Mastering Reaction Mechanisms in Chemistry
Dive into the world of reaction mechanisms. Understand the intricate dance of electrons and bonds, predict outcomes, and gain essential skills for success in chemistry. Start your journey today!

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Now Playing:Reaction mechanisms – Example 0a
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  1. How do reactants become products?
  2. How do reactants become products?
    Steps in chemical reactions.
  3. How do reactants become products?
    Why one reaction step matters most.
0/2 watched
  1. Identify products and intermediates in a multi-step chemical reaction.
    The reactions below are some elementary steps in the free-radical substitution reaction between methane and chlorine.

    Cl2 \, \, 2Cl·
    CH4 + Cl· \, \, CH3· + HCl
    CH3· + Cl2 \, \, CH3Cl + Cl·
    2Cl· \, \, Cl2
    1. Identify the reactants, products and intermediates in this series of reactions.

Reaction mechanisms

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • The definition of reaction mechanism, transition state and intermediate.
  • How to interpret reaction mechanisms in steps and recognize the rate-determining step (RDS) in a chemical process.
  • To understand rate laws as expressions of the rate-determining step.


In this lesson, we will learn:

  • Collision theory states that the reactant particles must collide with sufficient energy and correct orientation. What about with complicated reactions?
    • If a chemical reaction involves 5, 10, or even more reactant molecules converting to different products, what is the chance that all of them will collide in the same space at the same time? It’s extremely unlikely.
      However, complex reactions do happen at respectable rates. This suggests that reactions do not happen all in one step – reactions often happen in a sequence of steps which, combined, form the overall reaction. The specific steps in how reactants form the products is called the reaction mechanism.

  • Just as the reaction rate for an overall reaction can be measured, the rate of individual or elementary steps in reactions can be studied and measured.
    • Even though chemical reactions can have many steps, there is normally one elementary step that is orders of magnitude slower (hundreds or thousands of times) than the other steps. This is the rate-determining step that practically sets the overall rate because this step is the rate bottleneck of the rest of the reaction.
    • Studying individual steps of a reaction is very complicated, but the concentration of reactants, intermediates (substances formed and used up entirely during the reaction) and products can be measured. This helps identify the rate determining step (RDS).
    • Because the RDS is so much slower than the other steps, this is the only step that ‘bottlenecks’ reactants, leading to a noticeable concentration of these reactants if the reaction is analyzed while taking place.
    • In the same way as the RDS bottlenecks, the other steps have relatively no influence – increasing concentration of reactants in the non-rate-determining steps doesn’t affect the overall rate. The rate is solely determined by the concentration of reactants in the rate-determining step (RDS).

  • To write an overall reaction equation, all the elementary steps must be combined and the intermediates cancelled out from both sides.
    • EXAMPLE: Consider the reaction below which has two elementary steps:
      Step one: AB+C\mathrm{A \to B + C}
      Step two: A+B2C\mathrm{A + B \to 2C}
      In the above reaction, C is called an intermediate because it is formed entirely and used up entirely during the reaction.
      • It is only an intermediate if every single molecule of the substance is produced and then used up in the middle of the reaction. There will be no trace of it in the overall reactants or products.
      Intermediates and elementary steps must still balance when combining to get an overall equation – use this and the fact that intermediates entirely cancel out to balance these equations!
      The overall equation for the example above would be worked out like this:
      Step one: AB+C\mathrm{A \to B + C}
      Step two: A+B2C\mathrm{A + B \to 2C}
      Combined: 2A+BB+3C\mathrm{2A + B \to B + 3C}
      Cancel out: 2A+BB+3C \mathrm{2A + \cancel{B} \to \cancel{B} + 3C}
      Overall equation: 2A3C\mathrm{2A \to 3C}

    • The elementary steps of the reaction show the mechanism - practice looking at the difference between overall equations and elementary steps. The overall equation and elementary steps are often contradictory:
      • The two elementary steps of the example show a molecule of reactant A decomposes to form product C and intermediate B, which then reacts with another reactant A molecule to form two molecules of product C.
      • However, the overall equation suggests two molecules of reactant A react together to form three molecules of product C.
      If you need to describe the mechanism, you must discuss the elementary steps!

  • Each elementary step can be treated as an individual process in terms of the activated complex that the molecules make when they collide.
    • If you need to draw an 'activated complex' for an elementary step of a reaction then use dashed lines to represent bonds in the middle of being broken and formed.

  • When drawing energy diagrams of reaction mechanisms, show each step individually – each elementary step will have a flat section indicating the intermediate(s), and an activation energy barrier.
    • Each activation energy 'hump' is the boundary between the chemical substances changing, and one step of the reaction moving into the next. The number of 'humps' should be the same as the number of reaction step.

  • As said above, when finding reaction rate there is usually only one elementary step that is important because one is much slower than all the other steps – the rate-determining step (RDS). The rate determining step is used to derive the rate law.
    • The rate law is a mathematical expression that relates rate of reaction to the concentration of reactants in the rate determining step. Generally:
      For the reaction with rate determining step: xA+yBproductsxA + yB \to products

      Rate=k[A]x[B]yRate = k[A]^x[B]^y

      Where k=rate  constantk = rate\;constant
      x = rate order with respect to A
      y = rate order with respect to B

      As the equation shows, the rate is found by multiplying a rate constant k (a constant with a unique value for every chemical reaction) by the concentration of the reactants ([A] and [B]) in the rate-determining step raised to the power of their molar ratio (x and y respectively).

