How do organic reactions occur?

  1. How do reactions occur in organic chemistry?
  2. What makes a reaction (not) happen?
  3. Orbital interaction - worked example.
  4. Charge interaction vs orbital interaction.
Topic Notes

Introduction: Understanding Organic Reactions

Organic reactions are fundamental processes in chemistry where carbon-containing compounds interact to form new molecules. These reactions are the backbone of organic chemistry reactions, driving countless natural and synthetic processes. Our introduction video serves as a crucial starting point for grasping the basics of organic chemistry reactions. It provides a visual and conceptual framework for understanding how molecules transform and interact. For students delving into organic chemistry, comprehending reaction mechanisms is paramount. These mechanisms explain the step-by-step processes of bond breaking and formation, electron movement, and intermediate states that occur during reactions. By mastering reaction mechanisms, students gain the ability to predict outcomes, design syntheses, and solve complex chemical problems. This foundational knowledge is essential for advancing in the field and applying organic chemistry principles to real-world scenarios, from drug development to materials science.

Kinetics and Collision Theory in Organic Reactions

Kinetics and collision theory play crucial roles in understanding organic reactions. These fundamental concepts help explain how and why chemical reactions occur, providing insights into reaction rates and mechanisms. In organic chemistry, the principles of kinetics and collision theory are essential for predicting and controlling reaction outcomes.

Collision theory posits that for a reaction to occur, reactant molecules must collide with sufficient energy and in the correct orientation. This theory forms the basis for understanding reaction rates and mechanisms in organic chemistry. The rate of a reaction depends on the frequency and effectiveness of these molecular collisions.

For a collision to be successful and lead to a reaction, several conditions must be met. First, the colliding molecules must possess enough kinetic energy to overcome the activation energy barrier. Activation energy is the minimum energy required for a reaction to proceed. In organic reactions, this energy is often provided by heat, light, or catalysts.

Molecular orientation is another critical factor in successful collisions. Reactant molecules must collide in a specific alignment that allows for the formation of new bonds or the breaking of existing ones. This correct orientation ensures that the reactive sites of the molecules come into contact during the collision.

Let's consider an example to illustrate these concepts. In the SN2 (bimolecular nucleophilic substitution) reaction, a nucleophile attacks a carbon atom bonded to a leaving group. For this reaction to occur, the nucleophile must approach the carbon atom from the side opposite the leaving group. This specific orientation allows for the simultaneous formation of a new bond and the breaking of the existing bond.

The rate of an organic reaction is influenced by several factors, including concentration, temperature, and the presence of catalysts. Higher concentrations of reactants increase the probability of collisions, thereby increasing the reaction rate. Elevated temperatures provide molecules with more kinetic energy, increasing the likelihood of overcoming the activation energy barrier.

Catalysts play a significant role in organic reactions by lowering the activation energy. They provide an alternative reaction pathway with a lower energy barrier, allowing reactions to proceed more quickly or under milder conditions. In organic synthesis, catalysts are often employed to enhance reaction rates and selectivity.

Electron Repulsion and Reaction Probability

An important aspect of collision theory in organic reactions is the repulsion between electrons. This phenomenon significantly impacts reaction probability and plays a crucial role in determining reaction pathways and outcomes.

Electron repulsion occurs due to the negative charge of electrons. As molecules approach each other during a collision, their electron clouds begin to overlap. This overlap creates a repulsive force that can hinder the progress of the reaction. The strength of this repulsion depends on factors such as the electron density of the molecules and their relative orientations.

In organic reactions, electron repulsion can affect the likelihood of successful collisions in several ways. First, it can increase the activation energy required for the reaction to proceed. This increased energy barrier reduces the probability of a successful reaction, especially at lower temperatures or in the absence of catalysts.

Secondly, electron repulsion influences the preferred reaction pathways. Molecules tend to react in ways that minimize electron-electron repulsion. This principle explains many aspects of organic reactivity, such as the regioselectivity of electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions or the stereochemistry of elimination reactions.

For example, in the Diels-Alder reaction, the preferred orientation of the diene and dienophile is one that minimizes electron repulsion between the approaching π systems. This preference leads to the endo rule, where the endo product is often kinetically favored over the exo product.

Understanding the interplay between kinetics, collision theory, and electron repulsion is crucial for predicting and controlling organic reactions. By manipulating reaction conditions, chemists can influence collision frequency, overcome activation energy barriers, and guide reactions towards desired products while minimizing unwanted side reactions.

