EMF and terminal voltage

  1. Introduction to EMF and Terminal Voltage:
  2. How do we make our physics circuits more realistic?
  3. What is internal resistance?
  4. What does EMF stand for and how is it different from terminal voltage?
  5. What are the main formulas relating to terminal voltage?
  1. Calculating Internal Resistance and Terminal Voltage using Two Methods

    EMF Terminal Voltage
    1. Using the traditional terminal voltage formula method:
      1. Calculate the voltage used by the internal resistor of the battery.
      2. Calculate the terminal voltage.
    2. Using the voltage divider method:
      1. Calculate the voltage used by the internal resistor of the battery.
      2. Calculate the terminal voltage.
  2. Calculating Internal Resistance and Terminal Voltage using Two Methods (Multiple Resistors)

    EMF Terminal Voltage
    1. Using the traditional terminal voltage formula method:
      1. Find the terminal voltage.
      2. What is the voltage used up by Rint?
    2. Using the voltage divider method:
      1. Find the terminal voltage.
      2. What is the voltage used up by Rint?
  3. Solving for EMF using Two Methods
    The battery is measured from terminal to terminal and observed to have an electric potential difference of 6.25V.

    EMF Terminal Voltage
    1. Using the traditional terminal voltage formula method:
      1. What is the EMF?
      2. If the external resistor is replaced with a resistor of 4.4Ω\Omega , what is the new voltage of the battery?
    2. Using the voltage divider method:
      1. What is the EMF?
      2. If the external resistor is replaced with a resistor of 4.4Ω\Omega , what is the new voltage of the battery?
Topic Notes

Introduction to EMF and Terminal Voltage

Welcome to our exploration of EMF (electromotive force) and terminal voltage! These fundamental concepts are crucial for understanding how electrical circuits work. EMF refers to the energy per unit charge provided by a source, while terminal voltage is the actual potential difference across a device's terminals. Our introduction video serves as an excellent starting point to grasp these ideas. It visually demonstrates how EMF and terminal voltage relate to each other and their roles in circuit analysis. As we delve deeper, you'll discover how these concepts apply to real-world scenarios, from simple battery-operated devices to complex electrical systems. The video breaks down these potentially challenging topics into easily digestible segments, making it an invaluable resource for both beginners and those looking to refresh their knowledge. So, let's dive in and unravel the mysteries of EMF and terminal voltage together!

Understanding EMF (Electromotive Force)

What is EMF?

EMF, or Electromotive Force, is a fundamental concept in electrical engineering and physics. It refers to the energy per unit charge that is converted from non-electrical forms (such as chemical, mechanical, or thermal) into electrical energy in a circuit. Despite its name, EMF is not actually a force but rather a potential difference measured in volts.

EMF in Batteries and Electrical Circuits

In the context of batteries, EMF represents the maximum potential difference between the terminals when no current is flowing. This is often referred to as the "open-circuit voltage" of the battery. When a battery is connected to a circuit, it provides the driving force for electric current to flow. The EMF of a battery is determined by its chemical composition and remains relatively constant throughout its discharge cycle.

In electrical circuits, EMF sources act as "electrical pumps," pushing electrons through the circuit. Common EMF sources include batteries, solar cells, and generators. These devices convert various forms of energy into electrical energy, creating a potential difference that can drive current through a circuit.

EMF vs. Voltage: Understanding the Difference

While EMF and voltage are closely related, they are not identical concepts:

  • EMF is the total energy per unit charge available from the source, regardless of whether current is flowing.
  • Voltage, also known as potential difference, is the energy per unit charge measured between two points in a circuit when current is flowing.

The key difference lies in the presence of internal resistance. In an ideal EMF source with no internal resistance, the EMF and terminal voltage would be identical. However, real EMF sources have internal resistance, which causes a voltage drop when current flows. As a result, the terminal voltage (measured across the device) is typically lower than the EMF when the circuit is closed and current is flowing.

Examples to Illustrate EMF

1. Battery Example: A typical AA alkaline battery has an EMF of about 1.5 volts. This is the maximum potential difference it can provide. When connected to a circuit and supplying current, the terminal voltage may drop to 1.3 or 1.4 volts due to internal resistance.

