Determining common multiples

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  1. Give the first three multiples of the number.
    1. 9
    2. 21
    3. 45
  2. A long term care facility serves lamb every sixth day and pork every eighth day. If lamb and pork are both on today's menu, how many days will it be before they are both on the menu again?
    1. George's watch beeps every 20 minutes and Elizabeth's watch beeps every 25 minutes. Both watches just beeped. In how many minutes will both watches beep again?
      Topic Notes
      Been called to the office multiple times at school? I sure hope not! In this section, we will be determining the multiples of numbers. A multiple is a product of any quantity and an integer. We will use division to test if one number is a multiple of another number. The first multiple of a number is found by multiplying the number itself by 1. The second multiple of a number is found by multiplying the number itself by 2 and so on.