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  1. Short Run Cost Overview:
  2. Long-Run Production Function
    • Both labour and capital vary
    • Table for Production Function
    • Diminishing returns of marginal product of labour
    • Diminishing returns of marginal product of capital
  3. Short-Run Costs & Total Average Costs
    • All ATC curves are U-shaped
    • More machines = bigger output at minimum average cost
    • Planned output \, \, find the lowest possible cost
  4. Long-Run Average Cost
    • LRAC: Long Run Average Cost
    • Lowest attainable cost across all ATC curves
    • What it looks like
  5. Economies & Diseconomies of Scale
    • Economies of Scale: \downarrow average cost as output \uparrow , falling LRAC
    • Diseconomies of Scale: \uparrow average cost as output \uparrow , rising LRAC
    • Constant Returns to Scale: average cost unchanged as output \uparrow , horizontal LRAC
    • Minimum Efficient Scale
  1. Finding the Average Total Costs
    Suppose the cost of each machine is $50, and the cost of each worker per week is $50. Using the following table to calculate and graph the ATC curves for factories 1 and 2.

    Labour (workers per week)

    Output (Clothes per week)

    Factory 1

    (1 machine)

    Factory 2

    (2 machines)

    Factory 3

    (3 machines)

    Factory 4

    (4 machines)


























    1. Suppose the cost of each machine is $50, and the cost of each worker per week is $50. Using the following table to calculate and graph the ATC curves for factories 3 and 4.

      Labour (workers per week)

      Output (Clothes per week)

      Factory 1

      (1 machine)

      Factory 2

      (2 machines)

      Factory 3

      (3 machines)

      Factory 4

      (4 machines)


























      1. Understanding the Long-Run Cost Curve
        Suppose you are given 4 ATC curves on the following graph.
        Long run cost curve
        1. Draw the LRAC.
        2. For what output does the minimum efficient scale happen?
        3. Identify the regions with economies of scale, economies of descale.
      2. Suppose you are given 4 ATC curves on the following graph.
        Long run cost curve
        1. Draw the LRAC.
        2. For what output does the minimum efficient scale happen?
        3. Identify the regions with economies of scale, economies of descale.
      Topic Notes

      Introduction to Long Run Average Cost

      The long run average cost (LRAC) curve, also known as the long run average total cost, is a fundamental concept in economics that plays a crucial role in understanding firm behavior and cost structures. Our introduction video provides an essential overview of this concept, serving as a valuable starting point for students and professionals alike. The LRAC curve represents the lowest possible average cost a firm can achieve for any given level of output in the long run, when all factors of production are variable. It is derived from the envelope of short-run average cost curves and illustrates how a firm's average costs change as it scales its operations. Understanding the LRAC is vital for firms to analyze their cost structure in the long term, make informed decisions about production levels, and optimize their scale of operations. By studying the LRAC curve, businesses can identify economies and diseconomies of scale, determine the most efficient production size, and strategize for long-term growth and competitiveness in their respective markets.

      Understanding Short Run Average Total Cost Curves

      Short run average total cost (ATC) curves play a crucial role in understanding a firm's cost structure and its relationship to long-run average cost (LRAC). These curves provide valuable insights into how costs change as production levels vary within a fixed capacity. To comprehend this concept fully, let's explore how to calculate and graph these curves using a practical example.

      Short run average total cost curves represent the average total cost per unit of output for different production levels when at least one factor of production is fixed. In contrast, the LRAC curve shows the lowest possible average cost of producing any given output level when all factors of production can be varied. The LRAC curve is essentially the envelope of all possible short run ATC curves.

      To calculate and graph these curves, we'll follow a step-by-step process using data from different hypothetical factories. Let's begin by creating a table:

      1. Set up a table with columns for output levels and corresponding total costs for each factory size (e.g., small, medium, large).

