Matrix equation Ax=b

  1. Matrix Equation Ax=b Overview:
  2. Interpreting and Calculating AxAx
    • Product of AA and xx
    • Multiplying a matrix and a vector
    • Relation to Linear combination
  3. Matrix Equation in the form Ax=bAx=b
    • Matrix equation form
  4. Solving x
    • Matrix equation to an augmented matrix
    • Solving for the variables
  5. Properties of Ax
    • Addition and subtraction property
    • Scalar property
  1. Computing Ax
    Compute the following. If it cannot be computed, explain why:
    1. computing Ax
    2. compute Ax
    3. calculating Ax
  2. Converting to Matrix Equation and Vector Equation
    Write the given systems of equations as a vector equation, and then to a matrix equation.
    6x1+2x23x3=1 6x_1+2x_2-3x_3=1
    2x15x2+x3=4 2x_1-5x_2+x_3=4
    x12x27x3=5 -x_1-2x_2-7x_3=5
    1. Solving the Equation AX=bAX=b
      Write the augmented matrix for the linear system that corresponds to the matrix equation Ax=bAx=b. Then solve the system and write the solution as a vector.
      1. Solving the Equation Ax=b
      2. solve Ax=b
    2. Ax=b with unknown b terms
      Let finding b in Ax=b and finding b in Ax=b. Show that the matrix equation Ax=bAx=b does have solutions for some bb, and no solution for some other bb's.
      1. Understanding Properties of Ax
        Recall that the properties of the matrix-vector product Ax is:

        If AA is an m×nm \times n matrix, uu and vv are vectors in Rn\Bbb{R}^n, cc is a scalar, then:
        1. A(u+v)=Au+Av A(u+v)=Au+Av
        2. A(cu)=c(Au) A(cu)=c(Au)

        Using these properties, show that:
        A[(2u3v)(2u+3v)]=4A(u2)9A(v2) A[(2u-3v)(2u+3v)]=4A(u^2 )-9A(v^2)
        Topic Notes

        Introduction to Matrix Equations

        Welcome to the fascinating world of matrix equations! As your friendly math tutor, I'm excited to guide you through this essential concept. Matrix equations, particularly in the AX=B form, are fundamental in linear algebra applications and have wide-ranging applications. Understanding this form is crucial as it represents a system of linear equations in a compact, powerful way. To help you grasp this concept, we've prepared an introduction video that visually explains matrix equations. This video is a game-changer, making abstract ideas concrete and relatable. As we dive deeper, you'll see how matrix equations simplify complex problems in fields like physics, economics, and computer science. Remember, mastering the AX=B form is like unlocking a secret code it opens doors to solving real-world problems efficiently. So, let's embark on this mathematical journey together, and soon you'll be confidently tackling matrix equations like a pro!

        Understanding the Matrix Equation AX=B

        What is a Matrix Equation?

        A matrix equation is a concise way to represent multiple linear equations simultaneously using matrices. One of the most common forms of a matrix equation is AX=B, where A, X, and B are matrices. This powerful mathematical tool is widely used in various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer science, to solve complex systems of equations efficiently.

        Breaking Down the AX=B Form

        Let's dissect the components of the AX=B matrix equation:

        Matrix A: The Coefficient Matrix

        Matrix A is typically an m × n matrix containing the coefficients of the variables in the system of equations. Each row in A represents one equation, while each column corresponds to a specific variable.

        Matrix X: The Variable Matrix

        X is an n × 1 matrix (also known as a column vector) that contains the unknown variables we're trying to solve for. Each element in X represents one variable in the system.

        Matrix B: The Constant Matrix

        B is an m × 1 matrix (another column vector) that holds the constant terms from the right side of each equation in the system.

        Understanding the Multiplication AX

        The product AX represents a linear combination of the columns of A, with the elements of X serving as the coefficients. This operation transforms the variables in X according to the coefficients in A, resulting in a new vector that should equal B if the equation is satisfied.

        Illustrative Example

        Let's consider a simple system of two equations with two unknowns:

        2x + 3y = 8
        4x - y = 1

        In matrix form, this system can be written as AX=B:

        [2 3] [x] = [8]
        [4 -1] [y] [1]

        Here, A = [2 3; 4 -1], X = [x; y], and B = [8; 1]

        Solving Matrix Equations

        To solve a matrix equation of the form AX=B, we typically use methods such as:

        These techniques allow us to find the values of X that satisfy the equation.