2. Solar Cell Example: A solar cell converts light energy into electrical energy. Its EMF depends on factors like light intensity and cell composition. A typical silicon solar cell might have an EMF of 0.5 to 0.6 volts in bright sunlight.

3. Generator Example: In a hydroelectric generator, the EMF is produced by the mechanical energy of falling water turning turbines. The EMF generated depends on factors like the water flow rate and the number of coil turns in the generator.

Measuring and Calculating EMF

EMF can be measured using a high-impedance voltmeter across the terminals of a source when no current is flowing. In practice, the EMF of a source can be calculated using Kirchhoff's voltage law in a closed circuit:

EMF = V + Ir

Where V is the terminal voltage, I is the current flowing, and r is the internal resistance of the source.

Importance of EMF in Electrical Engineering

Understanding EMF is crucial for designing and analyzing electrical circuits. It helps engineers determine the appropriate power sources for different applications, calculate expected voltage drops in circuits, and optimize energy transfer in electrical systems. In battery technology, EMF considerations are vital for developing more efficient and long-lasting power sources.


EMF, or electromotive force, is a fundamental concept that describes the energy conversion from non-electrical to electrical forms in power sources. While closely related to voltage, EMF represents the maximum potential difference available from a source. Understanding the distinction between EMF and voltage, as well as how EMF behaves in various electrical components, is essential for anyone working with electrical systems or studying electrical engineering.

Terminal Voltage: Definition and Importance

Terminal voltage, also known as terminal potential difference, is a crucial concept in electrical circuits that every student should understand. It refers to the voltage difference between the two terminals of a power source, such as a battery or generator, when it is connected to a circuit and supplying current. This concept is fundamental to understanding how electrical devices function and how power is distributed in various applications.

To grasp what terminal voltage is, it's essential to differentiate it from electromotive force (EMF). While EMF represents the maximum potential difference a power source can provide under ideal conditions, terminal voltage is the actual voltage available at the terminals when the source is in use. The terminal voltage is always less than or equal to the EMF due to internal resistance within the power source.

In real-world scenarios, terminal voltage plays a significant role in the performance of electrical devices. For instance, in a car battery, the terminal voltage determines the power available to start the engine and run various electrical components. When you turn the key in the ignition, the terminal voltage momentarily drops as the starter motor draws a large current. This is why a weak battery might still show 12 volts when measured with no load but fail to start the car.

Another example of terminal voltage in action is in household batteries. When you insert fresh batteries into a device like a remote control or flashlight, they initially provide their rated voltage. However, as the device draws current, the terminal voltage gradually decreases due to internal resistance and chemical changes within the battery. This is why electronic devices may function poorly or shut off before the batteries are completely drained.

Understanding terminal voltage is crucial for engineers and technicians working with power systems. In large-scale power generation, maintaining the correct terminal voltage at power plants is essential for the stability of the electrical grid. Voltage regulators are used to adjust the terminal voltage of generators to match the grid requirements and compensate for voltage drops across transmission lines.

For students learning about electrical circuits, grasping the concept of terminal voltage helps in analyzing circuit behavior and solving problems. When calculating the current in a circuit, it's the terminal voltage that should be used rather than the EMF of the source. This consideration leads to more accurate results that reflect real-world conditions.

In practical applications, measuring terminal voltage is a common diagnostic tool. Electricians and automotive technicians often use voltmeters to check the terminal voltage of batteries and other power sources to assess their condition and capacity. A significant difference between the measured terminal voltage and the expected value can indicate problems such as internal damage, wear, or the need for replacement.

It's worth noting that the relationship between terminal voltage and current is described by Ohm's law, which states that voltage equals current multiplied by resistance. As more current is drawn from a power source, the terminal voltage tends to decrease due to the voltage drop across the internal resistance. This relationship is particularly important in designing efficient power delivery systems and in understanding the limitations of power sources.

In conclusion, terminal voltage is a fundamental concept in electrical engineering that describes the actual potential difference available from a power source when it's connected to a circuit. Its significance extends from simple battery-operated devices to complex power generation systems. By understanding terminal voltage, students can better comprehend the behavior of electrical circuits and the practical limitations of power sources in real-world applications.

