Nucleophiles and electrophiles

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  1. What are electrons doing in organic reactions?
  2. Recap on bond breaking/forming in reactions.
  3. Nucleophiles and electrophiles.
  4. Identifying a nucleophile.
  5. Identifying an electrophile.
  6. The HOMO-LUMO gap in reactions.
Topic Notes

Introduction to Nucleophiles and Electrophiles

Nucleophiles and electrophiles are fundamental concepts in organic reactions, driving the majority of organic reactions. Nucleophiles, meaning "nucleus-loving," are electron-rich species that donate electrons to form new bonds. Electrophiles, or "electron-loving" species, accept these electrons. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding these concepts, illustrating their complementary nature in chemical processes. Nucleophiles typically have a negative charge or lone pair of electrons, while electrophiles often carry a positive charge or electron deficiency. This complementarity is key to organic reactions, as nucleophiles attack electrophiles to form new chemical bonds. Common nucleophiles include anions and neutral molecules with lone pairs, while electrophiles can be positively charged ions or neutral molecules with electron-withdrawing groups. Mastering these concepts is essential for predicting and explaining organic reactions mechanisms, making them cornerstone principles in the study of organic chemistry.

Defining Nucleophiles and Electrophiles

In organic chemistry, understanding the concepts of nucleophiles and electrophiles is crucial for predicting and explaining organic reaction mechanisms. These terms describe the electron-donating and electron-accepting properties of chemical species, respectively, and play a fundamental role in various organic reactions.

A nucleophile, derived from the Latin words "nucleus" (core) and "philos" (loving), is an electron-rich species that donates electrons to form a chemical bond. Nucleophiles are characterized by their ability to seek out positively charged or electron-deficient centers. They typically possess a full negative charge or at least one lone pair of electrons. Common examples of nucleophiles include hydroxide ions (OH-), alkoxide ions (RO-), and amines (R-NH2).

On the other hand, an electrophile, from the Greek words "electron" and "philos," is an electron-poor species that accepts electrons to form a chemical bond. Electrophiles are attracted to electron-rich areas and often carry a positive charge or have an incomplete octet of electrons. Examples of electrophiles include carbocations (R3C+), carbonyl compounds (R2C=O), and Lewis acids like boron trifluoride (BF3).

Molecular orbital theory provides a deeper understanding of nucleophiles and electrophiles. In nucleophiles, the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) is relatively high in energy, making it easier to donate electrons. Conversely, electrophiles have a low-lying lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), which readily accepts electrons. The interaction between the HOMO of a nucleophile and the LUMO of an electrophile is a key factor in determining the reactivity and selectivity of organic reactions.

To illustrate these concepts, let's consider the reaction between ammonia (NH3) and boron trifluoride (BF3). Ammonia acts as a nucleophile due to its lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom, while BF3 serves as an electrophile because of its electron-deficient boron center. The lone pair from ammonia (HOMO) interacts with the empty p-orbital of boron (LUMO), forming a coordinate covalent bond.

Identifying nucleophiles and electrophiles is essential for predicting the outcome of organic reactions. In nucleophilic addition reactions, for instance, a nucleophile attacks the electrophilic carbon of a carbonyl group. Similarly, in electrophilic aromatic substitution, an electrophile attacks the electron-rich aromatic ring. By recognizing these patterns, chemists can design synthetic routes, optimize reaction conditions, and develop new catalysts.

It's important to note that the nucleophilicity and electrophilicity of a species can be influenced by factors such as solvent, temperature, and the presence of catalysts. For example, in protic solvents, the nucleophilicity of anions is often reduced due to hydrogen bonding, while aprotic solvents can enhance nucleophilicity. Understanding these nuances is crucial for fine-tuning reaction conditions in both laboratory and industrial settings.

In conclusion, nucleophiles and electrophiles are fundamental concepts in organic chemistry that govern the behavior of molecules in reactions. Nucleophiles, being electron-rich, donate electrons to form bonds, while electrophiles, being electron-poor, accept electrons. Molecular orbital theory provides a theoretical framework for understanding these interactions at the electronic level. By mastering the identification and properties of nucleophiles and electrophiles, chemists can effectively predict, control, and design organic reactions, paving the way for advancements in fields ranging from pharmaceuticals to materials science.