        Applications of Matrix Equations

        Matrix equations are invaluable in various applications, including:

        • Solving systems of linear equations in physics and engineering
        • Computer graphics and image processing
        • Economic modeling and financial analysis
        • Machine learning and data science algorithms

        The Power of Linear Combinations

        The concept of linear combinations is central to understanding matrix equations. In the context of AX=B, we're essentially finding a way to combine the columns of A (using the elements of X as weights) to produce the vector B. This perspective helps in visualizing the geometric interpretation of matrix equations and their solutions.


        Matrix equations, particularly in the AX=B form, provide a powerful and elegant way to represent and solve systems of linear equations. By understanding the roles of the coefficient matrix A, the variable matrix X, and the constant matrix B, we can tackle complex problems across various disciplines. Whether you're a student of mathematics, an engineer, or a data scientist, mastering matrix equations will undoubtedly enhance your problem-solving toolkit.

        Converting Systems of Equations to Matrix Form

        Converting a system of linear equations into matrix equation form is a powerful technique in linear algebra. This process simplifies complex systems and allows for efficient solving using matrix operations. Let's explore how to perform this conversion step-by-step.

        Understanding the Basics

        A system of linear equations consists of two or more equations with multiple variables. Converting these equations into matrix form provides a compact representation and opens up a range of matrix-based solving methods.

        Step 1: Identify the Variables and Coefficients

        Begin by identifying all variables and their coefficients in each equation of your system. This step is crucial for organizing the information into a matrix structure.

        Step 2: Create the Coefficient Matrix

        Form a matrix using the coefficients of the variables. Each row in this matrix represents one equation, and each column represents the coefficients of a specific variable across all equations.

        Step 3: Form the Variable Matrix

        Create a column matrix (vector) containing all the variables in your system. This matrix will have one column and as many rows as there are variables.

        Step 4: Create the Constant Matrix

        Form another column matrix with the constant terms from each equation. This matrix will have the same number of rows as there are equations in your system.

        Step 5: Combine into a Matrix Equation

        The matrix equation form takes the form Ax = B, where A is the coefficient matrix, x is the variable matrix, and B is the constant matrix.

        Example Conversion

        Let's convert the following system of linear equations into matrix form:

        2x + 3y = 8
        4x - y = 1

        Step 1: Identify variables (x and y) and their coefficients.
        Step 2: Coefficient matrix A = [[2, 3], [4, -1]]
        Step 3: Variable matrix x = [[x], [y]]
        Step 4: Constant matrix B = [[8], [1]]
        Step 5: Matrix equation: [[2, 3], [4, -1]] [[x], [y]] = [[8], [1]]

        The Augmented Matrix

        An augmented matrix is a convenient way to represent a system of equations. It combines the coefficient matrix with the constant matrix, separated by a vertical line. For our example:

        [[2, 3 | 8], [4, -1 | 1]]

        Significance of Matrix Form

        Converting systems of equations to matrix form offers several advantages:

        • Simplified representation of complex systems
        • Enables the use of efficient matrix solving methods
        • Facilitates computer-based solutions for large systems
        • Allows for easy application of matrix operations

        Solving Matrix Equations

        Once in matrix form, systems can be solved using various methods:

        • Gaussian elimination
        • Matrix inversion (if A is square and invertible)
        • Cramer's rule for smaller systems

        Practical Applications

        Matrix equations are widely used in:

        • Engineering for structural analysis
        • Economics for input-output models
        • Computer graphics for transformations
        • Data science for solving systems of equations in machine learning algorithms


        Converting systems of linear equations into matrix equation form is a fundamental skill in linear algebra.

        Solving Matrix Equations

        Welcome to the fascinating world of solving matrix equations! Whether you're a student grappling with linear algebra or simply curious about mathematical problem-solving, understanding how to solve matrix equations is a valuable skill. In this guide, we'll explore various methods for tackling these equations, with a focus on some powerful techniques that will make your life easier.

        Understanding Matrix Equations

        Before we dive into solving methods, let's clarify what a matrix equation looks like. The most common form is AX = B, where A is a coefficient matrix, X is the unknown matrix we're solving for, and B is a constant matrix. Our goal is to find X, and we have several tools at our disposal to do so.