Driving Forces in Organic Reactions

Understanding the driving forces behind organic reactions is crucial for grasping the fundamentals of organic chemistry. These driving forces are the underlying reasons why reactions occur and determine the direction and extent of chemical transformations. In organic chemistry, several key factors contribute to the progression of reactions, with bond strength changes, charge interactions, and orbital interactions playing pivotal roles.

One of the primary driving forces in organic reactions is the change in bond strength. This concept is rooted in the principle that chemical systems tend to move towards a state of lower energy. In the context of organic reactions, this often manifests as the breaking of weak bonds to form stronger ones. For instance, in a substitution reaction, a weaker bond might be broken to create a stronger, more stable bond. This process releases energy, making it thermodynamically favorable and thus driving the reaction forward.

Charge interactions, while significant in many areas of chemistry, play a somewhat less prominent role in organic reactions. This is largely due to the nature of carbon, the central element in organic chemistry. Carbon atoms typically form covalent bonds and do not readily exist in ionic states. As a result, the strong electrostatic forces that dominate ionic interactions are less common in organic systems. However, charge interactions can still be important in certain organic reactions, particularly those involving polar molecules or charged intermediates.

Despite the reduced significance of charge interactions, organic reactions are not devoid of electrostatic influences. Partial charges, dipole-dipole interactions, and hydrogen bonding can all contribute to the driving forces of organic reactions. These subtle electrostatic effects can influence reaction rates, selectivity, and even the overall feasibility of certain transformations.

Perhaps one of the most fascinating and crucial driving forces in organic chemistry is orbital interactions. This concept delves into the quantum mechanical nature of chemical bonding and reactivity. Orbital interactions involve the overlap of molecular orbitals from reacting species, leading to the formation of new bonds or the breaking of existing ones. The principles of orbital symmetry and the conservation of orbital symmetry, as described by the Woodward-Hoffmann rules, govern many organic reactions, especially pericyclic reactions like cycloadditions and electrocyclic processes.

The importance of orbital interactions cannot be overstated in organic chemistry. They provide a deeper understanding of why certain reactions occur and others do not, even when other factors like bond strengths might suggest otherwise. Orbital interactions explain phenomena such as regioselectivity and stereoselectivity in organic reactions, offering insights that go beyond simple thermodynamic considerations.

To illustrate the concept of bond strength as a driving force, consider the reaction of hydrogen and chlorine to form hydrogen chloride. The bond dissociation energy of the H-H bond (436 kJ/mol) and the Cl-Cl bond (242 kJ/mol) are both lower than that of the H-Cl bond (431 kJ/mol). This difference in bond strengths drives the reaction forward, as the system moves towards a lower energy state by forming stronger bonds.

In conclusion, the driving forces in organic reactions are multifaceted and interconnected. While changes in bond strength provide a straightforward thermodynamic rationale for many reactions, the subtleties of charge interactions and the profound implications of orbital interactions add layers of complexity to our understanding of organic reactivity. By considering these various driving forces, chemists can predict, explain, and manipulate organic reactions with greater precision and insight, paving the way for innovations in synthetic methodology and the development of new organic compounds.

Orbital Interactions in Organic Reactions

Orbital interactions play a crucial role in understanding and predicting the behavior of organic reactions. These interactions form the basis of molecular orbital theory, which provides insights into chemical bonding and reactivity. At the heart of this theory are two key concepts: the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). These orbitals are fundamental in determining how molecules interact and react with one another.

The HOMO represents the outermost filled orbital of a molecule, containing the electrons most likely to participate in chemical reactions. On the other hand, the LUMO is the lowest energy unfilled orbital, capable of accepting electrons. The interaction between the HOMO of one molecule and the LUMO of another is often the driving force behind many organic reactions, even in cases where no formal charges are involved.

To illustrate the importance of orbital interactions, let's consider the reaction between ethene and bromine. This reaction proceeds without the involvement of charged species, yet it occurs readily due to favorable orbital interactions. The pi bond in ethene, formed by the overlap of p orbitals, serves as the HOMO in this reaction. Bromine, with its relatively low-lying LUMO, can interact effectively with ethene's HOMO.

As the bromine molecule approaches the ethene molecule, the filled pi orbital (HOMO) of ethene begins to interact with the empty sigma* orbital (LUMO) of bromine. This interaction leads to a partial transfer of electron density from ethene to bromine, weakening the Br-Br bond and the C=C double bond simultaneously. The result is the formation of a cyclic transition state, followed by the addition of bromine across the double bond to form 1,2-dibromoethane.