The Relationship Between EMF and Terminal Voltage

Understanding the relationship between electromotive force (EMF) and terminal voltage is crucial in electrical engineering and physics. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they represent distinct concepts that play vital roles in electrical circuits. This article will explore the nuances between EMF and terminal voltage, delve into why terminal voltage is typically less than EMF, and introduce the concept of internal resistance.

EMF vs Voltage: The Basics

EMF, or electromotive force, is the maximum potential difference that an electrical source, such as a battery or generator, can produce. It represents the energy per unit charge available from the source under ideal conditions. On the other hand, terminal voltage is the actual potential difference measured across the terminals of the source when it's connected to a circuit and current is flowing.

Why Terminal Voltage is Often Less Than EMF

In real-world applications, the terminal voltage of a power source is typically less than its EMF. This discrepancy arises due to the internal resistance of the source. Every electrical source has some internal resistance, which opposes the flow of current within the source itself. When current flows through this internal resistance, it causes a voltage drop, resulting in a terminal voltage that's lower than the EMF.

The Concept of Internal Resistance

Internal resistance is an inherent property of all electrical sources. It can be thought of as a resistor connected in series with an ideal voltage source inside the actual source. This resistance arises from various factors, including the physical properties of the materials used in the source and its construction.

Effect of Internal Resistance on Terminal Voltage

The relationship between EMF, terminal voltage, and internal resistance can be expressed mathematically as:

V = E - Ir


  • V is the terminal voltage
  • E is the EMF
  • I is the current flowing through the circuit
  • r is the internal resistance

This equation clearly shows that as the current (I) increases, the voltage drop (Ir) across the internal resistance increases, resulting in a lower terminal voltage.

Analogy: Water Tank and Pipe System

To better understand this concept, consider a water tank elevated on a tower (representing the EMF) connected to a pipe system (the circuit). The pressure at the top of the tank is analogous to the EMF. However, as water flows through the pipes, friction (analogous to internal resistance) causes a pressure drop. The water pressure at the end of the pipe system (analogous to terminal voltage) is less than the pressure at the top of the tank due to this friction loss.

Implications in Practical Applications

The concept of internal resistance and its effect on terminal voltage has significant implications in electrical engineering:

  • Battery Performance: As batteries discharge, their internal resistance often increases, leading to a decrease in terminal voltage and overall performance.
  • Power transmission: In power distribution systems, minimizing internal resistance is crucial to reduce power losses and maintain voltage levels over long distances.
  • Circuit Design: Engineers must account for internal resistance when designing circuits to ensure components receive the correct voltage and current.

Measuring EMF and Terminal Voltage

To measure the EMF of a source, one must use a high-impedance voltmeter to minimize current draw, effectively measuring the open-circuit voltage. Terminal voltage, however, is measured under load conditions when current is flowing through the circuit.


Understanding the relationship between EMF and terminal voltage, along with the concept of internal resistance, is fundamental in electrical engineering. This knowledge enables engineers and physicists to design more efficient electrical systems, optimize power sources, and accurately predict circuit behavior. By recognizing that terminal voltage is often less than EMF due to internal resistance, we can better appreciate the complexities of real-world electrical systems and power transmission.

Calculating Terminal Voltage

Understanding the terminal voltage equation is crucial for anyone working with electrical circuits or studying electrical engineering. The terminal voltage equation, also known as the terminal voltage formula, is expressed as V = E - Ir. This simple yet powerful equation helps us determine the voltage across the terminals of a power source, such as a battery or generator, when it's connected to a load.

Let's break down the components of the terminal voltage equation:

  • V: Terminal voltage (measured in volts)
  • E: Electromotive force (EMF) or the open-circuit voltage of the source (measured in volts)
  • I: Current flowing through the circuit (measured in amperes)
  • r: Internal resistance of the power source (measured in ohms)

To calculate terminal voltage, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the EMF (E) of the power source
  2. Measure or calculate the current (I) flowing through the circuit
  3. Identify the internal resistance (r) of the power source
  4. Apply the formula V = E - Ir

Let's look at an example problem to demonstrate how to calculate terminal voltage:

Example 1: A battery has an EMF of 12 volts and an internal resistance of 0.5 ohms. If it's connected to a circuit drawing 2 amperes of current, what is the terminal voltage?