        Gaussian Elimination: A Powerful Technique

        One of the most versatile methods for solving matrix equations is Gaussian elimination. This technique involves systematically transforming the augmented matrix [A|B] into row echelon form through a series of elementary row operations. Here's a step-by-step approach:

        1. Write the augmented matrix [A|B].
        2. Use row operations to create zeros below the diagonal in the first column.
        3. Repeat this process for each subsequent column.
        4. Once in row echelon form, use back-substitution to solve for X.

        Gaussian elimination is particularly useful for larger systems and forms the basis for many other matrix-solving techniques.

        The Power of Row Reduction

        Row reduction is at the heart of solving matrix equations. It's the process of using elementary row operations to simplify the matrix. These operations include:

        • Multiplying a row by a non-zero scalar
        • Adding a multiple of one row to another
        • Swapping two rows

        By applying these operations strategically, we can transform our matrix into a more manageable form, making the solution process much smoother.

        Echelon Form: A Key Concept

        As you work through matrix equations, you'll often hear about echelon form. This is a special structure where:

        • All non-zero rows are above rows of all zeros
        • The leading coefficient of a non-zero row is always to the right of the leading coefficient of the row above it

        Achieving echelon form through row reduction is a crucial step in solving matrix equations, as it simplifies the system and reveals important information about the solution set.

        Using Matrix Inverse for Solving

        Another method for solving matrix equations is using the matrix inverse. If A is a square matrix with a non-zero determinant, we can solve AX = B by multiplying both sides by A^(-1):

        A^(-1)AX = A^(-1)B

        IX = A^(-1)B

        X = A^(-1)B

        This method is straightforward but requires calculating the inverse, which can be computationally intensive for larger matrices.

        Practical Example: Solving AX = B

        Let's walk through a simple example to illustrate these concepts. Suppose we have the equation:

        [2 1][x] = [4]

        [1 3][y] = [5]

        We can solve this using Gaussian elimination:

        1. Write the augmented matrix: [2 1 | 4]
        2. [1 3 | 5]
        3. Multiply the first row by -1/2 and add it to the second row:
        4. [2 1 | 4]

        Properties of Matrix-Vector Multiplication

        Introduction to Matrix-Vector Multiplication

        Matrix-vector multiplication properties is a fundamental operation in linear algebra, playing a crucial role in solving matrix equations. Understanding its properties is essential for manipulating and solving complex mathematical problems. Let's explore these properties and see how they apply to matrix equations.

        The Distributive Property

        One of the most important properties of matrix-vector multiplication properties is the distributive property in matrices. This property states that for matrices A and B, and a vector v:

        (A + B)v = Av + Bv

        This means that when we multiply a sum of matrices by a vector, it's equivalent to multiplying each matrix by the vector and then adding the results. For example:

        If A = [1 2; 3 4], B = [5 6; 7 8], and v = [x; y], then:

        (A + B)v = [6 8; 10 12][x; y] = [6x + 8y; 10x + 12y]

        This is the same as:

        Av + Bv = [1x + 2y; 3x + 4y] + [5x + 6y; 7x + 8y] = [6x + 8y; 10x + 12y]

        Scalar Multiplication Property

        Another important property is scalar multiplication in matrices. For a scalar c and matrices A and B:

        c(Av) = (cA)v = A(cv)

        This property allows us to move scalar multipliers freely in matrix-vector expressions. For instance:

        If c = 2, A = [1 2; 3 4], and v = [x; y], then:

        2(Av) = 2([1x + 2y; 3x + 4y]) = [2x + 4y; 6x + 8y]

        This is equivalent to:

        (2A)v = [2 4; 6 8][x; y] = [2x + 4y; 6x + 8y]

        And also to:

        A(2v) = [1 2; 3 4][2x; 2y] = [2x + 4y; 6x + 8y]

        Applying Properties to Matrix Equations

        These properties are invaluable when solving matrix equations. For example, consider the equation:

        Ax + By = c

        Where A and B are matrices, x and y are vectors, and c is a constant vector. Using the distributive property in matrices, we can rewrite this as:

        (A B)[x; y] = c

        This transformation allows us to treat the left side as a single matrix-vector multiplication, simplifying the equation.