Comparing Nucleophiles: Strength and Availability of Electrons

Understanding nucleophile strength is crucial in organic chemistry, as it directly impacts the rate and outcome of nucleophilic reactions. A key factor in determining nucleophilic strength is the availability of electrons, which can be influenced by various molecular properties. In this section, we'll explore how to identify stronger nucleophiles by comparing electron availability, using the classic example of ammonia versus water to illustrate these concepts.

Nucleophiles are electron-rich species that donate electrons to form new chemical bonds. The strength of a nucleophile is primarily determined by its ability to donate these electrons. Generally, the more readily available the electrons are, the stronger the nucleophile. This availability is influenced by factors such as atomic size, electronegativity, and molecular structure.

Let's consider the comparison between ammonia (NH3) and water (H2O) to demonstrate how we can identify the stronger nucleophile. Both molecules have a lone pair of electrons that can act as nucleophiles, but ammonia is typically considered a stronger nucleophile than water. This difference in nucleophilic strength can be explained by examining the electronegativity of the central atoms.

Electronegativity plays a crucial role in determining nucleophilic strength. It is the ability of an atom to attract electrons in a chemical bond. In the case of ammonia and water, nitrogen (the central atom in ammonia) is less electronegative than oxygen (the central atom in water). This means that the electrons in ammonia's lone pair are less tightly held to the nitrogen atom compared to the electrons in water's lone pair, which are more strongly attracted to the oxygen atom.

As a result of this difference in electronegativity, the electrons in ammonia's lone pair are more available for donation in nucleophilic reactions. This increased availability makes ammonia a stronger nucleophile than water in most cases. It's important to note that while electronegativity is a significant factor, it's not the only consideration when comparing nucleophilic strength.

To further understand nucleophilicity, we need to introduce the concept of HOMO, which stands for Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital. The HOMO is the molecular orbital with the highest energy that contains electrons in the ground state of a molecule. In nucleophilic reactions, the HOMO of the nucleophile interacts with the LUMO (Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital) of the electrophile.

The energy level of the HOMO is crucial in determining nucleophilic strength. A higher-energy HOMO generally corresponds to a stronger nucleophile. This is because electrons in a higher-energy orbital are more easily donated to form new bonds. When comparing nucleophiles, those with higher-energy HOMOs are typically stronger and more reactive.

In the case of ammonia and water, the HOMO of ammonia is higher in energy than that of water. This aligns with our earlier observation based on electronegativity and further explains why ammonia is a stronger nucleophile. The higher-energy HOMO of ammonia means its electrons are more readily available for donation in nucleophilic reactions.

It's worth noting that while HOMO energy is a valuable predictor of nucleophilic strength, other factors can also come into play. These include steric hindrance (the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule), solvent effects, and the nature of the electrophile involved in the reaction.

In summary, identifying stronger nucleophiles involves comparing the availability of electrons, which is influenced by factors such as electronegativity and HOMO energy. Using the example of ammonia and water, we've seen how lower electronegativity and higher HOMO energy contribute to ammonia's stronger nucleophilic character. Understanding these concepts is essential for predicting and explaining the behavior of nucleophiles in organic reactions, allowing chemists to design more efficient synthetic routes and better understand reaction mechanisms.

Identifying Electrophiles: Electron Deficiency and Vacant Orbitals

Electrophiles play a crucial role in organic chemistry, serving as electron-loving species that are essential in many chemical reactions. Understanding how to identify electrophiles is fundamental for predicting and explaining various chemical processes. The key to recognizing electrophiles lies in their electron deficiency, which makes them eager to accept electrons from other molecules.

At the heart of electrophile identification is the concept of electron deficiency. Electrophiles are characterized by their lack of electrons, which creates an imbalance in their electronic structure. This deficiency makes them prone to accepting electrons from other species, known as nucleophiles. The electron-seeking nature of electrophiles is directly related to their molecular structure and the distribution of electrons within their orbitals.

