Representing numbers: Cardinals

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  1. Introduction to Cardinal Numbers:
  2. What are cardinal numbers and how do we count?
  3. What is the difference between cardinal, ordinal, and nominal numbers?
  1. Distinguishing Cardinal Numbers
    Circle the cardinal numbers in the list.
    1. 14, two hundred fifty-nine, 38.6, 7210\frac{2}{10}
    2. Simplify the fractions first: 25,102,33,46,568\frac{2}{5} , \frac{10}{2}, \frac{3}{3}, \frac{4}{6}, \frac{56}{8}
    3. Sixtieth, 794, eighty-three, 22nd, 15.8β€Ύ\overline{8}
  2. Counting the Number of Letters within a Word
    Count the letters in the word as specified.

    One of the longest words found in an English dictionary is:


    1. How many letters are there in this word?
    2. How many times does the letter "o" appear?
    3. How many times does the letter "c" appear?
  3. Listing Out Generally Known Facts and Counting
    List out what you know and then count:
    1. How many letters are there in the alphabet?
    2. How many days are there in a week?
    3. How many months are there in a year?
    4. How many vowels are there? (Not including Y)
  4. Counting Picture Objects
    Penny's class went on a field trip to the zoo. She drew all the animals that she saw. Use the picture to count:

    Representing Numbers: Cardinals

    1. How many pandas did Penny see?
    2. How many frogs did Penny see?
    3. How many tigers did Penny see?
    4. How many animals did she see in total?

  5. Counting Using a Written List - 1
    Victoria is throwing a birthday party. She invites her friends: Olivia, Megan, Kyle, Tracy, Sophie, Michael, and Ethan.

    Including herself, how many people will be at Victoria's birthday party?
    1. Counting Using a Written List - 2
      In a puzzle kit, there are 8 triangles, 5 squares, 10 circles.

      1. How many shapes are there in total?
      2. How many triangles AND squares are there?
      3. How many triangles and circles are there?
      4. If you can combine two triangles to become a square, how many squares can there be in total?
    Topic Notes

    In this lesson, we will learn:

    • Cardinal numbers are counting numbers (whole numbers)
    • How to count objects in a picture, letters in a word, and words in a list


    • Cardinal means Counting
      • Cardinal numbers answer the question β€œhow many”?
      • Cardinal numbers are whole numbers only (no fractions nor decimals)
      • Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …

    • There are 3 types of numbers: Cardinal, Ordinal, and Nominal
      • Cardinal means Counting (ex. there are 6 pool balls)
      • Ordinal means Order (ex. the purple pool ball is in 4th place)
      • Nominal means Name (ex. the green pool ball is labelled β€œ14”)