        Combining Properties for Complex Problems

        In more complex scenarios, we often need to combine these properties. For instance, in the equation:

        2Ax - 3By + Cz = d

        We can apply both the distributive and scalar multiplication in matrices properties:

        (2A)x + (-3B)y + Cz = d

        Then, using the distributive property again:

        [2A -3B C][x; y; z] = d

        Importance in Linear Algebra

        These properties of matrix-vector multiplication are fundamental to linear algebra transformations. They allow us to manipulate complex equations, solve systems of linear equations, and perform various transformations. Understanding these properties helps in fields like matrix operations in computer graphics, data analysis, and machine learning.

        Applications of Matrix Equations

        Matrix equations are powerful mathematical tools with a wide range of real-world applications. These equations, which involve systems of linear equations represented in matrix form, play a crucial role in solving complex problems across various fields. Let's explore how matrix equation applications are utilized in different industries and scientific domains.

        Physics and Engineering

        In physics and engineering, matrix equations are indispensable for modeling and analyzing complex systems. For instance, in structural engineering, matrices are used to calculate the forces and stresses acting on different parts of a building or bridge. Engineers use matrix equations to solve for unknown variables, ensuring the stability and safety of structures.

        Another fascinating application is in quantum mechanics. The Schrödinger equation, a fundamental equation in quantum physics, is often expressed and solved using matrices. This allows physicists to predict the behavior of subatomic particles and understand the quantum world.

        Economics and Finance

        The world of economics and finance heavily relies on matrix equations for various analyses and predictions. Input-output models, which describe the interdependencies between different sectors of an economy, are represented using matrices. Economists use these models to study how changes in one sector affect others, helping in policy-making and economic planning.

        In finance, portfolio optimization is a classic example of matrix equation applications. Investors use matrices to represent the expected returns and risks of different assets, allowing them to calculate the optimal allocation of funds to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

        Computer Graphics and Image Processing

        The field of computer graphics extensively uses matrix equations for transformations and rendering. When you rotate, scale, or move objects in a 3D environment, these operations are performed using matrix multiplications. Game developers and animators rely on these mathematical techniques to create realistic and dynamic visual experiences.

        In image processing, matrices represent digital images, with each element corresponding to a pixel. Operations like filtering, edge detection, and image compression are all performed using matrix equations. This allows for efficient manipulation and analysis of visual data.

        Data Science and Machine Learning

        Matrix equations form the backbone of many algorithms in data science and machine learning. Linear regression, a fundamental technique in predictive modeling, uses matrices to find the best-fitting line for a set of data points. More advanced techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) use matrix decomposition to reduce the dimensionality of complex datasets, making them easier to analyze and visualize.

        In neural networks, a key component of deep learning, matrix operations are used to process inputs, apply weights, and generate outputs. The efficiency of matrix computations is one reason why GPUs are so effective for training large neural networks.

        Telecommunications and Signal Processing

        In the field of telecommunications, matrix equations are crucial for managing complex networks. Engineers use them to optimize signal routing, minimize interference, and maximize bandwidth utilization. For example, MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems in wireless communications use matrix equations to handle multiple antennas simultaneously, improving data transmission rates and reliability.

        Signal processing, which is vital in fields ranging from audio engineering to radar systems, heavily relies on matrix equations. Techniques like the Fourier transform, often implemented using matrices, allow for the analysis and manipulation of signals in various domains.

        Environmental Science and Climate Modeling

        Environmental scientists and climatologists use matrix equations to model complex ecological systems and predict climate changes. These mathematical models help in understanding the interactions between different environmental factors and forecasting long-term trends. For instance, matrix population models are used to study the dynamics of animal populations and predict how they might change over time.


        The applications of matrix equations in real-world scenarios are vast and diverse. From solving complex physical problems to optimizing financial portfolios, from rendering stunning computer graphics to analyzing big data, matrices provide a powerful framework for mathematical modeling and problem-solving. As we continue to advance in technology and scientific understanding, the importance of matrix equations in practical applications is only likely to grow. By connecting these abstract mathematical concepts to tangible, real-world examples, students can better appreciate the relevance and power of linear systems in practice. Whether you're aspiring to be an engineer, economist, data scientist, or work in any field that deals with complex systems, a


        Matrix equations are fundamental to linear algebra, offering powerful tools for solving complex problems efficiently. We've explored how these equations represent systems of linear equations concisely, enabling us to tackle real-world challenges in various fields. The introduction video provided a visual foundation, making abstract concepts more tangible. Remember, mastering matrix equations is crucial for advancing in linear algebra and related disciplines. To solidify your understanding, continue practicing with diverse problems and exploring advanced applications. Don't hesitate to revisit key concepts and seek additional resources. Your journey in linear algebra is just beginning, and each step forward enhances your problem-solving skills. Embrace the challenges, celebrate your progress, and keep pushing your boundaries. With dedication and persistence, you'll unlock the full potential of matrix equations and their wide-ranging applications. Keep up the great work, and enjoy the fascinating world of linear algebra!