The stabilizing effect of these orbital interactions arises from the mixing of filled and empty orbitals. When a filled orbital interacts with an empty orbital of similar energy, it results in the formation of two new molecular orbitals: one lower in energy than the original filled orbital, and one higher in energy than the original empty orbital. This lowering of overall energy is the driving force behind many reactions, including those that don't involve charged species.

In the case of ethene and bromine, the interaction between the filled pi orbital of ethene and the empty sigma* orbital of bromine leads to a net stabilization. This stabilization provides the energy necessary to overcome the activation barrier of the reaction, allowing it to proceed under mild conditions. The concept of orbital interactions explains why certain reactions occur spontaneously, while others require additional energy input.

Understanding orbital interactions is not only crucial for explaining reactivity but also for predicting the outcomes of organic reactions. By analyzing the relative energies of HOMO and LUMO orbitals in different molecules, chemists can anticipate which reactions are likely to occur and under what conditions. This knowledge is invaluable in the design of new synthetic routes and in understanding complex biological processes.

Moreover, the principles of molecular orbital theory extend beyond simple reactions like the ethene-bromine addition. They are fundamental to understanding a wide range of chemical phenomena, including pericyclic reactions, transition metal catalysis, and photochemical processes. In each of these areas, the interaction between filled and empty orbitals guides the course of the reaction and determines its outcome.

The concept of orbital interactions also helps explain selectivity in organic reactions. In many cases, the most favorable reaction pathway is determined by the best overlap between the HOMO of one reactant and the LUMO of another. This principle is used to predict regioselectivity and stereoselectivity in various organic transformations, providing a powerful tool for synthetic chemists.

In conclusion, orbital interactions, particularly those involving HOMO and LUMO, are essential for understanding the mechanisms and outcomes of organic reactions. The example of ethene and bromine illustrates how these interactions can drive reactions even in the absence of charged species. By considering the stabilizing effects of filled and empty orbital interactions, chemists can gain deep insights into chemical reactivity, enabling the prediction and control of complex organic transformations. This understanding forms the foundation of modern organic chemistry and continues to guide research and innovation in the field.

Electron Movement in Organic Reactions

Understanding organic reactions can be simplified by focusing on the fundamental concept of electron movement. At its core, every organic reaction involves the relocation of electrons, which leads to the breaking and formation of chemical bonds. This perspective allows us to demystify complex reactions and view them through the lens of electron behavior.

Bond breaking and formation are essentially processes of electron relocation. When a bond breaks, the electrons that were shared between atoms move to new locations. Conversely, when a bond forms, electrons from separate atoms come together to create a shared electron pair. This continuous dance of electrons is the driving force behind all organic transformations.

Several factors influence the movement of electrons in organic reactions. One crucial factor is the availability of empty orbitals. Electrons naturally tend to move towards areas where they can occupy lower energy states. Empty orbitals, particularly those in atoms with high electronegativity, act as attractive destinations for electron movement. This principle explains why many reactions involve the transfer of electrons from electron-rich species to electron-poor ones.

Another significant factor is the presence of full or partial positive charges. Positively charged species, whether they carry a full formal charge or a partial positive charge due to electronegativity differences, attract electrons. This attraction can initiate or guide electron movement in a reaction. Understanding these charge distributions is key to predicting the direction of electron flow and, consequently, the outcome of reaction mechanisms.

To represent electron movement in reaction mechanisms, chemists use a powerful tool known as curly arrows. These curved arrows provide a visual representation of electron relocation, showing the precise path that electrons take during a reaction. The tail of the arrow indicates the source of the electrons, while the head points to their destination. Single-headed curly arrows represent the movement of a single electron, while double-headed arrows show the movement of an electron pair.

Curly arrows are invaluable in illustrating reaction mechanisms. They allow chemists to track the step-by-step progression of electrons through complex transformations. By following these arrows, one can understand how reactants convert into products, including the formation of any intermediates along the way. This visual approach to reaction mechanisms makes it easier to comprehend and predict organic reactions.

When analyzing reaction mechanisms using curly arrows, it's important to remember that electrons always move from areas of higher electron density to areas of lower electron density. This principle guides the direction of curly arrows and helps in determining the feasibility of proposed reaction pathways. Additionally, curly arrows must always start from a lone pair, a bond, or a negative charge, and end at an atom, a bond, or a positive charge.