      2. Calculate the average total cost for each output level by dividing the total cost by the quantity produced.

      3. Repeat this process for each factory size, creating multiple short run ATC curves.

      For example, let's consider three factory sizes:

      Small Factory: Output: 1 unit, Total Cost: $10, ATC: $10 Output: 2 units, Total Cost: $16, ATC: $8 Output: 3 units, Total Cost: $24, ATC: $8 Output: 4 units, Total Cost: $40, ATC: $10

      Medium Factory: Output: 2 units, Total Cost: $18, ATC: $9 Output: 3 units, Total Cost: $21, ATC: $7 Output: 4 units, Total Cost: $28, ATC: $7 Output: 5 units, Total Cost: $40, ATC: $8

      Large Factory: Output: 3 units, Total Cost: $27, ATC: $9 Output: 4 units, Total Cost: $32, ATC: $8 Output: 5 units, Total Cost: $35, ATC: $7 Output: 6 units, Total Cost: $42, ATC: $7

      To graph these curves:

      1. Plot the output levels on the x-axis and the average total costs on the y-axis.

      2. For each factory size, plot the points corresponding to the output and ATC values.

      3. Connect the points for each factory size to create individual short run ATC curves.

      4. Observe how the curves intersect and overlap at different points.

      The LRAC curve is then derived by tracing the lowest points of all the short run ATC curves. This curve represents the most cost-effective way to produce any given output level when all factors of production can be adjusted.

      Understanding how to calculate long run average total cost involves recognizing that it's the minimum average cost of production when all inputs are variable. The LRAC curve shows the optimal plant size for each output level, allowing firms to make informed decisions about scaling their operations.

      By analyzing these curves, businesses can determine the most efficient production levels and factory sizes for different output demands. This knowledge is invaluable for strategic planning and cost management, enabling firms to optimize their operations and maintain competitiveness in the market.

      In conclusion, short run ATC curves and their relationship to the LRAC curve provide a comprehensive view of a firm's cost structure across various production scales. By mastering the calculation and interpretation of these curves, businesses can make informed decisions about production levels, capacity expansion, and long-term planning, ultimately leading to improved efficiency and profitability.

      Deriving the Long Run Average Total Cost Curve

      Understanding how to find the long run average total cost (LRAC) curve is crucial in economics and business planning. The LRAC curve, also known as the long run average cost curve, is derived from a series of short run average total cost (ATC) curves. This process provides valuable insights into a firm's cost structure over time and helps in making informed decisions about production scale.

      To begin deriving the LRAC curve, we must first understand that in the short run, a firm's production capacity is fixed. Each short run average total cost (ATC) curve represents the average total cost for different levels of output, given a specific plant size or scale of operation. As we move to the long run, however, all factors of production become variable, allowing the firm to adjust its scale of operation.

      The process of finding the long run average total cost curve involves plotting multiple short run ATC curves on the same graph. Each of these curves represents a different plant size or scale of operation. As we increase the scale, we typically see the ATC curves shift to the right, reflecting the ability to produce larger quantities at potentially lower average costs due to economies of scale.

      The LRAC curve is then drawn as an envelope curve that is tangent to all of these short run ATC curves. This means that at any given point, the LRAC curve touches but does not intersect the short run ATC curves. The tangency points represent the optimal plant size for each level of output in the long run.

      Why is the LRAC curve the envelope of all short run ATC curves? The answer lies in the definition of the long run itself. In the long run, a firm has the flexibility to choose any scale of operation. Rational firms will always choose the scale that minimizes their average total cost for any given level of output. Therefore, the LRAC curve represents the lowest cost option available to the firm for each possible output level.

      This characteristic of the LRAC curve being the lowest cost option is crucial for understanding its economic significance. For any given output level, the point on the LRAC curve shows the minimum average cost achievable when the firm has had time to adjust all of its inputs, including its scale of operation. This is why the LRAC curve is often referred to as the planning curve it shows the costs a firm can expect to achieve if it has time to fully adjust its operations to the desired output level.