        Matrix equations are fundamental to linear algebra, offering powerful tools for solving complex problems efficiently. We've explored how these equations represent systems of linear equations concisely, enabling us to tackle real-world challenges in various fields. The introduction video provided a visual foundation, making abstract concepts more tangible. Remember, mastering matrix equations is crucial for advancing in linear algebra and related disciplines. To solidify your understanding, continue practicing with diverse problems and exploring advanced applications. Don't hesitate to revisit key concepts and seek additional resources. Your journey in linear algebra is just beginning, and each step forward enhances your problem-solving skills. Embrace the challenges, celebrate your progress, and keep pushing your boundaries. With dedication and persistence, you'll unlock the full potential of matrix equations and their wide-ranging applications. Keep up the great work, and enjoy the fascinating world of linear algebra!

        Matrix Equation Ax=b Overview:

        Matrix Equation Ax=b Overview: Interpreting and Calculating AxAx
        • Product of AA and xx
        • Multiplying a matrix and a vector
        • Relation to Linear combination

        Step 1: Understanding the Components of the Matrix Equation

        Before diving into the calculation of AxAx, it's essential to understand the components involved in the matrix equation Ax=bAx = b. Here, AA represents a matrix, xx is a column vector, and bb is the resulting vector after the multiplication of AA and xx. Specifically, AA is an m×nm \times n matrix, meaning it has mm rows and nn columns. The columns of AA are denoted as A1,A2,,AnA_1, A_2, \ldots, A_n, where each AiA_i is a column vector.

        Step 2: Defining the Vector xx

        The vector xx is a column vector in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, meaning it has nn entries. This vector is crucial because it will be multiplied by the matrix AA to produce the vector AxAx. The entries of xx are denoted as x1,x2,,xnx_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n.

        Step 3: Multiplying the Matrix AA by the Vector xx

        To calculate AxAx, you multiply each column of the matrix AA by the corresponding entry in the vector xx and then sum the results. Mathematically, this is expressed as:

        Ax=A1x1+A2x2++AnxnAx = A_1x_1 + A_2x_2 + \ldots + A_nx_n

        Heres a step-by-step breakdown:

        • Take the first column of AA, denoted as A1A_1, and multiply it by the first entry of xx, denoted as x1x_1.
        • Add the result to the product of the second column of AA, A2A_2, and the second entry of xx, x2x_2.
        • Continue this process for all columns of AA and corresponding entries of xx.
        • The final result is the vector AxAx.

        Step 4: Example Calculation

        Consider a matrix AA and a vector xx as follows:

        A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2
        3 & 4
        5 & 6 \end{pmatrix} and x = \begin{pmatrix} 2
        1 \end{pmatrix}

        To calculate AxAx:

        • Multiply the first column of AA by the first entry of xx: 1 \cdot 2, 3 \cdot 2, 5 \cdot 2 = \begin{pmatrix} 2
          6 6
          10 \end{pmatrix}
        • Multiply the second column of AA by the second entry of xx: 2 \cdot 1, 4 \cdot 1, 6 \cdot 1 = \begin{pmatrix} 2
          4 4
          6 \end{pmatrix}
        • Add the results: \begin{pmatrix} 2
          6 6
          10 \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} 2
          4 4
          6 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 4
          10 10
          16 \end{pmatrix}

        Thus, Ax = \begin{pmatrix} 4
        10 10
        16 \end{pmatrix}.

        Step 5: Relation to Linear Combination

        The product AxAx can be interpreted as a linear combination of the columns of AA using the entries of xx as weights. In other words, AxAx is a vector that results from scaling each column of AA by the corresponding entry in xx and then summing these scaled columns. This concept is fundamental in linear algebra and has various applications in solving systems of linear equations, transformations, and more.