By simplifying organic reactions to electron movement and utilizing curly arrows, chemists can tackle even the most complex transformations. This approach not only aids in understanding known reactions but also in predicting new ones. It provides a framework for rational design of synthetic routes and helps in troubleshooting unexpected reaction outcomes.

In conclusion, viewing organic reactions through the lens of electron movement offers a powerful and intuitive way to understand chemical transformations. By focusing on the factors that influence electron relocation and utilizing curly arrows to represent these movements, chemists can unravel the intricacies of reaction mechanisms. This fundamental approach to organic chemistry paves the way for deeper insights and more effective problem-solving in both academic and industrial settings.

Practical Applications and Examples

Organic reactions are fundamental to numerous fields, from pharmaceuticals to materials science. Understanding the principles of reaction kinetics, driving forces, and orbital interactions is crucial for predicting and controlling these reactions. Let's explore some practical examples that demonstrate these concepts in real-world scenarios.

One common laboratory experiment that illustrates these principles is the testing for double bonds using bromine water. This simple yet effective test relies on the electrophilic addition reaction between bromine and alkenes. When an organic compound containing a carbon-carbon double bond is mixed with bromine water, the orange-brown color of the bromine disappears rapidly. This occurs because the π electrons in the double bond attack the bromine molecule, forming a cyclic bromonium ion intermediate. This intermediate then reacts with water, resulting in the formation of a bromohydrin. The speed of this reaction demonstrates the reaction kinetics involved, while the color change provides a visual indicator of the reaction's progress.

In the pharmaceutical industry, understanding organic reactions is crucial for drug development. For instance, the synthesis of aspirin involves an esterification reaction between salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. This reaction showcases the importance of kinetics and driving forces. The carbonyl group of acetic anhydride acts as an electrophile, while the hydroxyl group of salicylic acid serves as a nucleophile. The reaction is driven by the formation of a more stable ester bond and the release of acetic acid as a byproduct. Chemists can optimize this reaction by controlling factors such as temperature, concentration, and catalysts, demonstrating how understanding reaction kinetics can be applied to improve drug manufacturing processes.

Another practical application can be found in the field of materials science, particularly in the development of polymers. The polymerization of ethylene to form polyethylene is a prime example. This reaction involves the breaking of the carbon-carbon double bond in ethylene monomers and the formation of new single bonds between carbon atoms. The process is typically initiated by free radicals or catalysts, which lower the activation energy required for the reaction to proceed. The reaction kinetics of this reaction determine the properties of the resulting polymer, such as its molecular weight and degree of branching. By manipulating reaction conditions, scientists can control these properties to produce materials with specific characteristics for various applications, from plastic bags to high-performance engineering plastics.

In organic synthesis laboratories, the Diels-Alder reaction serves as an excellent example of how orbital interactions govern chemical reactivity. This cycloaddition reaction between a conjugated diene and a dienophile results in the formation of a cyclohexene ring. The reaction is governed by the interaction between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of the diene and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the dienophile. Understanding these orbital interactions allows chemists to predict the stereochemistry and regioselectivity of the products, which is crucial in the synthesis of complex organic molecules, including natural products and pharmaceuticals.

The Grignard reaction, widely used in organic synthesis, demonstrates the importance of understanding driving forces in chemical reactions. This reaction involves the addition of an organomagnesium halide (Grignard reagent) to a carbonyl compound, such as an aldehyde or ketone. The driving force for this reaction is the formation of a strong carbon-carbon bond and the generation of a stable magnesium alkoxide intermediate. The reaction's versatility and the ability to form new carbon-carbon bonds make it invaluable in the synthesis of alcohols, carboxylic acids, and other important organic compounds.

In conclusion, these practical examples highlight how the concepts of reaction kinetics, driving forces, and orbital interactions apply to real-world organic reactions. From simple laboratory tests to complex industrial processes, understanding these principles enables scientists and engineers to predict, control, and optimize reactions for various applications. Whether in developing new pharmaceuticals, creating innovative materials, or advancing organic synthesis techniques, this knowledge forms the foundation for progress in numerous scientific and technological fields.

