Absolute minimum and maximum of multivariable functions

  1. Local Minimum & Maximum of Multivariable Functions Overview:
  2. Types of Regions
    • Open Region
    • Closed Region
    • Bounded Region
    • Examples
  3. Extreme Value Theorem
    • Closed, Bounded region DD
    • Absolute Minimum f(x0,y0)f(x_0,y_0)
    • Absolute Maximum f(x1,y1)f(x_1,y_1)
  4. Steps to Finding Absolute Maximums & Minimums
    • Find all critical points inside DD
    • Find all critical points on the boundary DD
    • Find the function values
    • Compare, smallest \to absolute min, largest \to absolute max
Topic Notes

Introduction to Absolute Minimum and Maximum of Multivariable Functions

Welcome to the fascinating world of multivariable functions! Today, we're diving into the concept of absolute minimum and maximum, which are crucial in understanding how these functions behave. Imagine a landscape with hills and valleys that's what multivariable functions can look like in higher dimensions. The absolute minimum is like the lowest point in this landscape, while the absolute maximum is the highest peak. Our introduction video will guide you through this concept visually, making it easier to grasp. It's essential to watch this video as it lays the foundation for more complex topics in multivariable calculus. Understanding these extrema helps in various real-world applications, from optimizing business decisions to solving engineering problems. As we explore further, you'll see how finding these points involves techniques like partial derivatives and critical points. Remember, mastering this concept opens doors to deeper mathematical insights and practical problem-solving skills.

Types of Regions in Multivariable Functions

When studying multivariable functions, particularly in R2 (two-dimensional space), understanding different types of regions is crucial. These regions play a significant role in finding absolute maximums and minimums of functions. Let's explore the three main types of regions: open, closed, and boundary.

Open regions are like areas without borders. Imagine a park with no fences you can walk in any direction without hitting a boundary. In mathematical terms, an open region includes all interior points but excludes the edge or boundary points. For example, picture a circle on a graph paper, but don't draw the circular line itself. All the points inside this imaginary circle form an open region. We often denote open regions using parentheses, like (0, 1) for numbers between 0 and 1, not including 0 or 1.

Closed regions, on the other hand, are like fenced areas. They include both the interior points and the boundary. Visualize a pizza it includes both the toppings (interior) and the crust (boundary). Mathematically, a closed region contains all its limit points. For instance, a filled-in circle on a graph, including its circumference, is a closed region. We typically use square brackets to represent closed intervals, such as [0, 1] for all numbers from 0 to 1, including both 0 and 1.

The boundary region is like the fence itself it's the dividing line between the inside and outside of a region. In our pizza analogy, it's just the crust without the rest of the pizza. Boundary points are those that separate the interior from the exterior. For a circle, the boundary would be just the circular line itself. Interestingly, the boundary of a region is always a closed set, even if the region itself is open.

These distinctions become crucial when we're trying to find absolute maximums and minimums of functions. In closed regions, we're guaranteed to find both an absolute maximum and minimum due to the Extreme Value Theorem. This theorem states that a continuous function on a closed and bounded region will always have both a maximum and minimum value. It's like saying if you're looking for the highest and lowest points in a fenced garden, you're sure to find them within the fence.

Open regions, however, are trickier. Since they don't include their boundary points, a function might approach a maximum or minimum value but never quite reach it. Imagine trying to find the closest point to the edge in our imaginary, unfenced park you can always get closer, but you'll never quite reach the edge.

Boundary regions play a special role in optimization problems. Often, the maximum or minimum of a function occurs on the boundary of its domain. This is why we often check both interior points and boundary points when solving optimization problems. It's like checking both the middle and the edges of our pizza to find the spot with the most toppings.

In R2, these concepts extend to two-dimensional shapes. An open disc would be all points inside a circle but not including the circle itself. A closed disc includes both the interior and the circular boundary. The boundary of this disc would be just the circular line. When working with functions of two variables, understanding these region types helps in determining where to look for extreme values.

For practical applications, consider optimizing the area of a rectangle with a fixed perimeter. The region of possible dimensions forms a closed region, ensuring we can find both a maximum and minimum area. In contrast, if we're looking at the behavior of a function as we approach infinity in any direction (an open region), we might find that the function grows without bound, having no absolute maximum.

Understanding these region types is not just theoretical it has real-world applications. In economics, closed regions might represent finite resources or constrained budgets, where optimal solutions are guaranteed to exist. Open regions could model scenarios with potentially unlimited growth or decline. Boundary analysis is crucial in fields like engineering, where the limits of a system often determine its critical points.