One of the most important factors in identifying electrophiles is the presence of vacant orbitals, particularly the Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO). The LUMO is a key concept in molecular orbital theory and plays a significant role in determining a molecule's reactivity. In electrophiles, the LUMO is energetically accessible and can readily accept electrons from nucleophiles. This vacant orbital provides a "landing spot" for incoming electrons, facilitating chemical reactions.

To illustrate the concept of electrophilic centers, let's consider some examples. Positively charged atoms are classic electrophiles due to their inherent electron deficiency. For instance, the carbonyl carbon in aldehydes and ketones carries a partial positive charge, making it an electrophilic center. Similarly, atoms with incomplete octets, such as boron in boron trifluoride (BF3), are strong electrophiles because they have fewer than eight electrons in their valence shell.

Another way to identify electrophiles is by looking at molecules with highly electronegative atoms. These atoms pull electron density away from neighboring atoms, creating localized areas of electron deficiency. For example, in the molecule CH3Cl, the chlorine atom's high electronegativity makes the carbon atom slightly electron-deficient and, therefore, electrophilic.

The complementary nature of electrophiles to nucleophiles is a fundamental principle in organic chemistry. While electrophiles seek electrons, nucleophiles are electron-rich species that donate electrons. This complementarity drives many chemical reactions, as the electron-rich nucleophile is attracted to the electron-poor electrophile. Understanding this relationship is crucial for predicting reaction outcomes and mechanisms.

In practice, identifying electrophiles often involves analyzing molecular structures and considering factors such as charge distribution, electronegativity, and orbital occupancy. Chemists use various tools, including Lewis structures, molecular orbital diagrams, and computational methods, to assess a molecule's electrophilic character. By recognizing electrophilic centers, scientists can design and control chemical reactions, synthesize new compounds, and understand complex biological processes.

The importance of electrophiles extends beyond basic chemistry. In biochemistry, many enzyme-catalyzed reactions involve electrophilic species. Understanding the nature of these electrophiles is crucial for developing new drugs and studying metabolic pathways. In materials science, the concept of electrophilicity is used to design new materials with specific reactive properties.

In conclusion, identifying electrophiles based on their electron deficiency is a fundamental skill in chemistry. By recognizing vacant orbitals, particularly the LUMO, and understanding the nature of electrophilic centers, chemists can predict and control chemical reactions. The complementary relationship between electrophiles and nucleophiles underpins much of organic chemistry and biochemistry. As our understanding of molecular interactions continues to grow, the ability to identify and manipulate electrophiles will remain a crucial tool in advancing chemical research and applications across various scientific disciplines.

The HOMO-LUMO Interaction in Nucleophile-Electrophile Reactions

The HOMO-LUMO interaction is a fundamental concept in organic chemistry that explains the reactivity between nucleophiles and electrophiles. HOMO stands for Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital, while Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital represents the Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital. This interaction plays a crucial role in understanding chemical bonding and reactivity at the molecular level.

In a nucleophile-electrophile reaction, the HOMO of the nucleophile interacts with the Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital of the electrophile. This interaction is governed by the energy gap between these orbitals. The smaller the energy gap, the stronger the interaction and the more favorable the reaction. This principle is key to predicting and explaining chemical reactivity.

The energy gap between the HOMO and LUMO is of paramount importance in determining the strength of the interaction. When the energy levels of these orbitals are close, there is a greater overlap between them, leading to a stronger interaction. This proximity in energy levels facilitates electron transfer from the nucleophile's HOMO to the electrophile's LUMO, which is the basis of bond formation in these reactions.

As the HOMO-LUMO interaction occurs, a phenomenon known as 'splitting of levels' takes place. This concept is crucial in understanding the formation of new bonds. When the orbitals of the reacting species come close enough to interact, their energy levels split. The original HOMO and LUMO energy levels separate into new, hybrid energy levels. This splitting results in the formation of bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals.