Conclusion: Mastering Organic Reaction Mechanisms

In this article, we've explored the fundamental concepts of organic reaction mechanisms, focusing on kinetics, driving forces, and orbital interactions. The introduction video provided a solid foundation for understanding these crucial elements. By grasping these principles, you'll be better equipped to predict and explain organic reactions. Remember, kinetics determines the rate of reactions, driving forces guide the direction, and orbital interactions explain how bonds form and break. Applying these concepts to your organic chemistry studies will enhance your problem-solving skills and deepen your understanding of complex reactions. We encourage you to practice applying these principles to various organic reactions and continue exploring this fascinating field. For further engagement, consider joining online chemistry forums, attending workshops, or participating in research projects to solidify your knowledge. Mastering organic reaction mechanisms is a journey, and with dedication, you'll unlock the secrets of molecular transformations.

How do reactions occur in organic chemistry?

What makes a reaction (not) happen?

Step 1: Introduction to Organic Reactions

This chapter serves as an introduction to understanding how reactions occur in organic chemistry. We will start by recapping what we know from kinetics and then delve into specific terminology and concepts that apply to organic reactions. The goal is to recall kinetic factors influencing chemical reactions and understand the role of charge and orbital interactions in driving these reactions.

Step 2: Recap of Kinetics and Collision Theory

To understand how reactions occur, we need to revisit some fundamental concepts from kinetics, particularly collision theory. For a reaction to proceed, two main conditions must be met during a collision:

  • Sufficient Energy: The colliding molecules must have enough energy, known as activation energy, to overcome an energy barrier. Imagine it as a ball needing enough push to get over a hill and roll down the other side.
  • Correct Orientation: The molecules must collide in a specific orientation to form the desired product. For example, if molecule A collides with molecule BC, they must be oriented correctly to form the product ABC. If the orientation is incorrect, the reaction will not proceed.

Step 3: Factors Influencing Successful Collisions

Given the conditions for a successful collision, it is important to note that most collisions do not result in a reaction. This is because:

  • Meeting both energy and orientation conditions simultaneously is unlikely.
  • Molecules often repel each other due to electron repulsion in their molecular or atomic orbitals.

Step 4: Driving Forces in Reactions

Despite the challenges, reactions do occur due to certain driving forces that push the reaction from reactants to products. These driving forces include:

  • Weak Bonds in Reactants: A weak bond in the reactants can be broken to form a stronger bond in the products, providing the necessary push for the reaction.
  • Charge Interactions: Oppositely charged ions can attract each other to form a strong ionic bond, driving the reaction forward.

Step 5: Limitations in Organic Chemistry

In organic chemistry, the situation is more complex because carbon, a major component of organic molecules, rarely forms ions. Therefore, charge interactions are not the only driving force. We need to consider other factors such as orbital interactions.

Step 6: Orbital Interactions

Orbital interactions play a crucial role in organic reactions. These interactions involve the overlap of molecular orbitals, which can facilitate the reaction by providing a pathway for electron movement. This concept will be explored further to understand how it drives reactions from reactants to products.

Step 7: Summary of Key Concepts

To summarize, the occurrence of reactions in organic chemistry depends on:

  • Collision theory, which requires sufficient energy and correct orientation.
  • Driving forces such as weak bonds in reactants and charge interactions.
  • Orbital interactions, which provide an additional mechanism for facilitating reactions.


  1. What are the key factors that influence organic reaction rates?

    The main factors influencing organic reaction rates include concentration of reactants, temperature, presence of catalysts, and molecular structure. Higher concentrations and temperatures generally increase reaction rates by increasing the frequency and energy of molecular collisions. Catalysts lower the activation energy, speeding up reactions. The structure of reactant molecules affects their reactivity and the likelihood of successful collisions.

  2. How do orbital interactions drive organic reactions?

    Orbital interactions, particularly between HOMO (Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital) and LUMO (Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital), are crucial in organic reactions. These interactions determine how molecules approach each other and form new bonds. The overlap between the HOMO of one reactant and the LUMO of another often drives reactions forward, influencing both reactivity and selectivity in organic transformations.

  3. What is the significance of curly arrows in organic chemistry?

    Curly arrows are essential tools in organic chemistry for representing electron movement in reaction mechanisms. They show the path of electron pairs during bond breaking and formation. Single-headed arrows represent the movement of a single electron, while double-headed arrows show the movement of an electron pair. This notation helps chemists visualize and understand complex reaction pathways and predict reaction outcomes.

  4. How does electron repulsion affect organic reactions?

    Electron repulsion plays a significant role in organic reactions by influencing molecular interactions and reaction pathways. It affects the approach of reactant molecules, often determining the orientation of attack in nucleophilic or electrophilic reactions. Electron repulsion can increase activation energy, potentially slowing reaction rates. It also influences the stability of reaction intermediates and products, guiding the overall course of the reaction.