  • There are some types of reactions where the rate law is easy to find – simple reactions involving only one (unimolecular) or two (bimolecular) reactant molecules.
    • In unimolecular reactions (most decomposition reactions), the reaction is wholly dependent on one molecule and the breaking of the bonds. The rate law for unimolecular reactions (whether an elementary or overall step) is always:
      AproductsA \to products

      Rate=k[A]Rate = k[A]


Introduction to Reaction Mechanisms

Reaction mechanisms are fundamental to understanding chemical processes at the molecular level. They provide a step-by-step explanation of how reactants transform into products, revealing the intricate dance of electrons and bonds. Our introduction video serves as a crucial starting point, offering a visual and conceptual framework for grasping these complex ideas. By watching this video, students can gain a solid foundation in reaction mechanisms, setting the stage for deeper exploration. Understanding reaction mechanisms is essential in chemistry as it allows scientists to predict outcomes, design more efficient processes, and develop new materials. These mechanisms shed light on the 'how' and 'why' behind chemical reactions, enabling chemists to manipulate and control reactions with precision. Whether you're studying organic synthesis, biochemistry, or materials science, a strong grasp of reaction mechanisms is indispensable for success in the field of chemistry.

  1. What is a reaction mechanism?

    A reaction mechanism is a step-by-step description of how a chemical reaction occurs at the molecular level. It explains the sequence of elementary steps that lead from reactants to products, including any intermediates or transition states formed along the way. Understanding reaction mechanisms is crucial for predicting reaction outcomes, designing efficient synthetic routes, and developing new catalysts.

  2. What is the rate determining step in a reaction mechanism?

    The rate determining step (RDS) is the slowest step in a multi-step reaction mechanism. It acts as a bottleneck, controlling the overall speed of the reaction. No matter how fast the other steps are, the reaction cannot proceed faster than the RDS. Identifying the RDS is crucial for understanding and manipulating reaction rates in various chemical processes.

  3. How are rate laws related to reaction mechanisms?

    Rate laws are mathematical expressions that describe how the rate of a reaction depends on the concentrations of reactants. They are closely linked to reaction mechanisms, particularly the rate determining step. The rate law of a reaction often reflects the molecularity and reactant dependencies of the RDS. By analyzing rate laws, chemists can propose and test reaction mechanisms, providing insights into the molecular-level processes occurring during reactions.

  4. What are activated complexes in chemical reactions?

    Activated complexes, also known as transition states, are high-energy, unstable arrangements of atoms that form during a chemical reaction. They represent the highest energy point along the reaction coordinate, where bonds are in the process of breaking and forming. Understanding activated complexes is essential for predicting reaction rates and outcomes, as well as for designing catalysts to lower activation energies.

  5. How do you combine elementary steps to determine the overall reaction?

    To combine elementary steps and determine the overall reaction, follow these steps: 1) Identify all elementary steps in the mechanism. 2) Write out each step, including reactants, products, and intermediates. 3) Identify overall reactants and products. 4) Cancel out intermediates that appear on both sides of the equations. 5) Combine the remaining species to form the overall reaction equation. This process helps in understanding complex reactions and identifying key intermediates in the reaction pathway.


When delving into the fascinating world of reaction mechanisms in chemistry, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. These fundamental concepts serve as building blocks that enable students to grasp the intricacies of how chemical reactions occur at the molecular level. Two key prerequisite topics that play a significant role in understanding reaction mechanisms are molecular geometry and activation energy.

Molecular geometry is essential for comprehending reaction mechanisms because it provides insight into the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms within molecules. This spatial understanding is crucial when analyzing how molecules interact and bond during chemical reactions. By mastering molecular geometry, students can better visualize the orientation of reactants and predict how they might come together to form products. Additionally, knowledge of molecular geometry helps in understanding the concept of steric hindrance, which can significantly influence reaction rates and pathways.

Another vital prerequisite topic is activation energy. This concept is fundamental to reaction mechanisms as it represents the minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. Understanding activation energy allows students to grasp why some reactions happen spontaneously while others require an input of energy. It also explains the role of catalysts in reaction mechanisms, as these substances work by lowering the activation energy barrier, thus facilitating faster reactions.

The interplay between molecular geometry and activation energy is particularly important in reaction mechanisms. The spatial arrangement of atoms (molecular geometry) can affect the energy required for molecules to collide effectively (activation energy). For instance, molecules with complex geometries might require higher activation energies to overcome steric barriers and react.

By thoroughly understanding these prerequisite topics, students can more easily interpret reaction coordinate diagrams, predict reaction outcomes, and explain the steps involved in various reaction mechanisms. Molecular geometry provides the spatial context for visualizing how reactants approach each other, while knowledge of activation energy helps in understanding the energetics of bond breaking and formation during reactions.

In conclusion, mastering these prerequisite topics is not just about memorizing facts; it's about developing a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles that govern chemical reactions. This knowledge forms the foundation upon which more complex concepts in reaction mechanisms can be built. Students who invest time in solidifying their understanding of molecular geometry and activation energy will find themselves better equipped to tackle the challenges of reaction mechanisms and advance their overall comprehension of chemistry.