As we delve deeper into multivariable calculus, these concepts of open, closed, and boundary regions become fundamental tools. They guide our approach to problem-solving, helping us understand where to look for extrema and how to interpret our results. Whether you're optimizing a function, analyzing a physical system,

The Extreme Value Theorem for Multivariable Functions

Hey there, math enthusiast! Today, we're going to dive into a really cool concept called the Extreme Value Theorem. Don't worry if it sounds intimidating I promise it's not as scary as it seems! In fact, this theorem is like your trusty GPS for finding the highest peaks and lowest valleys in the mathematical landscape.

So, what exactly is the Extreme Value Theorem? Well, imagine you're on a hike in a beautiful national park. The Extreme Value Theorem is like a guarantee that somewhere in that park, there's a highest point and a lowest point. In math terms, it tells us that a continuous function on a closed and bounded region will always have both an absolute maximum and an absolute minimum.

Let's break that down a bit. A continuous function is like a smooth, unbroken line or surface no sudden jumps or gaps. Think of it as a path you could walk along without ever having to leap over any chasms. The closed and bounded region? That's like the boundaries of our national park it has clear edges and doesn't go on forever.

Now, why is this theorem so important? It's a game-changer when we're trying to solve real-world problems. Imagine you're designing a box to hold a certain volume the Extreme Value Theorem helps you find the dimensions that use the least amount of material. Or if you're an engineer working on aerodynamics, it can help you find the shape that creates the least air resistance.

But here's the catch the Extreme Value Theorem only works under certain conditions. Remember our national park analogy? The theorem applies when:

1. The function is continuous (no breaks or jumps)
2. The region we're looking at is closed (includes its boundaries)
3. The region is bounded (doesn't extend infinitely)

If any of these conditions aren't met, all bets are off! It's like trying to find the highest point in a park with no fences that goes on forever pretty tricky, right?

Let's look at a simple example. Imagine we have a function f(x) = x² on the interval [0, 2]. This function is continuous (smooth curve), and the interval is closed (includes 0 and 2) and bounded (doesn't go on forever). The Extreme Value Theorem tells us that this function must have both an absolute maximum and minimum on this interval. Can you guess where they are? The minimum is at x = 0, and the maximum is at x = 2!

But what if we had the same function on the open interval (0, 2)? Even though it's bounded, it's not closed because it doesn't include the endpoints. In this case, the Extreme Value Theorem doesn't apply, and we can't be sure about the existence of absolute extrema.

The beauty of the Extreme Value Theorem is that it doesn't just tell us that these extreme values exist it guarantees their existence. This is super helpful in calculus and optimization problems because it gives us the confidence to search for these values, knowing they're definitely there.

In multivariable calculus, the theorem extends to functions of two or more variables. Imagine a 3D landscape with hills and valleys the Extreme Value Theorem assures us that on a closed and bounded region of this landscape, there's a highest peak and a lowest point.

So, next time you're faced with a problem involving finding the maximum or minimum of a function, remember the Extreme Value Theorem. It's like having a mathematical treasure map as long as your function is continuous and your region is closed and bounded, you're guaranteed to find those extreme values. Happy hunting!

Steps to Find Absolute Maximums and Minimums

Finding the absolute maximums and minimums of multivariable functions can be a challenging task, but with a systematic approach, it becomes much more manageable. Let's break down the process into four key steps that will help you navigate this mathematical journey with confidence.

Step 1: Identify Critical Points

The first step in our quest for absolute extrema is to locate the critical points of the function. These are points where the partial derivatives of the function with respect to each variable are either zero or undefined. To do this:

  • Calculate the partial derivatives of the function with respect to each variable.
  • Set each partial derivative equal to zero and solve the resulting system of equations.
  • Don't forget to check for points where the derivatives are undefined.

For example, if we have a function f(x, y) = x² + y² - 4x - 6y + 10, we would find the partial derivatives fx = 2x - 4 and fy = 2y - 6. Setting these equal to zero, we get x = 2 and y = 3, giving us the critical point (2, 3).

Step 2: Evaluate Boundary Points

Next, we need to consider the boundary points of the domain. These are the points along the edges or corners of the region where the function is defined. To do this:

  • Identify the boundaries of the domain.
  • Find the critical points of the function restricted to each boundary.
  • Include any corner points where boundaries intersect.