      The shape of the LRAC curve provides important information about the nature of costs in an industry. Typically, the LRAC curve is U-shaped, reflecting initial economies of scale followed by diseconomies of scale at very large output levels. The downward-sloping portion of the curve indicates that as output increases, average costs decrease due to factors such as specialization, bulk purchasing, and the spread of fixed costs over larger output. The upward-sloping portion, if present, suggests that at very large scales, coordination problems and other inefficiencies may cause average costs to rise again.

      In practice, deriving the LRAC curve requires extensive data on costs at various scales of operation. Firms often use historical data, industry benchmarks, and economic models to estimate these costs. The resulting LRAC curve is a powerful tool for strategic planning, helping firms determine their optimal scale of operation and understand their cost competitiveness in the market.

      In conclusion, the process of deriving the long run average total cost curve from short run ATC curves provides a comprehensive view of a firm's cost structure across different scales of operation. By representing the envelope of all short run cost curves, the LRAC curve effectively illustrates the most cost-efficient options available to a firm in the long run, making it an invaluable tool for economic analysis and business strategy.

      Economies and Diseconomies of Scale

      Economies of scale, diseconomies of scale, and constant returns to scale are fundamental concepts in economics and business that describe how a company's production efficiency changes as it alters its scale of operations. These concepts are crucial for understanding how businesses can optimize their production processes and achieve cost advantages in the market.

      Economies of scale refer to the cost advantages that businesses obtain due to their scale of operation, with cost per unit of output generally decreasing with increasing scale as fixed costs are spread out over more units of output. This phenomenon occurs when a company can reduce its average costs by increasing production. For example, a large automobile manufacturer can produce cars more cheaply per unit than a small-scale producer because it can spread the cost of expensive machinery over a larger number of vehicles.

      Diseconomies of scale, on the other hand, occur when a company expands to the point where the average cost per unit increases. This can happen due to factors such as increased bureaucracy, communication problems, or the challenges of managing a larger workforce. For instance, a rapidly growing tech company might find that as it hires more employees, coordination becomes more difficult, leading to inefficiencies and higher costs per unit of output.

      Constant returns to scale represent the middle ground between economies and diseconomies of scale. In this scenario, the average cost per unit remains constant regardless of the scale of production. This situation is relatively rare in practice but can occur in certain industries or over specific ranges of production.

      The Long-Run Average Cost (LRAC) curve is a powerful visual tool for illustrating these concepts. The curve typically has a U-shape, with the left side of the U representing economies of scale, the bottom of the U showing constant returns to scale, and the right side depicting diseconomies of scale. As production quantity increases along the x-axis, the average cost per unit (y-axis) initially decreases, then levels off, and finally increases.

      In real-world business situations, understanding these concepts is crucial for strategic decision-making. For example, a small local bakery might experience economies of scale by investing in a larger oven, allowing it to produce more bread at a lower cost per loaf. However, if it expands too quickly and opens multiple locations without proper management structures in place, it might encounter diseconomies of scale due to increased coordination costs and quality control issues.

      Large retail chains like Walmart have successfully leveraged economies of scale in their supply chain management and distribution networks. By operating on a massive scale, they can negotiate better prices with suppliers and distribute goods more efficiently, passing some of these cost savings on to customers. However, even giants like Walmart must be cautious of potential diseconomies of scale, such as the challenges of maintaining consistent quality across thousands of stores or adapting quickly to local market conditions.

      In the technology sector, companies like Google and Facebook benefit from significant economies of scale in data processing and storage. As they add more users, the cost per user for maintaining their services decreases. However, they also face potential diseconomies of scale in areas such as content moderation, where the complexity and cost of managing user-generated content can increase disproportionately as the user base grows.

      Understanding the balance between economies and diseconomies of scale is essential for businesses of all sizes. It helps companies determine their optimal size and structure, make informed decisions about expansion or contraction, and identify areas where they can improve efficiency. By carefully managing their growth and operations, businesses can strive to maximize the benefits of economies of scale while mitigating the risks of diseconomies, ultimately achieving a competitive advantage in their respective markets.

