tools allow for the accurate representation and calculation of frictional forces in various orientations.

    Moreover, an understanding of energy and work can provide a broader perspective on friction's role in mechanical systems. Friction often leads to energy dissipation, which is a critical consideration in many practical applications, from automotive design to industrial machinery.

    While these topics are not listed as formal prerequisites, they form a valuable knowledge base that can enhance your understanding of static and kinetic friction. By revisiting or strengthening your grasp on these fundamental concepts, you'll be better equipped to tackle the intricacies of friction in both theoretical and practical contexts.

    Remember, the study of friction is not isolated but interconnected with various physics principles. As you delve into static and kinetic friction, you'll likely find yourself drawing upon knowledge from multiple areas of physics, reinforcing the importance of a well-rounded understanding of basic physical concepts.

    In this lesson, we will learn:
    • Meaning of static and kinetic friction
    • When to apply static and kinetic friction to physics problems
    • Solving friction problems


    • Friction is the force that resists the motion of an object sliding (or trying to slide) over a surface.
    • Kinetic friction is the friction that acts when an object slides across a surface.
      • It is experimentally observed that kinetic friction is proportional to the force of the object pressing into the surface it slides across. Kinetic friction also depends on how well the two surfaces in contact grip each other.
        • This is expressed with the equation Fk=μkFN\vec{F}_{k} = \mu_{k}\vec{F}_{N}. We can see in this equation that if the normal force acting on the object increases (due to the object pushing harder on the surface it slides on), friction force also increases proportionally.
        • μk\mu_{k} is the coefficient of kinetic friction, which tells us about the relationship between normal force and kinetic friction for two surfaces sliding past each other.
      • Coefficients of friction are dimensionless: they do not have a unit.
      • The larger the coefficient of kinetic friction, the stronger the friction between the two surfaces. A typical range for coefficient of friction values is between 0 and 1.
        • A "frictionless" surface has a coefficient of friction of 0, but in real life all surfaces have some amount of friction. Teflon, the coating of non-stick pans and one of the lowest-friction materials known, has a coefficient of friction of ~0.04.
        • Coefficients of friction greater than 1 are possible. They indicate the force of friction is greater than the normal force acting on the object. For example, some rubbers used for high-friction purposes (like rain boot soles) can have a coefficient of friction of greater than 1 with the ground.
    • Static friction is the friction that acts when a force is applied to an object, but the applied force isn't large enough to overcome the friction between the object and surface it is on.
      • Like kinetic friction, the maximum static friction is proportional to the normal force acting on the object. However, static friction only acts on an object in response to an applied force, and balances the applied force so the object does not move.
      • If applied force on an object exceeds the maximum static friction, it begins to move. Once the object is moving, the friction acting on it is kinetic friction.
      • For an object in contact with a surface, the coefficient of static friction (μs\mu_{s}) is in almost all cases larger than the coefficient of kinetic friction. As a result, the force required to get an object moving is somewhat larger than the force required to keep it in motion.
    Kinetic friction

    Fk=μkFN\vec{F}_{k} = \mu_{k} \vec{F}_{N}

    Fk\vec{F}_{k}: Kinetic force of friction, in newtons (N)

    μk:\mu_{k}: Coefficient of kinetic friction

    FN:\vec{F}_{N}: Normal force, in newtons (N)

    Static friction

    FsμsFN\vec{F}_{s} \leq \mu_{s}\vec{F}_{N}

    Fs(max)=μsFN\vec{F}_{s (max)} = \mu_{s}\vec{F}_{N}

    Fs:\vec{F}_{s}: Static force of friction, in newtons (N)

    μs:\mu_{s}: Coefficient of static friction

    Fs(max):\vec{F}_{s (max)}: Maximum static force of friction, in newtons (N)