For instance, if our function is defined on a rectangular region [0, 5] × [0, 4], we would need to examine the function along the lines x = 0, x = 5, y = 0, and y = 4, as well as the corner points (0, 0), (0, 4), (5, 0), and (5, 4).

Step 3: Calculate Function Values

Now that we have our collection of critical points and boundary points, it's time to evaluate the function at each of these points. This step is crucial because it gives us the actual values we'll be comparing to determine the absolute extrema. Here's what to do:

  • Make a list of all the points you've identified in steps 1 and 2.
  • Carefully substitute the coordinates of each point into the original function.
  • Calculate the function value for each point and keep a clear record of the results.

Continuing with our example f(x, y) = x² + y² - 4x - 6y + 10, we would evaluate f(2, 3) for the critical point, as well as the function values at all the boundary points we identified.

Step 4: Compare and Conclude

The final step is to compare all the function values we've calculated and draw our conclusions. This is where we determine the absolute maximum and minimum values of the function. Here's how to wrap it up:

  • Review all the function values you calculated in step 3.
  • Identify the largest value this is your absolute maximum.
  • Identify the smallest value this is your absolute minimum.
  • Note the points at which these extreme values occur.

For example, after comparing all our calculated values, we might find that the absolute maximum occurs at (0, 4) with a value of 26, while the absolute minimum occurs at (2, 3) with a value of -1.

By following these four steps identifying critical points, evaluating boundary points, calculating function values, and comparing results you'll be well-equipped to find the absolute maximums and minimums of multivariable functions. Remember

Example: Finding Absolute Maximum and Minimum

Let's walk through a detailed example of finding the absolute maximum and minimum of a multivariable function within a given region. We'll take this step-by-step, so don't worry if it seems complex at first we'll break it down together!

Suppose we have the function f(x, y) = x² + y² - 4x - 2y + 5, and we want to find its absolute maximum and minimum values in the rectangular region defined by 0 x 3 and 0 y 2.

Step 1: Find the critical points inside the region
To do this, we'll calculate the partial derivatives and set them equal to zero: f/x = 2x - 4 = 0 f/y = 2y - 2 = 0 Solving these equations gives us x = 2 and y = 1. This critical point (2, 1) is inside our region, so we'll keep it.

Step 2: Evaluate the function at the critical point
f(2, 1) = 2² + 1² - 4(2) - 2(1) + 5 = 4 + 1 - 8 - 2 + 5 = 0

Step 3: Check the boundary points
Now, we need to evaluate the function at the edges and corners of our region: - At (0, 0): f(0, 0) = 5 - At (3, 0): f(3, 0) = 9 + 0 - 12 - 0 + 5 = 2 - At (0, 2): f(0, 2) = 0 + 4 - 0 - 4 + 5 = 5 - At (3, 2): f(3, 2) = 9 + 4 - 12 - 4 + 5 = 2

We also need to check along the edges: - Along x = 0: f(0, y) = y² - 2y + 5 The maximum of this occurs at y = 1, giving f(0, 1) = 4 - Along x = 3: f(3, y) = y² - 2y - 4 The maximum of this occurs at y = 1, giving f(3, 1) = -3 - Along y = 0: f(x, 0) = x² - 4x + 5 The maximum of this occurs at x = 2, giving f(2, 0) = 1 - Along y = 2: f(x, 2) = x² - 4x + 5 The maximum of this occurs at x = 2, giving f(2, 2) = 1

Step 4: Compare all the function values
Now, let's list all the values we've found: - Critical point: f(2, 1) = 0 - Corners: f(0, 0) = 5, f(3, 0) = 2, f(0, 2) = 5, f(3, 2) = 2 - Edge maximums: f(0, 1) = 4, f(3, 1) = -3, f(2, 0) = 1, f(2, 2) = 1

Step 5: Identify the absolute maximum and minimum
Looking at our list, we can see that the largest value is 5, occurring at both (0, 0) and (0, 2). Therefore, the absolute maximum of the function in this region is 5.

The smallest value in our list is -3, occurring at (3, 1). This is our absolute minimum.

And there we have it

Common Challenges and Tips

Finding absolute maximums and minimums of multivariable functions can be a challenging task for many students. Let's discuss some common hurdles and provide helpful strategies to overcome them. One of the primary challenges is identifying all critical points of a function. Remember, critical points are where the partial derivatives are zero or undefined. Don't worry if this seems daunting at first with practice, you'll become more adept at recognizing these points.