  5. What is the importance of understanding driving forces in organic reactions?

    Understanding driving forces is crucial for predicting the feasibility and direction of organic reactions. Key driving forces include changes in bond strength, charge interactions, and orbital interactions. These factors determine whether a reaction is thermodynamically favorable and help explain why certain reactions occur spontaneously while others require energy input. This knowledge is essential for designing synthetic routes, optimizing reaction conditions, and developing new chemical processes in research and industry.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding how organic reactions occur is a fundamental aspect of organic chemistry. To fully grasp this concept, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These topics provide the necessary background knowledge and tools to comprehend the intricacies of organic reactions.

One of the most important prerequisites is arrow pushing (curly arrows) in organic chemistry. This technique is essential for visualizing and predicting the flow of electrons during reactions. By mastering arrow pushing, students can better understand reaction mechanisms and predict the outcomes of various organic transformations.

Speaking of reaction mechanisms, this topic is another crucial prerequisite. Reaction mechanisms provide a step-by-step explanation of how organic reactions proceed at the molecular level. They help students understand the sequence of events that occur during a reaction, including bond breaking and formation, as well as the movement of electrons.

Another key concept to grasp is activation energy. This concept is vital for understanding why some reactions occur spontaneously while others require additional energy input. The activation energy barrier plays a significant role in determining reaction rates and feasibility, which are crucial aspects of organic reaction kinetics.

Molecular orbital theory is also an important prerequisite topic. This theory provides insights into the electronic structure of molecules and helps explain their reactivity. Understanding concepts like the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) can shed light on why certain molecules react in specific ways and how electronic factors influence reaction outcomes.

By thoroughly understanding these prerequisite topics, students will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of organic reactions. Arrow pushing techniques allow for the visualization of electron movement, while knowledge of reaction mechanisms provides a roadmap for how reactions unfold. Activation energy concepts help explain reaction feasibility and rates, and molecular orbital theory offers insights into electronic factors influencing reactivity.

These foundational concepts work together to provide a comprehensive understanding of how organic reactions occur. They enable students to predict reaction outcomes, propose reasonable mechanisms, and explain observed reactivity patterns. As students delve deeper into organic chemistry, they'll find that these prerequisite topics continually resurface, reinforcing their importance in the field.

In conclusion, mastering these prerequisite topics is not just about memorizing facts, but about developing a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles that govern organic reactions. This knowledge forms the backbone of organic chemistry and is essential for anyone looking to excel in this field.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To recall the kinetic factors that influence chemical reactions.
  • To understand the influence of orbital and charge interactions in driving chemical processes.


  • In kinetics, we introduced the idea of a reaction mechanism, talked about what is required for a chemical reaction and why they happen:
    • Two conditions must be met when molecules collide:
      • They must have sufficient energy - the activation energy.
      • They must have the correct arrangement related to each other.
      Most collisions don’t lead to a reaction because meeting both of these conditions at the same time is unlikely.
    • Reactions generally have a ‘driving force’ that ‘pushes’ reactants into being products. For example, a weak bond(s) in the reactants breaking so that a strong bond in the products can form is a driving force.
      A driving force can be a charge interaction, like ions (Na+ with Cl-), partial charges (δ\delta+ and δ\delta- caused by different atoms’ electronegativity) or both.
  • Many reactions in organic chemistry don’t involve any ions with formal + or – charges, and some don’t even involve partial charges (like δ\delta+ on carbon and a lone pair). A lot of organic reactions involve orbital interactions:
    • Because electron pairs repel each other, filled molecular orbitals (MOs) of different molecules repel each other. This contributes to activation energy; molecules have to have enough energy to overcome this electron repulsion between filled molecular orbitals.
    • Interactions between occupied MOs in one molecule and an empty MO in another are attractive in nature. This is especially true of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). These are called frontier molecular orbital (FMO) interactions which will be looked at in more detail later.
    An example is addition to ethene (C2H4) reacting with bromine (Br2). Both carbon atoms in ethene are neutral and there are no partial charges, but there is overlap between the ethene pi MOs and antibonding sigma MO of bromine for the pi electrons to move into.
    See the diagram below:

  • Most organic reactions have a mix of charge and orbital interaction. A reaction involves bond(s) breaking and bond(s) forming and covalent bonds are just electron pairs. Reactions, then, involve electrons moving from one place to another. Electrons are more likely to do this if there is an empty orbital they can interact with and \, a full or partial positive charge to interact with.