  • E = 12 V
  • I = 2 A
  • r = 0.5 Ω

Applying the formula V = E - Ir:

V = 12 - (2 × 0.5) = 12 - 1 = 11 V

Therefore, the terminal voltage is 11 volts.

Here's another example to further illustrate the concept:

Example 2: A generator with an EMF of 220 volts and an internal resistance of 0.2 ohms is supplying a current of 50 amperes. Calculate the terminal voltage.


  • E = 220 V
  • I = 50 A
  • r = 0.2 Ω

Applying the formula V = E - Ir:

V = 220 - (50 × 0.2) = 220 - 10 = 210 V

The terminal voltage of the generator is 210 volts.

Understanding how to calculate terminal voltage is essential for various applications in electrical engineering and circuit design. It helps in determining the actual voltage available at the terminals of a power source when it's under load, which is often different from its open-circuit voltage due to internal resistance.

The terminal voltage equation (V = E - Ir) also illustrates an important concept in electrical systems: voltage drop. The product Ir represents the voltage drop across the internal resistance of the power source. This voltage drop reduces the available voltage at the terminals, which is why the terminal voltage is always less than or equal to the EMF of the source.

In practical applications, minimizing internal resistance is often desirable to reduce voltage drop and maximize the efficiency of power delivery. This is why high-quality batteries and power supplies are designed with low internal resistance.

By mastering the terminal voltage formula and understanding its implications, you'll be better equipped to analyze and design electrical circuits, troubleshoot power supply issues, and optimize energy transfer in various electrical systems.

Applications of Terminal Voltage

Terminal voltage, a fundamental concept in electrical engineering, plays a crucial role in various fields and everyday applications. Understanding the terminal voltage of a battery and its practical implications is essential for designing and using electrical devices efficiently. This knowledge is particularly valuable in industries such as electronics, automotive, renewable energy, and consumer electronics.

In the automotive industry, terminal voltage is critical for maintaining optimal performance of vehicle electrical systems. Car batteries typically have a nominal voltage of 12 volts, but the actual terminal voltage fluctuates based on factors like charge state and load. Mechanics and automotive engineers rely on terminal voltage measurements to diagnose battery health, ensure proper charging, and maintain the overall electrical system integrity.

Renewable energy systems, such as solar panels and wind turbines, heavily depend on terminal voltage concepts. Solar panels, for instance, produce varying voltages based on sunlight intensity and temperature. Inverters and charge controllers use terminal voltage information to optimize power output and protect batteries from overcharging or deep discharging. This application of terminal voltage is crucial for maximizing energy efficiency and extending the lifespan of renewable energy systems.

In consumer electronics, terminal voltage plays a vital role in battery management and device performance. Smartphones, laptops, and other portable devices rely on sophisticated battery management systems that monitor terminal voltage to estimate remaining charge, optimize power consumption, and protect the battery from damage. This application ensures longer battery life and improved user experience.

The medical field also benefits from terminal voltage applications. Medical devices like pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) require precise voltage control for safe and effective operation. Engineers design these devices with a deep understanding of terminal voltage to ensure reliable performance and patient safety.

In everyday life, we encounter terminal voltage applications in various scenarios. For example, when using a multimeter to test batteries, we're essentially measuring their terminal voltage. This simple act helps determine if batteries are still usable or need replacement. Similarly, when charging our smartphones or laptops, the charger adjusts its output based on the device's current terminal voltage, ensuring safe and efficient charging.

Understanding terminal voltage is also crucial in the design and use of power banks. These portable charging devices must manage the terminal voltage of their internal batteries while providing the correct voltage to charge connected devices. This balancing act requires sophisticated circuitry based on terminal voltage principles.

In conclusion, the applications of terminal voltage extend far beyond theoretical concepts, playing a vital role in numerous fields and everyday technologies. From powering our vehicles and homes to ensuring the safety and efficiency of medical devices, terminal voltage understanding is fundamental to modern electrical and electronic systems. As technology continues to advance, the importance of terminal voltage in designing and optimizing electrical devices will only grow, making it an essential concept for engineers, technicians, and even everyday consumers to grasp.