Another frequent stumbling block is conducting a thorough boundary analysis. It's easy to overlook the importance of examining the function's behavior at the edges of its domain. Always check the boundaries, as extreme values often occur there. When evaluating the function at critical points and boundaries, be methodical and organized. Create a list or table to keep track of your calculations this will help prevent errors and make comparison easier.

Speaking of comparison, developing effective comparison strategies is crucial. Once you've evaluated the function at all necessary points, you need to compare these values to determine the absolute maximum and minimum. A common mistake is rushing through this step or relying on mental calculations. Take your time and use a systematic approach to ensure accuracy.

Many students struggle with setting up the problem correctly. When faced with a word problem, take a moment to clearly define the function and its constraints before diving into calculations. Sketching a quick graph or diagram can often provide valuable insights and help you visualize the problem.

Here are some problem-solving tips to help you succeed: First, always start by finding the domain of the function. This will guide your analysis and help you avoid unnecessary calculations. Second, when dealing with constraints, consider using the method of Lagrange multipliers it's a powerful tool for optimization problems. Third, don't forget to check for any symmetry in the function, as this can sometimes simplify your work.

Remember, practice is key to mastering these concepts. Work through a variety of problems, and don't get discouraged if you encounter difficulties. Each challenge you overcome strengthens your problem-solving skills. If you're stuck, try explaining the problem to a classmate or tutor often, articulating the issue can lead to new insights. And finally, always double-check your work. A small calculation error can lead to incorrect conclusions, so take the time to verify your results.


In our exploration of multivariable functions, we've uncovered the essential techniques for finding absolute maximums and minimums. Remember, these critical points are crucial in various real-world applications. We've learned to examine closed and bounded domains, utilize the second partial derivative test, and consider boundary points. Understanding these concepts is key to mastering multivariable calculus. As with any mathematical skill, practice is vital. Tackle diverse problems to reinforce your knowledge and build confidence. Don't hesitate to revisit challenging concepts or seek additional resources. The journey doesn't end here there's always more to discover in the fascinating world of multivariable functions. Whether you're aiming for academic excellence or practical application, these skills will serve you well. Keep exploring, stay curious, and embrace the challenges. You're well on your way to becoming a multivariable calculus expert. Remember, each problem solved is a step towards mastery. Keep up the great work!

Local Minimum & Maximum of Multivariable Functions Overview:

Types of Regions

  • Open Region
  • Closed Region
  • Bounded Region
  • Examples

Step 1: Introduction to Regions

Before diving into the absolute maximum and minimum of multivariable functions, it is essential to understand the types of regions. Regions are crucial because they help constrain multivariable functions, allowing us to find absolute maximum and minimum values.

Step 2: Open Region

An open region in R2 is a region that excludes any of the boundary points. For example, consider the region defined by the inequalities -3 < x < 3 and -2 < y < 2. This region does not include the boundary points, which means it is an open region. When graphing this region, you would use dotted lines to indicate that the boundary points are not included.

To visualize this, imagine drawing dotted lines at x = -3, x = 3, y = -2, and y = 2. The region of interest is the area inside these dotted lines, excluding the lines themselves. This is what makes it an open region.

Step 3: Closed Region

A closed region in R2 includes its boundary points. For instance, the region defined by -3 x 3 and -2 y 2 is a closed region. This region includes the boundary points, which means it is a closed region. When graphing this region, you would use solid lines to indicate that the boundary points are included.

To visualize this, imagine drawing solid lines at x = -3, x = 3, y = -2, and y = 2. The region of interest is the area inside these solid lines, including the lines themselves. This is what makes it a closed region.

Step 4: Bounded Region

A bounded region in R2 is a region that is contained within a disk. This means that the region does not extend infinitely in any direction. For example, a closed region is also a bounded region because it is contained within a finite area. If a region extends beyond a certain boundary, it would not be considered bounded.

To visualize this, imagine a disk that contains the entire region. If the region fits entirely within the disk, it is a bounded region. This concept is important because it helps us understand the constraints on the region we are analyzing.

Step 5: Examples

Let's consider some examples to solidify our understanding of these concepts:

  • Open Region Example: The region defined by -3 < x < 3 and -2 < y < 2 is an open region because it excludes the boundary points.
  • Closed Region Example: The region defined by -3 x 3 and -2 y 2 is a closed region because it includes the boundary points.
  • Bounded Region Example: Both the open and closed regions mentioned above are bounded regions because they are contained within a finite area.

Understanding these types of regions is crucial for analyzing multivariable functions and finding their absolute maximum and minimum values. By constraining the functions within these regions, we can accurately determine their behavior and identify critical points.