      Minimum Efficient Scale

      Minimum Efficient Scale (MES) is a crucial concept in economics and business strategy that plays a significant role in determining the optimal size of a firm's operations. It refers to the lowest point on the Long Run Average Total Cost (LRAC) curve where a company can produce its goods or services at the lowest possible average cost. Understanding and achieving the minimum efficient scale is essential for businesses aiming to maximize their efficiency and competitiveness in the market.

      The concept of minimum efficient scale is closely tied to the long run average total cost formula, which represents the relationship between a firm's output and its average costs over an extended period. As production increases, firms typically experience economies of scale, where average costs decrease due to factors such as specialization, bulk purchasing, and improved technology utilization. However, at a certain point, diseconomies of scale may set in, causing average costs to rise again. The minimum efficient scale occurs at the output level where these opposing forces balance out, resulting in the lowest average cost.

      For business decision-makers, identifying the minimum efficient scale is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps determine the optimal size of production facilities and operations. By operating at or near the MES, firms can maximize their cost efficiency and competitiveness. Secondly, understanding the MES of an industry can provide insights into market structure and potential barriers to entry. Industries with a high MES relative to market demand may tend towards oligopolistic structures, as fewer firms can achieve the necessary scale to compete effectively.

      Firms use the concept of minimum efficient scale to optimize their production scale in various ways. For example, a manufacturing company might analyze its LRAC curve to determine the production volume at which it achieves the lowest average cost. This information can guide decisions on plant size, equipment investments, and production targets. Similarly, a retail chain might use MES analysis to determine the optimal store size and number of locations to balance operational efficiency with market coverage.

      In practice, achieving the minimum efficient scale often involves strategic decisions and trade-offs. For instance, a technology company might invest heavily in research and development to reach a scale where it can spread these fixed costs over a large production volume. Alternatively, a service-based business might focus on specialization and niche markets to achieve efficiency at a smaller scale.

      It's important to note that the minimum efficient scale can vary significantly across industries and even within different segments of the same industry. For example, in the automotive industry, mass-market manufacturers may have a much larger MES compared to luxury or specialty vehicle producers. Understanding these differences is crucial for firms entering new markets or considering diversification strategies.

      In conclusion, the concept of minimum efficient scale, rooted in the long run average total cost formula, is a fundamental tool for businesses seeking to optimize their operations and competitive positioning. By carefully analyzing and striving to achieve their MES, firms can make informed decisions about production scale, market entry, and long-term strategic planning, ultimately enhancing their efficiency and profitability in the marketplace.

      Practical Applications of LRAC Analysis

      Long Run Average Cost (LRAC) analysis is a powerful tool in business strategy, offering valuable insights into production scale decisions and market competitiveness. Real-world applications of LRAC span various industries, helping firms optimize their operations and gain a competitive edge. Understanding how LRAC impacts business decisions is crucial for managers and entrepreneurs alike.

      In the manufacturing sector, LRAC analysis guides companies in determining optimal plant sizes. For instance, automobile manufacturers use LRAC to decide whether to build larger, more efficient factories or maintain smaller, more flexible production facilities. Tesla's Gigafactories exemplify how LRAC analysis influences production scale decisions. By building massive facilities, Tesla aims to achieve economies of scale, reducing the average cost per electric vehicle and battery pack produced.

      The technology industry also heavily relies on LRAC analysis for strategic planning. Cloud computing providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure continuously evaluate their data center capacities. By understanding their LRAC curves, these companies can make informed decisions about expanding their infrastructure to meet growing demand while maintaining cost-efficiency. This analysis helps them offer competitive pricing to clients while sustaining profitability.

      In the retail sector, LRAC analysis plays a crucial role in store expansion strategies. Walmart's success can be partly attributed to its understanding of LRAC in relation to distribution networks and store sizes. By optimizing its supply chain and store formats based on LRAC principles, Walmart has maintained a cost leadership position in the market.