Measuring EMF and Terminal Voltage

Understanding how to find the EMF of a battery and measuring terminal voltage are crucial skills in electrical engineering and physics. These measurements provide valuable insights into the behavior of electrical circuits and power sources. To accurately measure EMF and terminal voltage, various methods and tools are employed, ensuring precise results for both academic and practical applications.

To measure the EMF (electromotive force) of a battery, a high-impedance voltmeter is typically used. This device minimizes current draw from the battery, allowing for a more accurate reading of its true EMF. When measuring EMF, it's essential to ensure the battery is not connected to any load, as this would affect the reading. For more precise measurements, a potentiometer method can be employed, which involves balancing the unknown EMF against a known reference voltage.

Measuring terminal voltage, on the other hand, involves connecting a voltmeter across the terminals of a battery or power source while it's supplying current to a load. This measurement provides insight into the actual voltage available at the terminals under operating conditions. Digital multimeters are commonly used for this purpose, offering high accuracy and ease of use.

The importance of accurate measurements in electrical engineering and physics cannot be overstated. Precise EMF and terminal voltage readings are crucial for designing efficient circuits, troubleshooting electrical systems, and understanding the behavior of power sources under various conditions. In research and development, these measurements contribute to advancements in battery technology and energy storage solutions.

For students learning to conduct these measurements, safety should always be the top priority. Here are some tips for safe and accurate measurements:

1. Always use appropriate safety equipment, including insulated tools and safety glasses.

2. Ensure the measuring device is set to the correct range before connecting it to the circuit.

3. Double-check connections before powering on the circuit to avoid short circuits.

4. When measuring high voltages, use probes with the appropriate voltage rating.

5. Keep the work area clean and organized to minimize the risk of accidents.

6. For EMF measurements, allow the battery to rest before taking readings to ensure stability.

7. When measuring terminal voltage, consider the impact of load variations on the readings.

8. Practice proper handling of batteries to avoid short circuits or accidental discharges.

By following these guidelines and using the appropriate tools, students can gain valuable hands-on experience in measuring EMF and terminal voltage, preparing them for more advanced studies in electrical engineering and physics. These skills form the foundation for understanding more complex electrical systems and contribute to the development of innovative technologies in the field of energy and power systems.


In this lesson, we've explored the crucial concepts of EMF and terminal voltage in electrical systems. The introduction video provided a solid foundation for understanding these fundamental principles. EMF, or electromotive force, represents the maximum potential difference a source can provide, while terminal voltage is the actual voltage available at the device's terminals. This distinction is vital for analyzing real-world electrical circuits. We've learned how internal resistance affects terminal voltage and the relationship between EMF and terminal voltage. Students are encouraged to apply these concepts in practical situations, such as analyzing battery performance or designing electrical circuits. Remember, these principles are just the beginning of a vast field of electrical concepts. Continue exploring topics like Kirchhoff's laws, power transfer, and circuit analysis to deepen your understanding. By mastering EMF and terminal voltage, you've taken a significant step in your journey through electrical engineering and physics.

Introduction to EMF and Terminal Voltage: How do we make our physics circuits more realistic?

Understanding the concepts of Electromotive Force (EMF) and terminal voltage is crucial for making physics circuits more realistic. This guide will walk you through the steps to achieve a more accurate representation of these concepts in your circuits.

Step 1: Understanding EMF

Electromotive Force (EMF) is the energy provided by a source, such as a battery or generator, per unit charge. It is the driving force that pushes electrons through a circuit. EMF is measured in volts (V) and is often denoted by the symbol ε. To make your circuits more realistic, it is essential to understand that EMF is not the same as the terminal voltage, especially when a current is flowing through the circuit.

Step 2: Understanding Terminal Voltage

Terminal voltage is the voltage output of a device measured across its terminals. When a current flows through a circuit, the terminal voltage is usually less than the EMF due to the internal resistance of the source. This internal resistance causes a voltage drop within the source, which must be accounted for to make your circuits more realistic. The terminal voltage can be calculated using the formula: V_terminal = EMF - (I * r), where I is the current and r is the internal resistance.

