Comparing and ordering numbers up to millions

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  1. Introduction to Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers up to Millions:
  2. How to compare two large whole numbers up to millions place values
  3. How to order two large whole number up to millions place values
  1. Comparing values of digits for two multi-digit whole numbers
    Fill in each box with the value of each digit for both numbers. Draw a circle around the bigger number.
    1. 96,868 or 97,868
      Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers up to Millions
    2. 3,521,470 or 3,506,841
      Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers up to Millions
  2. Comparing two multi-digit numbers up to millions
    Compare the numbers. Write the greater than (>) or less than (<) symbol in the blank.
    1. 86,109 ___ 86,108
    2. 7,934,084 ___ 7,925,152
    3. 416,527,938 ___ 426,819,357
  3. Ordering multi-digit numbers up to millions: least to greatest
    Order the numbers from least to greatest. Use the less than symbol (<).
    1. 13 956, 13 967, 13 945
    2. 5 283 519, 5 287 472, 5 280 236
  4. Ordering multi-digit numbers up to millions: greatest to least
    Order the numbers from greatest to least. Use the greater than symbol (>).
    1. 637 259, 639 248, 642 117
    2. 13 586 214, 22 685 134, 41 865 322
Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To compare whole numbers up to millions place values by finding the biggest place value of difference
  • To order a list of whole numbers up to millions place values by using a place value table


  • To compare numbers, look at each place value digit starting on the left (biggest place value)
    • Find the biggest place value where the numbers are different to determine which number is bigger or smaller
    • Ex. 267,043,359 is bigger than 248,143,358
Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers up to Millions
  • When comparing numbers, we use the symbols:
Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers up to Millions
    • Ex. 267,043,359 is bigger than 248,143,358
      Therefore, 267,043,359 > 248,143,358

  • There are two ways to order numbers, from:
    • Least to greatest (smallest to biggest)
    • Or greatest to least (biggest to smallest)

  • One tool to help order a list of numbers is by using a place value table
    • Ex. Order the numbers from least to greatest: 12 654, 13 465, 9 546, 11 564
Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers up to Millions
  • The place value table allows you to compare all place values clearly.
  • 9 546 < 11 564 < 12 654 < 13 465