The significance of the splitting of levels lies in its role in bond formation. The lower energy level resulting from this split represents the new bonding orbital, while the higher energy level corresponds to the antibonding orbital. The electrons from the original HOMO of the nucleophile populate the new, lower-energy bonding orbital, leading to the formation of a new chemical bond between the nucleophile and electrophile.

To illustrate these concepts, let's consider an example of a nucleophilic addition reaction. In the reaction between a carbonyl compound (electrophile) and a Grignard reagent (nucleophile), the HOMO of the Grignard reagent interacts with the LUMO of the carbonyl group. The energy gap between these orbitals is relatively small, facilitating a strong interaction. As the orbitals interact, the energy levels split, forming a new bonding orbital that is lower in energy than either of the original orbitals. This new orbital is occupied by the electrons from the Grignard reagent, resulting in the formation of a new carbon-carbon bond.

The strength of the HOMO-LUMO interaction is not only dependent on the energy gap but also on the symmetry and spatial overlap of the orbitals involved. Orbitals with similar shapes and orientations tend to interact more strongly. This principle explains why certain reactions are more favorable than others, even when the energy gaps might be similar.

Understanding the HOMO-LUMO interaction and the concept of splitting of levels is crucial for predicting reactivity trends in organic chemistry. It helps explain why some nucleophiles are more reactive towards certain electrophiles and vice versa. For instance, soft nucleophiles (with high-energy HOMOs) tend to react more readily with soft electrophiles (with low-energy LUMOs) due to a smaller energy gap and better orbital overlap.

In conclusion, the HOMO-LUMO interaction between nucleophiles and electrophiles is a cornerstone concept in understanding chemical reactivity. The energy gap between these orbitals, along with the phenomenon of splitting of levels, provides a powerful framework for explaining and predicting bond formation in organic reactions. By considering these factors, chemists can design more efficient synthetic routes and develop new reactions based on a fundamental understanding of molecular orbital theory.

Applications and Examples of Nucleophile-Electrophile Reactions

Nucleophile-electrophile reactions form the backbone of organic chemistry, playing a crucial role in various chemical processes. These reactions involve the interaction between a nucleophile, an electron-rich species, and an electrophile, an electron-deficient species. Understanding these reactions is essential for grasping the fundamentals of organic chemistry and their applications in real-world scenarios.

One of the most common types of nucleophile-electrophile reactions is the substitution reaction. In this process, a nucleophile replaces another group in a molecule. A classic example is the SN2 (bimolecular nucleophilic substitution) reaction, where a nucleophile attacks a carbon atom bonded to a leaving group. For instance, when sodium hydroxide (NaOH) reacts with methyl bromide (CH3Br), the hydroxide ion (OH-) acts as the nucleophile, displacing the bromine atom to form methanol (CH3OH).

Another important category is addition reactions, where a nucleophile adds to an electrophilic double bond. A prime example is the hydration of alkenes, where water acts as the nucleophile and adds across the carbon-carbon double bond. This reaction is catalyzed by acid and results in the formation of an alcohol. For example, the hydration of ethene produces ethanol, a process of significant industrial importance in the production of this widely used solvent and fuel additive.

In biochemistry, nucleophile-electrophile reactions are fundamental to many enzymatic processes. One notable example is the mechanism of serine proteases, enzymes that cleave peptide bonds in proteins. The active site of these enzymes contains a nucleophilic serine residue that attacks the electrophilic carbonyl carbon of the peptide bond, initiating the cleavage process. This mechanism is crucial in digestive processes and blood clotting cascades.

The formation of esters, another important class of organic compounds, also relies on nucleophile-electrophile interactions. In this reaction, an alcohol (acting as the nucleophile) attacks the electrophilic carbonyl carbon of a carboxylic acid or acid derivative. This process is widely used in the synthesis of fragrances, flavors, and biodiesel fuels. For instance, the production of ethyl acetate, a common solvent and fragrance component, involves the reaction between ethanol and acetic acid.

In pharmaceutical chemistry, nucleophile-electrophile reactions are essential in drug synthesis and metabolism. Many drugs contain functional groups that can act as nucleophiles or electrophiles, influencing their reactivity in the body. For example, the metabolism of acetaminophen (paracetamol) involves the formation of a reactive electrophilic metabolite that can be neutralized by glutathione, a cellular nucleophile. Understanding these interactions is crucial for drug design and predicting potential side effects.