      Airlines use LRAC analysis to make decisions about fleet composition and route planning. Understanding the relationship between aircraft size, route length, and average costs helps airlines like Southwest and Ryanair maintain their low-cost carrier status. These companies often opt for a single aircraft type to simplify maintenance and training, thereby reducing long-run average costs.

      The energy sector provides another compelling example of LRAC application. Renewable energy companies use this analysis to determine the optimal size of wind farms or solar installations. As technology improves and scales increase, the LRAC for renewable energy has been decreasing, making it increasingly competitive with traditional fossil fuels.

      In the pharmaceutical industry, LRAC analysis influences decisions about research and development investments and production facilities. Large pharmaceutical companies often have lower LRACs for drug development and manufacturing, allowing them to spread fixed costs over larger production volumes. This understanding drives merger and acquisition strategies in the industry.

      Agricultural businesses use LRAC analysis to determine optimal farm sizes and technology adoption. Large-scale farming operations often benefit from lower average costs due to the use of advanced machinery and efficient land management practices. However, LRAC analysis also helps identify when diseconomies of scale might occur, preventing overexpansion.

      The telecommunications industry relies on LRAC analysis for network infrastructure decisions. Companies like Verizon and AT&T use this tool to optimize their investments in 5G technology, balancing coverage expansion with cost efficiency. Understanding LRAC helps these firms determine the most economical way to deploy new technologies across different market sizes.

      E-commerce giants like Amazon use LRAC analysis to optimize their fulfillment center networks. By strategically locating and sizing warehouses, Amazon minimizes transportation costs while maximizing efficiency, directly impacting its ability to offer fast and cost-effective delivery services.

      In conclusion, LRAC analysis is a versatile and essential tool across industries, guiding crucial decisions about production scale, technology adoption, and market entry strategies. By understanding and leveraging LRAC principles, companies can achieve significant competitive advantages, optimizing their operations for long-term success in dynamic market environments. As businesses continue to face challenges in global competition and technological disruption, mastering LRAC analysis becomes increasingly important for sustainable growth and profitability.


      The long run average cost curve (LRAC) is a crucial concept in economic analysis, providing valuable insights into business decision-making. As we've explored in the introduction video, LRAC illustrates how a firm's average costs change as it adjusts all factors of production over time. Understanding this concept is essential for businesses to optimize their scale of operations and achieve economies of scale. The LRAC curve helps identify the most efficient production level, where average costs are minimized. By applying LRAC analysis to real-world scenarios, businesses can make informed decisions about expansion, production capacity, and resource allocation. This knowledge is invaluable for strategic planning and maintaining competitiveness in the market. We encourage readers to continue exploring related economic topics, such as economies of scope and diseconomies of scale, to gain a comprehensive understanding of cost dynamics in business operations. The concepts presented in this introduction serve as a foundation for deeper economic analysis and practical application in various industries.

      Long Run Cost Overview:

      Short Run Cost Overview: Long-Run Production Function

      • Both labour and capital vary
      • Table for Production Function
      • Diminishing returns of marginal product of labour
      • Diminishing returns of marginal product of capital

      Step 1: Introduction to Long Run Costs

      In the long run, all inputs and costs are considered variables. This is different from the short run, where typically only one input and one cost are variable. Understanding this distinction is crucial as it sets the foundation for analyzing the long-run production function.

      Step 2: Long-Run Production Function

      In the long run, the production function examines the relationship between output and the quantities of both capital and labor. Unlike the short run, which focuses solely on the relationship between output and labor, the long run includes capital as a variable input. This means that both labor and capital can vary, and their combined effect on output is analyzed.

      Step 3: Representing the Production Function in a Table

      Since the long-run production function involves three variables (output, labor, and capital), it cannot be easily graphed in two dimensions. Instead, it is represented in a table format. For example, if a factory has two machines (capital) and two workers (labor), the output might be 19 units. If the number of machines increases to four and the number of workers to three, the output might increase to 27 units. This table helps in understanding how changes in labor and capital affect output.