Step 3: Incorporating Internal Resistance

To make your circuits more realistic, include the internal resistance of the power source in your calculations and circuit diagrams. Internal resistance is an inherent property of all real-world power sources and affects the terminal voltage. By incorporating this resistance, you can better predict the behavior of your circuit under different loads.

Step 4: Measuring EMF and Terminal Voltage

Use a voltmeter to measure the terminal voltage across the terminals of the power source. To measure the EMF, you need to measure the voltage when no current is flowing (open-circuit condition). This can be done by disconnecting the load and measuring the voltage across the terminals. Understanding the difference between these two measurements will help you design more accurate and realistic circuits.

Step 5: Analyzing Circuit Behavior

Analyze how the internal resistance and the load resistance affect the terminal voltage and overall circuit performance. Use Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law to calculate the expected voltage drops and currents in the circuit. This analysis will help you understand the impact of internal resistance on the circuit's behavior and make necessary adjustments to improve accuracy.

Step 6: Simulating Real-World Conditions

Use circuit simulation software to model your circuits with realistic parameters, including internal resistance and varying loads. Simulation tools can help you visualize the effects of different components and conditions on your circuit's performance. By simulating real-world conditions, you can identify potential issues and optimize your circuit design for better accuracy.

Step 7: Practical Testing and Validation

Build and test your circuit in a real-world setting to validate your theoretical calculations and simulations. Measure the terminal voltage and current under different load conditions and compare them with your predictions. This practical testing will help you identify any discrepancies and refine your circuit design for improved realism.

Step 8: Continuous Learning and Improvement

Stay updated with the latest research and advancements in circuit design and EMF concepts. Continuously improve your understanding and application of these principles to make your circuits more realistic. Engage with the physics and engineering community to share knowledge and learn from others' experiences.


Here are some frequently asked questions about EMF and terminal voltage:

1. What is the difference between EMF and terminal voltage?

EMF (electromotive force) is the maximum potential difference a source can provide under ideal conditions, while terminal voltage is the actual voltage measured across the terminals when current is flowing. Terminal voltage is typically lower than EMF due to internal resistance.

2. How is terminal voltage calculated?

Terminal voltage is calculated using the formula: V = E - Ir, where V is terminal voltage, E is EMF, I is current, and r is internal resistance. This equation shows how terminal voltage decreases as current increases due to voltage drop across the internal resistance.

3. Why is EMF usually higher than terminal voltage?

EMF is higher than terminal voltage because of the voltage drop caused by internal resistance. When current flows through a power source, some voltage is lost overcoming this internal resistance, resulting in a lower terminal voltage compared to the EMF.

4. How do you measure the EMF of a battery?

To measure EMF, use a high-impedance voltmeter across the battery terminals when no current is flowing (open circuit). This minimizes current draw and provides a reading close to the true EMF. For more precise measurements, a potentiometer method can be used.

5. What is the importance of understanding terminal voltage in practical applications?

Understanding terminal voltage is crucial in various applications, including battery management in electronic devices, automotive electrical systems, and power supply design. It helps in predicting actual voltage available under load, optimizing circuit performance, and diagnosing issues in electrical systems.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding EMF (electromotive force) and terminal voltage is a crucial concept in electrical engineering and physics. While there are no specific prerequisite topics listed for this subject, it's important to recognize that a strong foundation in basic electrical principles is essential for grasping these concepts fully. Having a solid understanding of fundamental electrical concepts will greatly enhance your ability to comprehend and apply the principles of EMF and terminal voltage.

EMF and terminal voltage are interconnected concepts that play a vital role in electrical circuits and power systems. EMF refers to the potential difference generated by a source of electrical energy, such as a battery or generator, while terminal voltage is the actual voltage measured across the terminals of a power source when it's connected to a circuit. These concepts are fundamental to understanding how electrical energy is produced, transferred, and utilized in various applications.

To fully appreciate the intricacies of EMF and terminal voltage, it's beneficial to have a good grasp of basic electrical principles. This includes understanding concepts such as voltage, current, and resistance, as well as Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's laws. Familiarity with these foundational topics will provide you with the necessary context to explore EMF and terminal voltage in greater depth.

Additionally, knowledge of circuit analysis techniques and the behavior of different circuit components can greatly enhance your understanding of EMF and terminal voltage. Being able to analyze simple and complex circuits will allow you to see how EMF and terminal voltage interact with other elements in a circuit, such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors.