The Grignard reaction, a cornerstone in organic synthesis, is another powerful application of nucleophile-electrophile chemistry. In this reaction, a Grignard reagent (RMgX), which acts as a strong nucleophile, attacks the electrophilic carbonyl group of aldehydes or ketones. This reaction is widely used in the synthesis of alcohols and is particularly valuable in creating carbon-carbon bonds, a fundamental process in building complex organic molecules.

In polymer chemistry, nucleophile-electrophile reactions play a vital role in polymerization processes. For instance, in the production of polyesters, the nucleophilic hydroxyl group of one monomer reacts with the electrophilic carboxyl group of another, forming ester linkages. This process is the basis for manufacturing many common plastics and fibers, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), used in beverage bottles and synthetic fabrics.

The concepts of nucleophiles and electrophiles extend beyond organic chemistry into inorganic and materials science. In coordination chemistry, ligands often act as nucleophiles, donating electron pairs to metal centers that behave as electrophiles. This principle is fundamental in understanding the behavior of transition metal complexes, which have applications ranging from catalysis to materials with unique electronic properties.

In conclusion, nucleophile-

Conclusion: The Fundamental Role of Nucleophiles and Electrophiles

Nucleophiles and electrophiles are essential concepts in organic chemistry, serving as the foundation for understanding and predicting organic reactions. Nucleophiles, electron-rich species, are attracted to electron-deficient areas, while electrophiles, electron-poor species, seek out electron-rich regions. This interplay drives countless chemical transformations. The introduction video provides a crucial overview of these concepts, offering a solid starting point for grasping their significance. By understanding nucleophiles and electrophiles, chemists can anticipate reaction outcomes, design synthetic pathways, and explain observed phenomena. These principles extend far beyond basic organic chemistry, playing vital roles in biochemistry, materials science, and drug development. As you progress in your studies, you'll encounter increasingly complex applications of these fundamental ideas. Exploring nucleophiles and electrophiles further will enhance your ability to analyze, predict, and manipulate organic reactions, opening doors to advanced research and practical applications in various scientific fields.

Nucleophiles and Electrophiles in Organic Reactions

What are electrons doing in organic reactions? Recap on bond breaking/forming in reactions.

Step 1: Introduction to Nucleophiles and Electrophiles

In organic chemistry, reactions are driven by the interactions between nucleophiles and electrophiles. These terms refer to the types of molecules that participate in the reaction. A nucleophile is a molecule that donates an electron pair to form a chemical bond, while an electrophile is a molecule that accepts an electron pair. Understanding these roles is crucial for predicting and explaining the outcomes of organic reactions.

Step 2: Definitions and Complementary Nature

Nucleophiles and electrophiles have complementary properties that make them interact effectively. A nucleophile, being rich in electrons, seeks out positively charged or electron-deficient areas in other molecules. Conversely, an electrophile, which is electron-deficient, seeks out areas rich in electrons. This complementary nature is what drives the formation and breaking of bonds in organic reactions.

Step 3: Movement of Electrons in Organic Reactions

Organic reactions are fundamentally about the movement of electrons. A covalent bond, which is a pair of shared electrons between two atoms, can be broken and reformed during a reaction. For example, in a reaction where molecule AB reacts with atom C, the bond between A and B can be broken, and a new bond between B and C can be formed. This process transforms the reactants into products, such as BC and atom A.

Step 4: Driving Forces Behind Reactions

The driving forces behind these reactions include interactions between molecules with opposite charges and interactions between molecular orbitals. Molecules with partial positive and negative charges (due to differences in electronegativity) can attract each other, facilitating the reaction. Additionally, the interaction between occupied molecular orbitals (containing electrons) and empty molecular orbitals (where electrons can move to form new bonds) is crucial for the reaction to proceed.