      Step 4: Marginal Product of Capital

      The marginal product of capital is the additional output produced by adding one more unit of capital while keeping labor constant. For instance, if a factory with one machine and two workers produces 14 units, and adding another machine increases the output to 19 units, the marginal product of capital is 5 units (19 - 14). This concept helps in understanding the contribution of capital to the production process.

      Step 5: Diminishing Returns of Marginal Product of Labor

      Diminishing returns of the marginal product of labor occur when increasing the number of workers while keeping capital constant results in a decreasing additional output. For example, with two machines, adding a second worker might increase output from 14 to 19 units (an increase of 5 units). Adding a third worker might increase output to 22 units (an increase of 3 units), and adding a fourth worker might increase output to 24 units (an increase of 2 units). This demonstrates that as more workers are added, the additional output from each new worker decreases.

      Step 6: Diminishing Returns of Marginal Product of Capital

      Similarly, diminishing returns of the marginal product of capital occur when increasing the number of machines while keeping the number of workers constant results in a decreasing additional output. For example, with three workers, adding a second machine might increase output from 17 to 22 units (an increase of 5 units). Adding a third machine might increase output to 25 units (an increase of 3 units), and adding a fourth machine might increase output to 27 units (an increase of 2 units). This shows that as more machines are added, the additional output from each new machine decreases.

      Step 7: Graphing Total Product and Average Cost Curves

      From the table representing the production function, it is possible to graph the total product and average cost curves. Each column in the table can be used to create a separate average total cost curve. For example, one column might represent the average total cost curve for a specific combination of labor and capital, while another column represents a different combination. By graphing these curves, it becomes easier to visualize the relationship between input quantities and costs.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about long run average cost:

      1. Why is the long run average cost curve U-shaped?

      The long run average cost (LRAC) curve is typically U-shaped due to the interplay between economies and diseconomies of scale. Initially, as production increases, the firm experiences economies of scale, causing average costs to decrease. However, beyond a certain point, diseconomies of scale set in, leading to rising average costs. This creates the characteristic U-shape of the LRAC curve.

      2. How do you calculate average total cost in the long run?

      To calculate the long run average total cost (LRATC), divide the total cost of production by the quantity produced when all inputs are variable. The LRATC is derived from the envelope of short-run average total cost curves, representing the lowest possible average cost for each level of output when the firm has time to adjust all factors of production.

      3. What is the difference between short run and long run average total cost?

      The main difference is that short run average total cost (SRATC) assumes at least one factor of production is fixed, while long run average total cost (LRATC) assumes all factors are variable. SRATC represents costs for a specific plant size, while LRATC shows the lowest possible average cost for each output level when the firm can adjust all inputs, including plant size.

      4. What happens to average cost in the long run?

      In the long run, average cost typically decreases initially due to economies of scale, reaches a minimum at the optimal scale of production, and then may increase due to diseconomies of scale. This pattern creates the U-shaped LRAC curve. The firm can adjust all inputs to find the most efficient scale of operation for each level of output.

      5. How do you find the long run total cost?

      To find the long run total cost, multiply the long run average total cost by the quantity produced at each output level. Alternatively, sum all the variable and fixed costs associated with production when all inputs are adjustable. The long run total cost curve is derived from the envelope of short-run total cost curves, representing the most cost-effective way to produce each output level.

      Prerequisite Topics

      Understanding the concept of long run cost in economics is crucial, but it's equally important to grasp the foundational knowledge that supports this topic. One of the most essential prerequisite topics is short run cost. This concept is fundamental to comprehending the broader implications of long run cost analysis and decision-making in business and economics.

      Short run cost serves as a stepping stone to understanding long run cost dynamics. In the short run, firms face constraints that limit their ability to adjust all factors of production. This time frame is characterized by the presence of both fixed and variable costs. By mastering the principles of short run cost curves, students can more easily grasp how these concepts evolve in the long run scenario.

      The relationship between short run and long run costs is intricate and vital for a comprehensive understanding of economic theory. While short run costs deal with immediate production decisions, long run costs consider all factors of production as variable. This shift in perspective allows firms to make more comprehensive decisions about their production processes, scale, and overall efficiency.