  1. What is the difference between local and absolute extrema in multivariable functions?

    Local extrema are the maximum or minimum values of a function within a small neighborhood around a point. Absolute extrema, on the other hand, are the highest and lowest values of the function over its entire domain. While a function can have multiple local extrema, it will only have one absolute maximum and one absolute minimum (if they exist).

  2. How does the Extreme Value Theorem apply to multivariable functions?

    The Extreme Value Theorem for multivariable functions states that if a function is continuous on a closed and bounded domain, it will attain both an absolute maximum and an absolute minimum value within that domain. This theorem is crucial for optimization problems as it guarantees the existence of these extreme values under specific conditions.

  3. Why is it important to check boundary points when finding absolute extrema?

    Boundary points are critical in finding absolute extrema because the maximum or minimum value of a function often occurs on the edges of its domain. By checking these points, we ensure we don't miss potential extreme values that might not be captured by examining only the interior critical points. This is especially important for functions defined on closed regions.

  4. What role do partial derivatives play in finding absolute extrema?

    Partial derivatives are essential for finding critical points of multivariable functions. By setting each partial derivative to zero (or checking where they're undefined), we can identify potential locations of extrema within the function's domain. These critical points, along with boundary points, form the set of candidates for absolute extrema.

  5. Can a function have multiple absolute maximums or minimums?

    A function can have multiple points where it attains its absolute maximum or minimum value, but the value itself is unique. For example, a constant function takes on its absolute maximum and minimum at every point in its domain. In most cases, however, absolute extrema occur at unique points or a finite set of points within the function's domain.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the absolute minimum and maximum of multivariable functions is a crucial concept in advanced mathematics, particularly in calculus and optimization. To fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite areas. These foundational concepts not only provide the necessary mathematical tools but also help in developing a deeper intuition for multivariable functions and their behavior.

One of the key prerequisites is continuous growth and decay. This topic introduces the concept of continuous functions, which is fundamental to understanding multivariable functions. Continuous functions are essential because they form the basis for many of the theorems and properties used in finding absolute extrema. By studying how functions grow or decay continuously, students develop an intuition for how multivariable functions behave across their domains.

Another critical prerequisite is the Intermediate Value Theorem. This theorem is closely related to the Extreme Value Theorem, which is crucial in determining the existence of absolute extrema for multivariable functions. Understanding the Intermediate Value Theorem helps students grasp the concept of continuity in higher dimensions and how it relates to the existence of maximum and minimum values.

The concept of domain and range of a function is also vital. When dealing with multivariable functions, understanding the domain becomes even more critical. The domain of a function determines where we can search for absolute extrema, and it's often represented as a region in multiple dimensions. A solid grasp of domains helps in visualizing the "landscape" of multivariable functions and identifying potential locations for maxima and minima.

These prerequisites work together to build a comprehensive understanding of multivariable functions. Continuous growth and decay provides the foundation for understanding how functions behave smoothly. The Intermediate Value Theorem extends this to ensure we can find specific values within continuous regions. Finally, a strong grasp of domains allows us to properly define and analyze the space in which multivariable functions exist.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of finding absolute extrema in multivariable functions. They'll be able to visualize functions in higher dimensions, understand the conditions necessary for extrema to exist, and apply advanced techniques to locate these critical points. This foundational knowledge not only aids in solving problems but also in developing the mathematical intuition necessary for more advanced topics in calculus and optimization.


This section is about optimizing a function, such that you find the absolute minimum and maximum on a certain region in R2\mathbb{R}^2 .

Types of Regions
  1. Closed Region: A region in R2\mathbb{R}^2 that includes its boundary
  2. Open Region: A region in R2\mathbb{R}^2 that excludes any of the boundary points
  3. Bounded Region: A region in R2\mathbb{R}^2 that is contained in a disk.
Extreme Value Theorem
If a function f(x,y)f(x,y) is continuous in a closed, bounded region DD in R2\mathbb{R}^2, then there are 2 points (x0,y0)(x_0,y_0) and (x1,y1)(x_1,y_1) where f(x0,y0)f(x_0,y_0) is the absolute minimum and f(x1,y1)f(x_1,y_1) is the absolute maximum of the function in the region DD.
  1. Find all the critical points that are inside the region DD.
  2. Find all the critical points on the boundary of region DD.
  3. Find the function values for all the critical points
  4. Compare all the function values to see which is the smallest, and which is the largest. The smallest is the absolute minimum & and the largest is the absolute maximum.