Step 5: Role of Molecular Orbital Theory

Molecular orbital theory helps explain how nucleophiles and electrophiles interact at the atomic level. An occupied molecular orbital from a nucleophile can overlap with an empty molecular orbital from an electrophile, allowing electrons to move and form a new bond. This interaction is essential for the reaction to occur, as it provides a pathway for the electrons to move from the nucleophile to the electrophile.

Step 6: Recap and Definitions

To summarize, organic reactions involve the movement of electrons, driven by the interactions between nucleophiles and electrophiles. Nucleophiles donate electron pairs, while electrophiles accept them. These interactions are facilitated by molecular orbital theory, which explains how electrons move between occupied and empty orbitals to form new bonds. Understanding these concepts is key to predicting and explaining the outcomes of organic reactions.


Here are some frequently asked questions about nucleophiles and electrophiles:

1. What is the difference between nucleophiles and electrophiles?

Nucleophiles are electron-rich species that donate electrons to form chemical bonds, while electrophiles are electron-poor species that accept electrons. Nucleophiles typically have a negative charge or lone pair of electrons, whereas electrophiles often have a positive charge or electron deficiency.

2. How can you identify a nucleophile?

Nucleophiles can be identified by looking for: - Negatively charged species (e.g., OH-, CN-) - Neutral molecules with lone pairs of electrons (e.g., NH3, H2O) - Electron-rich atoms (e.g., the nitrogen in amines) - Species with high-energy HOMOs (Highest Occupied Molecular Orbitals)

3. What are some common examples of electrophiles?

Common electrophiles include: - Carbocations (R3C+) - Carbonyl compounds (R2C=O) - Lewis acids (e.g., BF3, AlCl3) - Protons (H+) - Alkyl halides (R-X, where X is a halogen)

4. Why does a nucleophile always attack an electrophile?

Nucleophiles attack electrophiles due to the fundamental principle of opposite charge attraction and the tendency of chemical systems to achieve lower energy states. The electron-rich nucleophile is attracted to the electron-poor region of the electrophile, forming a new chemical bond and resulting in a more stable molecular configuration.

5. How does the HOMO-LUMO interaction relate to nucleophile-electrophile reactions?

The HOMO (Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital) of the nucleophile interacts with the LUMO (Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital) of the electrophile. This interaction is key to bond formation in nucleophile-electrophile reactions. The closer the energy levels of these orbitals, the stronger the interaction and the more favorable the reaction.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding nucleophiles and electrophiles is crucial in organic chemistry, but to truly grasp these concepts, it's essential to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. Two key areas that significantly contribute to comprehending nucleophiles and electrophiles are reaction mechanisms and molecular orbital theory.

Firstly, a strong grasp of organic reaction mechanisms is vital when studying nucleophiles and electrophiles. These mechanisms provide the framework for understanding how molecules interact and react with each other. By comprehending the step-by-step processes involved in chemical reactions, students can better predict and explain the behavior of nucleophiles (electron-rich species) and electrophiles (electron-deficient species) in various chemical environments.

For instance, knowing how electrons flow in a reaction helps identify which parts of a molecule are likely to act as nucleophiles or electrophiles. This knowledge is crucial for predicting reaction outcomes and understanding the driving forces behind chemical transformations involving these species. Without a solid foundation in reaction mechanisms, students may struggle to visualize and interpret the interactions between nucleophiles and electrophiles.

Equally important is a thorough understanding of molecular orbital theory. This theory provides insights into the electronic structure of molecules, which is fundamental to comprehending the behavior of nucleophiles and electrophiles. By studying molecular orbitals, students can better understand why certain atoms or molecules tend to act as nucleophiles or electrophiles.

For example, the concept of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) is particularly relevant to electrophiles, as these species often have low-lying empty orbitals that can accept electrons. Conversely, nucleophiles typically have high-energy occupied orbitals that can donate electrons. Understanding these orbital interactions is crucial for predicting reactivity and selectivity in reactions involving nucleophiles and electrophiles.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will find it much easier to grasp the concepts of nucleophiles and electrophiles. They'll be better equipped to predict reaction outcomes, understand the factors influencing reactivity, and apply these principles to more complex organic chemistry problems. Moreover, this foundational knowledge will prove invaluable as students progress to more advanced topics in organic chemistry and biochemistry.