      Students who have a solid grasp of short run cost concepts will find it easier to navigate the complexities of long run cost analysis. They will be better equipped to understand how firms can adjust their scale of operations over time, leading to economies or diseconomies of scale. This knowledge is crucial for analyzing business strategies and market structures in various economic scenarios.

      Moreover, the transition from short run to long run cost analysis helps in understanding how firms make decisions about entering or exiting markets. It provides insights into how businesses plan for future growth, adapt to changing market conditions, and strive for optimal efficiency in their operations.

      By thoroughly studying short run cost principles, students build a strong foundation for exploring more advanced economic concepts. This knowledge enables them to better comprehend the factors influencing long-term business decisions, industry dynamics, and overall market equilibrium. The ability to connect short run and long run cost analyses is a valuable skill in both academic economics and real-world business applications.

      In conclusion, mastering the prerequisite topic of short run cost is essential for a comprehensive understanding of long run cost. It provides the necessary context and analytical tools to explore more complex economic scenarios and business strategies. Students who invest time in solidifying their knowledge of short run costs will find themselves better prepared to tackle the challenges and nuances of long run cost analysis, ultimately enhancing their overall grasp of economic principles and their practical applications.

      Long-Run Production Function

      In the long run, all inputs and costs are variables.

      Long-run Production Function: the relationship between the output and the quantities of both capital and labour.

      The function is not graphable in a 2D graph, but it can be shown in a table.

      Labour (workers per week)

      Output (Cars per week)

      Factory 1

      (1 machine)

      Factory 2

      (2 machines)

      Factory 3

      (3 machines)

      Factory 4

      (4 machines)


























      Marginal Product of Capital: the additional total product from a one-unit increase of capital.

      Diminishing Returns of Labour: can be shown by allowing labour to vary and keeping capital constant.

      Diminishing Returns of Capital: can be shown by allowing capital to vary and keeping labour constant.

      Each column of the table could be graphed as a total product curve for each factory.

      Short-Run Costs & Total Average Cost

      Recall that the total average cost is:

      ATC = TCQ\frac{TC}{Q}

      We can use this formula to calculate the short-run average total cost for each factory. Suppose the cost for each worker is $10, and the cost for each machine is 10$.

      Then for factory 1 and 2, you get the following table,

      # of Machines & Labour




      1 machine, 1 worker




      1 machine, 2 workers




      1 machine, 3 workers




      1 machine, 4 workers




      1 machine, 5 workers




      # of Machines & Labour




      2 machine, 1 worker




      2 machine, 2 workers




      2 machine, 3 workers




      2 machine, 4 workers




      2 machine, 5 workers




      Then for factory 3 and 4, we will get

      # of Machines & Labour




      3 machine, 1 worker




      3 machine, 2 workers




      3 machine, 3 workers




      3 machine, 4 workers




      3 machine, 5 workers




      # of Machines & Labour




      4 machine, 1 worker




      4 machine, 2 workers




      4 machine, 3 workers




      4 machine, 4 workers




      4 machine, 5 workers




      We can now graph all the ATC curves into one graph.

      Average total cost curve

      Note 1: All ATC curves are U shaped.

      Note 2: The more machines there are, the bigger the output is at which average total cost is at a minimum.

      Long Run Average Cost

      Long-Run Average Cost (LRAC) is the relationship between the lowest average total cost attainable and output when the firm can change both the factories and the number of labours it employs.

      To draw the LRAC, we draw a curve that is tangent to all ATC's.

      Economies & Diseconomies of Scale

      Economies of Scale: the area in which the LRAC decreases as output increases.

      Diseconomies of Scale: the area in which LRAC increases as output increases.

      Constant Returns to Scale: the area in which LRAC is horizontal as output increases.

      Economies & diseconomies of scale curve

      Minimum Efficient Scale: the point in the LRAC curve where the lowest possible cost is attained.