        In summary, the matrix equation Ax=bAx = b involves understanding the components AA and xx, performing the multiplication to obtain AxAx, and recognizing the result as a linear combination of the columns of AA. This process is essential for solving linear systems and understanding the structure of linear transformations.

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        Here are some frequently asked questions about matrix equations:

        1. What is a matrix equation example?

        A matrix equation example is AX = B, where A is a coefficient matrix, X is a variable matrix, and B is a constant matrix. For instance, a 2x2 system can be represented as:

        [2 3][x] = [8]
        [4 1][y] [5]

        2. How do you write a matrix equation?

        To write a matrix equation:

        1. Identify the coefficients and create matrix A
        2. List the variables in matrix X
        3. Write the constants in matrix B
        4. Combine them in the form AX = B

        3. What is ax b in matrix form?

        In matrix form, ax = b represents a system of linear equations. 'A' is the coefficient matrix, 'x' is the variable vector, and 'b' is the constant vector. For example, the equation 2x + 3y = 5 can be written as [2 3][x] = [5] in matrix form.

        4. How to solve for ax + b?

        To solve ax + b = c:

        1. Subtract b from both sides: ax = c - b
        2. Divide both sides by a: x = (c - b) / a

        In matrix form, you'd use techniques like Gaussian elimination or matrix inversion.

        5. What is the matrix into a vector equation?

        A matrix into a vector equation is when a matrix multiplies a vector to produce another vector. It's often written as Av = w, where A is a matrix, v is the input vector, and w is the resulting vector. This operation is fundamental in linear transformations and solving systems of linear equations.

        Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Matrix Equation Ax=b

        When delving into the world of linear algebra, particularly the matrix equation Ax=b, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several key areas. Understanding these prerequisite topics not only enhances your grasp of matrix equations but also provides valuable context for their applications and solutions.

        One of the fundamental concepts to master is the applications of linear equations. This knowledge forms the bedrock of understanding how matrix equations relate to real-world problems. By exploring various scenarios where linear equations are applied, students can better appreciate the power and versatility of matrix equations in solving complex systems.

        Equally important is the ability to determine the number of solutions to linear equations. This skill is directly transferable to matrix equations, as it helps in analyzing the nature of solutions in Ax=b. Whether a system has a unique solution, infinite solutions, or no solution at all, this understanding is crucial for interpreting the results of matrix operations.

        As we move closer to matrix equations, familiarity with solving linear systems using Gaussian elimination becomes indispensable. This method is a powerful tool for solving matrix equations and understanding the step-by-step process of manipulating matrices to find solutions. Gaussian elimination serves as a bridge between basic linear algebra concepts and more advanced matrix operations.

        Lastly, a solid grasp of the properties of matrix multiplication is essential. These properties are fundamental when working with matrix equations, as they govern how matrices interact and combine. Understanding concepts like associativity, distributivity, and non-commutativity in matrix multiplication is crucial for manipulating and solving matrix equations effectively.

        By mastering these prerequisite topics, students build a strong foundation for tackling matrix equations. The interconnectedness of these concepts becomes apparent as one progresses from basic linear equations to more complex matrix operations. Each topic contributes uniquely to the understanding of Ax=b: from recognizing its real-world applications and analyzing solution sets to employing advanced solving techniques and understanding the nuances of matrix operations.

        In conclusion, a thorough understanding of these prerequisite topics not only prepares students for working with matrix equations but also enhances their overall comprehension of linear algebra. This holistic approach ensures a deeper, more intuitive grasp of the subject, enabling students to tackle more advanced concepts with confidence and clarity.

        If AA is an m×nm \times n matrix with columns a1a_1,…,ana_n, and if xx is in Rn\Bbb{R}^n, then the product of AA and xx is the linear combination of the columns in A using the corresponding entries in xx as weights. In other words,
        linear combination of column

        If we were to say that Ax=bAx=b, then basically:
        a1x1++anxn=b a_1 x_1+\cdots+a_n x_n=b

        which we see b is a linear combination of a1,,ana_1,\cdots,a_n. You will see questions where we have to solve for the entries of xx again, like last section.

        We say that an equation in the form of Ax=bAx=b is a matrix equation.

        Properties of AxAx
        If AA is an m×nm \times n matrix, uu and vv are vectors in Rn\Bbb{R}^n, cc is a scalar, then:

        1. A(u+v)=Au+AvA(u+v)=Au+Av
        2. A(cu)=c(Au)A(cu)=c(Au)