Furthermore, a basic understanding of electromagnetic theory can provide valuable insights into the underlying principles of EMF generation. This includes concepts such as magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction, and Faraday's law. These topics help explain how EMF is produced in various electrical devices and systems.

While specific prerequisite topics are not listed for EMF and terminal voltage, it's clear that a strong foundation in electrical fundamentals is crucial. By building your knowledge in these areas, you'll be better equipped to tackle the complexities of EMF and terminal voltage, as well as their applications in real-world electrical systems.

As you delve into the study of EMF and terminal voltage, remember that these concepts are not isolated but are part of a broader understanding of electrical phenomena. They play a significant role in the design and operation of electrical devices, power distribution systems, and renewable energy technologies. By mastering these concepts, you'll gain valuable insights into how electrical energy is harnessed and utilized in our modern world.

In conclusion, while there may not be a specific list of prerequisites for studying EMF and terminal voltage, a solid grounding in electrical fundamentals will serve as an excellent foundation. As you progress in your studies, you'll find that your understanding of these core concepts will continually deepen and expand, allowing you to tackle more advanced topics in electrical engineering and physics with confidence.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • How to compare and contrast the circuits we’ve been drawing so far (an ideal circuit) with a more realistic circuit (containing an EMF as well as internal resistance).
  • What is EMF (Electromotive Force)? And what is terminal voltage?
  • How to solve for terminal voltage and EMF using 2 methods:
    • The traditional formulas for Ohm’s Law (V=IRV=IR ) and terminal voltage formula (Vterm=ϵIrV_{term} = \epsilon- Ir )
    • Conceptual understanding and voltage divider formula ( Vx=VtotalRxRtotal V_{x} = V_{total} \, \cdot \, \frac{R_{x} } {R_{total} } )


  • To represent a more realistic electric circuit, a battery actually contains internal resistance—in other words, the battery itself uses up some of the voltage that it provides to the whole circuit.
    • Internal resistance is unavoidable because any material has some resistance
    • Metals have a very low (but not zero) resistance and are good conductors for electricity; the greater the resistance of a material, the worse its conductivity

  • EMF stands for Electromotive Force. It is a device that transforms one type of energy into electrical energy. (i.e. An alkaline battery undergoes redox reactions whereby chemical energy is transformed into electrical energy to power the circuit).

  • A battery is considered a source of electromotive force. A battery is actually composed of an EMF (ϵ \epsilon) and an internal resistor (RintR_{int} or rr ) connected in series.

  • Terminal Voltage (VtermV_{term}) is the voltage (potential difference) measured between the terminals (positive and negative terminals) of a battery.
    • When no current is flowing through the circuit: emf = terminal voltage
    • When there is current flowing through the circuit: emf > terminal voltage

  • The general formula for the Terminal Voltage is given as:
    • Vterm=ϵIrV_{term} = \epsilon- Ir

  • Where:
    • VtermV_{term} is the voltage between the terminals of the battery (in volts, V)
    • ϵ \epsilon is the EMF of the battery; total/maximum voltage (in volts, V)
    • II is the total current flowing through the circuit (in amperes, A)
    • rr is the internal resistance within the battery (in Ohms; Ω \Omega )
    • IrIr is actually the voltage drop across the internal resistor (V=IRV = IR), thus the formula can be adjusted: Vterm=ϵVr V_{term} = \epsilon - V_{r}

  • Furthermore, the terminal voltage represents the amount of electric potential energy (voltage) that is available to the circuit outside of (external to) the battery itself. Thus:
    • Vterm=Vusedup=Vexternal V_{term} = V_{used \, up} = V_{external}
    • And the Vtotal V_{total} or ϵ=Vinternalresistor=Vexternalresistor(s) \epsilon = V_{internal \, resistor} = V_{external \, resistor(s)}

  • To modify the voltage divider general formula to be used with EMF and terminal voltage questions, we can solve for the total external voltage drop:
    • Vterm=Vext=ϵRextRtotal V_{term} = V_{ext} = \epsilon \, \cdot \, \frac{R_{ext} } {R_{total} }