In conclusion, investing time in understanding reaction mechanisms and molecular orbital theory will significantly enhance a student's ability to comprehend and work with nucleophiles and electrophiles. These prerequisite topics provide the necessary context and theoretical framework for a deeper, more intuitive understanding of these fundamental concepts in organic chemistry.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To recall the meaning of the terms nucleophile and electrophile.
  • To understand the complementary nature of nucleophiles and electrophiles in driving organic reactions.
  • To explain the reactivity of nucleophiles with electrophiles using molecular orbital theory.


  • Recalling How organic reactions occur?
    • Organic reactions involve movement of electrons which breaks bonds in the reactant(s) to make new bonds to form the product(s).
    • Interactions between opposite charges, and frontier orbitals (an occupied MO of one molecule and an empty MO of the other) both drive this process.
    • In most organic reactions, there is a mix of the two.

  • In organic reactions, there are definitions based on if electrons are being donated\, by or being accepted\, by a molecule:
    • A nucleophile\, (labelled Nu / Nu: / Nu- in reaction mechanisms) is an electron rich molecule that donates electrons, usually to an electron deficient molecule.
    • An electrophile\, (labelled E / E+ in reaction mechanisms) is an electron poor molecule that accepts electrons.
    Using these, any organic reaction can be thought of as a nucleophile ‘attacking’ an electrophile and forming a new bond.

  • Because organic reactions always involve breaking bonds and forming others, which is caused by electrons moving, which is caused by nucleophiles interacting with electrophiles, identifying nucleophiles and electrophiles is INCREDIBLY important in predicting organic reactions.

    For a simple example, in the reaction with H+ and OH- there is a movement of electrons from the hydroxide ion to the H+ ion to form H2O. The OH- ion is the nucleophile as this is the electron rich molecule that donated electrons, while the H+ ion accepted them. The movement of a pair of electrons is shown by a curly arrow.

    See the diagram below.

  • Identifying a good nucleophile can be done with the question:
    • How available are electrons in the nucleophile?
    We can use the idea of electronegativity to find this out.
    For example, compare ammonia (NH3) and water (H2O). Both molecules can act as a nucleophile by forming bonds using their lone pair, but one is better than the other:
    • NH3 has a lone pair on nitrogen, which is less electronegative than oxygen.
    • H2O has two lone pairs on oxygen, which is more electronegative than nitrogen and holds these electron pairs more tightly.
    Because nitrogen holds its lone pair less tightly than oxygen, it is better at forming new bonds with it – at donating the electron pair\, to another molecule. Ammonia is therefore a better nucleophile than water.

  • The strength of a nucleophile can be explained by molecular orbital theory.
    The more electronegative oxygen atom in water makes all the filled molecular orbitals, including the lone pair, lower energy than the filled molecular orbitals in ammonia, where nitrogen does not attract its electrons as strongly.
    This makes ammonia’s highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) higher in energy. A higher energy HOMO will have stronger interactions with an electrophile.

  • The strength of an electrophile asks the opposite question:
    • How electron-deficient is the electrophile?
    The greater the positive charge, the stronger a potential bonding interaction with an electron-rich nucleophile would be. A vacant p orbital (e.g. boron) also makes a molecule electrophilic.
    Regardless, the nucleophile needs an electrophile’s empty orbital to interact with. In any molecule, the empty orbitals are empty because they are high in energy; the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) interacts most with the nucleophile. A lower energy LUMO will have stronger interactions with the HOMO of a nucleophile.

  • The reactivity of two molecules, an electrophile and a nucleophile, can be reduced down to the HOMO-LUMO gap.
    • The smaller the gap, the greater the ‘splitting of levels’ – a bonding interaction between the molecules will be lower energy, and antibonding interactions higher.
    • The greater the gap, the less interaction between the orbitals. There will be less and less, and eventually no splitting of levels, and no bonding or antibonding interactions – no bond can or will form.

    See the diagram below.